Mactoon is Gone pt 1

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-=--=--=--=--=--=--=--=--=--<* Plot Room: Three *>--=--=--=--=--=--=--=--=--=-

These rooms are for player-run plots, although plots may also be run ongrid any time and at any location. Player Run Plots are a welcome and desired series of events on this MUSH. When we speak of Player Run Plots we're speaking of any adventure or IC event that involves at least two or more players in addition to the one running the scene.

This can be anything from an emitted scene of a bar room brawl to a dungeon crawl. The system is set up in a way to encourage spontaneous plots as well as pre-planned scenarios with minimal fuss with the staff. In short, if you have an itch to run a player run plot, for the most part you're allowed to do so. That is, plots tend to not require pre-approval from staff. Visit the website at Roleplay > Player Run Plots for details and awards.

As with all grid spaces, these places are considered public.

Channel: RPThree

Add: addcom r3=RPThree

PrP Help: +prhelp

Exotic Locales: +prhelp locations

Cheat Sheet:

-=--=--=--=--=--=--=--=--=--=--=-- Contents --=--=--=--=--=--=--=--=--=--=--=-

Kisaiya Tan skin, and auburn hair cut in a graduated bob. 17s 1m

Chach Ceinara-kissed Perfection. 0s 17m

-=--=--=--=--=--=--=--=--=--=--=-- Objects =--=--=--=--=--=--=--=--=--=--=--=-

Timestop by Astaren(#3168I)

-=--=--=--=--=--=--=--=--=--=--=--= Exits -=--=--=--=--=--=--=--=--=--=--=--=-

Plot Nexus <O>


"HALP!" The Goblin is swaying from side-to-side using some form of drifting flight combined with that crazy hair to move her from side-to-side, "Halp! We need halp. Nactoon is go-o-o-one." It's hard to see much of her face because the hair is swapping along with her and seems intent on covering her visage beyond little glints of red eyes and the sight of pale, sickly skin. Worried sick might be the best way to think of it.

She's waylaid you all at the Adventurer's guild and seems quite intent on Her head starts turning, moving to the point where it should stop on any normal person but it keeps going, her body trailing behind before she makes a full circle. "Nactooon need Haaaaalp! They took him here and then outside! But I need you all to get him back."

"Great lady! Never fear! Ceinara's Best Beloved is here!" Chach storms into the scene with confidence, with a sexy swish of his bewarted derriere. He had been there earlier, looking for work. A little work on the side. Ma Rosie's doesn't pay the uptown gobber's EVERY bill, you know. Not if you like clothing as fine well. As such a divine dancer deserves!

Tell us your problems, pretty-lady. We will sweep them away!"

Hun'rar eyes Chach and then back at the employer. "Right, we are here to help. How can a Warden help?" he says standing in his full plate and broad shield strapped across his back.

ANOTHER GOBLIN?! The female goblin continues her slow turn all the way around and then sways up closer with those tendrils of hair slowly oozing out in the direction of Chach. Yes, se will envelope him in that hair. The day is at least a good twenty percent better! "HALP!" She says when her face is close to the other Goblin, and none too quietly.

Her eyes turn between both Hun'rar and Chach as she continues, "Nactoooooon. He's a dwarf that was with Deathston and some things they took him and they started off toward the town and then took him across the sea and then through Alexandria and then outside of Alexandria and into the wilds beyond but there were lots and I needed help."

Deep breath. "Can you halp? I'm Fiddlyboo."

<OOC> Kisaiya says, "Tarra, tell me when you're back, I'll make a spot for you to join in if we've left the guild."

<OOC> Chach dies.

<OOC> Tarragon thud!

<OOC> Kisaiya knows you had to walk the dog. :D

"Lady, we will--blurgle argle oof!" And Chach is be-wrap'd! Such is the life of a dancer! Such is the danger of besotted fans! He struggles valiantly against the devoted onslaught and...with some effort, has out a small pen. "Of course we're helpin! By the great Lady Bo--argle bargle hair--" he manages to sort of reach-around with the pen, and sign his name on her arm.

Hun'rar nods "Ok, so we are looking for this Nactoon fellow? And he was taken into the wilds?" he says trying to wrap his head around the facts. "Do... you have more to go on? Who took him? What does he look like?" he asks as he takes a step away from Chach.

Tara is floating just above the ground as she listens to all of this. thankfully, her hair stays in a braid. "A dwarf that went through alexandria, then into the forest beyond. I wonder if he made it into the felwood." She then smirks at Fiddlyboo. "Through alexandria, over the mountain, then through the woods, did he travel....Wonder what he was looking for....A toad to give more warts?"

"He's a dwarf with a be-e-e-e-eard." Fiddlyboo says, "His hair is brown maybe a little red. And he's about this tall." She floats right about average height for a dwarf.

"AND! AND! He's a really fun guy." pause, "No. That's not right." She looks toward Chach again, then at her arm where the name was signed. "Ooooo. I can make hexes with that. Do you like love potions? I mean potions? I like potions. I'll make one for you... What language is this?" She tries to reach the signature but it's upside down for her.

