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basically akin to an early child's room in size. As the gnome returns, she smiles and offers a curtsy to him. "Of course. We have
basically akin to an early child's room in size. As the gnome returns, she smiles and offers a curtsy to him. "Of course. We have
already come to visit you and really there is no reason to simply march off now. Please, share with us what you are considering?"
already come to visit you and really there is no reason to simply march off now. Please, share with us what you are considering?"
One may as well be a spelunker, grinding through rooms and halls smaller than reasonable. (ie-- tall) "Unless one becomes hungry,"
Zarr chimes in at the end of Arissa's words. Half-crouched at one side of the room, the (other) scarlet Makar leans against the wall,
crochety and grouchy as is usual for the ill-tempered warrior.
A spelunker? Well, Karl ''has'' been in caves before, and he could use the money, so he shows up with the others. "That's why we're
here, sir," he offers to the bushy-browed fellow; looking around the cramped little place and crouching down a bit to settle in,
"Something to do with caverns and the like, I imagine?"
Teppus, on the other hand, is not what you'd call an experienced spelunker, but he does have the look of a veteran to him as he
arrives. He gives a nod of his head towards the old gnome, adding, "Here *and* listening."
Gerjon pushes a rickety tea trolley out with a copper tea set that has seen better days. In fact, the whole apartment looks ratty,
but that's in keeping with the rest of this whole place. He pours out a tiny cup of tea for each of you and takes a seat himself,
hands resting on his walking stick, "Well, do you folks know what a tontine is?"
"Forgive me," Arissa responds after tilting her head down in momentary thought. Matters of finance or betting schemes elude her.
"But I haven't the faintest." She takes to what little tea is offered, then, "Could you tell us more?"
Zarr eyes the gnome, and leaves the tea set alone. Tea is for the weak!
Karl reaches out for the teacup, admitting, "No idea."
Drakha stays silent for now as he just watches the gnome and waits for him to continue, the human girl is doing all the questioning
needed for the moment, anyway.
"Not me," says Teppus with a snort. "Not in the slightest, actually."
"A tontine is this sort of financial type deal. Everybody in a group puts in money and gets interest off it, with the capital going
toward the survivors when a fella dies, until one guy is left and he's rich. Back when I was a soldier, ages back. Me and my
unit we was stationed at New Rosalia, the Myrrish Colonies. These savage upstarts started unifying tribes and making a huge
fuss, butchering folk. So they sent our unit. Me, Stinky, Artamek, Willem, Uther, Kirlav, and Captain Greeves. I don't want to
waste your time with old war stories but we were the unit that cleared out their temple....And it was loaded to the gills with
enough gold and gems to make a man a fortune. We was supposed to turn over what we found to our superiors, but Captain
Greeves said we should keep it. Well, we decided to start a tontine. We hid until our tour was over and we came back. We got
a lockbox so strong it'd take a dozen ogres to break it open, a lock that's unpickable, and hid it. The key went to a safety
deposit box with instructions it only be opened with proof of all but one death. Set it up nice secret like with one of the
dwarven banking clans. We all got a big handful of loot to tide us over. That was 70 years ago. After Greeves died, he was a
half-elf mind you....It was just down to Kirlav and me. What with him being a dwarf. But he died in a cave-in, Reos bless his
soul last month. Word finally got to me, and I went and got the key and headed to our hiding place. Old cave about 50 miles
northeast of here. Only when I got there, I saw a giant troll climbing out of the cave. So here we are. You go in there and get
rid of the troll, get the box out, we'll go 60%/40%. 40% will last me well on to the grave, and what's left ought to be a pretty
penny, even split 5 ways. So what do you say?" The old gnome smiles feebly and sips his tea.
Drakha stays silent as he listens to what the gnome is saying, long winded fellow it seems, but after all that blabbering he does
finally get to the point it seems. "So, you want us to get a box that is guarded by a troll?" he summarizes the relevant part of the
gnomes tale, before glancing around the others to see what they think.
"And recover his treasure," Zarr adds, steel-tipped tail curving slowly. "Hsssk. I did not think gnomes had sense, but thisss...
Keeping treasure, hidden away for ages?" He snorts briefly, eyes closing as he stretches with a low rattle. "It seems almost
civilized. I approve."
Karl's lips purse in a slight frown as he listens to the man's words--leaning back just a bit in his seat, the tea-cup set down once
more, as if perhaps he'd been put off his tea. "Alright," he allows then with a sudden, crooked smile, "Sounds simple enough."
"Sounds fine to me," replies Teppus, firmly, "A troll's a dangerous creature. Real dangerous." He shakes his head. "If there is on
there, dealing with it something that ought to be done regardless. Such creatures can not be permitted to threaten the locals, that's
for sure." He adjusts his helm.
Arissa looks sedate and unenthused by this tale... just a trail of deaths linked to betting. "I did not enter my contract to pursue so
much profit... nonetheless, the troll may yet be a matter of some concern." She makes a slight nod to the gnome, "I can only
speak for myself but I will go forth and look into this." She then looks to Teppus with a faint smile, "You speak rightly enough."
"Well, I ain't saying it was right. Or even proper. But we fought and died for Rosalia, gave em everything damn near 15 years of
blood soaked misery, and see where it got me?" Gerjon gestures at his ratty apartment. "I'm glad ya'll are up for it. Meet me at
the gates tomorrow at dawn and I'll have a proper sized wagon and some mules."
Sure enough, at dawn Gerjon is there with a rent wagon and a few old mules, along with a few coils of hemp rope. You set travel
for two and a half days, the last day going off an old logging trail that is long since abandoned to the east. Finally the road dries
up and you set out on foot in the morning, taking a drag the loot back to the wagon. About two or three hours, in the freshest
part of morning, you find an old rock outcropping. Gerjon puts a finger to his lips and points, "It's in there. I think it sleeps
during the day. It was night when I got here last time." he whispers.
Drakha looks over towards the outcropping, and then back towards the others, holding his spear at one hand, resting it against
the ground. "Anyone good in scouting?" he inquires.
As far as Karl goes, he's remarkably quiet during the trip; just riding along, keeping an eye out, and directing some rather bloody
