The Urvis Update

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Log Info

  • Title: The Urvis Update
  • Emitter: Telamon
  • Place: Arcanist's Society / Corman's Fine Seafood, near the Noble District

Arcanist's Society, early evening

Telamon escorts the procession bearing Urvis Ironshanks' unconscious form to Sage Orum's Plaza, and from there to the Society itself. Arbitrator Bennet stands there in the entryhall, his expression best described as 'grim satisfaction'. "You're back -- and he's alive? Well done, sirs and madam -- Urvis will have a good long time to ponder his sins." A gesture brings forth a pair of wardens, who collect the dwarf and carry him away like a sack of flour.

Telamon makes a show of brushing off his hands. "Well, now that the garbage has been disposed of... Bennet, would you like me to handle the debriefing? I don't mind. In fact, I think our friends could use a good meal and a drink or two, and that would make it go easier." He offers the party a broad smile. "I'll cover the tab." Then his eyes land on Mac, and he hmms. "I don't know many wargolems that eat, sir -- if you want something as well I won't deny you."

Karasu watches Urvis being carted off without a word. In fact, even in the wake of this with the offer of food standing the man says nothing. He only looks at Cor'ethil with a somewhat flat expression. Trusting that the other man will bring up the issues at hand before things get terribly far. Karasu can be diplomatic when the situation calls for it, but people tend to take information from the paladin better than they do from him. Such is the nature of the world.

Corey, happy paladin of Gilead that he is that they all made it back safe and sound, seems all the more happy that Telamon's offering a free meal. In fact, in complete opposition to Karasu's flat expression, he's practically incandescent in joy. "Oh, I'd love to!" he says, hooking his arm around Karasu like the hook that reels in the uncertain fish. "Karasu must come along, too."

He smiles brightly. "All well and good to celebrate a job well done! And to understand what's coming next. There's a lot we have to report."

"Despite my best efforts." Rune quips, though it is obvious she is joking... probably. "Cor'ethil is the one who disabled him, and our War Golem friend is the one who kept lightning elementals from turning us all into crispy critters." She explains, resting her hands on her hips, hands that look distinctly charred in places. "Karasu and I took down his automoton defenses." Credit where it is due to each.

Then, she smiles at the prospect of food and drink being offered, "It would be much appreciated." Her eyes flick to Corey, then, nodding her head. "Seems like there's a fair bit more going on than we were expecting."

"This unit does not require sustenance," MAC-B1G confirms Telamon's initial assessment. After a long pause, it adds, "during the debriefing." This is to clarify that it is not declining the debriefing. It's faceplate then pans to Rune. "Primary purpose: anti-magic, anti-armor. Electrified threats quantified as both."

Telamon tilts his head. "You mentioned there was more there than expected." He can't help but flinch a little at the electrical burns on Rune's hands. "Do you need more healing? I can do a little -- but if you need a specialist, I've got some friends at the temples."

Telamon leads the group out of the Society, and away from Sage Orum's plaza. "The cafeteria is fine, but I'd like us to have a private room to talk. Fortunately, I know just the place."

'The place' for Telamon is an upscale restaurant near the noble quarter, proudly advertising itself as Corman's Fine Seafood. "I tried to get a table at the Rosalian Rose but they're booked solid -- Aunt Liandra said something about a wedding reception and I wisely dropped it." He ushers them inside, and goes to speak to the maitre'd, whose slightly askance expression immediately vanishes. Soon enough, you are brought to a separate dining room with six chairs around a hefty table. A servant is already pouring goblets of icewater as well as setting out plates.

Karasu follows with the others (as if he could do otherwise, Cor'ethil has his arm quite in a tight grip), but he wears a more slightly displeased expression even when their upscale destination is revealed. He sits down at the table without much of a commentary, nodding politely where it is polite to do so. "Cor'ethil, if you would not mind answering the Archmage's questions."

His prompting is polite, but direct.

MAC-B1G possesses minimal data concerning local biological resupply depots, so the construct has no opinions of the establishment. It accompanies the others inside, to the table, then halts to stand adjacent. Its faceplate then pans from Telamon, to Karasu, to Cor'ethil. There it lingers as Karasu directs him to begin the after-action report.

