Market Shenanigans

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Log Info

  • Title: Market Shenanigans
  • Emitter: Ravenstongue
  • Place: Lower Alexandria Market District

Lower Alexandria Market District, morning.

The ringing of a bell in the market informs the populace that it's barely past nine o'clock, but the heat is already out in full force, meaning it'll be a scorcher of a day later on. Maybe that's why everyone's out and about in the morning now, trying to get a headstart on the day before they dive back into the safety of their homes.

Cor'lana Lupecyll, however, walks around the market with a basket looped around her arm. She's dressed for the weather, a white halter-top dress going all the way past her knees--one gets the impression it'd be knee-length on someone else a bit taller--and looking somewhat comfortable despite the heat.

What grabs the eye, however, if the stares of some marketgoers are a good indicator of such a thing, is the little lady that is easily mistaken for a butterfly on Cor'lana's shoulder. Her brilliant white butterfly wings are the same color as the flower petals that make up her dress, and her blonde ringlets bounce a little as she swings her head around excitedly, dark eyes taking in the environment. "Lady Lupecyll! There are so many gorgeous guys around! Thank you for taking me!" she says wistfully.

Cor'lana blanches. "I didn't take you with me so you could ogle men, Lily-of-the-Valley," she says. "I just wanted some company, since, well... Pothy's the one who usually accompanies me to the market, and he's unavailable--"

"Woah, woah, who's that hottie?" Lily-of-the-Valley gasps, looking at an elven man off in the distance with aquamarine hair. "You have to take me to him. Take me to the hot man! Please!"

Cor'lana just shakes her head. "Suddenly, I miss Pothy begging for snacks--although I guess these are snacks of a different kind," she murmurs to herself.

The early morning is definitely the best time of day to get one's shopping done, and Dolan is no different than anyone else in that regard. Dolan has at least made an attempt to look civilized, in a light, undyed linen shirt with the strings at the neck open and sleeves rolled up, trousers, and his typical boots, the sunburst pendant at his neck quite visible against skin. He seems in good humor, a leather pack to hold his purchases slung over his back, only a dagger at his hip and no sign of armor or heavier weaponry, laughing and chatting with the purveyor of sausages wrapped in pastry dough nearby. Money changes hands amid the friendly conversation.

"Aye, there's six in return for you," the middle-aged lady is saying, handing him a set of coins that he tucks away, "and your breakfast, then, master. Enjoy, and brightest of days to you. My thanks for the laugh."

The early-morning marketplace is not an unknown thing to Zeke, and the blue-scaled sith-makar makes his way easily through the various stalls with an intent that makes it clear that he's not merely window shopping. A basket hanging over one crysatal claw also indicates that he is here for shopping purposes, particularly considering that a close look would prove that it already holds some goods inside it. He stops at one particularly fragrant pie shop with a nearly pained expression of longing, but after 'sampling' the scent of the wares he merely moves along without buying anything.

Lily-of-the-Valley pouts a little as she peers at Cor'lana. "Does that mean you won't take me to the hot guy?" she asks. "So rude. I'd direct all the hot boys to you if you were single, Lady Lu--"

It's at that moment that the pixie notices a certain Redeemer. A Redeemer that she's ogled before from the safety of the garden that she's charged to keep. "Oh hey! It's that hot guy from the garden!--Not Lord Lupecyll-to-be, I mean the other one."

"That does so little to narrow it down--oh, you mean Dolan," Cor'lana mutters at first, then brightens as she recognizes Dolan. "He must be getting breakfast for himself and his lady. What a nice guy--"

Lily-of-the-Valley flits over from Cor'lana's shoulder and lands on Dolan's shoulder. "Hey good lookin', what's cookin'?" she asks, grinning from pointed ear to pointed ear.

Cor'lana quietly murmurs a curse under her breath as she strides over and snatches Lily-of-the-Valley back, in a manner all too reminiscent of dealing with Pothy. "He's taken. Didn't you even hear me?" she asks with a sigh. "Hello, Dolan."