glares at the wizened gnome when he's certain the old man isn't looking. Apparently, he doesn't care for their employer. Not. One.
Bit. Still, he doesn't shoot him in the back of the head or anything. Yet. As they reach the outcropping, he hefts his rifle, glancing to
the others and asking quietly, "Anyone have any acid... or acid spells? Fire, too."
Teppus shakes his head as the old gnome's comments and then goes to prepare to meet them the dawn. Which he does, incidentally,
dressed all nicely in his chain armor, along with his bladed stick. That really is the best way to descibe it -- a stick with what appears
to be a sword blade attached to the end. It's long enough. At any rate, he pauses and asks, "Acid? What do we need acid for?"
Someone does not know anything at all about trolls.
Arissa is on-time, and easy to travel with; she has few serious demands or requirements and mostly keeps quiet though she does
favor either staying alone or with Karl. As they reach the cave, Karl is in fact the first one she has questions for as she looks to him:
"I have little that you just described. However, tell me... you are expecting nothing but a battle? The troll within must be put to the
sword as quickly as possible?"
A grunt comes as Zarr's answer, to either question or both as he holds himself still at Drakha's outcrop, glaring down intently towards
the cavern. "What need to scout?" he asks, rumbling as he glances back. "Set flame within, smoke the creature out. Cut him to pieces.
Burn the rest." The long red tail rattles once, briefly with its attached blades. "Hssk. Bloody butchery."
"I can scout it out," Karl allows, hopping off the wagon, "If nobody else can. Trolls're sturdy bastards - if you don't burn or sear their
wounds, they'll grow back and get right up to bite your face off. It might be willing to listen to reason, but trolls aren't generally
known for their desire to parlay..."
"It's not that easy, and be quiet now! It might come out." Gerjon hisses. "Can't smoke it out. The mouth goes near straight down
about 30 feet. What the rope is for."
Drakha gives a glance over towards Zarr at his question. "Well, for one to make sure that there actually is a troll in the cave at the
moment." he offers in reply, then gives a look towards Karl. "I am the blood of red dragons, fire is my element, its in the blood." he
then replies to the hunters questions, subject to intepretation as that answer might be.
Zarr's bladed tail rattles with malice as the Makar glances back, eyes gleaming. "Then wait to night!" he hisses, breath smoldering
on the cool air. "The Blooded have no fear of battle in the night; we can strike as the creature comes, and light the evening with
moon's beams, or with our own thrown flames!" He grins eagerly, that horrible, sharp-toothed grin that says everything about
how bloody this should be. "Let him come to us, and enter after he has been properly.... chastised."
Arissa looks to the cave-mouth, then the group. "A rope would do little good if he is upon you within moments, I would believe.
Would whoever goes down wish to receive wings? They would be small, and your flight under my control, but they would suffice
I believe."
"The day is the best time," Karl says with a shake of his head, stretching a hand out towards Zarr, "If this is a rock troll - I've
fought them before, just a couple moons ago. They've got a weakness to the sun. If worst comes to worst, this way we can try
and lure the monstrous thing under Daeus's light..." The rifle's shouldered, and he looks towards the cavern, "So if it goes
straight down... how does the ''troll'' get in and out, ''old man''?"
"Indeed, good sir gnome, you've seen this thing come and go, you say?" Teppus' attention is now on the gnome as well, glancing
back and forth admist the others as he awaits an answer. He peers down towards the mouth, somewhat worriedly.
Gerjon eyes Karl, "Boy, I don't like your tone. I imagine he climbs up. It ain't like he's gonna break his neck and die if he falls." He
huffs, looking to Teppus, "I didn't see him go in the cave, but he was standing right next to it. I didn't stick around to see if he made
himself at home, exactly. But that cave goes on for a bit before it stops, you should be able to get down there without catching his
attention if you aren't terribly loud sliding down a rope."
"Ahh!?" Arissa looks to Karl, surprised by his implication... then realizes where he's going with it. "What would you have us do?"
She's not asking Gerjon; she's asking Karl.
"Mhm." Karl regards the gnome for a moment... and then he shakes his head, slinging the rifle on his back. "Alright. I'll go first.
Save your magics, Arissa..." A sidelong look suggests that he thinks they may need them ''later''.
Zarr spares a glance over and back towards Karl. Metal rattles briefly as the Makar moves, and Zarr stops with a growl. "Be
quieter than I," he warns, glaring at the cavern again. As though it were responsible for his lack of stealth.
Drakha offers a nod in agreement with Karl. "Yes, you are probably the best suited for scouting." he agrees before turning
his attention back towards the cave entrance.
"All right. How far behind you do you want us?" asks Teppus, slinging his staff across his back for the moment, since he wants both
hands to grab a rope. You know.
Arissa makes a curtsy to Karl. "Your words mirror my own mind, and I am ready to begin when you are." She takes a few steps
toward the cave, but waits for the others to go ahead and make the preparations for entry... especially since they'll be going first.
"Give me a good.. thirty feet or so," suggests Karl, before heading towards the cave.
"Sounds good," says Teppus with a nod towards Karl, "I'll be right down behind you. Thirty feet, of course." And with that, he'll
descend at the thirty feet mark.
As you look upon the rock outcropping and climb up, you see the cave entrace. A jagged thing roughly 12 feet diameter. The shaft
does go down quite a bit, like Gerjon described, with rough walls with plenty of handholds and ledges. There is a distinctive stink.
The faint smell of death and a musky odor that is obvious as being trollish to anybody that is familiar with them. A rope thrown
down allows easy descent. With Karl scouting out, he goes first and sees a large tunnel that slopes downwards, going on for twenty
feet before it twists off. It is utterly silently. Slowly, surely, and as silently as you can, the rest of you make your way down with
varying degrees of effort, but don't seem to wake the beast within the cave.
The rifle on Karl's back is unslung; the magicite crystals embedded in the barrel casting a soft cerulean illumination around him. It
isn't the stealthiest thing in the world, but it's better than walking into the troll in the dark. He moves down into the cave as swiftly -
and quietly - as he can manage, moving ahead of the group.
GAME: Karl rolls Stealth: (9)+14: 23
GAME: Owen rolls 1d20+12: (9)+12: 21
