Haunted House

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You have all been given an assignment by the adventurer's guild to come to the outskirts of the city to the south west of Alexandria. You assignment is to help the family Smadda as they are having some trouble and require assistance. With what you don't know. You can barely see the city from the road as you come upon the gates to Smadda Hall. You can smell the rotting decaying scent of a swamp, although the large dark mansion is easy to see from the gates as it's on a bit of a rise. It is night, but the moon is full making it easier to see. The gates are currently closed, but as the party comes closer the gates swing open all by themselves beckoning you to come in....if you dare...'

Swamps. Oi. Miruan is not a fan of swamps, elemental touched as she may be. She wrinkles her nose a little at the smell. Still, she has a sun rod with her (hurrhurr, rod) as she does not have dark or low light vision. She treads carefully, her cloaks and robes tied in a knot to keep them from dragging into the swamp. "Oh geez." At least the moon is full...

Terewin looks up at the building, tapping his chin. "Seems like trouble, but folks need help... so that means my sword can help right?!" he says with a grin and walks to through the gates. Afterall the pretty ones are always safe right?

Arisha is probably one of the first there. Large dark mansion? Check. Spooky? check. Gate swinging open when you approach. Check and check. With that, she tugs out her pistol and loads a round into it. "Yeah.....I smell a rat." She says looking about.

Kuumvu slithers behind the rest of them. His claws tap stoccato on his thigh--tap tap, tap tap, as they go. At the base of the mansion, he lets out a hiss, and his tail abruptly whip-curls behind him. "Ssmells-bad, bad-meat. Almost..."

As you all enter through the gates they slam shut with an ear piercing squeak and rattle. On either side of the gate is a high wall made out of masonry and is overgrown with creeping vines. The path up towards the house is firm, but outside of the path is overgrown and swampy. You can hear the sounds of night creatures and the occasional splash. As you look out you see multiple pairs of glowing eyes watching you from the shadows. Nothing attacks you as you come to the front door. There is a rope next to the front door.

Miruan smiles faintly at the familiar faces. "The full moon brings both good and ill, beneath her silver gaze. This season is - full of superstition," She remarks quietly. There's a pause, as she focuses on her breathing a moment. She furrows her brows. Deep breath. "I see." She nods at Kuumvu. "Should we knock or try that rope?"

Arisha looks over towards Kuumvu. "bad meat? Like rotten?" She says softly as she seems to be getting a clearer picture.....

"Fooking undead, dinnae hae the proper manners tae stay in the grave when you..." Arnora grumbles as she rattles along with all the stealth of heavily armed and armored Khazad. As the gateway opens she raises her shield and axe and steps through carefully, then a loud curse escapes her as the gates slam shut "Now that ain't fucking spooky as shite" she adds

Kuumvu pages: Does darkvision help?

You paged Kuumvu with 'Of course it does, you can see out 60' and see some of the animals, most are the animals you'd find in a swamp, although you do see the scales gliding in the distance almost out of your range of dark vision...it might be a large aquatic reptile.'

Terewin grins at Arnora "Don't worry! It will all work out, We have fought undead and worse, what’s an old run down house?" he comments with a grin as he reaches over to ring the doorbell. "Keep your chin up."

"Ssmells like old meat, left-to-rot, thick under the noon-day-sun, but worsse," Kuumvu says, with a dry chuckle to help hide how scared he is. Again the rat-a-tat on his scales as they move past. He slinks, one foot nimbly in front of the other. An eye over the shoulder. "Mosst-here are rats, snakes, and frogs. Over there--" he draws to a halt. "Lookss-like-reptile."

GAME: Arisha rolls knowledge/religion: (15)+7: 22

<OOC> Cesran says, "It's nothing you've heard of."

<OOC> Cesran says, "A knowledge/nature would be more appropriate."

<OOC> Arisha was mostly checking her knowledge to see if it was undead.

GAME: Arisha rolls knowledge/nature: (16)+7: 23

<OOC> Cesran says, "Nope, you think it's either an alligator or a crocodile based on the environment and Kuumvu's description"

<OOC> Cesran says, "You'd need to see it's snout to be sure though."

<OOC> Arisha says, "K."

<OOC> Miruan says, "I name him Franky."

