Portside Blues

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Log Info

  • Title: Portside Blues Part 1
  • Emitter: Aelwyn
  • Characters: Slixvah, Eztli, Jay
  • Place: Warehouse District
  • Time: September 15th, 2022
-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=    The Players    =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=
Eztli              4'6"     140 Lb     Sith-Makar        Female    
    A two-toned, short sith-makar.                                             
Jay                5'9"     145 Lb     Eaglefolk         Male      
    A perky male Blue Jay with a discerning eye.                               
Slixvah            5'8"     130 Lb     Eaglefolk         Female    
    A rust red/white Egalrin covered in veils, ribbons, and shawls.        
-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=  As the GM  =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=
Aelwyn             5'3"     150 Lb     Sith-Makar        Male      
    Runt of a Dragoon. 

Place: The Ox-Strength Tavern

Time: Miserable rain.

The tavern was quite full of people and subsequent, rowdy warmth. The rain outside may have contributed to it - but there was a tension of excitement around to it all as well. As if something was afoot tonight. Something that runs the night.

Rumors of a job outside the Guild had been circling around the streets lately: a simple task of returning something that belongs to their rightful owner. The pay was promised to be good and warm set of curry was promised on top. Nothing too difficult, apparently - just a night's worth of honest work.

Though honesty did not describe the cloaked and hooded sith-makar sitting at the end of the table. Red-brown, bronze scaled finger points at a scrap of paper, vaguely describing one of the alleys running the docks side. "... and the green box should be in this address. This one would appreciate if no noise was made. Return the box here." Tilt head upwards, slow sway of a thin tail. "Questions?" That hood hung so low it was impressive the person inside could even see anything.

Also his steaming curry was ridiculously tasty looking.

Slix was here. Well, not here. It was Trixy. A human woman with half her head shaved, the rest pushed over a shoulder with sky blue eyes. She's listening quietly, lips quirked off to the side.

"So... aight. Anythin' watchin' this box?" she inquires, tapping her foot impatiently. She was here for the last job. It went... less than smooth.

Eztli was at the tavern to, looking a bit out of place as she listened quietly to the explanation.

"Well, sounds easy enough. So what's the catch?" Eztli asks, taking a nearby spoon for a scoop of curry. "Why the lack of noise, if we're just getting something that belonged to someone?"

Integrity C. Truefeather, esquire, the 'C' is for conspicuous, got his beak punched the last time he was at the Ox Strength and hasn't patronized it since. He's here for Slix and in disguise.

One can only do so much with an obviously avian build, wings and a beak. Consequently he's disguised himself as a golem in the shape of a Plague Doctor, somewhat resembling a mutual acquaintance, Khepri. His costume is largely a metal beak over his regular one, goggles, a hat and a large cloak that covers everything. He has a few metalic devices hidden in the folds, that allow him to generate squeaks and a whrring of gears. A few emblems of Vardama complete his death-serving look.

He nods, saying nothing, a whrrring noise from within his cloak.

The hooded and short sith-makar gives a vacant stare towards Slixvah. I mean Trixy. A stare meaning a tilt of his head. "No one. It is a building nestled between warehouses. Maybe dock workers will patrol the area, but why would they care?"

The other sith-makar's question makes the cloaked figure raise his hands. The curry was very spicy, by the way. "No catch! No catch. There was... entanglements, and this one's employer felt it would be most expedient and easiest if this matter was handled speedily and quietly. It is not as if the thieves would have anything to complain about, yes?"

There was a longer pause, before he quietly tilts his head towards the golem-not-golem-Jay-not-Jay. "... is he feeling alright?"

"They're fine," Trixy cuts in, waving a dismissive hand towards the 'Golem'. "Right. Sure. We can just walk in and grab it, swap faces, then come back."

She leans in, frowning. "Last job, the folks I dealt with were pretty freakin' above grade. Anything else you might be not mentioning 'bout this job?"

Inquisitor Jay generates another mechanical sound, then inhales like a bellows. Gifted with the mild mimicry of all corvids, he produces an indistinct, mechanical voice, overheard from some golem, somewhere that lacks many cues. "Yes."

This is followed by a slow wheeze, as if whatever speaking bladders had inflated were now deflating.

"Oh nice, this actually has some flavor to it." Eztli chuckles, going for another spoonful before setting down the spoon. "No catch, but there are complications already? And what's this about thieves?" Eztli asks with one raised brow. "We are just reposessing someone's property, right?"