After Karl's passing, the scarlet Zarr follows behind. Nowhere near as stealthy, the lizard nevertheless manages surprisingly better
than most in full plate-- dark hues help hide the glittering shine, and slow whispering movements of his tail keep the gleaming blades
their from rattling. And beneath the earth, aided by ambient light, Zarr's eyes can see as easily, as surely as if the night were day.
Arissa follows the group, very cautious; she's having trouble seeing within the cave since she isn't producing any magical lights, and
keeping silent... but that changes when Karl readies his rifle. She invokes her own magical light, a gloved hand now glowing as she
brings her rod in-hand...
As the ranger creeps forward under the glow of his rifle deeper into the cave with the rest of the party follows behind roughly ten
paces, he goes downward at a gentle slope. The floor is wet with a few trickles of water running across the floor. The tunnel
continues on after it's first bed for fourty feet, before hanging a right, then goes on for another fifty feet before abruptly turning
left. Creeping forward, Karl hears a soft grunt and looks around to see a large troll squatting in front of him....doing his business
while reading a tiny book. Caught with his pants down (if he wore any), Karl was not expecting to see a monster taking a dump
in front of him.
Surprise Round!
GAME: Teppus rolls initiative: Roll: 12 + Bonus: 1 = Total: 13
GAME: Drakha rolls initiative: Roll: 9 + Bonus: 2 = Total: 11
GAME: Arissa rolls initiative: Roll: 20 + Bonus: 2 = Total: 22
GAME: Zarr rolls initiative: Roll: 2 + Bonus: 3 = Total: 5
GAME: Karl rolls initiative: Roll: 11 + Bonus: 5 = Total: 16
GAME: You roll initiative for Trollface: Roll: 9 + Bonus: +4 = Total: 13
===== Current Initiative Order =========
22 Arissa
16 Karl
13 Trollface
13 Teppus
11 Drakha
5 Zarr
Oh dear. Karl just stares for a moment at the rather disgusted sight, taking a step back. He brings the rifle up to rest against
his shoulder, clearing his throat briefly before offering, "Ah. Evening, Mister Troll. My apologies for the intrusion, but by any
chance have you seen a lockbox in this cavern? We're hoping to pick it up and leave you in peace, if that's possible, I'd rather
keep things generally affable." Hey, he's reading a book. He must know common!
GAME: Karl rolls Diplomacy: (15)+9: 24
GAME: Owen rolls 1d6+7: (1)+7: 8
GAME: Owen damaged Karl for 8 points. 41 remaining.
Troll just likes the pretty pictures. It stares blankly at Karl for the briefest of moments before it roars and drops the book,
lurching forward and swiping the hunter with a claw. Then it totally makes a trollface.
GAME: Arissa casts Grease.
GAME: Owen rolls 1d20+6: (15)+6: 21
Arissa can't see all of what is going on, but she can hear it and is hopeful at first... ...then there's a roar and she watches the
claw-swipe; so much for the peaceful approach. Her eyes glow 'glazed gold', smiling as she jogs toward the battle... and begins
twirling around, one hand held overhead as she chants in Celestial. A few seconds later, a mix of sky-blue and white gel forms
under the troll's feet. It slips for a moment, then stabilizes, leaving Arissa staring at a nearby large, aggressive creature indeed...
As blood splatters to the cavern floor, Karl drops back a step. "Taara's bloody tits--" A turn on his heel, and he books it down the
cavern, rifle cradled in his arms as he shouts back down towards the others, "--I don't think he's willing to talk, guys! Take him down!"
GAME: Owen rolls 1d20+4: (9)+4: 13
GAME: Owen rolls 1d20+10: (14)+10: 24
GAME: Owen rolls 1d20+10: (4)+10: 14
GAME: Owen rolls 1d20+10: (13)+10: 23
Faced with another interloper when it's first retreats, the troll lurches forward. It's feet slide at first, but it grabs the edge of the
corner and launches itself forward, leaving Arissa with a grevious claw and bite wound, respectively.
GAME: Teppus rolls 1d20+11: (20)+11: 31
GAME: Teppus rolls 1d20+11: (4)+11: 15
GAME: Teppus rolls 2d4+10: (7)+10: 17
Seeing Arissa's bloodied form and Karl's retreat, Teppus races past him, sliding to a halt near Arissa and shoving her behind him
while he brings the sword-staff to bear. He jabs it right at the thing's face in a powerful blow, attempting to put a quick end to the
creature. He is quite nearly succesful, but it falls back just slightly and thus the wound is only awful. And healing, of course.
GAME: Drakha casts shield.
Zarr blnks as Karl all but *zips* by, hissing a breath as he shakes his head. "Too many kobolds," he rumbles to himself, steel-sheathed
hands rising before him in a deadly array. "They are bad influence." A snap sets the four glittering points of the tailblade to life; the
scarlet Makar curves into a hunting crouch as he snakes forward, sliding into place near Arissa. Poised like a cobra for her move
back (surely it will come!), to take her place with all his deadly delight.
GAME: Arissa casts Magic Missile.
Arissa shrieks as she's torn into; that got rid of her smile in a hurry as she's knocked to her knees, eyes wide with fright... fright that
her 'glazed' eyes conceals somewhat, but the rest of her body language makes plain. Scrambling back up, she feints at the troll with
a brief burst of holy flame; just something to make it back off as Teppus rushes by. "Thank you," she manages before she lunges
backward, retreating to the rest of the group with a limp and a hand clutched to a wound. But once some distance from the troll,
she falls to her knees once more and begins more Celestial chanting, thrusting a palm at the ground...
...And an 'explosion' of gold-white light follows, engulfing everyone. When it fades, they'll feel a rush of righteous courage inspiring
them to fight just that bit harder.
GAME: Karl rolls 1d20+10: (8)+10: 18
GAME: Karl rolls 1d10+1d6+7: (6)+(2)+7: 15
Once Karl's gotten a safe distance, he twists around; the rifle swept back up, jaw tightening as he takes aim at the troll's hulking form.
His finger tightens on the trigger, and he takes the shot, the bullet piercing through that skin of rough flesh and passing between two
ribs. Still, they're pretty big ribs, although the blood that spurts out and over its hide says that he's certainly done some damage to it.
GAME: Owen rolls 1d20+10: (15)+10: 25
GAME: Owen rolls 1d20+10: (1)+10: 11
GAME: Owen rolls 1d20+10: (10)+10: 20
The troll, faced with bullets and polearms piercing it's flesh, nearly deafens the lot of you as it's roar of pain echoes down the tunnel. It
begins to slash and bite, but between sheer back luck, the cover of the cave wall, and divine intervention, it's teeth and claws find no
flesh to rend.
GAME: Teppus rolls 1d20+7: (9)+7: 16
Staggering back away from the claws directed at him, Teppus gives another go with his stick-sword-thing this time. It doesn't go quite
so well for him, but then, he's no longer quite burning with righteous fire, either. Still, he glances briefly back towards Arissa, seeing
that she's all right for the moment.
