TW: Fun Gal Farmer in the Dell pt2

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Log Info

  • Title: (TW) Fun Gal Farmer in the Dell pt2
  • Emitter: Jinks
  • Characters: Ravenstongue, Aryia, Seyardu, Venom, Paenitia, Lysos
  • Place: Western Alexandros
  • Time: Monday, November 29, 2021, 1:59 PM
  • Summary: Having followed Zhag'un and encountered a caravan with people he recognizes, the adventurers find themselves in a fight with several mushrooms. To say nothing of the wagon crew, who are both infected with the Purple Pox, and almost shroombies themselves. Our heroes prevail, managing to avoid catching an infection. They are joined by Lysos, who is not looking good. She reveals there is a cavern, which they investigate. It's full of the fungi. Fortunately, Eusta has a soluation. A bomb. A really big bomb. She arms it and everyone runs for cover. It explodes. It seems to have solved the problem, but it still might be a good idea to avoid this place.
-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=  Appearing, in Order  =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=
Ravenstongue 5'0"     99 Lb      Half-Elf     Female    Short half-elf girl with violet eyes and black hair.
Aryia        4'8"     110 Lb     Shadow Elf   Female    A heavily scarred mul with a resolved look about her.
Seyardu      5'6"     150 Lb     Sith-Makar   Female    A friendly silver sith-makar with a perpetual squint.
Venom        5'6"     130 Lb     Human        Female    A woman(?) about 5'6" in a ragged black veil and poncho.   
Paenitia     3'0"     34 Lb      Halfling     Female    A Lucht knight, dark skinned in bold feathery finery.
Lysos        5'6"     105 Lb     Human/Tsuran Female    Dark eyed tsuran girl.   

-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=      NPCs of Note      =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=
Eustangellabledine Kikniddledern Gnome        Female    A slightly(?) insane gnomish woman, rival of Dana.
Zhag'un                          Orc          Male      A recently recovered Purple Pox survivor. Helping out.

-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=  As the GM  =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=
Jinks        3'4"     39 Lb      Gnome        Male      A gnomish fellow in fancy garb and jewelry.  

It's a miserable day in Alexandros. The sky seems oppressively low with clouds, rain, and now mist washing the world a gloomy grey. The grass is wet and slick and earth has turned to mud.

With the help of contracted mercenaries, Zhag'un had managed to find the general area of where he and Nanthuilith had encountered the infectuous spore cloud. Eustangellabledine fell behind as the party scoured the region, distracted by her survey for temple-requested reagents.

The more keen-eyed of the group noticed a duo (no, trio) of stray travelers attempting to right a tipped wagon. An effort to make peaceable contact was made, the infected persons leting out odd shrieks of alarm that seemed to summon malicious ambulatory fungi: the myceloids.

Venom took alchemical steps to slow the smallest fungus and subdue the sick travelers. Perhaps hoping to later see to their infections but the Oruch, Zhag'un, seems intent on putting them out of their misery entirely. The paladina on Ramirez has stepped to meet the charge of two hostiles while a third broke through the brush on its way towards the half-Sil sorceress, Ravenstongue.

Many have felt the bolstering magics of Althea's blessing, called down by the silver sith-makar, Seyardu, and Aryia readies to spring from cover having focused energies and made resilient her flesh.

GAME: Aryia rolls weapon0+2: (12)+14+2: 28
GAME: Aryia rolls damage0: aliased to 2d6+3: (4)+3: 7 (cold iron/silver/magic blg dmg)

As that familiar energy washes over Aryia, she peers out from behind the carriage through the rain. The largest creature gives her pause, but she shakes her head and focuses. Off in the distance, she could see a smaller fungoid approaching the less armored of the party. She squints.

Brushing past Venom, she flashes a quick, "Defending!" to her fellow mute and sprints off to the east. She skids to a stop in front of them, a fist coming down to bleed off the rest of the speed as she body block the fungoid from advancing. <Handspeech>

GAME: Jinks rolls 1d20+11: (18)+11: 29 (Big Fungus will claw, claw at Paenitia.)
GAME: Jinks rolls 1d20+11: (11)+11: 22
GAME: Jinks rolls 1d8+9: (3)+9: 12
GAME: Fungus damaged you for 2 points of nonlethal. You have 2 total.
GAME: Fungus damaged you for 7 points. 68 HP remaining.
GAME: Paenitia rolls fort+1+5: (16)+9+1+5: 31 (+5 Anti-Toxin)
<OOC> Jinks says, "Blinded, Boti will try to have a shank at the roaring oruch nearby."
GAME: Jinks rolls 1d20+5: (1)+5: 6 (EPIC FAIL)
<OOC> Jinks says, "Eusta 5' back and fires her crossbow."
GAME: Eusta rolls 1d20+12: (11)+12: 23
GAME: Eusta rolls 1d6: (1): 1
<OOC> Jinks says, "Angler will attempt to sling the oruch."
GAME: Jinks rolls 1d20+6: (16)+6: 22
GAME: Jinks rolls 1d100: (1): 1
GAME: Jinks rolls 1d3-2: (1)+-2: -1

The battle is joined! The largest of the myceloids looms over hippogryph and rider, its flared crown acting as a sort of umbrella; casting a shadow and blocking out the rain. Jelly-drop eyes glare maliciously as it grabs out, reaching over her mouth to wound the paladina.

The grubby, soaked, and blinded half-Sil tries to stab at the loud oruch nearby but trips, falling to his knees and losing his blade in the muddy grass.

The smaller fungus-monster scurries around behind the largest, tearing through underbrush and squishing over the wet earth on his way towards the backline of creatures attacking its home.

Kikniddledern barks out an alarmed shout, stumbling back through the bush and raising a crossbow to fire. Her aim is true but the missile isn't up to the task of piercing the creature's hide; it bounces away like a tossed twig.

The bloated, fit-to-burst Lucht loads another missile with a practiced ease and whips the sling overhead. He turns an ear nearly swollen shut by the grows on his face and picks out the shouting oruch. A flick of the wrist and a pebble hits Zhag'un in the bridge of the nose. The oruch doesn't seem to notice.

