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Stirling Liked Chrome a Little Too Much...

It turned him into a unicorn!!

Rui lensflare.png

But not just ANY unicorn...

Rui chrome.jpg

A unicorn from the FUTURE...

Rui future.jpg


World heart.gif

...only to get distracted by delicious, delicious burritos:


...and got distracted again:

Mobius gears.jpg

...and kinda let out a big fart after eating the delicious, delicious burritos, and let the whole thing explode:

Sparkle blue.jpg

...and that is when we all married him off to Tatyannah, in hopes she would be a good, upright, and honest influence.

(Someday, Stirling will learn to edit the wiki and delete all of this. Until then...1 RPP to anyone who adds to Stirling's sad, sad story by adding images and text to this page! (make sure and @mail me about it - Lah))