A Secret in Merkabah pt 14

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Emblem of Ea - Tuesday, February 23, 2021, 7:56 PM

Last episode, on A Secret in Merkabah:

Within a vault of magicite crystals, within the dark underbelly of fallen Merkabah, the party continued their struggle with the animated crystalline constructs. As certain suppresive sorceries were used, it became clear that within the primary figure, a victim was entomed, possibly as a fuel source.

An ill omen, that.

And so, for the conclusion....

-=--=--=--=--=--=--=--=--=--=--=-- Contents --=--=--=--=--=--=--=--=--=--=--=-

Cesran          A tall dark-skinned man                               16s  2m
Merek           A black-haired, dusky male with golden eyes.          4m   2h
Morgan          Short pixy like half elf with fair skin               1m   26m
Seldan          Ginger-blonde human in armor wearing Eluna's symbol.  2m   1h
Serene          Glacier meets granite meets strawberries.             2m   16m
Stirling        Powerfully built Arvek with enormous chrome gauntlets 16m  16m
Stjepan         Big, blonde jotun.                                    3m   1h
Toha            A woman shaped contrivance of leather and steel, with 0s   0s
Un'eth          An ebon-scaled female Sith-makar                      9m   29m
Whirlpool       I am stinky!                                          1m   2d


GAME: Whirlpool reverses the initiative order.
     Round Five - Init 16.
     It is now Seldan's turn! Living Magicite But Smaller is next!
GAME: Seldan rolls reunion + pa + charge + haste: aliased to weapon1 + -4 + 2 + 1: (17)+23++-4+2+1: 39
GAME: Seldan rolls reuniondmg + padmg: aliased to 1d8+9 + 8: (2)+9+8: 19

A change of tack, as the molten crystal creeping across the floor turns to slag with the summoning of water. His path now cleared by Merek and Un'eth, Seldan draws his sword and leaps unhesitatingly into the fray, taking off a chunk of crystal surrounding Cesran with a well-placed blow.

GAME: Whirlpool advances the initiative order.
     Round Five - Init 16.
     It is now Living Magicite But Smaller's turn! Stjepan is next!
GAME: Whirlpool rolls 1d20+26: (18)+26: 44
GAME: Whirlpool rolls 1d20+26: (9)+26: 35
GAME: Whirlpool rolls 1d20+21: (7)+21: 28
GAME: Whirlpool rolls 1d20+21: (3)+21: 24
GAME: Whirlpool rolls 1d20+16: (2)+16: 18
GAME: Whirlpool rolls 1d20+16: (10)+16: 26
GAME: Whirlpool rolls 4d8+18: (11)+18: 29
GAME: Whirlpool rolls 4d8+18: (15)+18: 33
GAME: Seldan rolls fortitude: (13)+25: 38
GAME: Seldan rolls fortitude: (3)+25: 28
GAME: Seldan rolls will: (20)+29: 49 (CRITICAL SUCCESS)

As Seldan approached it, there was a grinding, clicking sound. It turned towards him and accepted his attack, perhaps tactically, allowing him to draw in close to its reach. Crystal vines erupt from its back, lashing out at the paladin and grabbing hold of him, or at least trying to. He's able to hack away most of them, but the great, spear like crstal out growth that appears in it hands as it stabs at him with it pulses with light when it makes impact. The paladin is wounded, his superior skill keeping it from being mortal, but he's definitely been hurt.

Still, something *else* happened there...

GAME: Whirlpool advances the initiative order.
     Round Five - Init 12.
     It is now Stjepan's turn! Toha is next!
GAME: Stjepan rolls cmb +3: (15)+21+3: 39
GAME: Whirlpool rolls 1d20+28: (12)+28: 40
GAME: Whirlpool rolls 1d20+32: (17)+32: 49
GAME: Whirlpool rolls 2d8+9: (4)+9: 13
GAME: Stjepan rolls fort: (12)+15: 27
GAME: Stjepan rolls will: (14)+7: 21
GAME: Whirlpool rolls 1d20+14: (15)+14: 29

Stjepan goes dashing forwards, trying to duck under the lash of crystalline vines. It's a long way to duck, and they brush him and then start twining. Immediately, he starts swimming his arms, trying to get under the coils and shuck them off. It's brusing, cutting work, but he drops free next to the golem.

