Oasis 3: Jack's Quest

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So! The DESERT. Master Jack of Clan Ahl has given you a gift. A gift of spices and oils so divine that they can't help but win a lady's heart. Or please the ego of a dragon, who'd asked for the gift in the first place.

But, 'just this one thing,' said Jack, with a flick of a raven-sharp brow, and he'd give you a gift to pass on that would win hearts and minds alike. That would, he added slyly, bring even a duchess to tears.

That remains to be seen. What is seen however, is that it is nearing dusk. You're outside, past the canvanserai wall and its protection. There's a rest-shed near the lake, and you're sitting there, hidden from the last rays of sunlight.

It is time for plans to take fruit.


<OOC> Beaglefinder says, "So that is where we are. :3 I just wanted to set the tone, so don't worry for posing yet. First, some results from the legwork: your detect undead did not pinpoint a person so much as it did lingering auras, near the Kamila tent, as well as the graveyard."

<OOC> Beaglefinder says, "Now, where do we go? The plans so far as I understand them, would be to sneak into her tent, and screw with her accounting. That is doable! If you'd like to do that, I'll ask you about precautions and methods, we'll make whatever rolls we need to, then work through the results."

<OOC> Beaglefinder says, "If instead, you'd like to do something else, we can do that. Or, you might decide to do something else after examining her ledgers. Obviously, we can't get TOO far tonight, with folks missing, but I would like to do what we can. :3"

<OOC> Sasha lets Kisa take the lead.

<OOC> Kisaiya takes off the breastplate, rubs hands together, "Ye-e-e-e-es-s-s-s." grins, "I think I'd like to, but it was just my firs tthoughts on it. If you have any others, by all means."

<OOC> Beaglefinder says, "Ok. How would y'all like to approach it? :3"

<OOC> Beaglefinder says, "Sasha, you might have some spells that'd help. ^^;"

<OOC> Sasha does.

Alba has connected.

<OOC> Beaglefinder says, "Ok. Then please work out your plans between you, and let me know. We'll roll what needs done, and RP from--heya, Alba!"

<OOC> Beaglefinder says, "Alba, let me page you where we are at. :3"

<OOC> Beaglefinder says, "Feel free to use LahCHan if you like. :3"

[LahChan] Alba says, "Silence is golden! XD"

[LahChan] Alba says, "Also, I have the Prying Eyes spell, which will help scout out the area?"

<OOC> Sasha says, "and Silence will only last for 7 rounds."

[LahChan] Kisaiya says, "That is an AWESOME idea!"

[LahChan] Beaglefinder says, "Jack did strongly hint she's undead, so y'all know that. You also know her tent is closest to the graveyards, and that the hyenas showed up shortly thereafter."

<OOC> Beaglefinder says, "So, making sure I understand what's going on so far: y'all are planning to use Silence (and perhaps other means) to sneak into her tent, and examine (perhaps alter) documents. Alba will be using her Eyes spell before|after?"

<OOC> Beaglefinder says, "Not pushing, just making sure I grok at least the outline. I'm expecting y'all to adapt/flesh out as you go. Or I might be completely off-base. ^^;"

<OOC> Alba says, "The problem with the Eyes is, they don't tell us anything until after they come back to report."

<OOC> Beaglefinder says, "Ok."

<OOC> Kisaiya says, "Before, to scout ahead, as far as I understand and that is so far the plan. With Kisa probably heading in first-ish?"

<OOC> Beaglefinder says, "Ok. So, you're doing this to scout ahead then?"

<OOC> Alba says, "That's my thought, yeah."

<OOC> Beaglefinder may be wrong, here. It'd be equally fun to have them roving overnight one night. And ok. :3

<OOC> Beaglefinder rubs hands together. :3

<OOC> Alba says, "Sec..."

<OOC> Alba does the advance thing, then. :3

GAME: Alba refreshes spells.

GAME: Alba casts Prying Eyes. Caster Level: 10 DC: 20

GAME: Alba rolls 1d4: (2): 2

<OOC> Alba gets an even dozen. XD

<OOC> Alba says, "And they have their own Perception and Stealth scores."

<OOC> Beaglefinder rar. Can you tell me what those are, please?

<OOC> Alba says, "Perception: +10, Stealth: +16"

<OOC> Alba will only be sinding two off, and their instructions will be 'Enter this tent. Stay high. Look at all that is below you, and return.'

