Success, Sweets, Shade, and $

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Log Info

  • Title: Success, Sweets, Shade, and $#!@faced
  • Emitter: Aryia
  • Characters: Aryia, Irshya, Verna, Seyardu, Jinks
  • Place: TarRaCe Bathhouse
  • Time: November 18th, 2021
  • Summary:

TarRaCe Bathhouse, Afternoon

It was a much deserved day.

A scarred mul'neissa floats amongst the baths in black swim trunks and a simple wrap, a bottle in hand as she stares at the ceiling, her moon colored hair splayed out around her. Her visage is flushed red, and her motions languid. Clearly, quite drunk. And fully unwinding, bathed in bliss.

A long sigh leaves her as she takes a drink, and hisses to herself, "...s- gl-d th-t b-tch -s d-d..."

A few bottles and glasses are arrayed near the side of the bath, a selection of wine with bottle's uncorked. Next to the wine, a small basket with a selection of cut sandwiches, perfectly sized finger food.

A sign near the front announces that the baths are reserved for select patrons, with apologies to the regular clients.

In the bath itself, deep at the bottom, a wee shadow floats, moving gently with the currents in the pool.

Aryia is a select patron! Hell yeah, all that time being lazy in here paid off! She was more than a regular, she was important! She grins to herself as she passes by the basket, a hand rising to scoop up a sandwhich. It misses on the first try, but manages to snag one before she got too far. Though, she couldn't help but wander, who gave her such a privilege? Such answers would be easy to come by if she wasn't already deep into the cups.

She was unaware of what lurks in the depths...

The shadow moves slightly in time with Aryia's movement, and a short time later, it begins to surface. The Gobbo-face that emerges grins at the Mul.

"Irshya made you some sandwiches!", she announces cheerfully. "And Irshya shoo'd away the other customers in here. So you can enjoy some time to yourself and your friends." The Gobbo's shark-like tail swishes back and forth, propelling her towards the sandwiches. Sniffing at them a few moments, she snatches a couple. "Mmmh, freshly caught fish!" The delicate delicacies disappear into her maw, swallowed without chewing.

Aryia was finishing the last of her morsel just as the gobbo emerges. She slowly blinks at the grinning face. A full second later, her head raises some in a very late response.

Processing.... processing...

Addled mind finally catches up. The mute blinks, then returns the grin. "Th-nks...!" she hisses in her voiceless manner, her reaching out to pat the gobbo-shark on the head. A lazy hand continues her words, "We appreciate that!" <Handspeech>

Irshya grins at Aryia, and blinks as the Mul'neissa takes a few moments to process things. As Aryia's hand reaches out, the Gobbo's mouth opens slightly, revealing row upon row of teeth. Her eyes widen as she's patted on the head, going cross-eyed as she tries to keep an eye on the hand.

"You're welcome!", she replies cheerfully. "It sounded like you needed to celebrate, and Irshya thought it would be nice to give you the space." Giggling, Irshya leans in, attempting to hug the Mul. "The price is that Irshya gets to be a part of it." Her grin is broad and toothy.

Perhaps surprisingly, Aryia is open to the embrace. Though, she doesn't stop her lazy floating about, her free arm giving a firm squeeze. She nods thrice, giving a long sigh as her torch-lit gaze rests on the ceiling. She snerks at the last bit. "Y-s... th-t's f-n-." Some more hand gestures, hopefully Irshya used that spell to get what the mute was trying to convey. "Honestly, this is really, really nice of you... I missed the baths so much, and this is a fucking nice return..."

"How have you been?" she asks of the pool shark, them still held in a side hug as she floats about.<Handspeech>

In light of very recent events, Verna seeks out the full-blooded Aryia. The half-blood may or may not be considered a select patron in the scope current signage, though is directed towards the baths in the scope of her current search. If indulgences or personal hygiene are on her mind, her typical volumous robes and floating Tome of Current Perusal do not suggest as much as she enters.

The wee sharky one enjoys the embrace, floating along with Aryia.

"Irshya owns the Tarrace now, by herself.", she says, sounding sad. "Irshya is busy busy busy. Irshya misses Sabina. And Ygraine." The embrace becomes a bit more clingy for a little bit. "But. Irshya is okay, all things considered." Stretching, the Gobbo pats Aryia's shoulder. "But this...", she gestures to the baths at large, "Is about you, not me. What are you celebrating?"

At Verna's arrival, Irshya's demeanor becomes a bit formal, and she wiggles free of the Mul to confront the other. "Irshya sorry, but the baths are closed for a private event." The tail swishes back and forth behind her. "Unless one is on the guest list..." The Gobbo peers over her shoulder at Aryia, expectantly.

It was an incredibly difficult proposition to be turned down. That the bathhouse was still running was a surprise, and that it would be open for use. Even more, that somehow she was one of several welcome for private use!

The silver sith-makar was not nearly as quick to join still however. She had to make sure that the guards were taken care of and the statue sorted, and check for anyone who may have lingered around the market. But when that was done, she made it her first business to stop by the bathhouse. She had a set of Althean robes on when she entered, likely from making her rounds, and she looked to find several familiar faces. The silverscale grins, unsettling to those not used to it, and waves to her friends.

Aryia softly sighs at the mention of Sabina. She bobs her head, frowning slightly as she gives Irshya another squeeze in the hug. "I'm glad you're doing okay. And Sabina is doing good, last time I talked with her."

The question brings a wicked grin on the mute's lips. "We killed a stupid devil that's been a bitch and a half for the past few months."

Upon seeing the two enter, she smiles wide, and moves to stand in the waters. This is the first time Verna has seen the pugilist so dressed down, and it was clear that all the markings and scars didn't terminate just on her limbs. She is, however, incredibly in shape.

