A Father's Concern

From Tenebrae
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Log Info

  • Title: A Father's Concern
  • Emitter: Telamon
  • Place: Ravenstongue and Telamon's house
  • Summary: Fresh off their recent victory at the Feypool, Ravenstongue and Telamon are intending on celebrating... Except there's an unexpected guest in their home. Telperius Atlon, Telamon's esteemed father, wants to have a chat with his son, and it's not a leisurely chat either. He confronts Ravenstongue and her ancestor, the Feathered One, as to their plans with Telamon, as he is greatly unnerved by Telamon's entanglement with a descendant of a fey noble. A tense conversation occurs and Telamon learns important information previously withheld from him about the Watcher in the Stars, the entity that has appeared in his dreams for years. The quartet work through the tension and harmony is restored once more.
-=--=--=--=--=--=--=--=--=--=- Dramatis Personae =--=--=--=--=--=--=--=--=--=-    
Ravenstongue         5'0"     99 Lb      Half-Elf          Female    Short half-elf girl with violet eyes and black hair.                       
Telamon              5'6"     140 Lb     Half-Elf          Male      A platinum-blond half-sil man with dancing dark eyes 

Things really are looking up, it seems like. With the Feypool issues resolved... for the moment anyways... Telamon has a spring in his step, feeling pleased about how things went. He's been out shopping for some things -- materials for the dream-walk, a couple other sundries, and even a small, respectable bouquet of folded paper flowers for Raven (since, sadly, it is still winter).

She's not home yet, and Tel grins as he unlocks the door to their home, looking forward to surprising her when she gets in... shutting the door and kicking off his boots, hanging his cloak before stepping into the living room. Where he discovers someone already there.

"Hello, son," Telperius turns to face Telamon, his expression calm. Dressed to the nines, as always, but there's a certain... tension around him. An edge. "You weren't home, so I let myself in. I'd like to talk to you, if I could."

Meanwhile, a block away, Ravenstongue merrily strolls along, a black raven with violet eyes on her shoulder. She's merrily eating a cookie drawn up from a small bag of purple silk tied around her wrist with a dainty little ribbon. "It was wonderful what happened, Grandfather," Ravenstongue says with a wide smile.

The deep voice that seems so unlikely coming from a bird rumbles in a gentle chuckle. "I'm sure it was, Cor'lana," Grandfather replies. "It's not every day that a child of my bloodline restores another one of my kind from corruption. I am very proud of you."

He leans in to nuzzle against her face, and Ravenstongue giggles, returning the gesture as they walk to the door. "I'm sure Tel will be happy to see you too," she says as she opens the door. "We've actually been meaning to discuss some things with you--"

And then she stops as she hears the end of a voice that she wasn't expecting in her home today. She looks confused--and then her violet eyes widen, her hand already reaching for the doorknob again.

Grandfather's violet eyes fix her with a stare that she catches as she slowly turns to look at him. It's a certain look that says, 'act normal'.

So she does. Ravenstongue takes a breath and clasps her hands together as she walks in, Grandfather and all. "Good evening, Telperius," she says, her voice warm with greeting. "What brings you by?"

All of a sudden the tension ratchets up a bit. Just a notch. Telperius regards Raven and Grandfather with a cool, calculating eye. This is -very- different from Raven's father -- no sneering, no arrogance, but a frighteningly measured stare. "Oh, this and that," he says, his voice even. Casually, the elf tosses a small, inexpensive brooch to Telamon, who reflexively catches it. "Just measuring garments to make sure they fit properly."

Telamon's eyebrow twitches upward, but he says nothing... instead holding out a hand to Raven and Grandfather to stay... calm, perhaps. "Sometimes the garment doesn't fit, father."

"Perhaps," is Telperius's reply. "In the meantime, why don't you activate that? The command word is 'nallaj'." His eyes are still focused on Raven and her Grandfather, and that same tension continues to surround him.

