Understanding Grappling

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This tutorial covers how to handle a grapple, both from the perspective of being grappled and if you're the person doing the grappling. Credits for this content go to Pyroclasm, with a big thanks for all the time and effort he put into this!

What the Grappled Condition Does

Before starting, there are three conditions to consider:

Grappled: During a grapple, both parties gain this condition. That is:

  • they each cannot move (outside of the grapple)
  • they each take a -4 to Dex
  • they each take -2 to all attack and CMB checks except to grapple or escape a grapple
  • they each cannot take any action that requires two hands, can't take AoOs, can't use stealth (but if they do become invisible, they gain +2 to CMD against the grapple).

Pinned: Pinned is a condition that be inflicted in a grapple, and is a worse version of "grappled." A creature under this condition has no movement, is considered flat-footed, takes an additional -4 to AC, and may use no spell (or spell-like ability) with S or M components

Multiple Creatures: Multiple creatures can aid grappling or aid breaking free with Aid Another. Each success contributes to the CMB roll.

How to Grapple

To grapple, follow these steps. Be sure you understand the above conditions, however, before proceeding.

1. Do you have improved grapple?

N -- eat an AoO
Y -- proceed

2. Are both hands free?

N -- roll at -4
Y -- proceed

3. Roll your CMB vs the target's CMD.

4. If successful, both of you gain the grappled condition, but only the grappler can let go as a free action.

To Continue the Grapple

Make a new check each round to maintain your hold--if the opponent doesn't break free, you get a +5 circumstance bonus to the roll.

While you maintain your hold, you can:

A) Move both of you at up to 1/2 your speed--if you move someone somewhere dangerous (like a wall of fire or off a cliff), they get a free chance to break free at +4.
B) Do damage, lethal or non-lethal, equal to:
i) an unarmed strike
ii) a natural attack; or,
iii) armor spikes or a light or one-handed weapon
C) Pin -- give opponent the pinned condition, at the cost of your Dex bonus to AC
D) Tie-up (if opponent is pinned (roll at -10), otherwise restrained, or unconscious) with rope -- Escape DC = 20 + your CMB.

If You are Grappled

If you're grappled, you can try to break free as a standard action by:

A) rolling CMB vs CMD; or,
B) rolling Escape Artist against a DC equal to the opponent's CMD

If this succeeds, you can:

A) Break free and act normally;
B) Become the grappler; or,
C) Take any one-handed action (attack any target w/in your reach with a light or one-handed weapon)
D) Cast a spell (though instead of a CMD check, this is a Concentration check with a higher DC (DC 10 + grappler's CMB + spell level). If this check is failed, you lose the spell.

If you are grappled, you may not take AoOs. If you become invisible, you gain a +2 circumstance bonus on CMD to avoid being grappled, but receive no other benefit.

Spellcasting, Spell-Like Abilities, and Grappling

If you want to cast a spell or use a spell-like ability, you can only cast ones without S components, and with M components already in hand (unless you're pinned); also, you need to roll a Concentration check with a DC = 10 + grappler's CMB + spell level