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(Created page with "<div style="padding:5px; background-color:#e7eaea;"> == Log Info == *Title: Wayfarer's Breakfast part 2 *Emitter: Slixvah *Characters: Slixvah, Patch, Seldan, Eztli, Dirk, Revander *Place: Wayfarer's Inn *Time: September 5th *Summary: Picking up where once left off, the breakfast party grows with Ravendar and Dirk joining Patch, Eztli, Slixvah and Seldan. They speak of places they would like to travel to before discussions turn more serious about what happened with the V...")
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Ravendar finishes his coffee and leaves some coins on the table to pay for breakfast. He goes to pick up his fiddle, "Good luck with that I'd suggest you get someone to help you with that. I know you have the truth on your side, but sometimes you need someone who can tell the truth in convincing ways. I'll let everyone I know about what's really going on." He says as he gives a wave as he heads out, "See you all back in the city."
Ravendar finishes his coffee and leaves some coins on the table to pay for breakfast. He goes to pick up his fiddle, "Good luck with that I'd suggest you get someone to help you with that. I know you have the truth on your side, but sometimes you need someone who can tell the truth in convincing ways. I'll let everyone I know about what's really going on." He says as he gives a wave as he heads out, "See you all back in the city."
"But everyone's getting really outraged over it. And you know? No one actually knows how in the hells they got that ward up around the city. Be awfully hypocritical to call them out now if they were doing something similar." Eztli huffs. "Even if I'd think the people putting them up here are, I'm unsure of still. Again, another case of people meaning well, but the means could be less than ideal."
"Yeah, it's an uphill battle either way. But I don't think they have a leg to stand on in any claims, but that doesn't mean they can't make a real convincing argument. Gotta be careful."
Seldan has connected.
<OOC> Slixvah staple!
<OOC> Slixvah says, "ez posed!"
<OOC> Slixvah paging it!
<OOC> Seldan says, "Thank you!"
Ravendar takes another bit and he chuckles a little bit at the puns because who doesn't enjoy some good puns, "Oh these weren't just any regular bees these were giant bees that's what the Snickerdoodle Apiary is known for, it's run by a gnome of course, what's who hired a group of adventurers to go bring back a queen bee to be. The Apiary was overrun by wrights when they attacked, but had been cleared out, just the giant bees were there. We did have to fight some guard bees to the death to get to the princess bee, so I guess in a way if you look at it from the bees preception we were the baddies, but from the gnome owner's preception we were just bring back lost property. I'm just glad we didn't have to debate the bees about it."
<OOC> Patch says, "https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=BGTFEv2XpIg"
<OOC> Slixvah big sighs, "Thank goodness I kept my command spamming in other windows"
<OOC> Seldan says, "Right? I have had days like that, but I am on the tablet with no auto-log."
<OOC> Slixvah says, "and lol patch"
<OOC> Ravendar says, "wrights = wights"
Dirk slathers plenty of sweet cream butter over his hot cakes and drizzles a truly frightening amount of maple syrup over the stack. He cuts a bite and stuffs it into his bearded maw, grinning a bit at Patch as he chews. "Well, that'll be perfectly lovely! I hardly ever get visitors. Gets a wee bit lonesome out there, s' why I always enjoy me trips intae Alex," he says once he finishes chewing and swallowing. Ravendar's tale has the old snowbeard perking a bit. "Ohh... Snickerdoodle mead is some o' the best in Alexandros! Good on you fer helpin' 'im out!"
Seldan pauses mid-bite, and looks up at Patch and Slixvah, ice-blue eyes going between them. "Patch is aware of my - situation," he explains in low tones to Slixvah. "I maintain as low a presence as I may, without entirely abandoning the innocent of the city or the work with which I am tasked. It grows crowded, and there may be trouble, do I find myself spotted by the wrong sort. I do not wish to burden the innkeeper with such matters."
<OOC> Seldan checks connection.
<OOC> Slixvah you're good!
<OOC> Slixvah is holding theirs until eztli, as they haven't posed for a bit so i dont wanna drown them out
<OOC> Seldan says, "Works."
"Well, sounds like a sweet job." Eztli laughs. "Though, could they not settle for, normal bees? Ones that you don't risk seriously harming someone if they get loose? Like, they have to fly around to do their jobs."
"Hey, it's just an inn, it's alright." The makari notes. "Everyone needs to relax sometimes."
Slixvah shakes her head some. "Now that sounds like a right hive of a mess I don't wanna deal with. Sticky situation and what not. At least ya'll can say ya'll rescued a princess! That's a right bee-utiful story!" She can't help it anymore, she's cackling after Eztli's extra joke.
The eglarin wipes a tear from her eye as she watches Dirk slather syrup all over his pancakes. And he takes a sizable chunk into his maw. Syrup. All over that beard. She shudders, wings and ribbons rattling as she images that getting caught in her plumage.
Attention shifts to Seldan as she listens to him on the down low. She looks to Eztli, flicking a little wave with a hand to dismiss the attention drawing their way. She bobs her head. "I getcha. Mayhaps... a smaller settin' fo' mo' talkin' and the like. Sorr' ya gotta work like that, sugar," she coos to him quietly. A glance to Patch, a nods towards her. "How is ya boy?" she inquires, curious.
Ravendar reaches down into his pack, "So I've been told that's why I snatched up one of these." He pulls out a sealed bottle of mead, "When I found it. It was the last one left all the rest that I saw had been smashed up probably by the wights. At least before I high tailed it out of there, the rest of the worker bees were starting to get suspecious of me." He chuckles, "I take it you've never met a gnome, they rarely can do anything normal." He says in between bites of his hot cakes that are slathered in honey. He chuckles more at the bee puns, "Yah I'm glad I had a good crew of fighter types around. I basically just played on my fiddle while they took out the bees that were guarding the princess. It certainly will make a buzz worthy song."
Dirk is a dwarf, and knows how to take care of his beard. He doesn't get even a single drop of syrup stuck in his majestic white whiskers. And even if he did, he has a napkin ready and waiting to clean up the mess. No dwarf worth the beard on his face would ever let it get dirty from something as pedestrian as eating! "Aye, I bet ye could make a real stinger wi' material like that!" he says to Ravendar with a grin. Because of course he can't resist getting in on the bee puns.
<OOC> Slixvah says, "patch had a brown-out, their equipment is resetting"
<OOC> Seldan says, "Thanks for the info, holding for her."
<OOC> Dirk says, "Ack!"
Patch has reconnected.
<OOC> Patch says, "Sorry about that."
Patch has partially disconnected.
<OOC> Seldan says, "It's fine."
<OOC> Eztli pat
<OOC> Slixvah says, "that questio slix said at the end was toward seldan"
<OOC> Slixvah says, "i realize it wasnt clear"
Patch is laughing at the table's banter, a glance to Eztli with a softer smile. There is a lot going on, elven ears drooping as she tries to follow it all.
"Seldan, I know the situation, but... here I think all are friends." Patch's tone light, but she does cast a glance about the inn. "Did you hear the announcement about the delegation and proceedings? I hope it didn't come as too much a shock." Patch asks of Seldan, worry creasing her brow.
Dirk and Ravendar aren't too noticed for the moment, a heavier topic weighing down her mood.
<OOC> Seldan says, "Yep. Patch asked it too, and I will respond this pose."
"I have not spoken to him in a day or two, but I think him well. He is in the middle of an experiment, and I think it unwise to disrupt him." Warm, real affection lights Seldan's features, and his voice, at the mention of Malik, along with quiet acceptance. "We share telepathy between us, and do I seek him at the wrong moment, it could be disastrous."
The bee puns flying about draw a smile as well, but he does not relax or sit back. "There are those within Alexandros who will assault me at sight," he flicks a glance at Eztli. "Still do I take no offense. I am - merely cautious." Very cautious, if his body language is any judge. "Perhaps," is all he saiys of the assertion that he is among friends. "I would be a poor friend indeed, did I draw trouble to this place."
His eyes go back to the pair consuming a very messy breakfast, and looks to his own sandwich in his hand, wrapped in a cloth. "No. I knew of it, and they summon me," he says of the proceedings. "I cooperate with the Council."
"Yeah well, I guess that's fair. But if everyone's friends, or most, you gotta treat them like friends, you know? It's only natural for people to be concerned if they see their friend isn't comfortable." Eztli sighs. "That's just, how things go."
"Maybe a smaller setting does help things, but still. Anything we can do to make you more comfortable, right here, right now?"
Ravendar finishes up his honey coated hot cakes and he takes a drink of his coffee. He chuckles Dirk's bee pun, but his attention turns to Seldan as he hears about the Council. He looks Seldan over and just listens for right now as he doesn't know much about the situation and doesn't want to go sticking his foot into his mouth.
It was just the mere thought of that majestic beard getting sullied rubs Slix the wrong way. Or, imagining it. And imagining that getting on her feathers. Feh, talk about tar and feather. Though, she still can't help but giggle from all the puns being tossed about.
For an egalrin, Slix is an expressive one, at the warm features in Seldan's face are mirrored in a cozy sort of grin as she's kicking her feet under the table- oh my god she's gossiping over coffee. "That's really cute you can talk ta each other whenever," she coos cheekily. "Well, thank ya fo' bein' mindful," she recognizes.
This involvement of the announcement gets her scratching her head a little bit. "I think I'm glad I haven't had th' pleasure of runnin' into the Council."
She sighs a little bit at Eztli before rubbing her face.
In a serious tone, Patch talks candidly. "If you need support, or favors... you know you can ask, Seldan." her tone quiet. "I can't do much, but I can spin tales and confuse the hells out of some people if need be." her opinion on the council and delegation not high. At all. "I know you say you cooperate, but I wish you Vaire's blessing regardless. Eluna's light, and the Creative's spirit. Who all knows what else will be needed to see things be done fairly."
