Tea for Three

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Log Info

  • Title: Tea for Three
  • Emitter: Patch
  • Characters: Patch, Slixvah, Schara
  • Place: Bardic College
  • Time: January 8th, 2023
  • Summary: It's tea time at Patch's dorm, her joined by Slixvah who was already there, studying, and Schara who arrives with the kettle. Gossip and chatter about ongoings is to be had!

The Bardic College - Evening (Dinner Time)

The women's dormitory to the Bardic College still sits near empty. Only a few students having made it back this early before the new term. Either way, it's quiet. A person here and there, giving the campus some life, but no where near what it is like during the active semester.

While the campus is slowly being prepared and some staff work about grooming the grounds, Patch is cooking. The smell of what she's making filling the dorm commons with an aroma of spice and seasoning. Her dorm room door sits open, the artificer skillet she's using held above its stand while a gloved hand is used to hold it and shake whatever she's making. They have a full culinary facility, but for a snack, This little gadget will do, and do nicely. "Huh, handle doesn't get as hot as I thought." the bard ponders, looking down at the striking apparatus that houses the magical stone that provides the heat to cook. A fire bead.

Patch places the skillet on its stand, letting her vegetables simmer, her small bundle of cooking supplies and gear placed upon her table that sits between two chairs. The rest of the room is like an office, but with a bed crammed into a corner of it, her desk and books taking up most the space.

One figure that's already in the room is that of a beribboned egalrin woman. She's got a number of robes on, reading a book as she turns a page while on the bed. "Concentrated heat is prett' nifty!" she coos to Patch, inhaling deeply. "Smells good, shug!"

Beside her is a small bag of tea supplies and books, a number of papers sticking haphazardly out.

Schara wasn't sure when she was supposed to be there for tea, but it was an offer that after some consideration, was best to be taken up on. And there was a desire to do so too, of course.

There's a knock at the door, where the elf waits patiently for an answer. There they wait, one bag slung over their shoulder, also with tea supplies, and a battered old copper kettle.

Patch cants a glance to the doorway with a perked brow. "It's open for a reason. Just come on... Schara!" catching sight of the artificer once she leaned a bit that way. "Oh, you have some luck!" she says quickly after, turning to look back at the skillet. "Do you like peppers, and pork?"

"Slix is just going over some things as I got dinner ready. Want to eat and have a drink with us?" A smile flashed form bard to bird. "I'm surprised Schara showed up at all. Most people think it a bit intrusive, but it's a dorm. I have students come in and out all the time asking me stupid shit. I'm not allowed to have true privacy. Well, here." a grin forming as she stirs the food.

Slix perks up at hearing the knock. "Yeah! Come on in!" she echoes Patch, closing her book and tossing it into her bag as rolls off the bed to her feet. "We just studyin'."

She looks to Patch, getting the table sorted for food and future tea. "For real, loads of people just but in." A pause. Then shrugs with a cheeky smile. "Could just put a sock on the door to keep people out."

"Oh, I am aware that the door was open, but it is still polite, even if this is not your house, it is your space within the building, I guess?" Schara answers before looking inside, and taking a seat in one of the chairs at the table. "You offered to come over for tea, I'm not sure why that would be surprising, except for the fact that I never agreed before you left for other business, I guess." They answer, before shaking her head. "That wouldn't work Slixvah, having laundry left out would only make someone wish to investigate, and help if it reached the point where things are hanging off every surface like a door. What are you studying about, currently?" They note to and ask of the egalrin.

"It's supposed to be a kerchief, or a sash." Patch says with a grin, winking to Slixvah. "Plus, after a day of marching in my boots, even 'my' socks could kill. I'd not inflict that on anyone."

It's then Patch turns to Schara at something they said, blinking twice before she's left laughing, and hard. "OH, no. No. I'm not explaining that one. Not today."

"Anyways! Slix is studying. Me? Delaying. I am hungry." Patch being the deciding factor in this pursuit of food. "We can have tea with dinner?"

Today she's not wearing her traditional garb, no. In this realm she wears a pair of easily tied pants, a sting securing them to her waist, and a loose sleeveless shirt to balance it. Comfort seeming to be the goal of it. "I lost track of what Slix was studying. I was more chasing leads and secrets. Some stuff about planar creatures, and a family exiled from Charn for consorting with demons. Ya know, bard stuff."

Slixvah just stares at Schara before bursting out laughing, a hand clutching her gut. "Oh.. oh gods. Sweet summer child," she coos in a fit. "I- uh, Schara, you're sweet. Basically, if you put clothes on a doorknob, that is a request for... privacy." She gets herself collected, rubbing her face before getting some dishes set out and putting some water into the kettle that Schara brought. "If you can't figure it out, then I'll tell ya later."