GAME: Ravenstongue rolls Sense Motive: (10)+2: 12

"Garments?" Ravenstongue asks, a little confused as she looks between Telperius and Telamon. The worry is evident in her eyes most of all, paired with a small frown that keeps getting deeper as she realizes that Telperius is intently focused on her and Grandfather. Her hand goes to her chest, where her curuchuil mark resides under her clothing.

All of the feathers on Grandfather begin to puff up like a raven might if agitated, but then he sighs deeply. "I understand," he says, "that you are called Telperius Atlon, yes? Let's leave the children out of this."

The raven hops off Ravenstongue's shoulder. Before the bird hits the ground, he forms into his full humanoid form. The tall and imposing figure towers a full foot above his granddaughter in height, his violet eyes almost inscrutable to read. "I regret that I am speaking through a messenger," he says, "and so therefore, I am not here in person, and therefore deny you the courtesy of a face-to-face conversation. I am not one to play courtly games, Telperius, so I must ask you dispense with your own. If the device you wish to use would put your mind at ease, then use it, but I would appreciate if you did not unnerve my little one."

He folds his monstrous claw hands in front of him, his mouth a fine line on his pale face that has never seen a mortal sun. "Is that agreeable?"

"Nallaj." Telamon says the word, and the brooch pulses once, glowing softly, before fading again. He looks almost annoyed at his father, his natural impulsiveness flaring. "Really, father? A protective ward... ah. The ward would break a charm or compulsion upon me. Thanks -so- much for that vote of confidence."

The elder elf merely shrugs. "I am not your lady's detestable father. There are no steps I won't take to protect my children." His eyes flick to Raven, and he has the good grace to at least be apologetic. "Forgive me that much."

Of course, then Grandfather assumes a 'true form' and suddenly things get even more tense. Telperius doesn't recoil. He doesn't even back up, which is kind of disturbing. Deliberately, he hooks his gloved thumbs in his belt, his saturnine features not showing any emotion. "And so the pieces are all in play. I came solely to... assure myself that my son had not been lured or hoodwinked into a pact of some kind. Beyond being desperately in love, which," and his lips curl ever so faintly, "I can sympathize with. So, Feathered One, what are your intentions regarding my son?"

GAME: Ravenstongue rolls Sense Motive: (19)+2: 21
GAME: Telamon rolls sense motive+3: (5)+5+3: 13

Ravenstongue is visibly wounded by Telperius's words, wincing like she's just received a slap to the face. She offers him no salve for his apology. "Are you suggesting I've been charming your son, sir?" she asks, clearly a bit pained by all of this. Her voice wavers as though she's only a few steps away from bursting into tears again.

"Please, Cor'lana," the Feathered One replies, his voice gentler as he speaks to her. His violet eyes flicker to her briefly, the hint of a smile crossing his lips. "Let me handle this. You've been through much already as of late."

The fey lord returns his gaze to Telperius, his mouth falling into that thin line again. "My intentions, and you know that I speak true, are that my little one and your son live a life happy together. It is what she deserves after a lifetime of heartbreak and strife--all of which I feel responsible for in some manner, as I did not expect the mortal limitation of memory and time--that they would forget their scion was not just myself but their ancestor, my late wife of eons ago, and that my expectation, not a pact, was born out of reverence for me. There is nothing that will bind your son to me beyond the bond of love that my little one has already forged to him."

Telamon sees the hurt on Raven's face, and his face suddenly flares with anger. "Forgive? What the -hell-, father? Have you lost your mind?" His expression is positively thunderous as he forgets himself, closing the gap and grabbing his father by the front of his coat. "What is the -meaning- of this?" It would be amusing, considering that Telamon is a bit shorter than his sire, except for the emotional anguish flaring.

Telperius seems to be unmoved at first, though suddenly his expression becomes pained. "I... I'm sorry, son. I had to be sure. I... was less concerned for your lady, than I was about the Feathered One. There are... reasons behind it." He doesn't try to pull away from his son. "Telamon, you've probably told your lady... and the Feathered One... how your 'talent' began to manifest. Let me ask you this: we elves are quite familiar with magic, in its varied flavors. Why would I have had the priests test you, and not one of our wizards?"