<OOC> Paenitia says, "I'll take extra attack, for both of use"
GAME: Paenitia rolls weapon3: (18)+11: 29
GAME: Paenitia rolls weapon3-5: (8)+11+-5: 14
GAME: Paenitia rolls weapon3: (8)+11: 19
GAME: Paenitia rolls 1d20+8: (20)+8: 28 (THREAT) (Ramirez Beak)
GAME: Paenitia rolls 1d20+8: (20)+8: 28 (Confirmed)
GAME: Paenitia rolls 1d20+8: (17)+8: 25
GAME: Paenitia rolls 1d20+8: (20)+8: 28 (THREAT)
GAME: Paenitia rolls 1d20+8: (11)+8: 19 (Not Confirmed)
GAME: Paenitia rolls 1d20+8: (3)+8: 11
GAME: Paenitia rolls damage3+8: aliased to 1d6+2+8: (2)+2+8: 12
GAME: Paenitia rolls 2d6+8: (8)+8: 16
GAME: Paenitia rolls 1d4+4: (3)+4: 7
GAME: Paenitia rolls 1d4+4: (1)+4: 5 (12 by Pae, 31 by Ramirez)
GAME: Paenitia rolls sense motive: (5)+13: 18

"Zhag'un! They attack you, why?" The grinning knight calls out, as she faces off against a giant mushroom. Somehow, this would be better if she was glittering, and tiny. With fairy wings perhaps.

"You! Stop!" She calls, as one of the littler fungi darts around to her south, just out of range.

She has challenged a target, she should focus on it. She does. With a loud, "hiyaaa!" She thrusts her lance, plunging it deep into the fungus flesh. This little piggy went to market.

'RAAAA!' Ramirez snaps his head forward, tearing a chunk out of the mushroom cap with his beak. It's tossed to the side, as he rears and rips. Talons criss cross, making a weave pattern as he rips into the mushroom. This big peacock is going to town. Yes.

It seems like the three infected people are just attacking whatever is closest. The oruch definitely has a beef with the armored Charnese fellow.

GAME: Ravenstongue casts Magic Missile. Caster Level: 3 DC: 15
GAME: Ravenstongue rolls 2d4+2: (6)+2: 8
<OOC> Ravenstongue says, "Backing up to 15,15 and that's that. :)"

Ravenstongue has never seen Aryia fight before. That has suddenly changed in a manner of seconds that Ravenstongue didn't even think was physically possible outside of the best of the action stories she read as a young one--the ones she remembered, that is.

And yet she witnesses Aryia coming in like the wind, her punch just as swift as a gale. Ravenstongue feels the wind knocked out of her chest in sympathy for the shroom--but that sympathy is just as quickly forgotten when she remembers a split second later that the mushroom is trying to kill her. "Thank you!" she calls out to Aryia as she sends two small magic darts at the mushroom--always finding their mark.

GAME: Venom rolls perception: (14)+13: 27
GAME: Jinks rolls 1d20+27: (13)+27: 40
GAME: Jinks rolls 1d20+5: (20)+5: 25
GAME: Jinks rolls 1d20+5: (17)+5: 22
GAME: Jinks rolls 4d6+6: (18)+6: 24

Unaware of the danger pounding through the forest, Venom is surprised when an invisible force bites deep and hard at her thigh. Then its there-- in a blink-- a quadrupedal plant amalgamation that's seems to be nearly all maw and jagged teeth at this distance. Then it's gone again, leaving only the hint of an outline as the rain patters off its invisible form.

It's hard to make out behind the titanic battle between the giant mushroom and its winged foe, but a figure emerges from the cave... bedraggled, thoroughly sodden, streaked with mud and offal and smelling like one might expect. It stumbles, slips.. rights itself and then stumbles again. Friend? or Foe?

"Zhag'un, it is not the honourable way to fight, to attack someone on the ground." The Red Knight calls out. She's not saying stop, but letting the oruch know she has an opinion on the matter. That perhaps... she'd like him to stop.

"All, the muchroom, they go for the nearest. They are not the tactical genius, use this in your plans." Paenitia advises.

<OOC> Venom says, "ok, bof extra action, flurry, blow ki for extra, stunning fist at the start, and sneak attack on any that apply"
GAME: Venom rolls weapon0: (6)+10: 16
GAME: Venom spends ONE use of STUNNING FIST.
GAME: Venom rolls 1d100: (3): 3 (50% miss, low hits)
GAME: Jinks rolls 1d20+7: (2)+7: 9 (Save vs Stun - Fails)
GAME: Venom rolls weapon0: (20)+10: 30 (THREAT)
GAME: Venom rolls weapon0: (9)+10: 19 (Confirmed)
GAME: Venom rolls 1d100: (34): 34 (Low hits)
GAME: Venom rolls 2d6+4+2d6: (11)+4+(7): 22
GAME: Venom rolls 1d6+2: (6)+2: 8
GAME: Venom rolls weapon0: (9)+10: 19
GAME: Venom rolls 1d100: (37): 37 (Low Hits)
GAME: Venom rolls 1d6+2+2d6: (5)+2+(2): 9
GAME: Venom rolls weapon0-5: (6)+10+-5: 11

The veiled one nods as Aryia signs past with her new direction, and her focus lingers perhaps overlong on the Mul'niessa's charge for her own good.

The sound of the bite, of an array of thorns breaching oilcloth, parting warm flesh with equal efficacy, brings a strangled huff from the shrouded figure who barely keeps her leg from buckling with the initial shock.

As the hole in the rain starts to withdraw, Venom allows her leg to yield in a controlled fold before firming up again whirling with a backfist that rattles whatever passes for brains in the ripples 'head'.

Her forging allows no less than utter resolve and discipline, and so it is that she surges forward, bringing the heavy waffled sole of her split toed boot with brutal efficiency into the center of the rainwashed anomaly to the chorus of brutalized celery and carrots.

Her opposing fist comes down in it's wake, sending another fainter choir into the air before her last swing hits only empty air whilst the unseen thing splashes into the mud.

GAME: Jinks rolls 1d20+6: (15)+6: 21 (Myceloid on Aryia)
GAME: Jinks rolls 1d20+6: (18)+6: 24 (Myceloid on Aryia)

Slapped and annoyed-- you THINK that look is annoyed-- the myceloid issues a piercing whine, like a bent trumpet played from the arse of the flatulent. It begins to lumber past her, swing two heavy arms that don't quite manage to connect with the nimble pugilist.