"OH! FUNGUS! He's good with fungi and the like. No-o-o-o-o the dwarf didn't, they kidnapped him and took him /through/ Alexandria. There was five of them, but there are more along the way." She continues trying to get closer to Chach, the hair attempting to cocoon him now. Dancers are the best! "Do you want /me-e-e-e/ to show you? Or I can try to draw a map-y-thingy."

<OOC> Kisaiya says, "*read the signature"

<OOC> Chach dies.

Trying to be subtle about it, Chach plumps up a few of his warts to make himself more presentable. "Why, it's inscribed in tha language of tha Great Lady! I would venture it is only visible ta Her true believers," or if she magically turns her arm around the other way, "I can tell ya about it on tha trip?" Chach wriggles, does his best to wriggle out. He has to pose, you know. Also, how is she to see those nice, plumped-up warts if he's bound up?

Hun'rar nods "A map would be good. Also if you release our companion and we can get on this mision. Before the dwarf gets too far away?" he offers as a suggestion.

<OOC> Hun'rar asfk's for 10, has to run out quick.

"Might've been a cook too." Tara then looks to Hun'rar. "Witches are a strange people. Might be better to take her along with us." She then looks at the paper itself....and tries to read it.


This gobber stands a slender, if somewhat masculine-androgynous height of just over three feet. He wears the silks of Veyshan around his waist, just above that country's stylized and flowing leggings, a style which leaves exposed a gobber's slightly pouty belly and a dancer's physique. His long gobber-toes grip the floor with sure precision and quickened movement. The warts across his back are numerous and handsome, with a hint of sandpaper ruggedness, his ears suitably slender at their tips, and he wears proudly the symbols of Fire tattoo'd up and down each arm and thigh. Shined copper bangles drape about his waist. To accent the look, he's most often surrounded by a faint scent--of burnt cinders or a hint of exploded gunpowder. The symbol of Ceinara about his neck marks him as of Hers. He appears to carry no weapon.

"Yay." Fiddlyboo starts swaying in the air from side-to-side, her toes barely scraping above the ground. She rotates a little on the spot, like one might bashfully do if they were standing on the ground and didn't just observe the behavior normally. A blink of her eyes, hiding the red color, toward Chach and she turns her head enough to the side that the hair falls away to reveal only a single wart above her right eye. Hideous! Only one on her entire face!

She looks to them all and nods her head, "I cook! I do-o-o-o. Toad soup, and porcupine stew. Mole tarts and hot rat pi-i-i-ie." She starts floating away from the adventurer's guild in the direction to the north and one of the city exits. Two of the party had after all mentioned that she should come along.

<OOC> Chach gasp! D:

<OOC> Kisaiya sage nod.

<OOC> Chach gaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaasp! D:

Tarragon has reconnected.

<OOC> Tarragon says, "grr"

<OOC> Chach erps. X)

Chach sucks in his breath and does his best not to recoil! Oh, heart! Oh, fire! Ah, but the dashing men of Ma Rosie's have dealt with more dangerous...


Brave. Face. He holds up his arm, "Do ya believe in magic, lady? In th' power of a young girl's heart? When tha music can free ya, whenever it starts?" Chach, freed, lands by the other gobber and if he had a hat, he'd tip it. Instead, he offers a bewarted arm. "Tell us about how he vanished, lady, as w'go! I am sure ya know yer stuff!" No one ever said he was wise. Ever.

<OOC> Hun'rar is back

<OOC> Chach rar! :D

Hun'rar nods "Indeed, we should make way as soon as we can." he leans over to Tarragon "You think this whole goblin thing is going to be a problem?" he asks in a whisper.

"This'll end well." Tara says as she floats her way out of the door. "Come on, we're wasting time. The more time we spend here, the further he'll be away.

Tarragon has partially disconnected.

Fiddlyboo swoons a little, by rising up in the air more then down, as the arm is offered and she loops an arm in his. She'll continue to float along with the hair still trying to cocoon the other Goblin throughout the day as they make their way out of the north exit and into the wilds beyond. For those so inclined, they may want to take a means of transport besides walking as they'll be at it for the rest of the day. Until Fiddlyboo comes to a stop and starts to poke around in the bushes with her hair, pulling out mushrooms and twigs, leaves, bark, and all manner of things, some that would be used for food and some that wouldn't.

"I'll make dinner." She says, wistfully, "We'll get to the river tomorrow and the last I saw they went into a cave after that maybe they're there or maybe they moved on I don't know because I went back to town to find you all." Deep breath, "And so I figure we should start there."

-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=- At a glance around Plot Room: Three -=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=

Chach 0s 3'2" 37 Lb Goblin Male 

Ceinara-kissed Perfection. 

Hun'rar 10m 6'2" 198 Lb Human M 

Heavily armored knight with a dragon motif 

Kisaiya 4m 5'9" 135 Lb Human Female 

Tan skin, and auburn hair cut in a graduated bob. 