GAME: Drakha rolls 1d20: (17): 17
GAME: Drakha rolls 1d3: (3): 3
GAME: Drakha casts acid splash.
Drakha studies the fight and can't really see any good opening for him to join the melee without opening himself for an attack, so
instead he does something else, moving the grip of his spear to one hand only, he lifts the other up front of him, palm up, eyes
narrowing some in focus as a small orb of greenish liquid forms on his palm, then he turns his hand to thrust his palm towards
the troll, sending the orb flying towards it and hitting its chest, splattering all over its wounds with a sizzling sound, the acidic
liquid not doing that much damage on its own, but at least it burns the wounds, preventing them from regenerating, for now.
GAME: Arissa casts Summon Monster I.
Arissa gasps to Karl, "Forgive me... I had thought only to shield you from this wretch's fury..." And she did, just nearly at the cost
of her own life. Still, her efforts had some good success; everyone is now in position due in part to her magic, and delivering
significant blows.
Nonetheless, she remains on her knees. hand pressed to the ground as she chants softly... a glowing white circle forms nearby,
magical runes swirling within it. She looks to Teppus as she continues to chant, acknowledging his gaze and watching his moves
in the battle at hand...
GAME: Karl rolls 1d20+10: (10)+10: 20
GAME: Karl rolls 1d10+7: (3)+7: 10
"Daeus's scowl, woman, you didn't have to rush up into its claws! You aren't exactly armoured, you know," Karl replies tightly as
he reloads his rifle; bringing it back up, another shot pierces into the thick hide of the disgusting giant that stands against them,
"Angoron, I hate these damnable things..."
GAME: Owen rolls 1d20+10: (3)+10: 13
GAME: Owen rolls 1d20+10: (15)+10: 25
GAME: Owen rolls 1d20+10: (5)+10: 15
Taking another blast in it's hide, the wound starts to close up, along with the polearm gut wound. But with only one warrior in easy
reach, the troll continues to slash and bite at the paladin. Only one claw meets its mark, but it digs into Teppus' side deeply, blood
pouring out of the wound.
GAME: Zarr rolls 1d20+8: (17)+8: 25
GAME: Zarr rolls 1d20+8: (14)+8: 22
GAME: Zarr rolls 1d6+5: (1)+5: 6
GAME: Zarr rolls 1d6+5: (5)+5: 10
Zarr waits for the polearm-warrior to move, stepping from beyond the wall with glittering teeth agleam. "The Greylady sends her
greetings," the crimson Makar purrs, mouth hanging open in a silent hiss of teakettle laughter. And then, two clawed hands lash
out in a storm of rakes, quick-cutting strokes to rend grey-green flesh into bloody ooze.
Teppus is wounded, pretty severely, when a claw slips through his defenses. He immediately cedes ground to the waiting Sith-makar
behind him, allowing it to take his place. THis is followed by him lookin down at his shoe and saying, "Did.. did I just step in troll shit?"
GAME: Drakha rolls 1d20+6: (2)+6: 8
GAME: Drakha casts burning hands.
Drakha manuevers to an empty spot next to the troll, using his spear to keep it at bay as he focuses on manifesting his draconic
heritage directly, but unfortunately an attempted attack from the troll distracts him too much that he cannot finish it, even though
he avoids the attack.
GAME: Arissa rolls 1d4+2: (3)+2: 5
GAME: Arissa rolls 1d20+5: (17)+5: 22
GAME: Arissa rolls 1d20+5: (4)+5: 9
GAME: Arissa rolls 1d20+5: (2)+5: 7
Arissa responds to Karl with little more than a soft, demure noise; either too hurt and embarrassed to say much or too focused.
The circle suddenly glides along the floor to be next to the troll, and an eagle with gold head-feathers emerges! It lets out an
avian screech, hopping aside to be truly behind the monster, lashing out with talons and beak that glow gold.
As for the summoner, she looks up to Teppus. "Your weapon bore the mark of justice and I would see you made whole... please
use this!" She retrieves a wand and hands it over to him, then that same hand glows in gold-white flame that washes over the
Paladin... fire that turns into sparkles of positive energy, judging his kind heart and rewarding it by closing some of his wounds.
She allows a soft smile at that result, nodding up to Teppus.
GAME: Karl rolls 1d20+10: (14)+10: 24
GAME: Karl rolls 1d10+7: (7)+7: 14
Another shot rings out, and this time Karl's bullet takes the troll right through the eye--and the troll goes down with a
ground-shaking thump, blood spilling down its face. "Torch it," he shouts--too late, as the horrible giant heaves into motion a
moment later!
GAME: Owen rolls 1d20+6: (7)+6: 13
GAME: Owen rolls 1d20+6: (18)+6: 24
GAME: Owen rolls 1d20+6: (5)+6: 11
GAME: Owen rolls 1d6+7: (5)+7: 12
The troll falls to the group, but it's unconsciousness is short lives as it lurches to lay on it's side, clawing at whatever happens to
be handy. The draconic sorcerer happens to be the first thing it lays eyes on. Luckily, it's half-dead state keeps it from landing
any blows. Until a claw uppercut lays a nasty slash from abdomen all the up the torso.
GAME: Teppus rolls 1d20+7: (18)+7: 25
GAME: Teppus rolls 2d4+6: (5)+6: 11
So Teppus, bleeding, peers past them as the troll falls. He quickly moves back up, at the sight of its regeneration, and drives his
guisarme into it's chest. He jabs it in and twists it savagely, aiming to keep it down until it can be -dealt- with.
Zarr snarls as the troll lashes out, ravaging the crimson Makar... Unfortunately, it has chosen the wrong Makar for its cruelties, and
metal claws glitter as Zarr pounces on the prone creature. A howl erupts into the air as Zarr drives the first brutal edges down into
the creature's ribs; the second joins the fray hearbteats later, cracking bone and rending flesh, smashing an iron-clad blow against
the sternum before using the hardened talons to split the bone, tearing it slowly open to bare the heart within.
"Burn it!" Zarr snarls, holding the regenerative ribcage open with quivering strength.
GAME: Drakha casts burning hands.
Drakha growls out as one of the creatures claws manages to strike through both the magical barrier and his thick scales, then the
others knock it out again and he takes in a deep breath, then exhaling it out in a cone of fire, charring the remains of the troll, and
making sure that it doesn't get back up anymore.
"Angoron's hammer, I hate those things," Karl mutters under his breath as he lowers the rifle from where he was lining up his next
shot; stepping forward to see how everyone's fairing, lips pursing in a tight frown, "Let's get everyone in fighting shape, I've got a
bad feeling about this whole mission... everyone still breathing?"
Zarr holds the blackening ribcage open until he is certain the vile heart within is stopped. Hissing a sullen snarl, the Makar finally
releasess the charred bones, none the worse for wear from the flaming burst from his cousin. "Let us find this chest," he growls,
"And depart. The stcneh of this matter sickens me."
GAME: Arissa rolls 1d4+2: (3)+2: 5

