Hunting Urvis (Part 4)

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Log Info

  • Title: Hunting Urvis (Part 4)
  • GM: Telamon
  • Place: Greater Alexandros, near the Desolation

Standing in the library, the only company the silent clockwork librarian that is still patiently putting books away. Doors lead to the west, east, and north, and other than the soft clicking of the librarian's joints, there's no sound to be heard. Indeed, this would be a pleasant place if it wasn't for it being Urvis Ironshanks's lair.

MAC-B1G continues to scan the Khazad document which unit-designate Rune previously located. It peruses, parses, collates, and analyzes. "Recording data is personal log of fugitive Urvis Ironshanks post-captivity. Individuals noted within: witch of partial syldanyari heritage responsible for theft of fugitive Urvis Ironshanks' mental faculties; previously-inactivated construct wizard, designated Lancet, chassis was located, subsequently restored to function with updated directives to prevent harming fugitive Urvis Ironshanks." After a pause, it continues. "Not understood how fugitive Urvis Ironshanks completed restoration without possession of mental faculties."

Karasu keeps to the edge of the group by and large, his dark eyes keeping a lookout for any sign of something trying to sneak up on the group or anything which might be problematic in some other way. Traps and the sort. One never knew when that might become an issue after all. He had little to say on the matter of the book besides, "If we have two foes to deal with rather than one, we must be twice as careful."


The moment a half-sil responsible for stealing someone's mental faculties is mentioned, Rune ticks off one finger, "That sounds like Cor'lana." It's well known that a flash of her ankles is enough to sway the minds of many. "I would wager that she was no longer in his presence by the time he escaped and was working on killing and restoring constructs." She explains.

Looking to the others, "Is Lancet that thing we saw the vision of, or is it something else?" Her head tilts, as if she weren't quite sure. "Regardless, we should keep looking. Leave it to a mage to make their lair a freaking maze."

Corey frowns at MAC-B1G's deciphering of the language. "A witch of partial sildanyari heritage?" he asks. "I don't know if I like that kind of language at all... And as my nightingale says, two enemies to deal with."

He looks to Rune. "Oh, you mean the Archmage's wife? Does she steal minds a lot?" It's an innocently-asked question. "Although I guess it's not really important."

The paladin then regards all the exits of the room as he closes the book and puts it back where it came from. "Let's go... Left!" he decides rather cheerfully, drawing his rapier again and going in the direction he has determined.

The door leading left is unlocked, untrapped, almost depressingly unadventurous. It's not even a mimic. It swings open to reveal a somewhat decently-furnished bedroom -- the furnishings clearly fabricated for a khazadi, not a human or sil. A comfortable bed with a deep brown quilt, a chest with a heavy lock on it, a desk with dwarf-sized chair... but no Urvis himself.

Movement from the corner of the room catches your eye, as a mechanical, six legged construct about the size of a dog, wielding a broom and a feather duster is patiently sweeping and dusting.

Karasu glances over Cor'ethil's shoulder as the door is opened to reveal... nothing of interest really. "Perhaps the north-ward door would contain something less.... homey. At least he keeps this place clean." He pats his companion on the shoulder once and withdraws to allow space for the other man to make his way to their next destination.

Corey frowns at Karasu's pat on his shoulder. "I like the little cleaning construct, though," he says. "Maybe we'll come back for it when we're done here? It'd keep our room nice and tidy."

He sighs gently. "But it does look like there's not really anything of interest. Okay. Let's go try that northward door!" Corey turns about and heads back into the other room to try the north door, in the hopes of forward momentum on that thing known as progress.

"It's not the worst a half-blood has been called." Rune offers in reply, raising her shoulders in a slight shrug as she looks to Corey. Being half Sildanyari, herself, it's common enough to hear commentary from certain people. "Aye, that's the one." She confirms with a nod, "When she turns on the charms, she can pretty much seduce the undergarments off of anyone, man or woman." Rune lets out a low whistle. "Though, I imagine this was more likely some sort of spell. Though I wouldn't put it past her to make someone lust-stupid, either."

As Corey chooses the way, Rune follows, peeking around him briefly to look in at the room beyond. "As much as I could be that person, I don't think it's worth our time to steal his blankets and make a mess of his bedroom just to be annoying." Sure, she had broken the lock to his lab, but... that was a potentially useful room. "Unless someone thinks he's going to try to strangle us by magically animating his bloomers."