Tarragon 10s 6'0" 170 Lb Human Female 

Tall, red haired Tsuran woman 


If ya believe in magic, don't bother ta choose. If it's a jug band music, or rhythm an' blues-- Chach walks in quick gobber-steps, long gobber-toes gripping the earth as they go. And his other hand batting at the hair, and constantly unwinding it. Oh, fans! What he does for the glorious reputation of Ma Rosie's!

For money!

For-- "Tha cave sounds a mighty good place ta start. What were they after, ya know?" he asks. His poor legs wobble from the walking, but there's food in the kettle, at least! He finds some time to lean against Hun'rar's shins. Who is sort of like a tree, from down where Chach is. Tallfolk are kind of like that. In fact, tallfolk are so tall that he might not even notice until the man moves.

Tarragon tilts her head as they stop for dinner. She looks at Hun'rar and makes a face. "Hmmmmm.......maybe good that we stay here."

<OOC> Kisaiya loved the song, Chach.

Hun'rar shrugs "I suppose but lets not linger too long." indeed he is like a steel tree, encased in heavy armor. "Seems the goblin insists on cooking..." he responds to Tarragon.

"We Wo-o-o-o-on't." Fiddlyboo says as she sweeps off in one direction, and then the other. Literally, she's sweeping the floor of the forest behind her with the hair and bits of it are grabbed as it passed over. Like a vacuum without the loud noise and instead just a slithering sound.

The items keep being added until finally it hits a rolling boil and then the heats fades to it and she moves it carefully to rest, it's a couple hours but the food does smell like food. Are there any who /dare/ to eat her concoction? Well, besides her, she's totally getting a bowl of it.

<OOC> Chach :D

Tarragon gives the stew a try herself. Even when she's able to fish a piece of mushroom out, she gives it to her tarantula, Sable. "I figured you'd be hungry too, Sable."

The things he does for--screw it, he's hungry, and he's Ceinara's finest! "Fill'er up!" Chach says boldly, holding out a bowl. He's all-but collapsed onto the ground, and trying not to show it. "I got extra bowls, if ya want'em," he says to Tarragon and Hun'rar-the-metal-tree.

Hun'rar tries a bit of it too, he is a paladin with divine fortitude after all. "I am sure I have eaten worse." he comments as he accepts a bowl.

The stew is good, and you could swear there's meat in it even though you didn't see her get anything meat-like... you think. It's hard to tell. Maybe she swept it up with the leaves and twigs. Which, there's no leaves or twigs either. The stew has an earthy flavor, true, but in a way mushrooms are but not overpowering and there's even some wild garlic taste to tie it all together. "I made centipede hollow stew." She says and eats some of it. She slurps up something that looks suspiciously like a centipede... though none of you have seen one in your bowl. She also makes googly eyes at Chach, with little wiggles of the fingers and all.

<OOC> Kisaiya says, "Okay! Set up camp and sleep?"

<OOC> Hun'rar thumbs up

<OOC> Chach says, "Why. Why are you giggling. :( It is bad when GMs giggle. D:"

<OOC> Tarragon says, "yup."

<OOC> Kisaiya >_> <_<

<OOC> Kisaiya preens, "I did nothing!"

<OOC> Chach D:

<OOC> Kisaiya says, "Anything else you guys wanna do or just all conk out?"

<OOC> Chach will-do! >.> He will take a watch. Also, sleep on the oooooother side of either Hun'rar. >.>

<OOC> Kisaiya :D "WOO! Glad someone is. Gimme a perception check."

<OOC> Chach oh god.

GAME: Chach rolls perception: (6)+10: 16

<OOC> Hun'rar says, "Rest of us too?"

<OOC> Kisaiya says, "If you're taking watch? Definitely."

<OOC> Tarragon konks out. doesn't have much of a choice.

GAME: Hun'rar rolls perception: (4)+0: 4

Chach's turn at taking watch is filled with the sounds of creatures. It's hard to say exactly what, as it's still quite dark out and a number of things move at night at these lower elevations. If you were up in the mountains, it would probably be quiet enough to hear the whistling of wind through the trees miles away and the snore of the others would be deafening. Instead there's movement and scurrying, and the sway of Fiddlyboo as she sleeps in a hammock of hammock of hair, cocooned like a butterfly.

Hun'rar's watch is much the same, though the noises set you on edge. Something feels wrong about them like you swear you heard a foot step here or the crunch of a pad along leaves there. Never enough that you'd want to wake someone, but just enough to make you uneasy the entire shift. You're fatigued.

Tarragon sleeps rather easily...with her tarantula, Sable, sleeping on the woman's forehead the whole night. As if the spider itself, was trying to protect the woman....

This can only end unwell! "To centipede stew!" Chach says before he heads off, and salutes with his bowl. "I will take first watch," he declares, then. Of course, he'll never notice anything. But he does jam to a few crickets.

<OOC> Kisaiya says, "Did anyone else lag like crazy?"

