The Final Spires, Part 3

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Log Info

  • Title: The Final Spires, Part 3
  • GM: Whirlpool
  • Place: The Felwood
  • Summary: -The confederation of Alexandria and the Mythwood are making a push to activate the final Spires of Linneia before moving onto the center spire. Expect demons and fel monster of all sorts.

Taking a moment to steel yourselves, you push into the structure to find that everything is in tact, and it looks like it's just a waiting game to play 'guard' now for the wizards who are supposed to come in behind you ... assuming *they* make it succesfully thorugh the gauntlet.

Spending your time here, you're going to have an ample opportunity to brace for any attack. Place defenses, noisemakers, whatever else you want that might signal trouble.

You have a feeling you're going to need it.

GAME: Nameless rolls knowledge/military theory: (17)+11: 28

GAME: Tlanexhuani rolls craft/carpentry: (16)+8: 24

"Okay, well, with the time we've got, we could gather some wood from the forest nearby and block up the extra entrances, force anything coming in to go through a murder hallway" The goblin of few names suggests, wandering about the building to get a sense of the likely attacks. "Oh, and I have some healing if you need it, if there's any actual wounds." She goes to start fetching wood, especially now she's possibly one of the strongest here.

Aelwyn was taking a subtle position to rest against a tree. "That is a fine plan," He says and then looks at the goblin. Once again his memory escapes him, so he finishes up with, "... Stranger." The glaive he was holding felt very heavy, but when the time to start haulings things starts he gets back up on his feet, moving to help. "Anyone know what those things did to us? It shall be a difficult fight if we are all significantly encumbered by ailments."

Eztli takes a brief moment to catch their breath, though the makari decides to do so standing up,not quite trusting any of the building they had so conveniently found.

"I'm not sure, it's not quite magic, I don't think. Just something those shadow things do." Eztli sighs. "I'm not feeling too confident, but it's probably better to wait for people we know are coming since they might run into things like that themselves."

Tlanexhuani does what he can to move large sticks and small logs into place and dashion them into barricades where the goblin points out would be best. "This one does not know of these things, not what they do," he comments to take a break from the heavy (sort of ) lifting. "Know not want to find more."

GAME: Tlanexhuani rolls heal: (18)+7: 25

The barricades and pointy surprises set up, the goblin of fewer names takes a little time to rest while more capable healers than herself do something about the shadow's weakening aftereffects. But, after only a brief rest, she finds herself anxious to be doing something, so she takes the watch, pacing around the spire, or at least all the bits that don't have pointy surprises set up. She's also the least injured, so it seems fair.

Aelwyn carries sticks and stones - not just the very heaviest ones - but it was obvious he was dragging more than he should have. Especially since the draconian did not agree to relinquish his glaive even for the most menial tasks, having it over his back at the bare minimum. How was the damn thing so heavy?

"... how long until the rest of them shall arrive?" He wondered, "How long should we wait until we searc for them?"

Eztli spent some time pulling various objects out of her robes and bag before putting them back where they came, until finally she manages to find a large bag that she looks for a good spot to dump. "I don't know, we didn't actually have a time frame for when we got where we needed to go." Eztli sighs. "Just have to trust them to be alright for now, since we're the more likely ones to be in need of a rescue team at the moment."

Tlanexhuani is not blessed by the divine, but he does know a few aids and remedies for a varierty of minor ailments. Minor lacerations from youngling claws between scales. Abrasions and contusions from hyperactive younglings (or chasing them!). Even on days with none of those, the chasing does tend to make muscles sore and joints ache. Especially after a few centuries of it.

As he rests after the building, these memories strike, along with things he's used to tend such ailments. "Ah!" He then begins sifting through his belt pouches for some liniments. Then he rises (slowly, with some creaking) and moves to the others, in turn. "Try this! Maybe will help, maybe will not, but not harm." If nothing else, it smells... potent. And certainly wakes up the nerves whether or not it invigorates the muscles.

The good news is that you've got some time to rest. Several hours will go by as you do and by the end of that time, some of the fatigue from the fight with the shadows recedes under the care and treatment you take for each other.