Suddenly there was quite a bit of panic and the figure holds up his hands defensively. "Th-this one has no knowledge of any other job! She must be confusing me with someone else! The location was checked just yesterday, no one there!"

And then the 'golem' speaks. Whirling, the sith-makar spits out, "Ahn-h! Y-Y-Very good!" Taking in a slow breath, the small figure slowly relaxes and turns towards Eztli. "Repossessing. Very good work. That is the task." Adjusting his hood, he then turns towards Trixy. "... it will be a simple job. This one will buy a curry meal for everyone when the box is returned?" An attempt at a truce.

"Sure," Trixy says dryly, cutting them a glare and shaking her head. "Hopefully this goes well, I'm starting ta hate taking jobs here in this shithole."

She takes a half step towards the exit, her pulling out an umbrella from a jacket. "Curry on top of the pay. I'm ready," she agrees.

The golem's head turns with a 'klik-kilk-kilk' to look at Trixy, and then turns back, 'klik-klik' at the mention of chili. It repeats the earlier breathing-speaking effort, "Yes."

"Well, of course, that was part of the job description to begin with, wasn't it?" Eztli laughs. "I just hope the war golem here is one of the ones capable of eating. Or maybe not, since that means I would be able to get their share, would it not?"

"It, I guess it sounds alright. So we should be off then, yes? The sooner we get it done, the better."

<OOC> Slixvah says, "hex: ward on ez, heroism on jay"
GAME: Slixvah used a Wand of Mage Armor.
GAME: Slixvah casts Heroism. Caster Level: 5 DC: 17

Heading out, some heavy clunking and clanging noises come from under the bird-golems cloak. A whhrr-thump for each step. Once outside the Ox, two dark feathered hands appear and pull off the beak-helmet, "It's so hard to breath in that thing!"

The cloak is whipped around, underneath the bluejay wears his usual suit and mithril, although he has several dangling contraptions hanging off chains. All of them are whipped in a bundle and stuffed in his pack.

"That Chili smelled great. You'll have to take some out for me when we get back." He stretches out his wings, there's a slight popping noise from both. "Well, let's be off. Off!"

Looking at the golem, the bronze-ruddy scaled sith-makar quietly leans away from it. Tail tapping away, he looks nothing but relieved when the party begins to step away. "Yes! Safe... trip." Another glance at the golem.

Place: The Docks

Time: Still miserable rain

The journey to the indicated spot by the portside was quite uneventful. The rain had, indeed, scared away most of the people from the area. Only some poor dock workers were seen working there and there, doing their unfortunate duties with the few ships.

The alleyway is soon visible. Rain keeps whipping down from above. Boxes were littered about, the cobblestone worn with decades of use, an old rusting set of metal circular stairs climbing along the warehouse up front. A shoddy looking wooden walkway has been pushed through the tall, battered looking building next to the crew. Most of the walls were covered in soot and dirt; the one to the left seeming to brim with what looks like black tarry stuff. Perhaps once this place was used to store all that pike for the ships.

A faint snuffling sound can be heard up ahead - a stray dog, most likely. A constant thumping sound had followed the group as they came to this alleway; but the portside was always filled with working sounds. Always.

It's eerily quiet. A dog barks.

Once they get out into the rain, Trixy pops her umbrella open and shakes her face rapidly, form shifting to that of a olive skinned half oruch woman with a shaved head. "Yeah hon, I dunno how ya were breathin' in that."

Some time later, the closer they get, not-Slix pulls out a wand with a feather attatched to it, gives it a flick, and boops her nose with it. An errant wind washes over her, spraying her with a mist from the rain. A hand reaches out to Eztli, taps her forehead with the palm, and hums, "Be what may come, thy journey naught be undone."

A similar wind passes over the mixed scaled makari.

And, finally, she turned to Integrity. She cracks her knuckles and rolls her shoulders. "Let's get some fun mojo in ya, yeah?" her half-oruch visage grinning. A hand rises and traces runes in the air. "Sti iemt, uoyr iemt, eb het nmda rohe uyo lwysa ntawde ot eb!" Runes spark in the air and crackle to life, only to attach to her hand as she passes through it and puts a hand on Integrity's arm.

The strands of fate are mended ahead, the path clear, the way is set. Now only one needs the courage to tread it.