The questioning glance from the owner is met with a happy, drunken beckon. "Verna! Seyardu! Get over here! The water's great! We have sandwhiches!" <Handspeech>

Verna looks to the known aquatic proprietress. "Greetings. I only wished to-" she attempts to explain the passing nature of her visit when Seyardu arrives and invitations (or demands?) are made by Aryia. Her hood dips to all three as additional greetings. Ending on Seyardu, she pans back between the three. "It appears that spirits are high..." a glance at Aryia "Some perhaps higher than others."

The Gobbo-shark is about to offer the same challenge to Seyardu, when Aryia called to both the Sith and Half-Elf. She grins toothily, and vanishes under the surface of the water, becoming a little shadowy blur moving near the bottom.

Irshya surfaces near the sandwiches in question, picking out the fish-based ones with ease. A few disappear into her mouth, vanishing without much chewing.

"Well, I hope that you can sort what you came here for, Verna." Seyardu replies with a grin to her fellow cleric. "This is a good day, that the city is safer, at least to a degree. And, thank you for sorting this out Irshya." She adds to the gobbo in question. The silver makari joins the group near where the sandwiches are, setting her things to the side. "It seems you have been here for some time Aryia. The water is good you say? I am looking forward to it."

Aryia snickers as Irshya yoinks some food, the mute ambling over towards Seyardu, stumbling some before she rests against the edge of the pool. "Just a couple of hours. Fuck, I missed this place..." she motions languidly.

She bobs her head at Verna, raising her spirit to the sky. And taking a large swig. "Fuck yes it is. Thanks for helping us out, Verna. Was there something you needed? Bottles and food is fair game!" <Handspeech>

Verna cannot negate nor deny any of the statements. "Indeed." With concern overriding curiosity, perhaps, she closes the book that was her travel/light/casual(?) and/or focused reading and stows it within her robes. "I came to follow up in the aftermath of recent events to ensure all were well, or as well as could be expected. I am pleased that such is the case."

Much of that may be in explanation to Seyardu's comment as she then turns to Aryia. "You are most welcome. As Seyardu noted, the city is more secure for it... though to the extend that I would prefer. Thus the research continues."

Irshya giggles at Aryia, while giving Seyardu and Verna a lazy wave.

"Irshya is happy that the Tarrace is worth fondly remembering. But service here was not disrupted for long. Irshya had to uh apply some biting in order for things to return to normal operation." Her arms cross and she huffs. "It was bothersome." Her toothy grin returns in full. "But, here we are!" Water is splashed in Aryia's direction. She glances at Seyardu and shakes her head. "Ah, no thank yous are required. Irshya is charging a steep price for admission: her presence here."

The Gobbo-shark cackles noisily.

"That is a terribly steep price, but it is worth it to be able to be here again. It was greatly missed after my scales were decayed by negative energy." Seyardu chuckles, taking some time to doff her robe. Though she did look somewhat different than usual. Around her left forearm were several spiraling lines. The cleric pauses at the waters edge to sample a few of the sandwiches.

Aryia shrugs at Verna, grinning wide. "It's what we can do, and I'm glad we did it. Fuck, I actually *slept* last night, that's how relieved I was. That bitch was basically hunting us for the longest fucking time."

The mute is splashed. She blinks, looking over at Irshya before downing the last of her bottle in hand and setting it aside. A curious glance is passed over Seyardu, her head tilting to the side as torch-lit eyes lazily look over the lines. She pokes them before turning around sharply. The mul'neissa splashes her way towards the TarRaCe owner, arms outstretched as she tries to grab the the pool-shark. Her drunkenly giggling all the way in her breathy manner.<Handspeech>

The Gobbo snorts at Seyardo, and grins. "Well, you can catch up on lost time. Get naked and hop into the pool!" She giggles as the Sith is distracted by the sandwiches.

Irshya blinks and peers as Aryia advances. She squeaks and submerges at the last moment, her tail flicking and propelling her down and away. Circling Aryia's legs, she attempts to stay just out of Aryia's grasp. Can a drunk Aryia catch a fish in a big barrel?

The spirals on their arm were a darker color, a deep green that was almost vinelike in appearance. She looks down and blinks at the poke, and then her attention turns to the gobbo.

"So be it,Irshya." The sith makar chuckles, before diving into the pool with a large splash, thankfully far enough away from the food and drink. She looks around for the others, but settled into floating on her stomach for a moment, letting her tail spin her around some.

Could Aryia catch a fish in a barrel? Probably. Hell, she's pretty sure she's done it before. Drunk? Absolutely not. But that didn't abate her attempts. The mute was fast, even more so drunk, as she wasn't minding how the water sloshes around and possibly on others. She breathing haggardly, yet from the smile plastered on her lips and the way she lunges for the fish, she just giggling her drunk head off.

She does abate after a number of attempts, ending up near the silverscale and flopping into a float next to her, a silly grin plastered on her face. She pokes the arm again. "What's that? You get a tattoo?" <Handspeech>

For those with good hearing, the Gobbo's squeaks are heard as she slithers and slips through Aryia's grasp several times. She ends up hiding underneath the floating form of Seyardu, taking advantage of the larger Sith's shadow.

As Aryia 'gives up', and leans back to float around, Irshya surfaces between the two.

At Aryia's question, the Gobbo peers at the deep green markings. "Irshya has not seen Sith painting themselves before."

The floating sith makar squints and snorts, blowing water out of her snout. They don't need to breathe under water for a while, right. She looks over, and over at her left arm, before bringing her head above the surface to speak.

"This was, what? Tattoos do not work with scales. I thought it was just some lingering damage from the ghost the other day." Seyardu sighs, before she coughs as the goblin surfaces between them. "You have not? They are quite common and look nice. It is a common occurence back home, but I have not done any today. Though it is a day for celebration all the same."

Aryia blinks as the gobbo comes back her, her smirking and patting her on the head once more before returning her attention to Seyardu.