"Ssmells like old rot, thick under the noon-day-sun, but worsse," Kuumvu says, with a dry chuckle to help hide how scared he is. Again the rat-a-tat on his scales as they move past. He slinks, one foot nimbly in front of the other. An eye over the shoulder. "Mosst-here are sswamp-beassts. Rats, reptiles. Over there--" he draws to a halt. "Lookss-like-alligator-maybe."

Miruan pauses. "... I hope they are friendly alligators," She offers quietly. She nods at Arnora. "This place gives me an odd feeling," The monk admits, holding up her sunrod.

<OOC> Arisha says, "Nah."

<OOC> Kuumvu is good!

<OOC> Arnora is good

As Terewin pulls on the rope there is a loud howl, like that of a wolf. The door swings open and the tallest giantborn female you've ever seen looks down at you. She is dressed in a very conservative maid's uniform that's all blacks and greys. The dim light can be seen from coming inside and she gives a deep sigh, "You howled..."

The maid looks gaunt and pale, almost like a corpse, she is tall and lanky, but you can tell she is much stronger then she looks.

"Chin up? I will put my chin up yer fucking arse..." Arnora grumbles to Terewin in her usual surly and tactless manner. As he bell is pulled she hefts her shield and waits to see just what happens. At the howl she blinks and then glances up and up and up "Fuck me, you are one tall pale of whatever"

Having already leveled her pistol at the MUCH larger maid, Arisha holds it there until she realizes that the maid is harmless. "I have to agree with the loud mouthed dwarf. We have heard of 'trouble' in this area and were asked to investigate. Know of anything?" She says turning the pistol away from the giantborn.

Kuumvu draws to a halt behind them, and continues his nervous tap. While they speak with the maid, he turns around and keeps an eye on the darkness behind them. In case they need to, you know, attack it!

Terewin grins "If I didn't know better I swear you were coming on to me." Terewin responds to Arnora before turning to tall, dark and gruesome. "Indeed madam is the master of the house home. We were called to sort out some issue or another. I am Sir Terewin at your service." it may be spooky but he remembers his manners when dealing with lords and ladies.

"Hello, ma'am. We had heard some odd things gone on. Is all well?" Miruan asks. She seems duly polite, looking over her shoulder and glances between the others.

The large giantborn doesn't seem to be phased at all by any of your words. She merely turns and motions you all to come in and drones in a very deep monotone voice, "This way." Once you are all in the maid will shut the door behind you and then leads you into the house. It's dark and there are dim mana lights every so often. The floor creaks loudly no matter where you step. You see portraits on the wall in the hallway, old paintings, none of them look normal and a few you'd swear that the eyes were following you. You can see light coming from the left side of the room and you can hear the clashing of steel. A human looking woman in a long flowing dress is fencing a hand. The hand is holding the rapier and the two are in heated combat. They flow around the large study in an excellent display of swordmanship. They fight for a minute without noticing you until the woman manages to disarm the hand and laughs, "Amajig. You are a most worthy adversary..." She turns to the maid, "Shuffle whom do we have here?"

Arisha chuckles a little bit. "and here I was worried." She says as she puts the safety on on the pistol and puts it away. She watches the display and claps once it's finished. "I know of some swashbucklers who would be envious of your form, ma'am."

"And I would say I have met whores with more fasion sense" Arnora grumbles in reply to Terewen, snorting a faint laugh. This humor fades quickly as she stomps through, not too worried about the damage her boots are doing to another flouring beneath, and keeps her shield up and axe to hand.

Miruan keeps her sunrod with her. "That was pretty good," She agrees and nods. Although, Miruan is a bit baffled by - is that a hand? She peers, trying to look for the rest of him. She blinks, looking confused. "Um. Hello. We heard - some odd things were going on? Are you guys okay?"

Terewin eyes Arnora and adjusts his jacket before following the maid, bowing when presented to the fencing pair "Madame, what fine form you have and your grip on the blade is superb. As she said..." pointing to Miruan "... how can we help?"

Kuumvu leaves the doorway as slowly as he'd approached it, and follows the others into the grand room. The nervous tapping had mostly stopped by then, and he looks now with interest over the cloth and picture works. Listening, as the others ask questions.

