Asumit Plot Journal Archives

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[1+] Whirlpool added on Sun Sep 27 07:12:52 2015:

Subplot Summary

Asumit is a known demon summoner and would-be god (see NPC list). He left Skald and came to Alexandria at least one year ago, and set up a false cult. The cult pretended to offer a rite 'for great power' and took advantage of anyone desperate enough to listen. They used a mixture of persuasion and enchantment to create a pathway into souls, and through this pathway, placed demons into the bodies of living children, women, and men.

So far, these vessels go about their daily lives as though nothing has happened. However, Asumit wishes to make himself a god, and waits for the right time to sacrifice these souls, whereupon they are destroyed, families are shattered, and he reaps the energy from the empty the same time, turning the demons lose on Alexandria's streets.

Asumit also is thought to seek the Book of Light, which is stored at Alexandria's Daeusite temple. He apparently is said to possess already the Book of Darkness, it's dark pantheon equivalent, and is believed that the Head of the Son of Nikmok, an undying severed head thought to spout prophecy and blasphemy in equal measure, which was recently stolen from the Elunan temple.

Interested in the subplot?

This subplot is great for heroes of all stripes! Inquisitors, social PCs, and demonic experts will shine. More front-loaded martial PCs will find a place in securing the temples, and during the final strike.

Updates: Various heroes have been involved in this subplot for some time. Several PCs over the course of this last year chased down the original cult. This revealed how the cult worked, that it was a farce, and that Asumit had been clever enough to isolate his middle management. Taking down his operatives then, would tell them nothing, as each operative worked somewhat independently, and knew nothing outside his or her immediate area. The damage was done, and the cult for all intents and purposes, has slowed down or disbanded.

Heroes also isolated one of the demons. Through this, they found out the depths of Asumit's contingencies. If a demon is exorcised from a body, that body is set on fire, dies, and the soul and its energies are sacrificed to Asumit.

However, these actions gained them a list of victims, which have been shared with the High Father.

The above is what is generally known to anyone who'd like to be involved in the subplot!

If you'd like to get involved in this plot, there are a lot of people you can contact who are working on different angles.

Players: You are welcome to update this job with plans you're working on, things you want to RP about, information you want to RP sharing and more.

[3-] Svarshan added on Sun Sep 27 08:34:40 2015: Wanted to add, since we can post summaries! We broke this subplot wide open in the best way among the heroes of Alexandria, and have been able to draw in allies to face off Asumit's entrenched forces. Here's what I know!


  • Elunan, Angorite, Tarian, and Daeusite Temples in Alexandria
  • Guild of the Sly in Alexandria
  • Temple of Daeus in Myrddion
  • Details: These allies are coordinating through the High Father Samuel, in Alexandria. Myrddion's temple is one of Daeus' largest, so we asked them for resources. They are sending in priests and holy warriors to augment our forces. The priests are sorely needed for as many exorcisms as will need performed simultaneously, throughout the city.


  • Artificers! Contact Stirling, Zalara, MAC-B1G, and others for their amazing work on halting Asumit's contingency
  • Tacticians! Contact Warrior Yngvild, and the fighter Karelin about fortifying the temple area, and other at-risk areas
  • Shady ties? Contact Latenat for his work with the Guild of the Sly, or Rakim among the noble factions
  • Wizardy? Contact Cesran, Fayde, and Mikilos for the arcane vantage. They and others have also responded, strengthening the wards around key areas
  • The Iron Book? Contact Svarshan or Renfrey


Our current plan is to make use of the same weaknesses that Asumit did: he targeted the destitute and needy, so why can't we? We'll be working to set this in motion through different events that are led by PCs, according to their interests and their styles. The local priests and our Myrrish allies will be performing exorcisms at these events, with the artificers suppressing the contingency. With luck, this will piss Asumit off.

Some events:

  • Feeding the destitute! Kira is kicking off some great work here
  • Tournament! Stjepan and Miruan are planning here. I may have messed up the details; please speak with them
  • was a touch late, so I am drawing blanks on other events being planned

There are other plans in motion, but that is the general gist of things. We're always looking for more folks to plan events (especially something that suits your PC! Please talk with Poops, it could be a great chance for some character development). Overall, some amazing heroes have stepped forward, and stand ready to foil Asumit's scheme!