Revision as of 07:26, 9 June 2011

It's a simple little note at the Guildhouse that brings you to a small apartment near the old docks. 'Experienced spelunkers needed. Good money. Visit (Address) at noon.' And here you are. It's a ratty tenament on the top floor of a small apartment complex, apparently made for smaller races, mostly inhabited by goblins and the occasional halfling and kobold. An elderly gnome with white hair and bushy eyebrows answers the small door and waves you inside. A tea kettle is whistling, and he goes to fetch it while you make yourselves at home. "I suppose you're the adventurers I made that note for. I'm Gerjon Dunwick. I'm wanting to discuss a business venture with you, if you'll listen."

Drakha is not terribly small really, quite the contrary, he is rather huge by normal standards, so it is likely a bit difficult for him to fit in there. He isn't really terribly experienced spelunker either, but well, he could use the gold still, and usually the actual level of expertise needed is exaggerated anyway, so here he is.

Arissa stands as someone mindful of the different dimensions here; she's careful not to trip over anything in what is, to her, basically akin to an early child's room in size. As the gnome returns, she smiles and offers a curtsy to him. "Of course. We have already come to visit you and really there is no reason to simply march off now. Please, share with us what you are considering?"

One may as well be a spelunker, grinding through rooms and halls smaller than reasonable. (ie-- tall) "Unless one becomes hungry," Zarr chimes in at the end of Arissa's words. Half-crouched at one side of the room, the (other) scarlet Makar leans against the wall, crochety and grouchy as is usual for the ill-tempered warrior.

A spelunker? Well, Karl has been in caves before, and he could use the money, so he shows up with the others. "That's why we're here, sir," he offers to the bushy-browed fellow; looking around the cramped little place and crouching down a bit to settle in, "Something to do with caverns and the like, I imagine?"

Teppus, on the other hand, is not what you'd call an experienced spelunker, but he does have the look of a veteran to him as he arrives. He gives a nod of his head towards the old gnome, adding, "Here *and* listening."

Gerjon pushes a rickety tea trolley out with a copper tea set that has seen better days. In fact, the whole apartment looks ratty, but that's in keeping with the rest of this whole place. He pours out a tiny cup of tea for each of you and takes a seat himself, hands resting on his walking stick, "Well, do you folks know what a tontine is?"

"Forgive me," Arissa responds after tilting her head down in momentary thought. Matters of finance or betting schemes elude her. "But I haven't the faintest." She takes to what little tea is offered, then, "Could you tell us more?"

Zarr eyes the gnome, and leaves the tea set alone. Tea is for the weak!

Karl reaches out for the teacup, admitting, "No idea."

Drakha stays silent for now as he just watches the gnome and waits for him to continue, the human girl is doing all the questioning needed for the moment, anyway.

"Not me," says Teppus with a snort. "Not in the slightest, actually."

"A tontine is this sort of financial type deal. Everybody in a group puts in money and gets interest off it, with the capital going toward the survivors when a fella dies, until one guy is left and he's rich. Back when I was a soldier, ages back. Me and my unit we was stationed at New Rosalia, the Myrrish Colonies. These savage upstarts started unifying tribes and making a huge fuss, butchering folk. So they sent our unit. Me, Stinky, Artamek, Willem, Uther, Kirlav, and Captain Greeves. I don't want to waste your time with old war stories but we were the unit that cleared out their temple....And it was loaded to the gills with enough gold and gems to make a man a fortune. We was supposed to turn over what we found to our superiors, but Captain Greeves said we should keep it. Well, we decided to start a tontine. We hid until our tour was over and we came back. We got a lockbox so strong it'd take a dozen ogres to break it open, a lock that's unpickable, and hid it. The key went to a safety deposit box with instructions it only be opened with proof of all but one death. Set it up nice secret like with one of the dwarven banking clans. We all got a big handful of loot to tide us over. That was 70 years ago. After Greeves died, he was a half-elf mind you....It was just down to Kirlav and me. What with him being a dwarf. But he died in a cave-in, Reos bless his soul last month. Word finally got to me, and I went and got the key and headed to our hiding place. Old cave about 50 miles northeast of here. Only when I got there, I saw a giant troll climbing out of the cave. So here we are. You go in there and get rid of the troll, get the box out, we'll go 60%/40%. 40% will last me well on to the grave, and what's left ought to be a pretty penny, even split 5 ways. So what do you say?" The old gnome smiles feebly and sips his tea.

Drakha stays silent as he listens to what the gnome is saying, long winded fellow it seems, but after all that blabbering he does finally get to the point it seems. "So, you want us to get a box that is guarded by a troll?" he summarizes the relevant part of the gnomes tale, before glancing around the others to see what they think.

"And recover his treasure," Zarr adds, steel-tipped tail curving slowly. "Hsssk. I did not think gnomes had sense, but thisss... Keeping treasure, hidden away for ages?" He snorts briefly, eyes closing as he stretches with a low rattle. "It seems almost civilized. I approve."

Karl's lips purse in a slight frown as he listens to the man's words--leaning back just a bit in his seat, the tea-cup set down once more, as if perhaps he'd been put off his tea. "Alright," he allows then with a sudden, crooked smile, "Sounds simple enough."

"Sounds fine to me," replies Teppus, firmly, "A troll's a dangerous creature. Real dangerous." He shakes his head. "If there is on there, dealing with it something that ought to be done regardless. Such creatures can not be permitted to threaten the locals, that's for sure." He adjusts his helm.

Arissa looks sedate and unenthused by this tale... just a trail of deaths linked to betting. "I did not enter my contract to pursue so much profit... nonetheless, the troll may yet be a matter of some concern." She makes a slight nod to the gnome, "I can only speak for myself but I will go forth and look into this." She then looks to Teppus with a faint smile, "You speak rightly enough."

"Well, I ain't saying it was right. Or even proper. But we fought and died for Rosalia, gave em everything damn near 15 years of blood soaked misery, and see where it got me?" Gerjon gestures at his ratty apartment. "I'm glad ya'll are up for it. Meet me at the gates tomorrow at dawn and I'll have a proper sized wagon and some mules."

Sure enough, at dawn Gerjon is there with a rent wagon and a few old mules, along with a few coils of hemp rope. You set travel for two and a half days, the last day going off an old logging trail that is long since abandoned to the east. Finally the road dries up and you set out on foot in the morning, taking a drag the loot back to the wagon. About two or three hours, in the freshest part of morning, you find an old rock outcropping. Gerjon puts a finger to his lips and points, "It's in there. I think it sleeps during the day. It was night when I got here last time." he whispers.

Drakha looks over towards the outcropping, and then back towards the others, holding his spear at one hand, resting it against the ground. "Anyone good in scouting?" he inquires.