GAME: Whirlpool advances the initiative order.
     Round Five - Init 11.
     It is now Toha's turn! Serene is next!
GAME: Toha rolls weapon6: (14)+18: 32
GAME: Toha rolls 2d6+19: (12)+19: 31
GAME: Toha rolls weapon6-3: (10)+18+-3: 25
GAME: Toha rolls 2d6+19: (11)+19: 30
GAME: Toha rolls weapon6-8: (5)+18+-8: 15
GAME: Crystal Shrapnel rolls 2d6+8: (8)+8: 16
GAME: Crystal Shrapnel damaged Toha for 16 points. 32 AND 6 TEMP HP remaining.

Toha, billowing the silver mists of her Whitefire, and limbs nearly mirrored for her seeping quicksilver 'blood', continues to savagely beat on the smaller golems, either out of some tactical assumption that they are feeding the bigger one... or her rage is merely lashing out at the closest target. Two of her three blows thunder into the smaller crystal creature with forceful impacts, though the third only lets witnesses know she cares.

GAME: Whirlpool advances the initiative order.
     Round Five - Init 10.
     It is now Serene's turn! Morgan is next!
GAME: Serene rolls 1d20+20+5+5+1-6: (8)+20+5+5+1+-6: 33
GAME: Serene rolls 1d20+20+5+5+1-6: (9)+20+5+5+1+-6: 34
GAME: Serene rolls 1d20+20+5+5+1-6-5: (1)+20+5+5+1+-6+-5: 21 (EPIC FAIL)
GAME: Serene rolls 1d20+20+5+5+1-6-10: (6)+20+5+5+1+-6+-10: 21
GAME: Serene rolls 1d20+20+5+5+1-6-15: (5)+20+5+5+1+-6+-15: 15
GAME: Serene rolls 1d8+5+5+12: (6)+5+5+12: 28
GAME: Serene rolls 1d8+5+5+12: (7)+5+5+12: 29

There are times Serene misses her hammer. Not that she has anything but reverence for the sword she now wields, but each time the weapon lands true upon the crystaline entity she grimaces... this is not an activity which is good for the keen edge of a blade. As she strikes she shifts, wary of the trapped victim inside... aware of Seldan and Stjepans' positions.. and half an eye kept on the others in case they need her. It proves to be at least a little much for her at the moment, as only a pair of her strikes do much real harm.

GAME: Whirlpool advances the initiative order.
     Round Five - Init 10.
     It is now Morgan's turn! Merek is next!
GAME: Morgan casts Lightning Arc. Caster Level: 14 DC: 24
GAME: Morgan rolls 14d6: (49): 49
GAME: Morgan rolls 1d20+14+2: (19)+14+2: 35

Morgan eyes glows bright blue as her voice highers in pitch "mitne astahi svern hefoc vi riika." as a hand motion is swiftly pointed to both golems as aloud crack of energy streaks hurting them nicely leaving the smell of ozone and frized hair to every one.

GAME: Whirlpool advances the initiative order.
     Round Five - Init 9.
     It is now Merek's turn! Living Magicite is next!
GAME: Whirlpool rolls 1d20+14: (1)+14: 15 (EPIC FAIL)
GAME: Merek casts Flame Strike. Caster Level: 14 DC: 19
GAME: Merek rolls 1d20+14: (11)+14: 25

Merek lifts up a hand while he tries to bring the flame strike onto the crystal. All the same that doesn't even work, while he nods a bit, "Alright," he notes, the man takes a look about the place to try and plan.

GAME: Whirlpool advances the initiative order.
     Round Five - Init 7.
     It is now Un'eth's turn! Cesran is next!
GAME: Un'eth casts Greater Dispel Magic. Caster Level: 18 DC: 22
GAME: Un'eth rolls 1d20+druid: (7)+18: 25

Un'eth, seeing the effects the others are having with dispelling, invokes nature's power to further deplete their for. (Placeholder)

     Whirlpool advances the initiative order.
     Round Six - Init 28.
     It is now Cesran's turn! Seldan is next!
GAME: Cesran rolls Perception: (9)+24: 33
GAME: Whirlpool rolls 1d20+14: (16)+14: 30
GAME: Cesran casts Dimension Door. Caster Level: 20 DC: 26
GAME: Cesran rolls 1d20+20+12+4+2: (6)+20+12+4+2: 44
GAME: Cesran rolls will: (10)+23: 33
GAME: Whirlpool rolls 5d4: (14): 14