What are you interested in? At this point, it's less 'can I' than 'what would I like to do?'

[4-] Svarshan added on Sun Sep 27 08:42:55 2015: Some other call-outs, as it's souper-late:

PC HEROES (cont'd)

  • Rumormongering? See Aldean, Silmeria, and Latenat! Aldean and Latenat also worked with Svarshan, Renfrey, and others on some of the early ferreting-out work, and are good ones to approach


  • The Hound

If you have ties to a group, we could always bring in more allies. Asumit has been planning for some time.

[5-] Svarshan added on Sun Sep 27 08:44:14 2015:

NPC ALLIES (cont'd)

  • Temple of Kor in Alexandria! (see re: late hour)

[6-] Svarshan added on Sun Sep 27 19:37:54 2015: More updates: For anyone who hasn't heard yet, we have a report of Asumit's demon army mobilizing in Skald, which is his stronghold. Maybe one of their scouts could be captured?

[7-] Aldean added on Mon Sep 28 16:16:32 2015: Aldean is available to talk about how all this came to light and the history behind it, but has little knowledge of what is being currently done. He is currently pursuing one minor bit of research related to it, though -- if you do history, navigation, geography, or any combination of the above, this might be of interest to you.

[9-] Stjepan added on Fri Oct 23 08:53:57 2015: Stjepan is working on party-planning for the arena event. If folks want to work together on this, I'm very much game.

[10-] Latenat added on Mon Oct 26 13:47:58 2015: I'd like to add the results of me and Aldean's legworkings, undertaken a little while ago researching into any daemonic converts in the noble Houses. What we found that there were potential subjects in Lady Lady Rawyn Highwind and Calthor Methis' households. These are households diametrically opposed to each other, Lady Highwind being the Regent council member of Alexandria, and Lord Methis a Western District council member whom delves into the murky depths of the underground trade.

We need to get confimation and take them out as quietly as possible obviously because it is a delicate operation, with our kindly divine soul cleansers on hand (the churches co-operating with the efforts against Asumit). We cannot afford to have elements within either of these houses feed information to the Cultists, or forment conflict. Feel free to speak to me, Silmeria, or Aldean on this matter.

[13-] Svarshan added on Sun Dec 06 00:17:14 2015: Log of last night's event:

[14-] Aldean added on Thu Dec 10 19:23:43 2015: CALLING ALL IC MUSICIANS!

I'm looking to set up a huge concert/jam in the Colosseum, to be held as a Meetup at some point in the coming week. This is associated with the Asumit plot and is meant to gather a huge number of people into one place. I'm looking for musicians to help draw the crowds!

YOU DO NOT HAVE TO HAVE BARD LEVELS TO DO THIS. If you pluck an instrument or like to sing IC, bring it! Just drop me an @mail so I have an idea of how many people will be getting onstage.

Hope to see you there!

[15-] Svarshan added on Thu Dec 10 19:56:25 2015: Hey! The concert (see Aldean) and the fighting contest (see Stjepan) nearby are set up to piss Asumit off. Asumit has control of a thousand or so souls in the city that he intends to use a weapon in some way. Instead of hunting them down individually, we're attempting to bring them to us. Then, take his toys away from him.

We could use your help, and hope to see you at these events!

[16-] Svarshan added on Fri Dec 11 00:54:10 2015: What's going on? Here's a summary from RPing with awesome people!

Information is coming in regarding Asumit and accordingly, is being added to as part of his Guild File. Asumit is a half-demon wizard who specializes in demon binding. He is known for his ability to keep several plates spinning at once. He then pounces on the most likely success! He's also intelligent enough to set things up so that choice a sucks for you, choice b sucks worse, and he wins either way, while taking a part of your soul with him.

We can fight him by intelligently tracking what he is doing, striking in a surgical manner, and forcing our enemies to fight themselves. Here's what's going on, grouped by interest and who to contact about it!


