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Latest revision as of 20:49, 1 March 2025
Log Info
- Title: Golden Box
- GM: Aftershock
- Characters: Cuemoni, Gr'lk'tosst, Halia, Jarik, Skyler
- Place: The Vast
The wizard introduces himself as Idoren Aniutiom. A young-looking man with scruffy black hair and dark blue eyes, he stands a mere five feet and six inches tall and wears blue robes with a blue conical hat that is somewhat tipped over at the top by the weight of its own height. The hat has a band with a golden sash with a golden sunburst clipped to it. All of this accented with a red scarf to keep him warm against the cold. Though he professes that it’s merely a fashion accessory.
At the request of the Adventurer's Guild, he has gathered you outside the city of Alexandria on this cold, snowy, winter day for a task which was a bit brief in the description. 'To retrieve a lost artifact'. That was all the description that you were given. Now he rubs his hands together and explains further. "There's a small abandoned ruin in the Vast where a lost artifact of Dauesite origin lies. I'm hoping to retrieve it and retain it. I'm one of the few remaining members of the order that created the artifact eons ago." He smiles proudly. "So it falls to me to retrieve only... the place is infested with insects. The one creature I can not abide. So I'm asking you to exterminate the creatures and return the artifact to me. It looks like a simple box of gold. Don't look inside of it whatever you do."
Halia stands mearly 2' tall, so his 'mere' 5'6" is positively enormous! Usually in the warmer months she wears very little, but today thick furs are worn to provide some warmth against the cold, though these are too thin to be considered 'armour', as such. The very small being looks up with wide eyes at the wizard, "Going back into The Vast huh? Haven't been there since I was a little girl, should be interesting at the very least." As for the mention of bugs, she offers a shrug, after all, her Giant Slug Boris could be considered one itself, though he does lack the extra legs that offer discomfort for some.
Is Jarik even paying attention, its frankly a little hard to tell, he's found himself a nice rock to sit on as he chews on a piece of desiccated jerky, occasionally tearing off a little bit with his fingers to give to the owl perched on his shoulder and inside the hood of his rough looking boarhide cloak. "You like eating bugs, don'tcha' Greywing." He says softly, earning a soft hoot from the owl. Maybe he is paying attention.
"Kill bugs, get box, don't look in box or our faces might melt off. Got it." Jarik says, standing slowly and brushing off his pants.
"Eons ago? What *is* your skincare routine?" Skyler asks the wizard with wide eyes, "Is it Abyssal snails? I hear snail trails are good for wrinkles. Or bee venom. I knew a girl once that use to get naked and smear bee hives all over her face..."
As the ex-Pirate continues his typical prattle, he carefully adjusts his gear: Checking the fit of the buckler across his arm, making sure he has free access to the curved blade strapped to his back, and that despite the baldric he can still reach into the leather greatcoat for a collection of vials and other paraphernalia.
He also makes sure the rather... garish... knit cap he's sporting of green and yellow is firmly on his auburn hair, tying the ear flaps carefully so it doesn't fly off.
"... and that's why she started using charcoal wipes on her bum." He finishes his inane story, smiles brightly at Idoren, "Right. Insects. Don't look in the box. What the green dude said." He the squints at Halia and her giant slug, "So I guess we can't use salt?"
Gr'lk, such as they are, is also only a little over half the wizard's height. Their dress is most often tabard, but in the chill seasons they add in other linens and cloths to cover skin and insulate. Along with their trusty gobbersack. "So we turn bugs into lunch, find box of gold that could look like other boxes but cannot confirm, return with box? Or will you meet us there?" the gob inquires in tune with Jarik's statement. The makeup commentary and skincare topic of Skyler sails leagues over 'tosst's head.
Cuemoni, turquoise-scaled sith-makar that she is, makes unhappy movements with her tail that suggest she is quite cold in the winter winds and snow. "This one will endure," she murmurs to herself.
Her golden eyes nictate at the description of skincare routines that Skyler regales them with. "This one did not know that softskin care was so fragile," she murmurs, then she says more loudly to her allies, "Ay, poor things. This one will work to keep your skins safe and sound from the insects."
She looks at the wizard then. "This one has much experience with insects. Do not fret. Is there anything else that you wish for us to know before we enter?"