"And yeah, Slix. Should see the two when they're together. Mal's got a talent for selecting fine food and drinks. Makes any occasion a party." Speaking of Seldan's husband with a smirk, trying to wash away that dourness and forcing a smile.
"See, even Eztli wants you to know we wish to help." The Makari woman earning a second, and larger grin. "It's good to know you have the right feel of people." winking to the two-toned woman.
<OOC> Seldan says, "For those unfamiliar, Seldan is discussing matters relating to the fall of the Veil. If you are interested, now might be a good time to ask."
Dirk frowns a bit as he listens to the heavy conversation, steadily shoveling biscuits and gravy into his mouth. He wipes his mouth on his napkin, leaning over. "I've got room at my cabin, if ye ever need anywhere tae lie low, Master Seldan," he says. "Sure it won't be as fancy as ye might be used to, but... it's clean an' comfortable. Comes wi' all the fresh air an' sunshine ye could ask for."
<OOC> Ravendar has opinions. ;)
Ravendar raises mug to Seldan, "Good luck and may you have the Coyote's cunning on your side. From what I've heard they are looking for anyone other the themselves to blame for all of this and I hope you aren't put on the chopping block as a sacrifical lamb." He takes a sip of his coffee. "Life changes and rather than trying to blame someone for it they should be looking into what to do next, if there is danger because the Veil is gone then let's get everyone ready to face it. I'd rather be doing that then pointing fingers."
This time, Seldan looks up, and levels an even, cool stare at Eztli. "I am hunted, and it is not the first time I have been so. There are those within Alexandros' borders who will assault me at sight, and it is in my mind that there is nothing they will not stoop to to find me. Not idle is my caution, or my concern for this place. It is not a matter of friendship, or making me comfortable."
Then,m the offers of support - and something within him cracks. A revelation, really, and one un-looked for. "I -" He trails off. Stops. Sets the food aside on the table before him. It takes him a minute, and a deep breath, to gather himself. "Forgive me. I have, I think, spent too long alone."
"Would you hear the truth of the fate of the Veil?"
Patch is quick to droop ears, looking away from the table. She doesn't much speak as Seldan goes serious and talks about Llyranost, and his pursuit. She waits until he's asked forgiveness before she mutters in a low tone. "You need not be forgiven for such hardships, Seldan Padaryn."
"Things are not well in Llyranost, and the truth is..." Patch flashing a glance to Ravendar as she speaks. "Not something that sits well."
That's it, Patch really doesn't have much to contribute to or about this, letting Seldan be the one to tell the tale if there is interest.
Dirk scowls dourly. "You freed me mind from that bastard vampire," he grunts, still angry at the memory of how easily he was charmed. "Fer that, I owe ye, Master Seldan. I know I cannae do much, but I can surely offer ye a safe place tae stay, if that'd be useful to ye." He finishes off his meal, washing it down with a guzzle of coffee. Pushing his plate away, he digs into his shirt pocket for his pipe and tobacco pouch, taking a moment to fill the bowl. He tucks the bit in the side of his mouth, nodding his head as he fishes in his pockets for a match. "Aye, sir, please, tell yer tale."
Eztli looks to Slixvah, and sighs. "Sorry, that was a bit blunt, but I meant what I said." The small makari replies. "It, yeah, the others have the right of it, too. Don't worry about it, or, it's alright to worry, just don't stop it from letting you live your life. That's something I've been working on for some time. And if hearing what happened will help, well then, I'm all ears, too. Even without any obvious ears."
Ravendar nods a bit, "I'd be happy to hear the truth, although be warned I will spread it around and tell anyone and everyone."
Slixvah grins in the eyes as she throws her hands up in mock surrender, waving off apologies sent her way. "Well, there goes me tryin' ta be subtle," as others speak directly and candidly. She shares a look with Patch, chuckling about the idea of Seldan and his husband together before returning to the heavier topics at hand. "We get that hon, that ya hunted. Don't mean folk can't knocked over a box on accident here and there. I can't offer anything really. Except good luck."
And those that know her mean that isn't spoken completely lightly.
The offer makes her blink. In a quick motion, the coffee pot fills her cup anew, and she's leaning forward with a steaming mug of cream and sugar with a dash of bean. "Gimme the chimse," she tweets with gleaming eyes.
<OOC> Slixvah says, "FIX chisme"
Patch has reconnected.
Seldan's eyes have drifted to the wooden floor at his feet, while all of this goes on around him. The blank impassivity is gone, and he just looks _tired_, for a few moments. When he looks back up, though, and at the faces around him, the steadfastness, the steadiness, returns, and he finally sits back in his chair, at last, nodding to Eztli, and to Dirk. "It may be that I shall impose upon you, at times. I shall not do so lightly, and you have my deepest thanks for the offer."
"First, know you this. The Veil is not merely a magical effect. She," and he pointedly shifts pronouns, "is far more than that. She is the spirit of Caeldra Dawncaller, given magical form from a bit of Animus' spirit and shaped by Eluna's will, that she might defend her land as she has done since first she fled the fall of Myn."
<OOC> Seldan says, "Knowledge/history if anyone has it."
GAME: Patch rolls knowledge/history: (2)+10: 12
<OOC> Slixvah says, "one of these days ill have it!"
<OOC> Patch dies laughing.
<OOC> Slixvah says, "and lol"
<OOC> Seldan says, "RNJesus strikes again."
GAME: Ravendar rolls knowledge/history: (19)+7: 26
"Only mysticism is where I recall her name. The founder of my home, Llyranost." Patch adds a bit of lore to that explanation of Seldan's, not seeming surprised by the news, more disappointed and disheartened.
"Sorry, Slixvah." Patch says in a lower tone, leaning to speak to the rust-colored Egalrin woman. "Some things I promised not to tell, this being a tale I had to keep to myself." she notes in an apology of sorts. "Might want to listen to the next bit carefully. You'll see what caused my upset a few days ago."
Patch has partially disconnected.
Ravendar nods his head a little bit as he listens to Seldan start to tell the story. He's familiar with the tale as his family once helped out an elf bard and Ravendar took great interests in the stories he had to tell. "Right I've heard of this history before, the fall of the first wold tree when the elves split between the dawn and the shadow. Caeldra Dawncaller was the founder of the Llyranost. I always wondered what happened to her in at least the stories I was told."
<OOC> Dirk should technically have all Knowledges. I took Breadth of Experience for my level 6 racial feat, it just hasn't processed yet.
GAME: Dirk rolls Knowledge/History+2: Trained Use Only: 0
<OOC> Dirk says, "Arg."
<OOC> Slixvah says, "so intelligence+2"
GAME: Dirk rolls Intelligence+2: (5)+1+2: 8
<OOC> Dirk says, "I know nothing."
<OOC> Patch consoles Jon Snow
<OOC> Dirk says, "Yay!"
<OOC> Seldan quick checks a thing.
"No worries if ya impose, my aid is but a fleeting touch at times," Slixvah comments before she settles in to listen. It's clear Slixvah doesn't have the historical context for the importance of this, but still her eyes widen. The thing guarding Llyranost was sentient? All these names and higher powers have her interested to no end.
She glances to Patch, a hand reaching over to pat her knee. "It's okay, hon," she coos quietly to the sun elf. But the warning gets her brows to furrow somewhat, and she looking to Revander. "... the... fall of the first world tree...?"
She turns to Seldan. This is a dangerous kind of woman, as a lot of extrapolating dots are being connected. Patch's warning, some idle comments from before in light banter. However her observations are kept to herself as she's expectantly watching the story to unfold.
"Eh, the elves of Llyranost were always cagey about how the veil worked, especially to their kin afield." Eztli shrugs. No surprise no one really knew what was going on. Always heard it was just the sort of thing you were supposed to trust in without worry, which you know, is always something that raises morale. Not surprised there was more to it than just advanced magical wards."
"That would explain a lot really, huh."
<OOC> Slixvah says, "FIX missing quote"
Seeing Slixvah's eyes widen, and the comments around him, Seldan nods slowly. "You understand. Yes, the Veil of Llyranost is quite intelligent. I knew this not, when first I set out for Llyranost, to seek the aid of the llyranesi in the matter of a warlord that rises in Charn, and seeks to crush all in his path."
He does not elaborate on that, instead turning back to his story with a slow nod at Patch. "The llyranesi refused aid to us, but the Veil felt differently, and bade them bring us to where she was. She spoke to me, in that place, and told me that being formed of a bit of the spirit of a god that is no more, she is dying. She wished me to take her from that place, and undertake a task that was Eluna's will, ere she passed."
He lets that hang in the silence, a moment more. "The Veil did not die, or fall, or dissipate. She abandoned Llyranost, deliberately."
"At least now a light shines on the ugliness that had been filling Llyranost from within." Patch says with a peel of lip, some irritation causing her tone for vibrate, forcing her to clear her throat. "Llyranost is guilty of a lot of things, but to seek retribution for this is beyond the pale. Hiding behind the dying founder, preening as the world suffered, and now pursuing those that know their secrets."
"I still offer to protest, and fight in the city ways." Patch states in a flat tone, but Slixvah's soothing seems to cause her small bit of rage to ebb.
<OOC> Patch says, "to vibrate*"
Dirk strikes a match off the edge of his table and lifts the flame to the bowl of his pipe. Whiskers twitching, flame jumping as he pulls it into the bowl. Once he has a hearty glow kindled, he snaps the match out, settling back in his seat as he puffs a billow of sweet cherry pipe smoke into the air. He listens to Seldan's tale, his shaggy white brows furrowed, and silent save for his soft puff-puffing. He only really knows the most basic stories of the Veil that shrouds the elven lands. But the passing of such a benevolent being... it makes the old snowbeard's great heart ache. "Great Gilead's Ghost," he grumbles softly. "That's... that's -monstrous-. How could they be so cold-hearted? I thought the elves were -good- folk!"