Lily-of-the-Valley pouts, but she looks over at the blue-scaled sith-makar some distance away, and her dark eyes light up. "You have pretty scales!" she calls over to him. Apparently, today is a day for pixies stirring up trouble.

Dolan had just turned away, one sausage-in-a-pastry in each hand and a "His blessings on your wares and your business, Alhatha," when the pixie calls out. He knows that voice, but what-

Then he spots Cor'lana, and the pixie. Turning his face fully towards the pair, he starts in their direction, vague confusion creasing the mobile half of his features. "Cor'lana, it's so good to see you. Where's Pothy? Did he finally eat too many snacks?"

He looks briefly in the direction the pixie is calling, but doesn't respond at once.

It is, not actually that common for Zeke to be called out to in the marketplace. Rarer even for someone to complement his scales. Which are, truthfully, perhaps not the most beautiful or notable thing about him. That honor probably belongs to the crysataline limbs that he bears on the left side of his body. Thus the sith-makar is surprised when he hears his scales being so kindly complemented and turns toward the voice, blinking at the sight of the small lady who uttered the complement. Taking a few steps toward her, he politely offers a nod. "Peasssce on your nesst, and thisss onesss gratitude for your complement. Thisss one admiress your wingsss little one, for they are lovely and mussst do well to carry you aloft."

Carver is a skilled explorer of the wilds, a daring marksman with a bow, and a cunning rat of a woman. Not that any of this explains why she's making a daring leap from one building to the next above the crowded market streets. There is likely no explanation that would suffice. She's not even involved in a daring chase.

Whatever. She backs up a few steps, gathers her courage, and sprints! Stepstepstep, leap! Soaring through the air, her tattered coat snapping in the wind, she gives a muted whoop that is about roughly 1/10th exhiliration and the rest regret.

GAME: Carver rolls athletics: (12)+7: 19

The pixie flitters onto Zeke's shoulder, since Dolan's apparently 'off limits', and grins. "Finally, someone who appreciates quality when they see it!" she chirps happily. "I'm Lily-of-the-Valley. I help Lady Lupecyll there with her garden," she says, gesturing to Cor'lana with tiny pixie hands.

Cor'lana, meanwhile, looks at Dolan with an expression caught somewhere between the bemusement of her pixie friend so freely chatting (or more accurately, bothering) with people and the pain of a recent wound. "Pothy is... elsewhere," she says. "It's a topic I can't freely discuss out here in the open--"

And then her train of thought comes to an abrupt halt as she looks up and notices Carver. "That kind of looks like fun, actually," Cor'lana murmurs. "Probably not legal, though?"

Lily-of-the-Valley notices, too. And agent of chaos that she is, she whoops and hollers, "YEAH, GIRL! DO A FLIP!" (Not that the little pixie's voice is terribly loud, but maybe the words of encouragement reach Carver somehow.)

From the bridge across the Tornmawr, another enters the market. Lacking relative stature amidst the other travellers or shoppers, Verna might be rather inconspicuous. As well, she lacks the previous illusory bulk and volume provided by her robes as she is, instead, clothed in a light asymetrical wrap dress. Said dress does make her slightly more apparent, however, due to the fact that it pink; an exceptionally bright shade and tone, in fact.

She is not so apparent as the vocal pixie, however, which draws Verna's attention in that direction. Subsequently, she is promptly aware of said pixie, Cor'lana, Dolan, Zeke, and (from the upward call) even the leaping above. All of this alters her course to approach the vicinity. In hindsight, the notice (and aroma) of sausages-within-pastry does not deter her, either.

Oops. Bad question. Dolan's expression twists with a mix of embarrassment and apology, a cringe hidden behind what tries to be a sympathetic nod of understanding. "Got it. Sorry. Want some breakfast? I can get Andie another one." He offers one of the sausage-in-pastry pieces to Cor'lana, but is nearly immediately distracted by the leap over him, something in him instantly smelling trouble and tensing. "What in the green- uh oh." He looks like he's about ready to hand both off and go after whatever thief is bold enough to work in broad daylight.

