Mithralla Magnificence

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It's Kesenday, Eatonis 24 09:32:00 1019. The full moon isn't up. The tide is high and slack. Fair weather clouds sail across the blue sky, propelled by light breezes from the west. It's warm in the sun, cool in the shade, and the air is clear and dry.

A15: Mithralla Merchandise <>

A fair morning finds the half-giant and his half-sil friend wandering into MM. Having knocked and been told by a page to head inside, Kaj will hold the door open for his friend, then duck in, hoping not to repeat the gaffe of speaking to the wrong Mikilos this time.

"HAllo!" he says, because 'fee fi fo fum' would be too weird.

Brilliant white lights rocket into the air above the courtyard, spinning and twirling in wide arcs before fadeing to nothingness. Mikilos, Magus of the Sixth, mutters quietly, eyeing the scorched remains etched into the stonework of the courtyard.

Ga'Elian also happens to be stopping by, this fine morning. He watches out for falling sparks as he passes through to the courtyard. "G'mornin' friends. Something of a danger zone, isn't it?

Well. Kaj /was/ holding the door open for Roselle to go in, until the fireworks suddenly went off. The half-Sil catches hold of the half-giant's arm, head tilting. "Kaj. What was that?" she asks, a little furrow creasing her brow. "It came from...outside...over /there/." Curiousity kills the...never mind. A little tug. "Let's go see what's going on --oh, hullo, Ga'Elian, yes, we were about t'go see what's happening. Come along with I guess?"

"Most definitely," rumbles the Kaj, smiling down at Ro. "But maybe Kaj goes out first?" he says, with a wink, knowing Ro can handle herself. "IF nothing else, partial cover!" He then lets the door go, offers Ga'Elian a salute and heads over to the courtyard, perhaps having less visbility than the others as the smoke rises to his eye level.

Mikilos mmmms absently, circling the scorch marks a moment before glancing up. "Ah, no, they're perfectly harmless. I mean, pretty much. Mostly harmless. You didn't get hit, did you? Do you feel okay? Any nausea? Palpitations? Sudden growth defects?"

Ga'Elian gawks up at the Llyranesi's face and shakes his head back and forth. "I think we're all alright. You seem like a popular guy this morning, Magus."

Roselle grins uuuup at Kaj, because it's a lot more polite to look at a friend's face, rather than at their chest. "A'right, I'm right behind you then," she agrees, and does just that. The smoke makes her cough a bit as she accidentally inhales more of a lungful than she wants, and she peers curiously out from behind Kaj, as she catches sound of a familiar voice. "...Mikilos! What were you /doing/ --umm. No nausea, just smoke...palpi-what? And...growth /defects/?" She looks slightly alarmed as she hastily checks herself, and Kaj over for anything abnormal. Like toads. Or mushroom sprouts. Or an extra limb.

"I feel a little tired and achy," quips Kaj, "But maybe I'm finally about to get my growth spurt?"

He smiles and heads over to Mikilos, looking him over in case something's happened to him. "Let me have a look...I used to sail with a gnome and his Wand of Wonders..."

Ga'Elian turns suddenly toward Kaj, and with a look of mock alarm says, "Growth spurt? You? Gods help us." He winks.

Mikilos waves vaguely. "It's fine, it's fine. If anything were to happen, it would have done so rapidly. Unbound Positive Energy. Harmless to living beings, but quite dangerous to the undead and some demonic beings." The wizard sighs, and frowns at the marks on the stone. "I just can't aim it worth a darn. Ah well, enough experiments for today. What can I help you all with?" He glances to each of you in turn."

"Wand of Wonders? That sounds ominous." Roselle lets the smoke clear a little, before following Kaj over to Mikilos. "Mind the smoke, Ga'Elian..." She gives her head a quick little shake, setting the rings on her braid clinking again as the long plait of hair swings and she catches it, wrapping it deftly around her neck to keep it out of her way for now. But she can't help a twitch of her mouth at Kaj's assessment of a possible growth spurt. "Not /fair/," she protests, straight-faced. "Can y'transfer that to me instead? I could do with being a lil' taller! --Oh, I'm just accompaying Kaj, Mikilos, but I'm really curious about th'shop so I might poke about an' see what I can find. What do y'sell anyway?"

Kaj places a friendly hand on Mikilos's shoulder, if allowed, smiling down at the Arch Mage. "I'm here for that trinket you made for me, and I hope it has not been an inconvenience to wait on me. I was away for a few."