Ravendar frowns as he listens to this, "That's dire news indeed. I'm sure that most of the Llyranost are, I'm willing to bet that it's a minority that think themselves better thant he rest that are driving this, first in the denial of their aid and now this. For all we know it could be the False Hope is somehow influencing them now that her hold over the mul'niessa has been severed?"
It was at that point Slixvah's neck feathers fluff up in... is that anger? Slix gets angry? But her tone was anything but that. It upbeat and cheery. "Haha, so you mean to tell me. One of the most advanced elvish civilizations was able ta keep itself hidden away by-" a fingernail on the table is shaving off a piece of wood from it digging in. "-locking away a piece of their first of kin while, as Patch says, the world suffers?"
Whatever fuse was burning within Slix seems to be smothered as Patch herself calms, and her feathers cease their fluff. She takes a calming breath. Slowly exhales. "Thank you for helpin' that lass out bein' under that thumb, Selly," she hums in that warm tone, a hidden tension twisting gone. A glance to Dirk. "Everyone can be cold. Even my kind has a shite history."
She nods to Ravendar. "Heard 'bout that too. I'm guessin' ya had a hand in that too. Lotta good came of that, whatever you did. Don't need ta elaborate on that tho'," she hums to Seldan as she leans back in her seat, exhaling deeply. "... damn. That's a lot of tea."
"Elves aren't perfect, most groups aren't." Eztli shrugs. "That is, yeah, outrage seems like the most fair response to something like that. I don't think you were wrong to do what you did."
"Not to mention-" She continues, lowering her voice some. You know, using a shard of animus to do that? Can you imagine what the response from rune would be if they heard something like that? It could be directly linked to their death, and all the fallout from that."
A very small, secretive smile is Seldan's answer to Slixvah's guess. "That was her task," he answers gently. "To free her brother Menesil from the grip of the Tempter. It would not have been possible, without her aid and that of my companions, think not that I am so great as all that."
He listens to the commentary in silence, considering each in turn. "Yes, that is so." He answers Slixvah first. "You are not wrong, but this is not.a shard, I think, for it was wrought in ages past, during the Demon Wars, long ere Animus' fall. No, this was willingly wrought." A pause. "I thank you for that reassurance, and I concur. I could not in good conscience do otherwise. I asked her, once, of the fate of those in the outlying communities set upon in the wake of her departure. She said that Llyranost had the resources to defend them."
Dirk shakes his head, sighing around a gust of pipe smoke. "Still," he says. "Even -my- kin can be charitable. An' dwarves are some o' the most tight-arsed ham-fisted chuffs there ever were! Why, they even turn their noses up at me, just because I prefer woods tae mountains, an' -I'm- a dwarf! Hrmph!" He looks back over to Seldan, leaning forward a bit. "But -will- Llyranost defend them?" he asks. "They've done fuck-all up to now, haven't they? Why would they change their minds, just because their Veil has left them?" He blinks a couple times, then squints at Seldan. "Do they -know- she left?" he asks. "Or do they think it just... disappeared?"
Patch snaps a finger and points to Dirk. "That is exactly the same faith I have in them too. Why start helping now? What changes? I am afraid that this will only make them withdraw more." voicing her concerns, but as Slixvah's feathers and irritation spike, she takes the Egalrin woman's hand. "I think it will be an excuse to play victim, or.... none of my thoughts are good. Apologies."
"I don't really have much right to comment on this." dismissing herself a bit, letting the other's speculate and think on the meaning and history. She's just focused on her disappointment. Something she's had a hard time getting over. "It just makes me mad."
Ravendar speaks up, "From what I hear they are laying the blame for the Veil's fall squarely at the feet of Alexandria's Adventurers, thus blaming Alexandria. It's easier to blame an external source rather than look inward or to shoulder the blame themselves. That's probably why they are after Seldan here, they want to shut him up before anyone else can learn the truth, that she left and now they have to get off their asses and really contribute to this world."
Slixvah looks to Eztli, her brows shooting up as a shard is mentioned, but Seldan assuages those notions. The bird gives Seldan a wink. "It was her task, but you gave her a hand with said task. So, good on ya and whoever was wit' ya, by extension. That's really awesome."
The sun elf's hand seeks Slixvah's, and the egalrin's hand threads with Patch's, giving it a little squeeze. She leans in and nudges the side of Patch's head with her forehead. "No worries honey. Ya got every right ta be mad."
A look to Ravendar. A tut. "'course they blame it on them. I mean-" she pauses briefly. "... okay that's a fair blame, they fuck up hard sometimes. But let's not connect too many dots here, hmm?"
"Willingly, or forcibly? There's a difference. And that doesn't change the fact that Animus would have been weakened from something like that." Eztli notes with a frown. "But, I'd like you all to cool it, just a bit, okay? I get it. I get it a lot. They probably did it to keep their people safe. If I was in a similar place, and that would have meant Dragonier didn't fall? I might have done the same." She adds with a small huff. "It's fine to place blame for their actions or inactions, but don't let outrage blind you. And you know, hindsight is usually a lot better."
"They hold me responsible for the fall of the Veil." Still Seldan wears that very small smile, and he nods to Ravendar in acknowledgement of the correct guess, and then to Slixvah for her assessment. "They hold that I stole the Veil, and indeed that was the word she herself used in her instructions to me." He finally picks up his cooled breakfast, still wrapped in that cloth, looks at it, and tucks it away in his knapsack. "They do not understand that she left. They are as spoiled, selfish children. They know only that their toy is gone, and they want it back."
He looks from face to face, an expression that is sad, tired, but determined and thoughtful. "Were it truly theft, Eluna would not answer me, for such is against my oaths. Nay, to hold a soul prisoner against its will is among the greatest of crimes known upon Ea, and a crime for which I shall not stand. I must explain myself to the Council, but that is their right, and I offer no challenge to their authority. It is true that I have brought trouble to Alexandria." His eyes lower, but only briefly, and when they lift again, a hint of sparkle, of challenge, hides in the blue eyes. "I have been hunted down by a fae queen, a vampire, and an Archduke of the Hells. One is no longer an enemy, one is destroyed, and the third -" A heavy sigh. "I must see about taking him down a second time. I do not fear Llyranost's wrath, and it is in my mind that neither does the Council."
<OOC> Seldan says, "I need to sleep, soon."
<OOC> Slixvah same! "I suppose we can get last poses out?"
<OOC> Seldan says, "I certainly can."
<OOC> Ravendar gets Seldan a She-Hulk to defend him.
"Not a one of us here think it theft, Seldan." Patch says to the human, brow creasing in thought. "Wait, do you mean the vampire, Kol?" laughing. "Hells, you're sprinkled through a lot of those tales, aren't you?" her head given a shake at the absurdity of it all.
Slixvah's hand is given a squeeze, looking back to the rust and white woman with a nod. "I know, but I have already voiced my feelings on this, and doing so a second time feels.... tacky." she admits, a sheepish smile given. "Ravendar knew some, but not Seldan's name. I am glad he caught on quick."
Dirk shakes his head, taking ahold of his pipe and reaching for his coffee mug. "Well," he says. "Yer a good man in my book, Master Seldan. An' I'm nae afraid o' some elves wi' their knickers in a twist. I don't know as there's much I can do tae help ye. But I owe ye much, an' I cannae stand tae see good people sufferin' fer no good reason. My rifle's yers if ye ever need it."
Slixvah holds a hand up to Eztli as she calls for peace. "I am calm," she truthfully says. "Though lemme be a little pissy 'bout hearin' some bull shit, aight?" But she sighs. "Animus was already weakened, boo. Else my mojo wouldn't be a thing. Let's not entertain such ideas. Leads ta spiral of sad."
A nod with Patch. "Hear hear. Ain't no one sitting here thinkin' otherwise. The city wants their toy? They can-" there's a few chirps and clicks that sounds like screeches-" themselves. Kindly. With a rusty spoon." Prooobably best to not translate that.
She kicks her feet. A coy smile in her eyes. "You're such a cutie when you look like that. Like a boy knowin' he's right and about to show all the stupid adults what's good."
She runs a thumb over Patch's hand in the hold. She blinks, then snorts. "/That/ vampire?! Oh gods, pffha!"
Ravendar finishes his coffee and leaves some coins on the table to pay for breakfast. He goes to pick up his fiddle, "Good luck with that I'd suggest you get someone to help you with that. I know you have the truth on your side, but sometimes you need someone who can tell the truth in convincing ways. I'll let everyone I know about what's really going on." He says as he gives a wave as he heads out, "See you all back in the city."
Seldan has disconnected.
"But everyone's getting really outraged over it. And you know? No one actually knows how in the hells they got that ward up around the city. Be awfully hypocritical to call them out now if they were doing something similar." Eztli huffs. "Even if I'd think the people putting them up here are, I'm unsure of still. Again, another case of people meaning well, but the means could be less than ideal."
"But everyone's getting really outraged over it. And you know? No one actually knows how in the hells they got that ward up around the city. Be awfully hypocritical to call them out now if they were doing something similar." Eztli huffs. "Even if I'd think the people putting them up here are, I'm unsure of still. Again, another case of people meaning well, but the means could be less than ideal."
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Latest revision as of 02:20, 14 September 2022