Cesran can feel the vibrations of the attacks as they hit the crystal that's surrounding him. Each wave brings further clarity to his mind. Thoughts stay and coalesce into a plan of action. He gathers his mental strength as he recalls the spells that he had prepared before he entered into this place. His eyes dart around to find a spot that would be safe or at least looks safe. In his powerful very manly voice he shouts the command word. A almost blind white light refracts through the crystal and then appears in the spot he had identified from before. He is looking haggard and leaning heavily on his staff. "We are the crystal gems...we're here to save the day. And if you think we can't, we'll always find a way." He shakes his head as his staff gives him a strange look, "Cesran pull it together." He shakes his head and winces as he strands to full height. "Right." He reaches to take out a rod so he can join in the battle.

GAME: Whirlpool advances the initiative order.
     Round Six - Init 16.
     It is now Seldan's turn! Living Magicite But Smaller is next!
GAME: Seldan casts Dispel Magic. Caster Level: 16 DC: 20
GAME: Seldan rolls 1d20+16: (11)+16: 27

A cacophonic roar of indignant protest erupts from Reunion as Seldan pulls the blade away from the thing, shaking his head sharply and with deep gashes and bruises from the living crystal vines that lash at him, a couple of blows landing even through the armor. "You'll do naught of the kind," he snarls at the crystal, backpedaling and repeating the spell he'd used earlier to banish the bright light. Violet fire before him again reverses and turns blackest night as he slashes through it with a shout of negation, and the living crystal thing - shrinks. "Dispel it! It is a creature of magic, and it steals magic!" he shouts to the others. "If you can dispel magic, do so!"

GAME: Whirlpool advances the initiative order.
     Round Six - Init 16.
     It is now Living Magicite But Smaller's turn! Stjepan is next!
GAME: Whirlpool rolls 1d20+14: (7)+14: 21

The remaining, smaller creature lashes out at Toha, but doesn't really get very far.

GAME: Whirlpool advances the initiative order.
     Round Six - Init 11.
     It is now Toha's turn! Serene is next!
GAME: Toha rolls weapon6: (1)+18: 19 (EPIC FAIL)
GAME: Toha rolls weapon6-3: (8)+18+-3: 23
GAME: Toha rolls weapon6-8: (3)+18+-8: 13
GAME: Toha rolls 2d6+19: (10)+19: 29
GAME: Whirlpool rolls 2d6+5: (6)+5: 11
GAME: Whirlpool damaged you for 11 points. 27 HP remaining.

Almost lost in the silverly luminence of Whitefire pouring from ruptures all along her frame, Toha continues to try and thin the herd of sub-golems. Her first swing, affected perhaps by the damage, almost ends up with her own foot being flattened under Piriona's face, though the second comes up into the creature with a satisfying crunch. The last, however, is all wrong, and skims harmlessly off a faceted shoulder without purchase as more rivulets of quicksilver seep from spreading gashes in her motive straps.

GAME: Whirlpool advances the initiative order.
     Round Six - Init 10.
     It is now Serene's turn! Morgan is next!
GAME: Serene spends ONE use of LAY ON HANDS.
GAME: Serene rolls will: (17)+34: 51

With the applications of the various casters' magic dispels seeming to offer more effect than her blade, Serene pulls back, giving the crystaline golem some space... once she does, she turns about, waiting for a pause in Toha's melee to place some healing upon her.

GAME: Whirlpool damaged you for -782 points. 90 HP remaining.
GAME: Whirlpool advances the initiative order.
     Round Six - Init 10.
     It is now Morgan's turn! Merek is next!
GAME: Morgan casts Dispel Magic. Caster Level: 14 DC: 22
GAME: Morgan rolls 1d20+14: (10)+14: 24

Morgan thinks for a few moments and thinks "if it works once try it again." She makes a motion in the air to form a symbol in the air sending it to the Golem as she notices it lose more mass.

GAME: Whirlpool advances the initiative order.
     Round Six - Init 9.
     It is now Merek's turn! Living Magicite is next!
GAME: Merek casts Draconic Reservoir. Caster Level: 13 DC: 18

Merek begins chanting with the magical spell he begins preparing, then he walks up to the crystal while he channels that lightning to try and take it from the crystal while he begins to place a hand upon it as well, if he can.