"I dunno, Urvis doesn't strike me as that kinky," Corey remarks in his usual cheerful demeanor as they walk.

"You never know with these repressed types." Karasu murmurs to himself. "He does keep a robot in his bedroom."

MAC-B1G scans the room, taking a moment to study the multi-legged construct more than the rest as it appears the most note-worthy of the contents. Following unit-designate Rune's concerns, and unit-designate Corey's rebuttal, it conveys assurance regardless of probability of the hypothetical incident. "This unit does not respirate. Strangulation attacks are ineffective."

Heading north takes you down a narrow corridor, leading to another door. The room beyond, though... is just a bit more interesting. Just a little bit.

Your guess is that it started out as a larger storeroom, but it's been opened up and reinforced (probably with magic) further. More of those greenish glyphs adorn the walls, flickering dimly, and mage-lights have been hastily tacked up to offer illumination. Two large pillars rise from floor to ceiling, shivering ever so often as if containing something.

Perhaps sixty feet from you, just beyond the pillars, stands a cobbled-together lectern or desk fitted with artifice devices and scribed with more runes. Standing behind it are three figures:

A blank-eyed construct monitoring the panel, its single gemstone eye reminiscent of the clockwork librarian's. It gives you no notice, absorbed in its work.

The second is a slightly scruffy looking dwarf, clad in robes, his beard trimmed in a weirdly asymmetric style. His head snaps around at the door opening, and his lips turn down in a frown. "Inconvenient, except for the spare parts," he grouses.

The third figure is a wargolem, but crafted along far more intricate lines. Contoured to look like an athletic human woman, her skin is a glossy pewter shot with pale green accents, with a startlingly pretty faceplate dominated by green-glowing eyes. "Indeed. A pity this has come to pass."

GAME: Karasu casts Ill Omen. Caster Level: 5 DC: 18

Karasu notices a distinct lack of weaponry on the enemies and frowns a small bit to himself. Shame for that, but there's nothing to be done about it. He can aid the combat that is sure to come in other ways. He quickly makes a gesture of ill omen directed at Urvis and makes a break to the right of the room for some cover until he can get close enough for better.

GAME: Corey rolls Spellcraft: (13)+18: 31
GAME: MAC-B1G rolls spellcraft: (10)+13: 23

Meanwhile, Urvis feels the weight of something unpleasant on him, but he can't deal with that just yet. Instead, he spits out an incantation, and suddenly the dwarf lifts off into the air, hovering about 20' up. "Open the containment vessels!" he bellows at the one-eyed construct at the panel. Then he looks to Lancet. "You might as well join me up here, they're not going to spare you either, Lancet."

"Perfect." Rune snap-points to MAC, "If there are animated underpants trying to extinguish us, we know we can depend on you to save our butts." She nods sagely.

This is said just before they open the door, leaving Rune standing just behind Corey and looking onward towards the person they'd been sent here after. "Shit." Sometimes, you just have to jump into a fight unprepared.

Rune darts behind one of the columns, already suspecting that there is more to them than what they seem. However, this gets her out of line of sight for at least a moment, and spreads out her allies across the battlefield so they are not bunched up where an enemy mage can make them an easy target.

GAME: Corey casts Greater Angelic Aspect. Caster Level: 13 DC: 18

Corey is, however, prepared. Rapier at the ready, the moment he sees Urvis fly, he grins in the way that a hunter with the perfect arrow notched in his bow might grin.

"Gilead, O Blessed Hunter,
Grant me your divine aid in the hunt!" <Celestial>

The prayer is answered in the form of two wings that sprout from Corey's back, the paladin awash in a holy aura that emanates from him. He takes to the sky with a mighty leap from the ground and follows Urvis up into the air. "You'll not be escaping so easily!" he cries out. "Nor will you hurt my allies!"

GAME: MAC-B1G activates its Titan Armor, gaining: +4 Str,+4 Dex

"Threats detected. Combat protocols engaged. Countermeasures initiating." Several gems flare brighter on the chassis of the other, other construct and segmented telscoping plates expand to futher cover said chassis. MAC-B1G then moves forward even as one manipulator opens and a long cylinder extends from between its 'fingers' to be braced and aimed towards Lancet.