"No. Nothing I can think of." The wizard says, uttering a spell which creates a portal to the Vast and the ruins in question. One can see them through the portal. "I'll stay here and keep the doorway open for you. If anyone gives you trouble, just ignore them and hurry along back through the portal. Here." Idoren pulls a pin from in his jacket and offers it to Cuemoni since she asked. "Any locals try to stop you just show them this and tell them you're on official business of the guild and they should go away."
Through the portal it's quite warm and very nice out in the desert. At least compared to the frigid temperatures of Alexandria.
Halia raises her brows at the feminine pirate, a little smirk on her small mouth, "I mean I'd be much obliged if you kept the salt spells to a minimum, if you could. I doubt it's going to come up too much though." She pauses, "I'm Halia, this is Boris, he's a good boy... and not a boy at all, but still good." A smile and nod is given to the goblin, Sith-Makar and half-oruch, "Shall we?" Anxious at the powerful magic cast so easily by the wizard, she still climbs aboard Boris and slowly slides through the portal.
Jarik just sort of stares at Skyler with a neutral expression as the man goes through this whole story, then just shakes his head and sighs. He's too used to Skyler to do anything other than simply accept his quirks at this point.
He does nod as the portal opens, moving a little closer to feel the warmth coming through it. "Well, at least the journey there will be quick." He murmurs, hoisting his pack on his shoulders, before checking his weapon on his belt, making sure the claws are still under his cloak, then steps through after Halia.
Apparently the wizard also doesn't have time for skincare routines. Skyler frowns, but shakes his head and lets it be as there's magic being done. And then he's wincing at a burst of warm air in his face, and he sadly peels his cunning hat off, tucking it into a pocket with a muttered comment about spoilsport mages and Telamon somehow being at fault.
In the distance? The sound of a tuba can be heard from a bard practicing.
He briskly crosses the threshold, moving backwards as he adds to Cuemoni, "Hey, I only got like ten years with this pretty face, twenty tops. If I gotta smear bee vomit or let a snail crawl across my face, I'll do it." He then turns around and adds to Halia, "Hi! I'm Skyler. Sky like the stuff above us, ler like someone luring us to our doom with promises of gold. The green dude is Jarik. I found him in the woods one day but I promise you get use to the smell."
Gr'lk makes a quiet utterance of 'gob' when a spell that far outclasses what they're capable of. But the warmth happily prompts them to wander through. "Gr'lk'tosst. This is me. Named after the product of my parents' favorite magical item." they greet nonchalantly before going to cross the threshold behind Halia and Jarik. "Will be very glad for skin being protected, from eating and burning mostly."
"This one is Cuemoni, Shaman of the Xiuhcoatl tribe," Cuemoni introduces herself with a dip of her crimson-painted turquoise head after she takes the pin from Iroden. "This one apologizes if this one seems... what is the word? Aloof. The cold is not kind to the makari. This one would like to be at home by the fire with this one's Cihuaa more than the desert."
Then she eyes the portal, golden eyes resolute on the prize. "But this one's Cihuaa is a follower of the Dragonfather, and that is reason enough to do this, and to return to him by the fire soon enough. In the meantime, this one will keep all safe. And... this one specializes in fire and healing. So, perfect for this assignment." Or, so she hopes. Adventures have a way of throwing an unwelcome curveball or two.
Then through the portal she goes, one turquoise tail very firmly up off the snow so it does not get cold.
The ruins stand before you, there's only one entrance, and it's easily accessible. Probably how the wizard himself got in and out of the ruins before you. It's dark inside though, no sign of torches or any sort of natural lighting...
Halia looks to the Sith, offering her the same smirk, "Winter is a time for staying warm, but needs must, and this is such a time." Upon entering the desert, the heat seems to hit her like a bison during mating season and it takes almost no time at all for most of her furs to be pulled off, leaving them on the sand by the entrance. She calls magic to her, breathes out deeply, then flicks her fingers to call magical armour to her, only then pulling her shield out to assist with her protection. "Right. Pleased to meet you all, it's going to be fun no doubt. If anyone has a torch, I'm happy to carry it, I admit to forgetting to bringing one."
GAME: Halia casts Mage Armor. Caster Level: 1 DC: 14
"I'll take point." Skyler offers cheerfully as they get to the mouth of the ruins, reaching into his leather greatcoat to pull out one of those vials strapped to the inside... A rather fragile looking thing full of fiery red liquid. He keeps it in his off hand even as he draws his sword with the other, "Cuemoni, why don't you take rear? If insects sneak up on us, you can roast them."