She glances to Patch. Snorts. "Yeah, we don't need no stinky socks. I usually just use ribbons," she fires back.

Slix getsures to her books. "Was studyin' magic, then was just readin'. Then looked at some voodoo stuff."

"I'm not sure why they would be on your door anyways, you should have some sort of hamper for your laundry." The elf shrugs, taking a moment to lift their arms up and bend them to rest on the table. "I understand, it is best not to study on an empty stomach, it makes it hard to focus. I tend to do most of my work closer to breakfast or dinner."

Schara blinks, and slowly nods to Slixvah. "I see, it is some custom of that sort, to avoid needing a sign out on the door, making one unecessary. Though it has issues of one not recognizing said sign, unless it is that prevalent. The garment does not matter though? Is that part of why you wear so many ribbons? Surely you can reuse them more than once, can you not?" They muse, glancing up to the corner of their eyes in the direction of the single purple ribbon tying their hair back. "And I am not a summer child, I was born in the winter. My birth date was 3 days back from today, in fact. Isn't voodoo... stuff, isn't that magic too?"

Patch turns another sharp look towards Schara as she speaks. Again, disbelief riddled in her emerald glance. "Your birthday was three days ago?" she says in a serious tone. A glance is cast to Slix, the skillet taken up as she begins to divvy out its contents onto some plates.

"Schara, at any time did you mention that was coming up, or even close?" Patch has to ask. "Because that's the stuff you share with friends! We're supposed to go out, and do stuff. I know you're a bit stiff, but you do know some traditions, right?" the bard trying her best to not laugh at this absurd situation. "What did you even do on that day?" disbelief and amusement as s he looks to Slixvah. "I need to get them something."

Slixvah stares at Schara. "Schara, sweetie, honey. The article of clothing does not matter, but it is a sign to others to not disturb what may be transpiring within. Like I said, I'll tell you later," she cheekily grins before-

She blinks. "Wait, what? Your birthday was three days ago?!" She shares the look with Patch, before nodding her head with fervor. "Yes, yes! We need to get them something!" she chirps, putting the kettle once where the skillet was, giving a thankful gesture for the food getting dolled out.

"Yes, my birthday was three days ago." The elf nods, growing a bit more confused by the moment.

"Yes, my birthday was three days ago." The elf nods, growing a bit more confused by the moment. "I believe that I told Zeke, but given that we are not friends and my presence seems to be seen negatively by them, they may not have bothered to remember or figure it out, even when they were asking how old I was. I do not hold it against them, regarless." They answer with another shrug. "I woke up, fried two eggs and ate them with toast left over from the half loaf of barley bread I had the other day, went about my morning routines, took a break to jog down near the river and theater district as I have been doing, Finished repairing my artifice armor, and had a late dinner of beans with molasses bread before studying some more and sleeping. My family did send me a letter wishing me a happy birthday though, which was unexpected, but nice."

Schara busied herself with removing her right hand, taking it off completely at the wrist and setting down the white gloved prosthesis nearby. "I suppose that my siblings usually had friends over for their birthdays, but I tended to stay to myself when they were over." They muse.

"Seldan's makari brother? He's a sweety, Schara. He's also a Makari." Patch says to the artificer's words. "They have a hard time understanding you, as we do them." pausing a moment and then looking to Schara with a sigh. "Okay, granted. You're a special case, a bit awkward, but I don't think Zeke has it in him to truly dislike someone unless they're evil."

With the empty skillet set aside to clean later, Patch takes up two plates and carries towards the two. "Well, happy belated birthday. I am sorry I missed it." offering them each a plate with a fork. Two-prongs. She's not fancy.

"I bet I can get Dia to make you a cake! She's in the dorms." Patch's right ear twitched in thought, a hesitation as she debates to pros and cons of yelling across the dorms. She doesn't. Yet. "She makes good cake."

Slixvah blinks at the artificer. "... damn, I can't even remember what I ate three days ago," she murmurs. "Steel trap mind, eh? And yes, ta answer your question, voodoo stuff is just magic, but /fun/ magic!" Cheeky smile.

A glance to Patch, learning more about this Zeke fellow, but she herself doesn't know of them. But she does giggle, her fetching some tea and putting it in the now boiling kettle, removing it from heat. "A little awkward. Be ain't we all in some way?"

Bringing the steeping tea over, she find a spot on the table for it. A feather takes the offered plate. "Thanks, hon! And yes, Dia makes great stuff!" Slix grins. "Happy belated birthday! I'm glad your fam sent ya well wishes."