Lancet realizes Mac is approaching with something that is probably -not- a helpful tool. She may be arrogant, but she's not foolish. She dives behind the lectern where the other construct is working, and looks up at Urvis.

"No, Urvis, I do not think so. Your geas does not permit me to injure you. But it does not force me to protect you." Lancet pulls a scroll from a pouch, and reads it. "Goodbye." There's a brilliant violet flash, and suddenly she's gone.

Urvis's eyes bulge and a vein throbs in his forehead. "YOU BITCH!"

The one-eyed construct obeys its master. Deliberately, its metallic hands grab two heavy artifice levers on the panel, and pulls them downward with a loud CLANK.

There is a hissing and several loud bangs from the pillars, and abruptly two-thirds of the pillar slides down into the floor... releasing what looks like a massive, animated humanoid made up of electricity. Arcs spit off wildly in all directions, as they roar in unison, "ZEEKRUM!"

GAME: Telamon rolls 1d20+24: (15)+24: 39
GAME: Telamon rolls 1d20+24: (1)+24: 25 (EPIC FAIL)
GAME: Telamon rolls 2d8+8+2d8: (11)+8+(12): 31
GAME: Telamon rolls 1d20+27: (11)+27: 38
GAME: Telamon rolls 1d20+27: (1)+27: 28 (EPIC FAIL)
GAME: Telamon rolls 2d8+8+2d8: (9)+8+(11): 28

The huge electrical creatures seem... highly perturbed. And they show it by lashing out as soon as they become aware of people outside. A crackling fist slams into Karasu, shocking him, and the other elemental's slap leaves smoke trailing off Rune. Another angry, bellowed voice in unison. "ZEEKRUM!" Whether it's their name, a god, a curse... well, who knows.

The lightning creature steals Karasu's breath from his lungs. He feels his heart cease to beat. For an instant, the tastes death on his teeth and it tastes of iron and ozone. "Not here..." He mutters the words to himself and quickly sprints away from the creature made of lightning toward the mage who seems in command of these creatures. Cor'ethil might make an argument to leave Urvis alive but Karasu... Isn't so sure that such a thing is wisdom in this case.

GAME: Telamon rolls 1d20+6: (16)+6: 22
GAME: Telamon rolls 1d20+6: (11)+6: 17

Urvis looks like he's about to have an absolute conniption, his eyes absolutely blazing with rage. "That betraying, lying, ungrateful..." He's almost frothing at the mouth, as he glides back out of Corey's immediate reach. "DIE, you annoying stain!" His voice rises as he incants, and a beam of green light stabs out...

But Karasu's Ill Omen is upon him, and his hand quivers. Ever so slightly. And the killing beam sizzles past Corey to strike the far wall, carving a deep hole in it.

GAME: Rune rolls acrobatics: (2)+24: 26
GAME: Rune rolls acrobatics: (14)+24: 38
GAME: Telamon rolls 1d20+27: (3)+27: 30
GAME: Telamon rolls 2d8+8+2d8: (7)+8+(12): 27

The flare of electricity running through Rune's system is enough to cause her teeth to grit and a cry to escape from her throat. The metal from her weapons and armor seem to hold that charge against her skin, making it difficult to hold on to her blades. "Fuck." She curses.

"Guys, I am not able to handle elementals!" She calls out. Knowing that there's little chance of her being able to stand and fight against one of these things, the rogue tries to tumble out from beside it, trying to make for the wall to put as much distance as she can between her and the monsters.

It doesn't work. This time, another cry rips free from Rune, her armor smoking in places and her body twitching as she barely stays on her feet as she continues to move. "I... shit. I can't fight those." Her hands flex on her weapons, despite the fact that her skin has heated to the point of burning underneath her gloves.

GAME: Corey rolls weapon1: (8)+22: 30
GAME: Corey rolls weapon1-5: (16)+22+-5: 33 (THREAT)
GAME: Corey rolls weapon1-5+4: (15)+22+-5+4: 36 (THREAT)
GAME: Corey rolls weapon1-10: (3)+22+-10: 15
GAME: Corey rolls weapon1-10: (8)+22+-10: 20
GAME: Corey rolls damage1: aliased to 1d6+8: (6)+8: 14
GAME: Corey rolls damage1+damage1: aliased to 1d6+8+1d6+8: (4)+8+(3)+8: 23
GAME: Corey rolls damage1: aliased to 1d6+8: (3)+8: 11

"Please hold on, everyone! I can heal damage shortly!" Corey calls out to Leirune and Karasu where he hovers mid-air, his great wings keeping him up in the air. "Let me take care of the wizard!"