The Feathered One peers curiously to Telamon as the son begins to challenge the father. Raven, however, seems even more troubled to see Telamon fight his father. "Please don't," she whimpers, her hands trembling. "I don't want to see you two fight because of me. I'd..."

Her thought dies in her throat as she considers Telperius's words. Her violet eyes widen. "So you know," she says. "You know something about Telamon's 'talent' and you've never told him?"

"Peace, Cor'lana," the Feathered One replies. He hooks his arm around his granddaughter, the monstrous claw coming to rest gently on her shoulder. "You know as well as I that sometimes, things are hidden for good reason. Let him speak."

Telamon looks absolutely confused by the question. "I... I don't know. I was a child, I remember them... they weren't cruel, or harsh. Namari, she was my favorite because she laughed and smiled so much. But... I didn't think it was important." His hands slacken on his father's coat, as he looks at the elf. "What was going on?"

Telperius nods slowly to Raven and Grandfather, "There are things one does not simply discuss... I'm sure the Feathered One is familiar with that problem." His eyes glint, a small dig at Grandfather, but he continues, "Far back, before Telamon or even myself, we had an ancestor. Feadril. Or as my son knew him..."

"...Mad Feadril," Telamon finishes. "But... he's dead, father. He's been dead. They didn't even mark his grave..." His eyes meet Telperius's, and he says, "...shit. Don't tell me he's a lich, father, or I'm going to be -very- cross with you."

The Feathered One doesn't reply to Telperius's little barb. One would assume a fey lord is more than accustomed to the nettles and thorns in diplomacy, after all. "What was the nature of this ancestor, then?" he asks. His tone is patient. Perhaps he's just waiting to bring the axe of irony down in his own diplomacy.

Ravenstongue, however, is clearly horrified as soon as the word 'lich' drops out of Telamon's mouth. "A what? I... I know I don't have room to talk here, but Tel and I have been studying everything to do with his visions. Nothing's indicated a lich of any sort!" she says. "It's..."

"You're letting yourself fly before you've even grown your flight feathers, Cor'lana," Grandfather replies, a little smile coming to his face again as he squeezes Ravenstongue's shoulder gently--a feat, considering his claws.

Telperius simply shakes his head, looking wry. "Jumping to conclusions again, son." He nods to Raven. "But it does have to do with the visions he's had. And so a second question: we've known about his visions. Now, knowing my... response to the possibility of Telamon being bound into some sort of pact with you, Feathered One -- I will state my concerns were unwarranted -- why would I be so blase about the Watcher in the Stars?"

The elf lets that sink in, before carefully reaching into his coat, removing a thin volume from it. "No, son. Feadril passed from the world. But he fell under the sway, for a long time, of certain darker powers -- the aboleths. Hence his madness."

The word is let loose into the room. Ravenstongue almost seems to deflate, her form folding a little closer into Grandfather. "No," she says tearfully, her eyes looking almost far away as they begin to brim with tears at last. "Please don't tell me that my Tel is really being influenced by aboleths...."

Grandfather keeps his reassuring arm around her, his brows furrowing at the implications. His violet eyes still remain inscrutable as ever, difficult to glean anything from as though they were almost alien. "Cor'lana told me once she had encountered men driven mad by the influence of an aboleth. I cannot say I've ever had the displeasure of meeting one, but I am vaguely aware of them."

Ravenstongue sniffles, her hand going to wipe her eyes. For the moment, she is too upset to say anything more.

Telamon actually looks a little frightened, but before he can do or say anything rash, Telperius is pressing the book on him. "Read," he states firmly. "From the ribboned page," the elf adds, when Telamon looks confused again.

Throwing a glance to Raven, Telamon opens the slender book. "Gods," he says softly. "You can barely make out his handwriting here... he must have been pretty far gone, but--" He pauses. His brow furrows in confusion. Then he flips to the front of the book, comparing the handwriting. "Something changed. Listen!"

