Cake for Boti

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Log Info

  • Title: Cake for Boti
  • Emitter: Jinks
  • Characters: Boti, Ravenstongue, Seyardu
  • Place: A06 - The Soldier's Defense
  • Summary: Boti's doing chores and learning something about math from one of the hospital workers. Seyardu's there to make sure everything is right in the hospital and Ravenstongue brings in a cake. Boti reveals his latest Pothy-inspired work-in-progress and gets some Pothy cuddles in while Ravenstongue discovers the cozy little canteen the hospital has converted from a closet. Boti has his first-ever bite of cake!

-=--=--=--=--=--=--=--=<* A06: The Soldier's Defense *>=--=--=--=--=--=--=--=-

This hospital is composed of rock from the surrounding Redridge, which lends it a comfortable feeling of solidity. Inside, frescos line the walls. They depict warm, cheerful scenes intended to encourage healing among the sick and ailing. A small fountain towards the back of the foyer is fed by the nearby river, and a number of benches surround it, providing a place for conversation.

The entrance to the hospital is guarded often by Sunblades, its interiors tended to by the Hearthguards. Older Hearthguards tend to patients and oversee its operation, while for the younger it is an opportunity to practice their skills and hone their trade. The servants garb themselves in Althea's colors, with a stole representing the City of Alexandria on the outside, to recognize their service to both.

The building itself is quite large, though built in a way to make it appear to be a collection of smallar buildings rather than one large one. The Soldier's Defense is known for its ability to feel "like home." While it is still a hospital, it arguably accomplishes this feeling of peace and serenity better than many counterparts, with the benefits passed on to its patients. Across one of the walls are a series of paintings depicting the hospital's many benefactors over the years. The first in line is the painted face of an unknown soldier, who the hospital was first dedicated to.

-=--=--=--=--=--=--=--=--=--=- Dramatis Personae =--=--=--=--=--=--=--=--=--=-    
Boti (Jinks' NPC)                     Half-elf             Male      
    A young half-elf man recovering from the pox.                                        
Ravenstongue         5'0"     99 Lb      Half-Elf          Female    
    Short half-elf girl with violet eyes and black hair.
Seyardu              5'6"     150 Lb     Sith-Makar        Female    
    A friendly silver sith-makar with a perpetual squint.                       

The moon is up and a distant, skeletal white in the cloudless sky. The sun descends turning the heavens a slowly-darkening shade of blue. The wind that's blown the sky clear also plays across the ground, tossing up loose powder in swirling white gusts. It's howls are distant through the sturdy walls of the Defense.

Inside, the hospital is relatively calm. General temple needs are once again being handled by the eastern district and the citywide magics sealing away the layered planes have ended certain hostile incursions throughout Alexandria. There remains steady activity, still, but at a more comfortable and familiar pacing; there are always sick in need of tending.

An ancient lady Lucht Luckbringer with tight grey curls and rosy cheeks walks the halls from the eastern wing of the building towards the central general wards. With her is a just-taller half-Sil boy in simple clothes with messy, sandy-brown hair. They both carry fresh linens and the matronly halfling pairs a lesson with their walk.

"And if I give you a third of what I carry?" She leads in a chipper tone, counting down her pile with arthritic fingers and hoisting a fraction of her pile up and onto Boti's.

"I know how to do these maths." The half-Sylvanori complains, mumbling and glancing around self-consciously.

"So you keep saying." Chuckles the Luckbringer in a friendly sort of teasing way. "But when I asked you to help me and take half you didn't..." she tsks, smiling warmly at her young assistant.

Another half-elf steps into the Soldier's Defense. She holds a box in her hands, carefully walking with it to protect whatever precious cargo is inside. The white raven on her shoulder makes somewhat grumbly croaks as he stares at the box. This earns him an eye-roll from the half-elf.

"I told you, Pothy," Ravenstongue says, "this isn't for you. It's for Boti and anyone else at the hospital who wants some cake."

"Snaaaacks," Pothy whines. He cannot conceive the notion that this food is not for him. But he spots Boti before Ravenstongue does, and he perks up. "Boti!" he cries out, mimicking Ravenstongue's voice.

The soldier's defence was almost an extension of the temple district, which meant that it was not uncommon to find clerics there even after the lockdown was lifted. And those who served Althea were often in need there as well. Seyardu had suddenly found herself being needed much more often there. She had disappeared out of one of the many rooms, just in time to catch two passing by, and the voice of one of her friends. "Ah, peace on your nest, luckbringer, if you need assistance with your deliveries, I am free to help now. And it is good to see you Boti, I hope you are settling into things well." She greets. The cleric did look a bit taller, with notably longer and larger horns, and in addition to their cleric robes, a scarf was wrapped tightly around their neck. She offers Ravenstongue a wave, finding the source of the voice, or at least she thought she did.

