Kin Reunited

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There are some things that do not change, thankfully. Eluna's temple is one of them, and the absolute quietude of Her sanctuary halls is exactly the same as when they'd left so abruptly. The Sunguards and Silver Guards that keep a watchful eye over the place are the same as ever, and if the faces are different, their placement is not. The pool and the altar behind it and the pillars - all are as they should be. The occasional wet footprint as someone steps in from the light rain outside is promptly cleared by an acolyte, either with magic, or by more mundane means.

Seldan is not immediately in evidence, although there are plenty of people around to ask, from guards to Seers to acolyte, even as quiet as it is.

The light rain outside was not quite enough to soak a body unless one was to spend a great deal of time out-of-doors, and so the figure who stepped into the foyer of the temple was not drenched in water. Though more than a little water did drip off the tabard the figure wore, and onto the floor for one of the faithful to attend to. The blue-scaled sith-makar took a moment to allow eyes to adjust to the change in lighting before moving deeper into the temple. Once, Zeke had been a familiar figure in this environment, but it had been some time.

If anyone who recognized him had been present, they would notice a difference immediately in the mien of the sith-makar. Mainly, that while Zeke usually stood as one wishing to vanish from view, he stood now proudly in place. He was filled with a certain amount of peaceful certainty that almost radiated around him. In particular, he did nothing to hide the crystal limbs on the left side of his body, and they moved more naturally with him as he made his way to one of the faithful than they ever had before.

"Peasssce on your nessst." He offered politely to the unfamiliar Sunguard who stood just inside the entry, causing the man to blink in surprise. "Thissss one ssseeksss out Ssseldan. Isss he here?"

"Peace on your nest," he answers automatically. A kid of maybe eighteen or nineteen summers, if that. "Um, Silverguard Seldan? I think he's teaching arms classes. Shall I send an acolyte for him, and whom shall I say seeks him?"

Zeke considers the boy's words a moment. "Thisss one doesss not interrupt. Isss there ssssomewhere that thisss one might wait for him, and have an acolyte assssk after him when he issss done? Thisss one isss Zeke; Sservant of the Dragonfather. Thisss one isss kin." He thumped his tail lightly on the ground for emphasis, and nodded as well.

The boy blinks, but nods. "Of course, I would not have you standing in the rain, although classes are taught outside." He gestures to a small alcove at the side of the room. "Please, wait here, and I will have him sent for. Classes should be nearly done. Iskra, go and let Silver Guard Seldan know he has a visitor from the temple of Daeus, when classes are done. I will watch the door."

The little acolyte, a sprightly little sildanyari with bouncy blonde curls, nods and takes herself across the room. It's quite obvious that she's been scolded more than a few times for running in the sanctuary, because every step she takes, every line of her body, says that that is exactly what she wants to do, and she doesn't quite make it to the back door before breaking into an all-out run as she disappears from view.

What happened isn't especially clear, but she returns scant minutes later, with a very drenched Seldan in tow. Teaching in the rain, was he? Ginger-blonde hair is slicked back from his forehead, pinned by that thin silver headband, but he wears full plate armor, its look toned down to ordinary plate from the opalescent thing of beauty that Zeke will know its true form to be. Reunion is at his hip, and on the whole, not much has changed. If anything, he has put on more muscle still, his stance straight and proud, despite minor weariness, and he strides into the sanctuary. Although the armor is quieter than it would be, it is audible in the hall, and he rounds the pool, eyes searching for his visitor.

To his credit, Zeke is endlessly patient, and could have stood in the doorway waiting for Seldan for some time, but the sight of the other man drew Zeke like a magnet. He nodded politely, but distractedly to the guard before making his way toward Seldan. His gate is a rolling thing, holding an edge that suggests that perhaps the sith has seen combat of late. His tail sways softly behind him as he walks across the sanctuary to Seldan.

However he pauses just shy of the warrior, bowing his head low to the other man. "Peasssce on your nesssst kin. Thisss one isss glad to ssssee you well." Perhaps the most changed thing about Zeke, aside from his newfound confidence, is the manner of his speech which is perhaps even more deeply accented by Draconic than it had been before.

