Stop Me if You Have Heard This One

From Tenebrae
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A sunny day, and a big day in the Colosseum, sees for a busy TarRaCe. A large party of people have reserved the upper portion of the place, and the bar is host to a full set of stools. The staff are busy moving back and forth, delivering drinks and food, and returning empties to the bar.

The Goblin holds court at the bar, in her element as she holds several conversations while serving drinks on the black-topped bar. "And then he said, "Can't a necromancer raise a family in peace?" And the rest of us said NO!"

She snorts and cackles amid the groans. "But we put paid to that one, and had to consecrate the grounds again. Such a pain, I tell you!"

Several glasses go sliding down the bar, one after the other.

Aelwyn had been running the tray for the large party - apparently taking a lot longer than usual, since hey, a party - but he was stepping down again, trying to button up one of his shirt buttons again.

"They desire yet another round of... the sparkly drinks. And Goblin Fire Ale." The draconian tells Irshya, leaning against the counter with a long yawn and a lazy flick of his tail. "And is she torturing people again with the necromancer puns?" He asks with a grin.

Out from the main door to the TarRaCe comes a small figure that seems to be getting much more used to things, as they manage to tuck their wings in while making their appearance to avoid any further property damage to the door frames. Triumphantly inside, Eztli wanders further in, stopping to wave to Aelwyn and Irshya. "What, did you unbutton your shirt before going up to serve that group hoping for more tips?" They wonder out loud. "And what's this about necromancer puns? You should stay away from them, they're dead wrong."

"I'm killing them!", Irshya replies, snorting once more before sighing and setting up another round of drinks for the group upstairs. "Remind them that while the sparkling wine is free with their dinner, and reservation, the Goblin Fire ale is extra."

The pool shark giggles, eyeing Eztli. "Either he's hot under the collar, or the ladies are having fun with him." The tray is slid back towards the Sith, filled with glasses.

The Dragoon turns to look at the freshly arrived winged sith-makar, and he flashes his teeth with a bow of his head. "Spelldancer, take up the bar and save the crowd." The draconian gestures and then turns towards Irshya.

"Ladies and lads, this one is not counting." The Dragoon replies with a wriggling of his tongue, starting to set the drinks onto the large tray. "And the tips are certainly extra." Another wriggle of his tail, before his eyes turn towards the two-toned makari. "How are the wings?"

"Please, Aelwyn is never hot under the collar, he'd sooner bemoan the cold than actively seek to cool off." Eztli giggles quietly, finding her way to the bar and taking a seat. "You're telling me if I reserve a spot I can have free sparkling wine and Aelwyn can be at my beck and call? Wonder if I could drink enough to make it a loss?" The small makari continues laughing. "Better! It helps when it's not your first time getting used to new limbs I'd say, which is to say, it's slightly less of a nightmare than usual, so that's good!"

Irshya raises an eyebrow at Eztli. "If you think you can eat enough food for a party of twenty, as well as drink all they can drink, you sure can reserve the upper floor." Her grin grows toothy. "But if you waste any food or drink." There's a little crackle of static electricity. "I will be ... irritable." A faintly blue tongue is stuck out at the wing'd Sith.

The pool-shark stares at Aelwyn. "Not counting, hmm? Interesting." Her head cants slightly. "And there's no saving anyone from my jokes. I mean... they're here, they have to listen to them. That's the deal in any bar or tavern!"

Aelwyn leans over and puts his arm around Eztli's shoulders. Or wings. He aborts the attempt very quickly after a moment of confusion. "Do not worry none, simply push her down the pool with a broom and she can make her escape." He offers a toothy grin at Irshya. "Besides, it is not as if she needs a whole party, this one is nothing but glad to serve1"

There's a brief tilt of his head. "Though a party shall help." Then he turns his head towards Irshya, crossing his arms. "Tch, it is not the customers this one is worried more of, but the sanity of the staff. One should visit the comedies in the Theatre District more often for material."

"mmm, maybe not. Was worth considering, at least." Eztli sighs loudly. "I could maybe do twenty drinks, four, maybe five meals, but anything more than that and even I have my limits."