DRINK, SING, AND FIGHT: Want to help deprive Asumit of over a thousand souls? Want to royally piss him off? Participate in the Concert and the Arena event, both held on the same day at the Colosseum! For more ways to help, contact Aldean (Concert) or Stjepan (Battle!). Team Artificer (Stirling!) is also involved!

This event is IMPORTANT, so please support it with one of your alts. We are attempting to disarm Asumit of a thousand+ soul sacrifice!

HUG TREES AND SNEAK: Asumit is going after the Spell Canon! Want to help? Go IC, especially if you have ties to nature-people or are sneaky. This is a druid-paladin-thief effort, believe it or not. There may be drinking after! Durrankar, Gaerril, Svarshan are good to talk to! Also Dire Wolf, but she is scary!

FINESSE INQUISITION IT: It's time to free Lady T's senchenel from Asumit's grasp! Maybe her gratitude at freeing her Sentinel can help us with some other things? Silmeria is heading this delicate operation, because they are awesome.

SAIL THE HIGH SEAS: The Underwater Court: Aldean is doing some mean things with this, possibly involving getting our enemies to fight over it! Contact him IC if this interests you!

ENGAGE IN JUNGLE EXPLORATION AND BE BIT BY BUGS: Karelin is working on tracking down Body of Nikmok, and using that to help us (possibly) find Asumit! He could use a scroll of teleport to get back quickly. Maybe someone could help him out?

RESEARCH AND THEN PUNCH DEMONS: We have a list of high-ranking demons who may be his lieutenants, or may not be. Find out which if you know how, find them, then take'em out! Svarshan has a list of names!

Many of the above will lead to amazing things! Chat IC to find out more, or chase down the folks above and inquire what's going on! Talk with Poops if you would like to run a PrP to gain more infomration or help out! For example, Rakim ran a PrP where the PCs trapped a demon summoner!

The Arena/Concert event is important--please attend this with one alt or the other so we can take away some of Asumit's toys and MAKE HIM CRY!

[17-] Karelin added on Tue Dec 15 05:53:34 2015: Hey there -- if anyone wants to go on the Jungle trip -- please @mail me, I don't always log Karelin in without a queue from +alts.

[18-] Aldean added on Thu Feb 04 00:25:59 2016:


NAME: MEETUP: Concert!

DATE/TIME: Sat Jan 23 09:00PM EST

GM: Aldean

[19-] Durrankar added on Mon Feb 22 19:50:19 2016: A meeting was called by the Yggdrasil Union at the behest of Shaman Durrankar. There, he brought experts and witnesses to Asumit's growing power. Uneth gave her account of the elemental at the Redridge Mountain. Svarshan gave his knowledge of how demons work and how they do it, including what Asumit seemed to be doing, and finally, Arisha, Inquisitor of Vardama and Hunter of the Dead gave her account of what happened at Aldean's Concert.

It was then that the Union saw the full scope of what Asumit was doing, and Offered more focused help against the demon and his forces.

Anyone willing to try and assist with this can contact Jareth, Svarshan, Kailin, Durrankar, Uneth, Arisha, and Miruan for details.

[20-] Kailin added on Tue Feb 23 01:54:48 2016: The full scope of what was said about Asumit at the Yggdrasil Union meeting which can be known ICly:

Asumit, a demon blooded sorcerer from Skald who binds demons to people has knowledge which goes back to the Demon Wars. His goal is to take as much territory as possible and become a god to demons. He possesses the Book of Darkness, a tome which contains the wisdom of all the gods who have fallen to the dark, and the head of the Son of Nimok, an undying beast of Caracoroth who spouts prophesy and blasphemy in the same breath. Asumit has been able to place agents all over Alexandria, including the nobility, but those assets have sinced been diminished. He had demons inhabiting people in the city, but most of them have been removed after a bardic performance in the city. Some, however, did escape.

