PrP: Borders II: Raiders of the Lost Cart

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<OOC> Iadoth says, "What's everyone's shtick?"
<OOC> Krom is a TWF, kukri
<OOC> Haggerty says, "Universalist wizard."
<OOC> Kailin is confused and awkward. Bard 1 / Barbarian 1.
<OOC> Haggerty says, "There. :)"
=======================>  Tenebrae: The Emblem of Ea  <=======================
 Player       CL Deity       Race        Class   Interests
 Haggerty....  2 Serriel     Human       Wiz     Magical Writings,          
                                                 Development of Roads and   
                                                 Cultural Interactions,     
                                                 Academia, Folk Lore,       
                                                 Magical Travel.            
 Iadoth......  3 Gilead      Wild Elf    Bard/Rg Language, music, nature    
 Kailin......  2 Kor         Giantborn   Bbn/Bar 
 Krom........  2 Daeus       Human       Ftr     
<OOC> Iadoth says, "I expect Kaj to turn up... late."

All three of you are part of a second band of adventurers dispatched by the Guild to the village of Felris, in the borderlands between Alexandros and the Vast, a wilderness ridden with magical energy. You've been travelling by cart for several days. Enough time to get to know each other... perhaps too well.

All is going swimmingly on the final day of travel, just outside the village of Felris, when, all of a sudden, the two cart drivers slump forward in their seats, which causes the two light horses to very suddenly go berserk, charging off at full pelt, still pulling the cart. It gradually dawns on you that all is not well. This is helped by noticing the spreading bloodstains on the back of the cart-drivers' shirts.

<OOC> Iadoth says, "Okay."
<OOC> Iadoth says, "What does everyone doe?"

Krom grabs on to the sides of the wagon, trying not to be thrown out. Once mildly sure of that, the northman tries to move up towards the drivers, if not to strictly help them, then to at least grab the reigns and get the horses under control. "Krom knew should have walked! Nothing good comes from not walking!"

GAME: Haggerty refreshes spells.
<OOC> Kailin says, "Duck and cover."
<OOC> Iadoth says, "Krom, how's your Handle Animal skill?"
<OOC> Haggerty says, "Duck and crawl forward."

Kailin feels the cart lurch forward and he braces against the inside of the cart, not sure of how to help. He just determines not to be tossed around if the cart flips by holding on to one corner and riding it out. "Not good. Stop the horses!" He hopes someone else is capable of handing this situation and gives one of the others an opportunity to put their talents to good use.

<OOC> Krom says, "...not nearly so high as I would like."
GAME: Krom rolls handel animal: (19)+handel animal: 19
<OOC> Krom says, "...despite everything, I am okay with that roll."
<OOC> Iadoth says, "Yeah, but controlling those animals is DC 22."
<OOC> Krom says, "then we may be doomed."
GAME: Krom rolls handle animal: Trained Use Only: 0
<OOC> Krom says, "doomed *sage nod*"
<OOC> Haggerty says, "We can try together. If you assist, we have a chance. I can try something else, too, if that fails, but that will be horrible for the horses and is against my PC's faith."
<OOC> Haggerty says, "Oh wait. Trained only. Ick.."

Despite Krom's admirable efforts, the horses continue to clatter forward at a couple of hundred of feet every few seconds. The northman would, of course, notice the cruel, oruchi javelins skewered through the two cart drivers --- now sadly deceased. From somewhere behind, you hear several more horses, thundering along the track to keep up.

<OOC> Iadoth says, "There are several options I can think of."
<OOC> Kailin isn't sure how much of a bonus he can provide huddled in the back corner of the cart.

Krom knows basic horse use. Pull back means slow/stop, slap means go, and pulling on just one rein means turn. But when he pulls back and the horses fail to slow, it's time for an expert to take over. Sadly, the experts are dead. This day started out so well. Hear hoofbeats, Krom turns to look. Maybe help is on the way? likely not, but he's a 'glass half full' sorta guy.

Kaj has arrived.

<OOC> Kaj says, "Kaboom! :D"
<OOC> Iadoth says, "Hi Kaj"
<OOC> Krom says, "Hazah! The sacrifice has arrived!"
<OOC> Kaj says, "Hey! Aerg! Nuuu!"
<OOC> Kaj says, "Did I miss the party?"
<OOC> Kailin says, "The party missed you."
<OOC> Kaj says, "Damn straight. ;)"
<OOC> Krom +glances, is amused the 'short one' (not counting the DM) is 6'3"
<OOC> Kaj says, "Better hope we don't end up having to go down a cave ;)"
<OOC> Kaj says, "brb, just getting a glass of water for my cough"

Haggerty ducks low to not be shot. He shields the little dog who stares wide-eyed and far too smartly about then decides to bite into the pale redhead's cloak for stability. Drool spreads. The Stormgardian mutters improbabilities regarding the ancestry of the ork-spear throwing attackers which is something about their mothers being walrusses as he crawls forward when he can to get to where the Myrrish fellow traveler is at. He decides to say something useful, "Tryin my best to slow or control the horses here. Will get bumpy. Please fight back!" He tries to get on the coachbox then looks for a spot to jump or crawl astride the right horse out front, praying under his breath.. That is the plan, anyway!

<OOC> Haggerty says, "No gnomes here."
<OOC> Iadoth says, "Kaj, as you were in the village, you'll not be on board the cart... the two drivers are dead, and the horses are running full pelt into Felris. Where you're standing in the square."

Behind the cart is no better than the bleak picture in front. Krom can see five light horses behind, each carrying an Oruchi. Each running full pelt. They'll be upon you pretty soon...

Then again, a few hundred feet ahead of you is the village of Felris. Actually, those Oruchi will be on you at pretty much the same time you'll arrive in the village, where you can see a really, /really/ tall figure in the muddy road...

<OOC> Iadoth says, "So, the way this looks is: There are five horses 400ft behind you, and the village 600ftin front of you. You're moving at 100 ft per round, so you'll be in Felris in about a minute. Behind you, the horses are moving at 250 ft per round, i.e. running 5x, so they'll be with you in about 4 rounds."

Krom ponders a moment. Thinking isn't really his strong suit, but the warrior of MestNoor has a plan. A plan sure to end terribly, but perhaps for someone other than Krom. For now he throws things at the Oruchi, less to try and actaully hurt them then to try and distract them. Random things in the cart. A partly carved stick. An empty wineskin. A stale bit of bread. A small dog- whoops, nope, that one stays.

<OOC> Iadoth says, "Kaj, you're in the village."
<OOC> Krom has no ranged weapons, assumes is nothing quality to improvise, shall have to wait for hosement to get a bit closer.
<OOC> Iadoth says, "Kailin, Haggerty --- any plans?"
<OOC> Kailin says, "Ride it out. Its like a roller coaster."
<OOC> Iadoth says, "Actually, there are two javelins to hand... but you'll have to extract them."
<OOC> Iadoth shrugs.
<OOC> Iadoth says, "Hagg?"
<OOC> Haggerty says, "Yes. get on a horse and use ride skill to calm it."
<OOC> Iadoth nods...
<OOC> Iadoth says, "'Tis also a DC 22."
<OOC> Kaj says, "OK"
GAME: Haggerty rolls ride: (15)+4: 19
 =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-  ATTENTION  -=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-

	Iadoth has dropped a TIMESTOP!

	Please +init, then cease all roleplay and actions immediately and wait for Iadoth to instruct you further.

	For in-combat commands, type: +thelp.

<OOC> Haggerty grins.
<OOC> Iadoth says, "It's good, but it's not quite on the nose. Pose it!"
GAME: Haggerty rolls initiative: 7 + 6 = 13
GAME: Kailin rolls initiative: 3 + 2 = 5
<OOC> Krom had forgotten teh javlins... is decent with ranged weapons, once have some...
GAME: Krom rolls initiative: 17 + 4 = 21
GAME: You roll initiative for Adept: Roll: 20 + Bonus: -1 = Total: 19
GAME: You roll initiative for Recruit 1: Roll: 7 + Bonus: 0 = Total: 7
GAME: You roll initiative for Recruit 2: Roll: 11 + Bonus: 0 = Total: 11
GAME: You roll initiative for Recruit 3: Roll: 14 + Bonus: 0 = Total: 14
GAME: You roll initiative for Raider: Roll: 9 + Bonus: 0 = Total: 9
|   Name   |   Race   |   Class   |E Lev| CHP | HP  | AC |CMD |For |Ref |Wil |
|Haggerty  |HUMAN     |Wiz        |  2  | 16  | 16  | 12 | 13 | 2  | 2  | 4  |
|Kailin    |GIANTBORN |Bbn/Bard   |  2  | 18  | 18  | 16 | 19 | 4  | 4  | 1  |
|Krom      |HUMAN     |Ftr        |  2  | 16  | 20  | 18 | 19 | 5  | 4  | 1  |

GAME: Kaj rolls initiative: 19 + 2 = 21
 ===================== Current Initiative Order - Round 1 =====================
     21   Kaj              3  Flat-footed (0 rnds active)                  
     21   Krom             1  Flat-footed (0 rnds active)                  
     19   Adept               
     14   Recruit 3           
     13   Haggerty         1  Flat-footed (0 rnds active)                  
     11   Recruit 2           
     9    Raider              
     7    Recruit 1           
     5    Kailin           1  Flat-footed (0 rnds active)                  

A gallant attempt at controlling the horses has... failed, unfortunately, and you continue on towards the village, now only 500 ft away. The oruchi, meanwhile, are some 250 ft behind you.

<OOC> Iadoth says, "Anyone have any ideas for this round?"
<OOC> Krom says, "get me some javlins extracted?"
<OOC> Iadoth says, "Sounds like a move action."

Kailin glances back out of the cart then then up front towards the others. "I'm guessing the horses will get tired eventually..." He rattles around in the back of the cart, pressed against the side. "Maybe these nice fellows behind us will help calm the horses. Or perhaps they are mounted medics who will help heal our drivers!"

With the little dog jaw-locked into his flying or fluttering cape, the wizard's hat flies off his head to dangle in the wind just the same as he ambles and somehow lands astride one of the horses which has no saddle. The steed of burden brothes, gleaming with building sweat and more pugnant secretions while the wizard ends his motions in a strange hugging squat before he actually sits and holds onto the reins, but does not hold them in an controlling fashion. He is on the animal, though, not under or in the spokes of wagon's wheels! Grunting with effort, the scrawny Aesir pulls to little avail. His imploring "Hoooo!"s have little effect on the maddened equines.

<OOC> Iadoth says, "So, go for it, basically."

Krom holds firm to a wagon side, trying to keep his balance. Moving forward toward the drivers, the northman grabs a javlin stuck in the front, and yanks. it not pretty, but it's practical. "Krom think need be very good medic to help the dead."

<OOC> Iadoth says, "Krom, you have a standard action left if you wanna chuck that Jav." 
<OOC> Krom says, "Not at this distance. Range is... 30, for a javlin, I think?"
<OOC> Iadoth nods.
<OOC> Iadoth says, "Anyone else have a plan for this 'round'?"
<OOC> Iadoth says, "Kaj, you can probably see what's happening. I don't know if you can effect anything from 500 ft away."
<OOC> Kailin is holding, but is steadily closing on those oruchi.
<OOC> Haggerty says, "Retry. Cast sleep on the horses before they hurt anyone or crash into a house."

A little more time passes, and the village is some 400 ft away, now. The gap behind you has closed, too --- now the mounted oruchi are just 100 ft behind you. They'll probably overtake you in the next few seconds.

<OOC> Iadoth says, "Oh, sorry."
<OOC> Iadoth says, "Go ahead and retry. I'll edit that in the log."
GAME: Haggerty rolls ride: (13)+4: 17
<OOC> Haggerty says, "Was worth it, still."
<OOC> Kaj says, "I would like to try to calm the horses too, using Feral Speech since it seems everyone is trying to get them to stop?"
<OOC> Iadoth says, "Go for it with Sleep, I think it's kosher."
<OOC> Iadoth says, "The horses are 2 HD each, so you're golden to try and sleep 'em both."
<OOC> Kaj says, "I will wait until i see the outcome of hagg's efforts, of course :)"
<OOC> Iadoth says, "Kaj, unless you can cast a Message spell, I think you're probably a bit far away."
<OOC> Iadoth can't remember if Message is on the Witch list.
<OOC> Kaj says, "it is but i don't have it prepped"

Haggerty reaches into one of the big pouches on his belt which is one of the reasons this whole horse controlling endeavor is not working. Still, he keep on top.. For now! Then, he pulls the pinch of rose colored sand from where he stored it and drizzles it into the winter wind while he shifts his words to Eldritch to magically implore them to sleep, casting the spell.

<OOC> Iadoth says, "Hagg, are you casting Sleep?"
<OOC> Kaj says, "I'll await Hagg's efforts anway."
GAME: Haggerty casts Sleep. Caster Level: 2 DC: 15
GAME: Iadoth rolls 1d20+1-2: (13)+1+-2: 12
GAME: Iadoth rolls 1d20+1-2: (6)+1+-2: 5
<OOC> Kaj says, "Nice!"
<OOC> Haggerty says, "I am ded. :P"
<OOC> Iadoth says, "Hmm, Kaj, you're going to need to start coming over..."

The eyes of the two horses seem to glaze over, and they slow from a trot, to a canter, to a walk, and then... they stop. Meanwhile, the oruchi riders /shoot/ past at a rate of knots, overtaking you as they try to slow down. Eventually they come to a stop some 100 ft from you, and turn around.

<OOC> Iadoth says, "The stopped cart is 450 ft. from Kaj and the village. The raiders are, then /350 ft./ from the village."
<OOC> Kaj says, "checking the range for lighting bolt, one sec ;)"
<OOC> Iadoth says, "Kaj, I'll assume you've been moving at whatever speed you want to have been for the last two rounds."
<OOC> Iadoth says, "Kailin, anything for this round?"
<OOC> Kailin says, "Hop out behind the cart."
<OOC> Iadoth says, "Gotcha."
<OOC> Kaj says, "OK, thanks, I'm going to sprint and try to close in (LB is fixed to 120' unfortunately, unlike in previous versions of DD!)"
<OOC> Iadoth says, "How far away are you then?"
<OOC> Kaj says, "what's running speed 30x4? I've closed 240'."
<OOC> Iadoth says, "110' from the oruchi then, I guess. Sprinting is a full action."
<OOC> Kaj says, "OK, cool, in range next turn then :)"
<OOC> Iadoth says, "We'll start combat now then."
<OOC> Krom should like to chuck a javlin or two.

Not sure what's going on, but recognizing trouble ahead, especially when the horses tumble and grind to a halt, Kaj is spriting full tilt towards the cart and riders!

<OOC> Iadoth says, "Krom, you're a long way away. Throwing a javelin from this range incurs a penalty of -6."
GAME: Iadoth advances the initiative order.
      Round One - Init 21.
      It is now Kaj's turn! Krom is next!
GAME: Note Flat-footed on Kaj ended.
 ===================== Current Initiative Order - Round 1 =====================
  >> 21   Kaj              3   <<
     21   Krom             1  Flat-footed (0 rnds active)                  
     19   Adept               
     14   Recruit 3           
     13   Haggerty         1  Flat-footed (0 rnds remaining)               
     11   Recruit 2           
     9    Raider              
     7    Recruit 1           
     5    Kailin           1  Flat-footed (0 rnds remaining)               
<OOC> Iadoth says, "Kaj, you're up." 
<OOC> Iadoth says, "110' from the action."
<OOC> Kaj says, "There are 5 riders, all orcs, all threatening the passengers on the cart, right? Weapons drawn etc?"
<OOC> Iadoth says, "They're still mounted. All are 100' from the cart."

As the cart comes to a stop, Kailin grabs his belongings and rolls out of the back of the cart, touching down with a soft touch. He looks around as he takes up his weapon and waits for the oruchi to come back to him, being patient and accomodating to to the riders. He wouldn't want to deprive them of their clear intent to ride around a lot to come see him. He hums lightly as he waits, since he gets bored easily otherwise.

Haggerty smiles at the good results and pets the sleeping beings with his knuckles whitened under his gloves. Those who were heedful enough not to topple over and kill all in a massive accident. It would have been interesting to watch a flying giant and his velocity from a strictly scientific crashpoint. However, there is not a second of time to truly muse, because of which the wizard in the making slips off the horse and crawls back to seek cover with shaky feet while the far smarter canine draws an unwinding streak along the muddled ground before he trundles under the cart with a series of disapproving snorts. Haggerty counts his blessings for not being stabbed by the racing horsemen.

From your current positions, you can see the five oruchi riders, stopped in their tracks. One carries a shiny morningstar, and has a very strangely deformed head. Three more carry falchions, drawn, held high in the air; one has a withered leg, one a permanent dazed expression, and one seems to just look really tough. The fifth carries a brace of javelins on his back, and has a withered arm, and no falchion. They are all pretty threatening.

<OOC> Kaj says, "posin"
<OOC> Iadoth says, "Sorry, just straightening things with Kaj."

Kaj slows to a fast walk, closing in another 10 steps or so as he speaks, "<something you don't understand in yrch-speak>" he says with his huge booming voice, drawing attention to him before things deteriorate into a bloodbath--assuming there's still some way to avoid that.

Those who possess such knowledge will see him weave some gestures and mutterings as he fingers a piece of leather tied around his wrist, but he has drawn no weapons...

GAME: Kaj casts Mage Armor. Caster Level: 5 DC: 13
|   Name   |   Race   |   Class   |E Lev| CHP | HP  | AC |CMD |For |Ref |Wil |
|Haggerty  |HUMAN     |Wiz        |  2  | 16  | 16  | 12 | 13 | 2  | 2  | 4  |
|Kailin    |GIANTBORN |Bbn/Bard   |  2  | 18  | 18  | 16 | 19 | 4  | 4  | 1  |
|Kaj       |GIANTBORN |Rog/Wtc    |  6  | 38  | 38  | 18 | 21 | 3  | 5  | 5  |
|Krom      |HUMAN     |Ftr        |  2  | 16  | 20  | 18 | 19 | 5  | 4  | 1  |
Kaj pages: AC is now 22 , just FYI

Kaj pages: DOH sorry: +speak yrch-speak=:slows to a fast walk, closing in another 10 steps or so as he speaks, "Hail and Well met sons of ADOM!" he says with his huge booming voice, drawing attention to him before things deteriorate into a bloodbath--assuming there's still some way to avoid that.

Those who possess such knowledge will see him weave some gestures and mutterings as he fingers a piece of leather tied around his wrist, but he has drawn no weapons...

<OOC> Iadoth says, "80 ft from the raiders, then."
GAME: Iadoth advances the initiative order.
      Round One - Init 21.
      It is now Krom's turn! Adept is next!
GAME: Note Flat-footed on Krom ended.
<OOC> Kaj says, "Noted."
<OOC> Krom says, "throw javlin at the fifth orc, draw blades."

"Get lost, giant!" The tough-looking Oruchi shouts, coarsely, in tradespeak. "This lot's ours. We'll be eating the 'orses afore long. The rest are for..." he stops talking, suddenly, focusing on the task in hand.

