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(Created page with "-=--=--=--=--=--=--=--=--=<* W02: The Light Woods *>=--=--=--=--=--=--=--=--=- The path from the village eventually narrows somewhat, with the trees on either side ...")
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-=--=--=--=--=--=--=--=--=<* W02: The Light Woods *>=--=--=--=--=--=--=--=--=-
-=--=--=--=--=--=--=--=--=<* W02: The Light Woods *>=--=--=--=--=--=--=--=--=-
The path from the village eventually narrows somewhat, with the trees on either side becoming more populous. Moss hangs from large stones that sit surrounded by a bed of leaves that has accumulated over the years.
The path from the village eventually narrows somewhat, with the trees on either side becoming more populous. Moss hangs from large stones that sit surrounded by a bed of leaves that has accumulated over the years.
A small clearing can be seen through a gap in the trees, with a short trail leading to the door of a small shop. The shop's foundation is made of stone, with wooden beams making up the walls, and a thatched roof up top. Various barrels and crates can be found along one of the outside walls.
A small clearing can be seen through a gap in the trees, with a short trail leading to the door of a small shop. The shop's foundation is made of stone, with wooden beams making up the walls, and a thatched roof up top. Various barrels and crates can be found along one of the outside walls.
-=--=--=--=--=--=--=--=--=--=--=-- Contents --=--=--=--=--=--=--=--=--=--=--=-
-=--=--=--=--=--=--=--=--=--=--=-- Contents --=--=--=--=--=--=--=--=--=--=--=-
Kama'o is perched in a low tree branch not far from the herbal shop, her head tucked firmly under her wing. A torn satchet that once contained large quantities of willow bark is on the ground underneath her, as is a large quantity of..er..iiwa food. In short, the egalrin does not look good. Perhaps she has the flu that is going around. Although...that's not supposed to be a -stomach- flu.
Kama'o is perched in a low tree branch not far from the herbal shop, her head tucked firmly under her wing. A torn satchet that once contained large quantities of willow bark is on the ground underneath her, as is a large quantity of..er..iiwa food. In short, the egalrin does not look good. Perhaps she has the flu that is going around. Although...that's not supposed to be a -stomach- flu.
Teppus, om the other hand, looks just fine. One of the great things about being a paladin. You miss out on tings like this. He heads towards the Herbal Shop, whistling cheerfully en route to it, until he notices a rather sickly looking egalrin on a branch.
Teppus, om the other hand, looks just fine. One of the great things about being a paladin. You miss out on tings like this. He heads towards the Herbal Shop, whistling cheerfully en route to it, until he notices a rather sickly looking egalrin on a branch.

Latest revision as of 22:35, 9 September 2012

-=--=--=--=--=--=--=--=--=<* W02: The Light Woods *>=--=--=--=--=--=--=--=--=-

The path from the village eventually narrows somewhat, with the trees on either side becoming more populous. Moss hangs from large stones that sit surrounded by a bed of leaves that has accumulated over the years.

A small clearing can be seen through a gap in the trees, with a short trail leading to the door of a small shop. The shop's foundation is made of stone, with wooden beams making up the walls, and a thatched roof up top. Various barrels and crates can be found along one of the outside walls.

-=--=--=--=--=--=--=--=--=--=--=-- Contents --=--=--=--=--=--=--=--=--=--=--=-

Kama'o is perched in a low tree branch not far from the herbal shop, her head tucked firmly under her wing. A torn satchet that once contained large quantities of willow bark is on the ground underneath her, as is a large quantity of..er..iiwa food. In short, the egalrin does not look good. Perhaps she has the flu that is going around. Although...that's not supposed to be a -stomach- flu.

Teppus, om the other hand, looks just fine. One of the great things about being a paladin. You miss out on tings like this. He heads towards the Herbal Shop, whistling cheerfully en route to it, until he notices a rather sickly looking egalrin on a branch.

Skipping through the forest.....yes...skipping....is a delghtful little halfling who seems to be enjoying the forest. Yeah, whoever has met a halfling....wouldn't use 'delightful' ti describe a halfling. However, in this instance, it might be a good thing. She's whistling a little tune herself until she also notices the egalrin on the branch. She skips her way up to it....not really able to tell which gender the eaglefolk are unless they told her, admittedly....and tilts her head. "Uh.....I do hope you speak tradespeak, but hi. Are you all right?"