<OOC> Seyardu says, "Channel energy just barely misses the big mushroom, healing everyone as a move action for 2 charges"
<OOC> Seyardu says, "and casting invisibility purge because I've had it prepped almost 8 whole levels and darn it I'm going to use it"
GAME: Seyardu rolls 5d6: (16): 16
GAME: Seyardu casts Invisibility Purge. Caster Level: 10 DC: 17
GAME: Seyardu damaged you for -16 points. 75 HP remaining.
      2 nonlethal damage healed. 0 nonlethal total.
GAME: Seyardu damaged your companion for -16 points. 52 HP remaining.

Seyardu sees everyone being attacked, and something unseen hurting Venom badly. She holds up her holy symbol, undoing magics hiding it-

Only to find a battered body on the ground. She keeps it held a bit longer, only to quickly mend some of the groups wounds.

"Do not kill those at the cart if you can! We should bring them to the guards after treating their infection." She shouts, mostly to the oruch.

<OOC> Jinks says, "Zhag will maintain his rage and turn his attention to the half-Sil kid trying to stab him."
GAME: Jinks rolls 1d20+19: (19)+19: 38
GAME: Jinks rolls 1d10+20: (2)+20: 22

Wild-eyed and panting, the oruch considers Paenitia briefly, trying to find the meaning of her words. His mastery of the trade tongue is lacking and she has an... unusual way of speaking. He growls some kind of affirmation and takes the flail in a two-handed grip to swing it up and across-- like a bat. The hinged end finds the vagabond youth in the flank with a vicious crack and sends the waif rolling through the mud. Zhag'un spits and stocks towards the bloated Lucht.

<OOC> Aryia says, "okay! Going to 5' step to 10,15 and flurry, taking extra attack from BoF"
<OOC> Aryia says, "first strike will bypass all DR, starting attacks on 9,15, then move to 10,14, tripping them on the last ki attack"
<OOC> Aryia says, "(blue mushroom getting trip attempted regardless)"
GAME: Aryia rolls weapon0: (6)+14: 20
GAME: Aryia rolls weapon0: (12)+14: 26
GAME: Aryia rolls weapon0: (4)+14: 18
GAME: Aryia rolls weapon0-5: (7)+14+-5: 16
GAME: Aryia rolls cmb+2: (19)+14+2: 35
GAME: Aryia rolls damage0: aliased to 2d6+3: (11)+3: 14
GAME: Aryia rolls damage0: aliased to 2d6+3: (8)+3: 11
GAME: Aryia rolls damage0: aliased to 2d6+3: (4)+3: 7
GAME: Aryia uses an AoO! 5 remaining.
GAME: Aryia rolls weapon0: (14)+14: 28
GAME: Aryia rolls damage0: aliased to 2d6+3: (5)+3: 8
GAME: Aryia rolls damage0: aliased to 2d6+3: (5)+3: 8

Aryia dips and dodges out of the way as she swiped at, using the momentum to pivot into a better position to reach the other one advancing. She strikes a grounded stance, throwing her entire weight behind the punch. Where it shouldn't have done as much, instead the fungal matter spiders and cracks, shattering where the punch lands. She's quick to follow up, grabbing onto their side and driving her knee over and over into thee creature.

Taking the initiative to ensure she didn't have more of a mess to deal with later, she snaps a kick out, then twists to drive the heel down into their chest on the way down.

Her gaze flits to the cart, and her eyes harden.

GAME: Paenitia rolls weapon3+3: (15)+11+3: 29 (AOO)
GAME: Paenitia rolls damage3: aliased to 1d6+2: (5)+2: 7
GAME: Jinks rolls 1d20+11: (17)+11: 28
GAME: Jinks rolls 1d8+9: (3)+9: 12
GAME: Jinks damaged you for 7 points. 68 HP remaining.
GAME: Jinks damaged you for 2 points of nonlethal. You have 2 total.
GAME: Paenitia rolls fort+1+5: (16)+9+1+5: 31

"No. You stay down. Do not move." Paenitia stabs at the little mushroom nearby.

GAME: Jinks rolls 1d20-3: (19)+-3: 16 (the half-Sil stabilizes)
GAME: Aryia uses an AoO! 4 remaining.
GAME: Aryia rolls weapon0: (20)+14: 34 (THREAT)
GAME: Aryia rolls weapon0: (18)+14: 32
GAME: Aryia rolls damage0+damage0: aliased to 2d6+3+2d6+3: (6)+3+(5)+3: 17
GAME: Jinks rolls 1d20+5: (18)+5: 23
GAME: Jinks rolls 1d20+5: (16)+5: 21
<OOC> Jinks says, "Angler is going to try to sling and provokes an AoO from the oruch."
GAME: Jinks rolls 1d20+19: (16)+19: 35
GAME: Jinks rolls 1d10+20: (10)+20: 30

The giant creature attempts to push past the mounted Lucht only to have his path interrupted. Turn back, it trumpets complaint, pinching the noise into a squeal as another blow lands against the paladina.

The half-Sil urchin lies like a marionette with his strings cut, blood pooling out of his slack mouth into the muddy puddle beneath his face. He doesn't seem to move on the floor.

The loud-mouthed and fast-talking gnome is out of her element! She's grabbed a flask from her bandolier only to recall that these creatures are generally resistance to fire and heat. She mutters one sounds like one long word in gnomish and retreats, diving into a thick bush to hide.

The Lucht turns in near-panic at the sound of the larger combatant approaching. He lifts his arm to ready his sling just before taking the massive flail in a downward chop. It pulps his hand, pushes through his shoulder, and bursts his sagging flank. There's a sad cough of thick purple spores dashed by the rain and the little man folds, spilling out a slimy, half-formed fungal creature that twitches covered in offal and syrup.

<OOC> Paenitia says, "full attack, use BoF for extra attack"
GAME: Paenitia rolls weapon3+3: (9)+11+3: 23
GAME: Paenitia rolls weapon3+3-5: (20)+11+3+-5: 29 (THREAT)
GAME: Paenitia rolls weapon3+3: (12)+11+3-5: 21 (Not Confirmed)
GAME: Paenitia rolls weapon3+3: (3)+11+3: 17
GAME: Paenitia rolls 1d20+8: (15)+8: 23
GAME: Paenitia rolls 1d20+8: (6)+8: 14
GAME: Paenitia rolls 1d20+8: (9)+8: 17
GAME: Paenitia rolls damage3+8: aliased to 1d6+2+8: (5)+2+8: 15

Turning her attention back to the large fungus, after it wapped her, Paenitia thrusts once more. Once more, the Red Knight pierces deeply with the point, narrowly avoiding something important.