<OOC> Tarragon says, "no more than normal."

<OOC> Kisaiya says, "Huh. Okay! Anyway!"

<OOC> Hun'rar did not.

<OOC> Hun'rar is fatigued from noises during his watch?

<OOC> Kisaiya says, "More or less, they kept you on edge."

<OOC> Kisaiya says, "Like Wait, was that someone moving..? No... Okay. WAIT was that a wolf? No... okay. WAIT is that a bassilisk? No, that's just hissy."

<OOC> Chach D:

<OOC> Hun'rar nods, is nearly blind. (bad vision flaw)

<OOC> Kisaiya says, "It'd be noises probably. :D It'll be fine."

<OOC> Kisaiya will handle what it means when combat hits and fix it before we end.

Morning is much the same, with stew and then it's off again toward the riverbed that Fiddlyboo spoke of.

<OOC> Kisaiya says, "Okay! You see the riverbed, beyond it by a hudred yards of open area is the cave Fiddlyboo spoke of. Whatcha wanna do?"

<OOC> Chach diees.

<OOC> Kisaiya says, "*hundred"

<OOC> Chach will dance right in, singing 'Stayin Alive' unless someone has a better idea.

<OOC> Tarragon says, "Mage armor for me. XD"

<OOC> Chach XD

<OOC> Kisaiya says, "Okay, Tarra, when/if combat starts we'll do that before your turn then. :D"

<OOC> Tarragon nods.

<OOC> Hun'rar says, "Well unless someone wants to do thing stealth I will tromp right up in my full plate and shield"

<OOC> Kisaiya says, "Okay. So swoop on in then?"

<OOC> Tarragon doesn't think any of us are stealth characters.

<OOC> Kisaiya says, "Roll perception!"

GAME: Chach rolls perception: (11)+10: 21

GAME: Hun'rar rolls perception: (16)+0: 16

GAME: Tarragon rolls perception +2: (18)+8+2: 28

<OOC> Tarragon says, "since my familiar is on my shoulder, I get alertnet."

<OOC> Tarragon says, "alertness"

<OOC> Kisaiya says, "Hun'rar roll religion please."

GAME: Hun'rar rolls knowledge/religion: (9)+12: 21

<OOC> Kisaiya says, "Okay, all paged out. Go ahead and gimme a round of actions, and we'll go forward."

<OOC> Kisaiya says, "Err, Round of poses, more rather."

"Whether you're a brother or whether you're a mother, you're stayin alive, you're stayin alive! Feel tha cave breakin, and everybody shakin--ba-da boom! Lady Boom-boom!" Chach rolls his hands, one after the other as he boogies to the tune. They'd been talking about something, when the beat hit him. The beat goes deep. He boggies right on up towards the cave aaaaaaand stops.

"I don't think that looks right. You see those porcupines up there?" he asks. He points with one arm, and then jauntily, with another towards two lump-spike-things.

Tara is floating slightly higher than the rest...and she spots something. "I think we have company guys." She says softly. "Sable....take cover, hun." And the tarantula disappears into Tara's shirt. Tara looks down to Hun'rar. "They don't look right, Hun'rar.....

Hun'rar nods to Chach They look dead. Undead that is." he says pulling out his sword. "Stay behind me and I will provide cover." he says raising his shield before moving forward.

=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=- ATTENTION -=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-

Kisaiya has dropped a TIMESTOP!

Please +init, then cease all roleplay and actions immediately and wait for Kisaiya to instruct you further.

For in-combat commands, type: +thelp.


GAME: You roll initiative: 17 + 5 + +2 = 24

GAME: Kisaiya damaged you for -100 points. 53 HP remaining.

GAME: Kisaiya advances the initiative order.

Round One - Init 24.

It is now Odd Porq's turn! Chach is next!

<OOC> Tarragon says, "oh sit."

<OOC> Tarragon says, "I could've helped Hun'rar with keeping watch. *holds up Ring of sustenence*"

There's one creature that looked like a porcupine to begin with, though Chach knew it to the otherwise, it stood slowly and cackled. The female shape wiggled its digits at the party. "Ooooo, you come for the dwarf do you? I thought it would take longer for that silly witch." She begins to run off into the cave, laughing with the sound of the quills on her back rattling against one another. "I will turn him undead!" Cackle.

"NO! NOT Nactoon!" Fiddlyboo yells out and looks toward the others, "HALP NACTOOOON!"

<OOC> Kisaiya D:

GAME: Kisaiya advances the initiative order.

Round One - Init 24.

It is now Chach's turn! Porqs is next!

GAME: Note Flat-footed ended.

<OOC> Chach ok!

<OOC> Chach says, "Hip-slam'er! :D"

<OOC> Kisaiya says, "The runner?"

You must be on RPOne to do that.

<OOC> Chach says, "I think so!"

<OOC> Kisaiya says, "Okay!"

<OOC> Kisaiya says, "Roll it!"

