Farming Out Part 4

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Log Info

  • Title: Farming Out Part 4
  • Emitter: Williwaw
  • Characters: Jinks, Lyme, Paenitia, Randolf, Seyardu, Auranar
  • Place: Alexandros Farmlands, a town in a marsh, the Mann farm, the swamp
  • Time: Tuesday, November 30, 2021, 8:37 PM
  • Summary: The adventurers discuss more details with Fionna Mann, and then borrow a boat to go look through the swamp. Paenitia and Jinks fly overhead on Ramirez, while Seyardu poles Randolf, Auranar, and Lyme about, being very careful not to tip the boat. Two things are notable, there seems to be crocodiles, or one crocodile, following them. Also the various bayous have been blocked and dammed in such a way as to force the boat along a specific path. A water route that leads them to an island, with a smashed and charred boat. As they contemplate this, Lyme and Paenitia shout warnings. The Croc is back! It's coming right for them.
-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=  Appearing  -=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=
Jinks        3'4"     39 Lb      Gnome             Male      A gnomish fellow in fancy garb and jewelry.
Paenitia     3'0"     34 Lb      Halfling          Female    A Lucht knight, dark skinned in bold feathery finery.
Randolf      4'10"    280 Lb     Mountain Dwarf    Male      A burly, well-dressed Khazad in wizardly robes.
Seyardu      5'6"     150 Lb     Sith-Makar        Female    A friendly silver sith-makar with a perpetual squint.
Auranar      4'8"     123 Lb     Wild Elf          Female    A wild elf with dark skin and a red dress.

-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=  As the GM  -=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=


The adventurers have travelled to a small farming community to investigate some disappearances. They get back together after their night guarding the farm and researching in town. They compare notes, and question the Manns further. Jinks and Seyardu stay behind to see if the Mann children know anything, while Lyme, Randolf and Paenitia search the farm and nearby swamp. Paenitia and Ramirez do so by flying high, which keeps them safe, and they successfully find the dog's collar. It doesn't look good for the dog. There are also several smashed fences and drag marks. Finally, the youngest child explains that he's seen 'flat dragons', nearby.

Jinks thinks about this, his eyes turn glassy, he looks over the child's shoulder right at a fellow that wasn't there a moment ago.

An old hermit kneeling in the fields, gnarled fingers reaching down into the soft earth to pull herbs free by the root. He only has the thumb and first two fingers on his left hand, a portion of palm missing from the same bite that took is ringfinger and pinky.

"Croc-o-diles," comes the reedy voice as the figure bobs his bald head in confirmation. "They get big, too. Usually the salties are the biggest-- from the seas and inlets... but the others can go through fences'n take your big livestock, yessiree."

His lower jaw sticks out in thought, the lips of his wide mouth pouting in thought. "Don't explain the damn dam, though. Peculiar. Maybe someones keepin'm as pets... Hmmmm..."

"Peculiar," he repeats. He shuffles off then, back into the Weave.

By the time the hermit fades, the elder woman has at least recognized it as some amazing trick of the assembled group. "There weren't supposed to be anything like that here.. our druid told us so."

Jinks falls onto his rump when the hermit vanishes, the thread between them cut when the bard's hold expires. He blinks, stunned, and then laughs and claps his hands together. "It's back...!"

He's back.

The Red Knight is startled by the appearance of the old hermit. Her ready posture relaxes and she returns to standing and watching Jinks roll around on his back on the ground, giggling madly. She waves a gauntletted finger, "I... yes.."

Seyardu squints when they see the person walking by, and disappearing suddenly. One brow raises a moment, and she looks back to the family. "What is this about a druid? Could you tell us some about them, what they told you?"

"There was not one in town when I was there, so I was wondering about that."

Lyme listens to it all, then blinks. "Who the hell would keep them as pets? That's stupid." And probably lethal to farm dogs.


Fionna Mann, having for the most part recovered her stride following Jinks's inspiration given visual and audible form, explains what she knows of her town's druid.. an ancient man, probably with some of that elfin blood, who had helped with assessing the potential fertility of the grounds here. That when the site for the town had been considered, the druid had assured them that the worst of the wetland predators in the area had long since departed. But it's been at least a year since his last visit.

Nodda and Doeneda have retreated to the bedroom, the little one having been startled by Jinks's magic.

"Hmm." The Red Knight says, crossing her arms, "The druid, he can be easy found? He may know the few more things he does not share. Or, we go into the swamp, have the look around more."

She nods in the direction of the vanished children, "At least there the idea what we face. The flat dragons."