Log Info

  • Title: Wayfarer's Breakfast part 2
  • Emitter: Slixvah
  • Characters: Slixvah, Patch, Seldan, Eztli, Dirk, Revander
  • Place: Wayfarer's Inn
  • Time: September 5th
  • Summary: Picking up where once left off, the breakfast party grows with Ravendar and Dirk joining Patch, Eztli, Slixvah and Seldan. They speak of places they would like to travel to before discussions turn more serious about what happened with the Veil and Llysandrost. Seldan confers revelations, and frustrations rise about it. Primarily on Llysandrost and their actions. The others are privy to listening close and offer support where they can.

Wayfarer's Inn, It's still morning.

Orders placed and deer dropped off, the motley crew of an elf, an egalrin, a human, and a sith-makar sit at a table. This is the setup for a joke.

"But there's no punchline," Slixvah points out, cackling to herself after elaborating the silly setup she finds all of them in. Breakfast is coming out and being served, the the beribboned bird woman is shoving her books away into various pockets in her multitude of robes.

"Sometimes the joke is implied. We just have to know the context." Patch muses as breakfast causes her ears to perk, keen interest in the plate of eggs, toast, and whatever wild meat or sausage they have. With a knife and fork she begins to cut her eggs, the sopping middle of yolk running loose over the whites.

"Honestly, there was once I ran into River Rock, and Aelwyn in a bar. When I made that kind of joke they both just stared at me like I was insane. Two Sith-Makar in a bar. I... It was too much fun not to tease it." Patch's ramblings ceasing as she dips toast into her eggs, and takes a bite. "Guess my humor needs some work." she says while chewing a mouthfull.

"If there's a punchline at a bar or inn, then someone really needs to hire more bartenders or servers." Eztli chuckles to herself as she flops over the back of her chair to watch the others and wait till she could actually place an order for herself.

"I get it though, a couple of makari in a bar, we're still pretty dang out of place most spots, you know? Only natural, even here, most just stick to Mictlan for the most part, if they're here, it's because they're on their way to or from there, I'd bet."

"Softskin humor does not translate well to the sith-makar," Seldan observes quietly. He had ordered for himself an egg scramble with local cheese, onions, and meat, piled onto bread. When breakfast arrives, he's already paid for it, and lays aside his gloves, which turn out when laid aside to be ornate gauntlets. "I have yet to make any sense of sith-makar humor, and it is in my mind that I am unlikely to. Thank you," he adds to the serving girl who brought their food.

Slixvah gets her plate of eggs and toast, coffee. Simple. She snorts at Patch. "Oh, that one surely sets itself up fo' a pun or three, naw?" she giggles, nudging her before nodding to Eztli. "For real, I ain't seen one until I left the mountain. Now I'm here, ya'll all ova. Pretty cool."

Crunch of toast. "No it don't Seldan," she hums, raising a brow at the gauntlets, then quickly piecing together a couple of dots in her head before humming and swaying from side to side. A thanks given to the server, she chuckles, "Tha humor, I've noticed, tends ta be more cultural references, so... heckin' outta tha loop on that one."

"Admittedly.. I hadn't seen much more than a human or half-bloods until I left home." Patch's admission coming with a pondering tone, glancing then to Seldan. "You're right. Sometimes they chitter things and thump tail... and while I can tell they're amused, I can't tell why." she laughs, nodding to his words. "Slix is right, it must be cultural... though you seem to understand your brother well enough." winking as she talks of Zeke.

Patch's attention goes back to her food, again poking at eggs, and mixing it with sausage. She makes a mess of her plate, but at least it's being cleaned. Slowly. "So, what is Mictlan like? I hear so many mixed things. It's a secret, but... not one."

"Oh, it does, you know." Eztli chuckles just a bit. "Or rather, it would be more correct to say that softskin humor doesn't translate to Sith-makar culture, rather."

"But, yeah, weren't any makari in Dragonier, maybe a couple in Rune I saw, but that was years later." Eztli nods. "But it's also hard when you can't... smell what someone's feeling? Hard to explain. You might blush, but you can literally smell the embarassment coming off someone sometimes. And Mictlan? It's not a secret, only thing stopping people from going is just, wanting to go, I guess. Nothing stopping you from going and seeing the place as long as you don't plan on any trouble."

"Even so? Naught has Zeke said of this, and it is in my mind that he may not wish for me to know." Interest piqued, on Seldan'sz part. "As for Mictlan -" He trails off, his entire demeanor going impassive, almost stonelike. "Much do I owe the people of Mictlan, and yet do I venture there only at need. I am given to understand that it is a sacred space."

Slixvah giggles, swirling her coffee before dumping obscene amounts of milk and sugar into it. "They's an interesting folk!" she hums warmly before tilting her head to the side. "Yeah, when I turned into a makari, it was really different, Ez. Looots a smells. And a tail. It's so cool!"

A look cast to Seldan's impassiveness about the topic, she points a piece of toast at him. "Well, where would ya go instead? If ya could go anywhere, where would ya visit?"