<OOC> Kaj says, "And now we know ;)"
<OOC> Iadoth says, "Do you want to move a few feet? You can get your penalty down to -4 if you do."
<OOC> Krom isn't sure he'd be able to have his blades in hand then. plus, poseing atop the wagon is cool. At least, i hope it looks cool...
<OOC> Iadoth says, "It does."
<OOC> Iadoth says, "And you're right, you wouldn't."
GAME: Krom rolls ranged-6: (5)+6+-6: 5
<OOC> Iadoth says, "Yeah, that's not a hit I'm afraid."
<OOC> Iadoth says, "Pose it up!"

"Krom think you dropped this!" Standing atop the wagon, the warrior of Mestnoor hurls a javlin at the orc with more of the ranged weapons. The wooden skewer.... falls well short of it's mark, but close enough to get the general point across. Content in this, Krom draws his blades, the curved metal glinting in the light. GAME: Iadoth advances the initiative order.

     Round One - Init 19.
     It is now Adept's turn! Recruit 3 is next!

<OOC> Krom afks to feed cats and grab breakfast. notes is low on hp form last plot. Huh? (Type "help" for help.)

============> +thelp Help System for Tenebrae MUX <=============
   +timestop                           Summons a timestop                    
   +resume                             Removes the timestop.                 
   +tscan                              Displays information on the party.    
   +cinit                              Clears all inits.                     
   +rminit <name>                      Clears +init for <name.>              
   +modinit <name>=<init>              Changes <name>'s init to <init>.      
   +jinit <name>=<total init mod>      Rolls initiative for NPC.             
   +ninit/+pinit                       Advance to next person in initiative  
                                       order / return to previous.           
   +tdamage <player list>=<amount>     Damages named PCs. Use "all" for      
                                       <player list> to affect all players on
                                       initiative order. Accepts negative    
                                       numbers to heal.                      
   +tnonlethal <player list>=<amount>  Damages named PCs nonlethally. Use    
                                       "all" for <player list> to affect all 
                                       players on initiative order. Accepts  
                                       negative numbers to remove nonlethal  
   +tattrdamage <player>=<attr>=<amt>  Damages a specific attribute. Negative
                                       numbers heal.                         
   +taddhp <PC>=<amount>               Add temporary HP to PC.               
   +tnote <name>=<note>[=<duration>]   Add a note to <name> in initiative.   
                                       Optional <duration> to denote rounds  
                                       until expiration (if positive) or     
                                       begin tracking duration from round    
                                       added ( if 0 ) or from rounds prior   
                                       (if negative)                         
   +tremnote <name>=<note>             Remove a note.                        
                                       NOTE: Multiple notes allowed. Notes on
                                       NPCs only visible to DM.              

GAME: You damaged Krom for -100 points. 20 remaining. GAME: Iadoth advances the initiative order.

     Round One - Init 14.
     It is now Recruit 3's turn! Haggerty is next!

GAME: Iadoth advances the initiative order.

     Round One - Init 13.
     It is now Haggerty's turn! Recruit 2 is next!

GAME: Note Flat-footed on Haggerty ended.

Two of the riders encourage their horses forward, moving outside of a 'sensible' javelin range.

<OOC> Iadoth says, "They're 40 ft. away from you, now." <OOC> Iadoth says, "Two of 'em, that is." <OOC> Iadoth says, "Haggerty, you're up." <OOC> Iadoth says, "Sorry this is moving slowly, by the way." <OOC> Kaj says, "We're all moving slowly, I think :) Sorry!" <OOC> Iadoth says, "Haggerty?" <OOC> Haggerty says, "Shoot at javelin guy. I waste him with my crossbow(tm). :)" <OOC> Haggerty says, "What is the range, please?" <OOC> Iadoth says, "I guess you're within range... He's 40 ft away, actually." GAME: Haggerty rolls ranged: (3)+3: 6 <OOC> Haggerty says, "Lawl." <OOC> Iadoth says, "Yeah, that's not a hit either :)" <OOC> Iadoth says, "Pose it!" GAME: Iadoth advances the initiative order.

     Round One - Init 11.
     It is now Recruit 2's turn! Raider is next!

GAME: Iadoth advances the initiative order.

     Round One - Init 9.
     It is now Raider's turn! Recruit 1 is next!

GAME: Iadoth advances the initiative order.

     Round One - Init 7.
     It is now Recruit 1's turn! Kailin is next!

GAME: Iadoth advances the initiative order.

     Round One - Init 5.
     It is now Kailin's turn! Kaj is next!

GAME: Note Flat-footed on Kailin ended. <OOC> Kailin says, "Are they all at 40' now?"

The other three riders follow suit, drawing up 40 ft. from the cart and its prtevious occupants. <OOC> Iadoth says, "Yes :)" <OOC> Kailin grins. "I'll use bardic performance. And just hang out with my crew behind the cart." <OOC> Iadoth says, "What's the effect?" Haggerty fidgets with the crossbow, a heavy and chunky one with a winch to ready it. He aims, but the cart, wheel and half a snoring horse are in the way. His nerves, too. When the thing is at his shoulder, he lets go too fast. The white bolt zips past the green javelin chugger. Haggerty frowns and the pug facepalms, sensing the fail. <OOC> Kailin says, "Inspire courage!" <OOC> Iadoth huzzahs! <OOC> Haggerty cheers. <OOC> Kaj says, "What are the effects of that?+1 to everything?" <OOC> Iadoth says, "+1 to attack and damage, +1 to saves against charm and fear." <OOC> Iadoth says, "Pose it, Kailin!" <OOC> Kaj says, "Cool." [Public] Haggerty says, "Thanks for the responses!" GAME: NEW ROUND!

     Iadoth advances the initiative order.
     Round Two - Init 21.
     It is now Kaj's turn! Krom is next!

<OOC> Iadoth says, "Kaj, you're up again." <OOC> Kaj says, "ok!" <OOC> Iadoth says, "Don't fry 'em all at once." <OOC> Kaj says, "Does LB go through stuff? Ie, should i try to get two of them in a line?" <OOC> Iadoth says, "Unknown, but... I'd say not." <OOC> Iadoth doesn't think lightning goes through stuff.

Kailin looks at Haggerty next to him and gives a nod. "Another fine mess you've gotten us into. Now we have to walk the rest of the way to the town. And we were just sprinting down the home stretch..." He looks up to Krom as he throws a javelin and waves down to him. "Come join the party back here. There's a gift exchange. And music." He starts up his song, his deep voice booming out as he stomps the haft of his polearm into the ground. It is a fairly simple is song, but he sings it out powerfully, letting the war chant stir the courage of his allies.

<OOC> Kaj says, "ok i 'll target the biggest baddest one" <OOC> Kaj says, "and then close another 30' on another target" <OOC> Iadoth says, "Okay." <OOC> Krom returns, having managed to not kill himself on a very icy sidewalk <OOC> Iadoth says, "Go for it. Cast, roll, pose!" <OOC> Haggerty says, "120' line. Hits everything in the way." <OOC> Kailin says, "Line them up! Knock them down!" <OOC> Iadoth disagrees. "It's stopped by barriers, unless it breaks through. I think a creature would be a good barrier." <OOC> Haggerty nods nods. <OOC> Kaj says, "i think because it says 'in its area' it implies that it keeps going to its full range?" <OOC> Iadoth says, "Kajji?" <OOC> Kaj says, "Anywa, it's DC 15 :)" <OOC> Kaj says, "you can decide the effects if he fails the save." <OOC> Kaj :) <OOC> Iadoth says, "'The bolt may continue beyond the barrier if the spell's range permits; otherwise, it /stops at the barrier/...'" <OOC> Kaj says, "You're the boss. I'll ask for a clarification but let's go w 12" <OOC> Iadoth says, "6d6 is horrid." <OOC> Iadoth says, "Anyway they're not in a line, and from this range you couldn't get them in a line. They might get an idea of what you were doing before you got there." <OOC> Iadoth says, "Oh, actually, since they moved 60 ft /away/ from you, you need to move before the spell." <OOC> Kaj says, "OK, i have a glitch w having cast this psell in another plot, so i can't cast it, so assume it's cast and i have no more 3rd lvl spells, ok?" <OOC> Iadoth says, "'Kay." <OOC> Kaj says, "sure, i can move 30 or even 40? is 30 enough?" <OOC> Iadoth says, "30' is fine. Can you do me a caster level check please?" <OOC> Iadoth says, "They have SR" Kaj pages: what's that? <OOC> Kaj says, "oh" You paged Kaj with 'It's 1d20+(caster level)' GAME: Kaj rolls 1d20+5: (5)+5: 10 <OOC> Kaj says, "shizzle" GAME: Kaj rolls 1d100~ASF is 10/cent anyway: (27~ASF is 10/cent anyway): 0 <OOC> Iadoth says, "Huh? Anyway, the big bad has SR 11, so that's a... magical miss." <OOC> Iadoth says, "Pose it up!" GAME: Iadoth advances the initiative order.

     Round Two - Init 21.
     It is now Krom's turn! Adept is next!

<OOC> Iadoth says, "Krom! You're up." <OOC> Krom says, "I'd like to charge one... which I'm not sure how to go about from atop a wagon... athletics to get down at speed?" Kaj moves closer, still no weapons in hand. He shakes his head, "You are not worthy sons!" he bellows, and blasts the biggest Oruch. The lightning crackles from his hand, zigzagging towards the Oruch. As the bluewhite bolts reach him, they vanish in a flash. A smug-looking Kaj has continued to walk towards the Oruchs, anticipating a very different result, and his smirk now vanishes as he curses something fierce in Jotun...

<OOC> Iadoth says, "Hmm. Soften a fall. Apparently the DC would be something fierce." <OOC> Iadoth says, "DC 15 to soften a fall, then you can charge." <OOC> Iadoth says, "That sounds logical." GAME: Krom rolls athletics: (3)+5: 8 <OOC> Krom says, " charge then. :/" <OOC> Iadoth says, "No, getting down is your move action..." <OOC> Iadoth says, "I was thinking about applying fall damage, but that seems a bit harsh." <OOC> Krom nods, will just stay with the others by the wagon. <OOC> Iadoth says, "Pose it up!" GAME: Iadoth advances the initiative order.

     Round Two - Init 19.
     It is now Adept's turn! Recruit 3 is next!

<OOC> Kailin says, "We're having a party back here." Krom roars, and moves off the wagon... his toe catching on the sideboard as he goes. The northman manages to land on hsi feet, but his momentum is broken. Trying not to look any more foolish, Krom holds his weapons at the ready. Kaj pages: afk for 3

The oruchi with the morningstar and deformed head gets down carefully from his horse, and mutters something in yrch-speech, waving his hands in a strange fashion.

<OOC> Iadoth says, "He is casting 'Cause Fear' on you, Krom." <OOC> Iadoth says, "The DC is 11, and you get a +1 'cause of the Inspire Courage malarkey." <OOC> Kailin says, "Malarkey is yrch-speak for awesomeness." <OOC> Iadoth says, "True story." <OOC> Iadoth says, "Hint: don't fail." <OOC> Krom says, "Will roll?" <OOC> Iadoth says, "Oh yah." GAME: Krom rolls will+1: (12)+1+1: 14 <OOC> Iadoth says, "That'll do. You're /shaken/ instead." GAME: Note Shaken added to Krom with a duration of 1 rounds. <OOC> Kailin says, "What does shaken do? I've read about it but can't find the actual effect..." <OOC> Krom says, "-2 on most things" <OOC> Iadoth says, "-2 on attack, skill, saves." <OOC> Kailin says, "What? For reals?" <OOC> Iadoth says, "Yup, for reals." <OOC> Iadoth says, "It's a pretty good L1 spell." <OOC> Iadoth says, "It's only a round, though." GAME: Iadoth advances the initiative order.

     Round Two - Init 14.
     It is now Recruit 3's turn! Haggerty is next!

<OOC> Iadoth says, "You can pose it if you want." Watch System: Aldean has disconnected.

The javelineer with the withered arm dismounts, and turns to face the Krom, Kailin and Haggerty. He retrieves a javelin from his pack and casually flings it in their direction... GAME: Iadoth rolls 1d20+1-2: (15)+1+-2: 14 Huh? (Type "help" for help.) Krom pales as the dark magic hit him, the blood draining from his face, and a cold sweat breaking out on his plae skin. But the warrior stands his ground. "Gibble gibble gobble gibble. Krom can say funny words too!" the northman taunts... but his over quivers with the words.

| Name | Race | Class |E Lev| CHP | HP | AC |CMD |For |Ref |Wil |

|Haggerty |HUMAN |Wiz | 2 | 16 | 16 | 12 | 13 | 2 | 2 | 4 | |Kailin |GIANTBORN |Bbn/Bard | 2 | 18 | 18 | 16 | 19 | 4 | 4 | 1 | |Kaj |GIANTBORN |Rog/Wtc | 6 | 38 | 38 | 18 | 21 | 3 | 5 | 5 | |Krom |HUMAN |Ftr | 2 | 20 | 20 | 18 | 19 | 5 | 4 | 1 |

<OOC> Iadoth says, "Sorry, I was aiming for Krom."

  • voice quivers

... and completely fails to hit Krom. "Have another!" he shouts. "Ya little bastard!" GAME: Iadoth advances the initiative order.

     Round Two - Init 13.
     It is now Haggerty's turn! Recruit 2 is next!

<OOC> Iadoth says, "Hagg, you're up!" Watch System: Aldean has connected. <OOC> Haggerty says, "Casting Ray of Enfeeblement on the enemy caster." <OOC> Iadoth gurr <OOC> Iadoth says, "You'll have to step forward to do that, as he's 40 ft away." <OOC> Haggerty says, "Move closer some if need be. Range is 30' for me." <OOC> Iadoth nodnods. <OOC> Iadoth says, "Ranged touch attack!" GAME: Haggerty rolls ranged+1: (2)+3+1: 6 <OOC> Haggerty says, "Ack." <OOC> Iadoth says, "That was rotten luck." <OOC> Iadoth says, "It's a miss, I'm afraid." <OOC> Iadoth says, "Pose it up!" Huh? (Type "help" for help.) GAME: Iadoth advances the initiative order.

     Round Two - Init 11.
     It is now Recruit 2's turn! Raider is next!

GAME: Iadoth advances the initiative order.

     Round Two - Init 9.
     It is now Raider's turn! Recruit 1 is next!

GAME: Iadoth advances the initiative order.

     Round Two - Init 7.
     It is now Recruit 1's turn! Kailin is next!

All three of the remaining oruchi dismount their horses. Once on the ground, they each retrieve a javelin from the one carrying multiple, and take aim, throwing carefully at each of the targets next to the cart. <OOC> Iadoth says, "In order: Haggerty, Kailin, Krom." GAME: Iadoth rolls 1d20+1: (9)+1: 10 <OOC> Kailin says, "Behind the cart! That gives a bonus or something right? Cover?" <OOC> Iadoth says, "Good point; +4 if you're behind the cart." GAME: Iadoth rolls 1d20+2-2: (20)+2+-2: 20 <OOC> Iadoth says, "Threat..." GAME: Iadoth rolls 1d20+2-2: (15)+2+-2: 15 Haggerty looks at Kailin briefly, "Of course. Apologies for not recklessly harming civilians, attempting to ram into the village's well and other messes." The shortest of the group does not raise his voice. He struggles to ready the other crossbow he beought, but then he decides he knows some necromancy, too. The Northman aims a finger to zap the attacking caster with his own, watching out and using a mantra of runes retold to retain his focus if need be. Wait, that guy is a step more aware. He crawls a bit closer, bonks his head against the cart's (leading) axle which is not so bad. Neither his the surging magic Kailin helps with. What foils him is the brim of his hat which blinds the wizard-ling to where he should be shooting at. The dark streak of necromanic energy zigzags _around_ the intended target. The tiny black compatriot grunts and leans his head. <OOC> Kailin grumbles, "Miss." <OOC> Iadoth says, "Who's behind the cart?" <OOC> Kailin raises a hand. "Just me, I think." GAME: Iadoth rolls 1d6+4: (3)+4: 7 <OOC> Haggerty says, "necromantic, even." GAME: You damaged Kailin for 7 points. 11 remaining. <OOC> Iadoth says, "I mean, that was terrible luck." GAME: Iadoth rolls 1d20+1-2: (3)+1+-2: 2

The first and final javelin manage to miss their intended targets --- Haggerty, Krom --- but the middle somehow bypasses the cart and, completely by chance, hits Kailin squarely in the shoulder. It's a glancing blow, though.

GAME: Iadoth advances the initiative order.

     Round Two - Init 5.
     It is now Kailin's turn! Kaj is next!

<OOC> Iadoth says, "You're up, Kailin." <OOC> Kaj says, "Sorry to ask again but how close is big bad boss to me?" <OOC> Iadoth says, "110 ft." <OOC> Kailin says, "I'll step around and attack the adept. "I have a reach weapon so attacking from 10'."" Kaj pages: i thought i got it down to 80 cuz i walked and cast last turn? No? GAME: Kailin rolls melee + 1: (2)+6+1: 9 You paged Kaj with 'No, according to my calcs (taking into account your moves), you're 110 ft away I'm afraid.' <OOC> Kailin says, "Swing and a miss." Kaj pages: ok! <OOC> Iadoth says, "Bad luck. Pose it!" GAME: NEW ROUND!

     Iadoth advances the initiative order.
     Round Three - Init 21.
     It is now Kaj's turn! Krom is next!

<OOC> Iadoth says, "Kaj! You're up!" <OOC> Iadoth says, "Krom! Get ready!" Kaj pages: ok, i'm going to close another 30' and talk to the horses, see if i can get them to run, telling them their masters plan to eat the sleeping ones first, then them! Kaj pages: does that sound feasible? You paged Kaj with 'Yes... I think a Diplomacy roll is needed, though. They're... indifferent to you.' Kaj pages: ok, i haven't bought diplo...oops. Kaj pages: default to cha? Kaj pages: or wrong system? :) You paged Kaj with 'You can use it untrained.' Kaj pages: ok, i'll pose, roll and you can pose outocome? Kaj pages: oh wait, i'll use intimidate Kaj pages: i have that and it's much beetter! Kaj pages: ok? You paged Kaj with 'Okay. DC 13, to shift them to friendly for 1d6 minutes.' <OOC> Haggerty says, "We are the l33testest! n.n" You paged Kaj with '1d6 x 10 minutes.'

Continuing to close the gap, the half-giant raises his arms and speaks! But the speak is odd, sounding oddly blustery and practically neighing!

He says incomrephensible things....

GAME: Kaj rolls intimidate: (18)+9: 27

Kailin is behind the cart, but a javelin tears through the corner of it and catches Kailin in the shoulder. He lurches foward from the force of the blow as the weapon slides through his flesh. Gathering himself, he comes out from around the cart, he continues his song loudly, fighting through the pain. Raising his long handled hammer he swings it overhead, but his aim is off and the pain in his shoulder sends shooting pains through him as the weapon aims down on him. He is wide off the mark and the the head of the hammer passes harmlessly through the air as Kailin draws back the haft.

<OOC> Kaj says, "sorry, crap pose, but getting RLed (it's hard taking a call while typing!)" <OOC> Kaj says, "and sorry kailin, didn't mean to jump yuou" <OOC> Kailin says, "My big whif is nothin to wait on. :-P" You paged Kaj with 'Actually, you can only 'demoralize' as a standard action, which causes the 'shaken' condition. Probably not very helpful. And you get a -4, 'cause they're big and you're medium.' You paged Kaj with 'Sorry for the late reporting on this.'