Ramirez caws loudly, landing and snapping, then flapping his wings to buffet as he claws two more times. So close, yet they still miss. He claws are turning up sod more than mycellium.

"You, from the cave, speak please." The little knight calls out, focused on her challenge, but still aware of the battlefield.

<OOC> Ravenstongue says, "Magic Missile-ing shroom at 9,15. Trying to finish it off."
GAME: Ravenstongue rolls 1d4+1: (2)+1: 3
GAME: Ravenstongue rolls 1d4+1: (4)+1: 5
GAME: Ravenstongue casts Magic Missile. Caster Level: 3 DC: 15

Ravenstongue keeps on it with more of her magic darts. She sends them to the shroomfolk assaulting Aryia and is satisfied when she sees the larger one is knocked over from one dart. "Yes! I did it, Pothy!" she whispers happily to her raven.

Pothy is merely preening his feathers. Apparently Ravenstongue will have to present him edible mushrooms to get his interest.

GAME: Lysos casts Grease. Caster Level: 8 DC: 17
GAME: Jinks rolls 1d20+4: (5)+4: 9

Lysos tries to call back, to answer the demands she identify herself.. though she still has absolutely no idea what's going on. She continues to stumble, northwards.. trying to get past the giant mushroom which she is at least confident is something she doesn't want to be near. But when she tries to call out, all that comes out is a hacking cough, accompanied by some dirty sludge that has her nearly falling back to her knees as the fit overtakes her. She continues to cough, clearing her throat, then puts her hand against a stump as she looks back. A moment to steady herself, concentrating.. and then she releases the small amount of mana she has managed to gather, sliding one hand against the other as she rasps, "Lubriakum!" The ground underneath the giant fungoid takes on a sheen, just as the lumbering myconid takes a step.. and it loses purchase, and falls.

GAME: Venom rolls weapon3+3: (5)+11+3: 19 (vs Touch)
GAME: Venom rolls 1d12+1: (4)+1: 5

In the wake of her vegicide, Venom straightens in time for the refreshing wash of divine warmth to suffuse and repair her leg, staunching the flow of blood.

She turns on her heel, nodding a veiled head toward the Silverscale, even as the steps closer to the mushroom still foolishly pressing Aryia.

The Thunderbelcher emerges from under her poncho, comes up to her shoulder in line on the fungoid and unleashes with the loud BZZZZZ-THOOOM!

Alas, the hardened fibers of the creature prove too resilient for the round, which bounces tumbling through the air.

Her head cants.


GAME: Seyardu casts Calm Emotions. Caster Level: 10 DC: 16
GAME: Jinks rolls 1d20+11: (3)+11: 14 (zhag's save)
GAME: Jinks rolls 1d20+3: (13)+3: 16 (Guard's save)

Seyardu sees many of her foes going down quickly, but also Zhag crushing one of those at the cart. She sighs and reaches for her holy symbol again. "Zhag'un, please calm yourself!" She shouts after being ignored, before she offers a prayer that may hopefully stop the remainder from attacking, as well as the Oruch.

Zhag is gonna be fatigued and catching his breath

<OOC> Aryia says, "last attack might be shattering punch, or flying kick, depending if it goes down or not"
GAME: Aryia rolls weapon0: (16)+14: 30
GAME: Aryia rolls weapon0: (17)+14: 31
GAME: Aryia rolls weapon0-5: (5)+14+-5: 14
GAME: Aryia rolls weapon0: (3)+14: 17
GAME: Aryia spends ONE point of KI POOL.
GAME: Aryia rolls weapon0: (20)+14: 34 (THREAT)
GAME: Aryia rolls weapon0: (13)+14: 27 (Confirmed)
GAME: Aryia rolls damage0: aliased to 2d6+3: (8)+3: 11
GAME: Aryia rolls damage0: aliased to 2d6+3: (9)+3: 12
GAME: Aryia rolls damage0+damage0: aliased to 2d6+3+2d6+3: (8)+3+(9)+3: 23

The oruch was turning, daring one of the fallen pair to stir so it would have a reason to drop the heavy head of its weapon once more. The makari magic makes the warrior visibly shrink and relax, however, and he's suddenly looking winded and tired. Blinking, Zhag'un looks across at Seyardu questioningly-- it's almost a look of betrayal.

Aryia reflexively ducks as the crack of gunfire echoes nearby. Though, to her surprise, the creature she was facing had no effects of high speed lead injection. Instead of lead, flesh is supplied, and a quick one-two jab manages to dismantle the fungoid into a heap.

She glances over to the tripped, massive mushroom, Paenitia and Rameriez having done a number of the beast through the pincushion holes and eviscerated clawing. She twists on the spot, sprints over. Jumps, cocks a leg back.

And drives her leg all the way up to the thigh in the head of the fungoid.

She flails a bit, loses her footing, and lands in a wet pile of leftovers with a >slurch<.

"Good, that you finish." Paenitia says, lifting her lance in salute to Aryia. She takes out a cloth and wipes it down. She doesn't want spores in the scabbard. Spreading disease is not her cause. "Do not do the dogroll. I think it not safe to have on you."

The little lucht twists in the saddle, looking around, her grinning mask facing the oruch, "Zhag'un, you are okay now? These are known to you?"

Still a bit confused, Lysos tries to get a little bit further away from the now fallen mushroom man.. but then stumbles to her knees, exhausted. Exhausted, miserable, still coughing.. and that itch! When she realizes she is scratching at her neck, she stares at her fingers.. her expression only more confused as she notes the bits of white fuzz standing out amidst the grime in her finger nails. "What... what in the stars is going on?"

The veiled one breaks open the longarm with a flash of movement, bringing up a steel cylinder to slip into the action and lock back into place.

Just in time for Aryia to obliterate their target before streaking through the air to end up to her hip in the massive fungoid.

Venom cocks her head again, scans the immediate area, then trots over to check on Aryia and offer a silent hand up.

