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===================== Current Initiative Order - Round 1 =====================
30 TMb 1
23 Telamon 1
22 TMs 1
>> 20 Dolan 2 <<
14 Shilde 3 Flat-footed (0 rnds remaining)
7 Ravenstongue 1 Flat-footed (0 rnds remaining)

Latest revision as of 23:31, 7 August 2022

Log Info

  • Title: Face//Off Part 2
  • Emitter: Jinks
  • Characters: Dolan, Ravenstongue, Shilde, Telamon
  • Place: Noble District
  • Time: Tuesday, August 2, 2022, 5:30 PM
  • Summary:
-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=  At a glance around PrP Room: Four  =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=
Dolan        3s      5'10"    174 Lb     Human             Male      Brown-haired human with scars down his face.                                
Ravenstongue 0s      5'0"     99 Lb      Half-Elf          Female    Short half-elf girl with violet eyes and black hair.                       
Shilde       28s     4'4"     160 Lb     Khazad-Aul        Female    Tall for a dwarf, long blonde hair in a thick braid, big blue eyes.        
Telamon      1m      5'6"     140 Lb     Half-Elf          Male      A platinum-blond half-sil man with dancing dark eyes                      

-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-  As the GM  -=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=
Jinks               3'4"     39 Lb      Gnome             Male      A gnomish fellow in fancy garb and jewelry.                                


Rocky's senses are under assault this room; his sensitive nose suffering double for every assault the two-legged folk endure. While the floor is well-worked and smooth stone the walls are more roughly hewn and painted. Still, Khazadi eyes prove more than equal to the task as Shilde locates not one but two passages hidden amongst the debauched acts depicted around the room.

Best not to consider the art too closely or where you have to probe with a finger to release the catch holding the disguised doors closed.

Orienting ones self would suggest that the western exit would lead beneath the garden path while the southern would open beneath the courtyard driveway.


Telamon had to cover his mouth for a moment to catch his breath. That's it. Just a deep, calming breath. Shut out the blood and horror here. Finally, he sees where Shilde has located the two passages, and he clears his throat. "Alright. Which one, gentles and ladies?" He reaches into his haversack, pulling out a compass. "That one leads south, and that one goes west, so..."

"I think we should try west," Cor'lana replies to Telamon's query. She's also trying not to look at the blood and gore. "That takes us back in the direction of the house, which is where the /creature/ is likely hiding." There's a special emphasis on 'the creature', as, well... Her motivation for doing so is pretty clearly evident on the walls.

Pothy, meanwhile, just stares at the blood and gore. This appears to not be disturbing for him. Then again, he is a raven.

Dolan similarly shudders again, and shakes himself not unlike a wet dog. "That's got to be worse than the bacon grease," he mutters, finally turning away and picking his way oh so carefully towards the west door. "Yeah. We should leave a marker by the door we came in, so we know how to get out quickly if we have to." He turns back towards the others. "Let's move on, we probably don't have a lot of time."

Shilde shrugs. "All roads lead t'Khazad Duin," she says, doing her best to maintain a level of solid, dwarf stoicism... but her voice is a little choked, and she's deliberately not taking any closer a look at the contents of the room than she has to. Looking for the passages was trial enough. "Might'n wanna leave more'n a marked... if our prey has a mind t'slip away."

The well-concealed door pushes inwards after the hidden release is depressed and a muffled click sounds from the other side. The wide hallway revealed has the same rough stone walls but these are undecorated. A pair of glowing stones are set into the cieling and fill the way with a soft blue glow. The floor is covered with an array of scattered, mismatched rugs well past their prime. The patterned styles aren't too far off from what Shilde witnessed in the foyer but their color has long-since faded.

At the other end of the hall is the inside of a second secret door. It's set with a steal plate and a basic mechanism that includes a lever, a few gears, and a switch. There's a handle for pulling towards you, too.

<OOC> Jinks says, "I'd like a marching order, please."
<OOC> Shilde says, "Dolan, Rocky, Telamon, RT, Shilde."
<OOC> Jinks says, "Alright, before we continue: perception checks."
GAME: Ravenstongue rolls Perception+2: (14)+4+2: 20
GAME: Shilde rolls perception: (18)+14: 32
GAME: Shilde rolls 1d20+7: (9)+7: 16
GAME: Telamon rolls perception: (15)+12: 27
GAME: Dolan rolls perception: (14)+12: 26

Telamon pauses, inspecting the marks on the walls. Then he shudders, and starts pawing at his haversack, finally pulling out a silver flask. Uncapping it and taking a long drink, before shuddering again. "Dammit. Now I wish I'd filled this with something stronger than tea." He wipes his mouth, and looks up at the lights, before staring at Dolan. "If nobody sees anything else, let's keep moving. I really, really want to kill this thing now."

