Overworking During Sick Days

From Tenebrae
Revision as of 01:22, 17 February 2023 by Aryia (talk | contribs) (Created page with ":: ''Artificer's guild, late afternoon. '' Well, Schara had not been seen for a few days at this point, save for the occasional spottin on her morning run. Aside from that, she was normally in the artificer's hall, or at the festival ground for around an hour, but that was short lived, as well. Where they were all those days, were mostly in the workshops at the building. The elf had taken over one of the rooms, and was hunched over one of the workbenches. At least it...")
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Artificer's guild, late afternoon.

Well, Schara had not been seen for a few days at this point, save for the occasional spottin on her morning run. Aside from that, she was normally in the artificer's hall, or at the festival ground for around an hour, but that was short lived, as well.

Where they were all those days, were mostly in the workshops at the building. The elf had taken over one of the rooms, and was hunched over one of the workbenches. At least it was likely her, given the bronze arms working on several amulets in various states of assembly, otherwise the figure was entirely covered by a thick wool blanket.

Alright. The egalrin woman was a enigma to track down, but she too had routines, and those routines tended to cross paths with those she knew quite often.

So, it comes to some surprise that a tall, thin half-oruch woman with spectacles and large robes peeks her head in. "U-Um, Schara- ah, there y-you are...!" she sighs in relief with a stammer. Inviting herself in, she leans against the wall. "Was w-wondering you'd gone and r-run off ta."

the beblanketed artificer stopped what they were working on, and there's a small cough from where they were sitting as they turned around. Schara wasn't looking particularly well, their eyes and cheeks were a bit sunken, with a pair of gray bags accentuating their eyes. Their smile though, while pained, was genuine as they pulled the makeshift hood off of their head and worked on pulling their hair out and into a ponytail.

"Oh, hello, I don't think I recognize you, was someone looking for me? I hope everything is alright, you don't need to act so nervous around me if I'm needed for something." The artificer greets quietly, already reaching for where they had left the majority of their armor.

The half oruch woman tilts her head to the side, pushing up her spectacles towards her sky blue eyes as one tiny tusk pokes out from her bottom lip. "H-Hrm... you look... unwell."

She uncrosses her arms and steps towards Schara. "Normally, I'd b-b-be p-playing the p-part," she stammers in a meek tone, before it all drops away to a familiar silky drawl, "but, ya look right bad. D'ya want me ta take a look at ya? Was gettin' worried not seein' ya at ya usual haunts."

Schara blinks, and while she was reaching for the helmet set off to the side, the artificer just sighs. "Sorry, I didn't want you to see me like this, and good afternoon Slixvah, I didn't want to assume it was you." She greets. "You don't need to take a look at me, I'm just not feeling well. It will pass I'm sure, it's just an infection of some sort, I already have some medicine for it. How are you doing Slixvah? And what brings you out this way?"

Half-Oruch Slixvah rolls her eyes, closing the distance and leaning against the workbench. "Hon, I kno' ya wanna save face and all tha', but half my job is literally healin' people. I got some mojo prepped fo' fixin' sickness, if ya want me ta give ya blast of it. Won't fix you right away, but it could help."

She shrugs. "I'm aight. Glad the horrid rain and sleet is gone. Couldn't fly at all, gettin' antsy. I was out at th' Society, and haven't seen you in a bit, so I was peekin' in ta check on ya."

"I guess it is about saving face. I don't want people to worry about me, and I want to still be dependable when someone needs me." The elf sighs, slouching in her chair somewhat. "I already took some medicine, and disinfected all my equipment, and I saw the healers at the soldier's defence, but if you think you can help, I won't turn it down."

"I guess you checked up on me now then, Slixvah. I'm sorry I haven't been out much, I've been too tired to do much other than work on some of the amulets I promissed miss Aya I would make for people in the city."

"Bein' dependable also means dependin' on others," Not-Slix points out, her bushy, curly black hair bobbing as she moves some. White gloves are pulled off to show olive tinted hands, her reaching out to put a hand against Schara's forehead. "What'd th' Defense tell ya? Just sick?"

There's a short huff. "Stop apologizing, ain't nothin' ta be sorry about. Just glad I noticed the oddity of schedule. Besid- wait. Aya? Like, the scary ass mul'neissa lady? Er, the one of them, there's two, I think..."

"I've been depending on people for most of my life Slix, far more than most people would." Schara sighs. Whatever was going on, it certainly left the elf with a not insignificant fever. "They told me it was some form of infection, that's all. It's not something entirely new, I'm used to it."

"I'm apologizing because I don't like lying or making people worry even if I need help, with how much I need."

"Miss Aya wasn't scary, I mean, she was fairly muscular looking and I've heard of some of the things she has done, but she's not scary." They answer quickly. "She even paid me to make some amulets for people in need, so she can't be all that bad."

Not-Slix pulls her hand away, her stretching her fingers and popping knuckles to get them warmed up and flexible. "I know, hon. But that doesn't change th' fact that ya got healer friend that ain't of the cloth that'd be willin' ta give ya a hand at the drop of a copper."

"I reject ya apology and give my medicine instead," she chuckles, hooking a digit against something unseen in the air as she chants, "Plpea a yda ekesp het lerci wyaa."

Her hand glows a soft white hue, though several runes trail off her finger tips in wisps. It's placed upon Schara's forehead, and the energy washes outwards, seeking illness and disease.

She pulls back, her now half sitting on the workbench, mindful to not get on anything important. "Ah, that must be the otha one. Well, if she's so nice, I'm pretty sure she'd be aight if ya took some time ta have some bedrest. Because ya need some bedrest fo' real. That magic might help fix it, but it ain't gonna recover ya right fast."