GAME: Slixvah rolls sense motive+2: (3)+3+2: 8

"When were you a... " Patch says towards Slixvah, but her words come to pause. "Oh." nodding slowly to herself, smirking and busying herself with finishing her eggs with a slight flush of cheeks. "Well, anyways. I like that like of questioning." seizing on something else.

"Where would you go, Master Padaryn? I would like to see Blar sometime." Patch admits, her fork and knife set aside, about half-finished with her plate. "Or what has been your favorite place to go?"

GAME: Eztli rolls sense motive: (17)+1: 18
GAME: Patch rolls perform/sing: (3)+9: 12

Ravendar is making his way back from Happy Valley and has decided to stop at the inn for some food. He makes his way in and spots Patch and Slixvah and gives a wave to them as he makes his way over towards them, "Greetings!" He says as he has his fiddle case in one hand.

Dirk pushes open the door to the inn and lumbers inside, reaching up to doff his tricorne. He looks around with a cheerful smile, spying several faces he knows. "Hello, friends!" he booms. "Great tae see everyone!" He also makes his way over to Patch and Slixvah, but doesn't crowd Ravendar in doing so.

"Yeah! Well, he might not have thought it worth mentioning, it's not really something non makari can really tell apart, sense of smell isn't good enough, nor is the full understanding. I even struggle with it, since I didn't grow up with any around." Eztli chuckles. "There are different things, but you know, it'd just smell, well, lizard-y to you?"

"Eh, if you got your reasons for not going to Mictlan, I'll leave it at that. As far as being a holy place? Well, all those bones were there to protect the place, you know. I think in their eyes, it'd be more of a shame to waste a blessing like that and not use it, you know? They'd be happy to see tribes and families flourishing in a spot like that."

The inn is beginning to get crowded, and Seldan, who'd picked up his ersatz sandwich and begin consumption while they talked, sits up straighter in his chair, and pulls a clean cloth from the knapsack at his feet with only a little searching. He seems suddenly on the alert, although it does not seem to be directed at any one person, and he does not directly greet either Ravendar or Dirk. "Even so." He relaxes a little at the acceptance - just a little, but not fully. "That may well be so."

As for the places I would see," he turns then to Patch and Slixvah. "I would see the halls of Dun Mordren, were it permitted me to go there, but outside of Ea, I would see the celestial realms. What of yourselves?"

Slixvah winks towards Patch as she sips on some of her coffee. She nods a bit. "Blar is pretty neat Patty, we should go sometime, yeah? Been there a couple times."

She raises her coffee mug to those that join them, but Seldan's pointed alertness makes her sigh. "Poor soul..." she murmurs to herself in a little chirp. <Auran>

A chuckle to Eztli to keep her reasonings in mind, as she herself should head on over there some day. "I guess Mictlan is one place I gotta visit! But perhaps, I dunno, go across the sea to Veyshan? That sounds right up my alley."

Patch hears not one, but two familiar voices as she looks up from her breakfast, and the table she shares with Eztli, Slixvah, and Seldan. "Oh, hey!" Patch calls out to Dirk, and Ravendar.

"Look at that, the moment they lift the warnings, and... everyone come spilling out the walls." she muses, to the table. "And, outside Ea? I don't know. I often wonder what that might be like. Really I'd go anywhere I was welcome, at least once." she admits, an ear twitching in thought. "In Ea, Mictlan is now on that list." she agrees with Slixvah.

"Dun Morden would be hard. I know the language, but that far underground is unnerving. To me at least." Patch mentions to Seldan.

Ravendar gives Patch a wave as he goes so find himself a seat at on of the tables as this seems to be a pretty popular place even though it's all the way out in the wilderness, maybe that's what makes it popular that it's only inn out here. He looks over the menu that's on the table and smiles as the server comes over, "I'll have some coffee with cream and 2 sugars as well as a stack of the hot cakes please."

Dirk trundles over to a nearby table, hopping up into the chair. He sets his tricorne aside and leans his thunderbelcher up against the table. The server that comes by is given a broad smile. "Oy! I'll take coffee wi' cream an' sugar. A stack o' hot cakes, a plate o' biscuits an' sausage gravy, an' a double order o' bacon on the side, please!" Like all his kin, he has a big appetite. He turns his attention back over to the others. "Hope everyone's doin' well," he says. Patch gets a grin. "Well, this place is closer tae me cabin than Alex is! An' they've got really good food tae boot!"

"Me? I, I don't know where I'd like to go." Eztli admits with a small sigh. "I guess, if it was safe to do that, which good luck making that safe, It'd be wonderful to see Dragonier again. See the colleges, the libraries, the chambers of the council of the great gold, the parks, my old home, a lot of stuff."

"Being more reasonable? It'd be nice to go to Am'shere and see what it's like, how they live there. I would love to meet the silver emperess and see what she's like. Also kind of unreasonable, but you can dream, right?"

"Once have I been to Am'shere." Seldan speaks again, his tones lowered, and his hands wrapping the sandwich in the cloth he'd extracted from his knapsack. He remains sitting up straight, and he inclines his head politely to the newcomers. "The food here is, indeed, quite excellent. Am'shere is - quite different. It was clear to us that the People neither trusted nor welcomed us, and yet were we able to aid them, for among them were infected of the Nar-Sektoth."

He seems entirely unaware of Slixvah's chirp, or if he is aware of it, he does not seem to understand. The paladin's attention is entirely directed, now, at the room around them, and the increasing bustle. "The language is known to me," he adds to patch almost absently. "Still would I be intrigued by such a place, for I have ventured inside of a tree, but never under a mountain."

Ravendar reaches into his pack and pulls out a large glass jar that's filled with a golden brown liquid. There is a half-ripped label on it that says Snicker on the top and the front half of a bee. He smiles as his meal come, "Thanks." He opens the jair and uses the spoon to ladel out a generous helping of honey onto his hot cakes. He seals up the jar and starts on his food.

Slixvah, belatedly, tacks on. "I did tons of work with dwarves befo' back home. Trade and what not. Neva got to go there. That's another place I'd like ta get inta!" she grins.

"Yeah, doin' good, doin' good," she chirps to Dirk.

She reaches over to rub Eztli's back in a consoling manner before looking back to Seldan. "I'd... be a little sus myself of going ta places beyond Ea, my sights are what I can fly ta. But a tree sounds cool!"

She blinks. Then smiles with her eyes to Seldan. "Auran, sweetie pie. Das my native tongue."

A glance to Ravender. "Oi, Ravvie, what you doin' out all tha way here?"

Patch smiles as she goes about finishing that half-ate breakfast. "Wait, you live out this way?" her glance to Dirk before she's chewing a mouthful of messy eggs. It's interesting, seeing the place come alive with so many known to her. "You will have to show me some time. I bet you keep a tidy place. Is it cozy?"

Eztli's words earn Patch's attention, a frown and nod as Slixvah moves to comfort the Makari. She opens her mouth, but it closes as others console, and she's left nodding.

"Auran, that's a tongue I have yet to learn." Patch says, the change in topic welcome. "Maybe sometime." she muses.

Ravendar looks over at Slixvah as he finishes off a bite of hot cakes, "Hello Slixvah, oh I was out on an adventure to the Snickerdoodle Apiary or the former site of the Snickerdoodle Apiary before wights attacked it. Had to help get a princess baby bee and bring her back to her owners. The others in my party went ahead to deliver the baby bee and I sorta stuck around to see what salvage I could find. I'm headed back to town to get my pay from the guild."

Dirk claps his hands and rubs them briskly as the server comes with a tray laden with his order. He passes over a few silver coins with a smile. "Keep the rest fer yeself!" He picks up a strip of bacon and crunches it, rumbling happily as he chews and swallows. Patch gets a nod and a chuckle. "Aye, I keep things tidy," he says. "An' it's dwarf-built, so o' course it's cozy! Ye'd certainly be welcome tae visit, any time ye like. I'll even make supper!"

The small makari sighs, and shakes her head once to clear her head and chuckle. "Yeah, I don't know many dwarves, Dirk's here and they're one of them. Would be pretty cool to see those cities, I bet they look real grand."

"I guess you're happy to actually be able to return to your home outside, a lot of people are, and are looking forward to that." Eztli nods. "I'm happy to be able to move back and forth to Mictlan again, it's been a while since I was out that way."

His food now wrapped up, Seldan slips his gauntlets back on, and in an instant, they vanish, appearing once more as simple leather fingerless gloves, if slightly different from what he had worn on entry. That done, he gingerly picks up the wrapped sandwich and unwraps it enough to eat from it. He says nothing more, allowing the conversation to flow around him.

