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Deity kor.gif

Greater Deity

Symbol: Two Great Axes and Two Greatswords arrayed like a star on a red shield.

Colors: Red and Gold

Alignment: Chaotic Neutral

Celestial Symbol: The Constellation 'Convicted Warlord'

Home Plane: The Battlegrounds

Portfolio: War, Strife, Athletes, Fighters

Domains: Strength, Destruction, War, Chaos

Cleric Alignment: CN, CG, CE, N

Favored Weapon: War Bringer (Greataxe)

Other Names: The Warlord, The Conqueror, The Strife Maker (Myrddion), He Who Delights in Battle, The Warlord, The Conqueror (Dran), The God of Strife, Blood Spiller (Charn), Khor’Dagorlth the Warrior (Orcs), Kor Makar

Kor is among the mightiest of the Powers and for good reason for he is the patron of war and conflict and conflict has touched all corners of Gaea from the near moment of its inception. His origins are said to have been tied to that of Angoron but little precise proof has been found regarding this in even the most ancient of clerical scripture. A fickle god, Kor may favor one side at dawn and the other side at dusk but due to his chaotic ways he will ultimately touch everyone in time. His halls are wrought of iron and within it hang great shields and the armory of the gods. There his vassals engage in the Unending Battle, clashing, shouting and singing great songs of war and valor and victory. He is known in countless cultures as the bringer of war and master of strife. In some lands, such as Dran, he is revered as the highest god and most lands and cultures that have any respect for warfare or battle have him in a high place of honor amongst other Powers that are followed.


Like Kor, his followers believe that war is simply a part of everyday life and that if you're going to do it, you may as well be the best at it. They encourage and promote competition, physical strength, martial ability and battle prowess while also working to end pointless bloodshed and conflicts that are in steady stalemate. Ongoing feuds, conflicts and battles with a lack of forward motion and progress are bound to get Kor's and theirs attention and then receive a push in some fashion so that progress continues. They are not murderers or psychopaths although such do participate in warfare at times.

Clergy and Temples

Kor maintains a solid clergy with churches scattered abroad. Being a god of a very broad area the people who follow him are diverse and as such his practices may differ from land to land. In places like Dran and Stormgarde, he is revered, with numerous shrines and great temples that look more like iron fortresses known as The Proving Grounds exist therein. He does not maintain an actual hierarchy with a central authority within his church and each faction tends to be sovereign entities unto themselves with the belief that they may need to support one side or another in a given battle. For example, The Proving Grounds has produced Warpriests that have equally fought and supported Dran. Clerics of Kor tend to pray for their either just before dawn or just before dusk. On average they tend to appear more like warlords, bodyguards and battle-chaplains than they do anyone's typical vision of a preacher or a priest.

Clerical Vestments

Kor's priests are usually powerful of build and sturdy of mind. They are often well armored and adorned in the colors and weapons of their deity. Many of them wear helms that hide their faces in deference of Kor himself for it is said that the face of War is terrible to look upon and cows even his fellow gods. In Dran, the greatest temple is in Kult the capital city. This is the largest known structure dedicated to Kor in the world. A great iron and stone fortress, these Proving Grounds are also the training grounds for Dran Juggernauts.


Kor’s appearances are as varied as the cultures that he exists in. The most traditional view of him, which appears in his temples, is that of a powerfully built and gigantic warrior armored in gold with fresh scars and cuts upon his body. A great helm shields his face and hides his expression save for great red eyes and his mouth. It is said that none, not even other gods, can look upon the face of war fully revealed and as a result he practically embodies intimidation as do his priests who mirror his appearance with similar armor and helm designs. His great axe and a wide assortment of weapons are always near. The other form of Kor is that of The Herald. This is a great four-legged construct like titan wielding a mighty greatsword fused into one arm and a massive shield in the other. This behemoth is almost mechanical in appearance, a creature of full armor and staggering size of colossal scale. As The Herald, Kor thunders onto battlefields across innumerable planes, ending ongoing battles in a fell stroke that leaves no side the winner.