"I am sorry, Zhag'un, but the battle is won, and killing them will cause more trouble." Seyardu sighs as she makes her way over to begin dragging the unconscious bodies away from the mess. "You mentioned another, are they still around? And is everyone alright? if anyone needs healing seek me out, but the two here seem to be in the worst shape. Their carriage may have clues as to what is going on as well."

Zhag'un sighs, taking a moment to replace the flail on his back and adjust the slings weight to hold snug against his back. He takes a few heavy, squelching steps and tosses the staggered guard's longsword out of reach. There's no resistance but a groan of complaint when the oruch grabs up the human's wrist, pulls back his forearm to show the tattoo there and hold his branded arm next to it. They're similar-but-different in shape. Dropping that, Zhag'un searches the armored man before producing a coiled whip from beneath the surcoat.

The half-Sil remains in the mud.

Some distance away, Eustangellabledine pokes her head from the bushes and looks around. She's covered in loose leaves and twigs and spattered with mud. Squinting through the rain to make sure there are no more of the fungusmen running rampant she slowly extracts herself and creeps towards the group. "We'reluckythatwasasmallercolony. Ionlycountedthreeandtherethralls... Oooh,hello," she adds once she notices the fallen form of the four-legged plant monster. And then Lysos is stumbling into view. "Iknowyou. Youarequitehandywithawheelbarrow!"

Aryia clambers to her knees with a groan behind her mask, her glancing up to Paenitia. "... not a dog..." she gestures belatedly. A gloved hand comes into her view. Torch-bright eyes blink, and she takes the offer to stand.

The mute nods towards the veiled one, and-

A coughing fit catches her attention, and she looks over. Her eyes widen. "L-Y-S-O-S? Damn, you look like shit. Seyardu!" she signs and whistles over to the cleric, waving at her and pointing to Lysos. <Handspeech>

Paenitia catches the tattoo reveals, and the whip. "Ah, the whip-cracker."

The Dark Lucht has some thoughts, summarizing them as "Do not pay him back all at once, Zhag'un, he will die."

She points off to the south. "Yes friend dragon, there is the one there, ah!" She faces Lysos, "You are known? Well met!"

"Snacks," Pothy whines now that all is clear and settled.

Ravenstongue just gives him a side-eye as she makes sure that her immediate person is all good and there's not any bits of mold on her anywhere. Pothy, of course, is immaculate and has no such issues with mold.

Ravenstongue gives him only a pat on the head as a consolation prize as she walks up to the group. She notices Lysos and says, "Oh! Hey--long story, we're here to find the source of the Purple Pox."

Lysos definitely isn't looking so good.. after scraping off some of the grime and mud, some of her exposed skin seems to be sporting small bruises.... bruises from which faint patches of white fuzz seem to be collecting. She coughs again, not quite the wracking fit of earlier, but still wet and phlegmy sounding. And her eyes... they are the eyes of one on the verge of panic. Of course, any longer time acquaintance of Lysos knows that panic is no real stranger for her. But at least the familiar faces keep her from trying to get away again. "Purple Pox?" Her eyes move from once face to another until they settle on Eustangellabledine. And then she groans.

GAME: Paenitia rolls heal+4: (1)+13+4: 18 (EPIC FAIL)
GAME: Seyardu rolls heal: (13)+8: 21

All four have the Purple Pox. The Lucht was obviously the worst-off and was close to death even before he met the business end of the oruch's weapon. His internal structure isn't normal anatomy, it was half-absorbed by the growing mushroom creature. The 'guard', half-Sil, and Lysos have all taken a considerable amount of damage from the disease and will require long term care or magical treatment.

GAME: Paenitia rolls knowledge/local: (4)+11: 15
GAME: Venom rolls knowledge/local: (6)+9: 15
GAME: Aryia rolls perception: (13)+23: 36
GAME: Paenitia rolls perception: (7)+5: 12
GAME: Seyardu rolls perception: (17)+5: 22

Venom helps Aryia up, quickly looking her over for injury, though, like the Mul'niessa, her attention is drawn toward the coughing.

Her grip on Aryia's hand relents with a look to glowing eyes, the returns the Thunderbelcher to it's place beneath her shroud.

She watches Seyardu tend to the caster for some seconds, unable to assist, before the oruch's antics draw her eye. Hmmm.

"Ramirez! I dismount!" Paenitia declares, and does. Straight into some muck. Which gets all over her healer's kit. Her examination of the unlucky sorceress... well it goes as one might expect.

"The Purple Pox. They all have." She says, examining the lucht next. He's obviously the worst-off. His internal structure isn't normal anatomy, it was half-absorbed by the growing mushroom creature. The flail did not improve his condition. Her grinning mask is turned towards Zhag'un. "You do him the great favour, comrade."

The others, the guard, the half-sil, and Lysos are not in very good condition. "The magic is needed here, and the long term rest. The magic, most important."

Aryia gives a thumbs up during Venom's assessment, her letting the rain wash away her the gunk from her clothes and person. She does spy the Oruch, as well as what he does and the whip he pulls out.

She turns a blind eye to whatever he decides to do with him.

The Lucht is a local. Clearly a fisherman by trade with the tackles arrayed around his person. You'd guess that the half-Sil was local, too, just based on how poor his dress is; it's hard to travel half-starved with rags for shoes and no pack or waterskin. The 'guard' is equipped for a job guarding a wagon but there's something about his dress that seems foreign.

"I understand, Zhag'un, but the Lucht and the other have little to do with the guard. Do not worry, we will make it abundantly clear to them their situation, but I will not leave them here dead." Seyardu sighs as she works on removing them from the premises. Eusta... botanist, you seem the most experienced with these fungal creatures. What do we need to do to eliminate any risk of the bodies of the ones here from causing another group to emerge? It would not do for what has been accomplished here to be undone due to that."

"Yes,yes,youremember. Clevergirl." Eustangellabledine walks over to Lysos, tilting her head to inspect the markings on the Tsura, her hands on her knees as she bends. "Didyoucomeouttosettheirnestablaze? JustlikeIsuggested. Itseemstheygotyoufirst,though. That'sashame. Doyoufeelthemyceloidgrowinginsideofyou? I'mquitecurious."

The gnome stands, taking a moment to clean the worst of the rain off her gigantic glasses. Then she replaces them and looks around. "Westillneedtofindthegrowhome. Thenestingcolony. Tomakesuretheraren'tmore, yes?"