The mute shakes her head, trying to elaborate as best she can as her head swims. "No. This is green. The damage was brown. These look healthy." <Handspeech>

"Ghost?", the Gobbo wonders. "Hmmph, Irshya is sad to have missed it. She would have seen it off to whatever afterlife awaits it." She looks to Aryia as head is patted, and she moves slightly, as if she may slip away once more if the chase is back on. Her eyes flick back to the markings on Seyardu, as if to confirm that they are, in fact, green. "Do Sith get tattoos? Or do they just paint themselves?"

Seyardu squints, and pokes at her left arm a few times. "They basically look the same." The sith-makar huffs. "But they do not look damaged or feel unbearably itchy. So maybe it is green, if it is not your drinks making it look different."

She turns her gaze to Irshya, and shakes her head. "They are gone now, yes. And, tattoos, they do not work. As far as I am aware, tattoos require the transparency of skin to show pigment injected underneath it. Scales are not transparent, all you would be doing is dying the flesh underneath for no reason. Paint is the usual course, but due to the fact they go on scales, they can be much more vibrant and a variety of finishes, compared to what I have seen non makari do."

"Why do your sort get tattoos, anyways? It seems odd to do that."

Aryia idly watches the arm in a haze as the silverscale explains, the playful chasing now gone from her as attentino is directed elsewhere. "Just because the room is spinning doesn't mean the colors are too..!" the mute gestures with a snicker. "Because sometimes they look nice. Or, maybe, they want to remember something, or they like something. I had a couple, but they got..."

The elf trails off, perplexed that she signed that. "... I don't know what happened to them," she lamely concludes. <Handspeech>

"Erm, well, as far as Irshya knows, tattoos are permanent. Seems to me to be a rather bold statement if one wishes to permanently inscribe something upon one's flesh." The Gobbo giggles lightly. "In Irshya's case, paint would just dissolve fairly quickly. Salt water is not forgiving to normal paints."

Irshya looks to Aryia, and grins toothily. "What about the one on your back?", she wonders innocently.

"Well, I do not know. I have heard that those who imbibe enough alcohol seem to find others more attractive than usual, so it seems to have some affect on perception." The cleric shrugs before rolling on to her back. "You like Violet a lot, I have heard she looks nice as well. Would you get a tattoo of something with or about her?"

Seyardu looks to the gobber and chuckles. "This is what I am saying. There are paints that may not work on skin that do on solid scales, and you can not apply lacquers on top of the paints to make them water tight on skin. But the permenancy of tattoos seems to be a trade off."

Aryia pauses at Irshya's question. She goes quiet for a moment, her craning her neck to look at her own back. Criss-crossed, scissoring light grey scars lined her from shoulder to hip in a cruel hatch-mark pattern. If there was any marking or ink, it would have been long gone from the damage.

The elf finds a drink, imbibes more, then easily gestures with a smile, clearly too far elated from the recent ongoings to slip into a bad mindset. "Those are scars, silly. From whips."

She looks back to Seyardu, her gaze hazy as the other question. Her face breaks out into a soft smile, but she shakes her head. "No. I don't think I'd do that. I don't know if I ever would get one. I hate it when things pierce skin."

Then she's lost in idle thought for a moment. The trail of insight going from one place, to another, then another.... "... didn't you say you were going to tell me something...?" she idly wonders of the silverscale. If it was just drunken thoughts or an actual question, who knows.<Handspeech>

"Lacquer?", Irshya says, canting her head slightly. "I guess it covers the paint and keeps it from getting wet?" She rubs at her cheek, and giggles at Aryia. "Irshya was just teasing, hoping that you were drunk enough to fall for it." The Mul's question has the Gobbo blushing slightly. "Irshya could leave you two to talk." She begins to float towards the side of the bath.

"Yes, Lacquer." The cleric nods. "Clear covering that goes over the paint."

"That is fair enough, Aryia, I can understand that. I would not likely do so, but, perhaps I have ended up with one whether I like it or not?" Seyardu sighs. Then Aryia asks about telling her someting, and the silver makari nods quickly. "Yes! Of course! And please do not leave Irshya, it is no problem if you are around."

"This, I, my brother is okay! And not only is he okay, he is in Alexandria!" She explains quickly, turning to float upright and grinning to the two in the bathhouse with her.

Aryia ceases her floating, the pugilist blinking at Seyardu before splashing to a stand and gasping. "SEYARDU THAT'S FUCKING FANTASTIC!" she exudes with wide, energy filled signs before pulling the silverscale into a crushing hug. She holds it for a long moment before releasing her to speak more, a silly, stupid grin on her face. "Do you plan on meeting him? Do you need me there with you?"<Handspeech>

The Gobbo squeaks at Aryia's sudden outburst, and looks a little relieved. Her floating to the side of the pool keeps her from being smooshed between the other two. "Irshya wonders whom Seyardu's brother is?"

If handspeech could make someone wince from the loudness, Aryia would have done so. But at least she is able to make the cleric wince from the hug. She did just manage to wrestle an ashwing into submission, after all. But she does manage to return the hug a bit weakly.

"This one, you were actually around, but when I ah, went to look for you you were already gone. Remember the day Sabina was looking at places outside the city? And ah, oh goodness, there's a lot to talk about, but it all happened so quickly."

Freed from the hug, she looks to Irshya and grins. "Their name is Skielstregar, and they are a really big sith-makar. They used to have silver scales like I did, but now they're kind of bronze color. He ah, he doesn't look the best now, it is a long story as well, but he's just as wonderful a brother as one could ask for."

"Irshya may have met him, but she cannot recall. Has he visited the city?" Irshya approaches the two once more, since the chances of an accidental squishing has diminished. "So did he catch something that tarnished his scales?", she wonders of Seyardu.

"I think he may have before, but he is, a bit wary of coming to the city." Seyardu explains, her excitement curbing some, before she settles into a happy smile. "He caught something, that as far as I am aware, can not be fixed fully, but I will try to find what I can. Still, he is really nice, just a bit skittish. But if you ever see him, do not hesitate to be friendly despite his appearance."