As far as Karl goes, he's remarkably quiet during the trip; just riding along, keeping an eye out, and directing some rather bloody glares at the wizened gnome when he's certain the old man isn't looking. Apparently, he doesn't care for their employer. Not. One. Bit. Still, he doesn't shoot him in the back of the head or anything. Yet. As they reach the outcropping, he hefts his rifle, glancing to the others and asking quietly, "Anyone have any acid... or acid spells? Fire, too."

Teppus shakes his head as the old gnome's comments and then goes to prepare to meet them the dawn. Which he does, incidentally, dressed all nicely in his chain armor, along with his bladed stick. That really is the best way to descibe it -- a stick with what appears to be a sword blade attached to the end. It's long enough. At any rate, he pauses and asks, "Acid? What do we need acid for?" Someone does not know anything at all about trolls.

Arissa is on-time, and easy to travel with; she has few serious demands or requirements and mostly keeps quiet though she does favor either staying alone or with Karl. As they reach the cave, Karl is in fact the first one she has questions for as she looks to him: "I have little that you just described. However, tell me... you are expecting nothing but a battle? The troll within must be put to the sword as quickly as possible?"

A grunt comes as Zarr's answer, to either question or both as he holds himself still at Drakha's outcrop, glaring down intently towards the cavern. "What need to scout?" he asks, rumbling as he glances back. "Set flame within, smoke the creature out. Cut him to pieces. Burn the rest." The long red tail rattles once, briefly with its attached blades. "Hssk. Bloody butchery."

"I can scout it out," Karl allows, hopping off the wagon, "If nobody else can. Trolls're sturdy bastards - if you don't burn or sear their wounds, they'll grow back and get right up to bite your face off. It might be willing to listen to reason, but trolls aren't generally

known for their desire to parlay..."

"It's not that easy, and be quiet now! It might come out." Gerjon hisses. "Can't smoke it out. The mouth goes near straight down about 30 feet. What the rope is for."

Drakha gives a glance over towards Zarr at his question. "Well, for one to make sure that there actually is a troll in the cave at the moment." he offers in reply, then gives a look towards Karl. "I am the blood of red dragons, fire is my element, its in the blood." he then replies to the hunters questions, subject to intepretation as that answer might be.

Zarr's bladed tail rattles with malice as the Makar glances back, eyes gleaming. "Then wait to night!" he hisses, breath smoldering on the cool air. "The Blooded have no fear of battle in the night; we can strike as the creature comes, and light the evening with moon's beams, or with our own thrown flames!" He grins eagerly, that horrible, sharp-toothed grin that says everything about how bloody this should be. "Let him come to us, and enter after he has been properly.... chastised."

Arissa looks to the cave-mouth, then the group. "A rope would do little good if he is upon you within moments, I would believe. 

Would whoever goes down wish to receive wings? They would be small, and your flight under my control, but they would suffice I believe."

"The day is the best time," Karl says with a shake of his head, stretching a hand out towards Zarr, "If this is a rock troll - I've fought them before, just a couple moons ago. They've got a weakness to the sun. If worst comes to worst, this way we can try and lure the monstrous thing under Daeus's light..." The rifle's shouldered, and he looks towards the cavern, "So if it goes straight down... how does the troll get in and out, old man?"

"Indeed, good sir gnome, you've seen this thing come and go, you say?" Teppus' attention is now on the gnome as well, glancing back and forth admist the others as he awaits an answer. He peers down towards the mouth, somewhat worriedly.

Gerjon eyes Karl, "Boy, I don't like your tone. I imagine he climbs up. It ain't like he's gonna break his neck and die if he falls." He huffs, looking to Teppus, "I didn't see him go in the cave, but he was standing right next to it. I didn't stick around to see if he made himself at home, exactly. But that cave goes on for a bit before it stops, you should be able to get down there without catching his attention if you aren't terribly loud sliding down a rope."

"Ahh!?" Arissa looks to Karl, surprised by his implication... then realizes where he's going with it. "What would you have us do?" She's not asking Gerjon; she's asking Karl.

"Mhm." Karl regards the gnome for a moment... and then he shakes his head, slinging the rifle on his back. "Alright. I'll go first. Save your magics, Arissa..." A sidelong look suggests that he thinks they may need them later.

Zarr spares a glance over and back towards Karl. Metal rattles briefly as the Makar moves, and Zarr stops with a growl. "Be quieter than I," he warns, glaring at the cavern again. As though it were responsible for his lack of stealth.

Drakha offers a nod in agreement with Karl. "Yes, you are probably the best suited for scouting." he agrees before turning his attention back towards the cave entrance.

"All right. How far behind you do you want us?" asks Teppus, slinging his staff across his back for the moment, since he wants both hands to grab a rope. You know.

Arissa makes a curtsy to Karl. "Your words mirror my own mind, and I am ready to begin when you are." She takes a few steps toward the cave, but waits for the others to go ahead and make the preparations for entry... especially since they'll be going first.

"Give me a good.. thirty feet or so," suggests Karl, before heading towards the cave.

"Sounds good," says Teppus with a nod towards Karl, "I'll be right down behind you. Thirty feet, of course." And with that, he'll descend at the thirty feet mark.

As you look upon the rock outcropping and climb up, you see the cave entrace. A jagged thing roughly 12 feet diameter. The shaft does go down quite a bit, like Gerjon described, with rough walls with plenty of handholds and ledges. There is a distinctive stink. The faint smell of death and a musky odor that is obvious as being trollish to anybody that is familiar with them. A rope thrown down allows easy descent. With Karl scouting out, he goes first and sees a large tunnel that slopes downwards, going on for twenty feet before it twists off. It is utterly silently. Slowly, surely, and as silently as you can, the rest of you make your way down with varying degrees of effort, but don't seem to wake the beast within the cave.

The rifle on Karl's back is unslung; the magicite crystals embedded in the barrel casting a soft cerulean illumination around him. It isn't the stealthiest thing in the world, but it's better than walking into the troll in the dark. He moves down into the cave as swiftly - and quietly - as he can manage, moving ahead of the group.

GAME: Karl rolls Stealth: (9)+14: 23

GAME: Owen rolls 1d20+12: (9)+12: 21

After Karl's passing, the scarlet Zarr follows behind. Nowhere near as stealthy, the lizard nevertheless manages surprisingly better than most in full plate-- dark hues help hide the glittering shine, and slow whispering movements of his tail keep the gleaming blades their from rattling. And beneath the earth, aided by ambient light, Zarr's eyes can see as easily, as surely as if the night were day.

Arissa follows the group, very cautious; she's having trouble seeing within the cave since she isn't producing any magical lights, and keeping silent... but that changes when Karl readies his rifle. She invokes her own magical light, a gloved hand now glowing as she brings her rod in-hand...