<OOC> Chach says, "Ok. :D"

GAME: You spend ONE point of PANACHE. (2 remaining)

GAME: Chach rolls 1d20+15+2: (14)+15+2: 31

<OOC> Kisaiya says, "Hit!"

GAME: Chach rolls 1d2+13+6: (1)+13+6: 20

<OOC> Chach's AC is now 22 until his next turn.

<OOC> Kisaiya says, "Okay!"

GAME: Kisaiya advances the initiative order.

Round One - Init 16.

It is now Porqs' turn! Tarragon is next!

"Let's shake it up, Hun'rar!" Chach replies, a dangerous gleam in his eyes. The gobber leaps forward, and hip-slams into the pocru-dead. "You stay away from tha' witch-lady! She ain't got as many warts, but that's no reason ta treat her all gordy!" he says. He lands, hip-first against the crackling porcine, with the panache of a swashbuckling hip-dancer!

GAME: Kisaiya rolls 6: (15)+6: 21

GAME: Kisaiya rolls 8: (12)+8: 20

GAME: Kisaiya advances the initiative order.

Round One - Init 16.

It is now Tarragon's turn! Hun'rar is next!

The Two porcupines charge at Chach making little grunting noises as they go, with the first one feinting in toward the Swashbuckler and the second one trying to slam into him. Fortunately, Chach saw through the feint and was able to dodge the real attack.

<OOC> Tarragon says, "okie..."

<OOC> Tarragon says, "Using haste."

<OOC> Tarragon says, "obviously using it to hit both Hun'rar and Chach."

<OOC> Kisaiya says, "Okay!"

<OOC> Tarragon says, "and I have to burn mage armor."

GAME: Tarragon refreshes spells.

GAME: Kisaiya added note Hasted with a duration of 8 rounds.

GAME: Tarragon casts Mage Armor. Caster Level: 8 DC: 18

GAME: Tarragon casts S3: Haste. Caster Level: 8 DC: 20

<OOC> Tarragon says, "S3 is on it since it's not a normal witch spell."

<OOC> Kisaiya says, "Okay"

GAME: Kisaiya advances the initiative order.

Round One - Init 14.

It is now Hun'rar's turn! Pegs is next!

<OOC> Kisaiya says, "Hun'rar you're up!"

<OOC> Hun'rar says, "is one in my face?"

<OOC> Hun'rar says, "Otherwise I want to move up to the nearest and swat it"

<OOC> Kisaiya says, "Nope, not yet. Okay, Pegasi, Porcs, or the other one? To get to the other one, you'll have to pass by the Porcupines and give them an AoO."

Flying up and out of the reach of the melee enemies, Tara uses her knowledge of time to cast a spell to speed up Hun'rar and Chach.

<OOC> Hun'rar will move up to the porcs then

<OOC> Kisaiya says, "Okay! Attack 'em."

<OOC> Hun'rar says, "Porcupines rather"

<OOC> Kisaiya says, "Roll it, more rather."

<OOC> Kisaiya says, "You're at a +1 from Haste."

<OOC> Hun'rar says, "Arcane strike and power attack"

<OOC> Kisaiya says, "Sounds good. :D"

GAME: Hun'rar rolls weapon10+1-2: (9)+10+1+-2: 18

<OOC> Kisaiya says, "Hit!"

GAME: Hun'rar rolls 1d10+6+4+2: (8)+6+4+2: 20

<OOC> Kisaiya says, "You cut it in two."

GAME: Kisaiya advances the initiative order.

Round One - Init 5.

It is now Pegs' turn! Odd Porq is next!

<OOC> Kisaiya says, "One of them charges at Hun'rar, the other takes off and flies at Tarragon."

Hun'rar raises his sword up, an ethereal purple fire engulfs the blade before he brings it down on one of the porcupines, positioning himself so he would be the best to be taken on.

<OOC> Hun'rar says, "AC 28 with haste."

GAME: Kisaiya rolls +12: (19)++12: 31

<OOC> Chach D:

GAME: Kisaiya rolls 1d8+5: (8)+5: 13

GAME: Kisaiya rolls 10: (5)+10: 15

<OOC> Kisaiya says, "Wait.. can you charge while flying?"

<OOC> Hun'rar says, "Yes"

<OOC> Kisaiya says, "17 hit you Tarra?"

<OOC> Kisaiya says, "Wait... Yah. No. no, 15, because it probably can't take off and charge in the same round. Right?"

<OOC> Tarragon says, "no"

<OOC> Tarragon says, "my AC is 19 right now."

<OOC> Kisaiya says, "Okay. Moot anyway then. :D"


Kisaiya advances the initiative order.

Round Two - Init 24.

It is now Odd Porq's turn! Chach is next!

One of the Pegasi charges down the way from where it stood. It aims itself at Hun'rar's back, slamming into him with a whinny sound that is more guttural. It's tongue hangs down from a torn jaw, waving about and drooling on the ground as it snorts heavily. The other one takes off into flight, and makes a pass at Tarragon, its jaws clamping down but finding only air as its nostrils flare in annoyance, its blue eyes - dead and cold - stare at Tarragon.

