Organization Spends

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About Organization Spends
Rpp exclusive.gif

Rpp unlimited.gif

Though primarily an Exclusive spend, other options are offered:

Casual Member (Free): Generally speaking, anyone may claim membership in an organization for free. For example, most anyone may be a member of the Arcanists and would need to spend no RPPs to do so.
Sworn Member (Limited Spend): Someone a little more dedicated, however, might spend the points to be a Sworn member. This means they occasionally go to meetings or show up at group events, and so forth. This is at least enough to gain them easier access to basic facilities.
Active Member (Exclusive Spend): The exclusive, Active Org spend means that a PC has spent more significant time investing and being a part of this group. It also qualifies them for special training and benefits, as well as a number of exclusive perks.

These different "levels" are offered because every PC's tale is going to be different.

Sworn Member will be replacing Card-Carrying, soon. It conveys the same benefits, plus extras. If you already possess Card-Carrying, you'll gain the new Limited, automagically.

Organization Spends

Rpp unlimited.gif General Organizations Spends
Reward Benefit Cost
Transfer Membership Sometimes, life leads you a different direction. If this happens, you may always transfer membership. This transfer is not immediate, and should involve some roleplay and storytelling as appropriate. The particular story and the form it takes is up to you. Active Org
Consultation By spending a day in research or consulting with knowledgeable NPCs, you may attempt a knowledge check on a particular topic, with a +5 circumstance bonus. These knowledge checks must be reasonably within your org's area of influence, or a closely related one--for example, a Daeus-based org might help you arrange to research with an Althean one. You must also be located in an area where your organization would reasonably have resources. Active or Sworn Member
Restricted Materials Access There are benefits to being part of an organization. One of them is access to restricted materials and items. However, most organizations are willing to barter if they need a few things. For members, access is free. For nonmembers, this spend represents getting together with a member of this organization to discuss a transaction. Since it is paid "per visit," it's more advantageous to arrange a bulk of items at a time. How you handle this roleplay is up to you. Active or Sworn Member, 1 RPP otherwise

Rpp limited.gif Sworn Member
Tier Benefit Cost


Anyone may be a member of an organization. You're a little more official than most, though. You probably attend a few meetings, participate in the occasional, but your full focus is probably involved in other areas. However, your face is generally known. This is generally enough to get you in most doors, as well as general access to facilities. This gives you access to:
  • Exclusive Organization items, spells, etc.
  • Facility access
  • Consultation access (see the Consultation spend)

Special: If you possess the Limited spend at this tier, you may purchase T1 in the Exclusive version for 5 points. You may not possess the Limited Influence spend and the Limited Organization spend. One or the other must be selected.



Cooperative Skills: When you purchase this spend, select two knowledge, craft, perform, or profession skills related to your group. Any time you Aid Another someone who is employing one of these skills, your bonus is +4 instead of +2.

Special: If you possess the Limited spend at this tier, you may purchase T2 in the Exclusive version for 10 points. You may not possess the Limited Influence spend and the Limited Organization spend. One or the other must be selected.


Rpp exclusive.gif Rpp tiered.gif Active Organization Member
Tier Benefit Cost


Acolyte's Training: You're a fledgling member, but you're well on your way. As part of your training you've undergone a number of studies, becoming more familiar with the organization and its goals.

In game terms, choose one org-specific skill which you also possess ranks in. This may include any skill related to your organization. You receive a +2 competence bonus to any roll made based on this skill. (Let staff know which skill when you earn your tier, so we can set this on your +sheet).

10 RPP


Investment I: You're a valued member of your society, and membership does have its benefits. By rubbing a few shoulders and generally being an active, supportive member, you've gained the ability to earn your organization's better favors. Favor tokens are optional abilities and opportunities available to you as part of your Organization spend. You gain one free token at this time. You must fully qualify for any token you select. The token must be selected when you advance to this tier.