"Oh yes, I figured he was a sith-makari, but having another source confirm it is always good. I'm still not certain on a sense of scale for the scaled after everything with Aelwyn." Schara nods as she reaches into a pocket in her pants and pulls out a cloth bundle, replacing the hand set aside with a fork for the plate of food in front of them. "No, I don't think he hates me, but Skielstregar, another sith-makari I know, explained that I was likely being too focused on his crystalline limbs, and making him uncomfortable, in addition to not knowing the circumstances around how he ended up with them."

"Dia, she was the one who made those realistic cakes for the winter festival, wasn't she? They were all quite good." The artificer asks as she slowly takes a forkful of food. "Thank you by the way, I was not expecting a meal in addition to the tea. And thank you for the tea as well Slixvah. I find most magic interesting, so I wouldn't mind hearing what makes the distinction for you, Slixvah. And I am happy as well, they usually send me a letter around every month, and I return one, but a lot can change in a month, so it is always good to hear they are continuing to do well."

Patch snorts at Slixvah. "Well, I talk too much, and I like to drink. I'm also accused of not being serious. But, levity keeps the wrinkles away, Schara." a smile flashed. "Slix, is mostly right. We all have flaws. Just, I can see how a Makari might be perplexed and confused by you. I don't understand Aelwyn's fascination with me either. Though, culturally he and Zeke are vastly different. I'd wager Zeke just felt uncomfortable. I've never asked him about his limbs. I figured it's not my place unless he volunteers it." she says with a shrug. "Humans, Egalrins." pausing to give Slixvah a wink. "Everybody's weird. All of us"

"And yeah! She's got a way with making things. Ceina...." Patch catching herself, and sighing heavily. "Vaire has blessed her, and it's not just the cakes. Pretty much any food she touches. Everyone has their things they're good at, hers is food. Baked goods especially."

"Ah, yes, Skielstregar," Slix hums, eyes half lidded. "He's fun to watch in the arena...-"

Fiadh pops out of the robe, extends one wing, /smacks/ Slix aside of the head and returns to The Pocket.

The eglarin rubs her head. "... ow. Anyways-" Fork! Food! Chomp! "Mmm!" A feather pours out tea for everyone.

The egalrin snickers. "Yes, everyone is weird. Which is a good thing!" A glance to Patch. "Oooh, that's pretty cool. Glad she's got the Touch fo' that. Ceiwen is similar for my fam, they's got biiiiiig wings. Good fo' flyin'!"

Mention of Aelwyn make's Slix squint a bit. "Yeah, well, Aelwyn's got a couple screws loose," she murmurs, sipping on her tea. "Wanted ta smack him, haven't talked to him since last time."

"I don't actually know what causes wrinkles to form in their entirety, aside from age. You could be correct, Patch." Schara muses, having to take a break to speak due to each bite being somewhat awkward and slow. "He must have his reasons for fascination, but I can not say for certain. If it is not for something you know or are capable of, then emotional range and personality would be my guess, but I am not the best with people to begin with, so I would not trust any of my guesses on such matters."

Schara blinks, and just grins widely at the tiny bird in spite of the action. "Oh, hello! Are you doing alright today? I don't know why you needed to hurt Slixvah, but I hope you can work it out." They greet. "And you shouldn't smack Aelwyn either Slixvah, but maybe you have your reasons."

"Nah, your guesses are good. You're smart, and cunning in your own way, and in the ways you aren't we can make up for that." Patch says, turning to fetch her own food, grinning as Slixvah has been making the tea. A little shocked at Fidah, but as Schara calls it out, she neglects to mention it. "It always takes a team of minds, even if people don't want to admit it. I glean my things. Slixvah, hers. From there we just make it work."

"And thanks for the drink handling. I got a little lost there." she muses to the Egalrin, winking again as she sits on the edge of her bed, close to Slix as she pokes at her food with the fork. "I don't know. Sometimes he deserves a but of as bump. He's got thick scales. He can take it." she muses of Aelwyn.

Slixvah blinks at Schara's grin. Something clicks inside her bird brain, and she reaches into her robe to pull Fiadh out. "Theys talkin' to ya."

Fiadh glares at Slixvah, being held in such a manner and wiggles free to perch on Slix's shoulder. "I am well, Schara. I needed to remind Unmesi that she needs to get her head out of the proverbial gutter."

"It's always in the gutter."

Fiadh rolls their eyes.

Slixvah snickers. "Yeah. Takes a team. I get ta figure tha weird stuff. And ya welcome!" she grins before giving a little sigh. "Yeah, I know he can take it. Just... whatever." She dismisses that topic. "But yeah, you good at guessin' Scha-Scha."