He then blinks, and looks at the group as realization hits... He has no freakin' enhancements to his vision. But he also doesn't say anything, just saying, "Great, Halia can carry a torch."
The only real concession Jarik makes to the heat is to push his hood back and slide his cloak off his shoulders, the hide remains firmly in place though. He clucks his tongue once, and Greywing launches off of his shoulder and into the air, getting a better view from above while he puts most of his attention on the ruins in front of them.
"You're lucky I like you." He mutters a bit darkly after Skyler's comment on his smell. "And I'll have you know I bathed this morning." Actually, twice a day since his little foray into the sewers. He swears he can still smell it.
Gr'lk's cloths and linens stay on, though maybe the outer layer is eschewed for the heat and stuffed into their gobberbag. This is also when they rummage beneath their tabard and produce their dragonspitter, complete with all the signatures and engravings etched into it. "Gr'lik stay near the front, not IN front." they impress as they take a few more hastened steps to file near the vanguard. "Why bring torch?" they ask with some confusion, obviously, someone is blessed with darkvision..
"Some softskins do not have eyes to see into the dark," Cuemoni explains to Gr'lk as she takes up the rear of the line by Skyler's direction. She keeps her furs on for the moment. A winter in Alexandria has made her wish keenly for the warmth of Am'shere, even if it's her second one. But Am'shere is not where Cihuaa is.
"This one does not smell anything from Shaman Jarik." Cuemoni remarks. "This one assumes Shaman, yes? The owl is common with mages. Or other birds. Familiars are good scouts of danger."
GAME: Cuemoni rolls Perception: (9)+11: 20 GAME: Skyler rolls Perception: (15)+9: 24 GAME: Halia rolls perception: (1)+9: 10 (EPIC FAIL) GAME: Jarik rolls perception: (1)+2: 3 (EPIC FAIL) GAME: Jarik rolls 10: (1)+10: 11 (EPIC FAIL) GAME: Gr'lk'tosst rolls perception: (10)+3: 13
Greywing is a forest bird and not overly pleased with being in a bright, sunlit desert and is soon zooming back to take his perch on Jarik's shoulder, hooting and cooing his annoyance at being in such an unpleasantly sandy place. Jarik looks over to Cuemoni as she queries him. "Shaman? Something like that I guess."
"Heads up, there's something ahead of us." Skyler says, sounding as serious as he ever does as he frowns into the darkness ahead of him, "Doesn't sound human. Anyone else hear it? Scraping sounds?" He pauses, eyes widening. "Oh shit! We forgot to ask about undead! I spent my last bottle of holy water on my stuffed Pothy."
Halia squints as she follows the group, torch in hand, with only the Sith behind her, something about the bright flickering light makes paying attention difficult, so she feels little chance of seeing much up ahead. "Shamans huh? Good, never hurts to have--" The warning is spoken and the Siuil goes silent instantly, pausing only to pat Boris on the back with her foot to slow him to a stop. Canting her head she tries to catch the noises mentioned, looking back to the sith to see if she hears it, or the goblin maybe.
As Jarik talks, Cuemoni doesn't like what she notices. She makes a rumbling noise in her chest as a warning noise, to stop in track-making and pay attention. "This one hears it, Warrior Skyler," she intones. "There's a dull orange glow in the distance."
She lifts a hand of clawed fingers. "This one can cast flame into the darkness, if it is desired, to see what is up ahead. Or, someone can call out. This one... does not recommend that," Cuemoni murmurs. "We may have the advantage of surprise upon the hidden enemy still. If there are undead, they may still be burned."
GAME: Jarik casts Mage Armor. Caster Level: 2 DC: 15 GAME: Skyler rolls perception: (6)+9: 15 GAME: Halia rolls perception: (6)+9: 15 GAME: Cuemoni rolls Perception: (9)+11: 20 GAME: Jarik rolls perception+2: (10)+2+2: 14 GAME: Gr'lk'tosst rolls perception: (17)+3: 20 GAME: Jarik rolls 10: (14)+10: 24
Gr'lk is squinting to avoid the torchlight with a mild sigh. But to that they seem more annoyed than anything. "Not hearing, see something shiny. Torch in the way." they offer, but seem glad to remain apace with the group and make attempts not to stand out. Raids are best with good cohesion!
A person-sized bug appears just on the edge of the visible area, its antenna glowing. Near it another glowing pair of antenna can be seen swaying ominously.