Ga'Elian chuckles at this. Says, "And I just wanted to see if there might be anything else you need in regards to the improvement of my belt. Besides, your ballroom is one of the more pleasant indoor spaces I've ever beheld. Still, I've seen the dances of Myrrish society, and they're nothing like the tribal gatherings and fey revels I'm used to."

Curiousity and the cat. Or, perhaps, curiousity and the Roselle as well, because the half-Sil is slowly straying around the courtyard, just to look at it, and whatever else might be /in/ it. She does survey the scorch marks on the wall, dark eyes brighter than might be considered safe, and the thoughtful expression that settles over her face isn't exactly /un/fraught with danger. The mention of Kaj's trinket does make her tilt her head however, but Ga'Elian's mention of a ball room and dancing makes her brows loft in what might be surprise, interest, or amusement. "...ballroom?"

Mikilos nods, and waves vaugely to the large double doors set into the mountain. "Ballroom, yes. And a few support rooms, a couple minor shrines, and a hall to the rest of the manor. The shop over here has the main room, the crafting lab, and the library behind it. I mostly sell enchanted weapons, but most any sort of magical item I can create." He turns to Kaj, and nods. "It's in the main shop. The Guild sent word you were away, but didn't know just when you'd be back. We can fetch it quick enough, if you like."

Kaj nods his blue-maned top, "Yes, on the way to the ballroom. I wouldn't want to deprive Ro here of exercising her full curiosity!" He grins.

Roselle blinks slowly at this revelation of /so much space/. "...You have a very large place. I s'ppose it makes sense...if y'building it into a mountain an' all, but...mrrr." The last is an odd little chirring sound that's a mix between a cat's purr, and a just-woken-up-in-the-morning growl. But Kaj's comment makes her laugh, and she comes back from her perambulations to stand beside him, wrinkling her nose and grinning. "I'm not /that/ bad!" she protests good-naturedly. "Jus' place! That's all! But c'mon Kaj, let's go get your item. I'm curious t'look at it, if you'll let me."

Ga'Elian notices the gi-normous sword embedded in the courtyard, and says, "Is that thing... functional?" Then looking at Roselle says, "Madam, in the dwelling of an archmage the thing that impresses you is the size of his home? How delightful. I appreciate your perspective." He grins big, his eyes indicating absolute sincerity.

Mikilos chuckles and heads inside the shop proper, fetching a small wooden box from behind the counter. Nothing fancy, the box, but the amulet inside... well, let the owner show it off. Mikilos leads though the lab, keeping an eye on Rose for what exactly gets poked, though the fairly simple library, and then into the Ballroom.

relocated to A15: Mithralla Merchandise: Ballroom

Roselle gives Ga'Elian a rather strange look. "Well I've never been to a home /this big/," she answers, looking somewhat bemused. "The desert's big, but it's not a mountain hollowed out into a working space an' living area, /plus/ a ballroom too. Besides, Mikilos is my friend. His magic skill's waaaaaay further along than mine ever will be, so it's a given whatever he does is going to be really impressive --" And then she gets /into/ the ballroom and falls quiet, eyes going rather wide. She looks. In fact, she looks a lot, turning her head and taking in the full view of the great space. "...Kaj, /several/ of you could stand on your shoulders and not hit the ceiling."

Kaj laughs, "Well, tall I am but I do not reach the clouds, and not even several of me!" he says, leaving everyone unsure as to whether he's figured out the sky is an illusion or not.

He hasn't opened the box yet, savouring the upcoming moment of enjoying the fruits of his (and Mikilos's!) labours.

Ga'Elian meanders observantly along the wall as if walking under branches at the edge of a clearing in the woods. In fact, as he moves, he seems almost to blend in with the "trees", even as he would in genuine forest, a testament to the fine craftsmanship that went into decorating this space. After a while, he takes up a melody, softly singing an ancient song of arborial bliss in the Mynsandraal tongue.

GAME: Ga'Elian rolls perform/sing: (11)+10: 21

Mikilos grins. "A far cry from having hollowed the mountain. It's a very big mountain. The catacombs of The Monastery are far larger, altogether. I do have rooms further in, but they're small and practical. I'll expand them someday for Family, but that can wait." The elf falls quiet, looking to Ga'Elian in appreciation.

Roselle takes another long look around the great ballroom space. "This really is lovely, Mikilos," she says, turning to the magus with a smile. "It's impressive, every bit of it. I won't ask how long it took, but it's really something. Eluna's eyes! Those trees almost look real." She tilts her head as Ga'Elian begins singing, expression curious. Perhaps she understands it, perhaps she doesn't, but whatever it is, she listens quietly until he's finished, absently leaning on Kaj towards the last few bars of the song because he's tall, and as rock solid as the mountain, and because he's there.