As the ranger creeps forward under the glow of his rifle deeper into the cave with the rest of the party follows behind roughly ten paces, he goes downward at a gentle slope. The floor is wet with a few trickles of water running across the floor. The tunnel continues on after it's first bed for fourty feet, before hanging a right, then goes on for another fifty feet before abruptly turning left. Creeping forward, Karl hears a soft grunt and looks around to see a large troll squatting in front of him....doing his business while reading a tiny book. Caught with his pants down (if he wore any), Karl was not expecting to see a monster taking a dump in front of him.

Surprise Round!

GAME: Teppus rolls initiative: Roll: 12 + Bonus: 1 = Total: 13 GAME: Drakha rolls initiative: Roll: 9 + Bonus: 2 = Total: 11 GAME: Arissa rolls initiative: Roll: 20 + Bonus: 2 = Total: 22 GAME: Zarr rolls initiative: Roll: 2 + Bonus: 3 = Total: 5 GAME: Karl rolls initiative: Roll: 11 + Bonus: 5 = Total: 16 GAME: You roll initiative for Trollface: Roll: 9 + Bonus: +4 = Total: 13

Current Initiative Order ====

22                  Arissa

16                  Karl

13                  Trollface

13                  Teppus

11                  Drakha

5                   Zarr


Oh dear. Karl just stares for a moment at the rather disgusted sight, taking a step back. He brings the rifle up to rest against his shoulder, clearing his throat briefly before offering, "Ah. Evening, Mister Troll. My apologies for the intrusion, but by any chance have you seen a lockbox in this cavern? We're hoping to pick it up and leave you in peace, if that's possible, I'd rather keep things generally affable." Hey, he's reading a book. He must know common!

GAME: Karl rolls Diplomacy: (15)+9: 24

GAME: Owen rolls 1d6+7: (1)+7: 8

GAME: Owen damaged Karl for 8 points. 41 remaining.

Troll just likes the pretty pictures. It stares blankly at Karl for the briefest of moments before it roars and drops the book, lurching forward and swiping the hunter with a claw. Then it totally makes a trollface.

GAME: Arissa casts Grease.

GAME: Owen rolls 1d20+6: (15)+6: 21

Arissa can't see all of what is going on, but she can hear it and is hopeful at first... ...then there's a roar and she watches the claw-swipe; so much for the peaceful approach. Her eyes glow 'glazed gold', smiling as she jogs toward the battle... and begins twirling around, one hand held overhead as she chants in Celestial. A few seconds later, a mix of sky-blue and white gel forms under the troll's feet. It slips for a moment, then stabilizes, leaving Arissa staring at a nearby large, aggressive creature indeed...

As blood splatters to the cavern floor, Karl drops back a step. "Taara's bloody tits--" A turn on his heel, and he books it down the cavern, rifle cradled in his arms as he shouts back down towards the others, "--I don't think he's willing to talk, guys! Take him down!"

GAME: Owen rolls 1d20+4: (9)+4: 13

GAME: Owen rolls 1d20+10: (14)+10: 24

GAME: Owen rolls 1d20+10: (4)+10: 14

GAME: Owen rolls 1d20+10: (13)+10: 23

Faced with another interloper when it's first retreats, the troll lurches forward. It's feet slide at first, but it grabs the edge of the corner and launches itself forward, leaving Arissa with a grevious claw and bite wound, respectively.

GAME: Teppus rolls 1d20+11: (20)+11: 31

GAME: Teppus rolls 1d20+11: (4)+11: 15

GAME: Teppus rolls 2d4+10: (7)+10: 17

Seeing Arissa's bloodied form and Karl's retreat, Teppus races past him, sliding to a halt near Arissa and shoving her behind him while he brings the sword-staff to bear. He jabs it right at the thing's face in a powerful blow, attempting to put a quick end to the creature. He is quite nearly succesful, but it falls back just slightly and thus the wound is only awful. And healing, of course.

GAME: Drakha casts shield.

Zarr blnks as Karl all but *zips* by, hissing a breath as he shakes his head. "Too many kobolds," he rumbles to himself, steel-sheathed hands rising before him in a deadly array. "They are bad influence." A snap sets the four glittering points of the tailblade to life; the scarlet Makar curves into a hunting crouch as he snakes forward, sliding into place near Arissa. Poised like a cobra for her move back (surely it will come!), to take her place with all his deadly delight.

GAME: Arissa casts Magic Missile.

Arissa shrieks as she's torn into; that got rid of her smile in a hurry as she's knocked to her knees, eyes wide with fright... fright that her 'glazed' eyes conceals somewhat, but the rest of her body language makes plain. Scrambling back up, she feints at the troll with a brief burst of holy flame; just something to make it back off as Teppus rushes by. "Thank you," she manages before she lunges backward, retreating to the rest of the group with a limp and a hand clutched to a wound. But once some distance from the troll, she falls to her knees once more and begins more Celestial chanting, thrusting a palm at the ground...

...And an 'explosion' of gold-white light follows, engulfing everyone. When it fades, they'll feel a rush of righteous courage inspiring them to fight just that bit harder.

GAME: Karl rolls 1d20+10: (8)+10: 18

GAME: Karl rolls 1d10+1d6+7: (6)+(2)+7: 15

Once Karl's gotten a safe distance, he twists around; the rifle swept back up, jaw tightening as he takes aim at the troll's hulking form. His finger tightens on the trigger, and he takes the shot, the bullet piercing through that skin of rough flesh and passing between two ribs. Still, they're pretty big ribs, although the blood that spurts out and over its hide says that he's certainly done some damage to it.

GAME: Owen rolls 1d20+10: (15)+10: 25

GAME: Owen rolls 1d20+10: (1)+10: 11

GAME: Owen rolls 1d20+10: (10)+10: 20

The troll, faced with bullets and polearms piercing it's flesh, nearly deafens the lot of you as it's roar of pain echoes down the tunnel. It begins to slash and bite, but between sheer back luck, the cover of the cave wall, and divine intervention, it's teeth and claws find no flesh to rend.

GAME: Teppus rolls 1d20+7: (9)+7: 16

Staggering back away from the claws directed at him, Teppus gives another go with his stick-sword-thing this time. It doesn't go quite so well for him, but then, he's no longer quite burning with righteous fire, either. Still, he glances briefly back towards Arissa, seeing that she's all right for the moment.

GAME: Drakha rolls 1d20: (17): 17

GAME: Drakha rolls 1d3: (3): 3

GAME: Drakha casts acid splash.