Aelwyn gets a quizzical look, and the sorceress laughs. "That's okay, if I anger the nice shark lady I'll never be allowed back in here, and I wouldn't want that fate, no sir. Better to pay for my things than never get the opportunity to buy them again."

The Goblin eyes Eztli for a moment. "Not to mention you don't wish to find out if my teeth can get around your scales. I will bite your behind." She snorts and lets out a laugh. She falls silent for a few moments as she fulfills a few drink orders, sending glasses to their recipients, and stashing empty ones under the bar.

"Pfff, the comedies are old and worn, I get all the new stuff from the sailors and gladiators that come through here. You should listen some time, they can teach you a thing or two, including how to use glaives." Her grin is wide and toothy once more.

"Of course they can, because this one taught them everything they know." Aelwyn replies to Irshya with a face. "This one does not believe there is a better wielder of a glaive in this city."

Then back towards Eztli. "See what this one has to be wary of? Sharkie biting one in the cheeks?" He makes an exaggerated gesture and roll of his head. "This one should be asking for hazard pay!"

"Well, depends on the force, but I'd err on the side of caution and say no, those teeth look pretty dangerous." Eztli snorts. "I don't know, Skiel has a pretty scary glaive, and that one can bite people too. I think Irshya might be beat in that regard." She considers after a pause. "Maybe you should, Aelwyn, especially if that group up there is a threat to bodily harm, too."

"I'll give you a hazard, alright, if you test me.", the pool-shark replies, disappearing for a few moments behind the bar, A few bottles from the back wall are retrieved, and the Sharkie returns to mixing drinks.

She glances at Eztli. "The only hazard he faces is indigestion from eating too many of the oysters from the kitchen."

"This one does not think a talking glaive counts," The Dragoon points out to Eztli, twisting his lips as he was not getting more support for his claim. "Perhaps this one should challenge him again to a match."

Then there's a flash of his teeth again and he twists his lips. "If they were not meant to be eaten, they should not be left in the open!" The draconian complains, "Besides, this one thought they were good for one's vitality."

Flashing his teeth at Eztli again, he bows and picks up the tray. "This one shall attempt to brave the dangers of the revelry, and shall soon return." He turns and with his typical swaying step, heads up stairs, drinks held high above.

"See? Right there, that's a hazardous work environment where he needs to fear for his safety!" Eztli continues giggling. "And it counts! Or your glaive doesn't get to count since it's on fire. Maybe you should both agree to use perfectly normal, not magical glaives? And no kicking between the legs this time, that's unsportsmanlike!"

"Good luck Aelwyn, it was nice knowing you, maybe you should ask her to provide oysters for lunch, instead of eating ones for the patrons, though." She waves off, continuing to laugh.

"Actually, the talking glaive does count. Up to ten, at least, they are a smart weapon.", the Goblin says with another toothy grin. "Mal can probably outsmart you. From what I have heard, it is formerly an angel of some sort, now in weapon form. Best to not mess with it." Her hands go to her hips. "The sign on the tray was very specific that they were not ready for eating. They needed to be cooked properly, because they were monster oysters. You're lucky I have some knowledge on poisons. Else you'd be known for your green scales instead of red."

Irshya's eyebrows rise up again. "He was kicking people between the legs? Hmmmmph, so much for being honorable."

"Tch, this one does not get paid to be honorable!" Aelwyn calls out as he starts to step back. "And this one and Malefic are well acquainted!" He continues, "This one is certain they shall have a most well-fought battle!" At least one of those words may be true. Perhaps.

But then the Dragoon disappears upstairs; carrying the tray, and to a louder cheer having to 'endure' the attention of the revelers.

"Smart enough to talk, I'd say puts them in the very high echelons of weapons." Eztli nods slowly. "I don't know about outsmarting Aelwyn, but maybe they could once or twice. Probably could outsmart me."

"Now what's the point of oysters if you can't eat them raw? That's when they're at their best." The sorceress huffs. "Yeah, he did, looked real painful. It's not a well fought battle if you resort to that again, you know!"

"They were monster oysters. You can't just eat them raw. But hey, if you like getting poisoned, by all means, go for it. Just do it outside the TarRaCe so that it's not our responsibility." Irshya huffs, and busies herself with serving more drinks.

"I've got a place to run, so please excuse me."