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(Created page with "<div style="padding:5px; background-color:#e7eaea;"> ==Log Info== *Title: Bird, Bird, and Bot *Emitter: Slixvah *Characters: Gramarye, Slixvah *Place: Society for Progressive Arcanists *Summary: Gramayre is seeking entrance into the halls of learning through the Arcanist's Society, though seems to be only scaring off students than getting any actual answers. Slixvah is present, cooling off from an errant wind, and aids Gramayre in finding the admissions off...")
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*Summary: Gramayre is seeking entrance into the halls of learning through the Arcanist's Society, though seems to be only scaring off students than getting any actual answers. Slixvah is present, cooling off from an errant wind, and aids Gramayre in finding the admissions office. They chat on some finer complexities of organic life and societal normalities before Slixvah hands off a commission request to the golem and showing her the door. The office door, that is. Slix then chases after a student that owes her notes.</div>
*Summary: Gramayre is seeking entrance into the halls of learning through the Arcanist's Society, though seems to be only scaring off students than getting any actual answers. Slixvah is present, cooling off from an errant wind, and aids Gramayre in finding the admissions office. They chat on some finer complexities of organic life and societal normalities before Slixvah hands off a commission request to the golem and showing her the door. The office door, that is. Slix then chases after a student that owes her notes.</div>
<pre>-=--=--=--=--=--=--=--=--=--=- Dramatis Personae =--=--=--=--=--=--=--=--=--=-
Gramarye 6'10" 320 Lb War Golem Female A golem girl with obsidian eyes and bronze plating.
Gramarye 6'10" 320 Lb War Golem Female A golem girl with obsidian eyes and bronze plating.
Slixvah 5'8" 130 Lb Eaglefolk Female A rust red and white Egalrin covered in veils, ribbons, and shawls.
Slixvah 5'8" 130 Lb Eaglefolk Female A rust red and white Egalrin covered in veils, ribbons, and shawls.
:: ''Arcanist's Society, Noon.''
:: ''Arcanist's Society, Noon.''

Latest revision as of 23:26, 18 June 2022

Log Info

  • Title: Bird, Bird, and Bot
  • Emitter: Slixvah
  • Place: Society for Progressive Arcanists
  • Summary: Gramayre is seeking entrance into the halls of learning through the Arcanist's Society, though seems to be only scaring off students than getting any actual answers. Slixvah is present, cooling off from an errant wind, and aids Gramayre in finding the admissions office. They chat on some finer complexities of organic life and societal normalities before Slixvah hands off a commission request to the golem and showing her the door. The office door, that is. Slix then chases after a student that owes her notes.
-=--=--=--=--=--=--=--=--=--=- Dramatis Personae =--=--=--=--=--=--=--=--=--=-    
Gramarye     6'10"    320 Lb     War Golem         Female    A golem girl with obsidian eyes and bronze plating.     
Slixvah      5'8"     130 Lb     Eaglefolk         Female    A rust red and white Egalrin covered in veils, ribbons, and shawls.
Arcanist's Society, Noon.

Finally the clouds have rolled in to suppress the oppress-ive heat. Though one must confess that those of harboring tress must be a sweating mess.

"Gods bless!" an egalrin woman declares as a breeze whooshes through the courtyard of the Arcanist's Society. Her be-ribboned wings extended to help vent out what she could. She only had two robes on with a stack of three in hand. A few feathers flutter off and about, her groaning as the wind dies down. "Oh c'mon sugar, don't tease me like that. I'm hot and sore, and the nerds don't like me in there!" she pouts to the sky.

A passing leaf slaps her in the face and flutters on by. She groans.

The egalrin woman in a state of undress compared to her norm isn't the only odd sight to be had in the Society courtyard this summer noon.

The tall bronze mannequin, doll, what-have-you is walking around again, dressed in what appears to be a black sundress tailored perfectly to her feminine form. Slixvah's ribbon from their last encounter, however, is tied neatly around her waist in a perfect bowtie.

Actually, she's doing more than just walking. She approaches a student. "Excuse me. I request to see the admissions official to request membership--"

The student bug-eyes. "Shit! Don't kill me!" he screeches, and he clutches his stack of textbooks tightly to his chest (wise, considering their cost) as he runs to the safety of the cafeteria.

There's a blink of light in Gramarye's void eyes. "Error. Unexpected response. Operation... terminated. Operation... restarted."

And she moves to look for another student to ask.

Slix rubs at her face where fate decided to give her a sample. "C'mon now I've been a good little finch as of late.." she murmurs to herself-

The screech draws her attention over, her half expecting a wight to crawling itself out of the ground as an 'aw-shit-here-we-go-again' expression crosses her visage.

But instead, it's a golem.