The Dark Lucht packs up her medical kit, stowing it back behind her saddle. She progresses around the battlefield, checking the fallen, observing in silence. "The Lucht, he is local. He is fisherman. He have the hooks, tackles and lures, on he person, see?"

"The half-sil boy, he local too I think. He clothes too ragged, he too much starved. A person does not travel this way. No shoes. No pack, no waterskin. The person has to be rich enough to go be poor somewhere else. He is not that rich-poor."

Finally, she comes upon the guard. She glances at Zhag'un, then Aryia. She takes a piece of the guard's clothing between her gauntlet armour, still tests it. "This one, is dress strange. The clothing is foreign, he have the Charnese weapon. Aryia, you want the look at him?"

Aryia looks between them all, rubbing her arm. "... weird. They're all different kinds of people, pulled together. These three shouldn't be mingling."

She glances to Paenitia, and her head bobs slowly. She steps forward and kneels down to examine the guard with a cold expression in her eyes. <Handspeech>

Lysos subjects herself to the examinations.. even if she didn't want to, she's not strong enough to put up much resistance anyways. The skin around her eyes tightens when the would-be-Dana-usurper asks about it growing inside of her... and her breathing quickens as she very obviously tries to figure out if she can feel it or not. "Stars... I don't know... I wasn't feeling well, and just wanted to get some fresh air.. and then I woke up here. In a cave. In the mud." She cranes her head back towards the south, raising a grubby arm to point. "Down there. There's more. Oh Stars."

Venom slowly huffs a silent sigh and looks toward Seyardu, her hands framing a, "I agree with her assessment." <handspeech>

The veiled woman look to the Oruch, guaging his posture, then watches Aryia's assess the man's gear.

The pugilist scowls heavily and drops the guard unceremoniously to the wet ground. "Charn military. Trying to recover our oruch friend here, take him back in. Probably took them and them-" she points to the half-sil and the lucht, "-in by hiring them or what not. They're just as guilty."

She looks up at Seyardu with a firm look. "The Charnite should die," she motions soberly. And a sentence she'd be willing to carry out if no one wanted to. <Handspeech>

Although Ravenstongue remembers being a young teenage half-elf, yeah, best not to assume the emotional state of the boy.

Ravenstongue presses her lips together into a thin line as she finally gets close enough to look at the half-sil. She sighs after a long moment. "He's young," she says, gesturing to the half-elf. "Young teenager. Not an adult. Either on the run and got mixed in with the wrong crowd or... Something. Either way, I know that the myceloids use the Pox infection to force the infected into labor. These people are almost certainly myceloid servants."

Ravenstongue goes on to say, "I don't think they even knew each other beforehand. Just people all caught up in this... infection."

"Oooooh," the gnome croons, eager as Lysos speaks. Following the Tsura's gaze and ignoring the dire implications. "Acaveyousay? Thatwouldbeperfect. Thefunguspeoplesdosolovethemacave." She turns to Seyardu, waving the armored sith-makar ahead. "Yougofirst. Ifwefindthebirthinggroundswecanendit." She puts loose fists together and makes a 'fwoosh' noise as she pulls them apart and splays her fingers. She's too busy thinking about the fungus colony to really worry about the interpersonal conflicts and relationships of unconscious plague carriers. She already knows she's not allowed to use them as things to strap bombs to. "Shallwe?"

Aryia quips in with a hand, "Don't forget the things the Temples want." <Handspeech>

Venom shakes her head a moment, then signs toward Aryia, "Not yet. There may be more to this man's operation. Dead, he tells us nothing." <handspeech>

Not never.

Just not yet.

"Yes, I agree with Venom. We can do so, or leave them in the prisons of Alexandria. But they may have information. And if by some chance they do get free, they will not be hidden."

The silver makari takes out a pouch and a dagger, and cuts a small handful of hair that is stowed in the pouch. "What is this you speak of about more, Lysos? More people, or more of those mushrooms? We need to burn down the place it seems. And we should deal with that."

Paenitia watches Aryia's handsign, and nods. She doesn't understand, but trusts the mul'niessa's judgement. Hopefully she didn't approve cold-blooded killing. That might have been what Aryia was asking Seyardu, to do.

Probably, it was heal them. Probably.

The Red Knight's attention is on Eustangellabledine. Her head tilts, her armour creakes, she seems more like a tin man right now, a statue. She's deciphering the woman's speech. Finally she replies, her voice still cheerful but with a colourful lilt, "Ithelpifyousing-songit, ifyouaretospeaksofast. Thecaveisthegoodidea. Ithinkyouright, thefungusisthepeacethroughmindcontrol."

Perhaps this is what the nobles in the city want it for.

Lysos just sages against the stump, having no intention of following anyone anywhere close to the cave. "I don't know. I just woke up in there. Had to climb over a few.. bodies... might be more people?" Her head sags backwards, resting on a piece of protruding bark... the picture of someone trying very hard to keep it together.

Aryia stares at those that tell her 'not now'. She curls a fist, the light in her eyes dimming a shade or two before she takes a breath. "Better for the fetch job to be a failure than to get word back that their dog ended in a leash."

She leaves the guard alone. Despite how much she wanted to drive her boot through the back of their skull.

She stops halfway to Venom, her watching Paenitia with a confused expression. Her brows pinch upwards, and she tilts her head to the side. "... please do that. I can understand that better..." <Handspeech>

"You will be fine Lysos, it is not as bad as you feel it is yet." Seyardu reassures, but then she gestures to the others. "The others, are not in nearly as good shape, I only have so much magic I can cast at one time with no exact guarantee of success with a single attempt, and there may be others within the cave that need it even more. I promise that it will be fine. But we need to deal with the cave so that our efforts to stem it here have meaning. That, and I suppose helping the temple districts with whatever they are doing."

Zhag'un stays behind as you venture off for the cave. He easily drags the half-Sil boy over and drops him atop the guard. He leaves his weapon slung and nods, crossing his arms in the rain as you disappear further into the wet forest. He shares a hard look with Aryia, exchanging what he hopes is a mute understanding...

Behind the southern treeline-- back the way from whence Lysos stumbled-- is a low hill sporting the yawning, low-angled mouth of a cave. Water falls off the higher lip in rapid drops and the whole piled, rock-ringed opening is surrounded by a low mist.