Cor'lana bites her lip rather hard as she also notices the marks. She quietly looks at Telamon and nods deeply to his sentiment. "Let's go," she quietly murmurs once she can find it in her to speak without retching. "Please."

Shilde mutters something about burning the place down when they're finished. She probably hasn't fully thought through the consequences of such a thing; a fire in the city is the last thing it needs when under imminent threat of wight invasion. On the other hand, judging from her expression she may feel the consequences worth the action. Rocky, of course, seems oblivious. The quirks of people kind are often times amusing, always confusing. He's just here to lick things and break necks.

Dolan takes the lead down the hallway, the mobile half of his expression darkening and growing more and more troubled. "Yeah, I see it too," he growls angrily. "This is butchery. May I be the Knight's justice for this atrocity." Not usually a formal sort, he is this time, and turns back towards the hallway to continue their search.

A great deal happens when the secret hallway door opens inward; the muffled sounds of alarm and panic are unmistakable and joined with the heavy sound of someone falling, hurried shuffling, and the slap of bare skin on the stone floor.

Your magicked light and the soft blue of the hall spills into the room and over the dirty and abused forms of five humans and demihumans stumbling and crawling away from you. They wear foreign, rough, or threadbare clothing and appear sickly as a rule.

In retreat as they are, it's difficult to immediately catch sight of their faces. Eventually, one turns back towards you in reflex, her brow lifted in panic. She, like the others, has no eyes, no mouth. The flesh is smeared smooth and the nose bent and twisted like half-melted wax. Weeping sores cover her palid flesh. She shivers in panic, forced to breathe through what's left of one nostril as cheeks flare in and out.

<OOC> Jinks says, "Gimme Sense Motive checks, please!"
GAME: Ravenstongue rolls Sense Motive: (7)+7: 14
GAME: Telamon rolls sense motive+3: (1)+13+3: 17 (EPIC FAIL)
GAME: Jinks rolls 1d20+14: (11)+14: 25
GAME: Jinks rolls 1d20+14: (13)+14: 27
GAME: Dolan rolls sense motive: (17)+15: 32
GAME: Shilde rolls sense motive: (6)+4: 10
<OOC> Jinks says, "11,0 is prone and comatose. 14,0 is the woman featured in the room desc and crawling on her hands-and-knees. 16,2 has wedged himself into a corner. Dolan will have insight on the other two."
<OOC> Jinks says, "Alright, D-Money, you are up for the surprise round. Move or Standard, your call."
<OOC> Dolan says, "Draw as part of a move action and close with the closer of the two other creatures. Free action to explain."
<OOC> Jinks says, "14,1 look good?"
<OOC> Dolan says, "Yes, 14,1 will do."
GAME: Dolan spends ONE use of BANE.

The door opens to reveal a true horror, a thing that only a few times has Dolan seen its equal, and never worse. In some ways, it is worse. To his sharp eyes, though, the truth of the situation is clear. "Oh, don't bullshit me, you evil little pricks," he snarls. "THree innocents, two undead!" he shouts, the leather harness beneath the baldric hitting the stone floor in a clank of leather and metal as he strides forward. "The Knight's justice sing through my blade and send you where you belong!"

GAME: Jinks rolls 1d20+13: (3)+13: 16

One of the 'victims' crouches and snarls, a seam tearing along its face wetly to reveal an impossibly-large maw of glistening, jagged teeth. The skin peels back to reveal sickly, white-spotted gums and boney claws just from lengthening fingertips as it lopes towards Dolan and swipes awkwardly.

<OOC> Telamon says, "Hrm, we're a little too spread out to haste everyone. I'll haste Rocky and Dolan, they'll need it more. It'll last ten rounds (Allied Spellcaster with RT, +1 to duration)."
GAME: Telamon casts Haste. Caster Level: 9 DC: 19
<OOC> Jinks says, "You might have to shuffle forward a bit to get Dolan in view there, T. I think he's out of LoS right now."
<OOC> Telamon says, "... Hrm."
<OOC> Telamon says, "Alright, move me to 16,0 and cast. Sorry to run away there, RT."
<OOC> Telamon says, "(So it's only 9 rounds now :)"
<OOC> Telamon says, "Also, will haste myself with the burst."