GAME: Aelwyn rolls d20+8: (20)+d20+8: 28

Well, there was no certain location in the alley, so all that was left was to find the marked location. After warding her robes further with her own magic, she walks down further into the alleyway, looking back for a moment, before looking back to find a dog nearby. The small makari waves to the dog, making sure the gesture was obvious to the others nearby, and continues looking around for a source of flames.

GAME: Jay rolls perception+6: (14)+15+6+2: 37
GAME: Jay rolls stealth+6: (6)+12+6+2: 26
GAME: Aelwyn rolls d20+8: (15)+d20+8: 23
GAME: Aelwyn rolls d20+5: (20)+d20+5: 25
GAME: Aelwyn rolls d20+7: (15)+d20+7: 22

The white, black and blue jay sets his costume pieces down on a nearby barrel-head. He'll retrieve them later. He slips the cloak back on, flipping it around so a matte purple is showing outwards. Shrugging it on, he stalks after Eztli, sticking to the edges of light.

He is silent, more obviously a shadow, but still hard to track. Coming a little wider around the sith'makar, he can see further down an alleyway.

Still no obvious torches, he holds up two fingers, then one.

GAME: Slixvah rolls alertness: aliased to perception+2: (2)+11+2: 15
GAME: Aelwyn rolls 1d20+5: (1)+5: 6 (EPIC FAIL)
GAME: Aelwyn rolls 1d20+8: (18)+8: 26

Not-Slix bobs her head at Jay's simple gestures, her casually walking forth. She steps past Integrity to block his silhouette, but she turns to Eztli. "I dunno if this shortcut is faster, hon," she lies to Eztli before turning to the dog. Her face break out into a grin. "Awww, what a cute pupper!"

Scrape. Snuffle. Snuffle. Ears perk. Then the dog around the corner Eztli just rounded, leaps forward with a happy, tongue-licking expression on its way. Bark! Bark! The canid didn't seem to know what to do himself, just spinning around its place and barking in excitement.

"Oi, Puppers, don' ye go chasing after th' damn cat 'gain..." The fellow around the corner says with his hand on his scimitar. Dressed in smart black suit with a ruffled hat on his chest, he looked the epitome of a guard. Even more fanciful than a warehouse guard.

The man freezes and peers at Slixvah with a scarred eye for a moment, before he turns to look at Eztli. "Oi, Puppers!" He whistles, and the dog whirls around. "Y'got tickets? Where's yer tickets? No booze or contraband."

Meanwhile, the party with Jay's acute detective and sneaking skills found out that the nearby tar covered warehouse wall was in actuality a large door. Perhaps once used to bring in the goods, since abandoned.

GAME: Eztli rolls perception: (18)+5: 23

"Oh, aren't you a cute pup." Eztli hums, ruffling the dog behind the ears and patting them on the head before continuing down the alley. She stops and waves to who appears to be a guard and shakes her head. "No, nothing like that on me. Is this your dog here? They're quite friendly. Is there an event going on here?"

GAME: Jay rolls perception+6+2: (5)+15+6+2: 28
GAME: Jay rolls stealth+6+2: (10)+12+6+2: 30
GAME: Aelwyn rolls 1d20 8: (14 8): 22
GAME: Aelwyn rolls 1d20+5: (2)+5: 7

Taking advantage of Slixvah's cover, Jay darts for the stairs, and then up them. Despite his bright plumage, his path through the ill lit areas breaks up his silhouette. Up the flight, he can see a building with barred windows, the dust obscuring a dark room.

Lounging on the walkway is something unexpected, a cat, a large cat, the size of a man. A cheetah with a very shiny colour.

They're also known as hunting leopards. Instinctively, Jay swallows. Against insinct, he's going to move closer.

Not-Slix glances back as Integrity takes the stairs up and away. Perhaps he'll find another way around and in. She doesn't hesitate though, her stepping up with Eztli and-

A side glance to the poster. She internally groans.

"Huh? I thought this was just an alleyway ta get through here," she hums. "Is it totally blocked off? Can't me and my girlie here just scoot on by? You could escort us you want~?" she hums, batting her eyes.

GAME: Slixvah rolls bird diplomacy: aliased to diplomacy+3+3: (9)+7+3+3: 22

"'ey! Puppers! G'back here!" The guard keeps attempting, whistling at the very excited dog that was -very happy- about getting all the pats from the sith-makar. Which is why the dog keeps following on after her.