From behind you there comes a rich deeply cultured male voice, "Darling these are the adventurers that you hired." A man that can only be described as breathtakingly handsome, wearing a immaculately tailored suit comes gliding past you all and over to the woman, "Welcome guests I am Mordecai and this is my A'maelamin, Esperanza." The woman looks at Mordecai with love and passion in her eyes, "Morde...that's elvish." She proceeds to kiss him repeatedly until he clears his throat, "Esperanza we have guests, later my love." Esperanza nods and is all business as she moves forward and shakes everyone's hand, "Thank you for coming we have a problem in the attic that I think only you can handle. It's too horrible to describe and there are children in the room besides." There are a boy and a girl sitting by the fire. The girl is hunched over what looks to be some sort of artifice as sparks fly from it while the boy has a headless action figure. "These are our children, Demona and Friday." The children give a wave.

The sith looks up and offers a quick lowering of his muzzle to the children, before turning back to the father. "The sswordplay is like-a-dance. Never have I sseen itss like," he says to the man, then the woman. Arnora cracks her neck from side to side with a nasty sounding crunching of vertebrae before saying "Just point me at what needs killin" in her coarse and gravelly voice. She snorts and turns her gaze to the Sith "Sure, if you like fighting with knitting needles"

Terewin bows to Mordecai "Sir, allow me to compliment your impeccable fashion sense. If I may, do you have a tailor for surely I must visit him myself. I feel like I am wearing rags in comparison."

Miruan listens. "Salutations. It's a pleasure to meet you," She bows to the two. "This is - a very vibrant place." She's doing her best to be proper. "And we would be glad to help you with your problem." She waves back to the kids.

"I believe in fighting-as-an-art, my svelte-fanged stew-meat," replies the sith. A faint light touches his eyes as Kuumvu looks over the weapons, and appears to be absorbed in this as he listens to the question and answer. There are others with better questions than him.

Arisha knocks on Arnora's helmet. "Focus, Arnora. We have something to kill." She then looks towards Mordekai. "I know it's too horrible to describe, but....could you describe it anyways?" She then chuckles at Terewin. "I think Madame Gelfure would feel under-dressed in this house, Terewin. But I digress, Mister Mordekai, I am Arisha of the grey lady's undead hunters. If you could describe it, we could get it to leave, or remove it faster if we knew what it was, or had an educated guess."

<OOC> Arisha says, "I hate you Cesran."

<OOC> Arisha is going to petition to have this as a permanent part of the grid.

<OOC> Arisha says, "thanks a lot pal."

<OOC> Arisha kick.

<OOC> Arisha is kidding, obviously.....about all except the part where I petition to have it added to the grid. :D

<OOC> Kuumvu XD

Esperanza smiles at both Kuumvu and Arnora, "We’ll have to spar together some time although I must warn you I never lose." She laughs and calls out, "Aunt Gangrene! Come help our guests and show them up to the attic." A hidden trap door pops open from the floor and a bald woman dressed in a dirty frock and lab coat pops up, "Hello! Wanna see a trick?" She puts what looks to be the glass bulb part of a mana lamp in her mouth and it suddenly lights up. She claps her hands and takes it out of her mouth. Once out it quickly fades. "Sure I'll show them up to the attic. Follow me!" Aunt Gangrene says as she starts to head up the stairs.

Mordekai nods politely to Terewin, "Thank you I just threw on this old thing. I've had it for years." The years sounding like a century or two or a lifetime or two... Mordekai looks to the children, "Children cover your ears." The children do so and Amajig covers the action hero's headless body so he can't hear either. Mordekai leans in to the group and says one word with revolting disgust. "Pastels."

Esperanza shakes her head, "Please hurry and help us." Aunt Gangrene waves for everyone to follow her up the stairs.

Arnora moves towards the front of the group, being the most heavily armored. She keeps her mouth shut, well mostly, the occasional grumble escapes but at least she is keeping it in Khazad for the moment.

Arisha takes out her pistol again and lets Arnor take the lead. "All right. Lead the way.....but you don't need to be told that." She says with a giggle.

Tail moving side to side in a slow, if gestural lash, the sith looks up. "I would-be-honored, though if I did, I might mar your art." He gives his head a toss, and the torc at his throat jingles, "But I might ssing of it one-day, in howlss and scratches. Ssomething that bringss the blood-to-life." He grins, and then heads after their guide, slither-step.