He turns his attention onto Urvis, closing the gap between them as he thrusts out his rapier three times, rallying against the wizard. He scores three great hits, blood drawn from his piercing efforts, but the wizard's still up. "Surrender or else!" he demands.

GAME: MAC-B1G casts Resist Energy. Caster Level: 12 DC: 14

MAC-B1G was initially preparing to counter Urvan, when its line of effect was blocked. Then it was prepared to counter Lancet... and its line of effect was blocked. Then there are suddenly large clouds of animated electricity loosed in the room, which is not ideal for conductive chassis; which includes biological ones, judging by the unpleasant reactions of its fellw taskforce members. "Engaging dampening field" it intones, pressing a stud on its torso as it moves forward to continue the group collapse towards the fugitive. Its torso rotates back towards the electrical ones, however.

GAME: Corey rolls Will+2: (18)+15+2: 35

Once its work is done, the one-eyed construct turns to look at its master... who is currently becoming a pincushion courtesy of Corey. Suddenly its eye turns bright red, and it begins yelling. "DANGER! MASTER IS ENDANGERED! ENGAGE SAFETY PROTOCOLS!"

Rapidly, it weaves a spell, and sends it at Corey, trying to hijack the paladin mentally to keep it from injuring its master further -- with no luck.

GAME: Telamon rolls 1d20+27: (12)+27: 39
GAME: Telamon rolls 2d8+8: (8)+8: 16
GAME: Telamon rolls 1d20+27: (7)+27: 34
GAME: Telamon rolls 1d20+27: (3)+27: 30
GAME: Telamon rolls 2d8+3: (9)+3: 12
GAME: Telamon rolls 2d8+3: (8)+3: 11

Both elementals seem to line up on Mac making himself a target. And as the crackling fists begin to fly... the war golem weathers the raging storm. Arcs of electricity ground off of Mac harmlessly, and even the brutal blows are less effective than they were against Karasu and Rune. For all their fury they haven't made near the impact they did initially.

GAME: Karasu rolls Intelligence: (10)+7: 17
GAME: Karasu casts Ill Omen. Caster Level: 5 DC: 18

Karasu's dark eyes shine with intent as he gathers a plan into his mind. He leaps onto the podium in a single bound, kicking closed one of the tubes behind him with a sharp 'CLICK' and drawing attention to himself for perhaps the first time in a good, long time. "URVIS!" He says dramatically, the light highlighting his features sharply with thick shadows that make him appear like some manner of madman, or perhaps just what he is - a man who has taken the lives of many, many in his time. "Death beckons. But we did not come to bring you to Vardama - not unless you mean to leave!"

Karasu, has nothing if not a terrible plan.

GAME: Corey rolls Spellcraft: (12)+18: 30
GAME: MAC-B1G rolls spellcraft: (3)+13: 16
GAME: Karasu rolls Spellcraft: (4)+22: 26
GAME: MAC-B1G rolls spellcraft: (12)+13: 25

Urvis howls in pain as Corey's blade draws his blood. "You... you..." He trails off into a barrage of khazadi curses, falling back from that righteous sword. "Dammit, don't mess around," he bellows at the construct below. "Kill these bastards!" He then incants a spell, and vanishes from sight.

GAME: Rune rolls weapon1: (1)+21: 22 (EPIC FAIL)

Trying to catch her breath, Rune looks over just in time to see Corey flying and Karasu up on a podium and MAC taking on two elementals at once. Then just one. "Well, shit... Glad you guys are awesome, I'm feeling like a crispy critter." She coughs up a bit of smoke.

Then, the rogue moves underneath where the wizard had just vanished, trying to go for the one target that she can actually do something about. Her blade slices out towards the construct, only to glance off of the metal body with a scraping sound. "Oh. Um..." She pauses, "Hi. Pay attention to me. Not my friends over there. Very dangerous half-sil here." You know, the one that just totally missed and looks as if she is the poster child for forest fire prevention.