GAME: Whirlpool advances the initiative order.
     Round Six - Init 8.
     It is now Living Magicite's turn! Cesran is next!
GAME: Whirlpool rolls 1d20+22: (10)+22: 32
GAME: Whirlpool rolls 1d20+22: (17)+22: 39
GAME: Whirlpool rolls 1d20+17: (9)+17: 26
GAME: Whirlpool rolls 1d20+17: (1)+17: 18 (EPIC FAIL)
GAME: Whirlpool rolls 1d20+12: (13)+12: 25
GAME: Whirlpool rolls 1d20+12: (6)+12: 18
GAME: Whirlpool rolls 4d8+12: (15)+12: 27
GAME: Whirlpool rolls 4d8+12: (15)+12: 27

It's angry. It may not show it, but that thing is *angry*. It's crystal form has lost mass from being blased with numerous efforts, the magicite dimming and leaving it smaller and smaller. It's vines and crysutals lash out at Serene and Seldan and Stjepan, but only the first two are harmed at all in the first place. It's cracking, now, and emitting a sort of vibrating hum. It's clearly grievously weakened.

     Whirlpool advances the initiative order.
     Round Seven - Init 28.
     It is now Cesran's turn! Seldan is next!
GAME: Cesran casts Greater Dispel Magic. Caster Level: 20 DC: 28
GAME: Seldan rolls will: (18)+29: 47
GAME: Cesran rolls 1d20+20: (2)+20: 22

Cesran gathers himself up as he moves back towards that looks like to be a magical hut that's been set up. He turns and tries to focus on the crystal golem as it's getting smaller. He casts a greater dispel magic on the crystal golem, but unfortunately he's used all his efforts in getting free and needs more than a moment to collect himself gain, the spell has little effect. He takes a deep breath as he leans on his staff again to refocus for the next round.

GAME: Whirlpool advances the initiative order.
     Round Seven - Init 16.
     It is now Seldan's turn! Living Magicite But Smaller is next!

GAME: Seldan casts Dispel Magic. Caster Level: 16 DC: 20
GAME: Seldan rolls 1d20+16: (2)+16: 18

The crystal vine lashes at Seldan, even as he raises his arms to cast again, and the physical pain that leaves him bleeding in yet another place, coupled with the tug at his mind as it tries to steal his magic, knocks the paladin off center, and it's all he can do to hold onto the spell at all. There's no force behind it, and the blackness evaporates uselessly in front of him.

GAME: Whirlpool advances the initiative order.
     Round Seven - Init 16.
     It is now Living Magicite But Smaller's turn! Toha is next!
GAME: Whirlpool rolls 1d20+12: (8)+12: 20

The smaller one, the only one left of its number, lashes out at Toha again, but it doeshn't manage to strike them.

GAME: Whirlpool advances the initiative order.
     Round Seven - Init 11.
     It is now Toha's turn! Serene is next!
GAME: Toha rolls weapon6: (9)+18: 27
GAME: Toha rolls 2d6+19: (9)+19: 28
GAME: Toha rolls weapon6: (2)+15: 17
GAME: Toha rolls weapon6-8: (10)+18+-8: 20

Toha's mists return to their 'normal' levels in the wake of Serene's healing efforts, and, while she's still mostly skeined in silver by this point, no more seeps from the now-sealed ruptures. Piriona slams into the smaller construct's body and, apparantly, seals the deal as it collapses into gravel between her followup swings. The pupil of ruby fire in her eyeslit slides along to align on the source golem, and the braided construct turns to face the next target.

GAME: Whirlpool advances the initiative order.
     Round Seven - Init 10.
     It is now Serene's turn! Morgan is next!
GAME: Whirlpool rolls 1d20+22: (9)+22: 31
GAME: Whirlpool rolls 4d8+12: (14)+12: 26
GAME: Serene rolls 1d20+20+5+5+1-6: (15)+20+5+5+1+-6: 40
GAME: Serene rolls 1d8+5+5+12: (6)+5+5+12: 28
GAME: Serene rolls will: (19)+34: 53

Serene pauses a second to make sure Toha doesn't need more help... while the 'repairs' seem to indicate something good going on, the older woman isn't all that well versed on construct health and wellness. Seeing Toha reduce her opponent to rubble seems to be a good enough indicator, and so Serene turns her attention back to the First one. Her grip tightens upon her weapon's hilt, and then she strides forth. She accepts the hit it sends her way with a grunt, her shield having remained useless at her side.. but she recovers from the half-spin the blow sent her in and she follows through with her own strike, finding a crack in the creature's crystal body and exploiting it. As she smashes her sword into it with a strike so inelegant it would have her mentor wonder why he even bothered, the golem finally shatters, having reached its limit on how much punishment it could absorb.