Randolf tugs his beard, his shaggy red brows furrowed in thought. "I really do wonder if it's -some- manner o' druid trick-fuckery that's got the swamp all riled up," he mutters. "But... aye. I'm thinkin' we do need tae find this druid an' have a natter with 'im. Assumin' we -can- find 'im." He looks over at Pae with a nod. "Aye, knowin' what we're facin' will help, I'll warrant." He looks back towards the swamp, his expression turning dour. "'course, since any single floatin' log could be a crocodile... we'll have tae be -extra- mindful."

Jinks clears his throat and stands, recovering some of his composure in the process. He dusts his backside and then his hands. "I have to imagine a druid in the wilds is particularly difficult to find if they don't want to be." Taking a moment to adjust his belts and straps, he turns and scans the nearby wilderness. "A year, though? Maybe he's run afoul of the territorial sith that tried warning us off."

Auranar nods to Jinks. "After a year gone by, he likely left for a reason, and has none to be found again." She sighs. "Were that we knew why he left in the first place. My research informs me that he was quite skilled in his feild, and that he was very active in the community until the point of his disappearance." She stops and considers. "I do wonder if our meeting on the way here had anything to do with it."

"I hope the druid in question is alright." Seyardu nods to the woman again. "If they are not there, we will know, and if they are, they may be able to help."

"And miss Fionna, I do not wish to worry you, but just in case, gather your things to be able to move at short notice." She adds, before looking to the others. "It seems we may have our course of action determined for now. Find the druid, and, failing that, investigate the crocodiles and dams that are being made?"

Fionna's eyes narrow and she sets her jaw stubbornly as Seyardu's more than reasonable suggestion is offered. "My boy," she starts... then glances at the doorway in which her other children disappeared. "If you're meaning to go into the swamp... if you promise to look for my boy, I'll take my girl and baby into the village after locking the house down. But if you can't do that... then I can't leave. He might come back," she says, the last sounding more prayer than reason.

"It seems more productive than trying to convince these people to leave," Jinks opines, taking just a few steps towards the untamed wilderness beyond the farm and lowering his voice. The lady Mann may still hear him but he's not making an effort to be antagonistic.

"Your husband and your son are the crux of this particular contract-- even if they do just seem to be a symptom of the larger problem." The gnome assures the maybe-or-maybe-not-widow, distractedly patting at the air. "Any notable items of dress either were wearing before they vanished? A favorite coat or hat? Boots?"

"Yes, we go look." Paenitia says, her ever-grinning mask staring up at Fionna. "We can fly over, call his name, listen carefully. Ramirez will see the large area. This will help the search on the ground."

The little lucht turns to her comrades, "Is there other way we should do this? We get the boat from the Stevenson's too."

"We seek Novah, and husband TDeid, yes?" She looks back at Fionna.

Randolf nods his head firmly to Fionna. "Aye, missus, ye have my word. I'll do whatever I can tae find yer lad an' get 'im home safe. But please, ye -must- see tae yer wee ones. Take 'em where they'll be safe, an' let us do our work. With Reos watchin', we'll get -everyone- back home where they belong, an' get this business wi' the sith'makar sorted." He puffs his burly chest up with pride. "Any khazad worth the beard on 'is face knows how precious family is. 'Blood is stone,' we like to say. So I get it, missus. I do. We'll help ye, however we can."

Auranar looks at the house and then the woman. "I can't offer a safe return of your loved ones to you ma'am. But... We're here to find them. If they come back home, we'll find them there. It's okay. Tend to your little ones." It's all she can offer really.

"The others speak true, yes. I promise that we will do everything that we can to find your son and husband, and those who went out with them. If we do, we will make sure they know where to find you." Seyardu states firmly. "But that can not come at the cost of your children and yourself. And if there is concern, we would feel better knowing you and your children will be safe while we search."

The older woman looks at each of you for a moment... some, like Randolf, longer than others... but finally seems to accept what has been said. "If you need that boat, tell the Stevensons I sent you.. She owes me." Then she turns, striding towards the room, calling for her children to grab packs for food.

The plan is simple. Going to borrow the boat and then forge out a'lookin'. Pae taking to the sky on Ramirez. It the best option they have. If they can get within the vicinity of where some of the Mann men were, Randolf can possibly narrow things down with Locate Object, with the list of any unique items they might have on them. It's a pretty long shot, Any tool is better than no tool.