Telamon curses as Dolan charges in. "Never a dull moment," he growls. Pelting down the hall after the Redeemer, he skids to a stop, hands moving in practiced gestures. "Lukas, sa i'iz!" A flash of silvery light limns Telamon, before leaping to Dolan and Rocky, outlining them and speeding their movements and attacks. "Alright, you craven atrocities, prepare to face the wrath of sun, stars, and wood!" His voice slides into Sylvan as he challenges the undead monsters.

<OOC> Jinks says, "5' and FA on Dolan"
GAME: Jinks rolls 1d20+13: (14)+13: 27
GAME: Jinks rolls 1d20+13: (1)+13: 14 (EPIC FAIL)
GAME: Jinks rolls 1d20+13: (9)+13: 22
<OOC> Jinks says, "Will save, Dolan"
GAME: Jinks rolls 1d8+4: (8)+4: 12
GAME: Jinks rolls 1d6+4: (4)+4: 8
GAME: Dolan rolls will: (13)+9: 22
<OOC> Jinks says, "No CHA drain for you!"

There's shouting, snarling, and the sound of wicked creatures scrabbling across the stone floors. The two kidnapped victims' sounds of alarm increase in volume and pitch, trapped behind the blank patches of flesh where their mouths should be. The woman with thinning, tawny hair pulls into a tight ball on the ground while the lucht pushes further into the corner.

The second fiend reveals himself, sloughing off his fleshy disguise to turn a pallid grey smeared in angry, red-brown splotches. It's head flies open-- nearly falling back in half to reveal rows of wicked teeth and wet, pulsing flesh. It bites down and draws at Dolan's quiet fantasies. One barbed claw digs into his thighs.

<OOC> Dolan says, "Full attack, extra attack with a bane weapon."
GAME: Dolan rolls weapon1+1+2: (10)+9+1+2: 22
GAME: Dolan rolls weapon1+1+2: (4)+9+1+2: 16
<OOC> Dolan says, "First and second attack from haste."
GAME: Dolan rolls 2d6+5+2d6: (8)+5+(6): 19
<OOC> Dolan says, "5' step back."
<OOC> Dolan says, "To 15.0"

Agh, those wounds are going to be a nasty business to clean later, but that's the last thing on Dolan's mind as the bite pulls at the shadowy corners of his mind, the deep dreams of a quiet life with Andelena that he holds within. "Ow! No you don't, you little fucker!" The greatsword with its faint, corona-like nimbus that appeared at his call slams into the creature's squishy flesh, drawing blood in return. "You disgusting little shit." The blade *schlorrrrrps* out of its flesh, but he brings it around again, and this time the strike misses, going wide.

<OOC> Shilde says, "Move to 17,0"
<OOC> Shilde says, "Cast Lockjaw on Rocky."
GAME: Shilde casts Lockjaw. Caster Level: 7 DC: 16
<OOC> Shilde says, "Rocky will move to 15,2 and attack."
GAME: Shilde rolls 1d20+9+1: (4)+9+1: 14

"Need more dull moments," Shilde grumbles, despite the fact she'd been one of the ones pushing this hunt. She squeezes past the dark haired sorcerer to come up beside Rocky, drawing her shield as she places a hand on his shoulder... thanks to her earlier magic upon him, a shoulder that's a little below shoulder height with her rather than almost above her head. "Go git 'im," she tells the shaggy animal as she puts another druidic charm upon him.. and with a happy bark, he dashes off, bumping past both Telamon and Dolan to get at the closer of the creatures.

As Rocky bounds off, Shilde turns her attention past the nearly white haired elf to the large warrior beyond him. "Oi! Human! Hang back fer a breath... got somethin' fer ye!"

<OOC> Ravenstongue says, "Moving to 16,1 and hitting the totenmaskes with a Persistent Metamagic'd Glitterdust."
GAME: Ravenstongue casts Glitterdust/Persistent. Caster Level: 9 DC: 19
<OOC> Ravenstongue says, "Due to Allied Spellcaster, Glitterdust will last for 10 rounds."