<OOC> Beaglefinder says, "Alright. I'll pose what the eyes see, and then y'all react/talk. Then we'll figure out bonuses for sneak. :) We'll be using the optional sneak rules, where the first person can create a buffer for the second one, and so on. ^^; I haven't gotten to run those yet, so you'll have to tell me if you like them or not."

So. After looking around, and working with Arubesh to call upon his goddess' divine senses, you return to camp, and to relax at Jack's tent. Its scent-filled interior is reminiscent of his spice-and-tea wares. The sand floor is warm, and the monk is light of foot, and doesn't trouble you. Now and then, though, he comes by to offer Sasha water. For some reason.

Alba probably guesses, but will she say anything?

So, the Eyes go out. In the meantime there's tea and light fare. Everything according to Veyshan custom.

And that mysterious water. Given to Sasha. For some reason.

...then, the eyes return.

<OOC> Beaglefinder has some long pages for Alba, here. Ged, I'll include you. :3 This is longer than I usually do, but the Eyes were gone for some time. ^^;

You paged (Alba, Gedryn) with '...so the Eyes are out for some time. I'm going to say your hours are a little off-kilter here, with you sleeping during the hottest part of the day still. The sun beats down--as Alba watches, she can imagine the heat in the middle of the desert beating down, as it had years ago. Some things you know, never change.'

You paged (Alba, Gedryn) with 'However. At the exterior, she sees hyenas wandering. They circle, distracted and predatory just-past-view of the camp. They move in and out of the woods.'

You paged (Alba, Gedryn) with 'Close on their tail, are darker, leaner figures. Just the hint of one, but Alba gets the sense that their party isn't the only ones watching the hyenas. However, she's smart. Very smart, and it will not take her long to guess that the darker, leaner figures appear when Jack goes out to fetch Sasha more of the Oasis' sweet water. Oh, myyyy.'

You paged (Alba, Gedryn) with 'And at some point during the day, there's a shrieking sound, near the woods where the hyenas wander.

The merchantess you've been asked to watch, while all of this is going on through the corse of the day, moves from tent to tent. Smiling, pleasant. Gorgeous, or at least persuasively charismatic. (Alba hates her immediately.) At one point, she wanders into the woods. Then, comes back again. After a while, she exits once more, carrying a bundle with her. She of course stops along the way, sliding her hand around a waist or two, offering a smile. (Alba hates her SO MUCH.)'

<OOC> Beaglefinder says, "Alba has been spammed. :3"

<OOC> Beaglefinder'd have shared that here, but I'm including a few secrets and I'd like to see how/what y'all do with them. (This IS Veyshan, and all. ^^;)

<OOC> Beaglefinder says, "In the meantime, please pose as you like. It's comfortable for once, instead of being scalding, dusty, and miserable. <.<"

You paged (Alba, Gedryn) with 'Obv, the hate is just me harassin'. ':3'

To (Alba, Beaglefinder), Gedryn pages: hehe.

"Some may call them junk," Kisaiya says as she holds up a knicknack she had picked up somewhere in Alexandria. A bit of metal twisted about into a shape that looks maybe like a horse... or a spider... or maybe a camel, it's not really all that clear.

"I call them treasures." She moves it along the table toward the tea, picking up the cup and giving it a sip as she pokes at the metal thing. It probably is more junk than treasure.

While Alba is scouting out the tent, Sasha is......looking at the water she was given. "Why was I given this water?" She then looks to Kisaiya. "Whatcha doing?" She says looking at the metal being twisted into various shapes....

As the pair of tiny spheres float back into Alba's hand, she closes her fingers around them, and keeps her eyes closed for a few moments. Her face, bare of her mask in deference to their host, twists into a wrinkle-nosed scowl. "Tchah... Her pets have claimed something within the wood, and far too happy is she. I know not what she carried, but, I know that she has charmed this oasis with words of honey. I know, now that our host's name, perhaps, closer to his truth than his face."

Shifting on her mat, she looks to the rest of the party. "Soon, also, she may know the truth that when our host goes to fetch water, jackals shadow her pets."

Kisaiya makes the camel, spider, horse thing drink some of the tea and it's face-thing discolors a little from the hot liquid. A smile, then she drinks a bit of it as well before Alba starts talking. She cants her head ever so slowly to the side and stares at the woman. Just stares.