GAME: Skyler used a Alchemist's Fire. GAME: Skyler rolls 1d20+8: (17)+8: 25 GAME: Skyler rolls 1d6: (3): 3
"Shit! Bug!" Skyler all but squeaks, and with a deft underhand toss the vial of alchemist fire he's holding in his off hand is tossed at the bug, dousing it in napalm-like alchemical goo even as he rushes forward, buckler raised and sword in hand as he prepares himself to block the more fragile members of the group with his body.
GAME: Cuemoni refreshes special ability pools. GAME: Cuemoni spends ONE use of FIRE BOLT. GAME: Cuemoni rolls ranged: (11)+5: 16 GAME: Cuemoni rolls 1d6+2: (3)+2: 5 GAME: Cuemoni rolls Knowledge/Nature: (15)+9: 24
There's another chest-rumbling sound from Cuemoni as she slinks off to the side of Skyler, still keeping well in the back. "Spirit of the flame, answer this one's call!" she intones as she raises a clawed hand, and the flame answers, springing to life between her palm and her claws before she sends it out in a percussive shot at the bug...
And then her golden eyes nictate in recognition. "Fire beetles. Relatively harmless, unless their nests are disturbed," she identifies. "They glow for a day after they die, like the sun that is dead but does not know it."
GAME: Gr'lk'tosst rolls weapon2: (13)+6: 19 GAME: Gr'lk'tosst rolls damage2: aliased to 1d8+0: (4)+0: 4
Gr'lk sees a phial of fire being tossed and is supremely impressed, followed by a firebolt being hurled. Doubly impressed at all this arson! But their fascination does not last long as there is, notably, another bug in the room that they decide to engage. 'tosst scrambles and then holds up their dragonspitter to take cautious aim before firing with an exclamation of, "It's Gobbin time! Big boom, no sneaking!" as they shoot into what may just be seen as into the darkness.
GAME: Skyler spends ONE use of CHARMED LIFE. GAME: Skyler rolls fort+3: (5)+3+3: 11 GAME: Aftershock rolls 1d3: (2): 2
One of the bugs, seeing it's comrade laid low by Skyler comes scuttling over and flashes a bright light in the face of Skyler trying to scare him off. The light is very, very bright! Bright enough to dazzle the warrior trying to fight off the insects!
GAME: Halia rolls handle animal: (19)+7: 26 GAME: Halia rolls 1d20+1: (12)+1: 13 GAME: Halia rolls 1d6: (3): 3
Halia flicks her hair over her shoulder with a toss of her head, grimacing as the fire catches the bug alight, she attempts to speak, when an almighty BOOM thunders through her ears making hearing anything nigh on impossible! Still, regrets though she may have, she still encourages Boris forwards into the periphery of the fray, turns him slightly, then has him launch an acidic spit at the flashing bug! Seeing it melt, she sighs softly and pats her Slug on the head, "Good boy, keep it up."
GAME: Aftershock rolls 1d20+5: (20)+5: 25 GAME: Aftershock rolls 1d20+5: (1)+5: 6 (EPIC FAIL) GAME: Aftershock rolls 2d6+4: (6)+4: 10 GAME: Aftershock rolls 1d4: (1): 1
From the dark emerges a huge bug, this one with acid dripping from its mandibles. It looks like a monstrosity. A thing that should not be. The truth is though that this is just a baby, here in the desert these creatures grow to twice the size that this one is. Thankfully Skyler and the rest of you are only facing this one. This one is more than enough, as it tears a hole in Skyler's arm and viciously screams its mandibles clattering loudly.
GAME: Jarik casts Ray of Enfeeblement. Caster Level: 2 DC: 15 GAME: Jarik rolls 1d6+1: (3)+1: 4 GAME: Aftershock rolls 1d20+6: (12)+6: 18 GAME: Jarik rolls +1: (19)++1: 20
Jarik squints into the darkness, but its not hard to see the glowing bugs ahead of them. And when the big one arrives and bites /his/ pirate? Well. That calls for some retaliation. The half-oruch strides forward a few steps, already chanting a few quick arcane words. Then he brings up his hand and fires of a coruscating ray of black and purple that strikes the giant bug dead on.
From nearby another bug digs up a tunnel, perhaps having heard the scream of the larger bug, the call for aid. It seems that there might be a few more where the initial few have come from...