"He is very tall. Taller than most, and makes me look tiny by comparison. Like you to Aryia, almost." She chuckles. "It was like that when we were young, too."

The Gobbo blinks and nods slowly. "Irshya can be understanding and friendly." Her little stub of a tail is briefly displayed as she turns part way around. "Irshya is not a uhm standard Gobbo." She looks up a little, nodding again. "So the usual height one expects of Sith? He will be welcomed at the Tarrace."

"Yes, I was curious about that." Seyardu nods, gesturing to the tail with her snout before she floats to take a glass for a drink. "I have never seen a gobber such as yourself, though I do not know many. Thank you by the way, for continuing to run the place, I am really quite happy to hear, and I imagine Aryia is, as well. If you ever need help, do not hesitate to ask."

The cleric chuckles and shakes her head. "No, even bigger! Big for a makari, almost eight feet tall or around there. I was kind of surprised, and a little disappointed to see how much taller he was than me when we met again."

Irshya turns about a little more, showing off a small fin that is set on her back, below her shoulders. She will then gesture to her neck, where several small slits can be seen on either side of her neck. "Irshya has an interesting mother.", she says softly.

Sinking back into the water, as her cheeks turn a pale lavender in colour, she nods slowly. "Irshya is one of the three founders of the Tarrace. The name Tarrace is a uhm... Irshya forget the word. It is made up of the three gods... Tarien, Rada and Ceirana. Ygraine is an adherent of Ceinara, while Sabina follows Tarien. Which leaves Irshya as the follower of Rada."

Her expression saddens. "Irshya is now alone. The others have gone off to do other things, for now."

Her smile brightens, however. "Irshya will feel quite small around one such as he."

Seyardu looks to the gobber, squinting at the fin. "And you are an interesting cleric." She states, smiling to Irshya. When they seem to grow saddened however, the silver makari holds out her arms for a moment, and offered hug. "You are not alone Irshya, there are still many here to help you run this, and I am sure Sabina will not be far. I saw her recently, and I can let her know if you would like her to drop by."

The Gobbo slowly steps forward, accepting the embrace from Seyardu and leaning against the Sith. "Oh, Irshya know Sabina is still around.", she says softly. "But she can't even be in Alexandria, let alone help work the Tarrace. She is lucky to even be accepted into her Faith still. Irshya is sad for her." She lets out a soft sigh. "Irshya has a uhm strange mother. Father was a regular Gobbo."

Aryia was a bit busy having a giggle fit from the wonderful news, her sipping on a drink and floating around the pool. It takes a long while for her to regain some sense of sanity, and by that point, she bumps into the two hugging folk, her joining in on it with a grin. "H-gs....!" she hisses.

"She can be, but it may not be as often. And, you and I both know she is still a good person, you almost definitely more than I." Seyardu chuckles, returning the hug and finding it joined by Aryia.

"Hugs are great, I have found. And, it is wonderful to share all this news with you."

Irshya squeaks as the hug is compounded. "She's finally stopped giggling.", the Gobbo notes, softly. Another sigh is let out slowly. "Irshya believes that she is a good person, but also believes that the succubus took advantage of her, somehow. Tricked her, some how. Irshya cannot understand what it is that the demon offered in trade. Power? Spells? Magical trinkets? Good people can be corrupted, and that is what demons are good at. It is their reason for being."

At talk of hugs, the Gobbo shrugs lightly, squished between two giant peoples... comparatively speaking.

Aryia, after a long moment, finally pulls away to free the pool-shark, and Seyardu. Her signs are much more sloppy, her steadying herself on the side of the pool as she gestures. "I'm glad you finally got to meet him. Sorry I missed out on catching him. What do you mean he caught something? Is he sick?" she questions.

Her head lulls over to look at Irshya, her lips somewhat pursed in thought. "I really have no idea," she answers in talks about the demon. "Though if they tried anything they would have been super dead." <Handspeech>

"There are too many that have an interest in the city or those in it," is noted by Verna as she returns to the baths, now sans books, "though it is good that they are now at least one fewer in number." Water is not good for books, though it may also be that she took the time to finishe her current section... or travelled some distance to store said tome(s). "With any good fortune, and no small preparation, that trend of diminishing shall continue."

The Gobbo sinks down into the pool once the hug ends, submerging and slowly sinking to the bottom. There are a few odd noises, and a rush of bubbles, before she eventually resurfaces. Near the basket with sandwiches. Which she preys upon once more, selecting ones that appear to be of the peanut butter variety. They get inhaled as quickly as previous sandwiches.

"Yes, it is good that there are less. I will likely sleep so much better than in some time." Seyardu chuckles as the impromptu hug ends. "It was wonderful to meet him. And, it is complicated, but I believe you have heard of forgotten before Aryia."

The cleric finds her set down drink to sip on. "It is like that, but he still has his senses and his personality. As for the succubus Sabina knew, I can not tell for certain. If they were manipulated, or if it was Sabina trying to make them better. If the divine can fall, then the fiends could be brought back up, I hope. But that may simply be overly hopeful."

Seyardu then turns and waves to Verna. "You are welcome to join us as well still Verna. I hope you are correct in that matter."

The mention of Forgotten makes Aryia groans, her head lulling back until it thuds against the side of the pool. "Yes, I am very well aware of that. Had to fight some of them. Fucking terrifying." She shudders after signing that, knocking back another drink before reaching for another."

She shakes her head and grins at Verna as they return. "Yes! And we got that down one yesterday!" The pugilist flexes her arms, letting one hand grow slightly shaded as the other one faintly glows a moonlit hue. The effects fade as she reaches for another sandwhich. <Handspeech>

"How do you do that?", the Gobbo wonders, of the glowy-handed one. She lets out a little breath. "And perhaps we might skip talk of demon and their banishment? You have bested one, and will best others... but for now, you should eat, drink and be merry. Not drunk and sullen."

