Red Pothy and Totem Talk

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  • Title: Red Pothy and Totem Talk
  • Emitter: Ravenstongue
  • Place: Ravenstongue and Telamon's house

Lúpecyll-Atlon house, afternoon.

It's warm on this late Bernfleur day here in the University District, but it's accompanied by the cool breeze and the pleasant thrum of spring well underway. Which is something that the lady of the house has taken advantage of, as Cor'lana's walking back up the road to her house with a wicker basket filled to the brim with all manner of snacks and goodies.

One of which Pothy has right now in his beak. He's hanging from her shoulder and there's a little line of something that appears to be some sort of candied treat hanging from his beak--which he smoothly gobbles up. "Snacks," he says happily.

"You're a happy bird, I know, Pothy," Cor'lana says with a wide grin as she walks up to her front door, reaching into a bag on her belt to find the keys. "Let's go get this all inside."

It was a solitary Ous that made his way along the street today. Dog wasn't in sight at the moment, off doing Dog things. Apparently the ranger had made a stop at the TarRaCe before making his way here, as his beard and hair had been cleaned and brushed. The usual wild mane and mass of facial hair having been tamed somewhat, the mid-shoulder length locks having been pulled back into a tight braid. Even the elk hide and wolf pelt armor had been cleaned and brushed. The hair of the garment looking as neat as possible and criss-crossed with a pair of new bandoliers. The throwing axes usually tucked behind his back on his belt suspended from the straps of leather. Even the axes had been cleaned and polished. His usual woodsy and tobacco scent replaced with a hint of musky cologne that made the large Aesir born ranger wrinkle his nose from time to time.

The rest of his ensemble had been stepped up a pace as well. Clean grey woolen pants instead of the usual buckskin pants. The boots were the same though. He only had one pair and they were comfortable. Clutched tightly in Ous' right hand was what could be considered a bouquet. Certainly there were flowers in there. Likely only by coincidence. The sampling of plants in his hand representative of most of the medicinal herbs in the area of Alexandria proper.

Approaching the residence of Cor'lana and Telamon, Ous spies the lady of the house as she's about to go in the front door, clearing his throat to announce his presence before approaching. He'd seen the yard the other day, he was reasonably sure that it hadn't been a cooking fire that had done the damage.

The clearing of the throat draws Cor'lana's attention over to the man holding a rather strange bouquet. She tilts her head a little before she recognizes him more clearly and offers him a small smile. "Ous, was it? It took me a moment to recognize you. You look different from last time!"

She abandons reaching for her keys for the moment and turns more fully to face the man. "How are you today? I trust all is well?"

Pothy, meanwhile, spies those flowers and herbs in Ous's hand. He looks up at how Ous has cleaned himself up. He stares. "A suitor?" he asks, in the voice of an old woman--teasingly, very teasingly. That draws a look from Cor'lana that could cut like a knife in Pothy's direction.

Nodding to Cor'lana, Ous offers a slight smile from inside the beard. Stepping forward as he does so. "Aye'm doing well Ma'am. aye was 'hopin' tha' ye might be able tae answer some questions fer me."

Looking to Pothy, the ranger looks down at his clothing and shakes his head, a hint of confusion ringing in his tone. "Nae? Aye'm a merc'n'ry mostly. Aye 'ad a suiter clean up me ar-mor some though. 'e steamed it an' cleaned up the hides nice." Stopping at a respectful pace, Ous offers the 'bouquet' to Cor'lana. "Aye'm tol' it's'm tol' it's good tae bring a gift fer people when ye come tae their houses. Aye gathered as many herbs as aye could find." there's a pause for a moment before he adds. "Nae lemon weed though. S'nae been a good season fer Lemon weed."

There's other foot traffic in the area behind Ous, and Lana will recognize the figure at once. Dolan is minus his armor, only a high-collar shirt and a sleeveless sheepskin jacket that, without the armor, is just a touch big today. The soft leather cuff over his let shoulder is very much in evidence, but only the longsword at his hip today. He has hefted over his right shoulder a plain leather haversack, though, and in his other hand is a covered basket of - something. Something that will draw Pothy's nose from a mile off.