She breaks her short vow of silence, "What?" Kisa shakes her head and furrows her brows, "Usually you make more sense, Alba. You've totally lost me now."

Sasha says, "That.......also confuses me, Alba. What've you found?"

<OOC> Beaglefinder laughs and laughs.

In the meantime, your host brings by small trays of water, then leaves again on silent feet. Well, monk. That isn't too surprising.

"Hrn. An hour's thinking squeezed into the brain in seconds. One moment." Pausing, she collects herself, and draws a deep breath. "If you heard a scream coming from the wood beyond the camp, it was the woman's hyena pets. They circle the camp, distracted, perhaps with pain or hunger, I know not which. After the scream, the woman left the tent, and returned. Now she has left it again, bearing a bundle of something. When she is out, she charms the people of the Oasis with kind words, friendly touch. If there is magic to these, I know not."

"Also, our host brings us water. When he left to *fetch* this water, and was out of this tent, jackals shadowed the hyenas. Should this happen too often, the woman will know that it is our host who follows her pets."

There is a well-made container of sweetwater that was left sat next to Sasha.

GAME: Rhar has disconnected. <Netfailure>

Sasha says, "perhaps she is an enchanter." She says as she looks at the container. "Strange." She says looking at their host. "What is this for?""

<OOC> Sasha says, "Can't bless it, can I?"

GAME: Wassal has disconnected. <Timeout>

Long distance to Alba: Althean priest. Ability to create water in the desert. Female. Alba can easily add 1 and 1. :3

<OOC> Beaglefinder says, "Sure. ':)"

"Well, that made a lot more sense!" Kisaiya said as she makes the little metal animal thing walk about using her hand and pushing it along the table. Making it walk might be a bit of a misnomer, but at least she doesn't make little horse-camel-spider noises when she moves it along. As the face of it warms up, it returns back to the original color.

"Well, sounds fun. If he's got jackals, do you want me to try to get one for your place, Alba? I bet it would make a great watch dog for your spiders." A nod and she glances over with a smile to the witch. "Thank you though, it sounds like we have our word cut out for us."

<OOC> Beaglefinder dies.

Alba looks to the container, then to Sasha, then back at the container, and raises an eyebrow. She opens her mouth to speak, then subsides. "Hn. Heh. No. It would be rude to pull the veil away from the games our host plays when he goes to such trouble to make them obvious. Althean, this is a puzzle for you to solve. Solve it."

<OOC> Beaglefinder XD

Sasha takes a deep breath. "Puzzles never were my strong suit. My first thought is to bless it....but that's too obvious." She then looks at the container........


<OOC> Sasha is serious. I'm decent at puzzles, but I kinda need parameters. XD

<OOC> Beaglefinder <3

<OOC> Sasha says, "Cuz...if you hand me something and say 'solve this'.....I get possibility paralysis."

<OOC> Sasha points to Earthquake. "Worse than him.

<OOC> Beaglefinder says, "Sasha, water is incredibly important in Veyshan. Jack keeps leaving Sasha's in a fancier dish. :3"

<OOC> Beaglefinder O:3

<OOC> Beaglefinder says, "Ok, guys. :3 So the next part is to sneak in? It is late by now, but you've been keeping odd hours--avoiding the heat of the day. So it's night, but you're used to it. So, how would y'all like to do that?"

<OOC> Sasha says, "because it is a desert area."

<OOC> Beaglefinder says, "Yus. :3"

<OOC> Sasha imagines he wants Sasha's favor.

<OOC> Beaglefinder laughs and laughs.

<OOC> Kisaiya says, "I believe that's the goal, Beagle, yes."

<OOC> Beaglefinder says, "Ok. One more pose each then, and I'll kick off your sneak-trip. Let me know any extra precautions/tools via ooc comment, ok?"

<OOC> Sasha will be using Silence to assist, and I have two castings.

<OOC> Beaglefinder says, "Noted. :3"

<OOC> Kisaiya has my thieves tools and took off the breastplate. Oh, and sleeves of many garments to make my clothing look like one of the people here.

<OOC> Beaglefinder says, "Ok. :3"

Sasha pages: Where is he getting the water from?

You paged Sasha with 'He leaves the tent from time to time, and comes back. Alba'd commented she saw him go to the lake and back a few times.'