Slixvah quirks a brow at hearing Dirk live around here. "Oh. Neat!" But Revander's tale lets a confused expression drift acros her face. "... well, as hard as that is to bee-lieve, I'm glad you all managed ta buzz ya'lls way outta that one, honey," she exudes, barely containing her giggles.

To Eztli. "I've only seen them from afar, never could get in. Plus, underground plus egalrin equals, loooots of uncomfortable heebie jeebies."

Then, finally, the eccentric, energetic woman nurses her coffee. As conversation flows around them, her attention is on Seldan. "You good, hon?" she murmurs to him off to the side.

"Well that sounds delightful, Dirk. We'll have to work it out." Patch muses as she's finally finishing her plate, but Ravendar's words draw her interest.

"A princess bee to be rescued?" Patch's smile broadening as she can't help but laugh at that story.

Seldan gets a warm glance, Patch pushing her plate aside as she focuses on the now quiet man, dipping a single nod. "I can see why you'd be tense. I apologize for dragging you out into the public." speaking of her message she sent earlier to the man. "How's Mal doing?"

Ravendar takes another bit and he chuckles a little bit at the puns because who doesn't enjoy some good puns, "Oh these weren't just any regular bees these were giant bees that's what the Snickerdoodle Apiary is known for, it's run by a gnome of course, what's who hired a group of adventurers to go bring back a queen bee to be. The Apiary was overrun by wights when they attacked, but had been cleared out, just the giant bees were there. We did have to fight some guard bees to the death to get to the princess bee, so I guess in a way if you look at it from the bees preception we were the baddies, but from the gnome owner's preception we were just bring back lost property. I'm just glad we didn't have to debate the bees about it."

Dirk slathers plenty of sweet cream butter over his hot cakes and drizzles a truly frightening amount of maple syrup over the stack. He cuts a bite and stuffs it into his bearded maw, grinning a bit at Patch as he chews. "Well, that'll be perfectly lovely! I hardly ever get visitors. Gets a wee bit lonesome out there, s' why I always enjoy me trips intae Alex," he says once he finishes chewing and swallowing. Ravendar's tale has the old snowbeard perking a bit. "Ohh... Snickerdoodle mead is some o' the best in Alexandros! Good on you fer helpin' 'im out!"

Seldan pauses mid-bite, and looks up at Patch and Slixvah, ice-blue eyes going between them. "Patch is aware of my - situation," he explains in low tones to Slixvah. "I maintain as low a presence as I may, without entirely abandoning the innocent of the city or the work with which I am tasked. It grows crowded, and there may be trouble, do I find myself spotted by the wrong sort. I do not wish to burden the innkeeper with such matters."

"Well, sounds like a sweet job." Eztli laughs. "Though, could they not settle for, normal bees? Ones that you don't risk seriously harming someone if they get loose? Like, they have to fly around to do their jobs."

"Hey, it's just an inn, it's alright." The makari notes. "Everyone needs to relax sometimes."

Slixvah shakes her head some. "Now that sounds like a right hive of a mess I don't wanna deal with. Sticky situation and what not. At least ya'll can say ya'll rescued a princess! That's a right bee-utiful story!" She can't help it anymore, she's cackling after Eztli's extra joke.

The eglarin wipes a tear from her eye as she watches Dirk slather syrup all over his pancakes. And he takes a sizable chunk into his maw. Syrup. All over that beard. She shudders, wings and ribbons rattling as she images that getting caught in her plumage.

Attention shifts to Seldan as she listens to him on the down low. She looks to Eztli, flicking a little wave with a hand to dismiss the attention drawing their way. She bobs her head. "I getcha. Mayhaps... a smaller settin' fo' mo' talkin' and the like. Sorr' ya gotta work like that, sugar," she coos to him quietly. A glance to Patch, a nods towards her. "How is ya boy?" she inquires, curious.

Ravendar reaches down into his pack, "So I've been told that's why I snatched up one of these." He pulls out a sealed bottle of mead, "When I found it. It was the last one left all the rest that I saw had been smashed up probably by the wights. At least before I high tailed it out of there, the rest of the worker bees were starting to get suspecious of me." He chuckles, "I take it you've never met a gnome, they rarely can do anything normal." He says in between bites of his hot cakes that are slathered in honey. He chuckles more at the bee puns, "Yah I'm glad I had a good crew of fighter types around. I basically just played on my fiddle while they took out the bees that were guarding the princess. It certainly will make a buzz worthy song."

Dirk is a dwarf, and knows how to take care of his beard. He doesn't get even a single drop of syrup stuck in his majestic white whiskers. And even if he did, he has a napkin ready and waiting to clean up the mess. No dwarf worth the beard on his face would ever let it get dirty from something as pedestrian as eating! "Aye, I bet ye could make a real stinger wi' material like that!" he says to Ravendar with a grin. Because of course he can't resist getting in on the bee puns.

Patch is laughing at the table's banter, a glance to Eztli with a softer smile. There is a lot going on, elven ears drooping as she tries to follow it all.

"Seldan, I know the situation, but... here I think all are friends." Patch's tone light, but she does cast a glance about the inn. "Did you hear the announcement about the delegation and proceedings? I hope it didn't come as too much a shock." Patch asks of Seldan, worry creasing her brow.

Dirk and Ravendar aren't too noticed for the moment, a heavier topic weighing down her mood.

"I have not spoken to him in a day or two, but I think him well. He is in the middle of an experiment, and I think it unwise to disrupt him." Warm, real affection lights Seldan's features, and his voice, at the mention of Malik, along with quiet acceptance. "We share telepathy between us, and do I seek him at the wrong moment, it could be disastrous."

The bee puns flying about draw a smile as well, but he does not relax or sit back. "There are those within Alexandros who will assault me at sight," he flicks a glance at Eztli. "Still do I take no offense. I am - merely cautious." Very cautious, if his body language is any judge. "Perhaps," is all he saiys of the assertion that he is among friends. "I would be a poor friend indeed, did I draw trouble to this place."

His eyes go back to the pair consuming a very messy breakfast, and looks to his own sandwich in his hand, wrapped in a cloth. "No. I knew of it, and they summon me," he says of the proceedings. "I cooperate with the Council."

"Yeah well, I guess that's fair. But if everyone's friends, or most, you gotta treat them like friends, you know? It's only natural for people to be concerned if they see their friend isn't comfortable." Eztli sighs. "That's just, how things go."

"Maybe a smaller setting does help things, but still. Anything we can do to make you more comfortable, right here, right now?"

Ravendar finishes up his honey coated hot cakes and he takes a drink of his coffee. He chuckles Dirk's bee pun, but his attention turns to Seldan as he hears about the Council. He looks Seldan over and just listens for right now as he doesn't know much about the situation and doesn't want to go sticking his foot into his mouth.

It was just the mere thought of that majestic beard getting sullied rubs Slix the wrong way. Or, imagining it. And imagining that getting on her feathers. Feh, talk about tar and feather. Though, she still can't help but giggle from all the puns being tossed about.

For an egalrin, Slix is an expressive one, at the warm features in Seldan's face are mirrored in a cozy sort of grin as she's kicking her feet under the table- oh my god she's gossiping over coffee. "That's really cute you can talk ta each other whenever," she coos cheekily. "Well, thank ya fo' bein' mindful," she recognizes.

This involvement of the announcement gets her scratching her head a little bit. "I think I'm glad I haven't had th' pleasure of runnin' into the Council."

She sighs a little bit at Eztli before rubbing her face.

In a serious tone, Patch talks candidly. "If you need support, or favors... you know you can ask, Seldan." her tone quiet. "I can't do much, but I can spin tales and confuse the hells out of some people if need be." her opinion on the council and delegation not high. At all. "I know you say you cooperate, but I wish you Vaire's blessing regardless. Eluna's light, and the Creative's spirit. Who all knows what else will be needed to see things be done fairly."

"And yeah, Slix. Should see the two when they're together. Mal's got a talent for selecting fine food and drinks. Makes any occasion a party." Speaking of Seldan's husband with a smirk, trying to wash away that dourness and forcing a smile.

"See, even Eztli wants you to know we wish to help." The Makari woman earning a second, and larger grin. "It's good to know you have the right feel of people." winking to the two-toned woman.

Dirk frowns a bit as he listens to the heavy conversation, steadily shoveling biscuits and gravy into his mouth. He wipes his mouth on his napkin, leaning over. "I've got room at my cabin, if ye ever need anywhere tae lie low, Master Seldan," he says. "Sure it won't be as fancy as ye might be used to, but... it's clean an' comfortable. Comes wi' all the fresh air an' sunshine ye could ask for."