10 RPP


Your organization offers training within a specific area, or at least they know who to contact. Regardless, this is a special service you've earned the rights to. Choose one of the following as your benefit for this tier:
Crosstraining: Select an ability you possess from a single class, such as animal companion. You may treat yourself as one level higher for purposes of that ability (though no higher than your current hit dice).
For example, a fighter who has taken a level of rogue may choose to have a level of rogue count towards his weapon training. Alternately, a paladin with a level of monk could choose to count 1 level of monk towards their paladin smite ability (so a monk 1/paladin 1 could count as paladin 2 for smite). Optionally, this may be a benefit to a class such as ranger which has an ability set at lower than its hit dice (Level-3 animal companion, for example).
Think of this as operating similarly to feats such as practiced spellcaster or boon companion (this also stacks with such feats). If you choose this option, you gain it once, and may choose which ability it helps. (Remember, it only raises your effective level in that ability, up to your hit die--it does not actually grant you the ability or confer additional benefits you would have gained had you taken an additional level in that class).
Options: Fighter (weapon training or armor training), Paladin (smite, mercy, or animal companion), Cleric (channeling, domain ability), Ranger (favored enemy, favored terrain, or animal companion), Rogue (sneak attack), Inquisitor (judgment), Druid (wildshape or animal companion), Barbarian (rage, rage powers), Artificer (death ray), Monk (flurry), Sorcerer (bloodline ability), Cavalier (tactician or challenge), Any Caster (caster level).
PrC options may not be crosstrained in this way. If an ability isn't on the list, talk with us.
Training: You gain the use of a feat which extends the number of times you may use one of your class abilities. For example: Extra Channel, Extra Discovery, Extra Rage. Cavaliers may select Practiced Tactician. Typically, these feats begin with the word 'Extra' in their name. Alternately, you may select a Weapon Focus, Shield Focus, or Spell Focus feat, as appropriate. Having access to say, the Korian training facilities, and the Heralds' blessings, is bound to give that extra edge.

10 RPP


Scholar: You've studied extensively within your organization. You receive a second, permanent +2 competence bonus to any specific skill related to their area of study. This must be a different skill than the one chosen under Acolyte's Training.

Investment II: You're a valued member of your society, and membership does have its benefits. By rubbing a few shoulders and generally being an active, supportive member, you've gained the ability to earn a few favors. By purchasing this tier, you earn one favor of any tier you have access to (see favors table). You may always purchase more.

10 RPP


Choose one of the following. If you want to earn both, the second may be purchased for 10 RPP.
Organizational Contacts: Every organization has access to resources, though some more than others. Some may not have access directly, but have a network of allies throughout their area. In either case, if you've at least a half hour to make use of your contacts, you're able to secure the assistance of an NPC. The maximum CR of this NPC is equal to half your level. The NPC will try to accomplish any task that is not unreasonably dangerous, is not suicidal, doesn’t seriously affect his or her resources (less than 50g), and takes up to one day. For example, you might request the aid of a cleric to assist in removing the disease from a companion, or a wizard to spirit a message to a far-away land. Exact details on how calling in the favor works, who the NPC is, and are subject to DM approval. This is only usable in areas where your organization would reasonably have influence.
Planar Pact: You gain the acquaintance of a (choose one) small elemental, pseudodragon, dire rat, mephit, grig (without a fiddle), sprite, fromian worker, resolute owl, tidepool dragon, faerie dragon, or celestial hawk (and eventually other similar extraplanar creatures may be offered). You can choose a creature with an alignment up to 1 step away from yours on each alignment axis. These creatures are unique members of their race, and possess an intelligence of at least 9. By enacting a small and personal ritual which takes at least 1 minute, you're able to call upon the creature to perform a small task. This task may not be suicidal or endanger the creature in any way, nor may it take more than 24 hours. Typical tasks include healing, playing a prank on some city guards so you can sneak past, and so forth. The creature is a called outsider and automatically returns to its home plane at the end of this service.
You may call upon this pact up to once per week. Though this is a pact between yourself and the creature, it is also somewhat personal: therefore, gifts never go amiss, it may drop by to harass you at inappropriate moments, and it may ask for (rarely) the occasional favor in return. At the DM's discretion, the creature's nature may influence its interpretation of the task (though it would not deliberately sabotage any task given, some creatures possess elements of pure concept and will be naturally influenced in this way, and for most creatures the effects are typically harmless). Also at the DM's discretion, for the price of a somewhat substantial gift (500g), the creature may be willing to perform a more difficult or risky task, though nothing that would be considered suicidal.