GAME: Jinks rolls 1d20+9: (5)+9: 14 GAME: Jinks rolls 1d20+9: (10)+9: 19 <OOC> Jinks says, "One failed" GAME: Jinks rolls 1d20+9: (16)+9: 25 GAME: Jinks rolls 1d20+9: (4)+9: 13

<OOC> Jinks says, "Second failed."

Cor'lana concentrates. She gathers shimmering magic in her hands and releases it into the air, falling onto the totenmaskes and blinding them with glittery dust.

<OOC> Jinks says, "Alright. 5' step and full attack Dolan since he saw where he was before being blinded."
<OOC> Jinks says, "Since it's only a 5' he doesn't need the acrobatics to avoid falling."
GAME: Jinks rolls 1d20+13: (17)+13: 30
GAME: Jinks rolls 1d20+13: (14)+13: 27
GAME: Jinks rolls 1d20+13: (11)+13: 24
<OOC> Jinks says, "High hits"
GAME: Jinks rolls 1d100: (46): 46
GAME: Jinks rolls 1d100: (94): 94
GAME: Jinks rolls 1d100: (2): 2
GAME: Jinks rolls 1d20+8: (17)+8: 25
GAME: Jinks rolls 1d20+8: (13)+8: 21
<OOC> Jinks says, "No longer blinded."
GAME: Jinks rolls 1d6+4: (1)+4: 5
<OOC> Telamon says, "I'm amused that I'm casting this indoors, underground..."
GAME: Telamon casts Call Lightning Storm. Caster Level: 9 DC: 21
GAME: Jinks rolls 1d20+9: (3)+9: 12
<OOC> Telamon says, "The spell also deals 5d6 fire."
GAME: Telamon rolls 5d6: (16): 16

Telamon's eyes flash with anger, and the light of distant stars. He begins to gesture again, and the energies around him ripple, his hair starting to float around his face. "Mulan seg dalhamun," he says in a sonorous voice, redolent with faint echoes. In the ceiling, impossibly, a shimmering -hole- opens, the dim chamber now illumed with stars in that space. And the stars are -moving-. One comes streaking down to slam into a totenmaske with a fiery WHAM. "Take THAT, you face-stealing son of a bitch!"

<OOC> Jinks says, "On Rocky"
GAME: Jinks rolls 1d20+13: (20)+13: 33
GAME: Jinks rolls 1d20+13: (17)+13: 30
GAME: Jinks rolls 1d20+13: (11)+13: 24
<OOC> Jinks says, "High hits"
GAME: Jinks rolls 1d100: (68): 68
GAME: Jinks rolls 1d100: (15): 15
GAME: Jinks rolls 1d100: (97): 97
<OOC> Jinks says, "Rolling to confirm"
GAME: Jinks rolls 1d20+13: (15)+13: 28
<OOC> Jinks says, "Will save from Rocky"
GAME: Jinks rolls 2d8+8: (10)+8: 18
GAME: Shilde rolls 1d20+3: (8)+3: 11
GAME: Jinks rolls 1d6+4: (2)+4: 6
GAME: Jinks rolls 1d4: (3): 3
<OOC> Jinks says, "3 CHA drain on Rocky"
GAME: Jinks rolls 1d20+9: (13)+9: 22
GAME: Jinks rolls 1d20+9: (10)+9: 19
<OOC> Jinks says, "No longer blinded."

The creatures have abandoned all pretense and fallen into hound-like stances. They grope cautiously across the floor towards the last place they knew their latest prey to be.

Their aim is foiled by the glittering magics but they still magic to bite and claw, drawing blood and tearing meat. The second latches onto Rocky, brutally wounded the hound and sapping some of its essence.

<OOC> Shilde says, "Bull's strength on Dolan."
<OOC> Shilde will have to move
<OOC> Shilde says, "I can cast, move, deliver, yeah?"
<OOC> Jinks says, "Yes"
<OOC> Shilde says, "Okay. Moving to 15,1 to deliver the spell."
GAME: Shilde casts Bull's Strength. Caster Level: 7 DC: 16
<OOC> Shilde says, "Rocky will attack again."
GAME: Shilde rolls 1d20+1: (15)+9: 24
GAME: Shilde rolls 1d20+1: (18)+9: 27
<OOC> Shilde says, "And.. he'll get a trip attempt on each of those."
<OOC> Jinks says, "Sticking it to b like the others or on s?"
<OOC> Shilde says, "That would be the smart thing to do."
GAME: Shilde rolls 1d6+7: (6)+7: 13
GAME: Shilde rolls 1d6+7: (2)+7: 9
<OOC> Jinks says, "OK. Roll the trips."
<OOC> Shilde has tandem trip.. so will be rolling twice for the first attempt, then twice for the second.
GAME: Shilde rolls 1d20+9: (3)+9: 12
GAME: Shilde rolls 1d20+9: (19)+9: 28
GAME: Shilde rolls 1d20+9: (15)+9: 24
GAME: Shilde rolls 1d20+9: (7)+9: 16

