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The Cavalier
Common Roles Adventurer, mercenary, military scholar, temple guard
Common Races Arvek Nar, Khazad-Mornir, Humans (especially the Myrrish), Oruch, Half-orcs
Influencial Faiths Angoron, Daeus, Althea, Serriel, Kor
Common Organizations The cavalier was crafted from ancient Myrrish traditions, and soon spread world-wide. Many cavalier orders can trace their ancestry to the orders of the Kingdom.
PRD Entry PRD Entry

Coming soon!

The Cavalier Orders

The below orders were the original, founding orders. Since then, the tradition has spread across Ea. PCs are not restricted to the ones below, though all modern orders may trace their roots to these.

The Cavalier Orders
Order PRD Name Description

Additional Options

Starting Kits