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== ==
While the Temple District is closed to most, and somewhat restricted even for clergy, the temples, themselves, are obviously hard at work. At... something. They have reached out to the adventurers guild for assistance once more in acquiring ...things. In this instance, it appears to be a joint venture between Angoron and Althea(?).
While the Temple District is closed to most, and somewhat restricted even for clergy, the temples, themselves, are obviously hard at work. At... something. They have reached out to the adventurers guild for assistance once more in acquiring ...things. In this instance, it appears to be a joint venture between Angoron and Althea(?).
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Over it all, she proudly wears the monastic scapular of the Warriors of Angoron- the brown cloth embroided with a mountain, thunderbolt and maul. Likewise, the wrought-iron chain hangs about her neck, dangling from which is a miniature of the hammer she carries- her holy symbol.
Over it all, she proudly wears the monastic scapular of the Warriors of Angoron- the brown cloth embroided with a mountain, thunderbolt and maul. Likewise, the wrought-iron chain hangs about her neck, dangling from which is a miniature of the hammer she carries- her holy symbol.
She lifts her free hand as she draws near, "Hail!" she calls out to the two representaives, drawing nearer before she continues. "I've heard tell there's work to be done."
She lifts her free hand as she draws near, "Hail!" she calls out to the two representatives, drawing nearer before she continues. "I've heard tell there's work to be done."
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As Thurid starts to sink, she uncoils her spider-silk rope, "Okay, We fly over and drop the line and come back in case Thurid find the eight foot deep part."
As Thurid starts to sink, she uncoils her spider-silk rope, "Okay, We fly over and drop the line and come back in case Thurid find the eight foot deep part."
GAME: Thurid rolls athletics: (14)+10: 24
GAME: Thurid rolls athletics: (14)+10: 24
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The entrance is a sloped set of stairs, now light from flickering flame or torchlight from further within. It descends perhaps twenty feet before becoming a narrow flat corridor for another ten. Beyond that, it opens into a larger chamber that is lit by torches to either side near the entrance; each held in a sconce on the wall.
The entrance is a sloped set of stairs, now light from flickering flame or torchlight from further within. It descends perhaps twenty feet before becoming a narrow flat corridor for another ten. Beyond that, it opens into a larger chamber that is lit by torches to either side near the entrance; each held in a sconce on the wall.
Further ahead stand two burning braziers supported by statuary. Between them is a rais stone dais and behind that a stone chair. Between dais and chair stands a woman. She wears a drape consisting of layers of a thin, gauzy material; hardly warming and more than a little risque'. Then again, she may simply dress comfortably if she does not receive many visitors. More elaborate is her headdress made of many stag antlers that extend out from her head and supports a veil of the same material as her dress.
Further ahead stand two burning braziers supported by statuary. Between them is a raised stone dais and behind that a stone chair. Between dais and chair stands a woman. She wears a drape consisting of layers of a thin, gauzy material; hardly warming and more than a little risque'. Then again, she may simply dress comfortably if she does not receive many visitors. More elaborate is her headdress made of many stag antlers that extend out from her head and supports a veil of the same material as her dress.
She spreads her arms welcomingly. "What brings you to our humble home? What wisdom do you seek? What do you offer in return?"
She spreads her arms welcomingly. "What brings you to our humble home? What wisdom do you seek? What do you offer in return?"
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THurid glances aside to Dax, "Aye, and she knows where it is." she reminds the team's lovable drunkard. She waits for Seyardu to retrieve the gemstone, and then will accompany the silverscale to offer it forth on the Dais. "So, do you know of it? The Heart Stone, that is?" Thurid wonders.
Thurid glances aside to Dax, "Aye, and she knows where it is." she reminds the team's lovable drunkard. She waits for Seyardu to retrieve the gemstone, and then will accompany the silverscale to offer it forth on the Dais. "So, do you know of it? The Heart Stone, that is?" Thurid wonders.
Aryia's brows pinch at how the Oracle talks, eyes settling on the stone they fish out of the headdress. To be fair, the mute has been one to have obtuse coping mechanisms as well, so the odd speech isn't afforded much.