Corey is not at all flummoxed by Karasu's direct command. In fact, he seems positively used to this. "Of course I'd love to!" he says, taking his seat and putting his hand onto Karasu's knee. "You have excellent taste in restaurants, Archmage. I wonder if they have that exotic dish I've heard so much about in Myrrish novels about the commonfolk."

He looks at Karasu with excitement. "You know. Fish sticks!" Oh, to be Cor'ethil.

The silver-eyed paladin looks at Telamon. "Oh, but you probably don't want to know about my lack of first-hand experience with the commoner's diet around here. Well, okay, I'm a little bit savvy. Karasu picks out all of our meals, though--" He catches himself, clearing his throat. "Right! So. We experienced something concerning. There was... A construct, there with Urvis. Went by the name of Lancet? Appeared in feminine form?"

"Don't you go worrying over me, Archmage." Rune gives a wink in Telamon's direction, lightly teasing him despite his more serious role in this particular job. "As long as you don't plan on throwing us back into a fight, I'll be fine. Harkashan can take care of any healing I need." Living with a cleric has its advantages.

The rogue follows along with the others, lingering towards the back of the group despite the fact that there are no apparent dangers. Maybe she just prefers being either at the front or back of the pack, never crowded in the middle. There is a low whistle when they are brought into the restaurant, and a waggle of soot-darkened fingers at the maitre'd before she joins the others and takes a seat.

She covers her mouth with one hand, amused by Cor'ethil's lack of local culinary knowledge, but manages to only show a slight shake of her shoulders from contained laughter. "A construct that got the fuck out of there at the first sign of danger. poof" She both says the word and makes a motion with her hand. "Also seemed to have some sort of ability to project herself other places, though it was only partially effective."

Soon wineglasses are being added to the setting, with polite inquiries if there are any requests. And the appetizer course arrives: smoked salmon deviled eggs and crab claws. As soon as the waiters leave, Telamon gets back to business -- though Corey's enthusiasm for 'fish sticks' yields a reaction akin to Rune's. Swallowing about a gallon of laughter, Telamon furrows his brow. "He had a wargolem with him? Curious. His views on wargolems aren't... particularly enlightened."

Then his eyes widen. "Wait. Projection -- and you said her name was Lancet?" He exhales, and grits his teeth. "Damn. Simony is going to be monumentally furious." Tel rubs the bridge of his nose. "Interesting that she fled. I suppose Urvis didn't take any steps to bind her properly."

Karasu looks at Telamon curiously. "Simony is.... a companion of yours? Ally? I take it then that this Lancet is an enemy." He's drawing extrapolation and then under his breath murmurs to Cor'ethil a few words as well. "This place is too fine-dinning for fish sticks Cor'ethil." Which it is.

"Affirmative," MAC ... affirms the conveyance of data and events. "According to target Urvis' recording, unit designate Lancet was recovered and restored to operational status. Target Urvis updated unit designate Lancet's programming to prevent harmful action upon target Urvis. Target Urvis did not include full compliance protocols in the programming. Capabilities of unit, as recorded by target Urvis, focused upon mana manipulation. Directives of unit are unknown." After Telamon's comment, it adds, "Query: Further information concerning unit Lancet is available?"

Corey has a rather boyish pout on his face for all of a few moments at Karasu telling him that there are no fishsticks present on the menu. "I'll have to settle for caviar and crab claws then," he says softly, like a wounded puppy. The pain. The agony. No fish sticks. Denied!

He quickly regains himself, however, and the sunny disposition of the paladin of Gilead is back as he's smiling, gesturing subtly at the food between himself and Karasu before he takes anything. "Lancet said something about a geas," he says. "Right before she teleported away. So... She's out there, somewhere in the world. MAC has the right of it, though, what's her story?"

After draining most of a glass of water, Rune pops one of the deviled eggs into her mouth before following it up with a sip of wine. Once, she might have acted with more civility, but after a long day, that seems a waste of energy.

Instead, she looks to Karasu, "Goblin cleric, about this tall, pale." Rune describes her friend, "Though, I'm not sure what she has to do with Lancet."

For this, the rogue looks over to Telamon, her head slightly canted to the side. "He had one other War Golem in his direct defenses, one working his library, and two other creatures who I think were extraplanar but looked like Golems acting as outer guards."