An earth elemental has set up near Mictlan because it says its way back to the plane of earth is cut off. The reason has something to do with the fact that Asumit has been attempting to access the Spell Cannon, a weapon on the Redridge, and because of that attempt in some way the Spell Cannon has affected the veil between realms, cutting off access to the earth elemental plane and possibly others.

Also, Demon agents of Asumit have been seen around the city, which may or may not be a trap, but it signals that some type plan is being put into action.

[21+] Whirlpool added on Tue Feb 23 03:50:31 2016: The Druids welcomed everyone to the meeting in the grove, offering reeds to those who wished to speak.

Durrankar opened things up, addressing the gather to tell them about the earth elemental that appeared near Alexandria recently, followed by Uneth who brought up the Spellcannon as a possible link.

Myrana brought up the possibility of Asumit having control over someone with access to the Spellcannon, which could have affected it in such a way where the veil between the prime material plane and the elemental plane of earth has gotten too thin.

Myrana confessed her part in sending Jareth the burnt skeleton.

Arisha offered up her recollection of Aldean's collected lore and knowledge regarding Asumit as well as the use of Nethercite at Aldean's concert.

It all came to a close with a recap of Asumit: His role in Sendor, and his possible link to the Duke of Skald, and aspirations towards divinity within the ranks of Hell.

[22+] Whirlpool added on Tue Feb 23 03:50:46 2016: Big thanks to Kailin and JAreth!

[23+] Whirlpool added on Tue Feb 23 06:18:09 2016: I should also extend a big thank you to SVarshan, who has repeatedly had to field the question as to who Asumit is and what he wants. Over and over. xD DON'T THINK THIS HASN'T BEEN NOTICED. Also, thanks for the additional summary from Durrankar, who I forgot to mention earlier. :)

[24-] Svarshan added on Tue Feb 23 06:38:21 2016:

(Druid one should be posted, soon)

Legwork Update: If you need assistance ID'ing someone who's possessed, Svarshan's sent out information this as well as what is known about the demons who WERE sited, including archival renderings. All this is ICly available if you'd attended any of the above gatherings, or spoken with the Daeusite Temple. Ergo, it is usable in anyone's legwork. If you need help with other demon lore though, feel free to ask. He has a hefty modifier to the roll and RPP ties, also.

Versis, etc.: He'd had the (not terribly bright) idea to organize a trip to Versis; there are some folks involved there.

OOC: I am a bit tired of repeating the story (it has been about 2 years). A big kudos to everyone who's stepped up and helped expand it, as well as shared it with others. Also a big thank-you to Solace, Cesran, Gaerril, Durrankar, Uneth, Aldean, and to Silmeria, for running with taking down some of the Possessed and bringing others along with them, as well as everyone else who has made it a part of story and made a point of sharing it with others.

[25-] Svarshan added on Tue Mar 08 06:45:50 2016: It's believed that Asumit's end game is to become a demon god. According to what is known, this is an impossible task, though it is one that different cults may have believed is possible over time. The big question being asked now is HOW he believes he can become a god.

Word has also, recently come out that Asumit has the power to corrupt magus points, and has apparently done this at least once in the past.

Increased warnings are out to keep your eyes open near existing magus points: there are two in Alexandros. One is beneath the Society of Progressive Arcanists, and the other is in Genrivia.

[26-] Svarshan added on Tue Mar 08 07:13:03 2016: Just a side note, for folks just coming into play: We have 3 Powerful Egos at play here, who all seem to want Power Beyond Their Ken: Arendt, the warlord who would unite and rule the north, Heth whose cult keeps creeping place it shouldn't (his followers see him as a god), and Asumit the demon-binding jackass who has apparently been working on his plans in Alexandria for a long time.

[27-] Aldean added on Sun Mar 13 16:28:36 2016: FYI: If you are interested in this plot, I have some tasks that want doing related to it. Arcanists will have the most play but anyone can tackle at least one. @mail me for details.

[28-] Svarshan added on Wed Mar 30 06:20:00 2016:

Summary for all the Asumit stuff:

Asumit is a powerful half-demon wizard with the ability to bind demons. He came from Versis a long time ago, a product of leftover magic from the Daemon Wars. He has the Book of Darkness, and controls the realm of Skald, two things that give him immense power. Skald is important because it was one of the seats of the original Daemon Wars.