She perks up. A pretty golem! She skips on over towards them. "HelllloooOOoo!" she singsongs, twisting to a pivot to cut off from the next poor victim. "The ribbon looks cute on ya! Glad ya still gots it Shiny! What's good, and why are people screamin'?"

Gramarye blinks the light in her eyes again as her head pivots and turns to face Slixvah. "Slixvah Unmesi. It is a pleasure to see you again," the golem replies, although her second sentence sounds like a recited line, delivered with more grace and enthusiasm than normal. "Yes, the ribbon has sustained no damage. I have maintained its structure."

Then the golem looks out at the student body. Some of them look rather perturbed by her. She looks back to Slixvah. "One person did. There are currently no persons screaming. However, I do not understand their motivation for doing so. It was an unexpected response and produced an error I recorded in my logs. My objective is to join the Arcanist's Society and I am seeking the admissions official, but it appears there is no one who can give me this information."

Slix bobs on the tips of her talons. "Pleasure to see you too, Gramarye!" she coos, affording a moment to reach over her back to massage a wing joint before clasping her hands behind her back.

She glances about the place, her veil swishing to and fro before coming to a stop as she has to crane her head up to address the golem. Thank the gods the clouds were out, else this would be really rough. "I got no earthly idea! Actually, that's a lie. I prolly know. Probably because you're different. Don't worry, I'm different too!" she grins. "You need me to get you in there? I talked with some of them before, I think I know where the main office is. I have approximate knowledge of many things."

Gramarye's eyes and voice are silent again for a long moment, the light in them blinking back to life as she says, "Does not compute. By definition, all things are different. No life organism has the exact same structure by definition of organic matter, and no manufactured construct has the exact same structure due to the variables involved in construction. Everything is truly unique. Father said this was his favorite quality about creating items for others."

There's a beat before she then elaborates, "Yes, I require assistance. I accept this offer of aid."

Slixvah's sky blue eyes twinkle as she sways from side to side, ribbons and robes wafting like a metronome. "Everything /is/ truly unique! Even things ran through a gobber's machinery all has their own quirks all the way down to th' grain. No brick is like the other, no arrow the same. And yes, people are like that too, it's why I love people, they got a lotta quirks!"

She holds up a finger to elucidate. "But what I'm talkin' 'bout is a social construct woven into the fabrication of the basis of most Universities of an 'in' group and an 'out' group. Golems are in the 'out' prolly. So are those that use esoteric methods to do achieve the same thing!"

She pumps her fists beside her and looks fired up. "But screw the social constuct, let's get in there, Shiny! Take chances, make mistakes, get messy! Let's goooo!" She spreads her wings and makes a 'nyooom' sound as she waltzes into the building, expecting the golem to follow.

Slixvah's verbal onslaught results in Gramarye's eyes 'blinking' not once, but twice. "Define social construct--"

But then Slixvah zooms into the building. Gramarye does not ordinarily zoom, so she plods along after the egalrin wordlessly. Her head pivots in what would be uncomfortable ways for an ordinary flesh and blood person to do while walking to inspect various objects and people as they pass. "Protocol dictates I walk at this pace to avoid overheating my frame," she informs Slixvah. "Please inform me if I must speed up or slow down.

Slixvah pivots around, tucking her wings in tight just as she's about to wing-clip some students passing by. They do get tickled though, making them jump out of the way. One bemoans, "Ugh please, not this witch again..."

Without flinching from the comment, she continues through the halls with another finger raised. "Go as fast or slow as you will, Shiny! Anyways, a social construct is an idea that has been created and accepted by society. Not killing people is a social construct because people agree that's a bad thing, for example. Or stuck up mages that don't like sharing because they can't get a wand out of where the sun don't shine because we're different!"

".. hey!" a student says in the distance.

"Fuck off Jaermorie."

Gramarye considers Slixvah's words, judging by the silence in words and in her eyes as she follows Slixvah through the halls. She doesn't even stop to see if the near-wing clips have injured anyone. Apparently, assessment of injured students isn't in her directive for the day.

"I see. That explains the reasoning for Father's directives regarding social matters. It is helpful to know this information and I have logged it into my memory banks. Thank you, Slixvah Unmesi." Gramarye's head then pivots a little to the student that Slixvah just told off. "I do not understand. Why did you order that student to copulate elsewhere?"

Slix pirouettes to a stop in front of a shorthallway with a door at the end, her hands on her hips. "Your father was a smart man," she coos before leaning against a wall and pulling her veil down to rest on her neck. She glances to the student that was skulking away.

"Tch, they got onto me for wanting a wand made and told me that, and I quote,-" her voice is all but replaced with that of a man's, bird mimicry at its best, "Save such resources for the more refined scholars."