The five horses are visibly shaking at the sounds made by Kaj, and gather closer together for comfort, tails together, facing outwards.

GAME: Iadoth advances the initiative order.

     Round Three - Init 21.
     It is now Krom's turn! Adept is next!

GAME: Note Shaken on Krom ended. <OOC> Iadoth says, "Note: Shaken is not ended on Krom until the Adept's turn." <OOC> Iadoth says, "Krom! You're up" Kaj pages: no worries, i just don't want them to be able to mount up You paged Kaj with 'I think we can assume that they won't' <OOC> Krom says, "charge mister javlin." You paged Kaj with 'You're 80 ft now.' <OOC> Iadoth says, "Charge! Okay, he's 40 ft away." Kaj pages: ok. My wife just called. Nanny fail. I have to go pick up my eldest because as awesome as she is, she can't be two places at once. I can be back in under an hour and can leave proxy and loggin to haggerty if that is acceptable? SO SORRY. GAME: Krom rolls 1d20+7+2-2: (15)+7+2+-2: 22 You paged Kaj with 'Of course! RL always comes first. Just make sure Haggerty's okay with that. It's fine, don't worry.' Kaj pages: ok, i;ll hcekc Kaj pages: Thanks and so ssorry <OOC> Kailin says, "Woot. We hit something!" <OOC> Iadoth says, "That's a hit! Roll for damage! Don't forget Kailin's inspirational courage!" GAME: Krom rolls 1d4+3+1: (2)+3+1: 6 GAME: Note Charged added to Krom with a duration of 1 rounds. <OOC> Krom had forgotten Courage for the attack. no worries, hit anyway. <OOC> Iadoth says, "Oof! Pose it up." <OOC> Iadoth says, "Note: he's deaded." <OOC> Iadoth says, "Or rather: dying." <OOC> Haggerty cheers. :) GAME: Iadoth advances the initiative order.

     Round Three - Init 19.
     It is now Adept's turn! Recruit 3 is next!

<OOC> Kaj says, "guys, i have to afk for RL situation, i'll be back in under an hour, Haggerty is proxying me. SOrry!" Kaj has disconnected. Watch System: Kaj has disconnected. Krom swallows back the remains of the magic inspired fear, and charges. Out of witty banter, the northman just roars, his blade flashing in the light before bringing a spray of blood, the javlin holder falling to the ground.

The oruchi adept looks pretty shocked at what's just happened to his comrade, and steps forward, attempting to deliver a crushing blow to Krom... GAME: Iadoth rolls 1d20+5: (19)+5: 24

| Name | Race | Class |E Lev| CHP | HP | AC |CMD |For |Ref |Wil |

|Haggerty |HUMAN |Wiz | 2 | 16 | 16 | 12 | 13 | 2 | 2 | 4 | |Kailin |GIANTBORN |Bbn/Bard | 2 | 11 | 18 | 16 | 19 | 4 | 4 | 1 | |Krom |HUMAN |Ftr | 2 | 20 | 20 | 18 | 19 | 5 | 4 | 1 |

<OOC> Iadoth gnar. That's a hit. GAME: Iadoth rolls 1d8+3: (8)+3: 11 ... and the shiny morningstar connects with his armour, delivering a nasty crushing blow to the fighter. GAME: You damaged Krom for 11 points. 9 remaining. <OOC> Iadoth says, "I keep forgetting that these oruchi have damage reduction. So, theoretically, the javelin thrower ain't dead, but I'll let it slide." GAME: Iadoth advances the initiative order.

     Round Three - Init 14.
     It is now Recruit 3's turn! Haggerty is next!

GAME: Iadoth advances the initiative order.

     Round Three - Init 13.
     It is now Haggerty's turn! Recruit 2 is next!
============> +thelp Help System for Tenebrae MUX <=============
   +timestop                           Summons a timestop                    
   +resume                             Removes the timestop.                 
   +tscan                              Displays information on the party.    
   +cinit                              Clears all inits.                     
   +rminit <name>                      Clears +init for <name.>              
   +modinit <name>=<init>              Changes <name>'s init to <init>.      
   +jinit <name>=<total init mod>      Rolls initiative for NPC.             
   +ninit/+pinit                       Advance to next person in initiative  
                                       order / return to previous.           
   +tdamage <player list>=<amount>     Damages named PCs. Use "all" for      
                                       <player list> to affect all players on
                                       initiative order. Accepts negative    
                                       numbers to heal.                      
   +tnonlethal <player list>=<amount>  Damages named PCs nonlethally. Use    
                                       "all" for <player list> to affect all 
                                       players on initiative order. Accepts  
                                       negative numbers to remove nonlethal  
   +tattrdamage <player>=<attr>=<amt>  Damages a specific attribute. Negative
                                       numbers heal.                         
   +taddhp <PC>=<amount>               Add temporary HP to PC.               
   +tnote <name>=<note>[=<duration>]   Add a note to <name> in initiative.   
                                       Optional <duration> to denote rounds  
                                       until expiration (if positive) or     
                                       begin tracking duration from round    
                                       added ( if 0 ) or from rounds prior   
                                       (if negative)                         
   +tremnote <name>=<note>             Remove a note.                        
                                       NOTE: Multiple notes allowed. Notes on
                                       NPCs only visible to DM.              

<OOC> Iadoth says, "Haggerty!" <OOC> Haggerty says, "Shoot at the adept again. No precise shot" <OOC> Iadoth nods, "rack it up!" GAME: Haggerty rolls ranged+1: (1)+3+1: 5 (EPIC FAIL) <OOC> Iadoth gnar. <OOC> Haggerty says, "Hahahaha." <OOC> Iadoth says, "Bad luck. Pose it!" <OOC> Kailin says, "Best dice ever." <OOC> Iadoth says, "Note that it's a fumble, and they're always funny." GAME: Iadoth advances the initiative order.

     Round Three - Init 11.
     It is now Recruit 2's turn! Raider is next!

GAME: Iadoth advances the initiative order.

     Round Three - Init 9.
     It is now Raider's turn! Recruit 1 is next!

Working together, the dazed-looking oruchi and the tough-looking one move to flank Krom! They both swing with their falchions... GAME: Iadoth rolls 1d20+6+2: (10)+6+2: 18 GAME: Iadoth rolls 1d20+7+2: (16)+7+2: 25 <OOC> Iadoth says, "I think they're both hits" <OOC> Krom is not having a good day... <OOC> Krom says, "They are" GAME: Iadoth rolls 2d4+6: (5)+6: 11 GAME: Iadoth rolls 2d4+6: (7)+6: 13 <OOC> Iadoth says, "Ouch" <OOC> Iadoth says, "I've never actually killed anyone before." Huh? (Type "help" for help.) GAME: You damaged Krom for 11 points. -2 remaining. (DYING) GAME: You damaged Krom for 13 points. -15 remaining. (DEAD) <OOC> Iadoth says, "Now I feel really mean." Haggerty ducks sideways. So far so good. He can clearly see the adept again from under the cart now that he pulled the hat back. Fine. Why aim too much? He points the big crossbow at the target and the bolt got caught under the rope which propels the missile, causing it to spin and hit the ceiling which is the vehicle. His fine hat is now stamped to the cart as are two braids so the yanking guy bonks his head when he jerks back to be in cover again. <OOC> Haggerty says, "We fail our rolls most of the time. No worries." <OOC> Krom says, "I blame whirlpool. Not sure how that works, but that's the blame i place anyway." <OOC> Haggerty says, "Whirldice are. But they typically demand his presence." <OOC> Iadoth winces. <OOC> Iadoth says, "Sorry" GAME: Iadoth advances the initiative order.

     Round Three - Init 7.
     It is now Recruit 1's turn! Kailin is next!

The hits connect, and Krom's weakened stance takes a further drumming. On the floor and unconscious, the pair continue to hack and attack him until he's looking very, very unwell.

The next oruchi, with his withered leg, makes an attempt to shuffle through the range of the reach weapon and attack Kailin. <OOC> Iadoth says, "Attack of Opportunity, Kailin." GAME: Kailin rolls melee + 1: (4)+6+1: 11 GAME: Iadoth rolls 1d20+6-1: (2)+6+-1: 7 <OOC> Iadoth says, "Ineffective" The weapon swings and glances off the oruchi's armour. It grins, and swings for Kailin, but misses wildly. GAME: Iadoth advances the initiative order.

     Round Three - Init 5.
     It is now Kailin's turn! Kaj is next!

<OOC> Iadoth says, "Your go! There's an oruchi in your face." GAME: Haggerty removed from initiative list. <OOC> Kailin says, "5' step back, then another step back with the move action, and a standard attack." GAME: Kailin rolls melee + 1: (1)+6+1: 8 (EPIC FAIL) <OOC> Kailin says, "Sounds about right." <OOC> Iadoth says, "Pose it?" GAME: NEW ROUND!

     Iadoth advances the initiative order.
     Round Four - Init 21.
     It is now Kaj's turn! Krom is next!

<OOC> Iadoth says, "Kaj is next." <OOC> Iadoth says, "Hagg, are you proxy'ing Kaj?"

===================== Current Initiative Order - Round 4 =====================
 >> 21   Kaj              3   <<
    21   Krom             1  Charged (0 rnds active)                      
    19   Adept            1  
    14   Recruit 3        1  
    11   Recruit 2        1  
    9    Raider           1  
    7    Recruit 1        1  
    5    Kailin           1  

<OOC> Haggerty says, "Yes." <OOC> Haggerty says, "But I need to know his spells." <OOC> Iadoth says, "Also, can you re-roll your init, 'cause I deleted it by accident." <OOC> Iadoth says, "Oh, goodness. Umm." GAME: Haggerty rolls initiative: 20 + 6 = 26 GAME: Haggerty's initiative total changed to 13. <OOC> Iadoth says, "I... don't know what his spells are." <OOC> Haggerty says, "Asking Whirls." <OOC> Iadoth says, "Cool, awesome." <OOC> Iadoth says, "Thank you, by the way." <OOC> Haggerty says, "Welcome."

Kailin manages to stay out of the way of one of the attackers presses, but his swing on the opponent goes wide yet again. He steps back, putting distance between himself and the oruchi and whirls his weapon around to make a strike connect solidly, but that swing is even worse than the first as a foot slips out from beneath him and he puts the head of his hammer into the ground with a solid thump. Looking around the area, seeing one down, he sees this going from bad to worse quickly.

[Public] Haggerty says, "Any admins alive? I need some info to proxy a PC." <OOC> Haggerty says, "With the ranged guy down and the adept short of a few spells, Kaj takes to the air and flies close to flank from above, using his hair at 10'." <OOC> Iadoth says, "What's his fly speed?" <OOC> Iadoth says, "It's okay. 60 ft." Watch System: Aldean has disconnected. <OOC> Iadoth says, "That's all kosher." <OOC> Iadoth says, "We'll assume a charge." <OOC> Haggerty says, "He has "fly" as a hex. Fly as per the spell." <OOC> Haggerty says, "Yes." <OOC> Iadoth says, "Roll it!" GAME: Haggerty rolls +2+5+2+2: (7)++2+5+2+2: 18 <OOC> Iadoth says, "Who are you attacking?" <OOC> Iadoth says, "Kaj was going for the big bad before." <OOC> Haggerty says, "He would do that." <OOC> Iadoth says, "It's a hit, then." <OOC> Iadoth says, "Huzzah!" GAME: Haggerty rolls 1d4+1d6+5: (1)+(3)+5: 9 <OOC> Iadoth says, "DR5/cold iron, so... 4" GAME: Krom removed from initiative list. GAME: Iadoth advances the initiative order.

     Round Four - Init 19.
     It is now Adept's turn! Recruit 3 is next!

The adept screeches, and attempts to step through Kailin's whirling weapon arc... <OOC> Iadoth says, "AoO, Kailin." GAME: Kailin rolls melee + 1: (6)+6+1: 13 <OOC> Iadoth says, "Not quite, but almost." ... which he does with relative ease. He takes a swing with the morningstar... GAME: Iadoth rolls 1d20+5: (4)+5: 9 ... and manages to miss Kailin completely. GAME: Iadoth advances the initiative order.

     Round Four - Init 14.
     It is now Recruit 3's turn! Haggerty is next!

GAME: Iadoth advances the initiative order.

     Round Four - Init 13.
     It is now Haggerty's turn! Recruit 2 is next!

<OOC> Iadoth says, "Hagg, your turn proper now." <OOC> Iadoth says, "Oh, okay! Well, that's good news." <OOC> Iadoth says, "Anyone else have cold iron?" <OOC> Kailin is level 2, can't afford that. The massive, prime specimen of a giantborn takes to the air with his huge mass of long hair rearing up like coiling snakes! On he flies to attack the foes from behinf. Balling some of the hair which has a mind of its own, he delivers a brutal strike to the back of the big bad leading oruch's back, but that one is not felled. The hulking giantblooded man stays at range, however, illusive to plain strikes with short weapons. <OOC> Haggerty says, "Hrm. I tickle the punched guy with a gob of acid. Acid Splash without precise shot." <OOC> Iadoth says, "Go for it." GAME: Haggerty rolls ranged+1: (18)+3+1: 22 <OOC> Haggerty says, "SR needs to be beaten.." GAME: Haggerty rolls +2: (15)++2: 17 GAME: Haggerty rolls 1d3: (1): 1 <OOC> Iadoth says, "Yep, just 11." GAME: Haggerty casts Acid Splash. Caster Level: 2 DC: 14 <OOC> Iadoth says, "Good work, pose it up." GAME: Iadoth advances the initiative order.

     Round Four - Init 11.
     It is now Recruit 2's turn! Raider is next!

Haggerty wiggles the gloved fingers from where he is at and stabs the air in the direction of the hair-punched opponent. He singes the oruch with a little, well, spit of green acid.

The dazed-looking recruit spins around, looking at the flying witch. She stoops to retrieve a javelin from the ground... GAME: Iadoth rolls 1d20+1: (10)+1: 11

| Name | Race | Class |E Lev| CHP | HP | AC |CMD |For |Ref |Wil |

|Haggerty |HUMAN |Wiz | 2 | 16 | 16 | 12 | 13 | 2 | 2 | 4 | |Kailin |GIANTBORN |Bbn/Bard | 2 | 11 | 18 | 16 | 19 | 4 | 4 | 1 |

<OOC> Iadoth says, "What's Kaj's AC?" <OOC> Iadoth says, "Found it." ... but completely fails to hit the rather large target in the sky. GAME: Iadoth advances the initiative order.

     Round Four - Init 9.
     It is now Raider's turn! Recruit 1 is next!

[Public] BeagleFarts says, "What's up?" Distractedly, the Raider turns to look up at Kaj, and attempts something similar to his comrade. GAME: Iadoth rolls 1d20+2: (6)+2: 8 Again, the javelin falls short of its target. GAME: Iadoth advances the initiative order.

     Round Four - Init 7.
     It is now Recruit 1's turn! Kailin is next!

Finally, the recruit with a gammy leg ducks through Kailin's weapon arc again. <OOC> Iadoth says, "AoO, again!" <OOC> Iadoth says, "Will this guy ever learn?!" <OOC> Kailin says, "I just get the one per turn." <OOC> Iadoth says, "Didja already do it?" <OOC> Iadoth says, "Oh yeah" <OOC> Kailin nods. <OOC> Iadoth says, "Righto." Stumbling through, he makes an attempt to wrestle Kailin to the ground. GAME: Iadoth rolls 1d20+5: (16)+5: 21 <OOC> Iadoth says, "Kailin, what's your CMB?" <OOC> Iadoth says, "CMD, sorry." <OOC> Kailin says, "19" <OOC> Iadoth gnar! <OOC> Iadoth says, "Consider yourself grappled." <OOC> Kailin nods. The oruchi successfully manages to grab the giantborn and bring him to the ground. GAME: Iadoth advances the initiative order.

     Round Four - Init 5.
     It is now Kailin's turn! Kaj is next!

<OOC> Iadoth says, "Your move." <OOC> Iadoth says, "'If You Are Grappled: If you are grappled, you can attempt to break the grapple as a standard action by making a combat maneuver check (DC equal to your opponent's CMD; this does not provoke an attack of opportunity) or Escape Artist check (with a DC equal to your opponent's CMD). If you succeed, you break the grapple and can act normally. Alternatively, if you succeed, you can become the grappler, grappling the other creature (meaning that the other creature cannot freely release the grapple without making a combat maneuver check, while you can). Instead of attempting to break or reverse the grapple, you can take any action that doesn't require two hands to perform, such as cast a spell or make an attack or full attack with a light or one-handed weapon against any creature within your reach, including the creature that is grappling you. See the grappled condition for additional details. If you are pinned, your actions are very limited. See the pinned condition in Conditions for additional details.'" <OOC> Kailin says, "I'll try to get out of the grapple." GAME: Kailin rolls melee + 1 + 1: (1)+6+1+1: 9 (EPIC FAIL) <OOC> Kailin says, "Yep."

Kailin is wrapped up and held in check with one of the oruchi, held under the grip of the other creature. He struggles agains the grip of the figure, but again slips and tumbles to the ground, giving way to his opponent, his own weapon trapped uselessly underneath him. The pain in his shoulder throbs, but it is is a welcome distraction from the imminent demise closing in on him.


     Iadoth advances the initiative order.
     Round Five - Init 21.
     It is now Kaj's turn! Adept is next!

<OOC> Iadoth says, "Hagg/Kaj ?" <OOC> Haggerty says, "5' forward. Attack with hair as primary and fists as secondary. One for the adept, other fist for the javelin getter, hair for the grappler." <OOC> Haggerty says, "I guess Kaj only flanks the grappler now?" <OOC> Iadoth says, "Okay, that sounds logical. Roll it up!" <OOC> Haggerty says, "Hair, Fist1, Fist2." GAME: Haggerty rolls +2+5+2: (14)++2+5+2: 23 <OOC> Iadoth says, "23 hits the Adept." GAME: Haggerty rolls 1d4+1d6+5: (1)+(6)+5: 12 <OOC> Haggerty says, "Hair is first. Aimed at grappler." GAME: Haggerty rolls +2+5-5: (13)++2+5+-5: 15 <OOC> Haggerty says, "This is for the adept." <OOC> Iadoth says, "That hits the adept." <OOC> Kailin says, "Don't forget your +1 from being so inspired by my awesomeness. Not sure if that is included." <OOC> Haggerty says, "I forgot!" <OOC> Iadoth says, "It doesn't matter; both hit." GAME: Haggerty rolls +2+5+1-5: (6)++2+5+1+-5: 9 <OOC> Iadoth says, "That one, not so much." GAME: Haggerty rolls 1d4+5: (3)+5: 8 <OOC> Iadoth says, "Who's that for?" <OOC> Iadoth says, "Oh, Adept." <OOC> Haggerty says, "For the adept. Please add +1 for song I forgot to add again." <OOC> Iadoth says, "Great attacks. Next!" GAME: Iadoth advances the initiative order.

     Round Five - Init 19.
     It is now Adept's turn! Recruit 3 is next!