The strange creature that Chach had so recently attacked attacked laughs at feeling the hard hit, steps back and waves her arms with a few guttural words. She cackles before vanishing.

GAME: Kisaiya advances the initiative order.

Round Two - Init 24.

It is now Chach's turn! Porqs is next!

<OOC> Chach says, "Attack the crazy lady!"

<OOC> Kisaiya says, "She just vanished. D:"

<OOC> Chach says, "Nope, vanished. XD"

<OOC> Chach nuuu.

<OOC> Chach will attack the ones she sic'd on us!

<OOC> Kisaiya says, "Okay! Roll it."

<OOC> Chach says, "Going for one. Only going for the other if the first is not there anymore. :/"

<OOC> Hun'rar says, "Spellcraft to ID what she did?"

<OOC> Kisaiya says, "Roll it!"

GAME: Chach rolls 1d20+16: (20)+16: 36

GAME: Chach rolls 1d20+16: (2)+16: 18

GAME: Chach rolls 1d20+11: (9)+11: 20

GAME: Hun'rar rolls spellcraft: (17)+6: 23

<OOC> Chach says, "Threat?"

<OOC> Kisaiya says, "Yes, I don't think Undead are immune to crits."

GAME: Chach rolls 1d20+16: (2)+16: 18

<OOC> Kisaiya says, "And that would be a crit."

<OOC> Chach says, "Ok."

<OOC> Chach says, "Since he hit twice, he shreds for 2d6."

<OOC> Chach headscratches. Am assuming all are hits? ^^;

<OOC> Kisaiya blink. wait, 3 attacks, 36, 18, 20, right?

<OOC> Tarragon says, "and the 4th roll is to confirm crit, I think."

<OOC> Tarragon says, "Right, Cach?"

<OOC> Chach says, "Yus."

<OOC> Kisaiya would recommend only using the crit on the Porc, save the other two for the Peg.

<OOC> Chach says, "6 base, 5 attribute, 1 weapon, 1 WT, 1 size, 1 feat, 1 haste."

<OOC> Chach ok. :3

GAME: Chach rolls 2d2+13+7: (3)+13+7: 23

GAME: Chach rolls 1d2+13: (1)+13: 14

GAME: Chach rolls 1d2+13+2d6: (1)+13+(9): 23

<OOC> Kisaiya says, "Porc died. Peg looks badly hurt."

<OOC> Chach >.>

GAME: Kisaiya advances the initiative order.

Round Two - Init 16.

It is now Porqs' turn! Tarragon is next!

"Well now, I get low and I get high," Chach drops to a quick-knee to strike at one of the porcines, before kipping up. His chest, stomach undulate as he thrusts himself backwards, arms forward. He then spins, confronting the porcine on the other side of him. He might get stabbed! Maybe this has entered into his mind, or maybe...

"You know, it's alright, it's okay!" Hip-thrust, slam. Thwank!

There's the sound of two more huffling snorting sounds and another Porcupines come running out of the cave and toward the adventurers. It's a sort of loping run, they seem to be heading for Chach and Hun'rar.

GAME: Kisaiya advances the initiative order.

Round Two - Init 16.

It is now Tarragon's turn! Hun'rar is next!

<OOC> Tarragon thinks this dead-asus is going to hate me.

<OOC> Kisaiya says, "Whatcha gonna do? :D"

<OOC> Tarragon pokes Kisa.

<OOC> Kisaiya says, "What?"

<OOC> Tarragon is going to use Cure Serious Wounds on the Pegasus. I'm assuming it's undead.

<OOC> Tarragon says, "and using my hair to do it."

<OOC> Kisaiya says, "Hun'rar told you it is. :D"

<OOC> Tarragon says, "okie"

<OOC> Kisaiya says, "And go for it"

GAME: Tarragon rolls 3d8+8: (18)+8: 26

<OOC> Kisaiya says, "Bloodied."

GAME: Kisaiya advances the initiative order.

Round Two - Init 14.

It is now Hun'rar's turn! Pegs is next!

<OOC> Kisaiya says, "Hun'rar, you have an undead Peg and 2 Porcs closing in."

<OOC> Hun'rar will attack the Peg

<OOC> Kisaiya says, "Roll it!"

<OOC> Hun'rar says, "Arcane strike and PA"

<OOC> Kisaiya thumbs up!

GAME: Hun'rar rolls weapon10+1-2: (8)+10+1+-2: 17

<OOC> Kisaiya says, "Hit!"

GAME: Hun'rar rolls 1d10+14: (9)+14: 23

<OOC> Kisaiya says, "You cut off its head."

GAME: Kisaiya advances the initiative order.

Round Two - Init 5.

It is now Pegs' turn! Odd Porq is next!

GAME: Kisaiya rolls 10: (1)+10: 11 (EPIC FAIL)


Kisaiya advances the initiative order.

Round Three - Init 24.

It is now Odd Porq's turn! Chach is next!

GAME: Kisaiya advances the initiative order.