It is at once clear that Seldan was not told who it was who waited for him, because he visibly brightens on seeing the bluescale, and only with an effort of will has the presence of mind to thank the acolyte and send her back to her post. "Zeke! Peace upon your nest, kin." He closes the distance swiftly, but stops short of touching him, instead returning the bow formally. "And I you. Your journeys have treated you well." Bright eyes and brighter smile. "It is well to see you safe and hale. When did you return?"

Zeke's tail swishes behind him again, a clear expression of his pleasure at seeing his kin. In fact, he holds his claw out to the other man, a gesture that for the old Zeke would have been nearly impossible. He it seems, is not afraid to touch his kin. A deep change indeed. "Thisss one returned late the other night. Thisss one wissshesss to ssshare wordsss with you kin. To find out how you are, and to know the changessss that have happened sssince thisss onesss leaving."

"Then share words we shall." Seldan immediately reaches to take that claw. The invitation was offered, and to see that only widens the smile on his face. Softskins show joy differently from the sith-makar, but his is plain for any to read. "I would hear your tales as well, for I do not doubt that they are many, and it is plain that your journey has brought you strength. Shall we seek the library? We shall not be disturbed, there."

Zeke clasps Seldan's hand for a moment, and it's clear that the action brings the sith none of the discomfort or -fear- that such had done in the past. His tail swishes again. Pleased to please his kin. He nods in accordance with Seldan's words. "That would be perfect." He pulls away enough to be led through the temple to the library though he well knows the way. This is after all not really his territory but Seldan's.

When they reach the destination, Zeke looks around the room with a touch of nostalgia before turning his attention on his kin. "Thisss one isss glad to sssee you. Tell thisss one, how are thingssss?" In spite of the fact that he asks this, it's clear that he didn't come here just to share polite conversation. He is holding something back.

The alcove that Seldan chooses to talk in in the library is one well-familiar to Zeke, one he seems to use frequently for conversations in which he does not wish to be disturbed. Tucked into a corner of the library, it holds a work table and two chairs, hidden among the back of the stacks, and only when he reaches this spot does he sink into a chair, a gesture inviting Zeke to do the same. "Alexandria fares better than when last you were here, although not, I fear, wholly well." The smile fades away. "I know of many things, and truly am I spread thin, with all the evils within the city and without. Some do I leave to others, not because I wish to, but because I must, but others -" His eyes lower to the table. "Alexandria's people deserve better than the government they have."

Zeke does not sit. Not at first, but eventually he does join his kin in sitting. Thankfully the chair is built in such a way that as a sith he can still be comfortable. As his tail wraps around the chair one might notice a long scar that was not on it before his absence from Alexandria. "Thisss one hasss heard that all is not well here." He shakes his head minutely. "But thisss one hass not heard detailsss. It ssseemsss that Alexandria issss a plasce that drawsss trouble."

He lets out a small sigh, thinking for a moment of all the trouble that Alexandria has faced. "Thisss one isss curiousss thisss one admitsss. To know what you mean kin. Thisss one isss not familiar with the governing of Alexandria." It's understandable, given that Zeke is sith-makar that such things might be over his head, or beyond his immediate notice. Even more so given his absence from the city.

Seldan removes his gauntlets and lays them to one side on the table, the alabaster skin beneath them beginning to dry off. His fairness only serves to further set off a new line across his right forearm, a wound that would seem to be recent enough to still be tinged with red, although it is closed and does not appear to trouble him. He barely gives it a glance, and indeed does not seem to have noticed Zeke's new scars yet. Give him time - the paladin being oblivious is nothing new.

"Corruption within the guard," he answers. "It seems that a guard with a personal vendetta may accuse an innocent woman of murder, and engineer the trial such that the nobles will back him. She escaped with the help of others," here he shakes his head. "I had thought to search for proof that the entire of it was false, and yet have I been caught in other matters, and asked to let be, for now." He scowls blackly. "And yet do I have puzzles greater still to pursue. You are familiar with the fallen god Animus?"