Aryia's brows pinch at how the Oracle talks, eyes settling on the stone they fish out of the headdress. To be fair, the mute has been one to have obtuse coping mechanisms as well, so the odd speech isn't afforded much.
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Verna exhales a disappointed sigh at the response before nodding. "We regret your choice, but we understand. Don't we sister?" The latter is asked of the stone as she brings it past on the way to return it to her headdress, in which it seems to stow and/or vanish nicely. "Perhaps another will find your offering more to their liking, but you are welcome to stay a while. We do not get as many visitors as we would like."
Verna exhales a disappointed sigh at the response before nodding. "We regret your choice, but we understand. Don't we sister?" The latter is asked of the stone as she brings it past on the way to return it to her headdress, in which it seems to stow and/or vanish nicely. "Perhaps another will find your offering more to their liking, but you are welcome to stay a while. We do not get as many visitors as we would like."
GAME: Paenitia rolls perception: (5)+5: 10
GAME: Paenitia rolls perception: (5)+5: 10
GAME: Aryia rolls perception: (5)+23: 28
GAME: Aryia rolls perception: (5)+23: 28
GAME: Thurid rolls perceptiion: (14)+perceptiion: 14
GAME: Thurid rolls perceptiion: (14)+perceptiion: 14
GAME: Seyardu rolls perception: (8)+5: 13
GAME: Seyardu rolls perception: (8)+5: 13
GAME: Dax rolls perception: (7)+0: 7
GAME: Dax rolls perception: (7)+0: 7
To (Thurid, Aryia), Verna pages: Part of her headress seemed to ... move of its own volition as the stone is placed there. You also think whatever it was just winked at you.
Part of her headdress seemed to ... move of its own volition as the stone is placed there. Whatever it was, it just winked.
Thurid remains somewhat tense- one hand is always on the haft of her hammer, with how she rests it on the shoulder when she doesn't have use of the hand. But she adjusts her grip slightly, and it's only when the Oracle refuss the acceptance of the deal that she relaxes somewhat, her grip loosening. Still, something catches her eye, and she side-eyes towards her companions, before nodding towards the Oracle's head- something about it, but what, she doesn't say aloud.
Thurid remains somewhat tense- one hand is always on the haft of her hammer, with how she rests it on the shoulder when she doesn't have use of the hand. But she adjusts her grip slightly, and it's only when the Oracle refuss the acceptance of the deal that she relaxes somewhat, her grip loosening. Still, something catches her eye, and she side-eyes towards her companions, before nodding towards the Oracle's head- something about it, but what, she doesn't say aloud.
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>Creeeeaaaaaak< She opens the door. Either it squeaks or her armour does.
>Creeeeaaaaaak< She opens the door. Either it squeaks or her armour does.
The other room is nearly as large as this one, perhaps even the same, though it is unlit. From what the Dark Lucht can see in the incoming light, it is filled with an eclectic mix of statuary. An sil there, a gnome there, a knight in full armor over there... most are laying down, broken, and/or in piles, rather than displayed properly
"I am sorry that it will not work, but we do need that stone, and there should be something that can be offered in exchange we can all find agreeable." Seyardu suggests, though she looks to the others and tilts her head. "Is something amiss?"
"I am sorry that it will not work, but we do need that stone, and there should be something that can be offered in exchange we can all find agreeable." Seyardu suggests, though she looks to the others and tilts her head. "Is something amiss?"
Verna pages To Paenitia: The other room is nearly as large as this one, perhaps even the same, though it is unlit. From what you can see in the incoming light, it is filled with an eclectic mix of statuary. An sil there, a gnome there, a knight in full armor over there... most are laying down, broken, and/or in piles, rather than displayed properly
The little Red Knight peers in. >creeeeaaaak< Seemingly staring at something. "Ah. Do you have the demon chicken? The gallery is excellent. Is the Stone Heart from this collection?"
The little Red Knight peers in. >creeeeaaaak< Seemingly staring at something. "Ah. Do you have the demon chicken? The gallery is excellent. Is the Stone Heart from this collection?"
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Her visage is not unattractive. It's the glowing eyes that most guests seem to take issue with.
Her visage is not unattractive. It's the glowing eyes that most guests seem to take issue with.
:: ''To Be Continued...''
:: ''To Be Continued...''
-End Scene-
== OOC ==
== OOC ==
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Map: https://www.mipui.net/app/index.html?mid=ma92oh3jnps
Map: https://www.mipui.net/app/index.html?mid=ma92oh3jnps