<OOC> Kisaiya says, "There we go."

You paged Sasha with 'So it's precious, oasis-water. ':3'

Sasha pages: Remind me to say something to Alba to check the lake out.

Long distance to Sasha: Beaglefinder ok. :3

<OOC> Alba says, "Also!"

<OOC> Alba will turn into a House Centipede and join the infiltration. :D

<OOC> Beaglefinder says, "Ok. :3"

Veyshan's skies are beautiful. What's beneath it, not so much. You move out under the stars. The tents around you are silent. Thanks to your scouting Eyes, you're able to avoid the inhabitants...though it might be tempting, from time to time, to pause and listen.

Learn a few trade secrets.

And so, to Kamila's tent. One of the largest, and most prosperous. One that looks like it's been here some time. As you enter, the sands...are cooler than they had been in Jack's tent. Ahead, there is a pallet for sleeping to the <left>. Straight ahead is a

. ...and to the <right>, jars and baskets. <OOC> Beaglefinder will not make y'all roll, with all of that prep. Plus, SIlence. :D You paged Sasha with 'The tent smells...dry. Like undeath and cool sands.' <OOC> Kisaiya will carry Alba as a centipede. <OOC> Beaglefinder says, "Creepy hair beret! :D" Sasha pages: that.....is cause for alarm. <OOC> Alba n_n <OOC> Alba creeps toward the stuff on the right to explore'm. GAME: Terewin has disconnected. <Timeout> <OOC> Beaglefinder ok. :3 GAME: Ga'Elian has connected. GAME: Ga'Elian has disconnected. <Netfailure> <OOC> Beaglefinder says, "Spellcraft checks. :3" Kisaiya carries the centipede on her shoulder until they finally get into the tent, crouching down and leaning her hand out to the ground she lets Alba scamper on off to go after whatever she would like to before moving toward the table. Thankfully, Alba didn't turn into a cat... Kisa hates cats. The table, to Kisa, seemed like a smart place to check for ledger. <OOC> Kisaiya doesn't do spellcraft! <OOC> Beaglefinder laughs. <OOC> Sasha says, "what mod is for Spellcraft?" <OOC> Sasha says, "Int, Wis, Cha?" GAME: Stirling has connected. <OOC> Alba says, "Int." GAME: Alba rolls spellcraft: (20)+17: 37 GAME: Sasha rolls 1d20+2+1: (19)+2+1: 22 <OOC> Sasha says, "My spellcraft check." To the right are jars and baskets. Tall baskets, like one might see tied to the sides of camels, or traversed across the sands in caravan. By now, even those not from Veyshan are familiar with them. A turn of the weave opens the cap, and you peer in. Inside, clothing. Expensive silks and wraps and cloth. In another, bits and pieces of things. Small, dried parts of animals or mushrooms. Apparently at random. Some of you though, recognize these as spell components. A final jar towards the back is laden with scent and...lime. Inside, old bones, partially gnawed. GAME: Sora has disconnected. <Timeout> You paged Alba with 'Some of the components could be used to make a stone of alarm spell.' GAME: Zyla has connected. GAME: Zyla has disconnected. <Logout> GAME: Sora has connected. <OOC> Beaglefinder says, "Perception checks too. >.>" GAME: Kisaiya rolls Perception: (8)+3: 11 GAME: Alba rolls perception: (1)+12: 13 (EPIC FAIL) <OOC> Alba XD <OOC> Gedryn winces. <OOC> Kisaiya says, "Yesss! My amazing perception... is beaten by Alba's 1." GAME: Sasha rolls perception: (11)+3: 14 <OOC> Beaglefinder laughs. <OOC> Kisaiya high-fives Sasha! In the bone-basket, there are bits of pottery there, but nothing recognizable. <OOC> Beaglefinder says, "Go ahead and pose when you're ready. ':3" <OOC> Sasha assumes I went with them. Alba stands up on the jars of spell components, waving legs and antennae to garner attention. Once someone looks her way, she slithers off the jar, dragging the back of her centipede body through the sand to spell out the letters 'STN o ALRM' and an arrow pointing back to the jars. Sasha doesn't say anything....she kinda can't....especially if she's going to drop silence at a moment's notice. She glances at the pottery and tries to study what there is of it..... <OOC> Sasha says, "oh wait...I already dropped it." <OOC> Beaglefinder assumed you did. ':3 <OOC> Sasha says, "STN o ALRM?" <OOC> Sasha reposes. <OOC> Beaglefinder says, "Teeeny centipede feet in the sand. XD" Sasha can't