The adept snarls distractedly, and attempts to step through to attack Kailin... <OOC> Iadoth says, "AoO, Kailin?" <OOC> Kailin says, "I don't think I can since I'm grappled." <OOC> Iadoth says, "You can at -2" <OOC> Iadoth says, "Unless your weapon is 2H." <OOC> Kailin says, "Yes. Its 2 handed." ...but instead, reaches forward to touch an exposed part of the grappled Kailin! The lofty giant with the loin-pelt and buckler beltbuckle, swings both his huge ham-fists and pummels with his masses of hair. He hits the grappling oruch and the caster with the morningstar. Solid hits both, but the effect is dimmed. He roars. <OOC> Iadoth says, "This is a touch attack." GAME: Iadoth rolls 1d20+1-1: (1)+1+-1: 1 (EPIC FAIL) <OOC> Kailin says, "AC 10 or maybe less." Sadly, the grappler denies him the opportunity. GAME: Iadoth advances the initiative order.

     Round Five - Init 14.
     It is now Recruit 3's turn! Haggerty is next!

GAME: Iadoth advances the initiative order.

     Round Five - Init 13.
     It is now Haggerty's turn! Recruit 2 is next!

<OOC> Iadoth says, "Haggerty!" <OOC> Iadoth says, "Save them!" <OOC> Kailin says, "Yeah... please do." Kaj has connected. Watch System: Kaj has connected. <OOC> Haggerty says, "They are too close together for control." <OOC> Kaj says, "Aroo!" <OOC> Iadoth says, "I'm going to have to walk home after this round. I can carry on for 25 minutes whilst I do so, but I'll need to rely on others for rools." <OOC> Haggerty says, "The DR ruins my ranged melee. Acid Splash again." <OOC> Iadoth says, "'Gainst?" <OOC> Haggerty says, "Adept. The giant is too big to see any orky wrasslin." <OOC> Kaj says, "Did Krom die?" <OOC> Iadoth says, "Krom got deaded." GAME: Haggerty rolls ranged+1: (2)+3+1: 6 <OOC> Haggerty says, "Crud." <OOC> Iadoth says, "That's okay. Do your CL check." <OOC> Haggerty says, "I just missed the ranged touch. No need for CL." <OOC> Iadoth says, "Okay." GAME: Iadoth advances the initiative order.

     Round Five - Init 11.
     It is now Recruit 2's turn! Raider is next!

The dazed-looking oruchi reaches down for another javelin, leaving him open to attack... <OOC> Iadoth says, "AoO to whoever threatens." <OOC> Kaj says, "Do I threaten?" <OOC> Iadoth says, "Probably." <OOC> Iadoth says, "You attacked him last turn." <OOC> Kaj says, "Ok cool cuz i has combat reflexes" <OOC> Kailin edits that to hopefully! <OOC> Iadoth says, "Roll it! His AC is 15." <OOC> Kaj says, "What am i attacking with, bare hands and hair?" <OOC> Haggerty says, "Yes." <OOC> Iadoth says, "Whatever you like, but I don't think it can be a full attack." GAME: Kaj rolls melee+1: (10)+7+1: 18 <OOC> Iadoth says, "'Tis a hit" <OOC> Kaj says, "ok, i'll just kick him :)" GAME: Kaj rolls 1d3+5: (3)+5: 8 <OOC> Kaj says, "do i get flanking?" <OOC> Iadoth says, "I think so." GAME: Kaj rolls 1d6: (5): 5 <OOC> Krom has been somewhat RL-ed, so slow. <OOC> Kaj says, "sneak attack extra dmg. 13 total." <OOC> Kailin says, "My +1!" <OOC> Iadoth says, "DR'ed to 8." <OOC> Krom says, "in addition to being dead..." <OOC> Kaj hugs dead Krom. <OOC> Kaj says, "OK" <OOC> Iadoth says, "Now, does that stop the guy taking his action?" <OOC> Kaj says, "I did use your +1 Kailing but i forgot the +2 from flanking :)" <OOC> Kailin says, "K. :-)" GAME: Iadoth rolls 1d20+1-1: (1)+1+-1: 1 (EPIC FAIL) <OOC> Iadoth says, "Nae bother, he failed anyhow." GAME: Iadoth advances the initiative order.

     Round Five - Init 9.
     It is now Raider's turn! Recruit 1 is next!

The oruchi gets kicked, causes him to miss entirely with the javelin. The big one does likewise, but is also open to attack. <OOC> Kaj says, "oh that should have been +1 damage on each of those rolls, sorry Kailin! That's what you meant!" <OOC> Kaj says, "so i think it's DRd to 10 GM Iadoth." <OOC> Iadoth says, "Ah! He's at 0 hp then, but Ferocity'll keep him going a while longer." <OOC> Kaj says, "ARIHGTY!" <OOC> Kaj says, "Note: since I posed hugging Krom, I get all his l00t" <OOC> Iadoth says, "I'm about to connect on my phone instead." [Public] BeagleFarts gets food!

MOTD: Today's Spot of the Day is Roleplay Nexus: Stonewright Brew Pub

Last connect was from on Thu Jan 07 12:42:47.178289 2016. MAIL: 1 messages in folder 0 [unnamed] (0 unread, 0 cleared). -=--=--=--=--=--=--=--=--=--<* Plot Room: Three *>--=--=--=--=--=--=--=--=--=-

         These rooms are for player-run plots, although plots may also be run ongrid any time and at any location. Player Run Plots are a welcome and desired series of events on this MUSH. When we speak of Player Run Plots we're speaking of any adventure or IC event that involves at least two or more players in addition to the one running the scene.
         This can be anything from an emitted scene of a bar room brawl to a dungeon crawl. The system is set up in a way to encourage spontaneous plots as well as pre-planned scenarios with minimal fuss with the staff. In short, if you have an itch to run a player run plot, for the most part you're allowed to do so. That is, plots tend to not require pre-approval from staff. Visit the website at Roleplay > Player Run Plots for details and awards.
         As with all grid spaces, these places are considered public.

         Channel: RPThree
         Add: addcom r3=RPThree
         PrP Help: +prhelp
         Exotic Locales: +prhelp locations

-=--=--=--=--=--=--=--=--=--=--=-- Contents --=--=--=--=--=--=--=--=--=--=--=-

Haggerty        Beanstalk Aesir with a mass of thin red braids.       7s   4h
Krom            A young, lithe, Mestnorr warrior.                     2m   8h
Kaj             A one-eyed, red-maned COLOSSUS.                       2m   12m
Iadoth          Lithe elf with green eyes and plaited brown hair.     0s   6h
Kailin          Brown-skinned, blue eyes, 7' of muscle, white hair    5m   4h

-=--=--=--=--=--=--=--=--=--=--=-- Objects =--=--=--=--=--=--=--=--=--=--=--=- Timestop by Iadoth(#2951I) -=--=--=--=--=--=--=--=--=--=--=--= Exits -=--=--=--=--=--=--=--=--=--=--=--=- Plot Nexus <O> -=--=--=--=--=--=--=--=--=--=--=--=--=--=--=--=--=--=--=--=--=--=--=--=--=--=-

=====> Angry Druid's Events Tracker for Tenebrae MUX v1.1 <======
 For more information, or to add your own event, type +event/view #, or +help events. Today is Jan 07, 2016, 04:59:40 PM, LOCAL. All times are given in local time as set. (see +time for details).
 Multiple events during a day by runners is encouraged, especially for low-level scenes. See +help rpp for rewards for getting out ongrid and +help events for events help.
 # | Start Date/Time    | Level | Title                          | Poster     
*1 | Sat Dec 26 05:45AM | 2-5   | A Shocking Development         | Autumn 
*2 | Tue Dec 29 01:30AM | MONKS | Kung Fu 2: More Kung Fu        | Whirlpool 
*3 | Wed Dec 30 01:30AM | 2-5   | First Steps 4                  | Whirlpool 
*4 |            09:00PM | 2-5   | Rogue Diplomacy                | Solace 
*5 | Thu Dec 31 09:00PM | 2-5   | Just Business                  | Benthus 
*6 | Fri Jan 01 06:00PM | 2-5   | Quick! Get 'Em!                | Stirling 
*7 | Sat Jan 02 12:00AM | 2     | Murderous Cannibal             | Benthus 
*8 |            01:30AM | N/A   | Legwork Rakim: The Usual Suspe | Whirlpool 
*9 |            01:30AM | N/A   | Legwork Silmeria: ITS A TARP   | Whirlpool 
*10| Sun Jan 03 01:30AM | 15+   | Blood for the Bludgun!         | Whiteout 
*11| Tue Jan 05 01:30AM | 2     | Orientation                    | Whirlpool 
*12| Wed Jan 06 01:30AM | MONKS | Kung Fu 3: KUNG FU COMPLETION  | Whirlpool 
*13| Thu Jan 07 01:00AM | 6-10  | Ministry of Lost Souls I       | Derecho 
 14|            12:30PM | 2-6   | Borders II: Raiders of the Los | Iadoth 
*15| Sun Jan 10 01:30AM | 15+   | Blood for the Bludgun! Part De | Whiteout 
*16| Thu Jan 14 01:00AM | UNSET | Ministry of Lost Souls Ia      | Derecho 
*17| Sun Jan 24 12:00AM | ALL   | MEETUP: Concert!               | Aldean
===> * Unread | Open/Closed/Signed Up/Confirmed | Past Date <====
=========> Unread Postings on Tenebrae's Bulletin Board <=========

Plot Announcements (#3): 1 unread (85)

==================> Type +help bboard for help <==================
=======| Anomaly Jobs v6.5 |=======
  • Job# Title Due On Assigned To Status

    10 PLOTS -------- -                  NEW   
    11 PLOTS -------- -                  NEW   
  • 12 PLOTS -------- - NEW
    13 PLOTS -------- -                  NEW   
    14 PLOTS -------- -                  NEW   
  • 64 Iadot -------- - NEW
====| * Denotes New Activity |=====
======================> Plot Announcements <======================

Message:3/85 Posted Author Ministry of Lost Souls Ia (CLOSED) Thu Jan 07 Derecho

The party continues their tour of the desolate ruins!

Location: Dragonier Start Time: Wed Jan 13 20:00:00 2016 EST


<OOC> Iadoth says, "Back, what Did I miss?" <OOC> Krom says, "Doom, death, destruction. The usual"

MOTD: Today's Spot of the Day is Roleplay Nexus: Stonewright Brew Pub

Last connect was from on Thu Jan 07 18:59:40.586311 2016. MAIL: 1 messages in folder 0 [unnamed] (0 unread, 0 cleared). -=--=--=--=--=--=--=--=--=--<* Plot Room: Three *>--=--=--=--=--=--=--=--=--=-

         These rooms are for player-run plots, although plots may also be run ongrid any time and at any location. Player Run Plots are a welcome and desired series of events on this MUSH. When we speak of Player Run Plots we're speaking of any adventure or IC event that involves at least two or more players in addition to the one running the scene.
         This can be anything from an emitted scene of a bar room brawl to a dungeon crawl. The system is set up in a way to encourage spontaneous plots as well as pre-planned scenarios with minimal fuss with the staff. In short, if you have an itch to run a player run plot, for the most part you're allowed to do so. That is, plots tend to not require pre-approval from staff. Visit the website at Roleplay > Player Run Plots for details and awards.
         As with all grid spaces, these places are considered public.

         Channel: RPThree
         Add: addcom r3=RPThree
         PrP Help: +prhelp
         Exotic Locales: +prhelp locations

-=--=--=--=--=--=--=--=--=--=--=-- Contents --=--=--=--=--=--=--=--=--=--=--=-

Haggerty        Beanstalk Aesir with a mass of thin red braids.       3s   4h
Krom            A young, lithe, Mestnorr warrior.                     45s  8h
Kaj             A one-eyed, red-maned COLOSSUS.                       4m   15m
Iadoth          Lithe elf with green eyes and plaited brown hair.     0s   6h
Kailin          Brown-skinned, blue eyes, 7' of muscle, white hair    8m   4h

-=--=--=--=--=--=--=--=--=--=--=-- Objects =--=--=--=--=--=--=--=--=--=--=--=- Timestop by Iadoth(#2951I) -=--=--=--=--=--=--=--=--=--=--=--= Exits -=--=--=--=--=--=--=--=--=--=--=--=- Plot Nexus <O> -=--=--=--=--=--=--=--=--=--=--=--=--=--=--=--=--=--=--=--=--=--=--=--=--=--=-

=====> Angry Druid's Events Tracker for Tenebrae MUX v1.1 <======
 For more information, or to add your own event, type +event/view #, or +help events. Today is Jan 07, 2016, 05:02:05 PM, LOCAL. All times are given in local time as set. (see +time for details).
 Multiple events during a day by runners is encouraged, especially for low-level scenes. See +help rpp for rewards for getting out ongrid and +help events for events help.
 # | Start Date/Time    | Level | Title                          | Poster     
*1 | Sat Dec 26 05:45AM | 2-5   | A Shocking Development         | Autumn 
*2 | Tue Dec 29 01:30AM | MONKS | Kung Fu 2: More Kung Fu        | Whirlpool 
*3 | Wed Dec 30 01:30AM | 2-5   | First Steps 4                  | Whirlpool 
*4 |            09:00PM | 2-5   | Rogue Diplomacy                | Solace 
*5 | Thu Dec 31 09:00PM | 2-5   | Just Business                  | Benthus 
*6 | Fri Jan 01 06:00PM | 2-5   | Quick! Get 'Em!                | Stirling 
*7 | Sat Jan 02 12:00AM | 2     | Murderous Cannibal             | Benthus 
*8 |            01:30AM | N/A   | Legwork Rakim: The Usual Suspe | Whirlpool 
*9 |            01:30AM | N/A   | Legwork Silmeria: ITS A TARP   | Whirlpool 
*10| Sun Jan 03 01:30AM | 15+   | Blood for the Bludgun!         | Whiteout 
*11| Tue Jan 05 01:30AM | 2     | Orientation                    | Whirlpool 
*12| Wed Jan 06 01:30AM | MONKS | Kung Fu 3: KUNG FU COMPLETION  | Whirlpool 
*13| Thu Jan 07 01:00AM | 6-10  | Ministry of Lost Souls I       | Derecho 
 14|            12:30PM | 2-6   | Borders II: Raiders of the Los | Iadoth 
*15| Sun Jan 10 01:30AM | 15+   | Blood for the Bludgun! Part De | Whiteout 
*16| Thu Jan 14 01:00AM | UNSET | Ministry of Lost Souls Ia      | Derecho 
*17| Sun Jan 24 12:00AM | ALL   | MEETUP: Concert!               | Aldean
===> * Unread | Open/Closed/Signed Up/Confirmed | Past Date <====

There are no unread postings on Tenebrae's Bulletin Board.

=======================| Anomaly Jobs v6.5 |=======================
  • Job# Title Due On Assigned To Status

    10 PLOTS: Welcome to PLOTS!             -------- -                  NEW   
    11 PLOTS: Meta-Arc NPCs!                -------- -                  NEW   
  • 12 PLOTS: Asumit and Alexandria -------- - NEW
    13 PLOTS: The Dran and Rune War         -------- -                  NEW   
    14 PLOTS: The Lich and the Voice        -------- -                  NEW   
  • 64 Iadoth: The Rabbit Skinner -------- - NEW
====================| * Denotes New Activity |=====================

<OOC> Iadoth says, "Kaj, AoO on big bad?" <OOC> Kaj says, "Yesh." GAME: Kaj rolls melee+3: (8)+7+3: 18 <OOC> Iadoth says, "AC17, met." GAME: Kaj rolls 1d3+6+1d6+6: (3)+6+(3)+6: 18 <OOC> Kaj says, "I added str and courage damage to sneak this time, i hope that's correct, forgot to add that last time!" Watch System: Stirling has disconnected. <OOC> Iadoth says, "It's enough to take him out." <OOC> Kaj does his famous pec dance of pecs. [Public] Haggerty says, "Excellent idea!" The raider stoops to collect a javelin, but is kicked squarely by the flying witch, and is sent broken to the ground. Down, but not out. GAME: Iadoth advances the initiative order.

     Round Five - Init 7.
     It is now Recruit 1's turn! Kailin is next!

The grappler attempts to continue her grapple. GAME: Iadoth rolls 1d20+5+4: (11)+5+4: 20 <OOC> Iadoth says, "I think that's a success?" <OOC> Kaj says, "what are we rolling for?" <OOC> Iadoth says, "Maintaining the grapple." <OOC> Kaj says, "OH right. Sorry." -Success! She grabs her falchion, and tries to use the pommel as an improvised weapon. <OOC> Iadoth says, "Help! Penalty for improvised weapon." <OOC> Kaj says, "-4" <OOC> Iadoth says, "Thanks. Kailin, your AC is -2." GAME: Iadoth rolls 1d20+1+1-4-1: (2)+1+1+-4+-1: -1 <OOC> Kaj points and laughs at the grappler. Unfortunately, the big weapon isn't good enough, and the thing almost slips from her grasp. GAME: Iadoth advances the initiative order.

     Round Five - Init 5.
     It is now Kailin's turn! Kaj is next!

<OOC> Iadoth says, "Kailin?" <OOC> Iadoth says, "In almost home. We could reconvene next Thursday, if that's agreeable?" <OOC> Haggerty says, "I can do that." <OOC> Kaj says, "Could do. I can probably finish the grappler with a neutralizing grapple of my own in my turn if we want to try to wrap it up quick?" <OOC> Haggerty says, "As is. If I need to cover for another and my day off gets changed, I will @mail." Kaj pages: I get +10+2+1 on the grapple attempt at this time. but totally respect yoyu Kaj pages: you're getting home :) <OOC> Iadoth says, "Or, I'll be available again in an hour, for a bit." <OOC> Kaj says, "That works for me. :)"

MOTD: Today's Spot of the Day is Roleplay Nexus: Stonewright Brew Pub

Last connect was from on Thu Jan 07 19:02:05.950114 2016. MAIL: 1 messages in folder 0 [unnamed] (0 unread, 0 cleared). -=--=--=--=--=--=--=--=--=--<* Plot Room: Three *>--=--=--=--=--=--=--=--=--=-

         These rooms are for player-run plots, although plots may also be run ongrid any time and at any location. Player Run Plots are a welcome and desired series of events on this MUSH. When we speak of Player Run Plots we're speaking of any adventure or IC event that involves at least two or more players in addition to the one running the scene.
         This can be anything from an emitted scene of a bar room brawl to a dungeon crawl. The system is set up in a way to encourage spontaneous plots as well as pre-planned scenarios with minimal fuss with the staff. In short, if you have an itch to run a player run plot, for the most part you're allowed to do so. That is, plots tend to not require pre-approval from staff. Visit the website at Roleplay > Player Run Plots for details and awards.
         As with all grid spaces, these places are considered public.

         Channel: RPThree
         Add: addcom r3=RPThree
         PrP Help: +prhelp

There are no unread postings on Tenebrae's Bulletin Board.