GAME: Auranar rolls diplomacy: (7)+3: 10
GAME: Paenitia rolls diplomacy: (2)+9: 11
GAME: Jinks rolls Diplomacy: (1)+18: 19 (EPIC FAIL)
GAME: Seyardu rolls diplomacy: (15)+14: 29
GAME: Randolf rolls Diplomacy: (7)+0: 7

There is some initial resistance at the idea of letting go of their only boat, but when they realize you're doing to look for the elder Mann boy, especailly being that one of their boys had gone with him, they relinquish control of the boat to you. 'Boat'. It's more of a flat bottomed skiff, designed to be moved along with a long pole.

"Much thanks, the boat is the great help." Paenitia tells the Stevensons. She won't be using it. "Okay, so the plan is? I fly over the waterways, look for the dangers and the boys, and you follow? Or the something else?"

Ramirez preens.

Randolf eyes that boat with a nervous gulp. "Well... at least it's not likely tae tip over," he says weakly. "Now here's tae hopin' the damn thing dinnae give out underneath my tubby arse..."

The Red Knight pokes at the bard with an armoured guantlet, "You will overload the boat. You want to ride on Ramirez? The fall will be much greater."

Auranar seems less than pleased by the accommodation of the 'boat' but she says nothing on it. She simply presses her lips closed and kept to the center of the boat in an effort to not tip it over.

Jinks looks down at himself and pokes at his stomach through the studded doublet. "Who have you been talking to?" He turns his hip and cranes his neck to try and catch sight of his backside over the back of his shoulder. "Damned traveling rations..." he grunts.

"Alright, paladina, we can take the skies," he sniffs and considers Ramirez then the paladina. "Just no fat jokes."

"Jinks will overload the boat?" Seyardu asks with one brow raised. "Not this one, or the others? Is this the excuse for the scenic flight?" She asks jokingly. "So be it, we will take care of the river. Once everyone is situated, we may be off. Remember, there is a chance the rivers have crocodiles in them, so do be careful about the water, lest you be dragged in."

"Do you have the little spell? The Message, so you can hear us in the air?" Paenitia asks, looking at Randolf, the Auranar, as she extends a hand to lift Jinks up behind her.

GAME: Randolf casts Mage Armor. Caster Level: 5 DC: 15

Randolf glances between Jinks and Paenitia as he goes to clamber into the boat. "Jinks an' Paenitia, sittin' in a tree," he mutters under his breath as he goes. He goes to find the dead center of the skiff and plumps his hefty rump down. Drawing his wand, he gives a brisk flick. "Re ex re su scutus!" he incants, forming his armored sphere around himself. He looks over at Pae with a blink, then blushes a bit. "Er... I'm afraid I dinnae have it prepared," he says. "I should've thought o' that while we were havin' breakfast. Damn it."

GAME: Jinks casts Message. Caster Level: 8 DC: 16

"I've always been a fan of shouting," Jinks half-jokes, humming a simple little tune into his cupped hands. He lowers them from his mouth to reveal a tight school of pink motes, swirling amongst eachother like fish. A soft breath and they play through the air, swimming across to alight on a broad Khazadi shoulder. They go flat and continue to swim in circuits.

"... but I do suppose this is simpler," he concedes with a smirk.

Auranar looks a little embarrassed by the question that Paenitia asks and shakes her head. "I have no such magic yet at my disposal. I apologize." She ducks her head, wishing not for the first time that she had stronger magic at her command.

The tree cover and shadows of the swamp will make it difficult to see much if you're above.. if you elect to fly lower, under the tree cover, I'll need a couple of ride checks from you and fly checks from Raemirez due to spacing of trees in places.

Heave ho. Arrangements made, with Paenitia taking Jinks up into the air with her and Ramirez while Randolf, Lyme, Seyardu and Auranar remain in the absolute safety of the totally water worthy boat shove off in search of whatever is causing trouble in this quiet part of the world. Seyardu has little trouble initially pushing the boat along, using the long pole as both propulsion and steering. Once you leave the 'shore' of drier land, the swamp seems to close in. Some of the going is tough; watery passages definitely seem to be the best choice for moving deeper in, but they also tend to get clogged with vegetation, reeds of some sort poking through the surface of the water more often than not. 'Islands' of various sizes are always to your right or left.. and there are times when you have to backtrack, finding what had initially seemed like a passage to be blocked. Sometimes by the water getting too shallow between two islands, other times by collected debris and vegetation. The tree cover is thick, as well, with the trees that rule the islands seeming to compete with each other over which can reach their branches further to steal more of the sunlight for themselves.