The descent is steep but easy enough, almost stepped for all the craggy, bare rocks. A few places where the sun occasionally touches are slick with moss. The sound of water dripping joins that of a low, distant rush of subterranean streams bolstered by the rainfall.

The whole place smells of sickly sweet and decay, spoiled jellies and rot. Those that need it are forced to produce lights mundane or magical.

The landing is a large cave-- easily bigger than the Fernwood-- full of death and fungal growth. Rock formations sag from the ceiling and crawl up from the ground, meeting in a few places to form natural columns.

An ancient, decrepit myceloid is wedged inert and decaying into the craggy western wall. His shape has lost its arm and legs and instead spreads out like a bed of reaching purple mush with fuzzy white clumps.

Arrayed across the floor are burst and forgotten corpses; what was once a giant, the scattered down of a rotten egalrin, and a handful of human-sized beings.

Two other forms have fallen against the back wall. They might be human or Sil or maybe even oruch-blooded but they're bloated and engorged beyond recognotion. They resemble more overlarge boils fit to burst and decorate by the ghostly remnants of vestigial limbs. The growths sweat that cloying, purple syrup and the shadows of humanoid forms stir inside. The distant keen of birthing cries begin to echo through the leaking fluids...

"Ramirez! It is the happy day!" Paenitia cries cheerfully, "You will see the inside of a cave without the wing-squeezing. It is the horse-sized roost!"

'RuuuAaahhh.' Ramire is impressed. He is not often inside, especially cavern spaces.

He picks his way down the descent, careful talon steps, until Steed and Rider arrive at the small landing. The stench is enough to make him halt, even if his mistress didn't ask. She did.

"Stop, brave one." Paenitia pats his neck. "This air bad to breathe. We should not stay long. I do not think the rescue is in time for those two." She points at the fallen forms, the boils that once were people. The keening adds to the ambience.

"Okay! I think we the birthday party. This we can join at range, with the flaming arrows? What the solution, Eusta?"

Eustangellabledine has to take her time coming down into the cave. She's not the most athletic of gnomes and easy steps for some aren't easy steps for everyone; especially when you're half as tall as most present. After having a chance to look around she begins to slip out of her backpack, kneeling and flipping open the bag to reveal a familiar contraption for those of you who interfered with her initial plan in the streets of Alexandria.

"Fantasticfantasticfantastic. Enclosedandtight. Onelittleexplosionandwe'reaaaaaaaaaalldone." She laughs, manic, and begins playing with knobs and dials, connecting a tube and twisting open a valve. "Wearequiteveryandimmediatelyclose. WewilleraseDana'sglaringmistake. Wewillbeheroes." She giggles again as her pack begins to burble and hiss.

Aryia share that same look with Zhag'un. She gives a slow nod in understanding. It was his personal vendetta, one that she knows far too well. The mute bows slightly towards him, and ventures off with the party towards to the cave.

The pugilist comes to a halt next to Venom, her brows knitting in annoyance from the smell. She spies Eusta pulling out something.

And she takes a wise step back.

GAME: Ravenstongue rolls Knowledge/Nature: (7)+8: 15

"Are you sure that's a good idea?" Ravenstongue says, quiet enough to not provoke sudden myceloid ambushes but loud enough for all in the group, including the manic gnome who challenges the gods, to hear. She glances up at the cave. "Enough power and you might collapse the cave with an explosion."

Lysos had nodded her understanding to Seyardu... or at least her acceptance. Healer's gonna heal who the healer heals, after all. And then she finds herself somewhat alone.. save for the oruch some distance away, and she doesn't know him. It's almost enough to have her crawling to her feet and following.. but then she shudders at the very idea of going back into that cave. Instead she looks up at the sky, imagining the stars coming out later when night falls.. and then scowling. "You did this," she accuses them. Or something else up there. "Why do you keep doing this."

Venom considers Aryia's approach as she makes it, holding her gaze on the Mul'niessa without a sign.

There is a look to Aryia's hands, then the supine guard for a moment, and she turns back to the mission.

In the passage of time, the cave looms before them, and Venom once again finds herself en pause for a moment. Her chin dips slightly, then her Thunderbelcher returns to enjoy the weather briefly before they venture inside.

The tableau isn't a comfort, and her attention is only torn from it by Aryia drawing up by her side. She regards the mute a moment, a light touch of knuckles to the woman's arm being the intent, though her withdrawal freezes her for a moment in place.

She looks over her shoulder to the Gnome and starts to backpedal, herself, thumb bringing back the arming hammer of the weapon with three ratcheting clicks.

Just in case.

GAME: Paenitia rolls knowledge/military theory: (4)+10: 14

Big eyes made to look bigger by oversized glasses glitter up at Ravenstongue when the sorceress asks her question. Her affirming 'muahahahaha' is double-time and sounds like something an over-stimulated, sapient chipmunk might offer when particularly amused. "Exactly," she adds.

There's an ominous click as she flips a switch and eases the backpack flat on the cave floor. A gentle slosh concludes and then ticking begins. Ticking that seems to be getting louder. Quickly.

"Ifyouwouldn'tmind, jumpypunchylady..." Eustangellabledine waves Aryia foward and gestures for her to push the pack towards the center of the cave. "Comecomecome, tickticktick, timeisoftheessence."

At /that/ reaction from the crazy lady, Ravenstongue promptly leaves the cave to join Lysos. "Feathers--" <Sylvan>

Ravenstongue blinks, like she's not sure where the word on her lips came from or why, but she says, "Jeez, I really don't want to be next to her when the bomb goes off."

Paenitia examines the area, the size of the cavern, the size of the Eustangellabledine's bomb. The little lucht has no idea how big the explosion it causes will be. She can estimate though, based on similar bombs she's seen. As a halfing, she has a great scale too. Anything bigger than her, she needs to be far enough away she can't see it.

Actually, that's good for all bombs. Outside, is the minimum safe distance.

"Ole! We need out the cave!" The Red Knight leans, grabbing the gnome by the back of her jacket, and with surprising ease swings her up and behind, onto the saddle. "You hold! All, Out!"

"Aryia, step the bomb over to the other side, then all the way out. Ramireze! We go!" On the order, her peacock-andalusian turns and gallops out. "Move fast!"