=======================| Anomaly Jobs v6.5 |=======================
  • Job# Title Due On Assigned To Status

    10 PLOTS: Welcome to PLOTS!             -------- -                  NEW   
    11 PLOTS: Meta-Arc NPCs!                -------- -                  NEW   
  • 12 PLOTS: Asumit and Alexandria -------- - NEW
    13 PLOTS: The Dran and Rune War         -------- -                  NEW   
    14 PLOTS: The Lich and the Voice        -------- -                  NEW   
  • 64 Iadoth: The Rabbit Skinner -------- - NEW
====================| * Denotes New Activity |=====================

or Tenebrae MUX v1.1 <============

 For more information, or to add your own event, type +event/view #, or +help events. Today is Jan 07, 2016, 05:23:13 PM, LOCAL. All times are given in local time as set. (see +time for details).
 Multiple events during a day by runners is encouraged, especially for low-level scenes. See +help rpp for rewards for getting out ongrid and +help events for events help.
 # | Start Date/Time    | Level | Title                          | Poster     
*1 | Sat Dec 26 05:45AM | 2-5   | A Shocking Development         | Autumn 
*2 | Tue Dec 29 01:30AM | MONKS | Kung Fu 2: More Kung Fu        | Whirlpool 
*3 | Wed Dec 30 01:30AM | 2-5   | First Steps 4                  | Whirlpool 
*4 |            09:00PM | 2-5   | Rogue Diplomacy                | Solace 
*5 | Thu Dec 31 09:00PM | 2-5   | Just Business                  | Benthus 
*6 | Fri Jan 01 06:00PM | 2-5   | Quick! Get 'Em!                | Stirling 
*7 | Sat Jan 02 12:00AM | 2     | Murderous Cannibal             | Benthus 
*8 |            01:30AM | N/A   | Legwork Rakim: The Usual Suspe | Whirlpool 
*9 |            01:30AM | N/A   | Legwork Silmeria: ITS A TARP   | Whirlpool 
*10| Sun Jan 03 01:30AM | 15+   | Blood for the Bludgun!         | Whiteout 
*11| Tue Jan 05 01:30AM | 2     | Orientation                    | Whirlpool 
*12| Wed Jan 06 01:30AM | MONKS | Kung Fu 3: KUNG FU COMPLETION  | Whirlpool 
*13| Thu Jan 07 01:00AM | 6-10  | Ministry of Lost Souls I       | Derecho 
 14|            12:30PM | 2-6   | Borders II: Raiders of the Los | Iadoth 
*15| Sun Jan 10 01:30AM | 15+   | Blood for the Bludgun! Part De | Whiteout 
*16| Thu Jan 14 01:00AM | UNSET | Ministry of Lost Souls Ia      | Derecho 
*17| Sun Jan 24 12:00AM | ALL   | MEETUP: Concert!               | Aldean
===> * Unread | Open/Closed/Signed Up/Confirmed | Past Date <====

<OOC> Haggerty says, "I need toget dressed for groceries soon, but I will try to be speedy." <OOC> Kaj says, "IAdoth, in case you missed it: iin an hour works for me. :)" <OOC> Iadoth says, "Let's go for next week, I won't have my laptop anyway. If y'all agree..." <OOC> Haggerty nods. <OOC> Iadoth says, "Alright, Thanks so far guys. And sorry Krom." Kailin has disconnected. Kailin has connected. <OOC> Kaj says, "Thank you man, catch you all in a bit." <OOC> Kaj says, "Kailin, don't know if you saw that, you're up and were' going to try to piuck up in an hour" <OOC> Kailin says, "K." <OOC> Haggerty says, "Thanks, all!" <OOC> Haggerty says, "Do we pool rez cash for Krom?" <OOC> Kaj says, "Isn't it 000s and 000s?" <OOC> Kailin says, "So an hour from now? Or an hour from some other time?" <OOC> Kaj says, "hour from now" <OOC> Haggerty says, "Iad said in a week, because he is without his laptop?" <OOC> Kaj says, "I had missed that in the spam, sorry :)" <OOC> Kailin says, "Okay. Next week then. Not sure if I can make that, but I'll try." [Public] Kaj has joined this channel. [Public] Kaj says, "How much does it cost to RD or Res a lvl 2 char here? :)" Watch System: Aldean has connected. <OOC> Kailin sleeps again. Kailin has left. Watch System: Stirling has connected. (New BB message (3/86) posted to 'Plot Announcements' by Ralickwort: Borders II: Raiders part deux (CLO) Krom has disconnected. Haggerty has left.

MOTD: Today's Spot of the Day is Roleplay Nexus: Stonewright Brew Pub

Last connect was from on Thu Jan 07 19:23:13.333397 2016. MAIL: 1 messages in folder 0 [unnamed] (0 unread, 0 cleared). -=--=--=--=--=--=--=--=--=--<* Plot Room: Three *>--=--=--=--=--=--=--=--=--=-

         These rooms are for player-run plots, although plots may also be run ongrid any time and at any location. Player Run Plots are a welcome and desired series of events on this MUSH. When we speak of Player Run Plots we're speaking of any adventure or IC event that involves at least two or more players in addition to the one running the scene.
         This can be anything from an emitted scene of a bar room brawl to a dungeon crawl. The system is set up in a way to encourage spontaneous plots as well as pre-planned scenarios with minimal fuss with the staff. In short, if you have an itch to run a player run plot, for the most part you're allowed to do so. That is, plots tend to not require pre-approval from staff. Visit the website at Roleplay > Player Run Plots for details and awards.
         As with all grid spaces, these places are considered public.

         Channel: RPThree
         Add: addcom r3=RPThree
         PrP Help: +prhelp
===> * Unread | Open/Closed/Signed Up/Confirmed | Past Date <====
=========> Unread Postings on Tenebrae's Bulletin Board <=========

Plot Announcements (#3): 1 unread (86)

==================> Type +help bboard for help <==================
=======================| Anomaly Jobs v6.5 |=======================
  • Job# Title Due On Assigned To Status

    10 PLOTS: Welcome to PLOTS!             -------- -                  NEW   
    11 PLOTS: Meta-Arc NPCs!                -------- -                  NEW   
  • 12 PLOTS: Asumit and Alexandria -------- - NEW
    13 PLOTS: The Dran and Rune War         -------- -                  NEW   
    14 PLOTS: The Lich and the Voice        -------- -                  NEW   
  • 64 Iadoth: The Rabbit Skinner -------- - NEW
====================| * Denotes New Activity |=====================
                | Poster     
*1 | Sat Dec 26 05:45AM | 2-5   | A Shocking Development         | Autumn 
*2 | Tue Dec 29 01:30AM | MONKS | Kung Fu 2: More Kung Fu        | Whirlpool 
*3 | Wed Dec 30 01:30AM | 2-5   | First Steps 4                  | Whirlpool 
*4 |            09:00PM | 2-5   | Rogue Diplomacy                | Solace 
*5 | Thu Dec 31 09:00PM | 2-5   | Just Business                  | Benthus 
*6 | Fri Jan 01 06:00PM | 2-5   | Quick! Get 'Em!                | Stirling 
*7 | Sat Jan 02 12:00AM | 2     | Murderous Cannibal             | Benthus 
*8 |            01:30AM | N/A   | Legwork Rakim: The Usual Suspe | Whirlpool 
*9 |            01:30AM | N/A   | Legwork Silmeria: ITS A TARP   | Whirlpool 
*10| Sun Jan 03 01:30AM | 15+   | Blood for the Bludgun!         | Whiteout 
*11| Tue Jan 05 01:30AM | 2     | Orientation                    | Whirlpool 
*12| Wed Jan 06 01:30AM | MONKS | Kung Fu 3: KUNG FU COMPLETION  | Whirlpool 
*13| Thu Jan 07 01:00AM | 6-10  | Ministry of Lost Souls I       | Derecho 
 14|            12:30PM | 2-6   | Borders II: Raiders of the Los | Iadoth 
*15| Sun Jan 10 01:30AM | 15+   | Blood for the Bludgun! Part De | Whiteout 
*16| Thu Jan 14 01:00AM | UNSET | Ministry of Lost Souls Ia      | Derecho 
*17|            12:30PM | 2-6   | Borders II: Raiders part deux  | Ralickwort 
*18| Sun Jan 24 12:00AM | ALL   | MEETUP: Concert!               | Aldean
======================> Plot Announcements <======================

Message:3/86 Posted Author Borders II: Raiders part deux (CLO Thu Jan 07 Ralickwort

Continuation of plot from earlier, as RL interfered somewhat. We shall overcome!

Location: Roleplay Room 3 Level Range: 2-6 Start Time: Thu Jan 14 07:30:00 2016 EST


[OrgChat] Selerik has joined this channel. <OOC> Kaj says, "Heyo" Kaj has disconnected. Watch System: Kaj has disconnected. Watch System: Stirling has disconnected. Watch System: Stirling has connected. Watch System: Aldean has disconnected. [Public] Greyish Witch Ralickwort says, "Umm, so, what happens if a character /dies/ during a non-DC PRP?-" [Public] Raethon says, "test" [Public] Raethon says, "you don't die" [Public] Raethon says, "you're just KO-ed really really hard." [Public] Azog says, "And you have to do a dance for Sandy," [Public] Kailin says, "What's a non-DC PRP compared to a regular one?" [Public] Greyish Witch Ralickwort says, "No character death." [Public] Raethon says, "DC PRP is a Death COnsent PRP. meaning your character CAN die, and the DM has to let you know ahead of time that it is one." [Public] Greyish Witch Ralickwort dances for Sandy here, too, for killing PCs. [Public] Raethon says, " get full rewards for it. a Non-DC get like...75 percent rewards." [Public] Kailin says, "Ah! Well that's good... cause I'll probably die in Iadoth's. And here I was thinking up new concepts." [Public] Azog says, "I really don't like DC PRPs. I always feel like the DM is deliberately trying to do me in, even when it's not really the case." [Public] Azog says, "It makes it hard to focus on RP." [Public] Greyish Witch Ralickwort says, "True fact, Rae. Iadoth's PRP was non-DC, 'caus, you know,stuffe" [Public] Kailin says, "I like DC PRPs. It gives it more weight!" [Public] Kailin says, "So tense! So dramatic!" [Public] Azog gets so much tension and drama in RL. I don't need more. [Public] Greyish Witch Ralickwort says, "I'll kill your character if you like, Kai." [Public] Greyish Witch Ralickwort says, "To be honest, I went slightly easy on you all." [Public] Greyish Witch Ralickwort says, "And actually if Kaj hadn't have joined, y'all might have found it easier." [Public] Kailin says, "I wouldn't want someone to kill my character just to kill him. That's not tense or dramatic." [Public] Kailin says, "That's just mean!" [Public] Raethon says, "and I may bow out with Fiore too. XD" [Public] Raethon says, "well...if Fiore was meant to be in it." [Public] Greyish Witch Ralickwort says, "(S)he was signed up." [Public] Greyish Witch Ralickwort says, "The Adept probably caused the most problems. Cause Fear is a surprisingly nasty spell." [Public] Kailin says, "We're just the victim of very bad rolls, is the biggest problem." [Public] Greyish Witch Ralickwort sagenods. "Definitely, Definitely True. And a slightly vindictive GM." [Public] Raethon says, "yeah. I got a mail saying you had a LOt of people in it....and while I'd like for Fiore to get to level 5....having that many people would be a bit of a headache. if you still want me, I'll join, but...." [Public] Greyish Witch Ralickwort says, "Rae, the plot started 10 hrs ago..." [Public] Raethon snerks. "then I can't join, can I?" XD [Public] Greyish Witch Ralickwort says, "Unless you have a spell that letss you travel through time." [Public] Raethon says, "I wish." [Public] Greyish Witch Ralickwort says, "Anyway, I'll run something in the future that Fiore can join." [Public] Raethon says, "Okie. Just not early in the morning. I'm still piloting Wing Zero Custom in the battle of new york with the avengers at that time." [Public] Greyish Witch Ralickwort says, "Me too, And that's just work." Watch System: Stirling has disconnected. (New BB message (3/87) posted to 'Plot Announcements' by Benthus: Village of Glenspiel (OPEN)) Watch System: Stirling has connected. Krom has connected. Krom goes OOC. Krom has left. [Public] Dalan says, "Great googly moogly." [Public] Raethon says, "DALAN!" [Public] Raethon TACKLE! [Public] Dalan says, "O.O" [Public] Solace says, "Oh dear!" [Public] Raethon says, "hehehe" [Public] Dalan hides. [Public] Raethon felt like being a dork. XD [Public] Dalan says, "We're all dorks, in our own special way." [Public] Raethon says, "heee." (New BB message (6/10) posted to 'The Bazaar' by Verna: Knowledge is Power) Jacob pages: Well crap it, I was late for tis one. Can I still do something? Jacob has arrived. Watch System: Stirling has disconnected. (New BB message (3/88) posted to 'Plot Announcements' by Whirlpool: The Cooling Dragon (CLOSED)) (New BB message (3/89) posted to 'Plot Announcements' by Whirlpool: The Elemetnal Plane of Earth (CLOS)

| Name | Race | Class |E Lev| CHP | HP | AC |CMD |For |Ref |Wil |

===================== Current Initiative Order - Round 5 =====================
    21   Kaj              3  
    19   Adept            1  
    14   Recruit 3        1  
    13   Haggerty         1  
    11   Recruit 2        1  
    9    Raider           1  
    7    Recruit 1        1  
 >> 5    Kailin           1   <<
=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-  ATTENTION  -=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-

Iadoth has dropped a TIMESTOP!

Please +init, then cease all roleplay and actions immediately and wait for Iadoth to instruct you further.

For in-combat commands, type: +thelp.

-=--=--=--=--=--=--=--=--=--=--=--=--=--=--=--=--=--=--=--=--=--=--=--=--=--=- To (Iadoth, Haggerty), Kaj pages: Would either of you want a hat of disguise? i have an extra one due to some overlap in loot. Make me an offer :) GAME: Haggerty rolls initiative: 1 + 6 = 7 GAME: Kaj rolls initiative: 19 + 2 = 21 GAME: Kailin rolls initiative: 8 + 2 = 10 To (Kaj, Iadoth), Haggerty pages: I am trying to get my scrolls covered then I need a second spellbook and fill that one. To (Kaj, Iadoth), Haggerty pages: That and the all-important Int+4 item. You paged (Kaj, Haggerty) with 'Setiawan would probably be, but I don't know how much they're worth new, and he has le limited funds.' Huh? (Type "help" for help.)

============> +thelp Help System for Tenebrae MUX <=============

   +timestop                           Summons a timestop                    
   +resume                             Removes the timestop.                 


   +tscan                              Displays information on the party.    
   +cinit                              Clears all inits.                     
   +rminit <name>                      Clears +init for <name.>              
   +modinit <name>=<init>              Changes <name>'s init to <init>.      
   +jinit <name>=<total init mod>      Rolls initiative for NPC.             
   +ninit/+pinit                       Advance to next person in initiative  
                                       order / return to previous.           


   +tdamage <player list>=<amount>     Damages named PCs. Use "all" for      
                                       <player list> to affect all players on
                                       initiative order. Accepts negative    
                                       numbers to heal.                      
   +tnonlethal <player list>=<amount>  Damages named PCs nonlethally. Use    
                                       "all" for <player list> to affect all 
                                       players on initiative order. Accepts  
                                       negative numbers to remove nonlethal  
   +tattrdamage <player>=<attr>=<amt>  Damages a specific attribute. Negative
                                       numbers heal.                         
   +taddhp <PC>=<amount>               Add temporary HP to PC.               


   +tnote <name>=<note>[=<duration>]   Add a note to <name> in initiative.   
                                       Optional <duration> to denote rounds  
                                       until expiration (if positive) or     
                                       begin tracking duration from round    
                                       added ( if 0 ) or from rounds prior   
                                       (if negative)                         
   +tremnote <name>=<note>             Remove a note.                        
                                       NOTE: Multiple notes allowed. Notes on
                                       NPCs only visible to DM.              


| Name | Race | Class |E Lev| CHP | HP | AC |CMD |For |Ref |Wil |

|Haggerty |HUMAN |Wiz | 2 | 16 | 16 | 12 | 13 | 2 | 2 | 4 | |Kailin |GIANTBORN |Bbn/Bard | 2 | 14 | 18 | 16 | 19 | 4 | 4 | 1 | |Kaj |GIANTBORN |Rog/Wtc | 6 | 38 | 38 | 18 | 21 | 3 | 5 | 5 |

===================== Current Initiative Order - Round 1 =====================
    21   Kaj              3  Flat-footed (0 rnds active)                  
    10   Kailin           1  Flat-footed (0 rnds active)                  
    7    Haggerty         1  Flat-footed (0 rnds active)                  

GAME: You roll initiative for Adept: Roll: 9 + Bonus: -1 = Total: 8 Huh? (Type "help" for help.) GAME: You roll initiative for Recruit1: Roll: 3 + Bonus: 0 = Total: 3 GAME: You roll initiative for Recruit2: Roll: 16 + Bonus: 0 = Total: 16 GAME: You roll initiative for Raider: Roll: 11 + Bonus: 0 = Total: 11 GAME: Adept's initiative total changed to 19 To (Kaj, Iadoth), Haggerty pages: HoD is 1,800gp. Watch System: Stirling has connected. GAME: Haggerty's initiative total changed to 13. GAME: Recruit2's initiative total changed to 11 GAME: Raider's initiative total changed to 9 GAME: Recruit1's initiative total changed to 7 GAME: Kailin's initiative total changed to 5. GAME: Note Flat-footed removed from Kaj GAME: Note Flat-footed removed from Kailin GAME: Note Flat-footed removed from Haggerty To (Iadoth, Haggerty), Kaj pages: i'm going to say yes to whatever you offer me so just tell me what he can afford :) GAME: Note Grappled added to Recruit1. GAME: Note Grappled added to Kailin.

===================== Current Initiative Order - Round 1 =====================
    21   Kaj              3  
    19   Adept               
    13   Haggerty         1  
    11   Recruit2            
    9    Raider              
    7    Recruit1            Grappled                                     
    5    Kailin           1  Grappled                                     

GAME: Iadoth advances the initiative order.

     Round One - Init 21.
     It is now Kaj's turn! Adept is next!

GAME: Iadoth advances the initiative order.

     Round One - Init 19.
     It is now Adept's turn! Haggerty is next!

GAME: Iadoth advances the initiative order.

     Round One - Init 13.
     It is now Haggerty's turn! Recruit2 is next!

GAME: Iadoth advances the initiative order.

     Round One - Init 11.
     It is now Recruit2's turn! Raider is next!

GAME: Iadoth advances the initiative order.

     Round One - Init 9.
     It is now Raider's turn! Recruit1 is next!

GAME: Iadoth advances the initiative order.

     Round One - Init 7.
     It is now Recruit1's turn! Kailin is next!

GAME: Iadoth advances the initiative order.

     Round One - Init 5.
     It is now Kailin's turn! Kaj is next!

To (Kaj, Iadoth), Haggerty pages: So 1080gp when sold to another at 60%. (Only got up 10min ago.) To (Iadoth, Haggerty), Kaj pages: lol You paged (Kaj, Haggerty) with 'Seti can afford 574.7 gp :)' GAME: Kailin rolls melee + 1: (1)+6+1: 8 (EPIC FAIL) To (Iadoth, Haggerty), Kaj pages: sold GAME: Iadoth rolls CMB: (1)+6: 7 (EPIC FAIL) GAME: Kailin rolls cmb + 1: (20)+7+1: 28 Whirlpool has arrived. Whirlpool dropped Spirit of Whirlpool. Whirlpool goes home. Whirlpool has left. GAME: NEW ROUND!