Telamon reads from the book, "It's been so long since my mind was this clear, like a ship coming out of a storm, or a swimmer surfacing from the depths. Long I was under their sway, and now I see clearly." He pauses, and continues, "It cost me. Cost me so much. My magics, amputated away as a surgeon might cleave off a diseased limb. But there was no choice. The watcher--" He stops again, then resumes, "The watcher in the stars told me it would be so. Better to lose some than to lose all. It did the deed, though it took no pleasure in it. It is strange, but it is a kind thing, a lonely wanderer."

The Feathered One makes a thoughtful noise. "It is a positive entity, not a malevolent one--just as the children had previously described to me," he says. "Then this is cause for celebration, is it not?"

He looks down at Ravenstongue. "Dry your eyes, little bird. You will upset your Tel if you keep watering," he says affectionately, a hint of a jest in his voice.

Ravenstongue wipes her eyes, nodding a little. She tries to put on a little smile for Telamon's sake, but she looks at Telperius. "But... What does that mean for Tel, then? Do you know?" she asks him directly. He is, after all, the man with the answers on this evening.

Telamon looks up at his father. "What happened to him, father? The book suggests he... was freed from the aboleths? Or he broke free somehow?"

Telperius nods slowly. "Something happened to him -- this 'watcher in the stars' freed him of the aboleths' influence. But he could no longer use magic. Feadril would burn his spellbooks and enter an Althean monastery. He spent the rest of his days there, atoning for whatever sins he had committed on behalf of those creatures." He nods to the book in Telamon's hands. "That journal was the only surviving record."

Telperius spreads his hands. "So you see my fears. Feadril had fallen under the sway of a power; I had mistakenly thought the same was befalling my son. Your reputation is... not as good as it could be, Feathered One." His lips quirk in a wry smile. "The priests tested you not just for magical aptitude, Telamon, but also to make sure you bore no sign of monstrous taint."

Telamon looks puzzled, then his expression clears. "The monastery where Feadril went. They would've kept notes on anything that... lingered on him. And passed them along to the priests who examined me."

"I am more than aware of my reputation, Telperius Atlon," the Feathered One replies, his voice calm and smooth. "It is one I have crafted myself. I wanted the others of my kind to leave me be in the woods, and for the most part, they have abided by that. The last thing I ever want is for any of my children to receive unwelcome attention from other nobility of Quelynos--especially if I am unable to defend them myself from their vile manners."

He smirks. "Surely you understand. You are a father yourself, as I was once eons ago--and am now Grandfather. Perhaps in due time, you shall receive this moniker too--"

And something seems to strike him. He puts a monstrous claw up to his chin in thought. "They cannot refer to us both as Grandfather, can they, the children's children. I cannot say I've ever had this issue before--"

"I'd like an apology," Ravenstongue says, drying her eyes. It's a voice that Telamon's heard as of late: a Cor'lana more full of conviction than ever due to knowing who she is in the world. "For upsetting me," she adds.

Telamon nods levelly. "I appreciate the fact that you were doing this for me, father. Which is why I'm not using a chair on you." He hefts the book in his hand. "But you do owe 'Lana and Grandfather an apology." He tosses the brooch back to Telperius, who snatches it out of the air one-handed.

The older elf nods slowly, and turns to 'Lana, and the Feathered One. Crossing to them, before reaching out a hand to each. "Please forgive me my trespass. He is... my son. My only son. And I cannot help but fear, especially in these troubled times." He looks old for a moment, the weight of years on his shoulders, before straightening them again.

Ravenstongue doesn't take long at all to respond, only a second before she nods and takes Telperius's hand, shaking it firmly. "I forgive you," she says. "Just that the subject of my parents' care for me as you referred to earlier is... a sore subject. Next month is my birthday--and also the third anniversary of my mother's death. Combined with that and the implication I'd had a hand in bewitching your son into malevolent magic was... Difficult to hear."

Her small smile is back. "But I understand. You love Tel. Just as my mother loved me."

The Feathered One eyes Telperius for a moment. The violet stare is unblinking and unnerving in its own way. "Let us be on even levels, Telperius Atlon," he says. "I know what you wish to be called, and as a sign of friendship between our lines, I will tell you what I wish to be called by you."