Asumit wants to be a god.

Asumit tried to take over Alexandria, by having his demons take over people. He reached up into the more powerful echelons of Alexandrian society as well as the lowest. This plan took him years to put together and involved him constructing a false cult (that is now dispersed). Had he succeeded, each soul-death would have provided him power, as well as providing a more permanent mortal host for his forces.

However, he is also known to have sent large portions of his army out to different nations, including possibly Rune? and others. He sent a contingent to Alexandria. Adventurers unearthed this last group; many of them are hiding in the sewers.

Asumit is known for his lose-lose strategies. He likes to force others into making choices where both options are awful. He is a long-term planner, and certainly has things in mind for the future. His other known strategies are going after potent power sources: different PCs have these details.

That is an overview of the details, while skipping a lot of minutae up until this point.

He is one of the Three Wounds of the World: Heth, Asumit, and perhaps Arendt.

[29-] Aldean added on Wed Apr 06 01:07:59 2016: The following is recorded in the annals of the Guild, in a neat hand that doesn't fit the grammar used in the account -- possibly scribed.

We'd been contracted by Madame Gelfure and her mates to take a trip to the future to see what it held. Navosians seemed to be okay with it -- said we'd done already -- so sure, why not? Sounds fun, yes?

Not on your life. When we arrived, we were surrounded by nothing but bones. Entire of Alexandria was a blasted ruin, and not a soul living that we spotted. Great black tear in the sky, too. As we were looking for answers on two fiends, the group split up, half to find Heth and the other to find the demons. Maybe we'd get a sniff of what their master were up to.

My group went seeking demons, and made for the Eidolon Court. Good job we'd brought supplies, because there weren't no hunting. Everything was dead and blasted, just like Dragonier. As we got closer, though, I realized ... I didn't hear the Hymn. When you get close enough to the true Court, you'll hear it ... but I didn't hear it when I ought to have. I tried casting a spell ... and there was no Hymn to touch, to tap. It was /gone/. Our paladin tried the same ... and couldn't touch her god, neither. There was no magic. As for the Court ... a grey pillar of light came down into its center, and the demons were gathered around it.

We made our way closer and finally set foot in the place. It burned my soul to see the Court like that -- a shattered wreck, and a fat, greasy, gray creature that might once have been human sat on the throne in the middle ... the grey light was coming into him. Yes, it was Asumit, sitting smug as you please. He were easy to get to talk -- a man pleased with himself, who despised the magic that made him what he was. A bit of flattery was all it took to get him to tell me anything I wished to know.

He'd broken the link between the gods and man, an' stolen the Sea of Mana for himself. And that, he said, was what he'd set out to do. He'd used the ancient Kulthian lore ... the attempt at godhood that caused the gods to cast them down and shatter their works ... and succeeded where they failed. Where he'd found that lore was trickier to get from him, but he did say that it didn't lie on Ea. The demons were his ... and I think that means the lore he used is held somewhere in the Hells.

I kept him talking just long enough for the work that sent us to the future to end, and snap us back, thank the Muse. But ... I now have a lot to do if I'm to stop this bastard.

[30-] Stirling added on Wed Apr 06 02:10:03 2016: In light of recent news and Aldean filling me in, I would like check any reconds in Alexandria I have access to in regards to any artifice related to the workings of hell. Like did any artificers venture into hell for example? Focusing especially on the time period around the original fall of artifice. Also are there any parts of hell any more connected to the powers of artifice at all? Should neither of those prove fruitfull I would expand my inquiry to any extra-planer artifice and any suspected individuals (Alive or dead) who have or are studying that particular branch. Craft/artifice would be my prefered method of investigation.

[31-] Beaglefinder added on Wed Apr 06 05:08:43 2016: This PLOTs is getting a bit long--I'll be crafting a clean one and encouraging folks to share summaries there. Stirling, I will move your post to a legwork so that it can get rolling. :3