Zeke shows his discomfort with the knowledge that the law could be subverted in such a way with a low noise and wrapping his tail more tightly around the chair that he is sitting in. Even the knowledge that it did not in the end go poorly for the woman does not put him entirely at ease. He shakes his head and then Seldan brings up another topic entirely and his green eyes darken somewhat. "Thisss one isss a ssservant of the Dragonfather, ssso the name isss not unfamiliar to thisss one."

"Shards of him - his remains - are thought to hide in places upon Ea, places where significant history has occurred. It seems that they take different forms, but are all of high magic." Seldan rests his arms on the table as he speaks. "It may then come as no surprise to you that the minions of Taara, Animus' killer, seek these shards, and thus must they be kept from such. The Sea of Mana is, as far as I can guess, itself at stake." His demeanor, his bearing, his eyes, are sober and quiet. "I ... thought it ill to make Mal aware of these."

Zeke considered this very seriously. "The godsss of darknesss move, and it isss our duty to ssstop them asss bessst we can by thwarting their minionsss of thisss world." He nods. Such things are very serious, particularly to a cleric of Daeus. "Thissss one did not know that thessse minionsss were ssseeking the ssshardss, but you are right kin; it doesss not sssurprissse thisss one."

He meets Seldan's gaze however, tilting his head somewhat to the side. "Why would you not mention thessse thingsss to your mate Sseldan?"

"They are the shards of a god, and I have heard tales of a man's mind wrested from him when he picks one up," Seldan explains evenly. Zeke might well remember that Malik is many things, but strong-willed isn't one of them. "I would shield his mind - and if truth be told, I would leave him in peace. He deserves that much."

Zeke nods. "We all dessserve peasssce, but we will not be granted it ssso easssily. For thossse of usss that have chosssen the path of protecting othersss, there isss a long, difficult road." He flashes his teeth however, a gesture more of aggressiveness from a sith than one of pleasure as it might have been from a soft-skin. "Thisss one, you may have guesssed doesss not come back to Alexandria sssolely becaussse thisss one misssesss kin. Though thisss one hassss well and truly returned."

At this, Seldan sits up a little straighter, expression opening into curiosity. "I had guessed as much, and would hear your stories." Almost immediately, his own burdens are laid aside, and he is all serious and sober focus, listening intently, inviting the sith to speak.

Yet Zeke seems to hesitate a moment before steeling himself. "Asss you know, thisss one left to learn more of the demon that sssseeksss you and your mate. Thisss one hasss traveled much of the world, drawing hisss attention and sssseeking information on him. Thisss one wasss ssuccesssful in sssome waysss. Thisss one met him, and alliesss to the forcesss of light were lost that day." A bad memory if the expression of darkness in his eyes is any indication.

"Thisss one hasss learned that he isss turning hisss attention back to Alexandria however, and if that isss true, then he will sssoon return hisss attentionsss to you; and to your mate." Zeke's gaze is very serious.

"I do not doubt it, although that is dire news indeed." Seldan's expression darkens at the news as well. "Is Alexandria he threatens, do you think, or us? If I depart ..." He trails off, his gaze going away and down to the table uncertainly. "And yet can I not so readily leave, for there are other things to which I am promised, things equally dire. Nay, I cannot so easily draw him away as I did before, and doubtless will he seek minions to do his bidding. Seer Merek ..." His words trail into nothingness. "Of course. He has been set upon a few times of late by the forces of evil. The ones sent were no match for me and my companions in arms, and yet ...."

Zeke nods seriously. "It isss sssurely Alexandria. It ssseems... Or rather, thisss one hass learned that he isss forming a body, not here but elsssewhere in sssecret. One that can bear the weight of hissss might fully sssso that he can walk thisss plane asss he might in the Hellss. Asss you might imagine; we can not allow thisss to pass. Sssuch a creature isss a danger enough without itsss true power loossed in reality."

A shockwave runs through Seldan at these words. A dire warning, to be sure, and one that he of all people dares not ignore. He draws a deep breath and lets it out slowly, eyes on the table before him. "No, indeed we dare not. He is danger enough in the Hells, and does he return, all of Alexandria will be laid waste. By what means does he build such a thing, and have you an idea of where he might hide? If not, we must learn more."

