Category:Green-Eyed Vampire
Revision as of 04:39, 22 April 2020 by Aftershock (talk | contribs)
A green-eyed vampire has been spotted in and around Alexandria several times. His exact purpose in Alexandria remains to be seen, however he has been seen attacking several people.
In chronological order:
Creep in the streets // Kiss the Dead // Finding Edgar // Wicked Encounter // He's a Creepy One // Option Number 1 // Option Number 1 (Part 2) // Better be Naughty // Another One Bites // Little One // Winter Wonderland // Entertainment // Missing Merek // For your Entertainment // Push the Limit // Don't Be Afraid // Say my Name // Shallow Heart // Rough for You // Rough for You (Part 2) // Rough for You (Part 3) // Rough for You (Part 4) // Let's Go // Only the End
Pages in category "Green-Eyed Vampire"
The following 27 pages are in this category, out of 27 total.