<OOC> Chloe says, "Me."

Lumina meanders on out of the herbal shop, carrying a small bag, full of various medicines. She's got a bounce to her step and she's humming cheerfully. She blinks at The pair down the path, then pauses near them, looking curiously at the egalrin that's caught their attention. "Oh. Hi everyone!"

"...ow," the Egalrin moans, trying to shove her head further under her wing when she hears the whistling. And then there's the sound of skipping. And then...humming. Kama'o tries to put her back to it, showing them all her raggedy tail that the dogs ate. She's not having the best week. "Go play somewhere else, iiwas. Quietly. Play a game to see how quiet you can all be. Kama'o will give candy to whoever wins."

Chloe doesn't move. Oh brother. This can't be good. "That's not what I asked, birdy. I asked if you're okay." She says softly as she walks around to look Kama'o in the eye. "Perhaps I could help you, if you let me that is."

What an amazing convergence! TEppus stops dead when he realizes there are so many other people here. Especially Kama'o. "Kama'o? Are you all right?" He asks, concernedly. He recpgnizes her, of course, stoping dead in his tracks.

Lumina plants her hands on her hips, looking curiously up at Kama'o, "Oh, my." She bites her lower lip, "Do you need help?" The tone of her voice is hushed, trying to be careful not to irritate what might be a headache.

Kama'o's head is tucked firmly under her wing--no eyes to be seen at the moment. Only muttered phrases in Auran about the ancestry of the people who dare bother kama'os with hangovers. "Iiii. If you want to help Kama'o, make the sun go away. And be quiet," she whispers. "Or else...uh-uh--" the noise that follows can best be described with an onomotopoiea, as her head comes out from under her wing and her stomach disgorges its contents suddenly in the general direction of both Chloe and Lumina.

Chloe is, luckily, out of the way of Kama'o's puking ways. "Oh dear. It looks like you're quite sick." She then sighs a bit, thinking. "I think I'll have to take a guess as to what'll help you out." She says as she turns to head into the herb shop. "Perhaps we could get you back to the Soldier's defense hospital, Birdy?" Which she's going to call her until someone tell her pointedly otherwise.

"..waugh!" TEppus egts teh answer to his question when Kama'o vomits. He leaps back several feet. It's pretty impressive. "Yikes!" He flails a bit, some of the puke getting splattered onto his boots since he was approaching her to ask those questions.

"Kama'o does not need to take up room in a hospital," the bird argues once she's done vomiting, her talons tightening on the branch as a drop of vomit slowly drips off of the end of her beak. "Kama'o just had a little too much gin." She blinks at the expanding puddles of vomit on the forest floor. "...and then a little more," she admits. "Now go away and leave Kama'o in peace."

Lumina yelps in horror when Kama'o vomits in her direction, jumping back suddenly, and then scampering back some more as vomit threatens to splatter on her still. "Oh, oh my goodness." Her nose wrinkles. "Well. I guess, we ought to let you be!" She looks around at the others, then clutches her package to her chest.

Chloe shakes her head at Kama'o. "Are you always this solitary?" she says softly before looking towards Teppus. "Hey....." She nudges him at the....thigh by punching him as hard as she can.....meaning lightly. "....You know this birdy? Think you can convince it to, at least, take something to stop her puking?"

"Yes, Destroyer. The Donk smells it too..." With the clink of metal-on-metal, Donk rides into the area. He peers suspiciously at everyone, eyes turning from one person to the next. "The Donk isn't sure why they're here. Vomit Appreciation Group meeting, perhaps? Well, the Donk is a modern gnome. He doesn't judge. ... out loud."

"I... maybe. You had too much gun?" says Teppus, calling to Kama'o. "The answer is clearly more gin. It's the only thing that will help." A very solemn tone to his voice. "I just so happen to have a flask on me. Not of gin, but of something close enough. Do you think that'll stop you from vomiting?" Maybe in Teppusland...