Zeke goes very still as the little pixie lands on his shoulder. Careful not to disturb her chosen resting place. "Thissss one isss called Zeke." He offers to her politely, glancing toward 'Lady Lupecyll' and noticing that she was currently engaged in conversation with someone else. He can't actually see the pixie very well given that she's on his shoulder, but he doesn't seem to mind very much. Though her calling out to the woman on the rooftops does draw his attention there and being that he is not an agent of chaos, he shakes his head in general disapproval of such shennanigins. "Thisss one hopess that sssshe isss not trying to esscape any-thing."

Carver disappears over the lip of the building, having actually managed to clear the gap. Her topknot peeks over briefly as she dusts herself off, panting. "I can't believe I made it." She checks herself over, looking for obvious wounds. Broken bones? No, bruise on her hip where she rolled is gonna be sore but... "Bloody hopper, my coat." She thumbs at a long tear down the right side, frowning. It must have been caught by something.

She strides to the edge of the roof, peering down for a way to descend. Those in the crowd that spotted her get a brief glimpse at her dirty face. She certainly *looks* the part of a fool thief. Stepping over the edge, she grips a drainpipe, and slowly begins to shimmy down.

Lily-of-the-Valley blinks a couple of times as Zeke implies Carver's on the lam. "Oooh. Oooooooh. Do you think she's a thief? Five-finger-discount, wham, bam, thank you ma'am?" she chatters--and then she pats Zeke's scales. The site where she pats him is now shinier than ever, like a toddler hopped up on sugar's gotten into craft glitter and has decided to remodel with enthusiasm. "Hold on, Detective Lily's on the case!"

The little pixie flutters over to Carver, zipping by on white butterfly wings, getting right up to Carver's face with little regard for her own safety. "Hey. Hey lady. Hey! Are you a thief? Did you steal something? Are you on the RUN from the LAW?"

Meanwhile, Cor'lana looks at Dolan and says, "Errr, the thought's sweet, Dolan, but I'm not hungry. I'll... hold onto your roll while you go check that out--oh gods, Lily," she mutters, and she begins to make her way over to the pixie while murmuring various things in Sylvan.

Agh. Even more awkward. Dolan looks down at his two sausages, and sighs, utter embarrassment blanketing his entire mien. "Um, okay," he starts, turning his attention towards where the craft glitter monster went - and where it came from. "Um - oh, um, hi, Sunguard," he adds, recognizing Zeke at least and turning towards the woman who's just shimmied down the drainpipe and right into the edge of the crowd. "You know, either she's not a thief or she's a really stupid one," he starts, taking a few steps towards her as well.

Zeke nods politely to Dolan, but in truth he's more than a little distracted by the fate of the pixie. If the person in question IS a thief... He doubts such questioning will end well for the little person. Still, he offers a greeting to the man. "Peassce on your nesst." He mumurs, nodding in agreememnt as he strides toward Carver. "Thisss one hopesss that ssshe isss not a thief."

"Good da-" Verna begins to greet one or more with whom she is familiar. This might even include Lilly-of-the-Valley... who is now darting up, up and away. Verna aborts her greetings to instead look to Cor'lana in curiosity. "Did she imbibe excessive amounts of tea and/or sugar this morning?" Presumably she refers to the pixie and not the one now shimmying down a building... though it migt be applicable to both.

"Who said that?" Carver asks, freezing on the pipe, feet planted against the wall for support. "Who is talking?" She looks all about, scanning below and blanching at the drop, before movement in the corner of her eye catches her attention and she nearly goes cross-eyed at the sight of such a delightfully tiny soul buzzing right at her nosetip. "AAAAAH!" The scream of primal terror is born only from surprise, but it's enough of a break of concentration that she slips and and looses her grip.

The scream that follows is even louder and shriller as she is no longer descending but just straight falling.