"Laughing One's luck, Hearthguard. Good afternoon." Smiles the halfling, her eyes nearly squinting away entirely behind her cheeks as she nods 'hello.' "Thank you, no; these old arms still have a bit of go left in them for the day and we can't have linen closets going un-stocked."

She turns to offer a curious look back down the hall at the newly-arrived sorceress. "Was that the bird or the lass, I wonder? Hah." A glance up at Boti and once again back to the other half-sil and she's reaching up to take the whole load from Boti with a mild grunt.

"You've been a big help today, my boy. Take some time to laugh with your friends... but find me before supper. I have some riddles for you and we both have beds to make fresh. The Sunguard warned me; don't ruin the day by playing hooky on me." She tucks her chin and looks through her dangling curls up at Boti, a quick no-nonsense holding of the eyes before she cants her head to send him off.

Boti nods and pulls his sleeves down now that he's not carrying the laundry. He watches the halfling lady go and then looks up at Seyardu, narrowing his eyes. "You look different," he observes. "Do you want to come say 'hi,' too?" He takes a few steps and then turns to wait for the sith-makar.

Ravenstongue smiles as she spots Boti thanks to Pothy's identification--then Seyardu. It's a two-for-one for friends today at the Soldier's Defense. "Hi Saboti, hi Seyardu!" she says. Normally it'd be accompanied by a little wave, but, well, her hands are quite occupied.

Violet eyes dart around the room. "Umm, where do you want me to put this down?" she asks. "It's for anyone who wants it. Except Pothy. He already got his fair share of snacks today."

Pothy huffs, and he flies over to Boti, landing on the other half-elf's shoulder. He nuzzles against Boti's face. "Boti," he says in Ravenstongue's voice, followed by some happy-sounding croaks. "Art." Apparently he has seen and appreciated the little carving that Boti made of him.

"As long as you can manage on your own Luckbringer, then yes, it would be good to see and speak with Boti, yes." Seyardu smiles back before they are on their way. "I am a bit older, and hopefully a bit wiser for experience, that is all. And I do not see why not. Part of my journey here was hopefully to check in and see how you were doing."

She joins them in meating Ravenstongue, who she offers another wave. "Peace on your nest, I hope the day finds you well." She greets. "I am sure that there will be people here who will appreciate the food. Perhaps some of the staff, or Boti here would like some?"

Boti grins and reaches across his torso to carefully pet down the length of the raven. "Good Pothy," he greets, clearly excited to see the bird. He fishes into a pocket and produces a rough ovoid shape half-whittled out of a stick. "It's not done," he explains for the familiar, sticking out one finger and trying to balance it there, "but it's going to be you sitting and asking for snacks, I think... if I can do the mouth right..."

The future-figurine won't balance and so he just gives a little frustrated exhale through his nose and stuffs it back away. "Hi, Cor'lana," he smiles, remembering it isn't just the silky-soft bird on his shoulder with him in the hallway. Steadying Pothy between one hand and his leaning head, he walks over to see what she's brought.

"There's a little room called the... 'canting' where the people who aren't sick can rest in between chores." Suggests Boti, eyeing the box after the sith-makar identifies it as food. "Or the dining hall for the people who aren't too sick to get out of bed."

"What is it?" He wonders, only half-petting Pothy now that he's been distracted by the box.

"I'm good," he finally tells Seyardu, looking over and up again. "People are nicer now. Shinesheen had to go, though, and he took my gloves because he thought I stole them but I have to wait until he comes back to get them back and you have to tell him..." he remembers the last bit and nods at Ravenstongue. "There's a girl here with a gross cough who has a toy that can move on its own... but she calls me 'knife-ears.'" He makes a frown and exhales again, forcefully, through his nose. "But she's a goblin and her ears are bigger than mine..!"

"... I know I can't leave." he adds, offering Ravenstongue a look before nodding up at Seyardu. "For awhile."

Pothy's inspects the half-finished figurine, turning his little pale head from side to side. His blue eyes widen as he seems to realize who it's supposed to be, further confirmed by Boti's words. Pothy looks at Boti for a long moment before he launches right back into nuzzling against Boti, rubbing his beak against Boti's skin. His tail feathers bob up and down happily. "It's so lovely. Such a good child," he says, in a voice not dissimilar to Ravenstongue's, yet warmer and more maternal. He's heard it before back at the Fernwood, the first time that Boti got to pet him.

"Awww, he likes it," Ravenstongue says with the biggest of grins. "If you keep that up, Boti, he might like you more than he likes me at this rate. And, well, it's a cake. Nice big chocolate cake that I got on sale from one of Pothy's favorite bakeries." Ravenstongue peers around to find the canting, leaving Boti to cuddle with Pothy.