10 RPP


Mentor: You work within an organization who values mentorship. Anyone you mentor may become an active member within your organization for 5 RPP, or a sworn one for free. In addition, you receive a 5 RPP bonus which may be spent on any spend of your choosing. If the trainee is at least 5 levels lower than you, you both receive 5 bonus RPP.

Additionally, you receive a +4 to diplomacy-based roles within your organization as your actions are regarded with greater favor. The mechanical bonus reflects this inclination and is not an absolute--your PC may still be a curmudgeon that no one particularly likes (Cha 8); they'll just, you know, be more inclined to work with a curmudgeon they know (+4 diplomacy) as opposed to one they don't.

If the character possesses the Cooperative Skills token, they gain one additional skill of their choice (related to their org) for free in regards to this ability, to a maximum of three. This represents them being better skilled at assisting and teaching through their years with the organization.

Finally, if you possess it, your Contacts' spending limit is increased to 100g instead of 50.

10 RPP

Active Organization Member Token Spends

Being an active members has its perks. By building up a little social credit, your organization will assist in a service or expense on your behalf. Most of them possess a limit on the number of uses. Others do not.

Rpp token.gif Active Organization Member Token Spends
Benefit Description Cost
Apprentice You're entrusted with an apprentice! See description, below. Earnable once. 10 RPP, Active Org T4+
Advanced Scholar Your bonus for your scholar and apprentice skills becomes +4 instead of +2. Earnable once. 10 RPP, Active Org T4+
Component Assistance By shaking hands, you gain the organization's assistance in covering an expensive spell component.
Component is Up to 500g: 1 RPP
Component is Up to 1000g: 3 RPP
Component is Reusable: 1 RPP (you effectively borrow it for one usage)
See Text, Active Org T2+
Defender's Training You learn tactics for fighting alongside other members of your organization. Whenever you are adjacent or flanking with any Sworn or Active member of your org or an allied one, you both gain a +1 competence bonus to AC. This is a permanent boon, earnable once. Active Org T2+, 10 RPP
Equipment Repair Your organization will assist with the cost of repairing a broken or sundered weapon or armor. With their aid, you're able to reduce the cost to just 20% of the item's value. You may use this once per purchase. 1 RPP, Active Org T2+
Expanded Library Your organization has access to an arcane library of some kind, either through agreements or something more direct. You may purchase this boon when you level. By doing so, you may have an additional spell added to your spellbook or binder, up to the highest level you may now cast. For example, you could purchase this once at level 4, and earn an additional spell for your spellbook, then again at level 5, and again at level 6. Active Org T2+, 1 RPP
Expanded Training Your organization offers expanded martial training. Purchasing this token earns you an Exotic Weapon Proficiency in a single weapon. Earnable once. (This is currently experimental; it may be shifted to 20 RPP or remain at 15) Active Org T2+, 15 RPP
Raise Dead Assistance Your organization will pay 50% of the cost of a raise dead cost for you, and 50% of the subsequent restorations. If you're Tier 4, this upgrades to 75%. This is a permanent ability. 10 RPP, Active Org T2+
Shared Secrets With this boon and with the cooperation of a few spellcasting members within your organization, you gain a limited ability to prepare and cast a few weak arcane or divine spells. Choose a full spellcasting class associated with your organization (wizard, druid, or cleric). With their aid, you can prepare 4 cantrips or one 1st-level spell (these must be from the same class). You cast these spells as a caster of that type, and must have the minimum attribute stat to prepare these spells. You can't select this award if you're already a full caster. After 24 hours, you take 1d3 temporary points of damage to the associated spellcasting attribute and lose any prepared spells you didn't cast.

At T3, you gain a more advanced option. You can prepare one 2nd-level spell, instead, by spending 1 more RPP.

