Template:OrgBlock MorduzumiteInquisition

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Org localized.png Morduzumite InquisitionOrg blank.png Associated Characters
Common: Reosian, Elunan, Cleric, Artificer, Inquisitor, Ranger Locations: Alexandria (A14)
A Daeusite group focused on uncovering and eradicating demonic cults across Ea.
Freshly formed in light of the revelation of a new passage to the ancient Khazad kingdom of Morduzum, the Morduzumite Inquisition is led by a council. Its membership is a collection of artificers, priests, and trusted adventurers meant not only to monitor the flow of traffic from the surface into the ruins, but help the Reosian priesthood in sanitizing of any technology or artifacts brought up from the depths. They also provide reporting to the local Council and Watch of the beneath activities. Politically speaking, a minor ambassador from Dun Mordin sits the council, though many Alexandrians view this as an unwelcome incursion.


RPP-Related Skills: Craft/Artifice, Knowledge/History, Knowledge/Religion, Knowledge/Dungeoneering, Knowledge/Geography, Spellcraft, Sense Motive