Telamon steeples his fingers, his expression calm now, calculating. The initial storm of anger and dismay past, replaced by tranquil focus. "A friend," he says firmly to Karasu. "A good friend." He takes a deep breath, before picking up his wineglass and sipping.

"From what I gathered -- primarily from Simony, as my usual sources in Alexandria weren't talking much -- Lancet was a researcher at Fort Lancing, a kind of arcane laboratory-fortress. They were studying ways to counter threats, like Charn, or the werewolf invasion. One of the things they developed was a spell, or series of spells, that let a single person control a building or even a citadel as if it was a limb, or a garment they could put on."

"Unfortunately, the experiment turned Lancet into a monster who promptly took over the fort and started converting the rest of the staff into her slaves." Telamon shakes his head. "Simony was part of an adventuring team sent in to clean up the mess. It wasn't pretty. People converted into undead, aberrations, or just fitted with artifice implants that overrode their minds."

Karasu delicately takes little bites of various items off of Cor'ethil's plate (close observation might reveal a small portion of each item) and eating them slowly. He has a delicate process of eating it seems; holding a bite in his mouth and then after a moment chewing and eating that piece. Once he's tried his portion he subtly slides the food over to Cor'ethil and starts all over again with his own plates. He doesn't try any of the drink at all, save for a sip of the wine that he also slides over to the paladin. He seems satisfied himself with the water.

"The question then might be, whether the Lancet that we met was the one whom was driven insane, or the one who existed before such." Karasu offers his words with some gentle curiosity.

That is significant additional data. MAC parses, collates, and analyzes before making a statement. "Hypothesis: Unit Lancet primary function: command and control. Probably course of action: Unit will establish stronghold and recruit subordinate units."

The recounting of the extraplanar constructs triggers a flagged item and the construct's faceplate pans to Corey. "Unit designate Cor'ethil Cari'thana, this unit requests queue of query for clarification on previous action, following debriefing."

Corey seems happy to take the items, once they've all been inspected first by Karasu, and he even has a sip of the wine. Crab claws get methodically and carefully eaten--but in this case, it looks like Corey's savoring the taste and trying to learn something about the flavor and the texture. "Interesting," he murmurs softly, before cringing at the description of the adventuring team's discoveries when meeting Lancet. "And... Interesting. I'm so sorry for poor Simony. That cannot have been pleasant to discover or go through."

He frowns deeply. "Karasu has a point," he says. "What would... drive someone to do such a thing?"

The paladin then looks at MAC-B1G, blinking twice before answering, "You can call me Corey. What would you like me to clarify?" It seems he's not necessarily waiting for the end of the debriefing.

"So, we've got a potentially dangerous, highly intelligent automaton which may or may not be able to take over entire buildings." Rune rubs at the bridge of her nose. "Let's make sure that Lancet doesn't discover the spires in the forest. I already had to get eaten by a giant mimic pretending to be one. I don't need a sentient spire one added to the trouble there."

There are probably worse locations, but it's the first that springs to Rune's mind, for obvious reasons.

"We didn't see any undead or aberrations, but the place did have an extensive set of green glowing markings that seemed to span the entire place." Rune explains, "More of them than I thought would be possible in the brief time since the escape."

Soon enough, the appetizer course is swept away to be replaced by two main courses for perusal: baked salmon over rice, and tlahcos stuffed with shrimp and vegetables and some kind of sauce. Telamon taps his fingers. "A good question, Karasu. While she was assisting Urvis, that could be explained by his resurrection of her. Almost anyone would feel some sort of obligation, geas or not."

"Green symbols... Simony mentioned that about Fort Lancing. Apparently they were trying to replicate the capabilities Lancet possessed while at the fort." He smiles. "That makes me feel a little better. Whatever she needs to do to take over a fortress isn't as simple as 'cast a spell'. It's almost like enchanting the building." Tel makes a face.

"It wouldn't surprise me if she avoided those spires. Judging from her reaction when you kicked in the door, she seems intensely risk-averse." Telamon smirks. "Can't imagine why." He contemplates the ceiling for a moment, before continuing. "As far as the other constructs... Urvis is a rare bird: a wizard who is also highly skilled at artifice. He is clever enough to have built a simpler construct as an assistant, as well as called others with magic."