At T2, this costs 2 RPP and only the first option is available. At T3, the second option is available for 3 RPP. After 24 hours, this ability is expended. However, you may purchase it again.
Sage You've become accomplished in your studies. Select any one knowledge skill related to your organization's area of focus. This knowledge skill must be one that you had taken as part of Acolyte's Training or Scholar. From now on, you may choose to 'take 10' on this skill. Earnable once. 10 RPP, Active Org T4+
Vindicator Pick one rival organization or creature type (using the ranger FE list) as your hated enemy. You gain a +1 bonus on weapon attack and damage rolls against members of that organization or creature type. This is a favored enemy bonus and permanent boon. Earnable once. 10 RPP, Active Org T2+
What an Upstanding Citizen If you happen to find yourself in trouble with authorities as a result of false accusations, a member of your organization may step forth to vouch for your honor. You can use this award once per purchase. 2 RPP, Active Org T2+
Cooperative Skills When you purchase this spend, select two knowledge, craft, perform, or profession skills related to your group. Any time you Aid Another someone who is employing one of these skills, your bonus is +4 instead of +2. If you possess this ability from any other source, you instead gain 1 additional knowledge, craft, perform, or profession skill usable with this ability. 5 RPP, T2+


Active Organization Membership

To become active in an organization, a character gets to know the organization, its purpose, and so forth. A Hearthguard for example, might start volunteering at a local soup kitchen. This effort is represented by spending a few RPPs. Once spent, the PC is considered active and involved with this group, and receives Tier one status within that organization.

As they progress in their storyline, characters may become more involved. That is, a Hearthguard might spend additional time at local hospitals, staff soup kitchens, arrange vigils for the sick, and so on. Involvement within an organization is also represented by tiers. Should your PC invest in tiers, they gain access to greater benefits.

A PC receives the benefits of their membership tier, and all lower tiers, so long as they are active.


Over time, an organization begins entrusting you with the training of the young (or old). Frightening, isn't it? You're given the care of someone other than yourself who's looking to learn your trade. For a knight, this may be a squire. A wizard, a student or scribe. The title and position is up to you.

Treat the apprentice as a 3rd level adept, commoner, or expert with 3 ranks in the appropriate skills and the basic NPC ability score array (13, 12, 11, 10, 9, and 8 before racial modifiers). This gives them a +8 for class skills, and a +5 for non-class skills.

Unless allowed by the DM, an accomplice may not accompany you on adventures. That is, they are not meant to replace PCs. However, at the DM's discretion, they often provide indirect assistance. An apprentice is not expected to place themselves in danger or bodily harm.

When chosen, you will work out the accomplice's skills with staff, as well as their specific role. Examples of types of accomplices include, but are not limited to:

  • Squire (knowledge/nobility, diplomacy, ride, handle animal)
  • Scribe (linguistics, craft/calligraphy, appraise, knowledge/history)
  • Arcane Apprentice (knowledge/arcana, spellcraft, knowledge/history, knowledge/the planes)
  • Acolyte (knowledge/religion, heal, knowledge/history, handle animal)

...and so on.

Finding an Organization

It's possible to be active in any organization and receive benefits from it (even one you invented), except the Adventurer's Guild. The Adventurer's Guild is considered a "very general" organization and does not qualify for this or associated RPP spends.

Creating Organizations

PCs may create their own organizations. Once created, these organizations are posted publicly and anyone may join. Organizations must also fit the more general guidelines, below.

Organizations within the Game

  1. Similar to PrPs and ongrid shops, organizations exist for general roleplay. That is, they are not intended as a private club, any more than someone may run "circle PrPs."
  2. All organizations are lead by NPCs; chief positions are also held by NPCs under the influence of staff.
  3. Though PCs certainly influence organizations, they are ultimately part of the fabric of the game. That is, organizations are under DM control and are affected by current plots and DM events.
  4. Organizations should not replace normal PC involvement in a plot. That is, an organization may not exist for the sole purpose of making plot-related rolls for other PCs, although they may still approach you on a personal level for assistance, so long as you yourself are involved in the plot.