GAME: Corey rolls Perception: (18)+15: 33
GAME: Corey rolls weapon1: (5)+22: 27
GAME: Corey rolls weapon1-5: (6)+22+-5: 23
GAME: Corey rolls weapon1-10: (3)+22+-10: 15
GAME: Telamon rolls 1d100: (90): 90
GAME: Telamon rolls 1d100: (75): 75
GAME: Corey rolls damage1: aliased to 1d6+8: (6)+8: 14
GAME: Corey rolls damage1: aliased to 1d6+8: (3)+8: 11

Corey's silver eyes catch everything. "I know where you've gone," he intones, floating forward in the air as he thrusts out at the hiding wizard.

"You can't hide from the Hunter-King!" Corey cries out as two of his thrusts find flesh and draw blood again. "Give it up!"

GAME: MAC-B1G rolls knowledge/arcana: (20)+12: 32
GAME: MAC-B1G spends TWO uses of CHARGE POOL.
GAME: MAC-B1G rolls weapon4+3: (2)+17+3: 22
GAME: MAC-B1G rolls weapon4+3: (20)+17+3: 40 (THREAT)
GAME: MAC-B1G rolls weapon4+3: (12)+17+3: 32
GAME: MAC-B1G rolls damage4+3: aliased to 2d6+8+3: (8)+8+3: 19
GAME: MAC-B1G rolls damage4+3: aliased to 2d6+8+3: (12)+8+3: 23

"Fugitive engaged obfuscation," MAC announces, though it does not immediately employ countermeasures for that. There is the large (now pleasantly only the one) animated angry energy matrix before it. Into which it proceeds to jab heavy conductive forelimbs into. Repeatedly.

GAME: Corey rolls Fortitude: (16)+18: 34
GAME: Karasu rolls Fortitude: (13)+8: 21
GAME: Rune rolls fortitude: (20)+10: 30 (CRITICAL SUCCESS)
GAME: Telamon rolls 1d20+9: (5)+9: 14

The construct backs away from Rune. "Activate countermeasures, compel trespassers to depart." Another spell is cast, and then suddenly there's a WHOOMPH and a huge, yellow-green cloud materializes around the construct. Stinking of rotten eggs and mackerel rotting in the summer sun. There's a horrified curse from above, and then a loud wet SPLAT not far from Rune's position as Urvis loses his lunch.

GAME: Telamon rolls 1d20+27: (18)+27: 45
GAME: Telamon rolls 1d20+27: (16)+27: 43
GAME: Telamon rolls 2d8+2+2d8+2: (9)+2+(3)+2: 16

The lightning elemental shifts away from the billowing, bilious cloud -- evidently discomfited by contact with it -- and its crackling eyes fix on Mac once more. "ZEEKRUM." it says importantly, and the sizzling fists come in once, twice, slamming into Mac once more but doing less damage than they might have.

Karasu pulls a small pouch out of his pocket, hopping off the lectern and offering it up to his familiar Wuya perched on his shoulder huddling. He doesn't say anything until he's out of the stinking cloud and then he sends Wuya to Cor'ethil with the bag. "Cor'ethil! Pretend it is a Hunter's Wedding."

They've spoken before of customs of other places, and one such was that at a wedding that is devoted to the Hunter that seed is thrown for those who are meant to be married. Wuya can help. Karasu holds himself ready for any sign of their wayward prey.

There's a lot of cursing, gagging, and other sounds from above. Hard to pinpoint though as the invisible dwarf flees the cloud, mumbling about 'Damn stupid constructs...'

This isn't the first time Rune has encountered a magical cloud like this, so she is quick to hold her breath. She steps just to the side as she nearly gets vomited on from above, and then steps in the direction that the construct had gone.

Then, it almost seems as if all light in the area starts to dim a little, as if it were being pulled in by something. Rune extends a hand towards where she suspects the construct still is, and a gust of cold wind surges towards the entrance of the room, pulling all light with them until all that remanis beyond her fingertips is a dark void.

Shadowy tendrils flicker along her arms and up across her shoulders in a dramatic display of supernatural energy.

