How to Make a Character Page

From Tenebrae
Revision as of 06:38, 24 September 2010 by MediaWiki default (talk | contribs)
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Step One: Login

In order to make a page, you will need to be logged in with your forum ID. To login to the wiki, use your forum username and password. If you can't seem to login, check to be sure you can login to the forums, as your account may not have been approved yet (check: did you apply with your character name so we know who you are?). If you can log into the forums, try clearing your cache or changing your forum password. If neither of these work, please page Lolth, our serverwiz.

Step Two: Make a Link to the Page

To make a character page, you will first make a link to the page. This is the way wikis work--it prevents "lost" or unlinked pages. What this means is that the first thing we will do is make a link on Character Pages. If you are logged in, you will see an [edit] button on that page. Click on the edit button that's nearest the letter associated with your character's name (such as A for Agril). This will take you to the wiki page editor.

Once you have clicked edit, you will type in your character's name like this: [[My Character's Name]]. Now, save and exit the editor.

Step Three: Create the Page

Now Character Pages will have your character's name in it in red. Click on this link. This will create the page for your character.

You can put anything on this page that you wish, so long as it's related to your character. You may even upload an image, share part of their backstory, and so forth.

Before exiting the editor, be sure and include [[Category: Player]] at the bottom of your page. Alternately, you can use the Add Categories dropdown that will show up when you're in editing mode.

This keeps the page editable. If you forget, don't worry too much--just page staff, and we'll fix it.