Ravendar raises mug to Seldan, "Good luck and may you have the Coyote's cunning on your side. From what I've heard they are looking for anyone other the themselves to blame for all of this and I hope you aren't put on the chopping block as a sacrifical lamb." He takes a sip of his coffee. "Life changes and rather than trying to blame someone for it they should be looking into what to do next, if there is danger because the Veil is gone then let's get everyone ready to face it. I'd rather be doing that then pointing fingers."

This time, Seldan looks up, and levels an even, cool stare at Eztli. "I am hunted, and it is not the first time I have been so. There are those within Alexandros' borders who will assault me at sight, and it is in my mind that there is nothing they will not stoop to to find me. Not idle is my caution, or my concern for this place. It is not a matter of friendship, or making me comfortable."

Then,m the offers of support - and something within him cracks. A revelation, really, and one un-looked for. "I -" He trails off. Stops. Sets the food aside on the table before him. It takes him a minute, and a deep breath, to gather himself. "Forgive me. I have, I think, spent too long alone."

"Would you hear the truth of the fate of the Veil?"

Patch is quick to droop ears, looking away from the table. She doesn't much speak as Seldan goes serious and talks about Llyranost, and his pursuit. She waits until he's asked forgiveness before she mutters in a low tone. "You need not be forgiven for such hardships, Seldan Padaryn."

"Things are not well in Llyranost, and the truth is..." Patch flashing a glance to Ravendar as she speaks. "Not something that sits well."

That's it, Patch really doesn't have much to contribute to or about this, letting Seldan be the one to tell the tale if there is interest.

Dirk scowls dourly. "You freed me mind from that bastard vampire," he grunts, still angry at the memory of how easily he was charmed. "Fer that, I owe ye, Master Seldan. I know I cannae do much, but I can surely offer ye a safe place tae stay, if that'd be useful to ye." He finishes off his meal, washing it down with a guzzle of coffee. Pushing his plate away, he digs into his shirt pocket for his pipe and tobacco pouch, taking a moment to fill the bowl. He tucks the bit in the side of his mouth, nodding his head as he fishes in his pockets for a match. "Aye, sir, please, tell yer tale."

Eztli looks to Slixvah, and sighs. "Sorry, that was a bit blunt, but I meant what I said." The small makari replies. "It, yeah, the others have the right of it, too. Don't worry about it, or, it's alright to worry, just don't stop it from letting you live your life. That's something I've been working on for some time. And if hearing what happened will help, well then, I'm all ears, too. Even without any obvious ears."

Ravendar nods a bit, "I'd be happy to hear the truth, although be warned I will spread it around and tell anyone and everyone."

Slixvah grins in the eyes as she throws her hands up in mock surrender, waving off apologies sent her way. "Well, there goes me tryin' ta be subtle," as others speak directly and candidly. She shares a look with Patch, chuckling about the idea of Seldan and his husband together before returning to the heavier topics at hand. "We get that hon, that ya hunted. Don't mean folk can't knocked over a box on accident here and there. I can't offer anything really. Except good luck."

And those that know her mean that isn't spoken completely lightly.

The offer makes her blink. In a quick motion, the coffee pot fills her cup anew, and she's leaning forward with a steaming mug of cream and sugar with a dash of bean. "Gimme the chisme," she tweets with gleaming eyes.

Seldan's eyes have drifted to the wooden floor at his feet, while all of this goes on around him. The blank impassivity is gone, and he just looks _tired_, for a few moments. When he looks back up, though, and at the faces around him, the steadfastness, the steadiness, returns, and he finally sits back in his chair, at last, nodding to Eztli, and to Dirk. "It may be that I shall impose upon you, at times. I shall not do so lightly, and you have my deepest thanks for the offer."

"First, know you this. The Veil is not merely a magical effect. She," and he pointedly shifts pronouns, "is far more than that. She is the spirit of Caeldra Dawncaller, given magical form from a bit of Animus' spirit and shaped by Eluna's will, that she might defend her land as she has done since first she fled the fall of Myn."

GAME: Patch rolls knowledge/history: (2)+10: 12
GAME: Ravendar rolls knowledge/history: (19)+7: 26

"Only mysticism is where I recall her name. The founder of my home, Llyranost." Patch adds a bit of lore to that explanation of Seldan's, not seeming surprised by the news, more disappointed and disheartened.

"Sorry, Slixvah." Patch says in a lower tone, leaning to speak to the rust-colored Egalrin woman. "Some things I promised not to tell, this being a tale I had to keep to myself." she notes in an apology of sorts. "Might want to listen to the next bit carefully. You'll see what caused my upset a few days ago."

Ravendar nods his head a little bit as he listens to Seldan start to tell the story. He's familiar with the tale as his family once helped out an elf bard and Ravendar took great interests in the stories he had to tell. "Right I've heard of this history before, the fall of the first wold tree when the elves split between the dawn and the shadow. Caeldra Dawncaller was the founder of the Llyranost. I always wondered what happened to her in at least the stories I was told."

GAME: Dirk rolls Intelligence+2: (5)+1+2: 8

"No worries if ya impose, my aid is but a fleeting touch at times," Slixvah comments before she settles in to listen. It's clear Slixvah doesn't have the historical context for the importance of this, but still her eyes widen. The thing guarding Llyranost was sentient? All these names and higher powers have her interested to no end.

She glances to Patch, a hand reaching over to pat her knee. "It's okay, hon," she coos quietly to the sun elf. But the warning gets her brows to furrow somewhat, and she looking to Revander. "... the... fall of the first world tree...?"

She turns to Seldan. This is a dangerous kind of woman, as a lot of extrapolating dots are being connected. Patch's warning, some idle comments from before in light banter. However her observations are kept to herself as she's expectantly watching the story to unfold.

"Eh, the elves of Llyranost were always cagey about how the veil worked, especially to their kin afield." Eztli shrugs. "No surprise no one really knew what was going on. Always heard it was just the sort of thing you were supposed to trust in without worry, which you know, is always something that raises morale. Not surprised there was more to it than just advanced magical wards."

"That would explain a lot really, huh."

Seeing Slixvah's eyes widen, and the comments around him, Seldan nods slowly. "You understand. Yes, the Veil of Llyranost is quite intelligent. I knew this not, when first I set out for Llyranost, to seek the aid of the llyranesi in the matter of a warlord that rises in Charn, and seeks to crush all in his path."

He does not elaborate on that, instead turning back to his story with a slow nod at Patch. "The llyranesi refused aid to us, but the Veil felt differently, and bade them bring us to where she was. She spoke to me, in that place, and told me that being formed of a bit of the spirit of a god that is no more, she is dying. She wished me to take her from that place, and undertake a task that was Eluna's will, ere she passed."

He lets that hang in the silence, a moment more. "The Veil did not die, or fall, or dissipate. She abandoned Llyranost, deliberately."

"At least now a light shines on the ugliness that had been filling Llyranost from within." Patch says with a peel of lip, some irritation causing her tone to vibrate, forcing her to clear her throat. "Llyranost is guilty of a lot of things, but to seek retribution for this is beyond the pale. Hiding behind the dying founder, preening as the world suffered, and now pursuing those that know their secrets."

"I still offer to protest, and fight in the city ways." Patch states in a flat tone, but Slixvah's soothing seems to cause her small bit of rage to ebb.

Dirk strikes a match off the edge of his table and lifts the flame to the bowl of his pipe. Whiskers twitching, flame jumping as he pulls it into the bowl. Once he has a hearty glow kindled, he snaps the match out, settling back in his seat as he puffs a billow of sweet cherry pipe smoke into the air. He listens to Seldan's tale, his shaggy white brows furrowed, and silent save for his soft puff-puffing. He only really knows the most basic stories of the Veil that shrouds the elven lands. But the passing of such a benevolent being... it makes the old snowbeard's great heart ache. "Great Gilead's Ghost," he grumbles softly. "That's... that's -monstrous-. How could they be so cold-hearted? I thought the elves were -good- folk!"

Ravendar frowns as he listens to this, "That's dire news indeed. I'm sure that most of the Llyranost are, I'm willing to bet that it's a minority that think themselves better thant he rest that are driving this, first in the denial of their aid and now this. For all we know it could be the False Hope is somehow influencing them now that her hold over the mul'niessa has been severed?"