Drakha studies the fight and can't really see any good opening for him to join the melee without opening himself for an attack, so instead he does something else, moving the grip of his spear to one hand only, he lifts the other up front of him, palm up, eyes narrowing some in focus as a small orb of greenish liquid forms on his palm, then he turns his hand to thrust his palm towards the troll, sending the orb flying towards it and hitting its chest, splattering all over its wounds with a sizzling sound, the acidic liquid not doing that much damage on its own, but at least it burns the wounds, preventing them from regenerating, for now.

GAME: Arissa casts Summon Monster I.

Arissa gasps to Karl, "Forgive me... I had thought only to shield you from this wretch's fury..." And she did, just nearly at the cost 

of her own life. Still, her efforts had some good success; everyone is now in position due in part to her magic, and delivering significant blows.

Nonetheless, she remains on her knees. hand pressed to the ground as she chants softly... a glowing white circle forms nearby, magical runes swirling within it. She looks to Teppus as she continues to chant, acknowledging his gaze and watching his moves in the battle at hand...

GAME: Karl rolls 1d20+10: (10)+10: 20 GAME: Karl rolls 1d10+7: (3)+7: 10

"Daeus's scowl, woman, you didn't have to rush up into its claws! You aren't exactly armoured, you know," Karl replies tightly as he reloads his rifle; bringing it back up, another shot pierces into the thick hide of the disgusting giant that stands against them, "Angoron, I hate these damnable things..."

GAME: Owen rolls 1d20+10: (3)+10: 13

GAME: Owen rolls 1d20+10: (15)+10: 25

GAME: Owen rolls 1d20+10: (5)+10: 15

Taking another blast in it's hide, the wound starts to close up, along with the polearm gut wound. But with only one warrior in easy 

reach, the troll continues to slash and bite at the paladin. Only one claw meets its mark, but it digs into Teppus' side deeply, blood pouring out of the wound.

GAME: Zarr rolls 1d20+8: (17)+8: 25

GAME: Zarr rolls 1d20+8: (14)+8: 22

GAME: Zarr rolls 1d6+5: (1)+5: 6

GAME: Zarr rolls 1d6+5: (5)+5: 10

Zarr waits for the polearm-warrior to move, stepping from beyond the wall with glittering teeth agleam. "The Greylady sends her greetings," the crimson Makar purrs, mouth hanging open in a silent hiss of teakettle laughter. And then, two clawed hands lash out in a storm of rakes, quick-cutting strokes to rend grey-green flesh into bloody ooze.

Teppus is wounded, pretty severely, when a claw slips through his defenses. He immediately cedes ground to the waiting Sith-makar 

behind him, allowing it to take his place. THis is followed by him lookin down at his shoe and saying, "Did.. did I just step in troll shit?"

GAME: Drakha rolls 1d20+6: (2)+6: 8

GAME: Drakha casts burning hands.

Drakha manuevers to an empty spot next to the troll, using his spear to keep it at bay as he focuses on manifesting his draconic heritage directly, but unfortunately an attempted attack from the troll distracts him too much that he cannot finish it, even though he avoids the attack.

GAME: Arissa rolls 1d4+2: (3)+2: 5

GAME: Arissa rolls 1d20+5: (17)+5: 22

GAME: Arissa rolls 1d20+5: (4)+5: 9

GAME: Arissa rolls 1d20+5: (2)+5: 7

Arissa responds to Karl with little more than a soft, demure noise; either too hurt and embarrassed to say much or too focused. The circle suddenly glides along the floor to be next to the troll, and an eagle with gold head-feathers emerges! It lets out an avian screech, hopping aside to be truly behind the monster, lashing out with talons and beak that glow gold.

As for the summoner, she looks up to Teppus. "Your weapon bore the mark of justice and I would see you made whole... please use this!" She retrieves a wand and hands it over to him, then that same hand glows in gold-white flame that washes over the Paladin... fire that turns into sparkles of positive energy, judging his kind heart and rewarding it by closing some of his wounds. She allows a soft smile at that result, nodding up to Teppus.

GAME: Karl rolls 1d20+10: (14)+10: 24

GAME: Karl rolls 1d10+7: (7)+7: 14

Another shot rings out, and this time Karl's bullet takes the troll right through the eye--and the troll goes down with a ground-shaking thump, blood spilling down its face. "Torch it," he shouts--too late, as the horrible giant heaves into motion a moment later!

GAME: Owen rolls 1d20+6: (7)+6: 13

GAME: Owen rolls 1d20+6: (18)+6: 24

GAME: Owen rolls 1d20+6: (5)+6: 11

GAME: Owen rolls 1d6+7: (5)+7: 12

The troll falls to the group, but it's unconsciousness is short lives as it lurches to lay on it's side, clawing at whatever happens to be handy. The draconic sorcerer happens to be the first thing it lays eyes on. Luckily, it's half-dead state keeps it from landing any blows. Until a claw uppercut lays a nasty slash from abdomen all the up the torso.

GAME: Teppus rolls 1d20+7: (18)+7: 25

GAME: Teppus rolls 2d4+6: (5)+6: 11

So Teppus, bleeding, peers past them as the troll falls. He quickly moves back up, at the sight of its regeneration, and drives his guisarme into it's chest. He jabs it in and twists it savagely, aiming to keep it down until it can be -dealt- with.

Zarr snarls as the troll lashes out, ravaging the crimson Makar... Unfortunately, it has chosen the wrong Makar for its cruelties, and metal claws glitter as Zarr pounces on the prone creature. A howl erupts into the air as Zarr drives the first brutal edges down into the creature's ribs; the second joins the fray hearbteats later, cracking bone and rending flesh, smashing an iron-clad blow against the sternum before using the hardened talons to split the bone, tearing it slowly open to bare the heart within.

"Burn it!" Zarr snarls, holding the regenerative ribcage open with quivering strength.

GAME: Drakha casts burning hands.

Drakha growls out as one of the creatures claws manages to strike through both the magical barrier and his thick scales, then the others knock it out again and he takes in a deep breath, then exhaling it out in a cone of fire, charring the remains of the troll, and making sure that it doesn't get back up anymore.

"Angoron's hammer, I hate those things," Karl mutters under his breath as he lowers the rifle from where he was lining up his next shot; stepping forward to see how everyone's fairing, lips pursing in a tight frown, "Let's get everyone in fighting shape, I've got a bad feeling about this whole mission... everyone still breathing?"

Zarr holds the blackening ribcage open until he is certain the vile heart within is stopped. Hissing a sullen snarl, the Makar finally releasess the charred bones, none the worse for wear from the flaming burst from his cousin. "Let us find this chest," he growls, "And depart. The stcneh of this matter sickens me."

GAME: Arissa rolls 1d4+2: (3)+2: 5