GAME: Jinks rolls Perception: (19)+7: 26
GAME: Jinks rolls 1d20+6: (17)+6: 23 (K/engineering)
GAME: Paenitia rolls ride+6: (7)+8+6: 21 (+6 to cancel ACP)
GAME: Paenitia rolls 1d20+8: (16)+8: 24 (Ramirez Fly)
GAME: Paenitia rolls perception: (17)+5: 22 (Aid Another - Jinks)
GAME: Paenitia rolls 1d20+5: (8)+5: 13 (Rami Percep as Aid Another - Jinks)

The Red Knight and her Ivory Steed take to the skies with her colourful passenger. They climb, circling above the boat to get some altitude, remaining within the range of the spell.

It's immediately apparent that the tree cover and shadows of the swamp will make it difficult to see much from above. "Okay, I have the idea. We fly low through the trees."

'Ruaaaah?' Ramirez sounds dubious.

"Yes. I will guide you." She pats at her peacock-andalusian's neck, and cheerfully asks, "Jinks! Can you make the inspirational music?"

Flight of the Valkaries or Flight of the Bumblebees. The hippogryph banks and drops below the leaves.

The fliers definitely see what might be crocodiles, though they never get too close. Never more than one at a time... so it might just be one. But if it's just one, then it's tailing. Hard to tell.. it doesn't surface for long.

GAME: Auranar rolls perception: (10)+5: 15
GAME: Randolf rolls Perception: (4)+6: 10
GAME: Seyardu rolls perception: (17)+5: 22
GAME: Seyardu rolls constitution: (17)+4: 21
GAME: Williwaw rolls 1d20+13: (4)+13: 17
GAME: Williwaw makes Lyme roll survival:(10)+11: 21

Getting used to the ride atop Neighsayers is one thing. His adventures on Ramirez, another. Jinks has firm hold on the back of Paenitia's kit after finding a scabbard or strap that won't choke the masked Lucht. He leans out, looking before and behind the white mount's considerable plumage. Still, the gnome frequently ducks back as they whip through and below the treetops, doing his best not to be stung by slapping branches.

Sitting forward, he puts his face next to the paladinas helm and holds up his other hand where the pink fish-motes swirl. "Those dead-ends and blocked routes... some of them have not occurred naturally." The motes play, arcing up in a jump or diving lower. On Randolf's shoulder the mirrored school springs to life, repeating the movements as the gnome's voice whispers across the distance.

Ramirez is able to navigate through the trees, although his speed is reduced. It is a stunning flight, with him banking and snapping his wings in just before they would hit trees or branches. Up and down, it's an avian roller-coaster ride.

As he goes, his little rider both guides him and looks along the ground. There is something significant, which she circles back to tell the boat crew.

"There are also the flat dragons, yes. I see them. There is only one at a time. It does not stay in view long. So maybe it is follow you. Watch behind, yes?" She sounds exhilarated.

Seyardu made decent time rowing their skiff down the rivers, occasionally stopping to point at what looks like floating logs as potential crocodiles watching them. Her pace is steady, and it doesn't seem to be causing her any undue exhaustion. "Keep an eye for any moving, they will attempt to strike when they think they have the advantage." She warns.

Randolf glances around the swamp, doing his very best to remain perfectly still. The last thing he wants is to upend the boat and dump everyone into the drink. Because as much as he might enjoy a drink, -this- particular drink is downright putrid. He glances up as Jinks' message twitters in his ear. "Eh?" He cranes his neck as best he can to get a look at the surroundings. "Oy. Jinks is sayin' some o' those blockages aren't natural," he grumbles. "Could those be the beaver dams they was talkin' 'bout? Or... some -other- sort o' dam?"

Like the others, Auranar does her best not to make any waves. Well... Seyardu is making waves to move them forward. She keeps a sharp eye out for any sign of alligator or man, but there's nothing that seems out of the ordinary to her. It's just a dark, dirty, swamp. Long distance to Williwaw: Paenitia hugs.

GAME: Auranar rolls wisdom: (7)+1: 8
GAME: Paenitia rolls wisdom: (14)+2: 16
GAME: Seyardu rolls wisdom: (19)+4: 23
GAME: Jinks rolls Wisdom: (13)+0: 13
GAME: Randolf rolls Wisdom: (8)+1: 9
GAME: Lyme rolls wisdom: (12)+3: 15

The boat is not fast. For all her fortitude, there's only so much speed Seyardu can coax out of the boat.. and the next time you are forced to turn back and find another route you are able to see, yes, with Jinks's insight from earlier, that the obstruction of fallen timber seems deliberate. So far, the spotted crocodile does not seem interested in getting too close to you.. at least, when you can see it. You lose sight of it often when it submerges, or when you round a bend... it may not even be the same animal.

And then eventually you come upon it. It seems a stroke of luck to find it, the proverbial needle in a haystack perhaps... but the ruins of a boat are strewn about a small island ahead.