Karasu chooses the main course opposite the choice of Cor'ethil's. Waiting for the other man to make his choice, and then trying both meals in a similar fashion as before. He only eats about half of his own meal, offering the other half to his familiar Wuya who happily bobs his tail and sets to the food with glee. "If similar magics were utilized it seems we may indeed shortly find another situation like the first that this Simony came upon."

The xian man doesn't seem strictly concerned about this however. "Even if not, it would be wise to keep an eye on things. Just in case."

Per Corey's prompt, MAC adjusts. "Acknowledged. Designation updated." It then queues its query for clarification. "Mission log timestamp 02208.01, unit designate Corey intercepted incoming attack to this unit. For what purpose? This unit designed for assault. Chassis reinforced. Unit designate Corey, as biological unit, not designed, not reinforced."

With its inquiry made, it focuses upon Telamon next. "High probility that unit Lancet commenced establishment of stronghold when taskforce arrived. Query: Was area subsquently secured to prevent return of unit Lancet?"

"It really sounds to me like Lancet may be a problem in the future," Corey murmurs over tlahcos, choosing the more adventurous option. The sauce causes Corey to cough a little, but he reassures Karasu with a murmured, "It's a bit spicy. I like it, though."

He grins happily at Wuya actually getting some food, making a point of petting the bird--and sneaking him a little bit of shrimp tlahco, as the raven is entitled to all in Corey's food life--as he says, "I'd make a recommendation to the Explorers' Guild to post another mission to find and secure Lancet."

The question that MAC asks gets a blink of those silver eyes. Corey regards the war golem for a moment before offering it a smile. "I protect my allies," he says. "You were about to receive a hard blow. I'm capable of healing myself. So... I asked Gilead to grant me the pain you would have received instead. The Hunter-King answered, and for that, I am truly appreciative. I am just sorry I could not prevent the pain dealt to both my nightingale and Rune in our battle against Urvis."

Corey sighs and smiles. "I will have to find a way to seek invisible foes," he concludes. "So nothing like that will ever happen again."

Rune is quick to take the meal of tlahcos, greatful that they are not nearly as spicy as those served in Am'shere. It means that her mouth is full at least for a few moments while Telamon fills them in on the green symbols and his theories in regards to the run-away automaton. Eventually, after swallowing she looks over to MAC-B1G, "I think that securing that place may require some assistance from the Arcanists. Think I would run out of daggers pretty quickly if I had to stab every magic symbol to disable it."

Because, of course, that's how she handles dealing with magic. Everything can be handled by stabbing. Except the things that can't be...

As Corey goes about apologizing, Rune shakes a sooted hand, "We knew what we were getting into. It's not your fault. No one expects you to take all the blows coming towards someone else." As he mentions invisible foes, the rogue mutters her agreement, "It happens more often than I'd like."

"I've found the glitterdust spell to be quite useful against invisible targets. Hard to stay unseen when you're coated in magical sparkles." Telamon partakes of the baked salmon and rice, as he mulls over the questions.

"The watchpost is... secure, for the moment. I talked to some friends. You'd be amazed how many people are not interested in having a wizard with questionable ethics and morals set up shop in their backyard." His eyes twinkle merrily. "And if she does return, well... she's in for a very unpleasant surprise."

"While the Arcanists and the Alexandrian government decide who gets to scrub green symbols off the watchpost's walls, there is the question of Lancet. I'm not comfortable with hunting her down outright -- Karasu raised a good point. But I do think she needs to be located and observed."

MAC-B1G parses Corey's response and the apology to the other taskforce units, optics moving between them and back to Corey. "Directive 33a: Function of biological allied units prioritized over this unit's function. Recommendation: unit designate Corey implement similar directive." It then returns focus to Telamon and the topic of the other construct. "This unit possesses countermeasures to optical camouflage. Countermeasures available to effect apprehension of unit Lancet."

Its faceplate pans back to its fellow taskforce units. "This unit was unable to deploy countermeasures while in contact with the electrified entity." An explanation... or apology?

Karasu glances at Cor'ethil at his mention of wishing that he'd been able to take the pain of Rune and himself. Subtly he lays a hand on the hand that is on his knee. Doubling the contact between them so that Cor'ethil knows that he heard the sincerity of that statement. That it is meaningful to Karasu himself. The dark-haired man has a small frown on his lips. "Are you sure that the food is to your liking?" The question is... rather pointed.

(An answer in the wrong direction might well mean that a chef is dealing with an unusual problem in this area of the world.)