<OOC> Skyler says, "Okay, activating my Daredevil Boots for +5 to Acrobatics, and then gunna tumble to 7,15 to trigger the +1" GAME: Skyler rolls Acrobatic+5: (15)+11+5: 31 GAME: Skyler rolls weapon1: (18)+10: 28 (THREAT) GAME: Skyler rolls weapon1: (12)+10: 22 GAME: Skyler spends ONE point of PANACHE. GAME: Skyler rolls damage1+damage1+8: aliased to 1d6+4+1d6+4+8: (3)+4+(6)+4+8: 25
Acid? Ow. And more importantly...
"MY FACE!" Skyler squeaks as the monster bites at him and hits him with acid. He snarls, all humor leaving his face. Even as Jarik's arcane attack hits, the ex sky-pirate is moving...
His heels click together like a non-copywritten Random Kansas Farmgirl in Plaid wearing Slippers of a Red Color. Flicker of flames rise up the leather, and he tumbles, flipping midair and with a wicked slash of his scimitar back-handed sinks it into a chink in the bug's armor between neck and thorax. With a twist, he beheads it, landing on his knees before bouncing to his feet with a pleased expression.
"Hey! Jarry! You see that?" He says with a cocky grin, winking at Cuemoni, "Not bad for a softskin, huh?" Then his face falls. "I didn't get any acid on my face, did I?"
GAME: Skyler gains ONE point of PANACHE.
Gr'lk has not seen such big game hunting OR acrobatics before. While they were impressed at the smaller(still sizeable!) bugs being melted, blasted, and beaten, the huge one being beheaded? THAT was something better than boom! "Better than boom!" 'tosst exclaims as they scamper towards the backline to "Feeding the dragon, feed dragon more boom!"
GAME: Cuemoni casts Cure Light Wounds. Caster Level: 4 DC: 15 GAME: Cuemoni rolls 1d8+4: (3)+4: 7
"It was never in doubt, Warrior Skyler," Cuemoni compliments quite genuinely, amusement and warmth in her voice. "This one merely worried for the skin and worried you would need... slug treatment? Ay, this one knows something better than slug treatment for the wounds."
She chuckles a little and walks up to Skyler, gently placing a hand on the swashbuckler's shoulder. "This one asks the spirits of health and fortune to come to this Warrior, to mend his wounds," she intones. A warm magic emanates from her scaled hand into Skyler, and it knits together some of the flesh on Skyler's arm. "Now for the rest of the beetles."
Another beetle crawls out of the ground to the right-hand side of the ruins. It's another one of the smaller but still significantly sized glowing beetles.
GAME: Cuemoni rolls Perception: (9)+11: 20 GAME: Halia rolls perception: (19)+9: 28 GAME: Gr'lk'tosst rolls perception: (10)+3: 13 GAME: Skyler rolls perception-1: (13)+9+-1: 21 GAME: Halia rolls handle animal: (18)+7: 25 GAME: Halia rolls d20+1: (18)+d20+1: 19 GAME: Halia rolls 1d6: (4): 4
Halia gives Boris a little scratch and has him slide forwards across the stone until she's beside the flashy pirate, there, she blinks, "Go on Boris, again please?" Another scritch has the giant slug goobing over the glow bug in the back, it's then Halia looks up, "Think I have it guys, ahead in the middle of the room! I see a glimmer."
GAME: Jarik rolls weapon2: (2)+2: 4 GAME: Jarik rolls weapon2: (13)+2: 15 GAME: Jarik rolls damage2: aliased to 1d10+0: (2)+0: 2
Jarik runs a hand along the edge of his cloak, but with the big bug down and the rest faltering such a display would probably be a waste of time and energy. Instead he slips his hand behind his back and withdraws his crossbow, cocking the bolt back and firing at the back in short order.
GAME: Skyler rolls perception: (10)+9: 19 GAME: Skyler spends ONE point of PANACHE. GAME: Skyler rolls 1d6: (4): 4 GAME: Skyler rolls acrobatics+4: (6)+11+4: 21
"My face is okay, right?!" Skyler asks Cuemoni with a concerned tone, brows knitting together in a pensive expression before shuddering as the healing energy hits him. "Ooof. Always make my gooch tickle." He mutters, before shaking his head to clear the cobwebs (ha) and then his head snaps in the direction Halia indicates. "On it!"
