Running with the Wolves (Part 2)

From Tenebrae
Revision as of 03:19, 19 July 2022 by Aftershock (talk | contribs) (Created page with "It's the middle of the night, and before you lie the corpses of two dire wolves felled by your weapons. Yet there are more fearsome monsters out in the dark waiting for you. Monsters that have kidnapped an entire village worth of people. People that walked out into the night under their own power, but you believe under duress. It's hard to say what happened while you were fighting the two dire wolves and obeying the merchant that wanted you to defend his wares. But now t...")
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It's the middle of the night, and before you lie the corpses of two dire wolves felled by your weapons. Yet there are more fearsome monsters out in the dark waiting for you. Monsters that have kidnapped an entire village worth of people. People that walked out into the night under their own power, but you believe under duress. It's hard to say what happened while you were fighting the two dire wolves and obeying the merchant that wanted you to defend his wares. But now the alchemical ingredients that were his are purchased and paid for and he's off on his merry way back to Alexandria. Leaving only you to deal with the aftermath.

Worse, your numbers are a little thinned, because some folks thought it would be wiser to warn Alexandria of the danger. Or maybe they thought to escort the merchant back lest he become captured too. Either way, there's only you left to find out what happened to the villagers.

The situation is difficult, but not impossible. Or at least, that's how Khepri sees it. The golem inspects the blade of its khopesh, before securing the heavy sword. Looking to the others remaining, the Executor intones, "We must track them. Fortunately, it seems they have not been particularly careful in hiding their trail. Do any of you have substantial injury or issue that would prevent you from participating in this pursuit?"

The golem pauses, then adds, "Also, if any of you have any specialties relating to werewolves, now would be a good time to know about it."

Dirk is ready and raring to go on the hunt. He's got his thunderbelcher loaded with silver shot, Lulu perched atop his shoulder, and anger burning in his dwarven heart. "I'm a'right, Kep," he growls, hunkered down on one knee to read the tracks. He drifts his fingertips over the impressions in the ground, trying to make sense of what he sees. "Och, that's a lot o' people," he mutters angrily. Turning his gaze back up in the direction they lead, he rises to his feet. "Right," he growls, racking his rifle meaningfully. "Let's hunt."

GAME: Irshya rolls survival: (11)+6: 17
GAME: Dirk rolls Survival+2: (13)+10+2: 25
GAME: Khepri rolls survival+1: (20)+9+1: 30

The Goblin is partially distracted, looking back whence they came, where the others have gone to lead the merchant home. She only partially squints at the tracks after Dirk has had a go, and she nods in agreement. "Quite a few of the village left with them. We should get moving quickly, before they all become dinner or new werewolves."

Daniel stays silent thinking to himself as he gets a good look at what's left of the town, deserted, intruded and a mess and so quiet and that feeling comes back to him, the one he can't quite grasp or understand. Turning to Khepri, he gives his words. "I agree it's a good idea to track the wolves; the number of survivors is only narrowing the longer we wait."

It's not at all difficult for you to work together and track the werewolves. They didn't seem to think anyone would be following, or maybe they didn't care. Either way it gets a little harder to track the footsteps once they enter the woods, but the werewolves had led the villagers along a deer path and somehow even in the dark you've managed to keep pace. Eventually, when the sun is starting to gather light in the sky, you find where the werewolves have made their camp.

They've got the villagers in cages, separated from their children by most of the encampment which is backed up against a cave. The werewolves themselves seem to have split off. Some of them heading to the east, and some of them staying behind to watch over the villagers. It's not particularly pleasant. They tease and harass the villagers, threating the children whenever someone starts to stand up for the others. Many of the villagers have injuries. Bite marks, claw marks, bruises and worse. The good news for you is that the werewolves seem so preoccupied with their prisoners that they haven't noticed you yet.

Dirk goes to a knee as they reach the encampment. His eyes narrow as he sweeps his gaze over the situation. "Son of a -bitch-," he snarls softly. "The adults already have some who got bit. We've got tae work fast an' get 'em back tae Alex afore they turn."