"Thisss one wisshesss that thisss one knew more, but jussst thisss knowledged wassss gleaned at great cossst." Zeke's tail-tip flicks and he looks grim indeed. "It ssseeemsss that there issss sssome great manner of magic at work, but where? When? Thessse thingsss are not grasssped ssso eassily. The demon doesss not even tell hisss faithful of ssssuch lessst adventurersss find them."

Seldan inclines his head in understanding, not a trace of surprise showing on his features, although his features have set themselves in equally sober and grim lines. "Thank you, kin, for bringing this news back to me. Not idly do I wear armor always within the city walls, and this be yet another reason to do so." Somewhere in this, he has sat up ramrod-straight, his gaze steady. "Are you well?" he asks suddenly.

Zeke nods at the question. "Thisss one isss well now, but it hasss been a long trek. Thisss one hasss lossst comradessss to this demon, hass lossst flessh." His tail flicks again, and the source of his newest scar becomes perhaps a bit more clear. It is a wrapping thing, scouring nearly the length of his blue tail. Perhaps from a whip of fire? Seldan would be familiar with such from his dealings with Eclavdran. "Thisss one isss determined more than ever to ssssee the fiend brought down."

As if for the first time, Seldan blinks, finally registering the scar on his tail, and his eyes lower. "Too many have been lost to this spawn of the Hells, and too many have suffered under his hand." He tails off, leaving silence to linger for a moment. "There was a time when I had thought that Alexandria had no further need of one such as I."

With only a moment's hesitation Zeke reaches out, places his right claw on his kin's shoulder. A comforting gesture that not so long ago the sith would never have even considered making. "You have alwayssss been needed. Thisss one knowsss you dessspaired. That you have been unscertain, but your goddesss, your kin, your comradesss... they have never lossst faith in you. Have never wondered for a sssecond if you were necesssary. The light issss /alwayssss/ needed, and you are a great sssource of light."

At once, Seldan looks up at the touch on his shoulder. Zeke _has_ changed, to be sure - that is a gesture that he _never_ would have made even a year ago. "Even so," he agrees. "I now know that I am needed here, although there are those greater than I. Fear me not," and here, a ghost of a smile appears, for just a moment, before fleeing again. "I was a fool to think that, in truth, and in truth was I weary and despairing."

"Thisss one thinksss that the plague wasss difficult for usss all. A true tessst of our faith and our sstrength. Thisss one would like to think, that we were not found wanting. We found our way." Zeke looks at Seldan. "You found our way."

His tail gives a little flick, a positive swish. "And we sshall ussse the sstrength that we have gained on the way to thwart the demon onsce and for all. Thiss one will do what thisss one can in the way of resssearch to uncover more."

"So we shall, and so we were not, I think." Seldan's ghost-of-a-smile returns, something in his shoulders easing at the bolstering words. "For truly was it Her words that guided my hand, and so shall they, again, at need." He draws a deep, settling breath. "Very well. Eclavdran, for I shall not shy from his name, is not yet vanquished, and seeks to move again. There is much to be done, and not only in opposition to him. Thank you, Zeke. Your news is dire, but it is timely, and well-appreciated."

Zeke nods his head low, accepting the other's words and uncurls his tail from around the chair he has been sitting in. "Thisss one will alssso look into thessse ssshardss. Perhapsss thissss one may be of aid there asss well." He shyly ducks his head for a moment. "Thisss one hasss ever been good at sssuch, and perhapsss it will come in handy. For now however, thisss one will leave you to your ressst."

"There is one to whom I would introduce you, would you learn more of the Shards, for a mage of the Conclave leads the search for them." Seldan gathers up his gauntlets , but does not put them back on. "Nothing could have pleased me better than your return, kin, even amid such trying circumstances. You come not a moment too soon, and together shall we find the answers, yes?"

"Yesss. Thisss one hass faith in usss." Zeke stands slowly. "Thisss one would appreciate the introduction - when you have time kin. Thisss one would not waylay you from your ressst." He knows all to well that Seldan will go without sleep if not properly motivated to go to it.

When Zeke stands, Seldan does the same, some of that good humor restored, enough at least to bring a small smile to his face. "You shall have it, and I do not yet rest. I shall, though, fear me not."