"Well, sometimes I do alright, most of my guesses are just reasoning that I am uncertain on the truth or evidence of. And any terms or examples that Slixvah makes which I am unaware of." Schara shrugs, reaching to get the cup of tea wedged into their hand beneath the thumb, before their attention is back on the small bird. "I'm glad you're doing well Fiadh, although I would hope that you can remind her of things without hitting her. I don't recognize a lot of proverbs, is something going on you need to help her with?"

Any further musings are broken by a small sigh. "I don't know. It's a lot of talk of and actual hitting, that doesn't seem right, is all."

Patch ponders a moment on Schara's words, nodding. "No, I see the logic in it. Even if he can take a knock, why?" weighing the thought with a grin. "We're not meaning it for harm, or in a diabolical manner. He just deserves to be reminded that romance is not the only form of intimacy and friendship."

"And I always need help. I've been knee deep in it since I committed to being an adventurer." Patch says, taking a quick bite and chewing as she weighs her words. "I'm sure between Slixvah and I. We can find something for you to do." she teases in a half-offer.

"The analytical mind complements the voodoo magic, and the artistic inspiration." Patch's words a tease as she seems to label all three. "You're welcome, and among people who call you friend." another bite taken as she offers a shrug after her words.

"Well, it ain't right ta hit someone, but it also ain't right ta tell someone they look betta pretending ta be someone else than bein' they true self," Slixvah readily says, frowning slightly. "That deserves a little smack to remind," she nods, gesturing towards Patch.

She drinks deeply, finishing with pouring more tea out for herself as a feather pours more out for those that wish it. There's a little laugh. "Yeah. Same. I always need a hand, I can't do nothin' physical at all. Patty's good wit' figurin' out stuff that I ain't heard about. And havin' someone ta break it all down is right handy to have. You among friends!"

Fiadh has their own two copper to say. "There comes a point where telling Unmesi something will not work. You must remind her physically. Trust me. I've known her for over a decade."

"Ah, I think I see what you mean, somewhat. I am missing the entire picture but, Slixvah explained it more as well." Schara sighs, finally managing to balance their teacup enough in the rigid hand to take a proper sip. "Adventuring work is certainly difficult, a bit sad, but it also pays well, and sometimes you can help someone who needs it. I'm still figuring out the scale for everything in those regards."

They drain most of the cup to avoid the bother of making a mess setting it back down, and smile. "Thank you, both, it is good to have friends again. If you ever need help from me, don't hesitate to ask. I will keep that in mind as well Fiadh, but I hope that I will never have need to use your advice."

"Yes, a trio of terror. Or... something. Terror doesn't sound right." Patch says, setting her plate aside as she looks to the other two with a grin. "It's good to have others to talk with. Yes. Better to know I can at least trust them with more than platitudes. That's a big one. Some people call the near strangers friend, and I never figured it out."

"I am glad you warmed up to us, at least in your way. When we first met, you were far more blunt. I remember you being wary of all of us. As funny as it was, it's good that's no more." Patch says, grinning and shrugging between the two. "And yeah. I'm okay with the research."

Slixvah polishes off her plate as Fiadh chirps, "The bird is a fragile woman, please do not break my charge." Slix opens her beak to quip, but Fiadh extends both wings and /clamps/ it shut.

The egalrin giggles once she's released. "Yes, it tough, but worth. Learned a ton." She puts her plate down, and nurses her tea, a smile in her yes. "A tribune of minds!" she offers gleefully. "Like Patty said, I'm glad ta have ya'll as friends! Reall' jus' havin' some people ta let vent and chill with is reall' nice ta have."

The witch looks to the two, an animated feather pouring more tea to those that wished to have it. There's a sly glint in her eyes. "So." Sip. "Gossip time. Oh my gawds, I was workin' at the coffee shop and the most /adorable/ little lucht had the /craziest/ order!"

"Well, it would have been rude to do otherwise, really." Schara half laughs. "I pretended to be Slixvah several times, after all, I had to borrow Slixvah's appearance more than once, though, I am sorry about that, I should ask if I need to do so."

"I suppose what I am meaning to say is what that sith-makari was trying to get through my head, that I should get to know people and not just take what I can from them, a much better outlook on things, no doubt."

The elf sighs, unhooks the teacup from her hand and works on replacing the fork hand as well. "It is just coffee though, how do you make that crazy?" Schara asks. They did come out with an offer to hear and share stories after all.

Patch laughs at Slixvah, finally taking a drink for herself now that she's done eating, sitting on her bed as she watches the two as story time begins. "An adorable lucht, a coffee shop, and...." blinking. "OH! Like a coffee order." it appears all the religious research has altered the meaning of that word for the bard, laughing as she lets her friend continue their tale.

-End Scene-