     Iadoth advances the initiative order.
     Round Two - Init 21.
     It is now Kaj's turn! Adept is next!

GAME: Note Grappled removed from Kailin GAME: Note Grappled removed from Recruit1 GAME: You damaged Kailin for -100 points. 18 remaining. GAME: You damaged Kailin for 7 points. 11 remaining.

Kailin continues to fight, his barbarian war song to Kor ringing out loudly despite a string of horrible bad luck and ill practiced maneuvers. He strugles against the creature that has him pinned again and just when it looks like he will have failed again Kor answers his prayers. Kailin's leg slips out from under him again, giving way under the loose gravel, but this time he is able to use it to his advantage to slip from the graps of the thing. Kailin quickly leverages back from the arms of the creature, creating space with a shove of his polearm which launches him backwards, sliding along the dirt road. Kailin's song takes up a renewed vigor, giving his thanks to the gods in his minor victory.

Watch System: Aldean has connected. GAME: Kaj rolls 1d2: (1): 1 GAME: Kaj rolls cmb+3: (5)+8+3: 16 Krom has arrived. GAME: Iadoth advances the initiative order.

     Round Two - Init 19.
     It is now Adept's turn! Haggerty is next!

Hair flailing, voice belowing, Kaj drops from the sky towards the grappling Oruch, but she's scrambling from Kailin's escape and isn't going to let herself be out-manevouvered twice, though now she's facing the very real prospect of hand to hand with a near-giant.

Watch System: Bitr has connected.

The adept raises his eyes skyward, and beats his chest, screeching something in Yrch-speak. The two standing recruits, as well as the bigger raider, look pleased, and likewise repeat his gesture.

Bitr has arrived. GAME: Iadoth advances the initiative order.

     Round Two - Init 13.
     It is now Haggerty's turn! Recruit2 is next!

GAME: Haggerty rolls ranged: (18)+3: 21 GAME: Haggerty rolls 1d10: (5): 5 GAME: Iadoth advances the initiative order.

     Round Two - Init 11.
     It is now Recruit2's turn! Raider is next!

The male recruit, who's been chucking javelins at Kaj, takes one from the ground swiftly and attempts to chuck it in Kaj's direction again... GAME: Iadoth rolls 1d20+2: (17)+2: 19

The javelin strikes, but the mystical energy surrounding Kaj repels the thing, turning it away uselessly. The recruit curses in Yrch.

GAME: Iadoth advances the initiative order.

     Round Two - Init 9.
     It is now Raider's turn! Recruit1 is next!

Growling, the large raider strides across the field of battle, attempting to strike Kaj squarely with his falchion! GAME: Iadoth rolls 1d20+7+1: (5)+7+1: 13 The blow fails to connect, and the oruchi looks impressed, if downhearted. Frankly driven by desire to win here rather than die, potentially as a Haggroll kind of thing with funky mushroom filling, the wizard who is closer to being a prentice than anything else, retorts to the other physical jackhammer by his side and brings it to bear with sweating fingers make that arms. He pulls the lever and the big crossbow goes off to nail the bolt right into somewhere painful. The high note, if it can be called that, of Kailin's inspirational effort still rings in Haggerty's ears while the pale man sees the fight continue. GAME: Iadoth advances the initiative order.

     Round Two - Init 7.
     It is now Recruit1's turn! Kailin is next!

The grappler brushes herself down, and makes an attempt to grab Kailin's legs to trip him. GAME: Kailin rolls melee + 1: (15)+6+1: 22 GAME: Kailin rolls 1d12 + 8: (4)+8: 12 GAME: Kaj rolls melee+1: (14)+7+1: 22 GAME: Kaj rolls 1d6+6+1d6: (6)+6+(4): 16 Unfortunately, the dive for the legs is intercepted by Kailin's weapon and Kaj's flail of kicks and punches. In equal measure she is eviscerated and beaten to a pulp, and lies in a bloody mess on the ground, stone cold dead. GAME: Iadoth advances the initiative order.

     Round Two - Init 5.
     It is now Kailin's turn! Kaj is next!

GAME: Note Staggered added to Recruit2. GAME: Note Dying added to Recruit2.

| Name | Race | Class |E Lev| CHP | HP | AC |CMD |For |Ref |Wil |

|Haggerty |HUMAN |Wiz | 2 | 16 | 16 | 12 | 13 | 2 | 2 | 4 | |Kailin |GIANTBORN |Bbn/Bard | 2 | 11 | 18 | 16 | 19 | 4 | 4 | 1 | |Kaj |GIANTBORN |Rog/Wtc | 6 | 38 | 38 | 18 | 21 | 3 | 5 | 5 |

===================== Current Initiative Order - Round 2 =====================
    21   Kaj              3  
    19   Adept            1  
    13   Haggerty         1  
    11   Recruit2         1  Staggered; Dying                             
    9    Raider           1  
    7    Recruit1         1  
 >> 5    Kailin           1   <<

GAME: Recruit1 removed from initiative list. GAME: Kailin rolls melee + 1: (12)+6+1: 19 GAME: Kailin rolls 1d12 + 8: (12)+8: 20 GAME: NEW ROUND!

     Iadoth advances the initiative order.
     Round Three - Init 21.
     It is now Kaj's turn! Adept is next!

GAME: Recruit2 removed from initiative list. Kaj pages: can i draw my Glaive from my haversack (does it even fit in there?)? You paged Kaj with 'Yes, it's a move action, and it provokes an AoO'

Kailin decides the best way to turn the fight to their advantage is to try to even the odds and maneuvers himself to use his giantborn kin. "Let us focus our attacks. Take them down one by one, but don't forget to watch your backs." He advises his allies amidst his war song, improvising the lines as he goes, including his tactics in the warsong to Kor, emboldened by their small victories. Kailin comes in carefully for a strike, his weapon rearing back and coming over his head in an overhand swing. The weapon lands squarely on the neck right at the collarbone. The metallic weapons smashes into the toros, whipping its head to the side violently and the oruchi immediately goes limp.

Kaj pages: oh no. pass. How about taking 5' and casting glitterdust in his face? Kaj pages: or will that hit me too? Let me look at spelld esc, dosrr Kaj pages: yea 10' radius so that'llg et me too right? You paged Kaj with 'Who are you going for? Adept, Raider?' Kaj pages: the guy swinging at me with the falchion Kaj pages: i could do a withdraw and grant an AOO but be out of the blast, right? You paged Kaj with 'It's a ranged spell, you could cast it slightly away from him.' Kaj pages: oh ok i'll do that then. :) GAME: Kaj casts Glitterdust. Caster Level: 5 DC: 14 You paged Kaj with 'Note that casting a spell provokes anyway.' Kaj pages: oh well :) Kaj pages: i'll live and learn Kaj pages: ac 22 GAME: Iadoth rolls 1d20+7: (3)+7: 10 GAME: Kaj rolls 1d20+5~c'mon!: (9)+5~c'mon!: 9 GAME: Iadoth rolls 1d20-1: (2)+-1: 1 GAME: Iadoth advances the initiative order.

     Round Three - Init 19.
     It is now Adept's turn! Haggerty is next!

GAME: Note Blinded added to Raider.

The half-giant continues his movement which let him avoid the falchion, taking an additional step away from the charging Yrch, who takes a might two-handed swing that cuts off a bit of the Magical Hair but has no effect otherwise. In an almost dance-like countermovement, Kaj blasts him with a spell that blinds him and covers him in glittering golden particles.

GAME: Kaj rolls 1d100: (66): 66 GAME: Note Blinded added to Raider with a duration of 5 rounds.

The Adept sees himself rapidly running out of options, but, imbued with the blessings of the gods, takes a few steps forward towards the opposing mage, swinging his mace menacingly, and then taking a swing... GAME: Iadoth rolls 1d20+5+1: (12)+5+1: 18

| Name | Race | Class |E Lev| CHP | HP | AC |CMD |For |Ref |Wil |

|Haggerty |HUMAN |Wiz | 2 | 16 | 16 | 12 | 13 | 2 | 2 | 4 | |Kailin |GIANTBORN |Bbn/Bard | 2 | 11 | 18 | 16 | 19 | 4 | 4 | 1 | |Kaj |GIANTBORN |Rog/Wtc | 6 | 38 | 38 | 18 | 21 | 3 | 5 | 5 |

GAME: Iadoth rolls 1d8+3: (7)+3: 10 The blow connects, and the oruchi adept roars in triumph. GAME: Iadoth advances the initiative order.

     Round Three - Init 13.
     It is now Haggerty's turn! Raider is next!
00:23, 15 January 2016 (EET)00:23, 15 January 2016 (EET)00:23, 15 January 2016 (EET)00:23, 15 January 2016 (EET)00:23, 15 January 2016 (EET)00:23, 15 January 2016 (EET)~~
|     Name      |  CHP  |  HP  |
00:23, 15 January 2016 (EET)00:23, 15 January 2016 (EET)00:23, 15 January 2016 (EET)00:23, 15 January 2016 (EET)00:23, 15 January 2016 (EET)00:23, 15 January 2016 (EET)~~
| Haggerty......|   16  |  16  |
| Kailin........|   11  |  18  |
| Kaj...........|   38  |  38  |
00:23, 15 January 2016 (EET)00:23, 15 January 2016 (EET)00:23, 15 January 2016 (EET)00:23, 15 January 2016 (EET)00:23, 15 January 2016 (EET)00:23, 15 January 2016 (EET)~~

GAME: Haggerty rolls level: (6)+level: 6 Autumn pages: How's the plot going? GAME: You damaged Haggerty for 10 points. 6 remaining. GAME: Haggerty rolls ranged: (14)+3: 17 You paged Autumn with 'Nearly done! They're in the final stages of wiping out the Oruchi scum.' Autumn pages: Yay!

At least a half doze ravens caw and gyre a stone's throw above the meelee.

Haggerty finds himself bleeding from the smash and puncture attack gifted to him through the business end of the morningstar(~spiked mace). He wobbles slightly, but has been cut for worse before which is not a pleasant thing. He switches to Eldritch and lets forth a spell in retaliation which summarily fizzles because of the oruch's mystical nature, "What happened to hurting enemy casters first?" That out, he can cough forth more blood while the little dog at his feet whines faintly. GAME: Iadoth advances the initiative order.

     Round Three - Init 9.
     It is now Raider's turn! Kailin is next!

The tough-looking Raider might be blinded, but this doesn't stop his lurching forward to take a swing at the nearby half-jotun. GAME: Iadoth rolls 1d20+7+1-2: (2)+7+1+-2: 8 Clearly, the glitterdust is too distracting, and the raider misses. He blinks constantly, trying to clear the %£$^ from his eyes.

GAME: Iadoth rolls 1d20-1: (16)+-1: 15 Eventually, he blinks enough away to realise his past mistake. GAME: Iadoth advances the initiative order.

     Round Three - Init 5.
     It is now Kailin's turn! Kaj is next!

GAME: Kailin rolls melee + 1 + 2: (13)+6+1+2: 22 GAME: Kailin rolls 1d12 + 8: (8)+8: 16

===================== Current Initiative Order - Round 3 =====================
    21   Kaj              3  
    19   Adept            1  
    13   Haggerty         1  
    9    Raider           1  Blinded; Blinded (5 rnds remaining)          
 >> 5    Kailin           1   <<

GAME: Cannot find note 'Blinded=5' on Raider GAME: Cannot find note 'Blinded' on Raider GAME: Cannot find note 'Blinded (5 rnds remaining)' on Raider GAME: Note Staggered added to Raider. GAME: Note Dying added to Raider. GAME: NEW ROUND!

     Iadoth advances the initiative order.
     Round Four - Init 21.
     It is now Kaj's turn! Adept is next!

Bitr has disconnected. Watch System: Bitr has disconnected.

Kailin looks for the next opportunity to create an advantage and finds an oruchi engaged with Kaj. He circles around the raider with his long legs and stride confidently into position, his hammer lurching around in a horizontal swing, carrying the momentum of his movement with it as he flanks the distracted creature. It circles in and the hammer head slams into the creatures shoulder blade as it clears the dust from its eyes. The oruchi is lurched from the blow as Kailin belts out another verse of Kor's warsong.

Watch System: Stirling has disconnected. GAME: Kaj rolls melee+3: (16)+7+3: 26 GAME: Kaj rolls melee+3-5: (1)+7+3+-5: 6 (EPIC FAIL) GAME: Kaj rolls 1d3+6+1d6: (3)+6+(4): 13 Kaj pages: i though con score needed to be overcome to knock an orc down? hp + con score? You paged Kaj with 'It has been; he was staggered by the last attack, then yours finished him off.' GAME: Raider removed from initiative list.

===================== Current Initiative Order - Round 4 =====================
 >> 21   Kaj              3   <<
    19   Adept            1  
    13   Haggerty         1  
    5    Kailin           1  

GAME: Iadoth advances the initiative order.

     Round Four - Init 19.
     It is now Adept's turn! Haggerty is next!

Kaj pages: rad :)

Seeing his comrade taken down cruelly by the witch, the adept roars more loudly than ever! "Die, mage-scum, die!" he screams, lunging for Haggerty with as much force as he can muster.

The half-giant glances at what's going on with pale and frail, but he can't risk taking the chance to take the Adept down with Kailin to help Haggerty--that much is clear.

Instead, Kaj delivers a donkey-kick to the Adept's chest, sending him down, even as his own War-Mane flails above the falling Vast-Touched Oruch.

GAME: Iadoth rolls 1d20+5+1: (5)+5+1: 11 The mage fails to connect a second time, but the oruchi continues to roar, refusing to back down. GAME: Iadoth advances the initiative order.

     Round Four - Init 13.
     It is now Haggerty's turn! Kailin is next!

+nomming Haggerty... +nomming Kaj... +nomming Kailin... +nomming Krom... GAME: You nominated Haggerty for good roleplay. GAME: You need to wait longer than that to re-nom the same person. GAME: You nominated Kaj for good roleplay. GAME: You need to wait longer than that to re-nom the same person. GAME: You nominated Kailin for good roleplay. GAME: You need to wait longer than that to re-nom the same person. GAME: You nominated Krom for good roleplay. GAME: You need to wait longer than that to re-nom the same person.

========================> Weekly +noms <========================

You have given +noms to the following people this week:

Krom Kailin Kaj Haggerty Dire Wolf Munch

You have given out 6 noms and have 24 remaining. These +noms will refill once per week. The award given to each character is based on their level.


GAME: Haggerty rolls +2: (17)++2: 19 GAME: Haggerty rolls ranged: (11)+3: 14 GAME: Haggerty rolls 1d3: (2): 2 GAME: Haggerty casts Acid Splash. Caster Level: 2 DC: 14 GAME: Iadoth advances the initiative order.

     Round Four - Init 5.
     It is now Kailin's turn! Kaj is next!

Haggerty ducks low and sideways to avoid the next brutal strike of the green mage, stumbles once and regains his footing. He whews and exhales again, this time to focus his words and hit the other's chest where a spoonful of acid sinks into his skin as it burns some of the underbite troubled fey's body. GAME: Kailin rolls melee + 1 + 2 + 2: (14)+6+1+2+2: 25 GAME: Kailin rolls melee + 1 + 2 + 2: (10)+6+1+2+2: 21 GAME: Kailin rolls 1d12 + 8: (5)+8: 13 GAME: NEW ROUND!

     Iadoth advances the initiative order.
     Round Five - Init 21.
     It is now Kaj's turn! Adept is next!

Kailin picks up speed as it rushes the adept, charging in at the last standing oruchi. He draws back his hammer, attacking the creature opposite of Haggerty and leaps, swinging the hammer amidst the motion. The hammer comes down heavily as the smaller giantborn lands with a thud as does his weapon. It connects solidly with the mage, but again, does not do the damage Kailin is used to feeling under the force of his hammer. Still, Kailin is undeterred and determined to finish out the fight, his voice still ringing clear in tribute to battle.

GAME: Kaj casts Chill Touch. Caster Level: 5 DC: 13 GAME: Kaj rolls 1d100: (74): 74 GAME: Kaj rolls melee+3-3: (4)+7+3+-3: 11 GAME: Kaj rolls 1d20+5: (18)+5: 23 GAME: Iadoth rolls 1d20+3: (15)+3: 18 GAME: Kaj rolls 1d6: (2): 2 GAME: Iadoth advances the initiative order.

     Round Five - Init 19.
     It is now Adept's turn! Haggerty is next!

With a glance at the fallen raider--we've all fallen for that tric before--Kaj closes some of the distance to the Adept, his hands, feet and War-Mane aglow with a chill blue light. The whiphair reaches out to the Adept, touching him on the leg, barely managing to distract him from his mage-killing intentions!

Above, the ravens continue to circle the fray, their calls echoing Kailin's imprecations to the War Lord!

The adept shudders, and sees himself flanked by two half-giants who can hit him from quite a distance. A sensible individual would probably attempt to run. This oruchi is not a sensible individual. He roars and beats his chest, and looks at the trio. Seeing Haggerty as the weakest, he attempts to step away, through the throng of threatening weapons... GAME: Kailin rolls melee + 1 + 2: (15)+6+1+2: 24 GAME: Kailin rolls 1d12 + 8: (6)+8: 14 GAME: Kaj rolls melee+3-5: (2)+7+3+-5: 7 GAME: Note Dying added to Adept. GAME: Note Staggered added to Adept. He takes a hit from Kailin's mighty hammer, but staggers on towards Haggerty, grimacing, bleeding from several locations. At the end of his seemingly epic journey, he takes an swing at Haggerty... GAME: Iadoth rolls 1d20+5+1: (1)+5+1: 7 (EPIC FAIL) Watch System: Aldean has disconnected. ...and almost drops his mace, slippery with oruchi blood. GAME: Iadoth advances the initiative order.

     Round Five - Init 13.
     It is now Haggerty's turn! Kailin is next!

The war-maned half-giants flails with his tentacle-like hair and misses, though his brother-in-arms connects solidly..

GAME: Haggerty rolls bab+4+1: (16)+1+4+1: 22 GAME: Haggerty rolls 1d4+1: (2)+1: 3 GAME: Iadoth advances the initiative order.

     Round Five - Init 5.
     It is now Kailin's turn! Kaj is next!

GAME: Kailin rolls melee + 1 + 2: (19)+6+1+2: 28 GAME: Kailin rolls 1d12 + 8: (9)+8: 17 Haggerty wishes he could aim better to his the back of the guy's throat and slice it with his flying dagger, but wishing is not doing. The arcanist's telekinetic strike more or less bounces off the otherworldy being's warty skin. He sighs and catches the blade which needs to be improved. GAME: Kaj rolls melee+3: (3)+7+3: 13 GAME: Kaj rolls melee+3-8: (11)+7+3+-8: 13

Seeing Kailin's success inspires Kaj to close in on the Adept, but the kick misses and the hair is stopped by the Adept's protections!


     Iadoth advances the initiative order.
     Round Six - Init 21.
     It is now Kaj's turn! Adept is next!