Khepri peers down from the brush, before turning its head to look at Dirk. "What are our options?" Its voice is pitched low to avoid notice. "If the villagers were not there I would suggest rolling the barrels of alchemical fire into the encampment." The golem thinks for a moment. "Or I could advance, try to draw them out for the rest of you to attack. If all else fails, immolate me along with them."

Irshya frowns at Khepri. "We are not setting friends on fire.", she says with a huff. "We will have enough trouble already. The alchemical fire can be used to keep the other wolves at bay, the ones who went that way." The Gobbo gestures to the east. "We should be ready for their return. But right now? We need to hit those other ones hard and fast. Irshya can call down lightning. We have some with ranged weapons. Let us choose one or two, target them with range and then wade in to finish them off, and burn them before they get back up."

GAME: Daniel rolls Heal: (1)+1: 2 (EPIC FAIL)

Daniel keeps his punching knife held at a tight grip, he muttered to Dirk. "How much time do they have before one turns?" His eyebrows furrowed in concern.

GAME: Khepri rolls stealth: (10)+3: 13
GAME: Daniel rolls stealth: (18)+8: 26
GAME: Irshya rolls stealth: (9)+3: 12

The werewolves for their part remain completely oblivious to your presence. They seem to be talking about something, but they are far enough away that their voices don't carry to you. One of them however stretches and stands up, beginning to walk over to the cage holding the children. Several of the villager adults seem very upset with this development.

GAME: Irshya casts Call Lightning. Caster Level: 5 DC: 17
GAME: Dirk rolls Stealth: (7)+10: 17
GAME: Khepri casts Bless. Caster Level: 3 DC: 14
GAME: Aftershock rolls 1d20+1: (19)+1: 20
GAME: Irshya rolls 3d6: (12): 12

Khepri sees one of the werewolves strutting towards the children's cages. "Irshya, that one. Kill it." Its voice is flat, cold, as it gestures. "Harpist, give us focus and calm. Guide us to victory in this endeavor, for the innocent are worthy of protection." A flicker of energy, as the Executor's blessing washes over it and its comrades.

As the villagers become agitated, the Gobbo squints over to see what the fuss is. With one of the werewolves heading towards one of the caged children, Irshya whispers, "Now's the time." She grasps her holy symbol, and it begins to glow faintly. After a quick prayer to her God, she gestures, as if she were pulling something down... a moment later, the area brightens as lightning strikes, quickly followed by a crack of thunder.

Dirk narrows his eyes as he sees one of the lycans going for the kids. "Oh -hell- no," he snarls, lifting his thunderbelcher. He waits for Irshaya to complete her invocation and call down the lightning, before he brings the thunder. He draws his bead, and right as the lightning strikes, he pulls back on the trigger. CHK-BOOM! "Eat -silver-, ye flea-bitten -shit-!" he snarls.

GAME: Dirk rolls Shoot+1: aliased to Ranged+1-2+1: (2)+8+1+-2+1: 10

Dirk grunts angrily as the bullet does not, in fact fire, but rather lets loose a fizzling cloud of foul smoke. "Ohh, piss up my -arse-!" he snarls as he fumbles his gunsmithing kit off his bandolier.

Taking notice of the seemingly pretty recent bite Daniel refrains from taking action on this human? It's unclear to him, curious he squints his eyes to look at his posture. "Hey Dirk? How long does it take to fully turn into a werewolf?"

GAME: Irshya rolls 3d6: (13): 13
GAME: Aftershock rolls 1d20+1: (9)+1: 10

The werewolves growl amongst themselves as they are attacked, transforming into their more beastal forms. Three of them move forward, closing in on Irshya quickly with clicking claws and snapping jaws. The last one runs toward the cave and the cage which holds the children. He quickly makes his way inside and grabs the closest huddled form.

GAME: Dirk rolls Craft/Gunsmithing: (5)+9: 14
GAME: Khepri casts Command. Caster Level: 3 DC: 14
GAME: Aftershock rolls 1d20+2: (19)+2: 21

Dirk breaks the action on his thunderbelcher and starts scrubbing it out with a bristled wire brush. He peers down the length of the barrel, then scrubs some more. "Lulu!" he barks, whistling sharply through his teeth. He points with the brush at the lycan going for the children. "Get 'im, lass!" Lulu hoots fiercely and hops off Dirk's shoulder, her little wings flapping with all her might as she speeds at the werewolf. The vampirowl is -coming- for you!