really say anything since sound has been shut off by her silence spell. Of course, she looks confusedly at the centipede's words...... <OOC> Alba lets y'all fill in the vowels. XD <OOC> Sasha says, "there's a vowel in there." <OOC> Alba says, "....THe *other* vowels." <OOC> Sasha says, "two of them." <OOC> Sasha XD <OOC> Beaglefinder says, "Are y'all looking at anything else? :3" <OOC> Alba will once folk react to a fairly important warning. XD Kisa stares at the letters too. Then she moves down closer to Alba, crouching, and draws a little flower in the dirt next to the letters. She has no idea either what Alba is trying to say. But, with that, she'll stand back up and head over toward the table to check there next. Maybe she left it out. Sasha puts an 'A' for alarm on the last word.... <OOC> Kisaiya says, "You're just jealous of my flower drawing." Sasha then adds an 'O' and 'E' to the first word....then an 'F' to the middle. Sasha spells.....Stone of Alarm. The centipede looks..... weary, somehow, at Kisa's reaction. When Sasha comes up to complete the puzzle, Alba nods sharply, looking left and right and back, tilting its head as if puzzled. Long distance to Derecho: Beaglefinder knoooooows. >.< You paged Alba with 'Funny thing.' You paged Alba with 'Alba'd heard a scream from the forest, hadn't she?' Alba pages: THat she did. Kisa will pause as Sasha starts adding letters, she looks over her shoulder and then gives another shrug. She's got no clue what this stone of alarm is, she's also just about to start laughing at a Centipede clearly moving its head left and right. Clearly this insect acting very un-insect like is giving her some amusement. Long distance to Alba: Beaglefinder :3 GAME: Delilah has connected. Sasha actually looks about for some sort of rock, and even looks towards the top of the tent. <OOC> Kisaiya says, "brb on laptop." GAME: Kisaiya has reconnected. Kisaiya has reconnected. The centipede then crawls swiftly up Sasha's leg, then back, to perch on her shoulder. Making a scan of the tent herself, she hunts for the sort of details that would leap out at something as tiny as Alba currently is. [Staff] Whirlpool says, "ngh" <OOC> Beaglefinder reposes the tent parts. :3 And so, to Kamila's tent. One of the largest, and most prosperous. One that looks like it's been here some time. As you enter, the sands...are cooler than they had been in Jack's tent. Ahead, there is a pallet for sleeping to the <left>. Straight ahead is a
. ...and to the <right>, jars and baskets. <OOC> Beaglefinder says, "The grayed out area, you've inspected. :3" <OOC> Beaglefinder's assuming you go for the table, next. Sec. <OOC> Sasha says, "uh." <OOC> Sasha says, "there's a map?" <OOC> Beaglefinder says, "There's a map of the oasis area, yes." <OOC> Sasha says, "ah okie." <OOC> Kisaiya says, "Yes, table next" <OOC> Beaglefinder says, "If there's one on the table, you haven't looked yet. Posing. Kisa, please roll merchant. :D" GAME: Kisaiya rolls Profession/Merchant: (7)+6: 13 <OOC> Kisaiya D: <OOC> Beaglefinder erp. XD And so, onto the table. Atop it are what you'd expect, and Kisaiya can confirm it. Ledgers, notes along one side, well-organized. Another side contains measurements of customers. With Kisaiya's help you're able to discern at least, which is which. Interestingly? Mixed among the orders for robes and silks are orders for weaponry. Some of these have odd marks next to them, but they're things like maces, handaxes, kukris and so on. THings you as adventurers are well-acquainted with. Also, there's a bit of fur. It smells. <OOC> Beaglefinder'll go ahead and toss in the bed, too. Sec. :3 The bedding is what one might expect, of a fine, Veyshan lady. However, there are bits of fur here, too. You paged Sasha with 'The dry smell is ofc strongest next to the bed, but it's everywhere in the tent.' <OOC> Kisaiya says, "What type of fur?" <OOC> Beaglefinder says, "It looks similar to the hyena fur." GAME: Weather has connected. <OOC> Kisaiya says, "Like... part of the cloth or just loose bits or..." <OOC> Beaglefinder says, "Roll Perception, guys. Or Wisdom, whichever you like. :3" GAME: Alba rolls perception: (17)+12: 29 <OOC> Beaglefinder says, "Just