The Fighting Pit

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Log Info

  • Title: The Fighting Pit
  • Place: Hidden Fighting Pit
  • Summary: A group travels to a hidden fighting pit in order to discover more about those smuggling beasts out of Am'shere and their purposes.

Not long ago, a group of Adventurers had been hired to investigate a strange occurrence near the Am'shere portal. Once there, they were beset by monsters clearly from the Sith-Makar lands. The only survivor, barely, had been brought back to Alexandria and questioned to discover that he was a smuggler, recruited to bring the monsters to an underground fighting ring.

Armed with that information, and a secret 'passphrase', a group has decided to investigate the location that the smuggler was meant to drop off his cart full of ill-gotten creatures. Upon arriving, it's easy to see how this place has gone unnoticed. It is within a long abandoned building, outside the protections of the city, obscured from sight by overgrowth. The only signs of habitation are horses tied up outside, and multiple deep furrows from cart tracks.

Once they reach the entrance, they are greeted by a pair of bouncers who are quick to demand the 'passphrase'. Thankfully they have it and are then allowed inside.

The area looks to be cobbled together from what remains of the damaged building, with crumbling walls in places and a general open-air feeling. There is a bar along the left side of the chamber, made out of crude bits of wood that are warped from the weather, stools along it made from barrels. A half-sil woman serves alcoholic beverages while a goblin seems to be offering more illicit substances. To the right, there appears to be an area laid out with a variety of questionable products sold by a man with an eye-patch.

There is a small game of cards being played at one of the tables, a bookie seems to be going over paperwork at another. Near the back of the chamber, there is a simple pit, but it seems to be empty, showing only bloodstains. An angry looking Khazadi individual seems to be finishing an argument with a person standing near the entrance to the pits, then stomps off towards the bar.

The place has a feeling of just being... empty. There's room for plenty of people here, but it seems that without fights actively running, there aren't very many patrons in attendance. All that seems to remain are these weary few. Oh, and a guy vomiting loudly in the corner.