Eztli gets a quick stare from the gruff and annoyed looking man. "Yeah, 'n one. Got a ticket? No ticket, no entry." Very friendly answers.

The gruff looking man turns his scarred eye towards Slixvah and peers at her with a very unfriendly gaze. For a moment or two. And a moment longer. A sudden sunshine falls over his face and his hand falls on his chest. "Ah m'dear, 'td be real darn 'onor it would, but order be strict, no ticket no entry."

The large cheetah in front of Jay bats at the thin air, before stretching out on its back. The rain keeps whipping down strong.

"Ah, you're right, I wasn't sure what way we were supposed to take to get here, that's true." The small makari sighs to her companion. "This is where the event was supposed to be, wasn't it? But I'm not sure if we're supposed to have entry tickets for it, or speak to the manager, it wasn't very clear. I'm a dancer you see, and I was supposed to have a job booked tonight, but the agent was unclear on directions, and I don't come to this area often."

GAME: Eztli rolls bluff: (10)+10: 20
GAME: Aelwyn rolls 1d20-1: (15)+-1: 14

The now less-than gruff guard looks at Eztli with sudden surprise on his face. Then he lifts his hat and scratches at his scruffy, balding head. "'n yeah? Wasn' told 'bout dancers..." He mumbles, now looking quite uncertain. With a glance towards his back at the oruch, then he glances at. "Maybe we ought t' get th' manager..."

Now he glances up the circular stairs.

GAME: Jay rolls perception+6+2: (20)+15+6+2: 43
GAME: Jay rolls stealth+6+2: (13)+12+6+2: 33
GAME: Aelwyn rolls 1d20+5: (13)+5: 18

Jay's heart is beating hard in his rib cage, fluttering like a little bird. He is however, a big bird. While it is in the nature of cheetah's to chase birds, it is in his to taunt them and escape. He flutters closer, at one with the alley, chosing shapes and shadows to hide against. It could be a wild, savannah hunting cat, capable of instant ferocity. Or... an animal companion, friend to a ranger, druid or witch, a far more likely possibility in Alexandria where he's seen immense bears as docile as rabbits.

It still would be nice if there was some sort of identifier, like a collar or badge. Or, obvious paint as fur spots.

Jay's breath leaves with a tension he didn't know he had. It's an immense alley cat, he should have expected that in the brick and mortar jungle. Brick and mortar savannah.

From his new vantage point, right up at the corner of the walkway, he can see a person asleep at a table. One filled with coins and bundles of paper. Documents. Legal documents!

The egalrin's crest flips up.

GAME: Slixvah rolls bird bluff: aliased to bluff+3: (4)+6+3: 13
GAME: Aelwyn rolls 1d20-1: (6)+-1: 5

Not-slix, her being a half-oruch woman with short cut hair is in a simple robe tied tight. But she ruffles her robe, as if there was something under it was protecting. "Look hon', whatev' ya gotta do, do it fast, 'cause its pourin' like hell, and our dancin' get up is gonna get soaked. And whoever hired us didn't pay for the 'dance in wet clothes' bit, so... can we get through real quick? Or talk to ya boss or somethin'?"

She's looking about, half stepping back and considering alternate options.

The dog Puppers is so, so very excited that Eztli exists. It flops over in front of her and barks, looking like it needs belly rubs.

The guard at the front seems even more bothered and flustered. "A-ah, miss! 'course, 'course..." He turns around on his step and then sucks in a deep breath. "FRED. FRONT. NOW."

The man had some lungs. Turning around, he turns towards the pair and bows gracefully, gesturing towards the staircase. "Lessee th'manager, yes?"

The legalese documents were just sitting there. Piles of them. Looks like someone had a time off to rest their weary eyes from all the rough paperwork that is involved in running an event in the deep depths of the ports.

The half-oruch guard lumbers over, flicking his teeth. "Urgh." He responds to the guard at the front, staring at the shorter people. The eye-scarred fellow flips his hat over his head. It looked very much like a tricone pirate hat. "Jus' up th' stairs, ladies!"

Eztli leans down to give the dog the belly rubs that they so deserve. "Yes, but there's always time for being nice to a pet. Good for PR, too." Eztli winks to her 'assistant'. " But yes, not that kind of show tonight. I would be happy to check in with your manager."

The small makari stands, and quickly strides off where she is shown.