And on it he is, rushing blindly into the darkness and even without the clicking of his heels he's nimble as he seemingly glides over the uneven surface: a bounce step here, a slide there, even a tumble before he's landing and calls out, "GOT IT! Cover me and let's get the *hells* outta here! Spa treatments await!"
GAME: You spend ONE use of FIRE BOLT. (5 remaining) GAME: Cuemoni rolls ranged: (4)+5: 9 GAME: Cuemoni rolls ranged: (8)+5: 13 GAME: Cuemoni rolls 1d6+2: (6)+2: 8
"The softskin is intact!" Cuemoni calls after Skyler as he's concerned about the state of his face. Whether or not it looks good, she can't say. Makari aesthetic sensibilities are quite different from softskin sensibilities, and Cuemoni also has no real attachment to the quality of aesthetics on a person, anyway. She chose her Cihuaa for his kindness and warmth, after all.
Golden eyes spot the last beetle, and she murmurs another plea to the spirits of flame to lend her their gifts. They answer again. Flame manifests in her clawed hand and lashes out at the beetle, singeing it and leaving it to glow in death. "Covered! Let us leave!" she calls out.
Halia stares wide eyed at the guy running headlong into the darkness, where anything from pit traps to spiders could await... She considers calling out, but instead just shakes her head to see what happens. A glance to the side reveals the Sith scorching what could be the last remaining bug... assuming Skyler doesn't get eaten by one while galavanting. "Same order we arrived in, tailed one?"
From the darkness comes Skyler's voice, "Do you think it counts as looking inside if I do it in the dark?"
Several moments later, he pops out of the darkness, clutching a box to his chest with a fearless and *terrifyingly* thoughtless grin plastered across his face. "Let's not quibble about orders, just get the hell outta here. Jarik, catch! Before I lose control and open it."
And he tosses the box at the half-Oruch.
Gr'lk cheers on the derring do of the pirate, impressed by the show of athleticism. They give a clap and turn to face the bulk of the group and prepare to move to maintain pacing with the group as preparations to escape are made.
GAME: Skyler rolls will: (15)+3: 18
"He does this." Jarik intones as at least a few of the others look off after Skyler runs into the darkness. "I've learned its better to just let him do his thing than worry about it. Like a puppy. He will learn or.." Jarik shrugs.
As Skyler reappears and rosses the box his way, his eyes go a little wide, grabbing it out of the air with a his, and quickly making sure he has the lid firmly shut. "Are you trying to get my face melted off? Everyone knows looking in magic gold boxes makes your face melt off."
Halia raises a hand to touch her temple, feeling a migraine coming on, or perhaps it's just stress from managing to keep her mouth closed to remain civil? That counts as being 'Good' right? RIGHT? With a soft command she wheels Boris around and motions for the others to lead the way, she'll take up the rear without complaint.
As you gather, and head out of the ruins, there's a young man standing just outside the ruins. He doesn't look a day over sixteen. He has shaggy black hair and black eyes, his skin is pale and it looks out of place in these desert lands where a more tanned complexion is the norm. He frowns at you as he sees the box in your keeping. "Please. Put it back. Or open it. See what you were sent to bring back. See the truth. Please. Don't give it to anyone. No one deserves to keep what you have."
The portal lies beyond the young man.
GAME: Cuemoni rolls Sense Motive: (7)+4: 11 GAME: Skyler rolls Sense Motive: (15)+9: 24 GAME: Halia rolls sense motive: (16)+3: 19 GAME: Gr'lk'tosst rolls sense motive: (15)+1: 16
"This one would advise not to look into boxes containing artifacts of the Dragonfather," Cuemoni advises as she ensures that her fellow spellcasters (Shamans, by the sith-makar way of looking at the world) make it out all right. "Keep a firm hand on it, Shaman Jarik..."
And then Cuemoni stops in place when there's a boy seemingly waiting for them, which is only confirmed when he pleads for them to put it back or open it. She eyes the softskin young man. "Do you know what is in it?" she asks. "And why do you ask for it to be opened? Will it fly free like the bird from the open cage if we do?"
Her tail vibrates at the tip, much like a rattlesnake, in distrust. "This one needs to know, before this one accidentally sets calamity to the world."
"Oh, I did!" Skyler say glibly when he's told to look inside the box by the strange man, his pale grey-green eyes unusually hard as he looks at the young man, "I mean, seems like a lot of work for *that*, but who am I to yuck someone's yum?"
