Player-Contributed Encounter Grab Bag

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Here you'll find some example encounters put together by our players. If you're just starting out or need something quickly, feel free to make use of these. Don't forget a thank-you, too. Don't forget to check out these generators, too.

Encounters: Levels 2-5

Lots of Otyugh Hugs

Encounter details here. <---Low level Undead Encounter by Vuk. Has some basic framework on story and links to appropriate monsters. Enjoy!

Meat & Drink (CR 5)

Encounters: Levels 6-10

Lots of Otyugh Hugs

Encounter details here.

Erdik, Onna, Grapevine (CR 7)

Encounters: Levels 11-15

Higher level plots require a slightly different mindset than earlier on. If you're wanting to run one of these, make sure you've a few earlier level plots under your belt, first!

Lots of Otyugh Hugs

Encounter details here.

Encounters: Non Level Specific or Humor

Lots of Otyugh Hugs

Encounter details here.