Organizations of the Hidden

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Reading an Organization Entry

Org global.png
The organization has offices in multiple nations or areas. "Global" here is a relative term, and does not imply centralized control.
Org localized.png
The organization is localized. See entry for details. Many Alexandrian-based groups have this feature!
Org npc.png
Only for NPCs.

Organizations of the Hidden

Org localized.png Org npc.png Alexandria's Ebon SyndicateOrg blank.png Associated Characters
Rogues, Inquisitors, Rangers, Fighters Locations: Alexandria
Alexandria's Mage's Guild, cut off from Rune. Wizards, Witches, and Sorcerers are generally considered de-facto members of this guild, though clerics of Eluna also pay it patronage.
Leadership and Areas of Influence In recent years, the arrival of a faction known as The Ebon Syndicate caused a crime war that sent chaos rippling through the established under world factions of the city. At present the two most prominent groups are The Ebon Syndicate and a faction simply known as 'The Guild'.

The Ebon Syndicate is an NPC Organization. Poke Whirl until he gives Lahar info on it.

RPP-Related Skills N/A