To the others, he shrugs one shoulder, "Don't listen to him. Let's go. It's harmless... Otherwise, he'd have told us what's in it. People warning about evil artifacts usually don't play coy like they're trying to get in a barmaid's skirts." Beat. "Or stable boy's trousers. No judgement here!"
GAME: Skyler rolls Bluff: (19)+9: 28
Jarik does not seem particularly inclined to open the box, he holds it in his hand though like he expects the thing to possibly explode at any moment. HE really needs to stop listening to the more outlandish stories from bards. He eyes the young boy and then looks back over at the others, "We were hired to bring it back." He states simply.
Halia finds that her attempt to stave off the migraine is only made more difficult upon seeing this young man. It's made worse still when she finds herself having to agree with Skyler's take on things, whether she can believe him or not! "Regardless." She offers as if replying to a conversation in her head, "The one who commissioned us to return it controls the portal to return, and while I for one am okay with the long walk home, I doubt many others are." Even as she speaks she slides off Boris, flicks her hair, then begins to gather her furs from the sand.
Gr'lk isn't sure what to make of this, regardless of how they feel the boy is being with their words. "Already have job from guild. Would be remiss of gobber not to see it through." they insist as they stand nearer to Jarik as they're the one with the box.
"I know what lies in the box yes." The young man says solemnly. His eyes filled with a distant sorrow and pain. "It brings calamity yes, but not in the way you mean. I-" He stops as Skyler talks and then he looks actually... emotional for the first time. He looks hurt.
"If you can look upon what lies in that box and feel nothing then I will find no aid here at all. I had hope after all this time... but the world has clearly not changed. Call it evil. Yes, I suppose it is." With this, the young man simply vanishes without a trace.
"I've seen true evil, friend." Skyler says cheerfully, "It's a little gobber named Murder, farting after eating questionable stew. This isn't personal, this is *business*."
He spreads his hands helplessly, "A job is a job. I'm still hoping to learn the guy's skincare routine. He said he's eons old, but not a wrinkle. C'mon, folks, let's let the creepy boy be and get *paid*." And he makes a shooing gesture at the emotionless-but-hurt boy. "G'won, *git*."
A huff leaves Cuemoni as she watches the young man vanish. "This one hopes we are not delivering good things into the wrong hands," she says quietly. "May the Dragonfather have mercy upon us if we do, and terrible vengeance upon the evildoer who tricked us if so."
She eyes the portal. "This one wishes to go home," she murmurs. To Cihuaa. To the mighty cat who is catching mice in their home and keeping it free of pests. To return to foraging in the woods for things to offer to the spirits. And if she has done great harm today... Then may she find things with which to offer in atonement.
"We can peek now that he's gone if you guys want." Skyler suggests, brushing off his hands in a self-satisfied gesture as the young man does, indeed, git. "I'll do it. If I die, you can drag my body across the portal and get me raised. Easy peasey lemon squeezey."
Halia glances to Cuemoni to give her a sage nod, "It's a difficult thing, yes, we could be delivering bad things into good hands, or into bad hands. Still, we can't know for sure." She pauses a moment to look at Skyler, "You may as well put it back if you're going to open it, I assume that's part of the deal." In either case, Halia begins towards the portal, leading the way if need be,
A frown passes over Jarik's face made grimmer by his oruch tusks as the young man disappears. "Never did enjoy a moral quandry, but I have no reason to betray our contract." He murmurs, heading towards the portal, box still in hand. He holds up a hand toward Skyler, one finger in the air. "No." He says it sharp, like a person would to a misbehaving, yet adorable puppy. "No opening the box."
He lets Halia lead the way if she wants, but he's quick to follow through the portal, and eager to be rid of the artifact.
Gr'lk seems content to leave when the young one vanishes. "Trying to steal our work! Best if we make delivery then research if was a good decision." they insist, "Can make amends later if important." the gobber offers with a self-affirming non and another quiet utterance of 'gob gob'.
On the other side of the portal Idoren Aniutiom takes possession of the artifact. He doesn't let you see what is inside the box. He doesn't even give you a peek. He just nods politely to you and directs you to the guild for your payment before huffing his way back toward the city with the box in tow. He seems pleased.
The odd thing is that you swear you see the young man from the desert again, following after him briefly. Or someone who looks like the boy stepping out from behind a tree to follow him. Isn't that odd? It seems odd.