Iron Book: A Primer on Demons and Devils

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Demonic Basics

"Say what you will about the devils, but at least they have their reasons. You can make a bargain with a devil if you're stupid, and arrogant enough. He may think about keeping it, if he cannot twist it around, and such a creature has had thousands of years to practice. Demons, on the other hand...they're like mad dogs. Sloppy, drooling, and dangerous. Few aspirations beyond their impulses. They're the worst of us reborn."

Unknown Demon Hunter
  • Demons come from Taara's Abyss, though they are ultimately under Maugrim's boot.
  • Some demons are capable of possessing mortals, and through these vessels, demons are able to wreck havoc on Ea.
  • Demons are chaotic and evil to the core. They are the embodiments of moral, mental, and physical corruption.
  • Demons spawn from the sinful souls of chaotic beings, or are a conglomeration of such. The sins of the mortal (or mortals) influence the nature and potential of the creature it may become.
  • Demons are often summoned by demon-worshipping cults. Such cults are usually reviled by more 'civilized' cultists, and usually operate in secret.
  • Demons lack a concept of mercy.

Devilish Basics

  • Demons come from the Iron Hells, and though they are ultimately under Maugrim's boot, Taara is brazen enough to make free with them.
  • Some devils are capable of possessing mortals, and through these vessels, are able to wreck havoc on Ea.
  • Devils are lawful and evil to the core. They are the embodiments of tyranny and corruption, after their master, Maugrim.
  • Devils spawn from the sinful souls of evil beings, or are a conglomeration of such. The sins of the mortal (or mortals) influence the nature and potential of the creature it may become.
  • Devils are often summoned by ambitious mages, haughty in their intelligence and pride, as well as cults. Such cults are usually reviled by more 'civilized' cultists, and usually operate in secret.
  • Devilish cults are usually more organized, and dangerous, than a demon cult.
  • Devils lack a concept of mercy.