"Oh no!" Lily-of-the-Valley yells, panicking. "I can't let the thief get away!"

But then the little pixie has an idea--one that is sure not to catch any more attention than Carver's already gotten. She takes advantage of the wall to close to where Carver's falling and rapidly grows entangling vines that stretch outward like leafy arms into the air to catch the gravity-bound 'thief'.

Cor'lana flinches as she approaches, fully expecting Carver to hit the ground--and then she doesn't. The sorceress looks at Lily. "Good thinking," she says.

Lily-of-the-Valley looks entirely too smug, little hands on her flower-clad hips. "I did it! I caught her! I'll take my reward in the form of one hot boy stepping up to kiss me! ... Aaaaaannnnnnyyyyyyyy minute now."

Cor'lana ignores that last bit, peering at the girl caught in the vines. "...Lily, I think some of that's poison ivy," she says.

Lily-of-the-Valley blinks. "Oh."

Cor'lana looks back at Verna and the others and looks positively embarrassed. "Ahh... No. This is just how Lily is," she says. "Very excitable. Like a puppy, except not as sweet nor as cute."

Lily-of-the-Valley pouts. "Hey! I'm RIGHT HERE." She looks to Dolan and Zeke as though she expects both of them to leap to her defense.

Dolan's about to cast aside his prizes and help, but he is clearly too late, even as he speeds up to try to break her fall. The vines nearly catch him in the face, and he backpedals a step or three. "Whoa, careful! Don't break the street! No, I'm not going to kiss you." Once he's staggered back and out of range. "That reminds me, I'd better get these to Andie before they get cold, and -" A quick glance back to Cor'lana, "Yeah, um, I'd better go. Brightest of days," he calls to those present. "Sunguard, if you've got the time, I could use a hand," he calls to Zeke blithely.

Zeke like Dolan hurries forward, thinking to try and catch the woman before she hits the ground, but there is no need. She is caught quite handily by the vines and he glances at Lily-of-the-valley. Best not to address her desire for kisses, as he is not a 'hot boy' in any case. Instead he blinks in surprise as Dolan addresses him and nods seriously. "With her caught, thisss one trusstss that you will ssee to it if sshe iss a thief or not."

One last polite nod to Verna as she catches up to the group, and a pleasant, "Peassce on your nessst." Before he trails after Dolan politely. He has no idea what the man wants of him, but he is the sort to go where he is needed. For now, his provisions will wait.

Verna is similarly startled from the minor curiosity of events when then ...gravity of the situation becomes more dire. She takes a step or two towards before LotV appears to have matters well in hand. Well, foliage, that is. Her brow then furrows. Perhaps at the possibility of irritating flora. Possibly of the demand for reward. This is exacerbated as she catches Zeke's greeting/farewell too late to respond. In the end, she decides the most pertinent remaining option is to ask Carver, "Are you injured?"

"It is rash leafs," Carver, now wrapped up in the poison ivy ropes, confirms with a miserable expression. She isn't sure she would not have preferred just falling and hitting the ground is what that expression says. She twists at the waist, attempting to turn and get a better look at those below her. "No. I don't think so." Twist, twist. "Oi, whatever made these plants, can you bloody let me down?"

Cor'lana now looks like she has a headache--more accurately, a pixie-sized and pixie-shaped one. She calls out an apologetic goodbye to Dolan and to Zeke as they part, and then she looks at Lily-of-the-Valley and says, "Put her down."

Lily-of-the-Valley's eyes go wide. "What, you mean like the dog in that play in the Theatre--Ohhhhh, no, you mean let her down. Okay!"

She motions, and the vines recede, allowing for Carver to regain her footing. Instead, the vines wrap themselves up and around and out of the footpath, rearranging themselves to crawl along the wall instead--where they'll probably be cut down later by a laborer. This appears to alleviate a bit of Cor'lana's pained expression, but only a tad.

