Organizations of the Hidden

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Reading an Organization Entry

Org global.png
The organization has offices in multiple nations or areas. "Global" here is a relative term, and does not imply centralized control.
Org localized.png
The organization is localized. See entry for details. Many Alexandrian-based groups have this feature!
Org npc.png
Only for NPCs.

Organizations of the Hidden

Org localized.png Org npc.png Alexandria's Ebon SyndicateOrg blank.png N/A
Rogues, Inquisitors, Rangers, Fighters Locations: Alexandria
An underworld group contesting for control of the city's shadows.
In recent years, the arrival of a faction known as The Ebon Syndicate caused a crime war that sent chaos rippling through the established under world factions of the city. At present the two most prominent groups are The Ebon Syndicate and a faction simply known as 'The Guild'.

The Ebon Syndicate is an NPC Organization. Poke Whirl until he gives Lahar info on it.

RPP-Related Skills: N/A

Org localized.png Alexandria's Guild of the SlyOrg blank.png Associated Characters
Rogues, Inquisitors, Rangers, Fighters Locations: Alexandria
An underworld group with hints of Alexandrian-based heroism, but whose morals would be questionable by most. The more populous Alexandrian sneaks' guild.
The Guild of the Sly was part of a group of a larger guild that was formerly composed of Taara and Illotha cultists, among others, behind the scenes. This group had been led by a mysterious individual known as The Smiling Man. Each chapter of the former Guild of the Sly was unique in and of itself but still loyal to the head guild located in Tashraan in Veyshan. This changed in Alexandria with the toppling of previous guild heads and the establishing of a new order known as The Guild.

With this change, the local Guild of the Sly declared their independence and gained a greater diversity of views than they had previously. The current Alexandrian Guild of the Sly has a streak of homegrown heroism that wasn't there before, though they're still composed of rogues, thieves, murderers, and so on.

The arrival of the mysterious Ebon Syndicate was in part to blame for the original split. The Syndicate's own motives are mysterious as is their leadership and their ultimate goals. They wasted no time in involving themselves in Alexandria's often dirty and convoluted underworld of smuggling, contrabands, drug trafficking and more.

Today, the Alexandrian Guild of the Sly operates as a loose organization of arson specialists, general agents, thugs, rumormongers, and so on. While generally for hire, like the rest of the Alexandrian Underworld, they're also engaged in turf wars with the Syndicate and other groups. Their activities make them a focused target of the powerful merchant groups and guilds, and have encouraged such guilds to build closer ties with the Syndicate as well as the recently established Sunset. The Sly is unofficially cheered by the creation of the Sunset, as it challenges the previously tighter relationship between Syndicate and some Merchant Guilds. Then again, it's another competitor.

RPP-Related Skills: Forthcoming...

Org localized.png Alexandria's Sunset OrderOrg blank.png Associated Characters
Rogues, Inquisitors, Rangers, Fighters Locations: Alexandria
An underworld mafia with a trace of Alexandrian heroism...and a sharp blade. Organized originally by the arvek nar, to address thuggery in merchant warehouses, and certain 'glass ceiling' issues.
Arvek sunset.png
Arvek after the Sendor War faced something of a glass ceiling in Alexandria. They found trade blocked from them, both from outright racism and influence from the Syndicate. True to their nature, the arvek and began to make their own way.

Since then, they've been joined by some Dragoneri refugees, among a few others who have also felt overlooked. Others join because they are tired of the Syndicate's hold on mercantile groups, which the Sunset challenges.

The Sunset is a small, yet successful order of black market merchants, enforcers, and smugglers. The Sunset takes an additional meaning to the racial moniker, and have built a network of business just beneath Alexandria's surface. They are closely tied to merchant and shipping industries and now challenge the Syndicate, who once dominated these areas. Though they're new, they're also more organized, which offers them both a strong and competitive advantage against other groups in the Underworld. However, they're also small, and some see them as racially motivated.

To local merchants and the populace, they're a mixed blessing. While the orderliness of the Sunset has calmed random street and gang violence, it comes at a price and has encouraged these competitive groups to pick up their game before they lose territory, forever.

Members of the Sunset often see themselves as business entrepreneurs or even peacekeepers between criminals. This does not mean they are clean, however. Only that they see themselves that way.

Like all Underworld groups, the Sunset competes with the Guild of the Sly as well as the Ebon Syndicate, and any others, over resources, territory, information, and so on.

RPP-Related Skills: Forthcoming...

Org global.png Iron BookOrg blank.png Associated Characters
Daeusite, Paladin, Inquisitor, Cleric Locations: Alexandria
An underworld mafia with a trace of Alexandrian heroism...and a sharp blade. Organized originally by the arvek nar, to address thuggery in merchant warehouses, and certain 'glass ceiling' issues.
Pcorg iron book.png
The Iron Book is a low-key organization, devoted to research, smiting, and the thorough elimination of demonic cults from the earth. They eradicate them by force, indirect action, and by crowbar. Although they operate underneath the Temple of Daeus, they employ a variety of faiths and people from varying walks of life. Due to the materials they are exposed to, members are asked to follow a general code to protect themselves from corruption. These tenets are things like protecting the innocent, and although you may learn how demons are summoned, it doesn't mean you should. Without these tenets, many temples would not allow them to operate. For the purposes of sanity, demons refers to both demons and devils.


RPP-Related Skills: Knowledge/The Planes, Knowledge/Military Theory, Knowledge/Religion, Knowledge/Arcana, Knowledge/Local, Sense Motive, Bluff