bits, like a dog would shake off just by living in an area. ':3" GAME: Sasha rolls perception: (8)+3: 11 <OOC> Sasha says, "since it fits." You paged Alba with 'The weapons are listed, but you didn't see any of them here.' You paged Alba with 'There's something bothering Alba about the pottery, too. Maybe take it back for Astaren to look at? He knows about that kind of thing.' GAME: Bors has disconnected. <Netfailure> GAME: Fazahd has disconnected. <Timeout> GAME: Kisaiya rolls Perception: (14)+3: 17 You paged Kisaiya with 'The weapons are listed, but you didn't see any of them here. :3' Kisaiya makes gestures at the book, specifically the lines with the weapons, then gestures around in circles. Then at the list, around, the list, around... She gives a shrug and looks at the centipede pointedly, followed by Sasha. Staring back at the baskets for a moment, Alba swarms back down Sasha to the ground and back over to one of the baskets, disappearing over the lip. After a moment, there's a clattering of bones moving against each other, and the centipede re-emerges, dragging a large shard of pottery. Hauling the chunk of clay back toward Sasha, the centipede looks up at Kisaiya, tilting its head, and.... if a Centipede could shrug, it would be what Alba is doing right now. Kisa stares down at the Centipede, sticks out her tongue, and picks up the pottery. What? You play charades and it's cute, I DO and you get pottery? Bah! She scratches lightly at it, spelling out "Where Weapons?" Sasha writes out....smells dry.....near the bed. <OOC> Beaglefinder says, "Alright, guys. In the name of expediency and getting to some RP...I'll have y'all transported back to Jack's tent, where we can RP some and plan the next move. Aside from the pottery fragment, are you guys taking anything?" <OOC> Beaglefinder says, "Well, moar RP. :3" <OOC> Sasha thumbs up. <OOC> Beaglefinder laughs. <OOC> Alba suggests making a copy of the page with the weapons listed. :D <OOC> Alba says, "Symbols and all." <OOC> Kisaiya will make a copy of the page and also I want to try and alter the copy there if possible? <OOC> Alba says, "Also smooth down our trail behind us. :P" <OOC> Kisaiya says, "Alter the original that is." <OOC> Beaglefinder says, "Ok. :3" <OOC> Beaglefinder says, "You can do all of that. What would you like to alter?" <OOC> Beaglefinder says, "Altering it would be a linguistics roll, or sleight of hand. :3" <OOC> Beaglefinder'll also allow disguise, or calligraphy. <OOC> Kisaiya does minor changes to make her profit margin greater than it should be. GAME: Kisaiya rolls Sleight of Hand: (12)+9: 21 <OOC> Kisaiya :3 <OOC> Beaglefinder laughs. Ok. You do that. :3 <OOC> Beaglefinder says, "Alright. Anything else, guys?" <OOC> Sasha says, "nothing else here. I do need to talk to Alba though." And so, back to the tent. There's a bowl of clear, sweet water near Sasha's place. Because of course there is. But the sands around you nore are warm, and familiar. Jack is back, of course. He lounges, well, leans against the table. His shirt is off, also for reasons unknown. And he grins. It's a touch feral. "It is good to see you well, again," he says with a faint nod to you both. "Will I be awarding the prize very soon?" <OOC> Beaglefinder laughs and laughs. <OOC> Kisaiya says, "C'mon, who saw that coming? The Fighter with Sleight of Hand? :D" <OOC> Beaglefinder XD "I could ask many things right now." Sasha says softly....and waiting for Alba to change back to normal. The tiny centipede takes itself off to a corner, and begins the arduous task of returning to her proper shape. Once back to normal, Alba runs a hand down her face, loosing a low breath. "...A means I must learn, to speak when disguised thus. Hrn... The pottery, warrior, was a separate thing than what you spoke of. Where is it, now?" "Well, she should also see a nice profit now." Kisaiya says as she lets out a laugh, "I imagine she should overspend now, or spend a ton of time trying to work out what's wrong." The human woman gives a shake of her head, "But, I'm curious where the weapons are. I mean, she's apparently bought them, but they don't seem to be there? I wonder what else is missing." Sasha says, "There's a lot