Round Three - Init 24.

It is now Chach's turn! Porqs is next!

<OOC> Chach ok!

Tara notices the undead pegasus flying at her. She turns her head as her hair lashes out towards it and wraps itself around it's limbs. "Undead are a blight upon this land. ALL of you are spitting upon the grace of the grey lady by continuing to walk!" She closes her eyes......and when she opens them again, they are glowing white. "RETURN TO YOUR GRAVE!" Her hair immediately turns white, and the very touch of her hair burns the undead pegasus......

<OOC> Chach says, "There are 2 porcs, and the missing crazy lady?"

<OOC> Hun'rar also notes she turned invis. XD

<OOC> Kisaiya says, "2 porcs near you, the crazy lady no where to be seen, and 1 peg attacking Tarra."

The Pegasus that's up in the air with Tara makes a shrieking sound as its set alight by a burning sensation emanating from life and snaps its jaws fruitlessly at her.

<OOC> Chach'll try to go after the two porcs. Spending a panache--will not use +abil because I forgot to refresh. That should bring me up to speed!

GAME: Chach rolls 1d20+16: (17)+16: 33

GAME: Chach rolls 1d20+16: (8)+16: 24

GAME: Chach rolls 1d20+11: (7)+11: 18

<OOC> Kisaiya says, "Okay! Hit, hit, hit!"

GAME: Chach rolls 1d2+13+6: (2)+13+6: 21

GAME: Chach rolls 1d2+13: (1)+13: 14

GAME: Chach rolls 1d2+2d6: (1)+(6): 7

<OOC> Kisaiya says, "You carve them up but good!"

<OOC> Chach says, "Add 13 to the 7."

Hun'rar raises his sword again, engulfing it in the same purple flame and removes the head from the pegasis in one fell stroke. "She used Invisibility, she is still here." He notes to the others.

"Thinkin' she went after tha guy!" Chach shouts back to Hun'rar! The crazy-invisible-lady who'd run into the cave. After the person they'd been sent to protect, of course--and now? Now her minions are delaying them.

"Hey, hey, pretty lady!" he calls out to their witch-guide. "Ya see where the crazy lady went!" Hip shake and dive!

GAME: Kisaiya advances the initiative order.

Round Three - Init 16.

It is now Porqs' turn! Tarragon is next!

The goblin witch hovers about and then points toward the cave, "I think she went in theeeeere. That's where she went when I saw her before! SHE HAS FRIENDS!"

GAME: Kisaiya advances the initiative order.

Round Three - Init 16.

It is now Tarragon's turn! Hun'rar is next!

<OOC> Kisaiya need about 10 minutes, "Excuse me. Tarra, you're up!

<OOC> Tarragonwill waits till you come back.

<OOC> Kisaiya says, "Bakc"

<OOC> Tarragon says, "Whee"

<OOC> Kisaiya D: "I wish you said what you were doing while you were gone. There's still a pegasus there attacking you Tara, everything else is dead though."

<OOC> Tarragon says, "okie."

<OOC> Tarragon says, "Cure Moderate wounds on the pegasus."

<OOC> Kisaiya says, "Roll it!"

GAME: Tarragon rolls 2d8+8: (14)+8: 22

<OOC> Kisaiya says, "It explodes into glitter like a pinata."

<OOC> Tarragon says, "K."

<OOC> Chach dies. XD

Tara keeps her hair on the Pegasus as she shouts 'RETURN TO YOUR GRAVE!'. The last command the Pegasus burns and Tara lets it go to fall to the ground....which it never hits....

<OOC> Kisaiya says, "Too much life for one Pagasus to take. D:"

GAME: Kisaiya advances the initiative order.

Round Three - Init 14.

It is now Hun'rar's turn! Pegs is next!

<OOC> Kisaiya says, "RAR! You're up."

<OOC> Hun'rar says, "So nothing left?"

<OOC> Kisaiya says, "Not that you see!"

<OOC> Hun'rar will cast detect evil to try and find her

<OOC> Kisaiya needs to to roll 1d20+caster level for that.

<OOC> Kisaiya says, "*you"

GAME: Hun'rar rolls 5: (20)+5: 25

<OOC> Kisaiya headtilts.

<OOC> Kisaiya says, "Well I'll be! XD Yeah! You think she's in the cave."

<OOC> Hun'rar says, "Also will Lay on Hands as a swifty"

GAME: Hun'rar rolls 2d6: (11): 11


Kisaiya advances the initiative order.

Round Four - Init 24.

It is now Odd Porq's turn! Chach is next!

GAME: Kisaiya advances the initiative order.

Round Four - Init 24.

It is now Chach's turn! Porqs is next!

<OOC> Chach says, "Run like the wind towards the cave, and crouch in the shadows of the entrance! He will be quiet! ...for like 6 seconds. >.>"

<OOC> Chach says, "Stealth? Acrobatics? Cheezypoofs?"

Hun'rar raises his hand and moves it around. "Cave... she went in the cave." he says as he begisn to walk towards it, his body glowing slightly with the vigor of life that returns to him.