Miruan follows, likely closely behind Arnora and/or Terewin. She is a frontliner. Nevertheless, she blinks at this a moment.

Terewin folows the others, all though he does seem reluctant to leave Morticai, wanting to learn where he gets his clothing tailored. Alas duty trumps fashion this day.

Up and up and up you go the stairs move to a landing and up more stairs. At the second landing the little boy Friday will appear in the shadows, he's dressed just like his father, "Excuse me. If you see a dragon please don't kill him, he is my pet and his name is Roberto. He is a nice dragon and he shouldn't be hungry he ate a knight last week, but do be careful." Aunt Gangrene tsks, "Don't worry Friday, just keep Roberto in the basement with Grandpa Smadda and he'll be all right." Friday nods as he disappears back into the shadows. Up more stairs you go until you come to almost the top. There is a large trap door and some thumping coming from it. Aunt Gangrene shakes her head, "This is as far as I go, they are up there." She says as she moves towards the back and down the stairs.

"I think this family are all a wee bit too closely related aye" Arnora mutters. That said she heads up to the top of the stairs, just under the trap door "If anyone got any blessins or the like now is the time aye"

Miruan shakes head. "I can only cast Punch and Kick," She offers wryly. "And um, thanks ma'am," She offers to the family members. "... pastels, huh." This is - going to be something. She has Arnora's back at least. Terewin shrugs "I could say a blessing perhaps? Wouldn't do anything though, not like a priest. At the end of the day my sword is what counts."

"A dragon?" The sith stays to the back, and looks up towards the trap door. Kuumvu regards it a moment, before looking to the khazad. With a spark in his eye, "I can call the fire of the drumss into the blood, and yowl the cry of the Warbringer againsst the battlefield. Only ssay-sso, and the sspiritss will tremble in your wake."

Bringing out her pistol, Arisha watches Aunt Gangrene go. "DOn't kill the dragon....that's a first." She says softly as she checks the round. "All righty. Time to shoot something, I guess."

Kuumvu twists, and drops some rings over his tail. He gives them a tentative shake, a shake-and-rattle, before turning around. "By the dragonss-of-war, I am glad to do sso. Let there be glory and blood." He keeps his voice pitched low, and keeps his place, towards the rear.

Arnora feels the flood of anger surge through her. A nasty grin crosses her lips "Read or not we're comming frae ye" she calls out as she opens the trapdoor as hard as she can, shield leading the way up.

<OOC> Kuumvu'll maintain it with concentration for now.

GAME: Kuumvu casts Rage. Caster Level: 4 DC: 15

As Arnora opens the trap door and you make your way into the attic your eyes are assaulted by a bright pastel colors and glitter that look like they have been smeared and vomited on the floor and rafters of the attic. There is maniacal high pitched laughter. The light from Miruan's sunrod make pastel colors sparkle and shine. In the back of the attic you can see a group of small sized naked humanoids. They have long hair that's the same pastel colors on the wall, one is blue, one is green, and so on. They all have a large glittering gem in their belly buttons. There are about 15 to 20 of them it's hard to count as they keep moving and laughing. The whole group looks at you as you enter and go, "OOOOoooooo!"

<OOC> Cesran says, "All right knowledge/the planes or arcana if you have it or an intelligence roll."

GAME: Arnora rolls intelligence: (9)+1: 10

GAME: Kuumvu rolls knowledge/arcana: (1)+8: 9 (EPIC FAIL)

GAME: Arisha rolls knowledge/the planes: (20)+7: 27

GAME: Arisha rolls knowledge/arcana: (7)+7: 14

GAME: Miruan rolls Intelligence: (8)+0: 8

<OOC> Cesran says, "Okay not to get anyone's hopes up but this will be non-combat, please act how your character would act, but I won't be dropping a time stop sorry for any disappointments."

GAME: Terewin rolls intelligence: (4)+1: 5

Blink. Blink. "Hi there! May I ask who you guys are?" Miruan asks politely. "And it is a pleasure to meet you," She bows, palms together towards the sparklepeeps.