He takes the hand once Ravenstongue lets go of it. "You may call me Alúd'rigan. Alu for short."

Ravenstongue's eyes go wide as she looks up at him. "I, umm--I didn't know you had a name name, Grandfather," she says. It's the equivalent of a child learning a teacher has a first name.

Telamon crosses, finally, to Raven. His arms go around her, and he hugs her close. Protectively, even, as he strokes her hair. "Thank you, father," he says quietly -- but not unkindly. "I'm glad this didn't get out of hand, and that nothing more than angry words were used."

Telperius takes the Feathered One's clawed hand, shaking it as best he can. "Very well, Alud'rigan. I... admit I was hasty in my response. I should've had more faith in my son, and in Cor'lana." He sighs. "And I'm probably going to catch all manner of hell from your mother, and I'll deserve every moment of it. Telgari will probably laugh his fool head off."

Ravenstongue gives a very concerned look now for Telperius's safety. "You ah, you probably shouldn't mention you almost made me cry to her," she says. "Or that Tel almost clobbered you--actually, she might think that one's funny? I'm not sure."

She looks between Telamon and Telperius for a second as something dawns upon her, finally. "Are all of the men in your family named something that starts with Tel?" she asks. "I thought it was a coincidence at first, or just a nod to you," she says, looking at Telperius, "but that's three or four names now that all start with Tel. Your family get-togethers must be..."

Her thought also completely stops. "Well, I wouldn't know. I've never had one. Unless you count almost being throttled by my step-mother as a get-together."

Meanwhile, the Feathered One's clawed hand is that odd and uncomfortable sensation of cold skin that warms with the touch. He just smiles. "It is only another moment in time. Another feather in my wings, so to speak. Think little of it, Telperius."

Telamon explains, "It's a generational thing, love. Which... I'm a little fuzzy on the details, but supposedly our family line goes back to one of the first elves, named 'Tel'. Every so often, every male in the line is given a 'Tel' name -- half-sil or full-blood, regardless. I just squeaked in over the line, whereas father and Uncle Telgari were both named at the start." Telamon looks to his father. "Speaking of relations, I know you can be a little tight-fisted on family heirlooms. But I'd like to keep the book for a bit. We'll make sure it's safe."

Telperius simply nods. "There's nothing dangerous in it, no runes or hidden messages. We made sure of that." He smiles slightly at the Feathered One's jibe, and Raven's concern. "I will survive. She will lecture me, but I am not going to face physical harm. We are not that kind of family."

Grandfather lets go of Telperius and... He casually sits down on the couch. Just a fey lord sitting on a couch like it's nothing, no big deal. "I have received a stunning report of the Atlon family conduct thus far, Telperius, so I assumed not," he says. "My child has, up until today, expressed nothing but complete excitement and enthusiasm at having what she feels to be a proper family."

Ravenstongue nods. "That hasn't changed," she says, smiling at Telamon as she puts her arms around him. "Not even after today, will it change. After all I've been through with him, it wouldn't take a bad conversation with your father to turn that upside down."

"Splendid. We'll have no problem getting grandchildren," Grandfather says playfully, a grin spreading across his face as he looks at Telamon's father.

Oh. Those are some slightly longer canine teeth than one might expect in his mouth. Then again, he is a fey lord.

Telamon states firmly, "Let's just chalk this up to a misunderstanding that thankfully, didn't get further out of hand than it did." He's definitely a lot less tense, especially with Raven hugging him back. "Father, you are of course welcome to have dinner with us. I don't know what your arrangements are here in town, but I can certainly offer you what small comforts we have."

Telperius finally smiles, relaxing a little as well. "I'm glad my error hasn't caused more grief." Then he pauses, parsing the Feathered One's almost gleeful commentary. He raises an eyebrow at Grandfather, then at Telamon and Raven. "...Window-climbing?" he asks with a sardonic grin.