Cor'lana tilts her head again in confusion, even as Pothy makes a series of noises that sounds like snickering. "Oh!" she finally says after a moment, offering Ous a small and bashful smile. "Thank you very much. That's very thoughtful of you, but you don't have to?"

Pothy, however. He has a different opinion on that entirely as he sees Dolan approaching. His eyes go straight for that basket, and he launches from Cor'lana's shoulder with a happy cry (mimicked from Cor'lana) of "Dolan!" The white-feathered bird lands on Dolan's arm, his tail wagging up and down.

"Dolan, hello to you, too!" Cor'lana greets, before looking back at Ous. "It seems I ought to invite both of you inside, then. One moment." She fishes out her keys and unlocks the door, opening it and keeping it wide for the two men to step through.

Turning to nod to Dolan with a grin, Ous nods. "'Lo Do-lan." Standing aside so he's not blocking the conversation, the ranger nods to Cor'lana once more. "Aye didnae 'ave tae. but it are Aye've been tol' tha Aye could use some civililizizin?" As Cor'lana unlocks the door, the big aesir nods to Dolan and motions him to lead the way. "After ye mis-ter."

"Ous, brightest of days! Almost didn't recognize you, you know." Real approval colors Dolan's tone, but he carefully reaches to lift Pothy off of that arm and onto his right hand, the haversack let go of. It will be fine for the moment. "Over here, Pothy. Brightest of days to you, too, Lana. Thought Pothy might enjoy these." From the grin he wears, he expects he will, too. "I brought enough to keep Pothy happy, which means there's enough for all of us and then some." He turns his whole face to grin at Ous before preceding him inside.

Once inside, he sets the haversack and his weapon belt down by the door and shifts the basket to his other hand, shifting Pothy as necessary in the process.

Pothy allows himself to be shifted, and thankfully, he is quite a light bird. Once all are inside the house, he starts speaking with his proper voice. "I'll share, I promise!" he says, tail wagging happily. "I'm sorry I flew right to you, I just get so excited when you come over."

"He's like a little puppy sometimes," Cor'lana says with a grin, locking up behind Ous and Dolan. Given her enemies, she has to. "Let me go put some tea on; make yourselves comfortable in the living room, yes? And Ous--it's safe to talk now, so you can ask anything you'd like."

following the others in, Ous pauses at the door, watching Dolan, the ranger begins to denude himself of weaponry. The axes are neatly lined up against the wall near the door, 4 in total, grappling hook at his waist is unhooked from a length of spidersilk rope, the rope unwound from his waist and coiled once more to be placed with the axes. Considering for a moment, he nods, then removes the quiver of arrows and bow from his back, setting that aside as well. Looking at his gear, Ous considers for a moment, then nods with finality as he mumbles "Tha's all what's pokey anywa's" Looking back to Dolan, the ranger nods once more. "Thanks Do-lan. they does a good job at th' Baths."

Once given to go ahead by Cor'lana, Ous reaches into his armor and pulls out a small Statue of Gilead. Looking at it, he adds. "Aye were wonderin' about these things. Aye've bled on th' thing, an' th' nightmares stopped, but ye mentioned there was other things they does. Aye'm no a fan of carryin' tolls Aye dinnae know the use of."

"I'm glad to see you too, Pothy. I don't mind." Once divested of everything but the basket, Dolan leans over to Pothy, mutters something, then grins at Ous' divestiture, the quirk spreading across the mobile half of his features and tugging at the scars. "Oh, I just do it so I don't mess up her furniture and I'm not carrying all this stuff, yeah?" He nods soberly at the locking of the door, then turns and carries basket and bird into the main room. "Oh, you came to ask about the totems? Lana knows how to use 'em, I'll let her explain, but I'm pretty familiar, too. It's a good question, glad you asked."

"I've explained before when Ous was here last," Cor'lana says as she ducks into the kitchen. "About the totems, that is. But using them is... complicated. Because they are objects that are tied to the Nightmare, but can be used by people when they are dreaming. Do you remember that bit from the last time we spoke?"