<OOC> Chach nm. He will be loud. Run to cave entrance, intimidate!

<OOC> Kisaiya says, "Okay! You run to the cave entrance and roar into it loudly! The centipedes run in fear!"

GAME: Kisaiya advances the initiative order.

Round Four - Init 16.

It is now Porqs' turn! Tarragon is next!

GAME: Chach rolls intimidate: (5)+13: 18

<OOC> Chach says, "Take that, centipedes!"

GAME: Kisaiya advances the initiative order.

Round Four - Init 16.

It is now Tarragon's turn! Hun'rar is next!

<OOC> Kisaiya is guessing you're all going to group up at the cave entrance this round?

<OOC> Hun'rar nods.

<OOC> Kisaiya says, "You too, Tara?"

"Then they're crazy, too!" Chach calls back to their witch-guide. "Come on, crazy hair, talkin to spiders lady! We're goin in! They mess with tha best--they gonna know Ceinara's fire! If one of them fires at me, keep an eye out, eh?" And he turns, poised for a moment--before dashing and diving towards the cave.

Right. Towards the cave. The dancer stops at the entryway. "Alright, you crazy lady! The jig is up! We got a dream and you ain'd part of it!"

Aaaand the centipedes scatter. Way to go, Chach!

<OOC> Tarragon says, "yup"

<OOC> Kisaiya says, "By the way, Tara, the ceiling is a little low to fly."

<OOC> Tarragon says, "except...I use See Invisibility."

<OOC> Kisaiya says, "Okay!"

GAME: Tarragon casts See Invisibility. Caster Level: 8 DC: 19

<OOC> Tarragon says, "she's still not touching the ground."

<OOC> Kisaiya nods, and you think you see her rounding the corner up ahead in the darkness.

GAME: Kisaiya advances the initiative order.

Round Four - Init 14.

It is now Hun'rar's turn! Odd Porq is next!


Kisaiya advances the initiative order.

Round Five - Init 24.

It is now Odd Porq's turn! Chach is next!

GAME: Kisaiya advances the initiative order.

Round Five - Init 24.

It is now Chach's turn! Tarragon is next!

<OOC> Chach headscratches. XD

<OOC> Kisaiya says, "Tara does."

Tarragon points. "THAT WAY!" And she points to where she saw her run.

<OOC> Kisaiya poses for everyone after Tara.

<OOC> Tarragon says, "like that."

<OOC> Chach can't see invisible things, so he--ok! Follow the pointing creepy-hair lady with the spiders!

When you all gather up to the entrance of the cave, you can see that beyond is a couple pathways immediately leading off. One of them bends to the right, the other to the left. Tara points to the one that bends off to the right.

<OOC> Kisaiya says, "Okay! There you go. You're up Chach!"

<OOC> Chach'll try scooping up some dirt, and then running after. Maybe he can hit her with it, when Tarra says we're close. Then the rest of us can see it! Also, dropping!

GAME: Kisaiya advances the initiative order.

Round Five - Init 16.

It is now Tarragon's turn! Hun'rar is next!

"Heeeeey! Crazy lady!" Chach takes off after the invisible woman, trusting their own witch's advice. As he banks to the right passage, he takes an acrobat's tumble, sliding onto his stomach and grabbing a handful of earth. Which he tries to hide. "Oh oh oh! We're comin' after you!"

<OOC> Kisaiya says, "Tara?"

<OOC> Tarragon says, "wha?"

<OOC> Kisaiya says, "You're up."

<OOC> Tarragon says, "sorry."

<OOC> Kisaiya says, "Wanna chase after Chach?"

<OOC> Tarragon says, "I'll have to....I'm theone whoc an see her, I think."

<OOC> Kisaiya says, "Okay"

GAME: Kisaiya advances the initiative order.

Round Five - Init 14.

It is now Hun'rar's turn! Odd Porq is next!

<OOC> Kisaiya says, "Hun'rar! Following along too?"

<OOC> Hun'rar says, "Yes!"

<OOC> Hun'rar will continue to detect evil


Kisaiya advances the initiative order.

Round Six - Init 24.

It is now Odd Porq's turn! Chach is next!

When the three of you reach the corner, you turn it to see the caves beyond, a large antichamber with another beyond it that holds a dais, and on it a passed out dwarf. Standing at the steps of the dais are three small creatures. They look short, with red woolen caps upon their heads. Two of them turn, the crackling on bones as their heads unnaturally make the movement first, with their skin pulling tight into lines and tearing in places before their bodies catch up. The last one steps back with a ragged stump, black-blood prints left behind each movement.

Their features are a shadow of what they once were. and in their hands are weapons that look too large for them. They hold scythes in their hands, the blades jagged and rust, the tips scratching the surface of the rock with every beleagured step. Their eyes have a light behind them, purple and burning.

GAME: Kisaiya advances the initiative order.

Round Six - Init 24.

It is now Chach's turn! Redcaps is next!