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Plot Summary: Eastbrook GM: Gedryn

Session Summaries

Session 1: Eastbrook Caravan

Plot Hook: The party has been hired by a leader in the town of Eastbrook (a day’s journey east of the city) to help escort a small caravan of cargo that are currently being gathered and will be ready shortly. Lord Hagar Baelyn, ruler of the town has asked the party to assemble the day prior to when the caravan will head out. That evening they meet the Lord’s stewart, Brother Maynard, in the tavern where they are given rooms and a modest meal and mead. There is a promise of payment of X gold for their efforts to secure the caravan for its delivery.

Complications: While the party is getting settled and enjoying a free night in an inn, they hear trouble outside and discover that the small town has been swarmed by zombies.
Log: Eastbrook Caravan

Session 2: Return to Eastbrook

Plot Hook: It’s the morning after the attack and people are trying to recover. Multiple people are injured or dead from the zombies and word gets out that the daughter of the local lord has been taken.
What is Known:

  • Lord Hagar had hired some adventurers to escort a caravan of goods back to the city of Alexandria. When asked why his own guards aren’t handling the shipment’s security the only response given was that his forces were needed elsewhere. The adventurers were requested to check in with the steward at the local tavern, the Manticore's Tail, the night before the caravan would leave to ensure that they had proper coverage.
  • While at the tavern before the siege, a man was drinking heavily and reported a strange attack on a local farm the previous day. He reported that he and some other farm hands were working in the fields one afternoon and suddenly everything went dark. He heard screams and howls and when the darkness went away he saw the other workers dead and ‘torn up’ all around him. The attack involved several dozen zombies that were attacking anything on the town’s streets. The zombies seemed to move as groups but there were three individual figures who were spotted at the fringe of the town that seemed to be left alone by the packs.
  • The random attack on the town of Eastbrook has ended and all thought that it was safe once more. The attack came without warning or known provocation. No one seemed to know why the zombies came, what they were doing - other than what they normally do - or who was controlling them. But in the chaotic aftermath of the attack word has started to circulate that the daughter of the local lord, Lady Ganya Baelyn, has been taken. Lord Hagar, her father, has put out a reward for her recovery.

Temple Map: Link:
Black Rune: Link:
Log: Return to Eastbrook
Summary: Three bloodied pages were found in the temple along with the body of the priest (Father Maynard) who had his heart cut out. As the party was wrapping up their investigation in the temple, a storm rolled in to block out the sun. Two doors at the rear of the temple were locked but the party wasn’t able to search the priest for keys before the storm rolled in and a shrieking howl was heard from outside.
Loose Ends:

  • Who took the daughter and where did they take her?
  • Who/what was in the rectory next to the temple.
  • What was so important that the zombies both broke in, killed the priest -and- took his heart?
  • What are the pages about and where did they come from?
  • Did something send the storm or is it natural?
  • And what is being done about the shipment of cabbages destined for the city?


The town of Eastbrook lies (wait for it…) east of the city of Alexandros and is considered somewhere in the fine line between large village and small town. The leader of the community, the House of Baelyn, fancies themselves as a grassroots force of the local gentry who plan on turning their small settlement into a thriving community.

The Town


There are seven roads that lead into and out of the town. Only the Oak Road (F and B) are considered main roads that lead to other settlements. The rest lead elsewhere within the immediate region - often used by farmers to transport their harvest to the town.

The Lord and Lady Baelyn live in a modest sized manor house around the town square (#1). Around the town square are two other buildings, the trading hall (2) where commerce is generally conducted, the record’s hall (4) and a tavern called the Manticore’s Tail (6).

The town’s temple (of Daeus) is located at #11 and the rectory (home of the priest) is next door at #9.

Wyvern Tail Tavern




Personages and Groups

House of Baelyn


The House of Baelyn is considered a minor gentry family, their progenitor served a local baron faithfully and was awarded the land and title so long as he continued to pay his taxes and defend the population. The family currently consists of Lord Hagar and his wife Lady Reegan. They have three children, an elder daughter Ganya and two younger sons, Emmet and Roger.

Their principal wealth is tied up in farming and they have been clearing additional lands in the forest to increase their seasonal yields. This has occasionally caused a problem as their logging crews have disturbed local wildlife - sometimes with monstrous complications.

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