Khepri glides forward, gesturing with its hand. A shimmer of light washes over the golem, hardening it a little, as it draws its ornate khopesh. "Do not relent. Do not falter. Innocent lives depend on us." The golem points its khopesh at the nearest werewolf, and its voice takes on a hollow, reverberating tone. "SIT." Unfortunately, it doesn't seem to faze the werewolf, as Khepri takes up a position in front of Irshya,.

GAME: Daniel rolls Strength: (9)+2: 11
GAME: Daniel rolls 1D20+4: (9)+1D20+4: 13
GAME: Khepri rolls reflex: (17)+3: 20

He winces slightly at the same werewolf being hit with the lightning bolt. Reacting as fast as he could he reached to grab some of the alchemical fire however to his misfortune he couldn't pick up the cask as well as he would have preferred but it hurtled its way to the werewolf closer to the group than anyone would have liked.

GAME: Irshya rolls reflex: (16)+4: 20
GAME: Irshya rolls 3d6: (13): 13
GAME: Aftershock rolls 1d20+1: (16)+1: 17

Irshya taps Khepri on the shin with her trident's handle. "Hey, you are blocking the way!", she grumbles. Then the barrel sails past, and the Gobbo ducks. With green fire now rising up and blocking the other werewolves, she shrugs. "Nevermind!", she says to the wargolem. "Irshya is going to try to free the other people."

She gestures again, bringing another lightning bolt, which hits one of the wolves currently dancing near the fire. Turning, she trundles off towards the older townsfolk trapped in cages.

The werewolf in the cage with the children picks one up and keeps the poor child between him and the danger while getting a bit lower so that the other huddled forms could possibly be harmed in the process of trying to hurt him. It seems that he's worried his allies might not measure up in the fight. The other werewolves seem to have no such worry however and quickly take up defensive postures between Irshya and Khepri and the villagers.

GAME: Dirk rolls Shoot+1-2: aliased to Ranged+1-2+1-2: (17)+8+1+-2+1+-2: 23
GAME: Dirk rolls Dmg: aliased to 1d12+4: (6)+4: 10

Dirk finally gets his thunderbelcher cleared. He stuffs the brush back into his gunsmithing kit and snaps the breech closed, racking the slide to load another silver shot. He trundles forward as fast as he can move his tubby ass, skidding to a halt. Seeing the lycan use that poor child as a human shield fires the old snowbeard up something -fierce-. He lifts his rifle, peering down the barrel. "Gilead, guide my hand," he breathes softly before pulling back on the trigger. CHK-BOOM! This time the silvered bullet flies true, slamming straight into the wolf's arm where it curls around the poor child's torso. A flawless shot. "DROP 'IM, YE BASTARD!" he bellows. And the werewolf -does- drop. Down, but not out, apparently.

GAME: Khepri rolls weapon1+1: (15)+5+1: 21

Khepri strides past Irshya as the cask breaks open and spews green fire all over the place, forcing the werewolves to back up and go around. "Hopefully this fire will not spread out of control. We are ill equipped for a firefighting mission." As the closest wolf approaches, Khepri briskly smacks it on the nose with its khopesh, doing no damage but probably startling it. "Back to your kennel, dog." it intones.

GAME: Daniel rolls strength: (9)+2: 11
GAME: Daniel rolls 1d20+4: (7)+4: 11

"Sorry! It was a bit closer to you guys than I would have liked but good thing you didn't get hurt." After Daniel managed to toss down the last cask it met with the site of the one before it causing a huge explosion of fire.

GAME: Irshya rolls 3d6: (11): 11
GAME: Aftershock rolls 1d20+1: (13)+1: 14
GAME: Dirk used a Silver Bullet.
GAME: Dirk used a Silver Bullet.