"Don't think too badly of her for saying that, Boti." Seyardu sighs. "She is likely ill and undergoing treatment, and that's a bit stressful. And, she had to have learned to call you that from somewhere. She may not know if it bothers you."

"And do not let it get to you, either. I do not know about what you speak regarding gloves, but I could find you another pair if you need them."

"Well, the break room, and the dining room, it is her gift, so she can decide where to bring it in the end. That is interesting, I did not know you knew how to carve wood. It is a good skill to have."

Boti waves Seyardu to follow and moves to catch up with Ravenstongue. "We have to make all kinds of things. Like shafts and stakes and offerings." He starts to recite, half-remembering something he was told before. "We should make pretty things, too. Sometimes for fun and sometimes to remember... and sometimes to give gifts so people know we do nice things for them." He's certainly more confident in this space after his time here. "... and she gave me the gloves because my fingers were cold," he nods at the sorceress' back.

The half-Sil taps Ravenstongue on the shoulder and points at a door easily mistaken for a hallway closet. He walks over and opens it, revealing a... well, a closet that's been converted to a mini-canteen. Overcoats hang on hooks and a few personal belongings on far shelves. There's a small table and room enough for two chairs. A few of the regular staff have written choice verse or devotions and pinned them to the walls in a collage of reaffirming words. There's the subtle, pleasant scent of lingering incense and a halfling-sized lute propped against a wall next to a tangled blanket and pillow.

"She's fine." Boti agrees with Seyardu, stepping out of the way for Ravenstongue. "Shinesheen and Mrs. Saoirse say I should talk to as many people as I can while I'm here. I'm just not good at it. I keep hoping someone will get sick that can teach me how to make fires again." He squints and rubs his nose. "Remind me," he corrects himself.

"Pothy does your voice all the time. I think he'll always like you the best." He finally opines for Ravenstongue's benefit.

Ravenstongue blinks a couple of times as she looks at the closet-turned-canteen. "Oh my," she says, but her expression turns back quickly into a smile. "It's rather cozy in here, isn't it?" She sets the box down onto the table and opens it. It's certainly a chocolate cake, with bright blue buttermilk frosting coating the whole thing. No decorations, just a simple cake. Ravenstongue produces a small knife from inside her bag and begins to cut it.

Pothy nods to Boti's sentiment at the end. "'Lana, I love you," he says in Telamon's voice... which makes Ravenstongue flush bright red.

"Pothy!" Ravenstongue sighs. She looks to Boti, trying to recover some sense of... well, sensibility. "Would you like a slice, Boti?"

"Oh, is this the place? Well, it is quite nice, but I feel as if I should speak to make sure those working here have more resting places." Seyardu notes as she steps in after the others. "Keep working on such things, develop your skills. Though you speak of making fire? There are many who can teach you to do that."

"That was Telamon, yes? Well, it is good to hear them say that, albeit indirectly." The cleric chuckles.

"He's just being nice," Boti tells Lana, head cocked curiously as he fails to extrapolate the source of her embarassment. He reaches across and strokes the raven again, offering 'good Pothy' reassurance as he moves into the tiny room and takes a seat. He considers the cake as it's cut, looking up at the sorceress and observing, "... it's blue."

There's a look of deep consideration as the adolescent leans down closer to the table, using one hand to mindfully steady his passenger. "And black on the inside? Is it good?"

Waiting for a response, he blinks at Seyardu before turning his head to take in the tiny room. "I think... it's supposed to be small. And..." he rubs his nose again, searching for "cozy." He looks at the little pieces of paper and then turns debates plucking at the strings on the loot. "Sometimes too many people is too many people."

A decision is made to leave the instrument alone. "When the mean soldiers were here I would go under the bed... because it was cozy." He admits.

"Yes. It's chocolate. It's sort of sweet, but in a sort of rich, yet satisfying, way. It makes you feel happy when you eat it. I think you'll like it." Ravenstongue smiles at Boti. She finishes cutting the slice and sets it out onto a plate she's found from somewhere in the canteen. "The blue is the icing. It's sweet but tasty."

She flushes a little again at Seyardu's comment. "Yes, that's his voice. I guess you could say it's getting kind of serious..." She coughs. "Anyway! Try it, Boti."

Pothy's eyes hone in on that cake. Boti can feel his talons go shake-shake-shake in anticipation. He wants that slice.

"It is blue. and the cake is made with flavorings that give it that color." Seyardu begins to explain. "The icing was white, and it is colored with the juices from plants, or with magic. It is just to make it look nice, is all. It tastes good too."

"Well, I do not know if it is this small on purpose. But if people are happy with it, I am not the one to judge them."