Auranar sits in the middle of the boat and is not moving until there is land under it.

As the island comes into view, the paladina moves to investigate. Still in the air, she guides Ramirez low as she flies over. Close enough to the ground that an aggressive attacker might reveal themselves.

They circle, banking around, examining the wreck. She checks foremost to see, was it smashed by some large entity? "Deid! Novah! Do you hear?" Paenitia calls out. She turns in the saddle to look over her shoulder at Jinks, "I thinking to land, make the beachfront, what your thought is?"

GAME: Williwaw rolls 1d3: (1): 1
GAME: Williwaw rolls 1d3: (3): 3
GAME: Williwaw rolls 1d20+13: (13)+13: 26
GAME: Williwaw rolls 1d20+13: (13)+13: 26
GAME: Williwaw rolls 1d20+13: (7)+13: 20
GAME: Williwaw rolls 1d20+13: (14)+13: 27

Jinks shifts behind Paenitia, pulling free his bow and nodding. "Sounds like a plan." Good, bad, or otherwise Jinks is along for the ride. He watches the boat, then the water's edge around the small island. Making his very best effort to suss out any flat-dragons pretending to be logs. Or cantankerous sith-makar. Or wights. This seems like a wight sort of place...

Randolf boggles a bit as he spies the remains of the boat strewn across the islet. Carefully, he gets to his feet and shuffles over to the edge, wand held at the ready as he hops over and onto the island with a grunt. "Novah? Deid? You lads here?" he calls, cupping his hand to the side of his mouth. "We're friends o' yer lady Fionna! Give us a shout if ye can hear us!" He peers at the wreckage, looking to see if he can get an inkling as to how the boat was transformed into kindling.

Lyme looks out across the island, shaking his head. "That doesn't look good for out lost friends." He reaches back, and gets a javelin to use as a walking stick. Yeah, that's it.

Seyardu continues along, turning when forced to, backing up several times, and eventually wasting enough time that they eventually got there. Though she does stop to poke at one of the dams. "Someone was forcing us to take this path." She suggests. "They want this path to be taken. For what reason, I can not say."

GAME: Paenitia rolls perception: (18)+5: 23
GAME: Paenitia rolls 1d20+5: (19)+5: 24 (Ramirez Perception)
GAME: Jinks rolls Perception: (11)+7: 18
GAME: Randolf rolls perception: (13)+6: 19
GAME: Lyme rolls perception: (17)+4: 21
GAME: Seyardu rolls perception: (10)+5: 15

That darned croc is back again. At least, it might be the same one. It's definitely swimming straight at the skiff now.

Lyme turns his head and points, "There! Flat-dragon coming at us!" He's a little wired on adrenaline right now, and his call isn't a calming one. It is, however, also true -- the croc is swimming directly at the skiff right now.

The boat definitely doesn't look good. As the skiff gets closer to the island... and Paenitia and Jinks are able to tell from their vantage... it has been ripped apart. Something powerful has pulled planking, reducint it to little more than a skeleton... many of the boards seem scorched, as well.

"Yes! It coming right for you. Get to land so you do not fight in the swim!" Paenitia shouts, readying her large shield and pulling out her lance. "We will put the point to it. There is the fire marks. It maybe have the special breath, or there the unfriendly druid back it up!"

A valid concern, especially if the maze was made to deposit anyone venturing in the swamp, here.

Randolf leans in closer, peering at the tattered wood scraps. "Beards o' me fathers... this boat was -burned-!" he grunts. That's when he hears Lyme's shouted warning. Up pops his head, his eyes wide and blinking. "Oh, piss up my -arse-!" he growls. He plants his feet firmly and readies his wand, reaching onto his belt to pull his battle axe. "A'right, ye scaly bastard, ye just want tae move -riiiight- on along," he growls, fixating his gaze on the approaching croc.

"It is coming for us?" Seyardu asks, looking around, but not lingering, as she uses the oar to shove off the flat bottom craft to the small island. "Everyone off, now! If it seeks to fight us, it will do so here, but be wary! If any are at risk, get behind this one and Paenitia." She shouts to the others, helping them off before joining them on what appears to be relatively solid land.

Jinks just issues a curious "huh" as he considers the state of the boat, too busy with that little riddle to notice the crocodile's approach. Still, the others have and cried warning. He shifts back to give Paenitia space to choose her kit and undoes leather thongs to flip open his quivers. It's been a longtime since he's fired a bow from horseback. "... a little warning before the charge is all I ask," he grins, patting a pauldron to signal he's ready.

Lyme exchanges javelin for falchion, as he hops out onto land. Or, at least, "land."

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