WIth the light from the crystals now considerably dimmed, you can see that there is magicite *everywhere*, growing along the gorund and the floor. No doubt it's partially powering this area. The destruction of the magicite golem seems to have disempowered it greatly, but obvioiusly, not entirely. There are numerous blinking bits of artifice machinery sparking away.

Sword still in hand, still bleeding in several places, Seldan throws up an arm to cover his face as the crystals shatter. It's a moment before he stops and looks around, staring at the crystal growing on the ground and the walls and the floor. And the blinking bits of artifice. "I would finish what we have begun, and depower this place ere we go," he tells the others, in general.

Stjepan straightens up, shielding his face as well. "Yes, that seems wise. And if we find the equipment this place has taken from us, so much the better."

Cesran looks around after the crystal creature has been shattered, he's ready for more as he draws himself up to full height once more. He doesn't see any immediate threat and he nods politely to his rescuers, "Thank you for the very timely assistance." He brushes any residual magicite off himself before he rubs his forehead. "Sorry that construct was feeding off my knowledge and draining my magic. Nothing a good night's rest won't fix, but that will have to wait." He looks around to the others, "Not to seem ungrateful, but what brings you down into this place? If I can be of assistance helping to depower as we go I'm happy to lend my knowledge of artifice."

With the last of the crystal creatures destroyed, Toha is momentarily left bereft of target, her pupil sweeping about to find some new vector for her unleashed ire. There is the unknown man, but no one eles seems to be engaging him, and enough of her cognitive engine is still on point to release the Whitefire and return her faculties to their full.

She straightens, ruby pupil dispersing in a wisp of sparks as the silver mist fades into nothing. There comes a ratcheting from within her frame and it is then that she sags, momentarily propping herself up with the Earthbreaker, "Thank you... Serene..." she says wearily as the final toll comes through.

On Seldan's words, she nods and staggers the first couple of steps toward retrieving Reason where it lay, "Got... two shots left... with my death ray." Once she has the rifle resecured from her back chains, she looks to their new acquaintance with a somewhat cheerier, "Hey, welcome aboard!"

Griva, who was briefly disoriented by the brutal and intense fight, drops back on her bottom.

"...well, that's a problem," she manages to say. "Pretty sure oinly thing could generate magicite like this *that* quickly. That's why the 'readings'."

She looks at the walls. "The Shard is near."

Serene was not so quick to shield herself from the dying construct, but seems to weather it well enough. She steps away from it, watching it for any signs of continued aggression.. then finally turns away. Toha's thanks gets a nod and a look over.. again, far from an expert on the wargolem's physiology, but she seems to be satisfied with what she sees. She nods again, then turns to Cesran.

"Archmage," Serene says after eyeing Cesran a moment, her expression mostly unreadable. "An explanation will have to wait as well," she tells him.. and gives the impression that it's not the group she's expecting to have to do the explaining. Then she nods to Griva. "We are searching for an artifact. If you can assist, please do so."

Seldan is listening to the group, but looks Reunion over. "Well do I know what it sought," he tells the blade. "Are you harmed?"

"That dirty rotten son of a bitch-" fairly explodes the voice of a crotchety old man, absolutely indignant. "How dare it!"

Several other voices join in in disgusted protest, but finally two cut through - a younger, deeper woman, and an older, nasal woman. "Well, it seems like it's gone now," the older woman says. "Yes," the younger woman chimes in, "I don't feel like we've really lost anything, but it certainly tried."

"Very well," Seldan cuts in. "Speak if aught is amiss." The man has a noticeable Myrrish accent. He sheathes the blade, and sighs, crossing his arms across his cheat and murmuring a prayer to Eluna.

Cesran nods politely to Serene, "Ah so that's what causing the activation then. A Shard. I suppose it's possible. I would very much like to study this artifact if it's here. I'd be happy to pool our efforts as it seems that a larger force is needed than a smaller stealthier one." He reaches into the pockets of his robe to produce a pearl, "If we have a moment I'd like to cast a defensive spell that has worn out." He looks over to assess Stjepan, "Still with me Stjepan. I'm glad to see that they rescued you too. Are you all right? Do you need any healing? I'm afraid I only carry a potion of Cure Serious Wounds." He ohs as Toha greets him, "Greetings. I am Archmage Cesran and this is my staff Ral-sara." The dragon headed staff nods politely.