Boti pushes he loose sleeves up to his elbows as he readies to try to confection, revealing a fine leather bracer stamped with a great wyrm curled around a Daeusite sunburst beneath his left wrist. The accessory conceals the worst of the scarring done to his forearm by the Pox. He extends one hand and very deliberately takes the smallest speck of chocolate sponge that he can break away, nibbling at it gingerly. When he doesn't die immediately he tries a bigger chunk. He's still unsure about the unfamiliar flavor.

Listening to Seyardu he dabs his finger into the icing and licks it; that meets with more immediate satisfaction. Soon he sets into the treat with a few pleased sounds and savored moments with eyes closed. The half-Sil does save a chunk and palm-feeds it to Pothy in spite of Ravenstongue assurances that the raven has had his share for the day. That done, he sets to sucking his fingers clean.

"That is very good." He decides with a nod. "We used to go find the best apples every Aestry. I really want an apple but it's too cold now. This was good, too, though. Thank you." Lips are licked as he looks up at Ravenstongue. "Can I take some to Mrs. Saoirse? I think she would like it. She said she would make me an 'apple-pie' later."

Pothy croaks happily when he's presented with a slice of cake! Even Ravenstongue can't help but smile despite her telling Boti not to feed the bottomless pit with feathers.

"Of course you can take some to her," Ravenstongue says. "I got it so you could share with other people. I don't think even a growing young man could eat it all by himself. Only Pothy could."

"Snacks," Pothy says with a nod. It's true. He could. He wouldn't be able to slide it down his gullet in one fluid motion like he can with other foods, but he would be able to eat all of it handily.

Ravenstongue looks at Boti again. "Umm, by the way. How have things been around here? You mentioned the soldiers--have they been bothering you? Besides when I last saw you."

"Well, there are ways to store fruit long term, so there may not be apples on the trees still, but there are still extra to save for later. You should ask if they can show you around the markets sometime, and you could buy some apples." The silver sith-makar suggests. "I am sure she would like that, though."

"Yes, that would be good to know. To make sure that you are settling into things alright here, and if there are any difficulties."

"The rope was old." Boti mumbles, his mood going dark as he shifts in the chair and pulls his sleeves back down. "I just... needed to make it go away because I didn't want them to get mad at me for having it. Shinesheen told me that the soldiers got in trouble for being mean and they have to leave me alone now.

"I think I see them sometimes but he says it's just bad memories that will get better. Like bad dreams." The half-Sil continues, sounding as if he's trying to convince himself when he repeats the words. "He had to go do work but he's coming back and Mrs. Saoirse is going to make sure I'm OK. She has thirty-eight grandchildren so she's very good at making sure people are OK.

"I like the goblin girl's yellow-eyes. And there's a Khazad boy who has a broke arm but he won't talk to me yet..." Boti looks up from his lap and considers the cake again. He leans his head against Pothy and pets the raven.

"I think they want me to forget my family and just live here forever like Mrs. Saoirse and Shinesheen but I can't be like them because Eli like Shinesheen and the Singer like Mrs. Saoirse and..." he gives a little shrug. "I want to go home but I can't yet. At least it's not cold."

Pothy's tail wags up and down again, happily croaking as Boti pets him. "Boti, Boti," he says in Ravenstongue's voice. The bird is more than happy to be acknowledged and be given affection, especially by someone who is working so hard to make pretty things in his likeness.

Whoever said 'flattery will get you nowhere' has clearly never met Pothy. That's for certain.

Ravenstongue considers Boti's words. She seems relieved to hear about the soldiers, nodding quietly to herself. And she smiles to hear about Mrs Saoirse and the other patients. It's not so bad of a place as Boti's made it out to be.

"It doesn't sound like a bad place now that the soldiers are gone. But I'll make sure to keep coming by so you don't get too bored or too lonely. With more chocolate cake, too." Ravenstongue smiles.

"Well, keep trying to talk to them, but give them space if they need it. You can not push them to talk or spend time with you if they don't want to, but by keeping the option open, they may realize they like to talk to you and the like." The cleric suggests. "And, speaking to others and finding things to do is a good way to help with things like seeing those guards places."

"But, I do not think they want you to forget your family, either. But, just to offer this as a place you can be. If you need to find anyone, just ask me or the others here, and we can see what can be done, okay?"

"OK." Boti agrees. He uses both hands to carefully move Pothy to the opposite chairback and pets him one last time before standing. He gives Ravenstongue a hug and then collects the slice of chocolate cake for the Luckbringer. "I..."

He's homesick and in mourning. He's out of his element and surrounded by strangers. He's recovering from trauma and learning to accept help from strange new places. He's doing his best.

"You both are very nice." He says with a nod. "Maybe we can go visit my dad sometime."

And then he's taking the sweets to the halfling to hear some riddles and make some beds.