There's a couple of small noises from the kitchen and then Cor'lana emerges again into the living room. "I'm sure my garden pixies are happy for all the care you take, Brydion," she says with a soft smile at Dolan. "After all, they went through quite a lot of effort to grow all of the vines around the chairs and furniture. I didn't ask them, mind you, but the fae will do as they please." The smile turns into a little smirk.

"The pixies aren't very good at playing cards," Pothy informs Dolan. "I beat them all the time. Can I see the snack?"

"I can take that basket off you, Dolan," Cor'lana offers. "It sounds like both you and I should answer questions about the totem, anyway."

Nodding again to Dolan, Ous shrugs. "It seems like a good practice. One good sneeze in 'ere wit' all me gear on, and Aye'd wreck stuff worth more'n Aye've earned in me lifetime. Plus there's little fairies about th' place an Aye'm nu sure tha' they wouldn't turn me intae a mouse or someat if Aye were tae knick th' furniture." Looking back to the totem, Ous nods. "Aye thought it might be th' sort o thing that ye should be askin about oc-ult an' magical forces when carryin objects soaked in sort of th' magical juices if ye know what Aye mean?" Ous hoped Dolan knew what he meant, he wasn't sure that he did, so it would be good if someone did. Looking back to the door, Ous adds. "If ye're worried about people comin' intae yer 'home Cor'lana, if he stick a knife through th' door jammmie an presses it against th' latch, it cannae be opened from th' outside an' there's nae lock tae pick. Unless they kicks th' door in, but that's a diff'rent kettle of eels anywa's"

Looking to Cor'lana Ous nods. "Aye remembers it. Dinnae know what it means, but aye remember yer sayin them words. Well, Aye remembers Totem, an dreamin' an bein' used by people while dreamin' No going tae lie an say tha' Aye understood sll of it, or, half of it. maybe a smaller bit than half."

"'Course." Dolan hands off the basket to Lana, opening the cover as he does so, then wanders over to take a seat near the hearth. "Yeah, I don't like having weapons on in anybody's house. Mama used to get after me." He leans back, chuckling, seeming to be in a relatively good mood.

Inside the basket are a number of small triangular bits of a flaky pastry dough. A bite will find that some have honey inside, and some some form of strawberry preserves. He watches the basket without comment, but turns his attention instead to the topic at hand. "Maybe we'd better start by telling him what exactly those things are." The smile has vanished at the words. "You'll remember that the Gods of Light and Darkness got together and decided they needed to chain Caracoroth the Nightmare before he destroyed all of creation, yeah? Well, these totems are his chains. There's thirteen of 'em, one for each. They're native to the Dream, so they obviously affect the Dream more strongly than they do here, because that's where the Nightmare is chained, in the Dream. The reason why you needed to bleed on it to make the nightmares stop is that you had to attune it to yourself, otherwise the Nightmare controls what it does to some degree."

Cor'lana nods. "That part, I had explained as well, but it very much bears repeating," she says. "The totems are most powerful when you are in the dream. It takes... some effort, and some practice, but you know how in dreams, occasionally you can realize that you're dreaming? And that you can do anything in it? The totems help make that a reality--except it's a form of weapon against those who serve the Nightmare."

She goes to place the contents of the basket onto the table, where Pothy hops over and diligently begins to take a pastry treat. His tail is already wagging a mile a minute for the happy thing he's been given. "Thank you, Dolan!" he says--albeit with his mouth full of pastry.

Nodding to Dolan, Ous turns his eyes towards the ceiling as the inquisitor speaks. Trying to memorize what he can of the explanation. "Aye get that. It makes sense." Reaching up to scratch his chin under the thick beard, he adds "aye dinnae like th' sweet water tha' them inside th' walls use. Aye cinnae smell anythin' but it."

Looking back to Cor'lana once more, the ranger nods. "aye think they calls it Lu-cid dreamin'." there's another pause before he adds. "Ye're sayin; Aye can scrap wit' th' servants of th' nightmare in me sleep?"