GAME: Corey rolls Perception: (13)+15: 28
GAME: Telamon rolls 1d20+23: (3)+23: 26
GAME: Corey rolls ranged: (5)+19: 24
GAME: Telamon rolls 1d100: (18): 18
GAME: Corey rolls weapon1: (15)+22: 37 (THREAT)
GAME: Corey rolls weapon1+4: (17)+22+4: 43 (THREAT)
GAME: Telamon rolls 1d100: (44): 44
GAME: Karasu rolls 1d20+12-6-4: (9)+12+-6+-4: 11

Corey takes the rice packet from Wuya and offers the bird a kiss on the head. "I'll try it!" he tells Wuya, before he follows the sound of the retching wizard over to the corner of the chamber. "Ok, here we go...!"

The paladin flies and tosses the small bag of rice at the wizard. Unfortunately, Corey's aim is off. The paladin tries to follow it up with one attack once he's closing in on the sound of gut-upending-wizard, but his rapier attack, as powerful as it is, goes well and wide of the wizard.

"Damn it!" Corey mutters darkly.

GAME: MAC-B1G spends TWO uses of CHARGE POOL.
GAME: MAC-B1G spends TWO uses of CHARGE POOL.
GAME: MAC-B1G rolls weapon4: (18)+17: 35
GAME: MAC-B1G rolls weapon4: (15)+17: 32
GAME: MAC-B1G rolls weapon4: (2)+17: 19
GAME: MAC-B1G rolls damage4+1d6 fire+1d6 cold+1d6 acid: aliased to 2d6+8+1d6 fire+1d6 cold+1d6 acid: (9)+8+(4 fire)+(6 cold)+(3 acid): 30
GAME: MAC-B1G rolls damage4+1d6 fire+1d6 cold+1d6 acid: aliased to 2d6+8+1d6 fire+1d6 cold+1d6 acid: (8)+8+(2 fire)+(1 cold)+(5 acid): 24
GAME: Rune rolls fortitude: (11)+10: 21
GAME: Telamon rolls 5d6: (19): 19

"Neutralization of threat commencing. Employing alternative tactics." The field is shockingly durable. When such cannot be directly overpowered, MAC's adaptive combat program directs the assault construct to circumvent. Heat from its reactor, coolant from the system for the same, and caustic reagents are all diverted to its primary manipulators. Which are then applied to the elemental, with force.

The one-eyed construct backs out of the windstream, the shadows falling away from it. It turns to stare at Rune, before the eye flicks red again. "Major intrusion. Deploying aggressive countermeasures before locating master." A port opens in the front of its head, and a sound like a storm giant's horn issues from it -- the wave of sonic force rolling over Rune. Fortunately, she'll live to tell the tale.

GAME: Telamon rolls 1d20+27: (19)+27: 46
GAME: Telamon rolls 1d20+27: (19)+27: 46
GAME: Telamon rolls 2d8+3+2d8+3: (5)+3+(7)+3: 18

The wargolem and the elemental collide with ferocious intensity. Lightning arcs and spits, even as Mac's blows strike flashes of fire, corrosive slime, even frost patterns. But the elemental isn't going down without a fight, and its fists strike the golem once more... rocking it, but there's no lack of spirit in the Mac.

GAME: Karasu rolls 1d20+12+2+1: (10)+12+2+1: 25

Karasu has little more that he can offer Cor'ethil than Wuya's assistance at the moment, so he turns and moves to aid Rune instead. At least until one can see the mage again... There's little that can be done. Thus he offers a word of advice to Cor'ethil as he slips in behind the construct that has been harrying Rune. "DOOR!"

The sound of gagging can be heard moving across the room again as the invisible wizard flees from Corey. Although it seems to be dying down, which is either good or bad depending on what side you're on.

GAME: Rune rolls weapon1+2-2: (13)+21+2+-2: 34
GAME: Rune rolls weapon2+2-2: (16)+21+2+-2: 37
GAME: Rune rolls weapon1+2-7: (15)+21+2+-7: 31
GAME: Rune rolls weapon2+2-7: (18)+21+2+-7: 34
GAME: Rune rolls damage1+1d6+7d6: aliased to 1d6+3+1d6+7d6: (5)+3+(6)+(28): 42
GAME: Rune rolls damage2+1d6+7d6: aliased to 1d6+3+1d6+7d6: (5)+3+(4)+(15): 27
GAME: Rune rolls damage1+1d6+7d6: aliased to 1d6+3+1d6+7d6: (4)+3+(1)+(23): 31
GAME: Rune rolls damage2+1d6+7d6: aliased to 1d6+3+1d6+7d6: (6)+3+(2)+(25): 36

The sudden impact of the sonic blast causes Rune's ears to twitch slightly, but the movement fails to protect them from the barrage. She turns, raising a hand to try to shield her ears, but it only helps somewhat. When she rises again, turning her eyes back to the construct, there is a trail of blood from one ear down across her neck.