<OOC> Cesran says, "Okay give me a moment to pass out info. I'd ask that you hold poses until I page you, there will be a pose order based on your score, from low to high, so Terewin, Miruan, Kuumvu, Arnora and Arisha."

You paged Terewin with 'You don't know what they are exactly, but they are short and annoying and they have a rather shiny looking gem in their bellies.'

You paged Miruan with 'You know the name of them, they are sparklegnomes. THat's it...'

You paged Kuumvu with 'You know that they are sparklegnomes and that they are highly annoying and will infest houses if not gotten rid of.'

Terewin clears his throat "Good creatures, I am Sir Terewin of the Blue Rose. Allow me to help you find a more suitable place to dwell, one that matches your... colorfull appearance instead of this dreary house." the knight suggests with a smile. "I know of a wonderfull place called Happy Valley."

You paged Arnora with 'You know that they are sparklegnomes and that they are highly annoying and will infest houses if not gotten rid of. You can't kill a sparklegnome as they are immune to weapons and magic.'

Blink. Blink. "Hi there! May I ask who you guys are?" Miruan asks politely. "And it is a pleasure to meet you," She bows, palms together towards the sparklepeeps. "I am afraid this is part of someone's home. We should help you guys back to yours."

The sith creeps into the room, his hands having claimed a war-spear. And then shakes his head, shakes it again at the sight of the naked-skin creatures with gems in their bellybuttons. "I musst have called the war-dragon on mysself. I musst-have, becausse only madness explainss this-vision," he says in a half-whisper. Then, counting the numbers--he realizes there are more-than-five.

You paged Arisha with 'You know that they are sparklegnomes and that they are highly annoying and will infest houses if not gotten rid of. You can't kill a sparklegnome as they are immune to weapons and magic. The only way to get rid of them is to tell them a story about their favorite hero Jareth. They will follow your group until you find another home for them, that home can be anything that would be a shelter. The sparklegnomes horde is only as big as the home they have, ie smaller home, less sparklegnomes, larger homes more sparklegnomes. The others that don't fit in the home go back to their home plane.'

You paged Arisha with 'The paint comes from their hair and they love to rub it on anything. The paint doesn't stick to their skin, but it will get on anything else and is very hard to wash off.'

"Reos's giant molten bollocks. Wha the fook is this?" Arnora says as she lowers axe and shield and just stares around in mute horror.

"They are called sparklegnomes?" Miruan offers.

Well, Arisha had expected to come up here to shoot things. Instead, she has found......these things. "Yup, they're sparklegnomes, all right." She says unloading the pistol and putting the cartridge away. "The family wants these things to leave. However, we need to find a suitable house for them." She then chuckles. "I don't think they're trouble as much as annoying."

The sparklegnomes all giggle as one, talk about creepy and they start to go back to what they were doing before, rubbing their hair against anything and everything they can. Where their hair goes leaves a trail of wet sparkly paint the color of their hair, pastel color of course. A couple of them start to toddle towards you giggling and swaying their heads back and forth.

The war-dragon will not help you today. I am ssorry," he says to the khazad. Remorse in his eyes, and Kuumvu holds out his hand, and draws the energy of the fire-drum back from the warrior's blood. It returns in the shape of red motes, tinged in bone, resettles into his own scales. "We'll need clear-mind for thiss. They infes--" pause, "They /multiply/. Become more-than-five, become many-more-than-five, much-higher than I can-count." To Arisha, "Charn could usse some illumination." Oh, the smile. The sith have no love for the nation. Hatchling-killers all.

"I heard they can't be killed. But one tries tae sprinkle that shite on me I will be giving it my best go aye" Arnora says as she moves behind the more friendly of the party, seemingly more scared of these sparkling things than the other horrors she has faced.

Miruan is trying not to giggle at this all. "Sure... Oh goodness. Well, I bet the Charn COULD use a lot of sparkle and cheer," She puts her hands on her hips. "Would you be willing to come with us so we can find you somewhere appropriate to dwell?"

Terewin taps his chin "Right! Charn, as good as any place. Bleaker than bleak, if there was a place that was the opposite of color!" he goes on trying anything that may sway the sparkle gnomes.

Arisha smirks at Miruan. "you.....are brilliant. Why don't we send some towards Heth too?" She then laughs a bit. "Well....yeah....talk about bleak."