Seyardu joined the others at the cave after making sure those at the cart would be okay for the moment, only to find a rather unpleasant scene unfolding. "They are, I thought we destroyed the nest, not the area itself?" She asked before moving father away herself, and running for the entrance.

Aryia nudges Venom back in the same motion, before-

She blinks, her eyes wide. Did... she just set that while they're standing right here? "You crazy bitch," she quickly flicks at the gnome before running forward and shoving the pack as hard as she can, getting all the way to the center of the cave in a record time.

Some distance at the entrance of the cave, faded after-images of a cloaked mul'neissa sprinting out of the enclosure solidify, the mute sliding across the ground and diving prone. She covers her ears. <Handspeech>

"Keep go Ramirez!" Paenitia urges. No reason to stay close.

"Did you say.... bomb," Lysos asks of Ravenstongue, opening one eye to look at the half-sil warily.

There is a certain reassurance in Aryia's return bump, though her attention is turned swiftly toward the hypercaffienatedsciencecrazylady.



Her head lists a touch to one side in a silent 'really?' before Aryia is flashforwarding the payload to the address, and after a moment's hesitation, the veiled enigma turns to beat feet out of the cave, stopping once to check to see if her silent partner is indeed following. The myceloids aren't born with a pop. The boils tear slowly and the syrup oozes lazily onto the floor; molasses flowing on a chilly day. The tear spreads and the boil begins to sag to one side. Then the sound of wet bodies tumbling as the creatures fall loose from the corpses and trumpet their greetings to the world.

The pack rasps its way across the cave floor, shoved by Aryia, and settles with another slosh towards the center of the room.

You all make your mad dash for the exit; flying, climbing, and blinking through reality to reach the surface world and the damp, open air.

Your feet find the soft earth with a splash and you continue on as some dive for cover. Eustangellabledine holds onto Paenitia for dear life, crushing herself against the back of the paladina's adamantine armor.

And then... nothing.

"Where'sthekaboom?" The gnome complains, slowly looking back over her shoulder. "There'ssupposedtobeabigka--"

And then the world ruptures. A shockwave bursts from the cave mouth that sends grit, rock, and chunks of fungus and once-people alike spewing into the air. The grass-grown earth jumps inches into the air and the a forty-foot section of the earth sags down before cracking and collapsing into a giant sinklhole smack dab in the middle of the Alexandros countryside.

The thunderclap was defeaning. Your ears ring painfully.

Paenitia can feel the mad gnome laughing in the saddle behind her.

Ravenstongue cringes from the explosion and the ringing, hands going up over her little pointed ears.

Pothy, however, keeps preening his feathers.

Cool corvids don't look at explosions.

'RAAAAWK!' Peacock-andalusians don't like explosions.

His mistress will not enjoy clearing all the dirt and earth out of his tailfeathers later, either.

Still, they got far enough there isn't too much ringing, even if she is shouting inside her armour now. "I hope you get the good view my friend. I do not want to be closer."

They wheel in the air, examining the sinkhole from above.

The air displaced by the explosion whips Lysos's sodden, mud crusted hair about her face.. and then the shaking ground tips her over. She lets out a startled squawk, but it's lost in the roar of the explosion and rushing wind... when it's over, she's once again face down in the dirt. She struggles to right herself again, though she eyes the stump distrustfully.. then with a groan she struggles to her feet.

The veiled one manages to land with reasonable grace as the ground suddenly lurches underfoot with the thunderous roar of the somewhat delayed(?) explosion. Her oilcloth shrouded form pelted with little bits of earth...

... pebbles...

...Bob and Tom....

Venom manages to backhand a decent sized rock out of course to her face before her hands come up to the sides of her head once the debris has finished it's support of the monsoon, and she hesitantly brings a hand up to shakily sign, "Status?" <handspeech>

Aryia buries herself prone into the ground as the explosion rocks the earth, making her roll a few feet along the way. Not only was she half covered in the gunk and mud, now dirt and grass coats her like a tarred and feathered fool.

Despite her trying to protect them, her ears ring loud.

She lays there for a moment, heart pounding, eyes wide from the sudden and violent experience. The mute slowly peers from the ground, looks around for Venom, and gives a shaky thumbs up.

The flops back onto the ground, face first. Bleh.

Seyardu was not the first one out despite being the last one in, as they were not the most coordinated. But somehow they manage to get out just before the explosion is going off, which sends the silver sith-makar tumbling quite a bit as everything rains down. "Is everyone alright?" She asks after rolling onto her back. "That was an excellene plan, blowing up the cave and sending the infectious material we were trying to destroy flying into the air." She adds.

The rumbling shockwave fades quickly, the feel and sound of rainfall returning. The mad laughter of the gnomish alchemist echoes down from the heavens. Perhaps a preview of her future ascension and usurpation of Dana's throne. She pats Paenitia emphatically on the back, excited beyond words.

Zhag'un looks up from where he'd crouched and covered his head, turning his lip into a snarl at the obvious source of the continued insanity. He checks the two prisoners roughly, lifting them by the collars to confirm their breathing before dropping them back into the mud. He stands, pulls down the wagon with one mighty tug, and lifts the ragdoll men into its bed.

"OH!" Eustangellabledine calls down, leaning over in the saddle to point at the bush she'd hid in during the myceloid attack. "THOSEROOTS! THEYCANUSETHOSEROOTS! GRABTHEBUSHES! COMPLETESUCCESS!"

Hopefully the success is complete. Hopefully Seyardu is wrong and the heavy rain and dispersal of the spore is enough to negate its infectious properties. Hopefully the mad little gnome didn't get too carried away in trying to destroy some of Dana's creations that she didn't consider the ramifications of her actions.


Still. It might be a good idea to put up some markers and roadsign suggesting people steer clear for a bit. Just to be safe.

Ghoulish cp line.png


 ===================== Current Initiative Order - Round 1 =====================
     25   Aryia            6  
  >> 20   GiMy             1   <<
     20   Boti                
     18   YoMy                
     17   Eusta               
     15   Angler              
     14   Paenitia         1  Flat-footed (0 rnds remaining)               
     13   Ravenstongue     1  Flat-footed (0 rnds remaining)               
     11   Doggy               
     10   Venom            1  
     10   My                  
     6    Seyardu          1  Flat-footed (0 rnds remaining)               
     5    Zhag                