Verna nods in agreement to them all, and perhaps in acceptance of the invitation as she moves to a bench. "You are correct, Irshya." An exhale. "My apologies if I detracted from the revelry. That was not my intent." She seems to join it, conversely, at least in some manner, as she doffs gray cloak.... followed by gray robes. All are folded and stacked neatly. Boots and gloves are removed, along with an under-shift.

She moves to sit at the edge of the water, tentatively placing one foot, than the other, into it. Yes, she does, in fact, possess feet and legs!

"Well, I am glad you did not have to fight my brother. Or if you did, it was not something more permanent." Seyardu sighs. "He is scary looking, but he's really nice. You might get along with him, I would think. And I told Irshya, but if you ever meet them Verna, just be understanding, I want to make sure they feel welcome here, since they are."

"You know, I have always seen you at the soldier's defence and elsewhere, Verna. What do you normally do with your free time?"

Aryia nods in agreement about skipping that particular topic. But she looks to the gobbo, and grins behind the sandwich held aloft in their bite. The glowing hand grows brighter, and the shaded hand starts to drip shadows. It passes through the waters with no resistance, and it scatters across the ground like a plume of dropped flour. "Bullshit mul'neissa magic and something else," she shrugs, gulping down the morsel.

Effects dismissed, she sees... Verna getting in?! She gasps, smiling as more friends join in.

A nod towards Seyardu. "Okay, I'll keep that in mind. Sorry he's like that. That shit really sucks. Seen it happen first hand." <Handspeech>

"Irshya did not mean to offer that as a rebuke. It was mostly directed at Aryia. Irshya has heard, from her own words, that Aryia has been... waiting for this moment, to be done a ponderous, icky task." The Gobbo grins then, at the glowing and shadowy hands. Her eyes follow the shadowy drops, and plunges under the water to watch them scatter across the bottom of the pool. Surfacing again, she blinks. "Irshya doesn't think it is uhm... bull... poop."

"You refer to Warrior Skielstregar, I presume?" Verna ventures to Seyardu, albeit a reasonably educated presumption: near-Forgotten are not terribly common, much less here, to her knowledge. "He was far more agreeable that some may presume from appearances. to answer your question, a great deal of reading, predominantly."

Her eyes pan to Aryia. "As magic is far more potent, oft delicate, and even more oft dangerous, than even bovine excrement. What may seem simple to one may be difficult if not impossible for another; all is a connection and should be valued in some way."

"It is a lot of work. But yes, I'm happy to put it aside for some time. I have not felt this relaxed in a long time. And you have worked really hard to learn this magic." Seyardu sighs. "I found my brother, found another makari to spend time with, and I have made so many good friends. And yes! Skielstregar, you are acquainted with him? He's really nice, is he not?" "

"Thank you again for welcoming me as you all have. There have been many problems, but I feel better for having been here." She states, grinning to everyone.

Aryia laughs, a silent, breathy sound, as she just shakes her head. "I know I know," she motions towards the pool-shark. "To answer your question... I... it's hard to explain. But it's like pulling a muscle I don't have. That's how I do it."

A sigh towards Verna and a bit of Seyardu, the mute slowly drifting towards them with her eyes rolled back. Was that a groan? Yes, it had to be. "Yes, I know, fuck's sake. It was really hard to figure out. Just wanted to make fun of my struggling."


A grin cracks across her face. "But yes, I'm really glad for you Seyardu. And same here. This place is good. Fuck load better than Charn, that's for damn sure." <Handspeech>

The Gobbo giggles at Aryia. "It is... funny watching your fingers say naught words." The wee woman slips over to the side of the pool, and pulls herself up and out.

"Irshya is going to fetch more drink. Are there any requests? Irshya started with wine, since perhaps it is best for celebrations... but Irshya could bring stronger drink. Fireball whiskey, or perhaps some of the hotpepper juice, hmm? And Irshya has a dessert surprise."

The Gobbo-shark pulls a small set of robes from the cubby shelf, and pulls it on. "Is anyone proper hungry for food, or is a dessert enough?"

"If only we could interest the demons in Charn," Verna considers aloud. That would potentially solve a great many issues. It might also be rewarding and possibly even... fun. Not that that last part is a trait terribly attributable to her. "The city is welcoming, for certain." She considers, for a moment, offering a more detailed theorem on the mechanics of spell-similar abilities enacted by various beings, but decides against. "What manner of surprise is dessert?"

"It is interesting, you can say just about anything with your hands. I just worry about Lily picking up some of the more offensive ones." Seyardu chuckles. "I would not mind some, hot pepper juice? that sounds interesting, and I will eat whatever everyone else is having. The food is all good here. I have missed it, really. Are the chefs still working here? They do a lot of good cooking."

Aryia snickers at the TarRaCe owner. "You should have heard me when I could talk, I knew a lot more fun words than what I know with my hands," she relays. "Ooh! Spiced rum! I love that shit! And a surprise?"

The mute blinks, then looks away, rubbing her neck. "... uh... oops?" she shrugs in to air towards Seyardu. She brings forth more shade, tossing some shade out into the waters idly as her ears give a little wiggle. Quite content right now. <Handspeech>

Irshya cackles at Aryia. "Irshya hopes Li'l Fang picks up all the swear words. The thought of that is incredibly funny. How adorable is a swearing child?" She giggles more, thoroughly wrapping her robes about her. "Oh, we do have spiced rum, Irshya will bring some also. Yes. A surprise. Hopefully you have a little bit of a sweet tooth. Irshya was trying her hand at pastry." Nodding, she grins at Seyardu. "Yes, the chefs have been retained." Her expression sours slightly, "Despite Irshya's reservations and their constant aggravation, she understands their value."

Grinning broadly once again, she turns and makes her way out of the baths.