"... there," says Griva, "Beyond the crystal." A nod towards one of the walls, "We'll need to ... chip awayhy there, but I th ink it's that way." She points towards a spot on the wall that is indeed shrouded wiuth an intense burst of magicite crystal, indeed.

Stjepan nods curtly. "I've been healed well enough." There's a pause, as he studies Cesran. "They didn't take your magic away from you! Weird." He's bereft of his normalp panoply of various magical amulets and such. As such, he looks semi-permanently annoyed. Squinting, he looks in the direction Griva indicated. "Once more into the breach..."

"Indeed," is Serene's response to Stjepan.. then she grimaces and puts a hand to her side. Almost probing like. She looks about the group again, her gaze lingering a little longer on Seldan and Stjepan before she straightens. Holy symbol in hand, she once more channels healing magics in a pulse that washes over everyone. It's not a cure-all by any means, but it certainly restores a significant amount of vigor to keep everyone in fighting shape.

"Toha, nice ta meetcha!" comes the return as she takes a moment to shoulder the hammer. She steps over to offer what oomph she has left in her motive straps after the day they've been having, "Here?" The earthbreaker comes off her shoulder and she gets ready to start working on that last obstruction once someone gives her the word.

Cesran begins to cast mage armor on himself using a pearl of power. The magic armor coalesces around him before fading from view. "It appears that they did not, but I haven't had time to do a full inventory and it would require amazingly strong magic to separate my staff and I. Perhaps they thought it was just better to contain me." He start s to move over towards the wall that's been pointed out and his eyes glow as he starts to study the wall carefully with his arcane sight to see if any information can be gleamed.

Merek looks about the place, and nods a bit while he takes the time and begins to think about it. He walks along to see what he can do about any machines.

The additional healing washes over Seldan, and he looks up when his prayer is completed, light-eyed gaze warm with gratitude. "My thanks for the assistance, Serene." He dips his head to her in acknowledgement before turning his attention to the wall indicated by Griva. "I may be able to disintegrate the wall. It is not in my mind that I possess sufficient power to place the Shard itself at risk."

"It's probably within the next room anyway," says Griva. "I *think* that crystal wall is blocking off the passage to it anyway."

She glances towards Cesran, "I hear you're fond of shouts. Got one ready? It might work to shatter as much of the crystal as possible."

Cesran holds up a hand before Toha can smash any walls, "If I might be allowed to please study this wall and the surroundings before we go any further.' He looks over to Serene to defer to her, "If I might look this over with some magic as it seems my time in the crystal creature has sapped the spells I normally have on me. It will take me but a moment and I might have a more clear picture of what's going on." He looks over to Griva and chuckles, "I suppose I am known for my shouts, but I'd like just a peek at the wall first and I'm sorry who are you?" He asks politely, but still curiously. "I'd also like a look at the machinery. I'm no artificer, but I have studied up on the subject and I'd like to help if I could."

... in time, the machienry is examined. Actual Kulthian tech is .... so far beyond what you're used to dealing with in artificery as to be mostly incomphrensible as practical matters go, but it definitely doesn't explain the things any of you have seen down here so far. Still, the *power* of the magicite could do that, at least in sme ways, alongside the shard.

Eventually, between strength and shouts, you're able to break down the crystalline barriers and push into a room even MORE filled with magicite than the last. Carving it away gently, and with Griva's help, you find a single magicite crystal that seems to be ... almost molten itself, constantly changing shape and shifting and flashing with light. It's too dangerous to get near and produces such heat as to be impossible to grasp withoiut considerable magical assistance. Eventually, GRiva uses a resilient sphere to contain it initially, followed by considered application of anti-magic shells.

While you're doing this, you hear tremendous bangs coming from elsewhere in the fortress. Sounds like ... things are coming this wady. A lot of things. Whatever is controlling Merkabah, if not the shard itself, doesn't want you to succeed, and you're forced to make a quick teleport out rather than confront these things.

Whatever they are.

Griva sags with relief when you arrive well beyond the walls of the fortress and back in friendlier territory.

"I never want to see the interior of that place again, but atg least we have a shard. Still: what was it doing there? How did it wind up there? *Why*? Something I've noticed with the shards is that they're winding up in places of a certain kind of significance. They're not as random as it might appear..."