GAME: Slixvah casts Remove Disease. Caster Level: 7 DC: 18

The artificer stopped, and sighs in resignation, letting the egalrin work her magics. Schara doesn't look better, but the elf smiles to Slixvah. "Thank you, I appreciate your help still, would you like me to get you a chair or something to sit on? Something better than that."

She looks around for something to sit on, and more importantly, something to focus on. Finding nothing, she just sighs again. "You're probably right, Aya did not give me a timeframe, and working with my arms probably isn't helping things. But I don't want to disappoint someone I offered to help, if that makes sense. Especially not someone like a legendary figure in Alexandria, how many opportunities do you get for something like that?"

The half-oruch Slixvah gives an expressive, warm smile. The same hand reaches out once more, and pats Schara on the head. "Ya welcome, hon," she coos before pulling back. She shrugs, propping up a leg. "I'm good. Like I said, I'm antsy."

Her face softens. "I know. But if she worth her salt, she probably knows how important it is ta rest. Ya wouldn't wanna screw it up because ya pushed yaself too much, yeah?"

"Well, if you're still Antsy, then I hope you can go out flying soon Slixvah." Schara smiles, pulling the blanket back into place. "I'm sorry, but, thank you, Slixvah. I'm not really used to people caring about how I'm doing outside of my family, so it's taking getting used to." She continues, letting the smile fall away. "I can make a lot of them in a day, but I'm limited to how much magical energy I can draw on to make them. So making the amulets is a good thing to do in the downtime, I've even made plans to make them semi permanent but, I should try that out another day, after I rest. If I get sick again working on them, it would probably be even worse."

"Soon! It's clearing up out there. Slowly," Not-Slix rubs her face, pushing her spectacles up. "I'm just glad I caught ya now rather than unconscious from a bad fever. Probably would have to stick ya in a snow pile ta cool ya down." Pause. "Tha's a joke. /Mostly./" She snorts.

She bobs her head slowly. "Yeah. I can do that wit' wands, make it mo' permanent. But whateva ya doin' wit ya magical energy, it still takes a toll. Like, if /I'm/ sick, I just as heck ain' doin' much magic aside from like, fluffin a pillow with it or somethin'."

"Well, hopefully it will be clear soon, then. If you stay around here, it might clear up faster, right?" Schara notes. "That was a joke? Well, it's not a bad idea to be honest, but it would probably be better to bring the snow inside rather than stick someone outside."

"I can't let being sick stop me from working too often, but it does get bad enough sometimes, and I really should stop myself sooner." The artificer admits, shaking her head and pulling the blanket back over. "It doesn't help that it's something that requires an active connection, at least initial tests needed that. But still, if I could offer someone an amulet to use any time they want during the course of a day, that's more convenient for them, right?"

Not-Slixvah hops off the workbench, her giving a slight grin. "It could clear up faster. Clear up even faster if I shoved you into a cot and made you sleep it off."

She frowns slightly. "Yeah. Like right now, I'm stoppin' you. You look terrible, Scha-Scha. C'mon," she beckons. "Yeah, it is more convenient to them. But right now? Not to you. Ya gotta take care of yaself. Working through a sick is one thing, workin' through this bad fever ya got is another."

"I'm not sure what my sleeping would have to do with the weather." The elf shrugs. "But, I'm a poor liar, and anything I could say about doing okay would be immediately seen through." They admit finally. Just give me a moment to deal with the rest of my armor and my arms, they won't do me any good if I'm trying to rest and recover for any amount of time."

Slix rolls her eyes playfully. "I meant me stayin' around would clear up ya sickness faster. Not the weather, goofball."

She smiles. "Yeah, ya suck at lyin'. But that's okay, 'cause I do enough talkin' fo' a lotta people. Here, lemme help ya wit' ya armor. I can at least follow directions!"

"Oh, right. I guess it might help, but I wouldn't force you to stick around for my own sake." Schara nods, gathering up what armor she had into a large sack. The offer of help made the elf pause, and she quickly shakes her head. "No, I can take care of my arms and what is left of my armor on my own, though I appreciate the offer of aid, I would rather do it myself. And well, if you could, I would appreciate you not watching. It's rather unpleasant, and there are a lot of sensitive parts I need to disengage that I don't want to do wrong if I'm worried about you judging me. Not that I think you would be judging me but it might feel like it and I'm still not happy with everything, that's all."

The half-oruch woman hops forward, windmilling her arms once before stopping just shy of Schara. She grins, reaching up to the elf and booping them on the nose. "I'm givin' ya ten minutes, and if ya ain't done, I'm grabbin' ya wit' my feathers and I'm draggin' you outta here! See ya then~!"

She skips out the room. Pops her head back in. "Nine fifty nine, nine fifty eight..." Her voice trails off as she cackles down the hallway.

The elf blinks, scrunching her eyes and nose to focus on the hand before she sighs, winces, and smiles in short succession. "Alright, thank you for that, I'm sorry, but it's not someting I'm particularly comfortable about." She say, waiting for the egalrin to depart before she went about the process. Several minutes later, the artificer emerged from the workshop in a jacket, one singular wooden arm in a sleeve holding the bag over her back as she looked for Slixvah. "Why did you start counting from ninehundred and sixty when you gave me ten minutes to get ready?" Schara asks. "That was just making me confused while I was working. Again, though, thank you. It takes a while to get everything off and stop any bleeding, and it's already difficult to manage when I'm feeling well."

The half-oruch woman was waiting in the main hall next to the entrance, eyes closed as she half whistles, half hums a tune to herself before perking up as Schara returns. "... because I was makin' a joke about counting down from ten minutes?" she points out. "Besides, you made good time. Regardless, I ain't gonna ask how and why jus' yet. Ya sick. Let's get ya inta bed and let me take care of ya proper for goodness sake!"