<OOC> Kuumvu'll donate a +2 to Miruan for diplo, bluff, etc. Any skill check.

<OOC> Cesran says, "No skill rolls yet please."

<OOC> Cesran says, "But the bonus is noted, what spell/ability is that?"

<OOC> Kuumvu says, "Inspire competence. :D"

<OOC> Cesran says, "gotcha. :D"

The sparklegnomes ignore everyone as they are talked about and they are starting to get closer to the party. The other sparklegnomes have started to lose interest in painting over other paint and start towards the party ready to paint some unpainted surfaces.

<OOC> Miruan says, "I - am bad - at bluffing. XD"

<OOC> Miruan is trying to think how to convince- oooh, wait, I think I have it.

<OOC> Kuumvu XD

There's a pause. Miruan takes her beautifully carved pendant with Elune's insignia on it, and wraps it around the sunrod just so, to create glimmers and sparkles. "Aah... hey... anyone know the way to a portal? Or maybe..." She looks to them. "Hey! Lookie! I bet you'll find even more places to paint and more shinies where we plan for you to go!"

<OOC> Cesran says, "You've all got 2 rounds of posing before they start painting you. Make your plans and pose accordingly, Miruan's does not count towards the 2 rounds, starting after her pose."

<OOC> Cesran says, "I'll stop if needed."

"Yess, plasses-to-paint, many plasses, ass stretch towards the-sea," the sith says. He's as cheerful as he can manage, but it comes out dark. No love lost there towards Charn. None. He stays where he is, tail twitching, a sway, side to side and serpentine. Except there's a touch of magic in the air. An undertone of confidence.

Arisha says, "yeah. Charn could use a bit of cheering up. As well as Dragonier. They could use a lot of cheering up." Arisha's trying to help, but she's not really the charismatic type, despite her race."

Terewin ponders, watching the gnomes come closer and deeply dreading the idea of them messing up his hair or clothes. However he tries to be peaceful... but that doesn't mean the sword is not the answer. He draws the sharp blade and tries to make the polished edge shine the light from the glowrod. "See the shiny and sparkles?!" he says with a smile, hoping to distract.

You paged Arisha with 'If you could mention that a story about Jareth will make them listen to the party that'd be great. :D'

Arisha pages: Next pose then.

You paged Arisha with 'Thanks. I hope I'm not railroading too much.'

Arisha pages: Nah. I'm tired too.

Miruan is hoping the sparklies work. She really is, and she'll help Terewin for MAXIMUM SPARKLE ACTION FRIENDSHIP POWER!

The sparklegnomes continue towards you giggling their high pitched giggle as their hair paints the floor in front of them as they grow closer and closer...

"Nice bloody idea, but how the fook are we going tae get them tae fucking Charn?" Arnora rumbles as she moves behind everyone else and away from the multi-coloured nightmares.

Kuumvu steps backwards. He looks down at the trap door, gauging the distance. Then takes a step back, again towards it, and hooks his toes underneath. Starts to lift. "Charn iss-too-far. We can lead them into-the-sswamp," he says in whispers. Then, clears his throat, kicking the door open as he begins to sing, "Hey, come-on babe! Follow uss, we're the pied piperss, folow uss, we're the pied piperss, we'll sshow you...were to paint--"

Arisha blinks as she remembers something. "Do any of you know stories about jareth? I just remembered they are.....very fond of Jareth as their hero."

Arisha pages: there.

Long distance to Arisha: Cesran hugs, "Thanks!"

<OOC> Cesran says, "Okay hold the poses there for a second"

All the sparklegnomes stop as Arishasays Jareth. They all turn their heads and look at her and repeat as one, "Jareth!"

<OOC> Cesran says, "Okay I would like everyone to roll either a diplomacy or bluff check, Miruan you get +2."

GAME: Terewin rolls diplomacy: (11)+13: 24

GAME: Kuumvu rolls perform/sing: (16)+7: 23

<OOC> Kuumvu says, "Versatile performance."

<OOC> Cesran says, "NP, You are a bard I'd expect that instead of a diplomacy or bluff."