The shadows fall to the ground, still roiling for a moment before they vanish like smoke, but a few still linger around the rogue's fingers as she steps closer to the construct. "You want aggression, let me show you." She flashes a look across to Karasu, and then absolutely throws herself into a series of attacks, slashing out at every weak point she can find on the construct's outer shell. Joints are stabbed, wires are slashed, and there is absolutely no mercy offered as she lashes out with gritted teeth, returning her own pain in kind.

GAME: Corey rolls Perception: (16)+15: 31
GAME: Telamon rolls 1d20+23: (12)+23: 35
GAME: Karasu rolls Perception: (14)+17: 31

Corey concentrates. Urvis's noises are helpful, but because they're not as loud as before, he has a hard time finding the exact area that they're in. Instead, he rushes over in the direction of the invisible wizard. "One chance, Urvis," he tells him. "Stand down. We're winning. The moment my friends are done with the elemental and your construct, it's only you left in the room, against four of us."

GAME: Telamon rolls 1d20+17: (19)+17: 36
GAME: Telamon rolls 1d20+17: (17)+17: 34
GAME: Telamon rolls 1d20+17: (10)+17: 27
GAME: Telamon rolls 2d6+8+3d6: (11)+8+(13): 32
GAME: Telamon rolls 2d6+8+3d6: (7)+8+(10): 25
GAME: Telamon rolls 2d6+8+3d6: (6)+8+(8): 22

Mac continues to metronomically mash the stubborn lightning elemental, flashes of light and energy reflecting off his hull as he pounds on the electrical entity. It's flickering in and out of existence now, starting to lose cohesion as Mac pounds on it with relentless force.

GAME: Telamon rolls 1d20+17: (9)+17: 26
GAME: MAC-B1G spends FOUR uses of CHARGE POOL.

The construct backs away, sparking and smoking from numerous rents in its frame. "Warning! System compromised! System compromised!" The red eye glows brilliantly, and it tracks Corey as he soars across the room. "Primary target identified!" But then it has to avoid getting hit by Karasu, and the spell misfires -- gouging a trench out of the floor but doing nothing else as a beam of energy lashes from its optic.

GAME: Telamon rolls 1d20+27: (16)+27: 43
GAME: Telamon rolls 1d20+27: (10)+27: 37
GAME: Telamon rolls 2d8+3+2d8+3: (7)+3+(9)+3: 22

The crackling elemental is sputtering out, but it still has enough strength to slam its semi-real fists into Mac again. The blows are taking their toll, but not enough to stymie the artificer as he matches the elemental spirit swing for swing.

GAME: Karasu rolls 1d20+12+2+1: (3)+12+2+1: 18
GAME: Karasu rolls 1d20+7+2+1: (18)+7+2+1: 28
GAME: Karasu rolls 1d6+1: (5)+1: 6

Karasu's weapon skitters off the construct, but he knows that his work is more to provide weaknesses for Rune to exploit than to do damage himself. His lot in life, is to emphasize for others. To be a villain, a shadow, so that the light can shine on others. He is not unsatisfied in this role.

GAME: Karasu rolls Reflex: (19)+14: 33
GAME: Corey rolls Reflex: (6)+17: 23
GAME: Rune rolls reflex: (19)+19: 38
GAME: Corey rolls Reflex: (13)+17: 30
GAME: Telamon rolls 12d6: (37): 37
GAME: Telamon rolls 1d20+12: (15)+12: 27

"You don't understand!" The rage is tangible, as suddenly a searing blast of electricity spews out of the now-visible Urvis's hands. The bolt skitters off Corey's breastplate before bouncing after Rune and Karasu, who deftly avoid it entirely, and grounding out against Mac's wards. "I can't go back there! I won't! They say it's a prison, but it's a madhouse, and you only escape it when you're DEAD!"