"Oh, I wish they were," Grandfather replies. "That'd be wonderful if they did. At least they're sharing a bed now."

Ravenstongue turns bright red. She looks like she might wilt in Telamon's arms. "Oh my gods, Grandfather!" she says with a nervous giggle. "Please!"

"Am I not supposed to enjoy that my beautiful and lovely granddaughter has found her other half and that the love they share reminds me often of my own late wife?" Grandfather asks, still grinning like the cat that's gotten into the milk. "Need I remind you that I am fey . The nobility hold parties that borderline on..."

He seems to remember that Telperius is in the room still. "Well, you know, don't you? I assure you, I never participated--"

"Grandfatherrrr," Ravenstongue groans. This elicits a grand chuckle from the fey lord, who is altogether enjoying this too much.

Telamon just puts his hand on his face wearily. "Oh gods. Please, just stop. No, father, we're not window-climbing. We are sharing a bed, but that's for more peace of mind reasons. Having to do with nightmares we've been having. It's... better for both of us."

Telperius just shakes his head in amusement. "I really can't offer any complaint here. Ariana did mention she had discussed that with you. Suffice to say I have absolutely no guilt about it." He spreads his hands. "A tree grows at its own pace. If the two of you are content, then so am I." He arches a brow at Grandfather. "And yes, I am well aware that fey nobility is somewhat... uninhibited. They would probably consider Cor'lana and my son's relationship to be dull. Which is why they won't be invited to the wedding." He pauses. "You of course would be the exception, obviously."

"They would," Grandfather agrees. "I am an odd bird in that regard in that I never shared that appetite. However, that was something I wished to discuss... Who is going to be performing the wedding ceremony, exactly?"

Ravenstongue looks to Telamon for a moment. "I don't think we really had anyone in mind," she admits. "We should probably have it held by a cleric, right?"

"Why not your dear Grandfather?" the fey lord asks with a sly grin. "Honestly, if it's a Mythwood wedding, it feels only right that I officiate."

Ravenstongue frowns a little. "I don't know... What do you think, Tel? --Tel younger, that is," she adds quickly.

Telamon lifts an eyebrow. "Well, technically a marriage is sworn in the eyes of the gods. The priest only acts as a witness to the oath. So... yes, we could. Though I expected Grandfather would want to give the bride away." He offers an impish grin to Grandfather. "No small thing indeed, to give me such a gift, sir."

Telperius chuckles. "Or we could have uncle Telgari handle it. Perhaps some of your friends. I know you've been ring-measuring, Telamon; who do you plan to have as ring-bearer?"

Telamon attempts to keep the smirk off his face. Poorly. "I think Pothy can handle that."

Grandfather now looks entirely puzzled. "Giving the bride away?" he asks. "What do you mean by this?"

"Well, a father traditionally gives the bride over to her soon-to-be-husband," Ravenstongue replies. "And, well, I'm not having my father give me away."

Grandfather looks even more puzzled. "Is there a similar tradition for the groom's father to give him away? Why the father? I thought I understood mortals better than any other of my kind and I, apparently, am still a student..."

Grandfather mutters to himself as he tries to puzzle out the whole thing. Ravenstongue, meanwhile, looks at Telamon with a little blush on her face. "Ring measuring? Is that why I woke up from my nap the other day with a string tied around my finger?" she asks, a grin slowly spreading on her face. "Have you been plotting something, Tel~?"

Telamon grins back at Raven. "Of course I have! Do you think I wouldn't do this -properly-? Forget your grandfather or my father. My -mother- would kill me if I didn't do this right." He hugs her to him again, gently squeezing. "And when it's ready, I'm going to give a proper proposal. Because you deserve it."

Telperius just looks at the Feathered One, bemused. "How can you -not- know this? Alright..." He looks at the two lovebirds. "Alud'rigen, why don't we go for a walk? Leave these two to discuss things. We have some things to talk about as well." Before there's any protest, he raises his hand. "There'll be no arguing. But we do need to talk. And I imagine you two would like to talk as well." He winks deliberately. "Coming, Feathered One?"