It was at that point Slixvah's neck feathers fluff up in... is that anger? Slix gets angry? But her tone was anything but that. It upbeat and cheery. "Haha, so you mean to tell me. One of the most advanced elvish civilizations was able ta keep itself hidden away by-" a fingernail on the table is shaving off a piece of wood from it digging in. "-locking away a piece of their first of kin while, as Patch says, the world suffers?"

Whatever fuse was burning within Slix seems to be smothered as Patch herself calms, and her feathers cease their fluff. She takes a calming breath. Slowly exhales. "Thank you for helpin' that lass out bein' under that thumb, Selly," she hums in that warm tone, a hidden tension twisting gone. A glance to Dirk. "Everyone can be cold. Even my kind has a shite history."

She nods to Ravendar. "Heard 'bout that too. I'm guessin' ya had a hand in that too. Lotta good came of that, whatever you did. Don't need ta elaborate on that tho'," she hums to Seldan as she leans back in her seat, exhaling deeply. "... damn. That's a lot of tea."

"Elves aren't perfect, most groups aren't." Eztli shrugs. "That is, yeah, outrage seems like the most fair response to something like that. I don't think you were wrong to do what you did."

"Not to mention-" She continues, lowering her voice some. You know, using a shard of animus to do that? Can you imagine what the response from rune would be if they heard something like that? It could be directly linked to their death, and all the fallout from that."

A very small, secretive smile is Seldan's answer to Slixvah's guess. "That was her task," he answers gently. "To free her brother Menesil from the grip of the Tempter. It would not have been possible, without her aid and that of my companions, think not that I am so great as all that."

He listens to the commentary in silence, considering each in turn. "Yes, that is so." He answers Slixvah first. "You are not wrong, but this is not.a shard, I think, for it was wrought in ages past, during the Demon Wars, long ere Animus' fall. No, this was willingly wrought." A pause. "I thank you for that reassurance, and I concur. I could not in good conscience do otherwise. I asked her, once, of the fate of those in the outlying communities set upon in the wake of her departure. She said that Llyranost had the resources to defend them."

Dirk shakes his head, sighing around a gust of pipe smoke. "Still," he says. "Even -my- kin can be charitable. An' dwarves are some o' the most tight-arsed ham-fisted chuffs there ever were! Why, they even turn their noses up at me, just because I prefer woods tae mountains, an' -I'm- a dwarf! Hrmph!" He looks back over to Seldan, leaning forward a bit. "But -will- Llyranost defend them?" he asks. "They've done fuck-all up to now, haven't they? Why would they change their minds, just because their Veil has left them?" He blinks a couple times, then squints at Seldan. "Do they -know- she left?" he asks. "Or do they think it just... disappeared?"

Patch snaps a finger and points to Dirk. "That is exactly the same faith I have in them too. Why start helping now? What changes? I am afraid that this will only make them withdraw more." voicing her concerns, but as Slixvah's feathers and irritation spike, she takes the Egalrin woman's hand. "I think it will be an excuse to play victim, or.... none of my thoughts are good. Apologies."

"I don't really have much right to comment on this." dismissing herself a bit, letting the other's speculate and think on the meaning and history. She's just focused on her disappointment. Something she's had a hard time getting over. "It just makes me mad."

Ravendar speaks up, "From what I hear they are laying the blame for the Veil's fall squarely at the feet of Alexandria's Adventurers, thus blaming Alexandria. It's easier to blame an external source rather than look inward or to shoulder the blame themselves. That's probably why they are after Seldan here, they want to shut him up before anyone else can learn the truth, that she left and now they have to get off their asses and really contribute to this world."

Slixvah looks to Eztli, her brows shooting up as a shard is mentioned, but Seldan assuages those notions. The bird gives Seldan a wink. "It was her task, but you gave her a hand with said task. So, good on ya and whoever was wit' ya, by extension. That's really awesome."

The sun elf's hand seeks Slixvah's, and the egalrin's hand threads with Patch's, giving it a little squeeze. She leans in and nudges the side of Patch's head with her forehead. "No worries honey. Ya got every right ta be mad."

A look to Ravendar. A tut. "'course they blame it on them. I mean-" she pauses briefly. "... okay that's a fair blame, they fuck up hard sometimes. But let's not connect too many dots here, hmm?"

"Willingly, or forcibly? There's a difference. And that doesn't change the fact that Animus would have been weakened from something like that." Eztli notes with a frown. "But, I'd like you all to cool it, just a bit, okay? I get it. I get it a lot. They probably did it to keep their people safe. If I was in a similar place, and that would have meant Dragonier didn't fall? I might have done the same." She adds with a small huff. "It's fine to place blame for their actions or inactions, but don't let outrage blind you. And you know, hindsight is usually a lot better."

"They hold me responsible for the fall of the Veil." Still Seldan wears that very small smile, and he nods to Ravendar in acknowledgement of the correct guess, and then to Slixvah for her assessment. "They hold that I stole the Veil, and indeed that was the word she herself used in her instructions to me." He finally picks up his cooled breakfast, still wrapped in that cloth, looks at it, and tucks it away in his knapsack. "They do not understand that she left. They are as spoiled, selfish children. They know only that their toy is gone, and they want it back."

He looks from face to face, an expression that is sad, tired, but determined and thoughtful. "Were it truly theft, Eluna would not answer me, for such is against my oaths. Nay, to hold a soul prisoner against its will is among the greatest of crimes known upon Ea, and a crime for which I shall not stand. I must explain myself to the Council, but that is their right, and I offer no challenge to their authority. It is true that I have brought trouble to Alexandria." His eyes lower, but only briefly, and when they lift again, a hint of sparkle, of challenge, hides in the blue eyes. "I have been hunted down by a fae queen, a vampire, and an Archduke of the Hells. One is no longer an enemy, one is destroyed, and the third -" A heavy sigh. "I must see about taking him down a second time. I do not fear Llyranost's wrath, and it is in my mind that neither does the Council."

"Not a one of us here think it theft, Seldan." Patch says to the human, brow creasing in thought. "Wait, do you mean the vampire, Kol?" laughing. "Hells, you're sprinkled through a lot of those tales, aren't you?" her head given a shake at the absurdity of it all.

Slixvah's hand is given a squeeze, looking back to the rust and white woman with a nod. "I know, but I have already voiced my feelings on this, and doing so a second time feels.... tacky." she admits, a sheepish smile given. "Ravendar knew some, but not Seldan's name. I am glad he caught on quick."

Dirk shakes his head, taking ahold of his pipe and reaching for his coffee mug. "Well," he says. "Yer a good man in my book, Master Seldan. An' I'm nae afraid o' some elves wi' their knickers in a twist. I don't know as there's much I can do tae help ye. But I owe ye much, an' I cannae stand tae see good people sufferin' fer no good reason. My rifle's yers if ye ever need it."

Slixvah holds a hand up to Eztli as she calls for peace. "I am calm," she truthfully says. "Though lemme be a little pissy 'bout hearin' some bull shit, aight?" But she sighs. "Animus was already weakened, boo. Else my mojo wouldn't be a thing. Let's not entertain such ideas. Leads ta spiral of sad."

A nod with Patch. "Hear hear. Ain't no one sitting here thinkin' otherwise. The city wants their toy? They can-" there's a few chirps and clicks that sounds like screeches-" themselves. Kindly. With a rusty spoon." Prooobably best to not translate that.

She kicks her feet. A coy smile in her eyes. "You're such a cutie when you look like that. Like a boy knowin' he's right and about to show all the stupid adults what's good."

She runs a thumb over Patch's hand in the hold. She blinks, then snorts. "/That/ vampire?! Oh gods, pffha!"

Ravendar finishes his coffee and leaves some coins on the table to pay for breakfast. He goes to pick up his fiddle, "Good luck with that I'd suggest you get someone to help you with that. I know you have the truth on your side, but sometimes you need someone who can tell the truth in convincing ways. I'll let everyone I know about what's really going on." He says as he gives a wave as he heads out, "See you all back in the city."

"But everyone's getting really outraged over it. And you know? No one actually knows how in the hells they got that ward up around the city. Be awfully hypocritical to call them out now if they were doing something similar." Eztli huffs. "Even if I'd think the people putting them up here are, I'm unsure of still. Again, another case of people meaning well, but the means could be less than ideal."

"Yeah, it's an uphill battle either way. But I don't think they have a leg to stand on in any claims, but that doesn't mean they can't make a real convincing argument. Gotta be careful."

"Even so," Seldan gravely agrees, nodding to Eztli. "It is not in my mind that they will change their mind. It may be that the Council will send them away, but the case must be presented carefully. Still am I grateful for the aid." His eyes drift back down to the floor pensively.

-End Scene-