more than you may think." She then looks to Alba. "Alba?" And she twists off the top of the water container. "Smell this water....."" "You have been busy," Jack says, with interest. "I would offer to excuse myself, and spare any awkward conversation with her in the future...but this is so interesting. Did you know, I have never seen her touch a weapon?" His eyes are sharp, and then he looks to Kisayia's way, and grins. "That is unfortunate." <OOC> Beaglefinder says, "Which water container? :3" <OOC> Sasha says, "the most recent one." <OOC> Sasha says, "the one with the smells you paged me about." <OOC> Beaglefinder oh! <OOC> Beaglefinder says, "Sorry, hon. Her bed smelled like that. ^^;" <OOC> Beaglefinder didn't mean to be unclear. ^^; <OOC> Beaglefinder says, "Say that Sasha brought a piece of the bedding with her, instead?" <OOC> Beaglefinder nudge. ^^; "Unfortunate indeed," Alba murmurs. As the piece of bedding is proffered, she leans over, giving it a curious sniff. You paged Alba with 'It smells strongly of undeath. And hyena, of course.' <OOC> Beaglefinder says, "Alright, guys. So you know a few things...you've confirmed the suspicion that the merchant is undead. You know she apparently deals in weapons that no one knows about, but aren't sure what the marks are on her ledger. There's also that pottery, and the sound in the woods. What's out there?" <OOC> Beaglefinder says, "You've also confirmed her ties to the hyenas. So this is up to you. You've messed with her records, enough to irritate her. But do you want to push it further?" <OOC> Alba thinks personally it's about time to confront her. XD <OOC> Beaglefinder says, "Ok. :3" GAME: Sora has disconnected. <Netfailure> <OOC> Kisaiya will put her breastplate back on for that! <OOC> Beaglefinder says, "How would you like to do that?" <OOC> Beaglefinder laughs. <OOC> Alba says, "Well. Alba's way might not be everyone else's. XD" <OOC> Beaglefinder says, "Ok." <OOC> Alba says, "So first I'll ask if anyone else has stuff they'd like to follow up on." <OOC> Beaglefinder says, "If you like, you can try to confront her tonight. I have some time we could do that, but I don't know everyone else. Or, we could go back to legwork, and pick up in a bit. We'll be doing a wrapup scene regardless. Just know my next two weeks are booked, so if you don't chase tonight, it may be a while." Kisaiya wiggles her eyebrows at Jack, since he gave her a grini at the modified records. "You did say you wanted us to mess with her business." "You have certainly put your foot in the door," is his way of replying. <OOC> Sasha says, "okie...we'll go with the bedding." <OOC> Beaglefinder rar. :3 <OOC> Beaglefinder flops. Anything else? :3 <OOC> Sasha says, "where't eh bedding smells like undeath and all that." <OOC> Sasha says, "you guy wanna confront her?" <OOC> Alba nodnod. <OOC> Alba says, "Alba's planning on just walking into her tent and asking what she's doing here. XD Subtle, she is not." <OOC> Sasha says, "well...you do have a couple of good weapons here." <OOC> Beaglefinder says, "There's a few ways y'all could do that. One, go to the tent. Two, wait until she's out in the woods. There's advantages to both. The tent would mean she's alone, but you'll have to be careful about the locals. They LIKE her, remember. In the woods, there might be hyenas." <OOC> Kisaiya says, "Yeah! Sasha's got awesome right and left hooks." <OOC> Beaglefinder says, "But, now that you know she's undead, you have a distinct advantage when it comes to harming her. Will it be Door A, or Door B? Please discuss on LahChan and let me know. ^^;" Leaning over to sniff the profferred bit of bedding, Alba wrinkles her nose. "Hn. It stinks of death-that-walks." Rubbing her finger-blades against each other for a moment, she nods, reaching for her mask. "So, so. To the woods then, to await this woman and find the truth of her dealings, and end her stay in this place." "Now, that is interesting. I may go along...just to watch, you see. It's so...satisfying to watch the defeat of a ...hated enemy," Jack says. He then pushes off from the table, and grins. "I will have food brought to you," brought? "...please let me know when you're ready to leave."