The Sildanyar are, as their long lifespans might betoken, often more concerned with doing things carefully, thoroughly, beautifully, than succinctly. Likewise, the ancient tree ballad extends for a duration beyond the patience of many shorter-lived folks, but sung softly in the masterfully engineered acoustics of this chamber, the music could be a pleasant background, adding an auditory dimension to the already remarkable ambience. When Ga'Elian does reach the song's end, not as long as an epic ballad by any means, he has reached the dais at the far end of the ballroom. He stands and looks around a few moments, then turns and sets off toward the massive room's entrance at a full-out run, and lets loose as a wild creature is wont to do, with a couple feats of acrobatics, clearly showing the utter delight he is experiencing in this space.

GAME: Ga'Elian rolls Acrobatics: (6)+13: 19

Mikilos blinks, and laughs at the antics. "I really do need to use this space more. It's open for the general public to reserve, but very few have actually done so. I keep meaning to organize another formal Ball, but by the time I get around to starting, it's too late to arrange properly."

Roselle's expression turns a triiiifle wary at the mention of Formal Balls. "...That means there's poetry readings, right?" She blinks for a bit as Ga'Elian suddenly turns into a wild circus acrobat-let-loose. "...Well, I guess it's a /good/ space if it makes people happy enough t'go a little crazy," she observes. "I've only been to one formal ball. I don't think I'm likely to ever be invited again t'another one. Not after the Oruch Opera." Oruch. Opera. At a formal Sildanyari ball. Sooome things are best left unasked, really.

Ga'Elian comes to a standing stop near the entrance. He lets out a WHOOP! then, tells his host, "Yep. A nice place here, for sure. It ain't the forest, but it's got enough of the feel of it to invigorate the soul."

Kaj comes out of the trance induced by Ga'Elian's performance. Who knew he was such a Music Appreciation Devotee?

When Ga'Elian does his cartwheelin', Kaj assumes that's what the little people do in ball rooms, so not wanting to be rude, he copies what Ga'Elian did...

GAME: Kaj rolls acrobatics: (20)+13: 33

...With a triple backwards sommersault thrown in.

Mikilos blinks. "....I'm just going to stay here with my feet firmly planted on the stone. Robes are not the sort of thing to be doing flips in, after all." But by that logic he really shouldn't go flying in them either, but that's unlikely to stop.

Roselle bursts out laughing, clapping her hands together. "Oh /well done/ Kaj!" she exclaims, eyes bright. "...I'm not even going t'try that. Halo could probably do it a lot better'n I am, I'll just land on my ass and disgrace m'self. I might be able t'challenge you t'a game of cussing in whatever language y'know in the hopes that a thunderbolt'll hit whatever's irritating us at the time, but otherwise I'm with Mikilos. Staying /right here/." It's unusual to see her smiling so brightly from her normally sardonic, darkly amused expression, but she seems to be /really/ happy at the moment.

Ga'Elian laughs out loud and claps at Kaj's impressive display. In Jotun, he says, "That's AWESOME."

Mikilos quirks a brow and smiles to Roselle. "Well, I do fancy myself an expert in several languages. But perhaps that's an activity saved for another time."

Roselle grins at Mikilos. "That's right, y'do know a lot of languages, I remember," she says thoughtfully. "Doubt I could match up, mind you, but obscenities, I might be able t'score a fair shot with those." As she watches Kaj and Ga'Elian, she tilts her head, looking thoughtful. "Do y'make anything that has blades you could set on fire though?"

Mikilos comsiders. "Well, flaming swords are fairly popular, are several variations." The wizard does indeed have a full range of magical weapons to demonstrate, though that sort of thing is really best done outside.

The half-Sil is very thoughtful for a while, but before she can actually say anything, Mikilos is called off to see to another customer who's arrived to discuss an item. "...Maybe not blade," she says, somewhat absently to no one in particular. "My chain though...ahh well." She finds herself a nearby wall to lean against while waiting for Kaj and Ga'Elian, expression somewhat meditative.

As their host ducks out to attend to other matters, Ga'Elian says, "Kaj, you could probably earn a living as an acrobat on tour with a gnomish circus, unless you scared away the audience, that is." He snickers. He strides over to join Roselle and says, nodding toward the hulking Kaj, "He's a good guy... truly."