Dolan's laughter at Pothy's appreciation is short-lived, for there is a larger topic at hand, and he turns his attention back to Ous. "Yeah. You can. They can also come find you, so be careful. If you want, I can show you how it works in the Dream," he offers. "The one thing about that is that it follows and manifests your thoughts when you're in the Dream, so if you're thinking about something bad, it'll manifest that. You've got to be pretty careful what you think about when you're dreaming with it." He gestures with one hand, an open palm. "Your dreams are going to be pretty vivid for as long as you sleep with it, but you can control them and stop them from being bad ones, yeah? These things make lucid dreaming easier."

"They can, indeed, come find you," Cor'lana adds. "They've found Telamon and I before in the dream. It took significant power to get away and come back safely. What happens in the dream can have lasting effects in reality."

She pats Pothy as the bird snacks on the pastry, stroking his feathers. "I have very nearly killed two people in the dream," she says. "One fended me off with his power. The other... simply was not allowed to die, I think. I am still not exactly certain of what I saw. Which is why I suggest handling the totem as carefully as you can."

Nodding quietly as he listens to the pair, Ous frowns, leaning a shoulder against the wall, the ranger seems to be considering things for a long moment. "Do ye need tae be a magical type tae be doin' this stuff? Aye mean, Aye know it may come as a bit of a surprise tae ye pair, but aye'm no so good on the book learnin' stuff an Aye dinnae know much by way of magical things."

Now Dolan's laughter is open. "You think I'm a wizard? Ous, I'm a farm kid who just happens to do the work of the gods. Sure, I've learned how to call on Him, a little, and I'm getting better at it." A warm and reverent note suffuses his tone. "I read shit that helps me do my job, because knowledge is a weapon in its own right. I ain't no wizard. It ain't about who you think you are. It's about whether you're willing to try."

Cor'lana can't help but smile just from hearing Dolan's open laughter. "It's true. It doesn't require any sort of magic capability at all. It's only about willpower and applying it. Like you would in a dream when you realize that you are dreaming."

Pothy looks up from his now-finished pastry treat. He has red strawberry mush all over his beak now. "These are really yummy, Dolan," he says.

"Apparently he's turning red today," Cor'lana says with a little smirk, before looking back at Ous. "Does that help any? Relieve any concerns?"

Looking at Dolan, Ous tilts his head slightly, regarding the man with Bright emerald eyes for a moment before he says "Nae Shi..." Remembering where he was and that he was trying to be in poilte company, he ammends that to "Nae kidding? Well Aye've ne'er been one tae be worried about tryin' Aye'll try anythin' once. twice if it's fun." There's another pause before he adds. "Except rat farmin' aye'll ne'er try rat farmin' or dragon breedin' Well? ok maybe dragon breedin' Well th' raising 'em part, no th' actual breedin' part..." the ranger's voice trails off once more before he nods once more. "tha' got away from me a bit, an Aye apologize. Aye'm no scared tae try, an' yes, it do take awa' some o me concerns. Is there like a training course fer these things? or dae ye just stick it under yer pillow an' go tae sleep wit' a knife 'btween yer teeth?

"Ous, if you're afraid to swear in front of me, you've got to meet my intended. I've heard every word there is and said most of 'em." Those who know Dolan well will know this to be quite true. "Least in trade. Not sure it's possible to swear in sil. I should learn oruch." His expression is open, easy, and relaxed, and he grins anew at Pothy. "They are? Glad to get the assessment. Mind bringing me one?"

He turns back to Ous, though, at the question about a training course. "No need for the knife. You can sleep in whatever, just have it in the bed with you or under the pillow. If you need a weapon, think about it and it'll be in your hand. Usually the best way to explain is to meet you in the Dream and show you. Gotta warn you, though. You might see some not-nice shit."

"It's true. Dolan could meet with you in the dream, and I can, as well," Cor'lana says. "Anyone with a totem can meet you in the dream, really. It seems to be easier to find each other with only the merest of thoughts or the smallest of steps there."

Pothy happily plucks one and brings it over to Dolan, handing it over to him. He looks up expectantly at Ous. "You have one too!" he demands. "I'll get Lana to eat one in a moment." Blue eyes stare at her.

She's easily won over. Cor'lana smirks a little as she takes one of the treats. "Don't live your life in terror--just know that you have an important responsibility and to keep it safe, is my advice," Cor'lana says. "They are tools. Great assets when used properly."