Latest revision as of 02:12, 14 November 2021

Log Info

  • Title: Heart of Stone
  • Emitter: Verna
  • Characters: Aryia, Dax, Paenitia, Seyardu, Thurid
  • Place: PrP Room 1
  • Time: November 13th, 2021
  • Summary: The temple of Angoron and Althea have a joint request for their secretive efforts ongoing in the city. A Heart of Stone. The party gathers, consisting of Aryia, Dax, Paenitia, Seyardu, and Thurid, and ventures forth out of the city, seeking an Oracle to find more information about a Heart Stone. After traveling some, Thurid getting stuck in some quick sand in the swamp and Aryia falling off a tree, they party ends up finding the Oracle's den. They offer the gem for trade to the essentric Oracle, but it wasn't satisfactory enough for information about the Heart Stone. The Oracle suggests trading Rameriez or Seyardu to sweeten the deal, yet that is turned down. Paenitia wanders off to check a side room for the guest bedrooms as the Oracle casts a spell on Seyardu. Tensions are high...

-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=  Appearing, in Order  =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=
Thurid       14m     7'1"     249 Lb     Giantborn   Female    Bright-eyed, muscular, blond Giantborn woman.  
Dax          1m      5'0"     110 Lb     Human       Female    A 5' tall red haired human with piercings and tats.                        
Aryia        0s      4'8"     110 Lb     Shadow Elf  Female    A heavily scarred mul with a resolved look about her.                      
Seyardu      8m      5'6"     150 Lb     Sith-Makar  Female    A friendly silver sith-makar with a perpetual squint.                      
Paenitia     10m     3'0"     34 Lb      Halfling    Female    A Lucht knight, dark skinned in bold feathery finery.                      -=--=--=--=--=--=--=--=--=--=--=--=--=--=--=--=--=--=--=--=--=

-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=  As the GM  =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=
Verna        1m      4'5"     98 Lb      Half-Elf    Female    Petite humanoid in bulky gray robes and cloak.   

While the Temple District is closed to most, and somewhat restricted even for clergy, the temples, themselves, are obviously hard at work. At... something. They have reached out to the adventurers guild for assistance once more in acquiring ...things. In this instance, it appears to be a joint venture between Angoron and Althea(?).

A representative from each awaits brave adventurers willing to venture forth for VICTORY and/or the good of all. One is a brawny, barrel-chested khazad who may actually be wider than he is tall. Next to him is a smiling, rosy gnome. Who represents whom is likely somewhat apparent.

Thurid, despite being a part of the temple of Angoron herself- has not been alltogether pleased with the recent goings on. Restricting the common folk from visiting the temples is bad enough, but the secrecy leaves a bad taste in her mouth. Nevertheless, she's not one to reject a call to action- especially one from two temples that are each close to her heart. And so the Jotun-blooded woman arrives, golden chainmail glimmering in the light, winged helm firmly planted atop her head and massive adamantine hammer slung over one shoulder.

Over it all, she proudly wears the monastic scapular of the Warriors of Angoron- the brown cloth embroided with a mountain, thunderbolt and maul. Likewise, the wrought-iron chain hangs about her neck, dangling from which is a miniature of the hammer she carries- her holy symbol.

She lifts her free hand as she draws near, "Hail!" she calls out to the two representatives, drawing nearer before she continues. "I've heard tell there's work to be done."

It doesn't matter who the sponsor is, there's rewards awaiting. Dax finishes getting information at the Adventurer's guild, having to get her information from the guild people themselves. Then she gets the location and heads off, filling up her flask along the way. After all, you never know when you'll need your emergency supply of booze. With all that said, she looks around, spotting the brawny khazad and then to the gnome and she takes in some air, "Is there 'ere the place fer tha' joint venture between Hang a ron an' All-ea? Or somethin' like that? I 'eard there was someone needin' help is all. Hate ta be in the wrong place an' waste my time."

Aryia is present. Her in her verdant green buckle jacket and her shades, hands in her pockets. She's got a black scarf on, guarding her nose and neck from the chill of the outdoors. She follows in after Thurid, the mute mul'neissa nodding towards the tall woman as if echoing her sentiment. She gives an up-nod to all present already acquainted with them.

A joint venture between Althea and Angoron meant that it was more likely than not some althean faithful would manage to found their way their way there. In this case, Seyardu was one present, who was shifting a bit awkwardly on the spot as she waited for an explanation of what they were doing. The familiar faces get a smile and wave, at least.

'Ruaaaaaaah!' An ivory hippogryph announces his presence. Ramirez the Brave has arrived! Yes.

Upon his back, the lucht knight, Sister Paenitia, rides resplendent in crimson armour. It matches the eyespots of the great steed, her Peacock-Andalusian, and she has a cloak made of his peacock feathers. They are clearly a unit.

The less said about the temples, the better. The sudden seriousness has caused even the Trickster's faithful to deny her allegiance. No matter. That makes the joke even better. Coyote laughs, and their secrecy is a tempting target.

So she is here to make a fool of the faithful by helping out, when she has been asked not to. All the better that this is being partially organized by the Temple of Angoron, her god's lover who so often needs to be reminded to not be so full of himself.

"Hola Comrades!" Paenitia says happily, arriving and announcing herself after her steed. "We do the great things today."

"Hail!" The khazad returns in greeting to all, lifting his hammer with the call. "There is work, be ye strong!"

"Hello and welcome," the gnome greets politely with a wave. "Yes, we could use your help. Thank you for co-"

"Le's git to it!" he interrupts, "We need a stone, but nae just ANY stone. It's the STONE HEART! Mighty and str-"

"It's called a Heart Stone," she corrects, "because it is touched with joys of the heart: compassion, loyalty, lo-"

"Eh!" the other snorts. "We need ye ta fetch one, anyhoways. There's one that knows the deep earth. Where ta find it. Could have one fer ye!"