GAME: Miruan rolls Diplomacy+2: (5)+2+2: 9

GAME: Arnora rolls diplomacy: (8)+0: 8

GAME: Arisha rolls diplomacy: (8)+-2: 6

<OOC> Arisha says, "yeah. no."

<OOC> Cesran says, "Okay, you are all going to tell the sparklegnomes a story about Jareth. One pose each please, Arisha will start and Terewin will finish so please leave it open for the next person to continue. The pose order will be: Arisha, Arnora, Miruan, Kuumvu and Terewin."

<OOC> Cesran says, "Feel free to sing, dance, make jokes anything you want, rather then just tell it. ;) Go wild"

<OOC> Arnora has tactless flaw, 10 cha and no idea who or what Jareth is :P

<OOC> Cesran says, "Make it all up then"

<OOC> Arisha knows very little about jareth, so I'll improvise.

<OOC> Cesran says, "It's a fanfic about Jareth so feel free to improvise and make up stuff"

Arisha seems to smile, as she's caught the sparklegnomes attention. "that's right, jareth." She then smiles and sits down. "Jareth, the legendary warrior, able to take on giants, undead trolls, nearly met his match with a sparkling vampire, but the vampire saw his reflection and turned into so much dust. 'How hideous!' he exclaimed, before he turned to dust. "How can a monster like sparkle!? I cannot endure the shame of the sparkle! Not even the lure of undeath can rid me of this eternal torment! So I must end my unlife so no one can see this unbearable magic!" And poof...he went to dust. From behind a tree, a girl screamed when the vampire died, and Jareth did say 'bah. You're better off without him anyways. He was an airhead....and I am glad I did not leave my shield to rust.

And thus.....he went for his next challenge.....

<OOC> Arisha says, "XD"

<OOC> Kuumvu sobs. XD

<OOC> Cesran laughs.

<OOC> Arisha says, "yes...I did parody"

"Who the fuck is Jareth? why do these wee colourful tossers give a flying fuck?" Arnora says as she looks around blankly "...tie the fookers up and haul them out of this place" she adds, nostrils flaring in a snort, although her gaze remians watchful on the colourful things.

<OOC> Arnora says, "Tactless flaw :P"

<OOC> Arisha says, "Arisha will be getting her own flaws later."

A Jareth. Jareth. There's a sword involved, she's sure. "Jareth did not judge the vampire for his sparkliness, for glitter and light hold beauty. As pastels contrast to the deep, ebbing colors of gems and living beings. They offer a soft breath of color, to the vivid intensity." A pause. Miruan is not a story teller. But she'll try. "And he cherished that, as he cherished the wild swings and tilts of battle." A beat.

"And so, while he vanquished the vampire, who drained others of the glimmer of life," Hmm. "... he totally had a sword."

"It was huge."

That's what she said.

<OOC> Kuumvu thinks.

<OOC> Kuumvu runs with it, with apologies.

"Jareth?" the sith gives a slither of his tail, and adds his own to the others' before him. "Have I told-you-a-tale, of Jareth-the-warlord? A manly warlord wasss he! Sso sstrong and sso sstout, there wass never any doubt! He could besst you, or you, or me!

"Until a man heard of hiss legend, and not to be outdone, he called out, with a sshout: 'JARETH! I challenge you to a duel!' He then spat wordss mosst vivid and /cruel/. He flexed, with manly pecs, as he advanssed upon our hero!

"Yet, intimidated none, Jareth sstood hiss ground. He flexed mightily, and raised his blade! Before Jareth could continue, the villain did respond. Overcome by admiration, he did absscond! He sswung on a vine, cried, "You're mine!" and sswung off with him into the jungle! Here he wass, a warrior mosst sstrong, with sscarss of hiss own, yet he looked deeply into Jareth'ss eyes, and did swoon!

"And where are they now? Where do they dwell? Why, in Charn! A land sso fell. For they'd been kidnapped! Thrown in a ssell! Waiting, waiting ass all will know--in Charn, ssertain a gruessome fate...unless /you/ can resscue them by midnight, tomorrow'ss date! Ssweep them, ssave them! Our heroess in need! Or, we will be left! Bereft! Of Jareth'ss might and manly grasse!"

<OOC> Kuumvu shares my last pose before certain death. <.<

<OOC> Terewin gives it a go.

