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Orphaned Slave

Kailin is open about his past, though short on the details. He was left as an orphan near the Void and was later sold into slavery. But he fought his way out to be able to make it on his own. It wasn't easy, but his life is his own now. Coming from nothing to have all the world's possibilities open to him is an empowering force that continuously motivates him to reach for greater heights.

He has reconnected with his people, the giantborne tribes near Stormgarde and found a family in a clan revering silver dragons and a sense of belonging in the Storm Cloud Lodge. A frequent traveler, he has gone out into the world to collect stories to bring back to his people to enhance their knowledge and enrich their culture.

Kailin is truly a man full of possibilities. His focus is quickly drawn from one thing to the next and his young, eager ambitions cannot hold focus for long. Likely destined to be a jack of all trades and a master of none, he is perfectly suited to being in a secondary role and knowing that his small contributions can be helpful.


Kailin stands only seven feet tall, short by the standards of his kin, but is defined by a massive, chiseled form of muscle as thick and massive as a giantborn two feet taller. Brown skin stretches taut over his form in stark contrast to his other, lighter features. His hair is powder white and grouped in long locks that are tied back behind his head. His eyes are bright blue, but cloudy, similar to those of one who may be blind. His giantborn heritage is emphatic in his facial features with overly sharp cheek bones, a square jaw and a strong chin cutting harsh lines along his face.

Most of Kailin is covered by sparse and simple attire. A chainmail shirt that has seen better days protects his upper body and loose breeches cover his lower half, dangling with straps used to tie the cloth tightly against his legs. He wears generously used leather boots with fringe at the top to keep his feet comfortable. His only pieces of aesthetic value are a torc that he wears around his neck and a few carved bones in each ear for earrings.

Sacred Objects

  • A cup of blood from a blood golem - from rescuing merchants from an evil wizard with hundreds of demons under his house

  • Bandit leader finger - from protecting Ambassador Isaiah Kern of Alexandros

  • Undead grizzly skull with Thulite symbol - from a mission to investigate a dark wood trade agreement in the town of Glenspiel

  • An antennae from a giant ant - from a mission into the sewers under Alexandria

  • Slime - from a horde of slimes under the tunnels of a mining operation

  • The head of an oruchi mage - from a security job to Felris

  • The paw of an owlbear - from a creature that almost killed him while serving a warrant to bandits


  • Tradespeak
  • Jotun
  • Khazdul
  • Draconic

RP Hooks

  • Adventure

Kailin has invested his live into the Explorer's Guild and is going all in on finding adventures that he can relate to his people.

  • Show and Tell

Stories are great, but the best ones are those with a visual aid or memento to go along with it. He collects one from each of his adventures whenever possible.


Giantborn PC Badge
Heritage: Likely Frost Giants and Hill Giants?
Clan: Adopted Clan Fraenir, a clan revering silver dragons.
Lodge: Storm Cloud Lodge - focused in artistic forms of battle
Faith: Korite


Flaws PC Badge
Flaw: Lack of Focus
Development: Kailin is young and easily distracted. This is what has him in so many various enterprises with very little completed or accomplished.