GAME: Iadoth advances the initiative order.

     Round Six - Init 19.
     It is now Adept's turn! Haggerty is next!

Kailin hammers down again, using the mage as an anvil. If it was sturdy enough to withstand his blows then that simply meant it would weather more and more strikes. He whirls his hammer, continuously pounding on the creature as he sings his song. The thing buckles but does not yet give in, its natural toughness allowing it to stand under the assault temporarily. Kailin is more than happy standing back and watching his hammer find its mark against the creature, however, respecting its toughness and the effort it takes to put such an opponent down.

The adept roars triumphantly as the combined assault from Haggerty, Kailin and Kaj fails to floor him, despite his obvious shortcomings. With a mighty roar, he lifts his mace high into the sky...

...But, at that moment, the blood loss finally hits him. He splutters, falls to one knee, and finally crumples into the muddy track, with the rest of his comrades. He gurgles disgustingly, then his ferocious rage ends.

<OOC> Kaj says, "everyone else is officially late :)" <OOC> Iadoth says, "Kailin and Haggerty have accepted meets." <OOC> Iadoth says, "I guess Krom won't bother :)" <OOC> Kaj says, "Yea, probs,." <OOC> Haggerty waves. <OOC> Kailin wakes. waves. <OOC> Iadoth says, "If you could all roll +init so I can manually adjust them..." <OOC> Haggerty sads re Kromster. <OOC> Kaj says, "Yea, smae as last, no adjustment needed hehe" <OOC> Iadoth says, "Okay! Kailin, you're up!" <OOC> Iadoth says, "Let me know if you need a reminder..." <OOC> Kaj says, "Was getting some tough love from the orcette iirc? :)" <OOC> Kailin says, "Breaking that grapple!" <OOC> Iadoth says, "Make your Combat Maneuver check!" <OOC> Kailin rolfs. <OOC> Iadoth says, "... Re-roll that." <OOC> Iadoth says, "Test:" <OOC> Kaj says, "Wow, those dice are pure eveil" <OOC> Iadoth says, "Yeah, +roll CMB instead, that should give you the correct bonus." <OOC> Iadoth says, "That's better!" <OOC> Kaj says, "Heh. Extreme dice!" <OOC> Kailin says, "Geez." <OOC> Iadoth says, "Kailin, you now have a move action left." <OOC> Haggerty says, "Whirly needs to leave this room. :(" <OOC> Kaj says, "Heh!" <OOC> Iadoth says, "Where's that +1 coming from, again?" <OOC> Kailin says, "Move action to ready my weapon again and take a 5' step away from my opponent." <OOC> Kailin says, "Bardic performance: inspire courage" <OOC> Iadoth says, "Hmm, does that require free hands?" <OOC> Kailin says, "Nah, just verbal." <OOC> Iadoth isn't going to retroactively apply this; just for future reference. <OOC> Iadoth says, "Does one need to take Concentration checks to maintain it?" <OOC> Kailin says, "Nothing written about that." <OOC> Iadoth says, "Oh, and which way are you going to step: towards the cart, or towards the village?" <OOC> Kailin says, "Towards the cart, cause you can never have too much cover." <OOC> Iadoth says, "Okay, you're 15' from the cart." <OOC> Iadoth says, "Kajji! You're up." <OOC> Iadoth says, "You're 45' from the cart." <OOC> Kaj says, "OK, sorry, got an urgent call, here now :)" <OOC> Iadoth says, "(And in flying melee)" <OOC> Iadoth says, "No problem." <OOC> Kaj says, "so Kailin is free and the ork is standing now 15' away from Kailin?" <OOC> Iadoth says, "No 5'." <OOC> Iadoth says, "Kailin took a 5' step back from the oruchi recruit.#" <OOC> Kaj says, "How far am I? Sorry for all the questions, lots of time since last session :)" <OOC> Iadoth says, "You're well within the range of any of them." <OOC> Iadoth says, "It's a bit nebulous, but within 15' of any of them." <OOC> Kaj says, "I'm going to drop down and grapple on the one that would grapple kailin, ok?" <OOC> Iadoth says, "Okay!" <OOC> Kaj says, "oops, ignroe me" <OOC> Kaj says, "more caffeine clearly needed" <OOC> Iadoth says, "Actually, he's a bit further away, but he's within fly+drop range." <OOC> Kaj dropbears him, in theory. Crap roll. <OOC> Iadoth says, "It's good, but he has a CMD of 19." <OOC> Kaj says, "i sohuld have warmed up the dice" <OOC> Iadoth says, "I'll put you 5' back from him." <OOC> Kaj says, "can i also try to intimidate him or are they both sstandard actions?" <OOC> Iadoth says, "Unknown." <OOC> Iadoth says, "Hi Krom!" <OOC> Krom whistles innocently <OOC> Kailin says, "Welcome!" <OOC> Iadoth says, "Sorry, we started without you." <OOC> Haggerty says, "Herro." <OOC> Kaj says, "Krom will know: krom, is one able to initiate a grapple attempt AND try to intimidate or are they both standard actions?" <OOC> Iadoth says, "Standard action, Kaj." <OOC> Kaj says, "ok, so i'm done then :)" <OOC> Iadoth grins. <OOC> Krom says, "No worries, I honestly logged in for something else and went 'Oh, hey! That's today!'" <OOC> Kaj says, "I wish my hair counted for something in grapples, that'd be cool :)" <OOC> Haggerty says, "You can grapple with 10'. How is that not cool?" <OOC> Iadoth says, "Pose it, Kaj!" <OOC> Kaj says, "afk" <OOC> Kaj says, "brrb" <OOC> Iadoth says, "Okay, the adept is going to slink forward and try to touch attack Kaj." <OOC> Iadoth says, "Pants, scrap that. He's going to cast Bless." <OOC> Kaj says, "back" <OOC> Kaj says, "So just to be clear, four are still standing?" <OOC> Iadoth says, "Umm. Yes." <OOC> Iadoth says, "Haggetyyyyy." <OOC> Haggerty says, "Yeeeees?" <OOC> Iadoth says, "Sic 'em, bro." <OOC> Haggerty says, "Am I in melee?" <OOC> Iadoth says, "You are a few steps from melee." <OOC> Haggerty says, "I use the other heavy crossbow and shoot the adept." <OOC> Iadoth says, "10' from the cart. The nearest is the grappler, about 10' away." <OOC> Iadoth says, "+roll it, pose it, rack 'em up." <OOC> Iadoth says, "Sure there's a +1 to damage somewhere." <OOC> Haggerty says, "Right so glancing hit." <OOC> Iadoth says, "I'll add it in. It's a good hit." <OOC> Iadoth says, "Poste it!" <OOC> Iadoth eyes. <OOC> Iadoth says, "Okay. The second recruit, who is not looking very well, is going to throw a javelin at Kaj, who looks like the biggest thread." <OOC> Iadoth says, "Kaj, what's your AC brah?" <OOC> Kaj says, "Yay for MAge Armor :) 22." <OOC> Kaj says, "Hey, mind your Ps & Qd, I understand Yrch, naughty recruit." <OOC> Kailin says, "Secrets revealed..." <OOC> Iadoth says, "That provokes an AoO, Kailin." <OOC> Kaj says, "for me too, as i have 10' range with my War-'fro?" <OOC> Iadoth says, "Yes" <OOC> Iadoth says, "And I guess you're both flanking, if that counts for AoOs." <OOC> Kailin nods. <OOC> Iadoth says, "Crargh. Kaj, AoO it" <OOC> Iadoth says, "Kaj?" <OOC> Kaj says, "i'm trying to figure out the bonuses, one sec :)" <OOC> Iadoth says, "Okay!" <OOC> Iadoth says, "There's a +2 for flanking too, but you're fine anyway." <OOC> Iadoth says, "Damage!" <OOC> Kaj says, "hair or unarmed? I threaten with both at 5', so wasn't sure" <OOC> Iadoth says, "Your call." <OOC> Kaj says, "unarmed gets more str goodness :)" <OOC> Iadoth says, "Will the damage be in excess of 2?" <OOC> Kaj says, "Hells yeas :)" <OOC> Kaj says, "extra d6 is SA. Do not turn your back on the rogue witch!!!! ;D (just got lucky ;)" <OOC> Iadoth says, "Kailin!" <OOC> Iadoth says, "Bloody AoOs." <OOC> Kaj says, "I have 3 :D" <OOC> Kailin says, "That's what they are there for. Moving to the next closest recruit and attacking from 10' reach." <OOC> Iadoth says, "Okay, you move 10' further from the cart, and intercept the javelineer." <OOC> Iadoth says, "Good ol' fashioned hit." <OOC> Iadoth says, "Jeebus." <OOC> Kaj says, "Money!" <OOC> Iadoth says, "Any way you look at it, he ain't coming back from that." <OOC> Iadoth says, "Pose it!" <OOC> Haggerty cheers! <OOC> Kaj says, "what's the spell penetration? 1d20+cl?" <OOC> Iadoth growls. <OOC> Iadoth says, "Yup." <OOC> Kaj says, "did that roll work? is it ok to add notes after the ~?" <OOC> Iadoth says, "That's a success." <OOC> Kaj says, "ah ok, it messed with the thingy" <OOC> Kaj says, "now he has to miss the save and i'm golden :)" <OOC> Kaj says, "or rather, he is ;)" <OOC> Kaj says, "BOOMSHAKA" <OOC> Iadoth says, "Pose it!" <OOC> Kaj says, "that was asf, forgot, luckily no fail as it's only 10/cent" <OOC> Kaj says, "afk brb" <OOC> Iadoth says, "That'll do." <OOC> Haggerty says, "Ouch." <OOC> Iadoth says, "You're up, punk." <OOC> Haggerty says, "Punk?" <OOC> Iadoth P <OOC> Iadoth :P <OOC> Iadoth ::P <OOC> Iadoth :::P GNAR!! <OOC> Bitr says, "Lolth!!" <OOC> Iadoth says, "She is invoked!" <OOC> Iadoth says, "Yes, Haggerty, it is your move." <OOC> Haggerty sacrifices vodka and sauna birch. <OOC> Kailin says, "Too many eyes..." <OOC> Iadoth says, "Started with too few." <OOC> Haggerty says, "5'. Zap with cantrip." <OOC> Kaj says, "ooh +hp i snice" <OOC> Iadoth says, "Is this a ranged touch attack or just normal" <OOC> Iadoth says, "Hits either way." <OOC> Iadoth says, "Don't forget Spell Resistance (13)" <OOC> Iadoth says, "I keep forgetting DR, but it hasn't changed anything." <OOC> Kaj says, "Noted." <OOC> Iadoth says, "Who has Cold Iron weapons, by the way?" <OOC> Kaj says, "Not I." <OOC> Kailin says, "I got all mundane stuff." <OOC> Haggerty says, "Not I. Lahar said no to quarterstaves made from special materials." <OOC> Iadoth says, "Haggerty, did you roll for Spell Resistance?" <OOC> Iadoth says, "It's only 13 to overcome." <OOC> Haggerty says, "I did! 6+2=8." <OOC> Iadoth says, "Hmm, I don't see that!" <OOC> Iadoth says, "Oh well." <OOC> Kaj says, "I didn't see it either." <OOC> Haggerty says, "GAME: Haggerty rolls level: (6)+level: 6" <OOC> Kaj says, "OH yea, i did see that ;)" <OOC> Iadoth says, "Oh yeah, there it is." <OOC> Iadoth says, "Kailin, you're up." <OOC> Kaj says, "it's -8 for blindess, no?" <OOC> Kailin says, "Who did the Raider attack?" <OOC> Kaj says, "Anyway, i see he savd now so :)" <OOC> Kailin is half-jotun too. <OOC> Iadoth says, "It was Kaj." <OOC> Kaj says, "nobody saw a thing!" <OOC> Kailin says, "K, I'll flank the raider with Kaj and attack." <OOC> Iadoth says, "It's apparently -4, actually." <OOC> Iadoth says, "Apologies. It didn't hit anyway." <OOC> Kaj says, "NP :) GD was much better b4 anyway haha" <OOC> Iadoth says, "That's a hit. He's not looking very clever.#" <OOC> Iadoth says, "You're up Kaj." <OOC> Kaj says, "Just to be clear, the adept is wacking the Haggerty and K and K are on Raider?" <OOC> Iadoth says, "Uh-huh." <OOC> Kaj says, "How far away am i from the battered haggerty?" <OOC> Iadoth says, "Uh, 20', with the Adept threatening the route in between." <OOC> Kaj says, "I better just help kailin end this. I'll go full attack unarmed with a secondary (warFRo), ok?" <OOC> Kaj says, "can i cast chill touch and use that in both ?" <OOC> Iadoth says, "Okay." <OOC> Iadoth says, "No" <OOC> Kaj says, "ok, i'll just FA it" <OOC> Iadoth says, "It's a Standard Action casting time spell." <OOC> Kaj says, "oh so yo don't even get to try to hit the same time you cast it?" <OOC> Kaj says, "ie if you don't FA?" <OOC> Iadoth says, "It takes a standard action to cast, so you can't use it the same round you cast it." <OOC> Kaj says, "i thought the casting was built into the touch attack but maybe that's 3.5 :) or me being wrong as usual. Got it. I'll just FA." <OOC> Iadoth says, "Maybe you're right" <OOC> Iadoth says, "Hold on." <OOC> Iadoth says, "Sorry, you can definitely Chill Touch a creature, but I don't think you can do it as part of a full attack." <OOC> Kaj says, "OK, that makes sesne. I'll just do a regular FA with secondary, no casting." <OOC> Kailin nods. <OOC> Iadoth says, "That'll be a hit then." <OOC> Kaj says, "hair missed and i added 3 to many" <OOC> Iadoth says, "What's the damage today?" <OOC> Kaj says, "that was the correct damage" <OOC> Iadoth says, "So 8, net of DR." <OOC> Kaj says, "Yesh" <OOC> Iadoth says, "The Raider is down." <OOC> Iadoth says, "Pose it!" <OOC> Iadoth gnar. <OOC> Iadoth says, "Go Haggerty!" <OOC> Kaj says, "change my pose to raider, sorry, not adept. :/" <OOC> Iadoth says, "No worries." <OOC> Haggerty says, "5', Zap again." <OOC> Iadoth says, "Go for it." <OOC> Iadoth says, "SR remains 13." <OOC> Iadoth says, "Touch or full ranged?" <OOC> Haggerty says, "Touch." <OOC> Iadoth says, "His AC is 15, touch only 9." <OOC> Iadoth says, "Great." <OOC> Haggerty says, "Please add +1 for song." <OOC> Iadoth says, "Does DR apply?" <OOC> Haggerty says, "No. Only elemental resist/Imm." <OOC> Kaj says, "Only DR or SR do, not ever both, right?" <OOC> Iadoth says, "Groovy, thought so." <OOC> Kaj says, "Cool." <OOC> Iadoth says, "He's a little bit scolded by that then." <OOC> Iadoth says, "Oh, Acid Splash isn't subjected to SR anyway. My mistake." <OOC> Iadoth says, "Pose it! Meanwhile, Kailin, you're up" <OOC> Kailin says, "Charging the adept, flanking with Haggerty." <OOC> Iadoth says, "Go for it!" <OOC> Iadoth says, "That... will do." <OOC> Kailin says, "Sorry, I lagged." <OOC> Iadoth says, "Actually, you're not flanking, because Hagg stepped back." <OOC> Kailin nods. <OOC> Iadoth says, "IT doesn't matter though, both hit." <OOC> Iadoth says, "Reduced to 8 hp." <OOC> Iadoth says, "He's not dead." <OOC> Iadoth says, "Pose as you like." <OOC> Iadoth says, "Kaj?" <OOC> Kaj says, "Can i close in on the adept and do another FA? if not, i'll do the chill touch + unarmed strike combo after i get there?" <OOC> Kaj says, "FA=only 5' , right?" <OOC> Iadoth says, "Yup." <OOC> Kaj says, "OK, i'll close in, cast chill touch and combine it with an UA strike / flanking, ok?" <OOC> Iadoth says, "The adept is 15' from you. You can't combine Chill Touch with your UA, but you can use it." <OOC> Kaj says, "oh so if whil eunder chill touch's duration i slap someone they take UA damage OR CT damage??" <OOC> Iadoth says, "The Duration is instantaneous" <OOC> Iadoth says, "They'll take CT damage, because it's a touch attack spell :)" <OOC> Iadoth says, "Also SR applies here." <OOC> Kaj says, "oh, it says i can use it 1x level so i thought icoudl do six rounds of CT damage + UA" <OOC> Kaj says, "shit :)" <OOC> Kaj says, "live and's the hair touch" <OOC> Iadoth says, "Ah, no, it's per CL anyway, but I think you can prod multiple people if you have a high enough CL." <OOC> Iadoth says, "Can you roll your CL please?" <OOC> Kaj says, "im not sure how trouch attacks combine with secondary attack (hair) so i may have done that worng" <OOC> Kaj says, "doe si tmake my hair hte primary attack because it's a touch spell??" <OOC> Iadoth says, "The touch attack would succeed whether the modifier was -3 or -5, so you're okay." <OOC> Iadoth says, "Roll damage! 1d6" <OOC> Kaj says, "+Sa and/or +int mod? or no?" <OOC> Iadoth says, "Apparently not." <OOC> Kaj says, "Crap. I get everythbign wrong :)" <OOC> Iadoth says, "He saves against the Strength damage." <OOC> Kaj says, "What a jerk ;)" <OOC> Iadoth says, "Yah." <OOC> Iadoth says, "Pose it!" <OOC> Kailin says, "Its rude to save." <OOC> Haggerty smirks. <OOC> Kaj says, "SO rude." <OOC> Iadoth says, "This provokes AoOs from both Kailin and Kaj." <OOC> Iadoth says, "... irritatingly." <OOC> Iadoth says, "Well, that's a hit." <OOC> Kaj says, "from the hair for me, right, bcause of range." <OOC> Iadoth says, "Uh huh/" <OOC> Iadoth says, "Kailin hits." <OOC> Kaj says, "Woot" <OOC> Kaj says, "mine was -8, not -5, sorry" <OOC> Iadoth says, "Haggerty, you're back at the cart." <OOC> Haggerty says, "Get my dagger and stab him with the apprentice ability(got four uses left)." <OOC> Iadoth says, "Knock yourself out." <OOC> Kailin says, "Don't knock yourself out... its a trap." <OOC> Iadoth says, "That'll do." <OOC> Haggerty says, "That cannot wound him." <OOC> Iadoth says, "Wait, that's a good point." <OOC> Iadoth says, "What's your Str bonus?" <OOC> Haggerty says, "+0!" <OOC> Haggerty scrawnyflex. <OOC> Iadoth says, "Ah." <OOC> Iadoth says, "Well, roll anyway :)" <OOC> Iadoth says, "Well, you ain't overcome his DR, but you did hit, gratz." <OOC> Iadoth says, "Pose it!" <OOC> Kaj says, "It'll distract him for my murderous assault!" <OOC> Iadoth says, "Kailin!" <OOC> Kaj says, "if Kailin leave shim standing :)" <OOC> Iadoth says, "If you take a 5' step, you'll be atop of him." <OOC> Iadoth says, "So you're golden for a full attack." <OOC> Kailin says, "Smash." <OOC> Iadoth gnar. <OOC> Iadoth says, "That'll do. Does that threaten?" <OOC> Kailin says, "No." <OOC> Iadoth says, "17 is nasty, nasty." <OOC> Iadoth says, "Not /quite/ enough to drop him though." <OOC> Iadoth says, "OH! But you didn't add your own +1" <OOC> Kailin says, "i did. I added in all together for 8." <OOC> Kailin says, "Kaj can finish him off." <OOC> Haggerty yays. <OOC> Kaj says, "I'll close and FA, aright?" <OOC> Iadoth says, "Alrighty." <OOC> Kaj says, "dazzaam" <OOC> Kaj says, "lucky number 13" <OOC> Iadoth says, "Yeah they're both misses." <OOC> Iadoth says, "'Assit chaps" <OOC> Iadoth says, "He bled out." <OOC> Krom is sure there's a joke there somewhere aobut a blood sacrifice <OOC> Kaj says, "I'm such a muppet. I forgot an MI that gives me +2 to all UA... ;l/"===> Tenebrae : Iadoth <===> 14/01/2016, 14:51:25 <=== <OOC> Iadoth says, "Oh well." <OOC> Iadoth says, "What now" <OOC> Kaj says, "We have one that's still alive, just KO'd right?" <OOC> Kaj says, "If so, i'd like to tie him up with spidersilk and take him prisoner; might be lots to learn" <OOC> Iadoth says, "Funny you should mention that." <OOC> Kailin rofls because its so funny... O.O <OOC> Kaj says, "..." <OOC> Kaj says, "REVENANT!"

