Organizations of the Faithful

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Org faithful.jpg

Reading an Organization Entry

Org global.png
The organization has offices in multiple nations or areas. "Global" here is a relative term, and does not imply centralized control.
Org localized.png
The organization is localized. See entry for details. Many Alexandrian-based groups have this feature!
Org npc.png
Only for NPCs.

Temple Affiliations

Most major Temples are a faction unto themselves, and contain many diverse elements. For example, the Daeusite Temples house the Sunguard tradition, as well as others. Not every tradition, such as Sunguards or Silver Chords are necessarily their own organization, though at times they may function as a group. Instead, they are part of a larger umbrella. Temples require a variety of aid and services, and the agendas of deities are as broad as they are diverse in order to provide options for roleplay. These traditions also benefit immensely by being part of the greater structure.

Additional Organizations of the Faithful

The Hunters of the Dead are a Vardaman organization who are dedicated to the removal of undead on Ea.

The Silver Crescent are a Gilean and Elunan organization who are dedicated to the removal and redemption of shapechangers on Ea.

The Hands of Ithildin are an all-female organization dedicated to Althea's healing tenents, with a focus on nonmagical and more accessible means.

The Iron Book is a low-key Daeusite organization dedicated to the eradication of demonic and devilish cults in Ea.