Jinks' boots clack on the stone floors as he steps in from the common room. His glittering is muted by cold weather concessions; a cap, scarf, and a Myrrish longcoat. The delicate chains dancing between nose and ear piercings do glitter, though, and his rings remain in their obvious multitied when he takes his hand out of his coat pocket.

The gnome brings with him the pungent aromas of fresh-baked sweets. He balances a platter on his shoulder wrapped in a light gingham cloth, white with a checkered baby blue.

"Intriguing..." Verna notes as she watches the gobber head out to hostess. "I have been attempting to broaden my knowledge of cuisine as of late. As well," as she looks back to Aryia and Seyardu, adding of the former to the latter, "her voice was rather pleasant. Surprising... though perhaps more to myself as I was neither accustomed nor expecting to hear such."

Verna is currently enjoying the baths, or partly so; while dressed in a bare modicum of decency, she sits on the edge of the waters with only her lower legs dipped within.

Seyardu was already soaking in the bath, and she waves off Irshya. "This is kind of you to do, and thank you, again." She looks to where she is leaving, and sees Jinks entering. The silver makari offers them a wave. "I would rather not, I do not wish her to get into trouble. But it is here nor there, the most important thing is knowing when to use them."

Aryia nods, looking forward to this. She had a sweet tooth. Or, an anything really. She throws a thumbs up towards the gobbo as they head out.

The mute blinks, and tilts her head to the side. What was she referring to..- Oh! "Yes, Verna looked at a memory for me. She heard me talk!"

The pugilist herself was dressed for the baths as usual, black swim trunks, a chest wrap. The cut on her flank from the Ashwing was healing over nicely on her side. Yet, evidence from the bottles all around her, she's pretty fucking sloshed, not unlike that of Jinks a few days prior.

She perks up, grins at the gnome, and beckons them over. "Hey! How you do- wait holy shit what do you haaave...?" she blunders over herself, wading towards the edge of the pool to look up at Jinks. <Handspeech>

Verna looks up and over at the arrival of Jinks and .. whatever it is that he brings that smells most intriguing. "Irshya just left for confections, and now you arrive with some. A most serendipitous circumstance." As Aryia blunderwades towards, she notes, "Be warned; she may be slightly intoxicated."

Jinks half-turned to watch Irshya go after mentioning sweet-teeth, sucking at his teeth in mild disappointment. "Well... I didn't want to come empty-handed, so," he kneels and sets the platter down, plucking at the gingham to reveal stacked, doughy balls. "I'll admit to not knowing your preference and making a lazy association... but these are Halani's favorites.

"A sweet rice cake with different fillings. The plain ones are a red bean paste. The orange dots are clementines and the red, strawberries."

He stays crouched and looks after the aquatic gobber once again, "Hopefully this doesn't spoil her surprise..." He pats his knees and stands back up, "They're best warm but keep well, too. So if you'd rather save them for later." A little shrug and he heads towards the changing room, only pausing once or twice to jump at a shadow or look over his shoulder.

"You heard Aryia talk? I do not know why hearing her talk would not be pleasant, most elves I've known do." Seyardu chuckles. "I hope the memories were good at least. Last time I had my memories looked into, it was, certainly not."

"This is welcome Jinks, I am sure she will not be disappointed by more food. I believe she was sampling the most sandwiches out of all of us."

Aryia snorts at Verna's warning. "Slightly is an under-fucking-statement." Impressive how she managed to slip that into the middle of a sign. Somehow.

Her eyes grow wide as Jinks reveals what he brought. It is known she's a fiend for any and all food. Yet, with her intoxicated so, she was practically drooling. And, perhaps, a bit teary eyed. "You... made this..?" she motions slowly, her grin widening so much it shows off some missing molars. A hearty sample of all the flavors are scooped into a hand.

One by one, each one is tried, and each one after the last makes her sink further into bliss. So much so that she reumes lazily floating around the waters. "so... fucking.. good..."

She doesn't comment on the memory. Perhaps pointedly so. <Handspeech>

The be-robed Gobbo returns, bearing a large, silver platter which balances atop her head. Aided by both hands. It takes a little bit of contortion for her to safely get the platter from her head without knocking over and spilling its contents. She gives it a little shake... and another... before huffing and bringing a knee up to thump the belly of the plater. Four little, spindly, delicate legs partially fold down from their hiding spots, and Irshya fusses with them.

Several shot glasses are arrayed in a 3 layer tall pyramid, behind them are three bottles. One with a clear liquid, another with a golden brown liquid, and the last a vibrant red. Beside those is a handbasket, filled with dainty looking pastries about the size of a Goblin's fist.

"What is it you brought?", she wonders of Jinks, her nose working at the air as she watches Aryia devouring the rice cakes.

"More may hardly be a detriment," Verna concurs, "and I meant more that her voice was surprising, rather than the fact that it was pleasant."

She may be concerned for Aryia overeating, the safety of the tarts (perhaps in Jinks' presence), or she may merely be curious, herself. Whatever the reason, a brief hand gesture lays claim to one of the confections, which now floats its way to said hand.

Is it lackadaisacal? Yes.

Is it excessive? Perhaps.

Is it necessary? She will determine that after taking a bite.

"... they're from a shop," Jinks answers Aryia upon his return, tying off the fresh bandage about his shoulder and left breast. He drops the old, crusty bundle into a basket for soiled linens near the massage tables as he passes. His barefeet slap lightly on the floor and his medium-length hair-- loose now-- catches the air as he hustles back towards the pool.

"I think I could manage a boiled egg with a knife at my back," the gnome supposes, idly, "but I wouldn't try that sort of thing and then inflict it on others." A sniff as he gets into the liquor, "'Daifuku,' they're called," he answers Irshya between a pair of shots. Then he takes a tart (as is his want) and finds a spot at the edge of the pool.

"We found it while the tallman was giving me my draconic lessons and it became a frequent stop."