Kama'o lifts her head up a little. Stares at Teppus and his flask for a moment. Then..."HURK-" The ground is decorated again. Redecorated? Perhaps. The poor ragged egalrin glares daggers at everyone as much as she's able--which isn't very much. She's too busy emptying her stomach.

Chloe chuckles a little bit. "Eventually you'll need to eat something, and I'll offer you food." She says before looking at Teppus. "Perhaps when Chunky the Hurler stops yakking, we could carry it back to the hospital. At least there A few of us clerics can keep an eye on it and offer it food......and a bucket."

"The last thing I want to do is carry a recalcitrant egalrin," answers Teppus, carefully, to Chloe. He looks down at her. "And when you say 'we', you mostly mean 'me' because you're very tiny." He t hen looks back to the herbalist shop. "How about I go inside nad see if they have something to make you stop throwing up, Kama'o? You're going to scare the little iiwas." A solemn nod follows.

GAME: Kama'o rolls climb: (2)+6: 8

Donk wrinkles his nose. "This is definitely not the most magical fountain the Donk has ever witnessed. Ew."

Muttering to herself in Auran about how best to take revenge on naughty iiwas, Kama'o decides to put herself out of harm's way by climbing higher in the tree. So, she lets go with her feet so that she can shift them to a more appropriate perch. Unfortunately, she forgets to first reach out and take hold of a branch with her arms.

...This results in her falling from the tree to land flat on her back in a puddle of her own vomit, which promptly splashes EVERYWHERE. Dazed, the Egalrin stares up at the sky. "...Kama'o hates you too," she mutters.

Chloe says, "Yes, mostly you, I fear. When the gods decide to carry someone with stunningly good lucks and a razor wit, then I'm sure Tarien will give the gift to his Luckbringers." She says with a giggle. She then watches Kama'o fall....even running INTO the spattered vomit. "By Tarien.....are you all right?""

Donk busts out in a cacophony of shrill laughter at Kama'o's fall. Bahahahahaha!

"Now, now. Just because you went and got yourself endlessly drunk, there's no reason to go and hate on us." Teppus says this to Kama'o, then moves towards her. A glance to Lumina, "Help me get her to her feet before she chokes on her own vomit, eh?"

"...Tarien. If Tarien were here right now, Kama'o would--" the rest of the comment is both unpublishable, and in Auran. "Kama'o is fine," she says finally, waving the halfling away. "The man who sold Kama'o the gin will not be fine, once Kama'o finally manages to get up. Assuming Kama'o is not eaten by a fish when she goes to wash off. Today, Kama'o might be eaten by a fish."

Lumina knits her brows, yelping and jumping when the egalrin falls in her own vomit. Teppus' suggestion makes her wrinkle her nose again, but, she simply places her package to the side, moving to assist him in getting Kama'o up. "Come, come, you must get up, at least to a bath." And she offers her arm.

Chloe says, "....Would not be laughing." She finishes Kama'o's sentence in tradespeak, whether she likes it or not. However, she does hold out her hand to help Kama'o up from her laying position."

Donk laughs harder, wiping at his eyes. "A fish! The Donk would pay good money to see that! Eeheeheehee!"

Kama'o takes the proffered arms and hands. Her own are dripping in vomit and somewhat slippery, which means that she's not the only one that needs a bath once she's back on her feet. "...Didn't Kama'o give you candy last night?" the egalrin says, peering short-sightedly at Donk. "Iii. Well. Kama'o is going to go throw herself in the river," she says, attempting to pull her arms away from everyone and shuffle off in the direction of said body of water.

Chloe is actually dragged along by Kama'o. "I'd....rather you didn't....."

"Yes! It was delicious candy. If you have more, please give it to the Donk before you toss yourself in the rivver." ... "So that it doesn't get soggy, you see."

Really, the bird is slippery. And it's sort of a gross slippery. Teppus tries to keep a grip on her, but... vomit! And so she slips out of his grasp, heading for the river. "Kama'o!"

"Kama'o does not think you want Kama'o touching the candy right now," she declares, marching off toward the river. "Do not worry. Kama'o will stay in the shallow part. Kama'o is not drunk -anymore-," are her last words before she disappears into the twilight.