With the inquisitor obligingly waiting for her, Shilde shoulders past the others into the room as she waves the ritual, releasing the strengthening magics into Dolan as she settles in beside her puppy.. then turns her attention on the undead creature, looking at it over the top ridge of her shield as she gets into its face.. Rocky resumes his assault, despite the other creature battering into him, and closes his teeth around its leg and pulls it to the ground.

<OOC> Dolan says, "All right, full attack on b, let's try to finish it."
GAME: Dolan rolls weapon1+1+2+2: (12)+9+1+2+2: 26
GAME: Dolan rolls weapon1+1+2+2: (11)+9+1+2+2: 25
<OOC> Jinks says, "Both hits"
GAME: Dolan rolls 2d6+5+2d6: (7)+5+(5): 17
GAME: Dolan rolls 2d6+5+2d6: (6)+5+(5): 16
<OOC> Jinks says, "The second hit destroys b."
<OOC> Jinks says, "You want to 5' into its space?"
<OOC> Dolan says, "Yup"

This time, the grunt Dolan lets out when another claw catches him down the calf of the same leg where they sank into his thigh the first time says that the pain is real, but like a dog on a bone, he's not giving up yet, especially not after seeing the dog get savaged by this thing.

And then it stumbles and trips, the hound flinging it to the ground. "Ha! Good boy!" The blade slams once, twice into the prone creature, and it screams hideously, then crumbles into faceless dust and teeth, scattered across the stone floor. "Good dog!" he reiterates, stepping up where the thing stood.

"Thanks!" he calls back to the khazad. "Let's get this over with."

<OOC> Ravenstongue says, "I'm gonna position my Glitterdust super-duper carefully and get only the totenmaske. Mostly because if Dolan comes home covered in glitter, I have to RP Andie accusing Dolan of going to some weird places."
<OOC> Ravenstongue says, "With Persistent Metamagic of course."
<OOC> Jinks says, "If you do 12.5,2.5 (that corner) you should just hit it."
GAME: Jinks rolls 1d20+9: (13)+9: 22
GAME: Jinks rolls 1d20+9: (13)+9: 22
GAME: Ravenstongue casts Glitterdust/Persistent. Caster Level: 9 DC: 19
<OOC> Dolan says, "Well, it'd be true. He did go weird places, and not in a good way."

Cor'lana continues with the glitter assault, shimmering magic collecting in her hands and raining down onto the totenmaske--but this time, somewhat ineffectively. She pouts a little, of course.

<OOC> Telamon says, "Hmm. Call another meteor down into S. DC 21 reflex."
GAME: Jinks rolls 1d20+9: (12)+9: 21
GAME: Telamon rolls 5d6: (14): 14
<OOC> Telamon says, "OK, he only takes 7."

Telamon calls down another meteor strike into the totenmaske.

<pre><OOC> Jinks says, "Dolan and Rocky can take AoOs. Shilde, too, if she's armed."
<OOC> Shilde says, "She could shield bash, but..."
GAME: Shilde rolls 1d20+9+1: (20)+9+1: 30
<OOC> Shilde says, "rolling to confirm"
GAME: Shilde rolls 1d20+9+1: (11)+9+1: 21
<OOC> Jinks says, "Crit!"
GAME: Shilde rolls 2d6+14: (4)+14: 18
<OOC> Jinks says, "Roll your trip, too."
GAME: Shilde rolls 1d20+9+1: (8)+9+1: 18
GAME: Shilde rolls 1d20+9+1: (1)+9+1: 11 (EPIC FAIL)
<OOC> Jinks says, "No trip."
GAME: Shilde rolls 1d20+8: (6)+8: 14
<OOC> Shilde says, "Whiff on the shield bash."
GAME: Dolan rolls weapon1+1+2+2: (6)+9+1+2+2: 20
GAME: Dolan rolls 2d6+5+2d6: (11)+5+2+(8): 26
<OOC> Shilde says, "Rocky will attack first, and if that fails, I will seal the passage."
<OOC> Shilde says, "charge."
GAME: Shilde rolls 1d20+9+1+2: (2)+9+1+2: 14
GAME: Shilde casts Stone Shape. Caster Level: 7 DC: 17