GAME: Rune rolls weapon1+2-2: (15)+21+2+-2: 36
GAME: Rune rolls weapon2+2-2: (19)+21+2+-2: 40 (THREAT)
GAME: Rune rolls weapon2+2-2: (17)+21+2+-2: 38
GAME: Rune rolls weapon1+2-7: (20)+21+2+-7: 36 (THREAT)
GAME: Rune rolls weapon1+2-7: (20)+21+2+-7: 36 (THREAT)
GAME: Rune rolls weapon2+2-7: (17)+21+2+-7: 33
GAME: Rune rolls damage1+1d6+7d6: aliased to 1d6+3+1d6+7d6: (4)+3+(3)+(23): 33
GAME: Rune rolls damage2+damage2+1d6+7d6: aliased to 1d6+3+1d6+3+1d6+7d6: (4)+3+(6)+3+(3)+(17): 36
GAME: Rune rolls damage1+damage1+1d6+7d6: aliased to 1d6+3+1d6+3+1d6+7d6: (3)+3+(1)+3+(2)+(24): 36
GAME: Rune rolls damage2+1d6+7d6: aliased to 1d6+3+1d6+7d6: (3)+3+(6)+(21): 33

Seeing the construct continuing to try to cast, Rune narrows her eyes, "Hey, bolts for brains. I'm your target." Watching Karasu continue to move with her, she follows in step, making sure that the construct can't escape the two of them as they move. Right now, she has to trust the others that they can handle the other foes.

With the opportunity provided to her, Rune rips into the construct a second time, this time sundering the robot limb by limb until the torso collapses to the ground with a loud, metallic thunk and the eyes go dark. "One down!" She calls out, then looks over to Karasu, giving him a salute with one of her daggers.

GAME: Corey rolls weapon1+se: aliased to weapon1+Charisma: (18)+22+4: 44 (THREAT)
GAME: Corey rolls weapon1+se+4: aliased to weapon1+Charisma+4: (17)+22+4+4: 47 (THREAT)
GAME: Corey rolls weapon1+se-5: aliased to weapon1+Charisma-5: (14)+22+4+-5: 35
GAME: Corey rolls weapon1+se-10: aliased to weapon1+Charisma-10: (5)+22+4+-10: 21
GAME: Corey rolls damage1+damage1+sedmg+sedmg+1d6: aliased to 1d6+8+1d6+8+Paladin+Paladin+1d6: (2)+8+(5)+8+13+13+(6): 55
GAME: Corey rolls damage1+sedmg+1d6: aliased to 1d6+8+Paladin+1d6: (1)+8+13+(4): 26
GAME: Corey rolls damage1+sedmg+1d6: aliased to 1d6+8+Paladin+1d6: (6)+8+13+(6): 33

Urvis is revealed by his spell, the invisibility falling away with his attack on Corey, Corey's allies, and Corey's beloved. The paladin is burning with divine power, wings propelling him forward as he murmurs, "Stay thy thirst," to his blade.

To Urvis, he has only one sentence as he unleashes his assault. "You had one chance. Gilead, I call upon you to smite this evil before me!"

One thrust. Two thrusts. Three thrusts. Bloodless yet enough to send the wizard's body down to the ground, rendered unconscious by three unrelenting strikes. By the end of it, Corey's panting hard, looking at his friends.

"I'm sorry I couldn't get him sooner," he murmurs. "I know everyone's hurting. Please let me fix you up before we go." Are those tears in his silver eyes?

It doesn't take too much more to disperse the lightning elemental, with both Mac and Corey there to deal with it. Urvis is quite unconscious, and looks to stay that way for some time as you drag him from the hidden watchpost.

Once the group comes outside, there's someone waiting there. A three-foot tall figure that looks like a moss-covered statue with pits for eyes. It nods slowly to you, and then turns its nearly-blank face to the sky. After a few minutes, though, there's a sudden ripple, a sphere of multicolored light appearing and then releasing Telamon Lupecyll-Atlon.

His eyebrows rise at your somewhat disheveled state, but he nods in satisfaction to see Urvis in your custody. "I see you've been busy." He gives the small statue a casual wave, before beckoning. "Let's head back, and you can tell me all about what happened..."