Jinks clears his throat and flexes his mouth before beginning. "I went to the bakery. She's going to the bakery. He might be going to the barket." He waves a hand to indicate that there was more. <draconic>

Aryia is about to pilfer more rice balls, "Jinks these are so good, I love the clementine ones..." she mentions. Uncaring that they were store bought. It was the thought that really counted. But the clatter of the platter makes her rise up some from her lazy floating. Her eyes widen, and she pumps a fist into the air. "Fuck yes!" She clambers out of the pool, almost stumbling over her own knees before using a wall for a brace and walking on over. Kneeling down, hair plastered over her whip-scarred back and face, she picks up a couple of the small pastries and tries one, eyes glued on the pyramid of shots. Without asking, she takes the top one. Hands full, she raises it up in thanks, the mute sitting on the side of the pool and swaying gleefully from side to side. <Handspeech>

Irshya stretches an arm and reaches into to grab one of the treats the Gnome has brought, moving it from one hand to the other and then counting the fingers of the hand that had reached in. Still four. Good! She eyes Aryia and Jinks dangerously as they start into the liquor. "The clear stuff is a hot pepper alcohol, and will burn out all the hair from your throat and rear. It burns all the way down. The golden brown stuff is spiced rum from the Sandseas to the south, beyond the sea outside Alexandria's front doors." Irshya pauses to take a breath. "And the red stuff is fireball whiskey. It's a cinnamon flavoured whiskey."

"The pastries are something called cream puffs... delicate dough surrounding a core of sweet whipped cream." She blinks as Aryia shoves one said pastry into her mouth. "You probably want to close your mouth before you chew..."

Seyardu pauses before reaching for a few of the pastries, and taking one of the clear glasses. It is downed in one, and the sith coughs for several seconds, before reaching for another glasses to down, followed by a bite of pastry. Causing a light spray of whipped cream to the stonework around the bath, and the sith-makar chuckles.

"Well, the bakeries make good pastries. Better than the goods at the Althean temple, but that is because they make for less people at a given time. I think the bakers there are similar skill."

"Good, I'm glad you like it. The lady who runs the bakery is a great-grandmother and all of her little grandchildren are little, fat grotesques; figured that was a good sign on our first visit." Jinks stands up and goes for another shot, then pads around the pool until he can find a step to sit on as he licks the pastry crumbs from his fingers. When he settles the water is up just past his navel.

The gnome leans forward and raises some water up to his face with one hand, pinching the bridge ofhis nose and rubbing his cheeks. Then he dampens his hand again and pushes it back through his hair before settling back and reclining into the pool's lip behind him.

"I'm glad you're keep this place open," he tells Irshya with a smile. "If you'd like I've found a painter I'd commission to paint a portrait of Sabina and Rupi for the wall by the shrines. So folks can still see them every now and again."

Aryia looks right at Irshya as they give their warning about the pastry. The filling splatters all over her front. She looks down, shrugs, and eats the rest of it with a happy sigh. A healthy flight of shots are collected before they're lined up on the edge of the pool. She all but flops into the waters, resurfacing a moment later.

A shot of the pepper alcohol is imbibed. And she starts coughing, eyes watering up. The pugilist tries to get her breathing under control, but its hard. "Shit... that stuff is no joke..." she comments, finishing with rubbing at her nose. She goes for a safer choice, knocking back a rum with familiarity before resting against the side of the pool.

She points a finger at Jinks. "That's a great idea..., and Irshya and.. the other... one.. she trails off, not knowing the other previous owner's name. Or having forgot due to her... state. <Handspeech>

Irshya's expression changes quickly and nearly violently, her frown broad and filled with sharp, triangular sharky teeth. "There will /not/ be a picture of the demon hanging in this building, not while I own it.", the Gobbo says with a growl. "A painting of Sabina, and of Ygraine, would be most welcome. But not of the succubus." She slams a tiny foot upon the floor.

Rubbing her face with a hand, she lets out a breath. "Sorry. Irshya not meaning to direct her anger towards you..." She huffs, and can't help but briefly smile at people's reaction to the pepper-based alcohol. "Irshya did warn you. And it will visit you a second time, later." Her smile is slightly more lengthy when Aryia squirts whipped cream onto her front. The Gobbo's expression turns slightly mortified when the Mul flops into the water, with the filling still splattered across her front.. and now soaking into the water.

Jinks tucks a foot under himself and goes from seated to crouching when the water level is disturbed, keeping his bandages higher than the low chop. He hums and tilts his head, squinting an eye and smudging at the footstuffs from a distance with his thumb. The little bit of hedge magic blinks the debris from the pool's water. When the water calms he settles back down into it.

"Sorry for bringing it up," the gnome tells Irshya. He'd been startled by her reaction but doesn't seem to take offense. He opens his mouth to say more but just shakes his head, leaning over casually only to poach one of Aryia's lined shots and down it in one fluid motion.

"Well, if you need help with the front side of the place-- or the occasional performance..." he waves a hand down the front of himself in indication. "I'm not a five-piece clockwork band but I know a song or two."

GAME: Jinks casts Prestidigitation. Caster Level: 8 DC: 16

Aryia flinches as she picks up the fireball her spilling some over herself from the outburst. Blink. Blink. Slowly, she brings the shot up to her lips, awkwardly sipping on it before looking back down to herself and the waters from the mortified expression. Her lips move in a 'sorry', her energy tempered a touch as she... scoops the filling out and slaps it into a couple of used shot glasses. There we go. Fixed. Drunk brain a-okay's this solution.

She gives an award winning smile and a thumbs up to the owner. Aaaand it all goes away from Jinks' aid. Two thumbs up! Aaand the rest of the fireball gets dumped on her face. Aryia sputters and retreats underwater to cleanse it.

She resurfaces, and softly sighs, resting her head against the side of the pool. Faint hissing of something or another could be heard. "...- w-sh V w-s h-r-..."