GAME: Jay rolls perception+6+2: (11)+15+6+2: 34
GAME: Jay rolls stealth+6+2: (11)+12+6+2: 31
GAME: Aelwyn rolls 1d20+5: (17)+5: 22

Glancing once more at the spotted alleycat, Integrity looks further along the building and the walkway over the water. Still no torches, but there is a door to the building where that guard is. It's worth checking out.

Carefully he climbs up on the railing, perching to get his balance. After a quick look around, he spreads his wings and launches. There is the sound of a slight breeze, the wing over his feathers, no flapping. Only one flap, as he glides across the water to his landing spot, and hops onto it.

A small, dark bundle, his beak flicks one way, then the other, before he turns his attention to the door and it's lock. His fingers spread, a collection of blackened tools spread on them. He selects his pics.

Slixvah does similar, reaching down to give the dog a good belly rub, her shaking her hand off to get rid of the rain water on it as she retreats under her umbrella. "Those shows are fun," she giggles to Eztli, linking arms with the makari and going up the stairs with her.

As she goes, she's keeping an eye out for another way out and around, as well as once they get inside from the rain. Just need a way past this blockade... any excuse really to just move on by...

Hopefully Integrity was getting closer to the target.

While Jay is doing his best at subterfuge, the two 'dancers' are very politely and quickly led to upstairs. The dog looks so pathetic as it whines after them, tail wagging with a final bark or two.

The crickety climb upstairs is long an arduous. Especially with the rough looking not-pirate following after the pair and the stairs looking like they could just rust and fall instantly. "Sorr'm ladies," The pirate mumbles with a fresh flush on his face as he moves to open the door.

Short entrance later, they are led into a mostly empty room with stairs leading downstairs... and open windows with blaring music. 'Cauhgh... 'n a trap...!' Loud scream. 'Can't walk... ouh, 'cause... love you too much, babey!' A voice rocks out from down below, followed by firm and real swinging accompaniment.

"M-boss! Eh, manager." The pirate-guard attempts to politely call out.

GAME: Slixvah rolls will: (15)+7: 22
GAME: Eztli rolls will: (3)+6+2: 11 (Hex: Ward popped)
GAME: Jay rolls perception+6+2: (4)+15+6+2: 27

Not-Slix's eyes flutter as the dulcet tones of not-Presslee hits her ears. "That sounds nice..." Lost in the Hymn... wait. She shakes her head. Sounds like Patch-work. A look to Eztli. Shit. Something's going on. The blessing was gone.

Sky blues glance about the space, to the performance, to her dancer partner's actions. Slix jostles Eztli with her arm linked in hers. "Oi, sugar, c'mon, focus up. We gotta get changed."

"Oh, guess the show's already started." Eztli hums, moving to rest on the open window. "That's a shame, but they're doing alright without us. Might as well watch for now then, we can get dressed later."

GAME: Jay rolls disable device: (4)+12: 16
GAME: Jay rolls stealth+6+2: (18)+12+6+2: 38
GAME: Aelwyn rolls 1d20+5: (9)+5: 14

Motion! The bluejay's head flicks so he can focus on it. Not-Slix, and Not-Eztli, visible in the other room beyond the dusty window. He can't make out more than that. There are people with them, but no obvious signs of alarm or combat.

He continues with his task, attempting to open the lock. One of his fingers twitches, and the pick slips, falling down between the catwalk to 'ploop' into the water below.

Integrity freezes, holding his breath. The cat remains undisturbed. He takes out another tool and continues his careful picking. It's a simple lock, but it's rusty and dark. It'll need a bit more time.

"B-boss!" The pirate-guard says as he moves up in front of the desk. Nervously he picks off his hat and attempts to nudge at the table and the sleeping manager. "T-the dancers'n 'ere!" He stutters. Slowly, the manager groggily awakes. "What! What! That's the second payslip you're docking!" He quickly says and puts on his stetson hat, a flurry of activity as he gives the guard an earful. It's a very long earful.

"...'cause I love you too much baby... don't... y'know, caught in a trap, uh-huh!" A ridiculous pompaudor wielding figure was gyrating in the center of the stage, wearing what looks like white and overly tight leathers. A band was dutifully playing along as the song winds towards a close, but they seemed extremely bored. However, the few people in front of the stage seemed extremely excited, occasionally screaming. Except the one yet another pirate looking guard, who seemed more annoyed than anything else.

The doorway lit by the torches was visible behind the large stage, though. The band seems to have used the space in front of it as their backstage.