She shakes her head, back to chipper Slix. "So I insulted him. And just then I told him to leave me alone in a vulgar way."

She chuckles, looking up at the query filled golem. This was going to be a lot of fun.

Gramarye considers the explanation. "What classifies as an insult? It seems identical to the concept of telling a lie. Do sentient lifeforms often get mad at false information?"

The golem then delivers a perhaps surprising tidbit of information: "Father tried to teach me much about being a person, but he passed on before I could finish learning. It has been twelve years since I awakened and I still require much more data."

Slix rolls her shoulders, ignoring passing looks she gets. "Hmm... an insult is basically like... a verbal jab at someone. You're doing it to disrupt their emotions." She thinks about her explanation, then bobs her head in agreement with it.

She cocks her head to the side. "Twelve years.... yeah. In most societies, you're still a kid. Though I bet golems work a lil' different. Still needin' to know how to be a person..."

She rubs the underside of her beak. Her gaze softens, as does her tone. "... you're going to be tryin' ta figure that out for a long time, Shiny. You're gonna get a lot of data. But sometimes even us fleshy people don't know the answer. You wanna know how to be a person? Find things you like. /You/ like. Not what yer operations tell ya to do, or what directives you have queued up in yer banks."

Gramarye looks at Slixvah for a long, long moment--as much 'looking' as can be gleaned from eyes that are jet black, anyway, not a spark of life inside of them until she begins to speak again. "I see," she replies.

She lifts her hand and... points to herself. "Father said it would take time, as well. He said that he regretted that he could not see me continue to grow as a person. I..."

There's a pause. Processing. Processing.

"I understand the concept of a person. I understand the concept of a construct. I am told that there are entities like me that are special, however, and are both. Such objects are aberrant and fall outside of order. And yet, I exist--and so, I appreciate your guidance in these matters. Thank you, Slixvah Unmesi."

Slix sways from side to side, humming softly. Her eyes narrow slightly as she picks up a number of things from such few words, but she files them away for another time to bring them up. "I'm sure if he was here now, he'd be proud of you for trying to learn."

She slowly nods. "Sometimes when ya ain't fittin' in with whatever order is around, it ain't worth trying to adjust yourself to fit. Better to find yourself, learn what makes you, well, you, and everything else will follow."

Her smile crinkles her eyes. "You're very welcome, sugar. Lemme know if you need any more existential crisis guidance," she teases.

She does hold a finger up. "However! I /do/ have a request for a commission, Shiny, if you're interested. Y'know those fancy hats that can make ya look like whatever? I want one to f- mess around with." She coughs. "I can give ya some fancy ribbons as a basis for it."

"Understood, you want a hat that can help you copulate," Gramarye replies after a moment of silence to process what Slixvah has requested. Apparently Gramarye is capable of guessing what was just about to be said. "I am capable of making a magic hat that you can use to transform your form to any form that you like, including ones that potential mates will find satisfactory for copulation."

The golem clasps her hands together in a rather ladylike position. "I am able to make the item for you at the Ilife Smithy. It would be my pleasure to do so."

Slixvah can't help but burst into laughter, a full bellied one that has he clutching her gut with both arms. Her following wheezes sound like little bird whistles. "Oh gods... oh honey, oh baby doll, that's a good one. I just wanna play dress up with it is all."

She's not denying the golem's assertion.

She gives a thumbs up. "I'll bring a yellow one- no, blue and yellow- no. Bah, I'll figure it out when I get there!"

She steps aside and gestures off towards the door at the end of the hallway. "Anyways Shiny, there's the office. Let's 'em know you're lookin' for admission and I'm sure they'll either get ya sorted, or point ya in the right direction."

"Dress up? Then yes. I will make it for you. I know about dressing up--Father made me many clothes that he liked to see me wear." There's a subtle undercurrent of... emotion? in those words.

No, probably not. It's Gramarye.

The golem looks at the office indicated by Slixvah. She nods as she turns back to the egalrin witch. "Yes. Bring what you would like as a base to me and I will create it. It will be a pleasure to do business with you." Another prepared line.

Slixvah tilts her head to the side. "Really? I'd like to glean some fashion advice then. Pick y'data banks and what not."

"And /I/ look forward to do business with you as well! Catch you later!" She snaps two fingers and finger-guns the prospective student, her backing away to join a trove of students.

One perks up, a half-oruch woman, and she starts to try and turn down another hall. "Becky I swear to Reos's bloody ratchet if you don't get back here with my notes-" Slix yells after them, starting to jog behind them.

They start to get away. "Tactical bird deployed! Keep after them!"

A tuft of white is thrown through the air. "... I was asleep..." it tweets a monotonous tone before catching wind and tailing the student.