Seyardu squints, then sighs at the outburst, but then she nods. "I understand how you feel, Irshya. But, something of the owners, I think that is a good idea. And my offer stands again if you need any help out front. I like to think that I am decent enough at talking to people for a sith-makar, and not a speaker-caste."

The Gobbo glares at Seyardu a moment. "As Irshya said, a portrait of Sabina and Ygraine would be most welcome. But not of the demon. I am adamant on this." She takes a deep breath and lets it out slowly. "Irshya appreciates the offers of help and will certainly accept such. Irshya is just working out what... direction to go in.", this addressed to both Jinks and Seyardu. While she continues to speak, her eyes are drawn to Aryia, her expression growing more horrified as time progresses. The Gobbo forces herself to look away. "Who is V?", she wonders of the other two.

Jinks puts on a puzzled expression and shrugs, either not knowing or deciding it's not his place to answer the gobber's question. He narrows his eyes subtly at Seyardu as the sith seems to go to bat for Rupi.

Then he's standing and pausing a moment to let the worst of the water fall before he pads over for another snack. Another drink. There's already a bit of rubber in his legs but the gnome is a practiced hand at slowly poisoning himself in the name of recreation. "I'd be happy to go track someone down for you, tallman," he says, selecting a rice cake at random. A bit of the sweet and he washes it down with the spicy, grimacing. "If you're missing a partygoer."

Aryia blinks, and her already rubor filled visage goes scarlet, her using her bashfulness to mask the embarrassment of sullying the waters. The mute decides to answer it, a small smile on her lips. She taps her fingers together. "... V-I-O-L-E-T," she spells out. "Violet is... she is my, um, girlfriend. She's, um, busy right now, so I don't think she'd want to be bothered. Thanks though," the mute continues on signing, sighing languidly. She shakes her head, smiles warmly at nothing, and gets a little lost in her head. <Handspeech>

"I have yet to meet Violet, but I would like to meet her still." Seyardu sighs. I believe you sent her an invitation, but I guess she could not make it."

She knew the mul'niessa likely did, and did not think why she may not have mentioned it. "I was hoping Sjach could come, but it seems that will have to be another time. But knowing the bathhouse is open again, there's always another time."

"Ah." Jinks says before closing his mouth and running his tongue over and behind his teeth, sucking the stray bits of cake. He grabs another shot and slams it-- only to choke and wheeze when the pepper takes him by surprise. It's the gnome's turn for his face to flush as he covers his mouth, eyes watering. "... Mulria's sideways smile," he rasps, finally, looking at the shotglass as if it were a scorpion.

"Your date-survey, I remember now," he nods, clearing his throat and blinking away the tears. "The troubadour and his large wife in the market... Before the trio of little lizards robbed me." He frowns and narrows his eyes at the memory. Vengeance. Some day.

The gnome falls back onto his rump on the stone floor, his briefs splashing into the shallow puddle he's dripped. Now he has that swaying in his movements, too. "Sjach? Is that your..." he pauses, searching for the word, "cheewuh? Like Cryosanthia and... hm, nevermind."

Aryia nods, smiling more. "Yes. We've done a couple of those ideas so far. It was great. I think she's almost ready to meet people, Seyardu." She can't hide the giggle that spills forth from the memory of the kobolds thieving from the man.

The mute shakes her head, sipping on her drink." No, that word is for life bonds. They're just... I don't know? Involved? "she shrugs, looking at the silverscale to fill in the deets. <Handspeech>

Seyardu was a bit embarassed when the topic shifted to herself, but it was thankfully not obvious. Though when Jinks asks, she shakes her head. "No, not Cihuaa. That is something much more concrete, with ceremony and tradition. This is just ah, yes, more like Aryia and Violet, I suppose. Just spending time together because we like each other. It is nice."

"Things are usually much more casual, I suppose, unlike this. Much like you Jinks, and the many I have seen you going to various places with."

"Coyote laughs," Jinks balks, feigning indignation, "they aren't all casual. Some I take with me to balls and concerts and-- I assure you-- those are entirely formal." His smile is wide and toothy when he laughs at his own joke, offering a wink. "But, yes, I understand. So many boys and girls but none to take home to my parents."

The gnome stands, arching his back. "The right company and you almost forget nearly being dragged back to Hell in a place," he muses, offering a nod, "speaking in metaphors, naturally."

Hu hums, finding a tune as he makes his way towards the changing rooms.

"I've slept and stained

A hundred beds

searching lands for you.

I'd surrender all

pleasuring threads

to own a place for two."

Jinks laughs over his shoulder once again before he vanishes out of sight.

Aryia snickers and shakes her head. She must be tolerating the gnome more and more, due to how often she's been uplifted by the crude humor. She waves as he goes, and then there's only the two of them.

She knocks back one more drink, grimaces, and slides over to Seyardu to lean against her. She wraps her arms around the sith-makar, eyes slowly sliding shut. "I'm glad you're my friend..." she drunkenly signs. "You're so nice and... kind and... and... . That thing you summoned was so fucking cool, it made me want to give it my all... and... fuck it, I'm never saying this sober. Althea is kinda cool... like Angoron. And.. Vardama.... and............."

And just like that, the elf passes out against Seyardu. She mumbles something quiet that sounds like, "Goodnight V... I love you..." as she snuggles in, and goes still. <Handspeech>

Seyardu can not help but chuckle just a touch at Jinks' response, but she blinks when he takes off so suddenly. "He left all this food for us, unless he will take it away." They sigh, finding Aryia leaning next to her. "That was, I did not wish to try summoning a divine creature like that, but it was necessary. I am trying, at least. You should know that I admire your own strength a great deal. You did not need the gods to wrestle an ashwing and fling them to the ground, just to get there. You are so much stronger now, but I suppose both of us are."

The cleric sighs when Aryia was beginning to drift off. She might have to carry her back to the fernwood, if she was still living there. She wasn't sure if the move was finished yet or not.

Good thing the TarRaCe had plenty of empty rooms for just that.

-End Scene-