"My apologies," Cor'lana says. "We all witnessed you jumping around from rooftop to rooftop, and what with all the suspicious activity that's been going on recently with... werewolves, I think it got everyone all riled up. Also, my pixie takes things too far, and that's the last time I'm taking you out with me," she says pointedly to Lily-of-the-Valley.

The pixie grumbles as she folds her arms together. "Sheesh. No respect."

Verna studies Carver a moment, as if to confirm her status once she returns to the ground. Whether comiserating with Cor'lana or due to the sun, she pinches at the bridge of her nose briefly with thumb and forefinger before exhaling a breath. "It is good that you are well," she notes to intact Carver before looking to the pixie. "Your intent is rather commendable, Lily of the Valley. Your execution in absence of information could stand some improvement." A modicum of respect, perhaps?

Carver scurries down, patting off leaves and dirt from her old coat. "Gonna need a salve now, an' maybe a bit of..." She trails off with a sigh, blowing out her bottom lip with a sigh that comes from the belly. "I guess. I was training. To outrun the werewolves, see. They can't climb well." She scratches at her arm then gives another irritated huff. "Oi, wait, don't I know you?" She squints first at Verna, must decide she doesn't, then more closely at Cor'lana. "I do. You're Vaguely Pretty Librarian." She looks around, "Where's your blonde friend?"

The emphasis on 'friend' comes with a smirk.

Cor'lana wrinkles her nose at the "werewolves can't climb" comment, as though she's about to ask, 'Do they?' in an incredulous tone of voice--and then Carver says the compliment. It appears that 'Vaguely Pretty Librarian' doesn't ordinarily get a lot of them, as Carver receives a blink followed by a confused stare.

And then the light appears to go off in her head. "That's right! You were there when Mikilos met the Wee Queen," Cor'lana says. "My fiance's sleeping in at the moment. I like to be nice and let him do that on occasion. I'm... glad you slept off the fey wine. You may call me Cor'lana Lupecyll--and my pixie friend here is called Lily-of-the-Valley."

Lily-of-the-Valley flits over on white butterfly wings closer to Verna. "I mean, I wasn't trying to execute anyone," she says. Oh dear. It seems there might not be any thought in her head after all.

"s'a blur." Carver admits. "I... recall your face. A bit of Dhefl." She then shrugs, "Th' rest of it is gone. The three day hangover after is all I got left. Never 'gain." She probably means the fey wine, which an acorn's worth is more than enough to get one drunk.

Verna's attention shifts between Carver and Cor'lana a moment. Wee Queens? Wine? Those and other questions may be on the tip of her tongue... and there they will remain, she decides. What happens in Quelynos, stays in Quelynos? In any case, perhaps not best asked of here and now. Especially given the pixie's response.

"That was not my meaning," Verna explains to Lily of the Valley, "though the fault in word choice is mine. You did well, all things considered, Lily of the Valley, though it is best that you are certain of the facts before rushing to action."

Perhaps on that note, she clarifies to Carver, "Lycanthropes can climb quite well, dependent on their form."

The pixie brightens a little. "Thank you!" she says, and she flaps over to Cor'lana's shoulder, where she stays.

Cor'lana looks down at the market basket and blinks. "I suppose I ought to get going, then," she says. "Didn't quite realize that I was already done with my shopping, and it's going to get hotter as the day goes on. Verna, it's nice to see you again, too."

She smiles at both Carver and Verna. "Stay cool, both of you. And, err, sorry again about the vines," she tells Carver.

The sorceress makes her way out of the market, perhaps a bit hastier than intended to prevent Lily-of-the-Valley from finding anyone else to bother.

"Really?" Carver asks, frowning. Verna's statement seems to take a bit of the proverbial wind out of her sails. "That stinks." To say the least. She crosses arms over her chest, the beanpole ranger's topknot swaying with the shake of her head. "Back ta th' drawin' boards, an' to think I thought I was onto somethin'." She waves a hand as Cor'lana excuses herself, a shake of the hand that quickly goes to itch at her side again. "s'all right. I'm Carver. Didn't get your name, Scales."