"WOOF!" is Rocky's response to Dolan's praise, tongue lolling out in a doggy grin.. that quickly turns into a growl and a lunge as the undead creature lurches away. And then he's following hot on monster's heels, snapping and barking as Shilde follows at a slightly slower pace. As the creature works at yet another secret door, she murmurs another druidic chant as she reaches to the side and touches the wall... moulding it and reforming it to fuse with the door to cut off escape.

<OOC> Dolan says, "Charge and try to finish it off."
GAME: Dolan rolls weapon1+1+2+2: (5)+9+1+2+2+2: 21
GAME: Dolan rolls 2d6+5+2+2+1+2d6: (9)+5+2+2+1+(5): 24

Dolan is just as quick as Rocky is to lunge after the thing when it flees, bringing the greatsword to bear over his head and lunging after it with a roar of fury. It's a near thing - the deeply-clawed leg nearly gives way with a sharp stab of pain, but the enormous blade nonetheless finds pay dirt. Blood flies everywhere as it slices through undead flesh, leaving it staggering and clinging to unlife.

GAME: Ravenstongue casts Magic Missile. Caster Level: 9 DC: 17
GAME: Ravenstongue rolls 5d4+5: (14)+5: 19

And right behind Dolan's grievous blow is Cor'lana, violet eyes flaring as she murmurs the incantation and the magic wells up in her hands. She thrusts her hand out and the magic forms into lethal darts, rocketing with perfect precision and finding their mark in the horrific creature.

Cor'lana pulls her hand away and just watches it for a second, almost expecting it to lurch up and rise again. And then she sighs in relief. "Thank Vaire," she murmurs.

Telamon looks like he's about to call down another meteor, but then the creature crumbles, shattered by blade, tooth, and magic. He relaxes slowly, and then makes a dismissal gesture... the circle of stars vanishing suddenly again. "Gods," he says, getting a look at the victims for the first time. "This... is this what those fiends do to people?" He shudders in horror.

If the little halfling were a burrowing creature he'd be halfway into the Castellum. The tips of his fingers are ruined and bloodied and his hair is tussled and scalp raw with the force of him pressing into the corner. Wrapped in damp, soiled servant's clothing.

The woman remains in a fetal position. Wrinkled, blind pouches where her eyes should be collapsed as tightly as the muscles will allow. She's clearly in some sort of refugee dress.

The collapsed and comatose form is another recent addition to the city. What you'd mistaken for an ancient man is a surprisingly young Tsura girl wasted away to nearly nothing. A series of dug fingerholes line either side of her neck. She's so desiccated by the totenmaske's draining that no blood drips from the deep wounds. It's a miracle her heart still beats as faintly as it does.

Shilde nods sharply. Having seen the effects already, previously, she at least had an idea of what to expect. It doesn't make seeing it now any easier, however. Just less.. surprising. "Aye. Best quickly search th'rest o'this bunker, then get these poor bast'ds to one of yer temples."

"Looks like it," Dolan straightens up, shifting his weight off of the clearly bleeding leg and resting the gory blade over his soulder. The mantle of the Corona is now more crimson than white or gold, and he'll deal with it later. "Damned nasty things, that." He, too, lets a shudder ripple through him. "We ought to take these back to the temple and see what can be done for them," he adds sadly, surveying the victims. Shilde says the same thing just before he does, and he nods to her. "Yeah, exactly. Here, will yer dog come to me? Might be able to help."

<OOC> Shilde will hit each of them with a CLW from her wand, in the hope it helps.
<OOC> Jinks says, "Heal check?"
GAME: Shilde rolls heal: (12)+8: 20
<OOC> Dolan says, "Shilde, I have CLW as a spell."
<OOC> Dolan says, "May I roll that as well?"
<OOC> Jinks says, "Sure, if you'd like!"
GAME: Dolan rolls heal: (2)+7: 9
<OOC> Jinks says, "They are in rough shape."
<OOC> Dolan says, "All right. Drop a CLW on each of the victims, I have it as a spell."
<OOC> Jinks thumbsup.
GAME: Dolan casts Cure Light Wounds. Caster Level: 5 DC: 14
GAME: Dolan casts Cure Light Wounds. Caster Level: 5 DC: 14
GAME: Dolan casts Cure Light Wounds. Caster Level: 5 DC: 14
<OOC> Dolan says, "And one for Rocky as well."
GAME: Dolan casts Cure Light Wounds. Caster Level: 5 DC: 14