That's a good thing, really, given the ominous, looming quiet that exists all around you and the flickering space of the spire above you. NEver the same place twice, it feels like, even if its in a certain radius. Things seem to settle into a steady calm. For a time.

GAME: Aelwyn rolls perception: (20)+1: 21

GAME: Tlanexhuani rolls perception: (1)+12: 13 (EPIC FAIL)

GAME: Eztli rolls perception: (8)+5: 13

GAME: Nameless rolls perception: (8)+11: 19

Aelwyn takes the liniment. Then vigorously applies it all over himself. "This one is grateful, Thunder." He flashes his teeth, before settling down into an uneasy rest. Glaive leant against his shoulder, hands over his knees, and staring at the dark nothing.

It is then perhaps no wonder that he hears the something in the too quiet. "Tch." He clicks his teeth quietly, getting up onto a crouch. "Something out there." He quietly whispers.

Since she's on edge, the goblin of fewest names' head snaps towards the sound of footsteps almost at the same time Aelwyn gives his warning. She turns and gives a quick nod, and slips slightly forward to try to get a peek at the intruders before they get much closer, hopefully not more of those shadows.

Tlanexhuani eases himself back down to wait, and rest. Resting too-quickly becomes dozing, though his lolling tongue, fulltering with each exhale, does not break the deep quiet. Much.

"What is that?" Eztli wonders when she arrives back at the building after scattering their supplies as best as possible. "If it's supposed to help, I'll give anything a try right now."

The other small makari takes some times to rub the liniment into their limbs, before finding a spot to relax. Relaxation that is abruptly broken, and all the sorceress can give is a long sigh.

GAME: Nameless rolls stealth: (5)+14: 19

GAME: Nameless rolls perception: (12)+11: 23

GAME: Nameless rolls stealth: (10)+14: 24

Sneaking outside to nearer where the sound came from, the Nameless goblin gets a good look at the threat outside, and then quickly but quietly stalks her way back inside to warn the others, "Some kind of vegetation monster, like a rolling carpet, just out there by one of the barriers" the goblin points.

GAME: Nameless rolls knowledge/nature: (1)+18: 19 (EPIC FAIL)

Aelwyn watches the... goblin make their way over to take a look, so he instead makes his way over Tlanexhuani to try and lightly poke the larger makari awake. If all else fails, he'll pull on the tongue.

"Hide or fire?" He asks from the group, holding low.

GAME: Eztli casts Mirror Image. Caster Level: 11 DC: 18

"I don't think we can hide Aelwyn. If it gets in here or lingers outside, we'll need to remove it." The makari sighs again, snapping her fingers once as several flames flicker into life beside her, quickling turning into more tired looking lizards. "If we have to, we'll burn the hells out of it, sound good?"

GAME: Eztli rolls 1d4: (2): 2

GAME: Nameless casts Shield. Caster Level: 8 DC: 18

Poking seems to work, as Tlan startles with a snort. He opens his eyes to blink a few times before focusing on Aelwyn. Then around at the others. At least he does catch on that something's wrong pretty quickly. Possibly from phrases like 'fire' or 'burn the hells out of it.' "Maybe is, what are the words..." He plucks at the air with claws. " ... only passing through?"

As you've had time, you've set up barriers. Drawn up pointy sticks. Tied bramble and branches here and there. You hear some of them shake, move. It seems to be testing them.

It's moving in a circle, now, all around you. You can hear it. It's *definitely* circling you.

"Yeah...maybe" the colourful gobbo says, less eager for a plan that involves waiting and seeing, but willing to accept it for now. She draws upon her magic for a quick protection, in case it turns combative soon. "But if it hangs around too long, we'll need to chase it off or destroy it before our allies get caught up in it."

Aelwyn nods his head towards Tlanexhuani and then turns towards the others. "This one would prefer fire - but we cannot fight the whole forest." The draconian rumbles and listens fro the creature's movement. Maybe it will just move along? "... until we decide to burn it, that is."