Karasu glances over at Vaughn as the man seems to have a few difficulties with his curry. Not as many as the woman who burped up actual flames, but enough. He doesn't comment on the fact, but Vaughn gets a raised eyebrow not unlike the one that he had gotten for having a raven on his shoulder. The raven, tired seemingly of sitting on his master's shoulder decides to clamor down and waggles his tail feathers across the bar to Karasu's watching eyes. The bird makes it halfway to Vaughn before eyeing Karasu in return and letting out a loud caw.

"Begone!", Irhsya yells at the werewolves blocking her path. "We are going to set these people free!" Huffing in annoyance, the Gobbo brings down another lightning bolt with a gesture of her hand. "We need to hurry.", she calls out to the others, "Before their furry friends return!"

GAME: Aftershock rolls 1d20+6: (17)+6: 23
GAME: Aftershock rolls 1d20+6: (16)+6: 22
GAME: Aftershock rolls 1d20+6: (4)+6: 10
GAME: Aftershock rolls 1d4+6: (4)+6: 10
GAME: Aftershock rolls 1d4+6: (2)+6: 8
GAME: Khepri rolls fortitude: (2)+5: 7
GAME: Khepri rolls fortitude: (4)+5: 9

The two werewolves facing down Khepri both manage to strike past his armor into the... well it's not flesh, but it's still a pair of heavy blows that leave the wargolem heavily injured. The third tries a swing at Irshya, but misses her agile form by a fair measure. Meanwhile the last werewolf drags the kid that he's been using as cover toward himself slowly. The kid kicks and screams, but it's to no avail. The werewolf growls and stares Dirk down as he drags the helpless child toward his waiting maw.

GAME: Dirk rolls Shoot+1: aliased to Ranged+1-2+1: (13)+8+1+-2+1: 21
GAME: Dirk rolls Dmg: aliased to 1d12+4: (10)+4: 14

Dirk narrows his eyes as the lycan goes to bite down on his prisoner. His rage erupts, and he sprints forward. "I -said-... DROP 'IM!" he roars in a fury, swinging up his rifle. He pulls back on the trigger. CHK-BOOM! This time, the bullet slams into the werewolf's forehead, cratering the front of his brain-pan. The poor kid gets splattered with blood, bone, and brain, but as unpleasant as that might be, it's a damn sight better than being kibble. He keeps going, though, racing forward as fast as his tubby stride can carry him. He's got to get to the kids and make sure they're covered.

GAME: Khepri rolls weapon1+1: (13)+5+1: 19

Khepri is savaged by the werewolves, metal limbs torn and battered. Worse, it appears if the inquisitor isn't careful it'll find out if golems can be affected by the lycanthropic curse! "....Rrrrr... repairing," it clenches its fist, as white light starts to glow around it, the torn metal and leather starting to knit back together in a way disturbingly akin to a troll regenerating. The khopesh flashes out, missing the wolf, trying to keep them at bay.

GAME: Daniel rolls weapon1: (14)+3: 17
GAME: Daniel rolls 1d4+2+1d6: (3)+2+(3): 8

He rushed back down and met with the blazing fire. He looked around for a quick way past it without burning himself, lucky he made his way past it and met with Irshya quick with his blade he pierced through the wolf with a well made flank. Though it didn't do well for knocking it down.

GAME: Irshya rolls 2d8+5: (12)+5: 17
GAME: Aftershock rolls 1d20+6: (16)+6: 22
GAME: Aftershock rolls 1d20+6: (13)+6: 19
GAME: Aftershock rolls 1d20+6: (2)+6: 8

The Gobbo manages to duck an attack from one of the werewolves, and looks to Khepri. Her expression turns a little grim, and after wiggling her trident at the closest wolf, she turns to the wargolem. Grasping at her holy symbol once more, she utters a blessing, and touches Khepri with a glowing hand. Some of his wounds begin to mend themselves.

GAME: Aftershock rolls 1d4+6: (2)+6: 8

The werewolves haven't given up yet, one of them managing to damage the newly recovered Khepri, and the others trying to find their way past armor - though they fail.

GAME: Dirk rolls Shoot+1: aliased to Ranged+1-2+1: (6)+8+1+-2+1: 14
GAME: Dirk rolls Dmg: aliased to 1d12+4: (10)+4: 14
GAME: Khepri casts Divine Favor. Caster Level: 3 DC: 14

The white light continues to shine from Khepri, the damaged hull knitting back together as the golem steps back. It holds its khopesh high. "Holy Vardama, lend me a portion of your strength in my hour of need." A sizzle of energy runs down the edge of the blade, and lines the Executor in soft light as it seems to flex with additional power.