Nodding once more as he considers things, Ous scratches his chin once more. apparently it was his thinking face. "Aye've been tol' tha' Aye should try tae be more refined an not tae swear in fron' o ladies. It was worth an eff-ort in any case." still thinking the big ranger finally nods. "Aye think Aye'd give it a try. Training sort of thing. Aye dinnae like th' idea of meetin' wit th' enemy on their terms and no knowing what tae expect. It dinnae make me effective. No nice stuff dinnae bother me. Aye've been a skirmisher since Aye were a lad. Me first battle were when Aye were...uhm...probably 12, maybe?"

Looking at Pothy, Ous reaches down and grabs one of the pastries, sniffing it more out of habit than anything, the big aesir takes a bit and nods. "s'good!"

"So - who told you all this? Because I probably need to unlace their corset a few notches." Dolan shakes his head, but takes the pastry and bites down into it. "Mmmph. These are good." It's probably a good thing for the Corona that he works as hard as he does, or he'd go to seed quickly with his love of pastries. "Anyway, yeah, I'll come find you in the Dream tonight. Lana, you want to come too? Tel's welcome if he's not up all night in that observatory." Monch monch.

Cor'lana laughs a little. "You don't need to worry about acting a certain way in front of me," she says to Ous. "This is a house where I want people to be their true selves. To be able to express themselves freely. I may look a lady, and while the garden pixies call me Lady Lúpecyll-Atlon--and I have tried to ask them to use anything else--they have refused. If only out of fear for Grandfather."

She looks to Dolan. "I'd be happy to come along," she says. "I will make the needed preparations. Telamon may or may not be there, as, well, you know about his dealings at the Shining Chalice. I have no appetite to be at that club, but, well, you know Telamon. Social one that he is, he loves being there." A fond smile finds her face.

Finishing the pastry, Ous nods as he looks between the 2 once more. At Dolan's question, the ranger shrugs. "Lady by name o' Ruby. She's a bartender down tae th' Ox. Kind of give me an earfull 'cause Aye may or may no 'ave bit th' nose off a bastard what tried tae swing on me th' other night. Tol' me Aye needs tae be more Civilililized when Aye'm in th' city, an tol' me a bunch of rules like No swearin' in fron' of th' ladies, an' bring a gift when ye visits a person's 'ome, an don' bite body parts off people even if they is barstards."

Looking between the pair again, he adds. "Ok. Aye've got some things Aye needs tae do, and Aye've taken enough o both yer times fer th' day, but Aye would appreciate ye lot meetin' up wit' me in there. Let me know when works for ye, an Aye'll be sure tae be ready. An' thanks fer the pastries."

"There's a long stretch between biting someone's nose off and going stuffed shirt," Dolan replies, finishing off his pastry. "Don't do the first, yeah? If they're in the Ox, they probably taste bad anyway because they haven't bathed in who knows how long. I should be going, too, although it was good to see both of you. Lana, remind me - something happened the other day that you and Tel need to know about." Something in his tone says later.

The Ox remark gets a grin going on Cor'lana's face. "Dolan's right. I've only ever been in that place once, and what happened there got out of control very, very quickly."

Pothy just stares at Cor'lana for a long moment. He actually opens his bird-beak to say something. But he looks at Dolan and... wisely, he refrains. "Thank you for bringing the pastries, Dolan," he says sweetly instead.

Cor'lana nods in firm agreement with that. "If the both of you are headed out, I can see both of you to the door," she says with a small smile. To Dolan specifically, she nods and adds, "We'll speak soon."

Looking around once more, Ous begins to coil the rope around his waist and belt. Wrapping the long strand of cord as someone that has doin it countless times, he hooks the small grappling hook in the end back into the rope, fastening it in place before the ranger begins replacing his axes on his person. "I'm nae saying Aye did bite 'is nose off. but if Aye had, it wouldnae 'ave been me first choice. Aye mean, If Aye were tae do such a thing, it would probably be because me hands was full, an' 'e were wearin' a helmet, so the ol' Alexandrian hello wouldnae work."

Moving towards the door, he adds. "Aye dinnae mind th' Ox. Aye usually has me meals there when Aye am in town. It's got kind of a homey feel tae it."