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Gobberpirate cp header.jpg
Cogz Rumbo
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Race: Gobber
Homeland: Bludgun
Date of Birth: 9 Pryntar, 994
Apparent Age: Late twenties.
Occupation: Gobber Gunslinger & Mystic Diviner.
Class: Wizard / Rogue
Level: 2
Aspect: War-Touched (Not yet purchased)

About My Character

TYPE STUFF ABOUT CHARACTER HERE. Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Cras libero ante, imperdiet sollicitudin neque vitae, imperdiet tempor dui. Suspendisse ornare sed massa sit amet pharetra. Vivamus sed quam lacus. Integer aliquet enim orci, consequat imperdiet ex vulputate quis. Vestibulum ultricies nisi eget neque eleifend venenatis. Mauris pharetra, urna sed congue dignissim, sapien felis efficitur nulla, vitae convallis nisi nibh sed elit. Etiam eget tempus neque, et fringilla odio. Donec pharetra ipsum a erat efficitur, in ornare enim interdum. Mauris libero ipsum, hendrerit nec sapien vitae, sollicitudin porttitor velit. Morbi pulvinar cursus sodales. Cras ultricies dignissim mi non gravida. Nunc et suscipit nulla, id faucibus orci.

Roleplay Hooks

  • Firearms - Rumbo is both a trained gunsmith and a practiced shot so anything to do with firearms is sure to draw his attention.
  • Magic - Rumbo is a wizard, specialized in divination, and so responds well to mystical mysteries or magical mayhem.
  • Gobbers - Gobbers are the best race!
  • Artifice - Rumbo is missing his left leg and currently hobbles about on a wooden peg. One day he would like to upgrade to something better so he has been poking around looking for folks who can make clockwork prosthetics.

Flag bludgun.png

Homeland PC Badge
Homeland: Bludgun
Family History: How your family came to be there, their roles; anything you'd like to say about them
Politics: What do you think of your homeland's politics?


Aspect PC Badge
Aspect: War-Touched
Tier: 0
Development: Rumbo has been involved in war for most of his life, first as an airman and later as a mercenary. War has affected him in nearly every aspect of his life, making him the Gobber he is today even down to his physical form having lost his leg in battle.


Flaws PC Badge
Flaw: Intolerance
Development: Gnomes. Myrrish Gnomes in particular!
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"I'm no stranger to danger. Besides, if I should die, I shall take full responsibility."