Shilde squints her eyes as she looks at Dolan for a moment, but.. there's a thing to be said about having been in the trenches with people. She pats Rocky, who leans into her a little bit, a few times, giving him a firm scratch between his shoulder blades.. then a word and a gesture towards Dolan has Rocky padding over towards the inquisitor. FOr herself, she approaches the victims.. the worst of the bunch, in particular. She checks what she can of the tsura's vitals, what with most of her face missing. "None of our healin's likely gonna help this'n.. but worth the shot anyways. She'll need longterm healin' t'shake off that creature drainin' her vitality. An' she'n the others... they're gonna need some magical help fer those faces."

Cor'lana takes a look at the faces of the victims, their bodies. She allows herself that painful look at last and...

She shakes her head and runs to Telamon, putting her head right underneath his chin as her shoulders move with a soundless cry, her arms wrapping tightly around him. There's little that she can say or contribute to regarding the horror around them--her feytouched nature given to emotions simply overwhelming her for the moment.

Dolan starts to squat down when the pup comes to him, but lets out a hiss and sits down on the floor instead, leaving bloody prints on the stone. "Blast. Your dog might need it too," he tells Shilde, reaching for the dragon and sunburst pending around his neck. A few prayers, bloodied hands held over Rocky's fur, seals the worst of his wounds, but all is not perfect.

He, too, then looks around, forcing himself to look at each of the mangled and misshapen victims. A sight that will lives inm his dreams for a few nights, for sure. "Great and holy gods, this is just awful. The sooner we get them to the temple, the quicker they can get help." The sound of Cor'lana's tears makes him crane his head around, and with the dog healed, he gets slowly to his feet.

Telamon wraps his arms around Cor'lana, holding her close. But he speaks to her gently. "Come on, love. Keep it together. We need you strong, still. Hold it together till we get these people out -- then we can fall apart together at home." He gives her a squeeze, before drawing back to look down at her. "Are you with me, dearest? We're needed."

Cor'lana draws back from Telamon and nods quietly, drying her tears. "I know," she murmurs. "I'm sorry. I just... got overwhelmed."

She goes to speak with the victims that are conscious.

With the totenmaskes slain all that's left is to secure the survivors and scour the grounds for further signs of villains or victims. The room to the south of the lord's secret pleasure hole is a gallery of his conquests; portraits lining the walls from floor to ceiling with few spaces left for future coupling partners that will never be filled. It would seem the little gnome led quite the campaign before his home was invaded by the undead monstrosities.

The grounds and house above is-- by comparison-- largely unsullied. It takes skilled eyes and practice tracking to piece out that the creatures would use the manse's main floor as a hunting grounds to toy with their prey. The blinded and muted captives would be set loose in the unfamiliar building and cruelly stalked from room to room until their tormentors tired of the game and dragged them below to feed.

Upstairs, the bedrooms show the least activity of all. The master suite has an unmade bed and clothes in need of washing but no occupants and no signs of violence. Tragically, the children's room hosts two angelic corpses with blank faces. They've been arranged peacefully under smoothed and sorted bedclothes. The guest room is pristine.

The wine cellar is accessed through a stairwell between the dining and sitting rooms and is cluttered with discarded articles of clothing; all that remains of easily a dozen victims. The missing servants, the lord and lady of the house, and assorted articles and trinkets of indigents and refugees that would not be missed are all strewn about haphazzardly. Not so much as a stray bone leftover from the risen's feasting however.

The wicked hunters are thwarted, however, and three victims rescued for treatment at the Soldier's Defense. It's likely to be sometime before anyone wishes to occupy the Glintrock Grounds.


Map: https://www.mipui.net/app/index.html?mid=mdenyzx7cge

 ===================== Current Initiative Order - Round 1 =====================
     30   TMb              1  
     23   Telamon          1  
     22   TMs              1  
  >> 20   Dolan            2   <<
     14   Shilde           3  Flat-footed (0 rnds remaining)               
     7    Ravenstongue     1  Flat-footed (0 rnds remaining)               