Kailin pauses with his hammer raised overhead when the mage drops, then continues with his strike, crushing the thing in the chest. He sticks the spear end of his weapon into the mage's body then makes his way to his allies and goes about tending wounds with his healing haikus. Sparse as they were, every little bit helped and his own shoulder still throbbed from the spear that sliced through it.

In the heat of the battle, one of the oruchi recruits seems to have crawled off into the undergrowth --- there's a bloody trail that leads off into the nearby hills. <OOC> Iadoth says, "Krom, you're okay now." <OOC> Kaj says, "?" <OOC> Kailin says, "Run it down!" <OOC> Iadoth says, "You wake up with a bangin' headache, though." <OOC> Kaj says, "Is Krom the real revenant??" <OOC> Kaj says, "oh, PRP, not DC :)" <OOC> Iadoth says, "Krom was never /really/ dead. Just a bit poorly." <OOC> Iadoth says, "Let me know if you need some healing." <OOC> Kaj says, "I have one CLW spell :)" <OOC> Kaj says, "and a RL call in 6 mintues" <OOC> Kaj :D <OOC> Kailin says, "I have healing haikus!" <OOC> Iadoth says, "Haggerty has the least hp left." GAME: Kaj casts Cure Light Wounds. Caster Level: 5 DC: 13 GAME: Kaj rolls 1d100: (72): 72 GAME: Kaj rolls 1d8+5: (3)+5: 8 <OOC> Kaj says, "8 for hte Hagg" <OOC> Kaj says, "sorry about the crap roll" GAME: You damaged Haggerty for -8 points. 14 remaining. <OOC> Iadoth says, "He's nearly at full." <OOC> Iadoth says, "Kailin, how much do you heal by?" <OOC> Kailin says, "1d8+1" <OOC> Iadoth says, "Go for it." <OOC> Kailin says, "I'll hit myself first since I'm the worst now." GAME: Kailin rolls 1d8+1: (3)+1: 4 <OOC> Iadoth says, "Cool" GAME: You damaged Kailin for -4 points. 15 remaining. <OOC> Kaj says, "AFK now, sorry." <OOC> Iadoth says, "Okay." <OOC> Iadoth says, "Thanks for the RP." <OOC> Kaj says, "i'll stay logged os i can catch up if i can. Thanks!!!! YOU!!!!!" <OOC> Haggerty waves and thanks for the healing. <OOC> Iadoth says, "Right." <OOC> Iadoth says, "So you can follow this blood trail easily if you want?" <OOC> Kailin has work to do at the battle site first... <OOC> Iadoth says, "KYO." <OOC> Haggerty says, "I do not want to follow him on my own, but I let Kuno pick up the scent, then help. We need to get the cart to Glenspiel, too." <OOC> Iadoth says, "Okay. It's Felris, not Glenspiel :)" <OOC> Kailin says, "Not to Glenspiel!" <OOC> Kailin nods. "Felris." <OOC> Haggerty says, "My bad. I clearly need more coffee." <OOC> Kaj says, "i'm still here, waiting for conf call to start :)"

Kailin goes back to the oruchi mage, snatches his weapon out of the mage's body, then proceeds to cut off the head and store it into an external sack on his pack. He goes about his work with a steadfast dedication that is almost rote. Once that is done he looks to the blood trail then to the cart. "Shall we finish our job?" He is not concerned about the injured oruchi. Since it no longer threatens their mission, Kailin is fine with letting it live.

<OOC> Iadoth says, "Haggerty, do you want to pose something?" <OOC> Iadoth says, "And Krom, you're welcome to jump back in, if you're not idling too much." <OOC> Iadoth says, "Otherwise, yes, work out how to get the cart to Felris." Haggerty presses his left against his life soda siphoning chest until the wound pattern is closed by the hairy giantborn's magics and leads Kuno to where the little pug can get a good scent and trail, then goes back to the cart to begin the process of coaxing the horses to comply and bring the small carriage to Felris. He does not collect skulls, because he did not kill any of them himself.

The horses awaken from their unnatural slumber, and seem compliant to go about their business. As they slope off down the road, the adventurers pile the unconscious body of Krom into the cart itself. The oruchi mounts, abandoned in a huddle at the roadside, decide it's for the best if they follow too. After a few minutes they all find themselves in the centre of Felris.

<OOC> Krom was fiarly idle. Went to feed the cats, found it's actaulyl warm out... as in enough snow melted I could see the crap that blew in before it fell. Picked some up, which took longer than expected. <OOC> Iadoth says, "Yikes!" <OOC> Iadoth says, "I took the liberty of putting you back into the cart to get your body into Felris. You're okay though - just a bit unconscious like. You'll have a bad headache when you wake up." Krom groans quietly. "No Gandma... no more ale. Krom hung over enough..." <OOC> Kailin collects trophies for his magic! <OOC> Iadoth giggles at Krom's comments. <OOC> Iadoth says, "Right, so you're in the centre of the village, as it were. We can assume that Krom can get some healing help from somewhere or other --- failing that, there's an inn to stay at, and you can be healed in the morning by one of the others." <OOC> Iadoth says, "In the meantime, if you wanna follow the trail of blood..." Watch System: Aldean has connected. Aldean pages: Oh good, you got people! Aldean pages: I'm so glad to see that. You paged Aldean with 'We were following on from last week. The biggest surprise is that everyone was able to turn up again!' <OOC> Kailin has another heal for Krom and can do more in the morning. If the job is done and delivered... then sure, let's find those oruchi. You paged Aldean with 'The plot arc continues in the future, and you're welcome to join at any time if you would want to.' <OOC> Iadoth says, "Hmm. Well, the purpose of the cart was to deliver /you/ to Felris, not anything in particular. Y'all just heard that something was going down here. To which Kajji can attest."

The group follow the trail easily for a few hundred yards, back in the direction from where the mounted raiders originally came. The blood gets heavier and heavier, until you come to a sandstone cave in the hillside, partially shaded by thick undergrowth. The oruchi has clearly crawled inside, but you can't see him without entering the cave. <OOC> Iadoth says, "Dun dun dun..." Aldean pages: Thanks so much. I'm not sure that will be possible; turns out for this job I need to do a whole new track of certifications. (That's okay! Just eats my time.)

Kaj, opting to not ride the cart since he is untouched, has tied up the other Oruch and carries him slung over one shoulder. He wants to talk to this one when the time is right. The oruch has also been gagged with a rag made from the coverings of one of his fallen comrades.

<OOC> Kaj says, "on a 5 min break while we wait for someone new tro join ;)" Haggerty pages: If there are casters in town, would one of them have Cause Fear? Hagg would pay double for a scroll for that, then attempt to learn it. You paged Haggerty with 'It's a very small village. I don't /think/ you can do that on a PrP...' Haggerty pages: Okay. Right. Needs to be an admin run plot. <OOC> Iadoth says, "Hiya! unfortunately the only oruchi left alive has crawled off (note most recent pose)" Krom says, "...Krom in favor of starting large fire in front of cave to burn anything near entrace, and rob air of anything further back." <OOC> Iadoth says, "That works!"

Kailin follows the tracks with the rest of the group and looks at the cave with a shake of his head. "So either he crawled in there to die or he went back to rally friends." He narrows his eyes into the dark cave. "Who knows how deep the cave goes. It may have many chambers and possibly tunnels. There's no way to know for sure." <OOC> Kaj says, "My bad, ignore me!" <OOC> Iadoth says, "Also true!" <OOC> Iadoth says, "Hmm." Haggerty gives his canine pal a good few pets on the head and feeds him a strip of spiceless jerky the tiny black dog bites at yet shows an odd thousand yard stare while doing so. The wizard uses his telescope for wordly farseeing and signs of guards. <OOC> Kaj says, "I would ask my raven to track him. EYEinTheSKY, please :)" <OOC> Kaj says, "I SHOULD, rather" <OOC> Iadoth says, "The raven'd give you the same answer." Kaj pages: i suck so bad at multitasking, sorry, i'll shaddap now :) You paged Kaj with 'The raven tells you that the oruchi crawled towards the cave, but slowed down a little towards the end.' <OOC> Iadoth says, "It's okay!" <OOC> Iadoth says, "Oops." <OOC> Iadoth gnars. From afar, Kaj :)

"Shard mentioned that the crawler slowed down as he got closer to the cave...perhaps he was bleeding too much?" offers Kaj to the others in the party. Haggerty clears his breath, "Smoking them out is a good idea. I suggest a barricade of long spikes as well, if only after we know how many there are." Krom says, "...Krom still not fond of deep dark cave that might not have dead guy inside." <OOC> Haggerty says, "Please add that to my last pose" <OOC> Iadoth says, "Huh?" Watch System: Aldean has disconnected. <OOC> Haggerty says, "My addition. I should have spoken up as part of the entry pose to this part." <OOC> Kaj says, "full afk again." <OOC> Iadoth says, "Okay Kaj." <OOC> Iadoth says, "Okay. What are you going to do?" <OOC> Krom fgires explore a littel ways... maybe there's a dea body just a few inches beyond what we can currently see... <OOC> Krom gahs, can not type this morning... <OOC> Haggerty says, "Look for more mounts and any guards slash ambushers. Look for another entrance&exit to also gauge the size of the cave."

Kailin nods and motions around to whatever trees might be in the area. "If someone knows how to carve out wood barricades and feels inclined to do that, I'm more than happy to wait. But also remember if we set all that up, they may find it difficult getting out, but we will also have difficulty getting in." He motions towards the cave and says, "If this is the problem that we were hired to deal with... then we have to deal with it."

<OOC> Iadoth says, "Pose whatever you like :)" Sorry, Bitr is not connected. No one to page. <OOC> Iadoth says, "Remember, there's definitely at least one oruchi in the cave, and your characters would know that the oruchi are sensitive to bright light." <OOC> Iadoth says, "That's a clue." <OOC> Iadoth says, "Kinda" Haggerty shrugs, "I meant a dozen sharp sticks secured into the ground for the oruchi or whatever is in there to run into first, if they decide to jump through the fire. It is only a little more work than assembling the firewood. But let us scout first so we know, if that makes sense. I do not want to walk into a cave which is a trap, either. Whatever horses they have will show us their number. I want a good guess at the size of the cave, really. Hmm, well. We could toss a few torches in there to blind the oruchi so we can question him." Watch System: Aldean has connected. Krom says, "Krom is in favor of throwing a few torches. Maybe annoying collony of bats."

Kailin chuckles faintly and gives a nod to Haggerty. "Sure thing. I'm not great with the scouting, but I can go forage for some wood." He motions around and says, "I'll work on that and if you change your mind, I'll give it up and come back." With that, he heads out to begin collecting that wood, putting himself to work and being useful.

As Kailin goes off to nearby woodland, a quick scout around the cave reveals a great many hoofprints, but no additional mounts. There's an enormous stinking refuse pile, as one would expect with anybody living in a cave for a while.

In addition to all of the hoofprints, there are some cart tracks nearby that lead away from the road and village and up into the hills. <OOC> Iadoth says, "Sorry if I'm railroading a little." <OOC> Iadoth says, "Sincerely!" <OOC> Krom says, "no worries" Watch System: Aldean has disconnected. <OOC> Haggerty says, "It is okay." <OOC> Kailin posed last... Krom says, "Maybe dip torches in poo-pile bfore throw inside. Stink out faster." Haggerty says quickly, "Let's not part from oneanother. Not when there could well be more and they are so resilient." He then sighs and examines the easily discernible tracks. The cart leading off is a sure sign this cave is only an outpost at most. The Stormgardian binds some cloth to shield his nose from the worst and would love to be able to protect his friend from the offal's stench, but cannot. The wizardling listens to anything which might originate from the cave, gets a long stick and.. carefully views first, because any number of things could be in there hence he spectates s..tructural peculiarities of the pile firstly. <OOC> Kaj says, "i have dancing lights. AFK :)"

There's nothing particularly unusual about the hulking great pile of oruchi waste. Then again, you're no expert on humanoid dung. [Public] Iadoth says, "Once again the spirit of Whirlpool strikes!" [Public] Raethon says, "did it again, didja?"

Kailin gets back with the wood and lays it all out as he listens to what was found. "This then might be the home of many bands like the one that we found. Well..." He pauses as his theory clarifies and then continues, "That might mean that there are others who use this as a staging point." He motions to the tracks. "We killed one group. But there are others and they might be out there raiding. Looks like they got another cart. Just like ours. If we folow those, it will probably lead us to them and whatever they are doing now. They might have went out for a raid at the same time as the first group. Probably with better luck than to run into adventurers."

Krom says, "Or, this is the temp camp they come to to raid from, so they don't lead anyone back to the main camp. But they aren't breight enough to cove rthe cart tracks back to teh main camp. Or something." Haggerty pages: Sorry. Knowledge/Dungeoneering or Knowledge/Nature to guesstimate the size of this cave? Also: perception test vs. otyhugs? [Public] Iadoth says, "Adventurer investigates pile of dung outside a cave." [Public] Raethon says, "becomes a dung monster." You paged Haggerty with 'Dungeoneering, I think.' Haggerty readies his everburning torch and puts the phantom fire torch into his belt. Light to see. Huzzah! He nods to the warrior skald. "Indeed. They likely have a number of roughly matching hunting parties where the cart tracks over there lead off to. This could be many things. First things first. At the very least, we need to put the oruch out of his misery." GAME: Haggerty rolls knowledge/dungeoneering: (15)+8: 23 You paged Haggerty with 'You're pretty sure this is likely to be a fairly small cave --- probably just a single room.' <OOC> Krom totally forgot he has an everburning torch... and I remember I had some reskin in mind for how it looked, but i'm blanking now... Kaj has disconnected. Watch System: Kaj has disconnected. <OOC> Iadoth says, "I've got to leave in a few minutes." <OOC> Iadoth says, "We've lost Kaj." <OOC> Iadoth says, "Who's gonna brave the cave?" <OOC> Krom is too foolish not to. <OOC> Iadoth says, "Huzzah!" <OOC> Iadoth says, "Go for it." <OOC> Iadoth says, "Then we'll call it a day." <OOC> Iadoth says, "I have spent the whole day at work doing nothing, go me." GAME: Krom rolls knowledge/dungeoneering: (14)+5: 19 With blades in hands and magic torch on his belt, Krom advances into the darkness of the cave... cautiously... the last time he met with one of these guys, it didn't go well for him. Haggerty scratches his chin, then snaps index and thumb of his gloved right noiselessly, See how the pile dents to the right where the red laced rock peeks out and breaks the mossy side and how the hill lines up the little maple tree to a small height there, because the short roots cannot break the rock? That is a small cave from the looks of it." He nods to Krom when the Mestnorrian braves the cave's entrance. As he enters the cave, the magic torch illuminates...

Well, not very much. The cave room is pretty tiny, and you can see the back almost from the daylight that streams in through the disturbed undergrowth. There's an overwhelming smell of musty oruchis, so thick you can almost taste it. Some rough-hewn animal furs lie in one corner, and several sacks lie at the edges of the cave. Near one of these is the oruchi from earlier, a thick trail of blood leading to his body. Stuff is thrown everywhere from one of the sacks, clearly a desperate attempt to find a potion or something to stop the bleeding.

Not a successful search: The oruchi is clearly rather dead. Pathetic, really. There's nothing else of interest in here, except that, considering you've heard that many raids on rich trade carts have taken place, there's notably nothing of value in the cave. Which begs the question...

Krom does not beg, but he does sigh. "Krom think best we follow cart tracks... but invite fire ants into cave first, keep bandits from using again." Haggerty nods to Krom, "Let us go and let him rot here until the hungry scavengers claim his body. He ran and died. There is nothing here." He spits on the dead green guy and turns to leave. <OOC> Iadoth says, "That wraps it up!" <OOC> Iadoth says, "Thanks very much guys." <OOC> Iadoth says, "I'll post the long and +request/prp the XP and gold for y'all." <OOC> Iadoth says, "Thanks for putting up with the slow DMing." GAME: Iadoth removes the timestop. Timestop by Iadoth has left. GAME: You remove the timestop.

> Log ended by user <===> 14/01/2016, 16:47:44 <

> Tenebrae : Iadoth <===> 14/01/2016, 16:47:49 <

<OOC> Krom says, "No worries. I sent a lot of it 'dead'. ;)" <OOC> Iadoth says, "If you'd like to participate in the next part of the arc, you'll get first refusal." <OOC> Krom says, "*spent. Seriously fingers, WTF if up today?" <OOC> Iadoth says, "Me too, must be the weather." <OOC> Iadoth says, "I've got to go, but it was fun to RP with you all." <OOC> Krom says, "Heh, is bedtime for me. Laters!" <OOC> Haggerty says, "Yay." <OOC> Haggerty says, "Thanks for the RP!" <OOC> Iadoth says, "You guys are welcome. As always, @mail any comments or suggestions to me :)" <OOC> Haggerty waves to Krom, "Nice poses there. Take care." <OOC> Iadoth is still learning. <OOC> Haggerty says, "I shall try." <OOC> Haggerty says, "You do well." <OOC> Iadoth says, "Y'all were nommed of course." <OOC> Iadoth says, "nomnomnom." <OOC> Haggerty says, "I could not." <OOC> Haggerty says, "Only you. The others I nommed earlier." <OOC> Iadoth hmms. <OOC> Iadoth says, "That's okay." <OOC> Iadoth says, "I had problems nomming too." <OOC> Iadoth says, "See you later guys!" <OOC> Iadoth waves. <OOC> Haggerty waves.

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> Server closed the connection. <===> 14/01/2016, 16:52:52 <

> Log ended by user <===> 14/01/2016, 16:52:55 <