Dirk drops to his knees, sweeping an arm out to cradle the poor kid and gently extract him from the dead werewolf's grasp. "Shhh, easy now, laddie. I've got ye. Yer safe," he says soothingly. He sets the tyke aside and turns his attention back to the rest of his comrades. With a scowl, he racks his rifle and brings it up, taking aim at one of the lycans threatening Kephri. "EAT SILVER, YE FUCKER!" he snarls, pulling back on the trigger. CHK-BOOM! The silvered bullet zings into the beast, leaving a nasty wound.

GAME: Daniel rolls weapon1+2+1: (12)+3+2+1: 18

Daniel pulled his dagger out of the wolf and was ready to stab it once more, as he was ready that he did not succeed, displeased he muttered bitterly at his mistake to something he could normally hit if he tried harder.

GAME: Irshya rolls 3d6: (13): 13
GAME: Aftershock rolls 1d20+1: (17)+1: 18
GAME: Aftershock rolls 1d20+3: (1)+3: 4 (EPIC FAIL)

Irshya huffs in annoyance once more. "These creatures are rather tough.", she complains. "Try to focus on one at a time, yes?" Another hand gesture brings down another bolt of lightning on the werewolf. "Irshya is considering a silvered weapon in future." The Gobbo readies her trident. "Time to pokey poke!"

GAME: Irshya rolls weapon1+2+1: (14)+4+2+1: 21
GAME: Khepri rolls weapon1+2: (15)+5+2: 22
GAME: Khepri rolls 1d8+3: (5)+3: 8
GAME: Daniel rolls weapon1+2+1: (16)+3+2+1: 22
GAME: Irshya rolls 1d8+2: (8)+2: 10
GAME: Daniel rolls 1D4+2: (1)+1D4+2: 3

The werwolves (some of them wounded and one of their number dead) decide that now's the time to get out of this fight before the dwarf with his silver shot take any more of them down for good. "Let's get out of here!" One of them yells, and the other two take off on his heels. There are a few parting shots exchanged, but in the end the werewolves escape to the east. Likely to regroup with their allies. Which gives you a limited - very limited - window in which to make good your rescue.

Khepri lowers its khopesh, as the werewolves flee. "Bring the wagon up," it instructs Daniel. "We will load as many of the villagers who cannot walk onto it as possible. Any villagers showing bite marks will need to be noted and taken to the temples." It pauses, then adds quietly, "This includes myself. I do not know if war golems are vulnerable to lycanthropy. I have no desire to be the test case."

With that, the golem stalks towards where the villagers are confined, working to open the cages and free them.

Dirk sends a couple more shots after the lycans as they make their retreat. He pumps his fist in the air. "Aye, you -better- run, ye mangy fucks!" he bellows. Snorting through his big dwarven nose, he holsters his rifle. Turning, he opens his arms wide, gently helping the poor children out of the cage. "They won't be hurtin' ye anymore, little ones. C'mon now, let's get ye out o' here, aye? Yer mummies an' daddies are waitin' fer ye." Carefully, he works on chivvying the crowd of kids out of the cave, back to reunite with their parents.

Irshya gives one of the werewolves a good poke in the behind as it scurries away. "QUickly, there is not much time. Smash the cages, gather them all together, and we must be away!"

The Goblin raises up her holy talisman once more, "Rada, grant this tiny body your power so that those in need may feel relief from their wounds!"

GAME: Irshya rolls 3d6: (8): 8

Daniel for the final time pulled out his blade. "Bloody mutt.." He turned his head to get a good look around and watched one of the wolves scurry away from Irshya and hurrys to help the villagers as much as he could as fast as possible. He nods to Khepri. "It's not a good Idea to risk it." Daneil the rest of the time stayed quiet knowing he had a lot to talk about to report to his boss who suggested that Daniel would be best for this job. At the very least he knows where he's heading he could get a drink and hopefully get some good sleep.