The paladin seems very reassured by his allies' responses, nodding gratefully and quietly. "I just take my vows of protecting those around me seriously," Corey says. "Really, I became a paladin for several reasons... To make my mother proud of me, and to protect her, my father, and my sisters. Then that extended to everyone else who I met along the way as I trained, and then I really understood how to be a paladin and to live the life of a Warden, so everyone became someone to protect. Even if not everyone I meet has good intentions for me... Initially." The remark results in Corey grinning at Karasu. Some kind of private joke?

Then Corey actually flushes a little in response to Karasu touching his hand, as well as the question that Karasu asks. He smiles in a seemingly bashful way at Karasu. "Yes, I'm sure," he says gently. "Much as I love you for asking, my nightingale."

"Glitterdust..." Rune reaches into one of the pouches at her side and takes out a bit of paper to scrawl the spell name onto. If nothing else, she has a few magically inclined friends who might be able to assist with that in the future.

Then, it is back to looking between the others, thoughtful as they discuss the next steps to deal with Lancet. "Located and observed." She seems to ponder this more passive way of dealing with the problem. "We should make sure that we look through the artificer's notes and his library, see if there's anything about Lancet in there. If he did any other programming changes, it would be useful to know."

She sits back a little, "So, this may be a little out there, but... what are the chances of her getting involved with one of the other escapees? Seems there was some... intention behind the break out. Maybe this is just a piece of it."

Telamon looks approvingly at Corey. "Do not love the sword for what it is, but what it protects." Sounds like he's quoting something. At Rune's comment, he nods. "Worth examining. Though she may not know about it. Remember, she was, well, dead when the escape occurred."

He takes another sip of his wine. "But you're not wrong about the breakout possibly being part of a longer game. I don't wish to discuss how it was done, but suffice to say it was devious and cruel. The entire breakout might have been to free all of the inmates... or just one in particular." His eyes glitter. "I look forward to finding the one responsible and learning why this was done. Right before I send him to his proper reward."

He hmms at Rune's remark about programming. "A good question. Though from what I've heard, Urvis was not particularly skilled in wargolem psychology. He tended to view them as tools or raw materials."

MAC-B1G has no further queries nor hypotheses at present, so becomes entirely observational. In addition to the discussion, there is the consumption, reactions to the same, and the interactions between others during all of the above.

As Telamon looks at Cor'ethil something different shifts over Karasu's features. Something that Cor'ethil might recognize. A consideration of sorts. "Cor'ethil protects a great many things, not all of them worthy of him, but by his protection they become worthy." He glances then at Wuya for a moment and nods to Cor'ethil. "It seems that we are at the end of our debriefing. I have much to attend to in the wake of our travels. Including gathering information on what might come next. Is there any other things which we should discuss?"

Corey smiles brightly at Telamon's words, nodding, before he looks at Karasu, gently squeezing the other man's knee. "You," he says softly, "have always been worth protecting, from the very moment I met you. And all that you are is worth protecting by extension."

He turns back to the group, looking thoughtful. "I, too, want to see this through," he says. "The more and more I learn of the prison breaks and why it happened... It must be put to the end, so that all who became victims may find rest at last."

The paladin then smiles. "I appreciate the dinner, Archmage, and everyone here for the company," he says. "I will be going with Karasu, as well. Anything more before I ask everyone's pardons for departing and giving Gilead's well-wishes and blessings to all?"

Though Rune may not be a Paladin, she rests her hands on the hilts of her swords. She nods her acknowledgement to Telamon's words, but with the meal over for the time being, she falls silent. Her eyes look to Corey, then her head bobs with agreement. They would follow this through and see where this path leads.

"Looks like we have some questions that only time and effort will answer." Inclining her head to Telamon, she then looks back to Karasu as she pushes up to her feet. "Nothing else from me. Right now, I'm looking forward to some healing, and a good night's rest."

"Undoubtedly there will be more work in the days ahead," Telamon remarks. "While not every escapee was as dangerous as Urvis, enough are capable of malign acts that they should be... encouraged to return."

With the meal at a close, he rises from his chair politely. "The blessings of the White Stag are always welcome. And in return I would ask Ni'essa Sky-singer to light your path. She is always with us, lighting the way." He smiles. "I have faith that things will be set to right, in time."