Terewin ponders for a moment "Have you heard of the black dragon Jareth slew?" he goes to a knee to be on the gnomes level as he speaks

"A bleak black dragon savaged the land one day, breath so awfull it sucked all the color out of the world and made it black and gray. All was somber, all was bleak, all was sad." he says hanging his head.

"But not Jareth! Oh mighty Jareth!" Terewin holds his sword up, letting it twinkle in the light. "The mighty and magnificent hero Jareth grabbed his glittering blade and sparkling shield and rode into combat atop of his flying war-unicorn, with a mane of rainbow colors and sparkles trailing behind it. Sword glittering in the sunlight, armor shining with radiant rainbow colors he took on the colorless dragon, fierce ferocious and fabulous Jareth did battle!

Who would win? The color or darkness? Sparkly Jareth or the bleak Dragon?! The battle was fierce but with glittering sword in hand Jareth proved triumphant, with the power of rainbows, smiles and sparkles he smote the evil dragon from the sky with a beam of pure glee! Oh the dragon fell and it retreated in a lesser form, forever known as Grumpy Lady Sandiel forever ever after." Terewin goes on, somber but then looks up with a grin. "And that’s how glorious, glittering Jareth won the day atop his mighty sparkle unicorn!"

The sparklegnomes all collectively sigh as they hear wonderful stories about their hero Jareth. They stop trying to paint the floor, the walls, the rafter, the attic and you. They instead look towards Terewin who they judged to have the best of stories on where their new home will be.

<OOC> Cesran says, "Okay Terewin you get one last pose to tell the sparklegnomes where to go and I'll do one pose and then you all get one last pose before wrap up"

Terewin grins "But you can help the sparkly, splendid and stupendous Jareth. The dark, dreary dragon came from the land of Charn, a place of darkness and sorrow." he clears his throat "But it does not have to be this way! Have courage and travel there! Color it all the colors of the raindbow and spread glee! Joyand happiness that will drive the evil out! Be heroes, be magnificant! Color Charn!"

The sparklegnomes eyes light up with glee as the destination that the party has been trying to get them to go in finally takes heed. Down, down, down they go out of the attic and down the stairs not painting any more as the sparklegnomes head to Charn to paint the country pastel.

<OOC> Cesran says, "All right everyone gets one last pose and then I'll wrap it up. I hope everyone had fun and got a least a good chuckle out of this."

"Well wi'any luck that will at least piss Barnside, or whatever the fuck his name is, right off. Hell knows they did me" Arnora grumbles with a look around the horror of the pastel coloured room, armor clattering as she shudders.

<OOC> Miruan says, "Charn is gonna love us."

Kuumvu leaps to the side. He looks down the stairs, at the trail of pastel, the tiny footprints, the gemstone bellies. "The world-iss-mad," he says. "But we're all mad, here."

Miruan likes pastels, in their own way. But they were hired to well, help them relocate. And so it goes. She puts her pendant back on, and looks to the others. "Well. That was... something. A part of me hopes they'll be okay, but then I guess if they multiply like that..." Sometimes numbers must be kept in check so the species doesn't overrun or become sick.

Arisha chuckles a little bit. "and that...was that." She says before looking to everyone else. "That was.....amusing, and I'm glad I didn't have to shoot anything." She says before looking around the room. "If they didn't brush the room with their heads, it'd almost look decent. Just a little creepy." She then looks to everyone. "What? gotta look on the bright side of things. sometimes."

Terewin takes a deep breath, bright smile on his face "Well that was properly horrible, let’s get out of here and find out where Mordekai gets his clothes tailored. Now that is a quest my friends! For Fashion!" he notes gleefully.

So down, down, down goes the party after the sparklegnomes to make sure that they do leave the house and the party does not run into Roberto the dragon. Instead after the sparklegnomes head out the party is invited for a late supper with the family, cooked by Grandpa Smadda with music by Shuffle on her harpsichord. It turns into an all-night affair as Esperanza spars and teaches a few of her moves to those willing to give them a go. Mordecai does exchange some fashion tips. Demona shows off her latest invention. Aunt Gangrene shows off a few of her own tricks and Friday introduces you all to Roberto his pet dragon who had gotten into Grandpa Smadda's invisibility potions. All and all it was a very good night.