The gnome nods, smile widening. "Yes, the oracle. She knows many things. It is she you must seek."

"Ye' find 'er far north, where the Felwoods touch the Redridge!" he informs, thumping his chest.

She glances aside at the khazad and adds, extending a scroll out, "We have a map for your use."

Thurid offers the fellow adventurers she knows a bright smile and a nod of her head in greeting, before turning her attention back towards the unlikely duo who are busy explaining the work to them. Her head turns back and forth between the two of them as they rapidfire finish one another's sentences.

"Meet the Oracle, fetch a Heart Stone." she confirms then, stepping forwards to take the offered map. "Seems a simple enough job. Fellwood's a dangerous place, and the road itself can be at times. But 'side from that, ought we expect any trouble, either with the oracle or beyond?" she wonders.

Aryia waves from the hip at the others as they come in, her eyes smiling some before turning back to the two clerics. The elf looks between the two, raising a brow as they explain. Alright, this didn't sound... too bad. At least it sounded pleasant? Hopefully no nasty undead things this time around. The mute gives a thumbs up in understanding before getting on her tip toes to peer at the map Thurid had.

This back and forth gets a squint from Dax, her hand comes up as she scratches at the roots of her tightly braided hair. She doesn't even bother ping ponging her head back and forth to keep up. "So, there be a stone, shaped like a heart, that is might, strong in its lovin'... that we're ta retrieve. Got it." She looks back to the others, including the small knight and her big bird, and she shakes her head a bit at the 'quest' they are being sent on. "Is it any wonder anythin' get done 'round here at all."

"The Oracle know we are taking the Heart Stone?" Paenitia asks, and then laughs, "of course she do! She not the good oracle otherwise. Maybe since she know we are coming, she bake the cake."

Leaning forward, the little lucht pets at her peacock-andalusian's neck, "You like the cake, Ramirez?"

'Ruaaaah!' Ramirez likes cake. Yes.

The Red Knight glances at the party, "Hmmm. Is there the wagon, or is Thurid or I carry the rock back? Our Friend Dragon, she may be in need of the swiftclaw to ride."

Dax's question gets a nod, "I have the thought that also."

Seyardu nearly went cross eyed looking between the two clerics as she attempted to parse through all of the information. "The felwood can be dangerous, yes, the last time we were out that way, there were undead abducting people." Seyardu finally notes after Thurid explains herself. "The source was not found. This one hopes the oracle in question is still alright, if they have not sent a missive out themself."

"If we need mounts for travel, they can be arranged. depending on the size of the stone, we can decide how best to transport it."

"Stay close t'the Ridge!" he exclaims.

"And you will be safe," she finishes.

He laughs."'Course the oracle knows yer coming! She's wise!" He then leans forward and waggles a finger. "But also wiley! Be careful!"

"She is ... eccentric," the gnome clarifies with a smile, "and we would not ask for her services without compensation..."

"Aye! A gift for her aid for the stone!" The khazad confirms. He pulls a gem from a pocket and offers it. "Fer her, 'n fer the STONE HEART only, mind ye'!"

In response to Seyardu's comment, the gnome adds, "It is not large. About the size of an actual heart."

She receives a hearty slap on the shoulder from the khazad as he guffaws. "Ha! Some'r larger'n others!"

The map is rudimentary, but confirms the description with a path marked along the ridge heading north to a spot at the far edge of what is considered the Felwood.

The gnome sways at the clap but does not stumble. "Oh! We can arrange for mounts..."

The khazad nods with a snort, eyeing the group. "Aye. If yer legs be so weak..."

Paenitia kicks out her heels, showing off her armoured legs, "Ha, they are not weak but they are short. If I do not ride, it will be the next year before you see me again."

She gestures, "The friend dragon, she is short too." Twice the little lucht's height, but still 'short'. "The short legs need the horse."

Thurid holds down the map a bit lower so that the shorter folks can see it and then looks back towards the Gnome and the Khazad for a moment as they finish the explanation. She chuckles when they talk about mounts, "I usually prefer to walk." she admits, "But I could rent a hand cart if we need one for the stone..." she says and then they explain it's not all that big.

"Ah, in that case, I'll be fine on my own two feet. Never had much of a way with animals, and I'd rather have my wits about me if we run into trouble." she says then. If no one else takes the gem, she'll take it, and then turn to Seyardu, "If I remember right you've one of those handy haversacks? Might be best if you kept this in there." she suggests, passing it over.

"Right, I'd say that about covers it. We'd best be off, make the most of the daylight." she suggests to the others.

Since it seems just about settled they'll be riding, she will yield and accept a mount if the point is pushed.

Aryia nods in confirmation after eying the map. She gives a thumbs up, getting all of that and looking ready to go. She'll get a mount. Despite her being faster than a horse, those 'weak legs' don't need to get worn out before they need to break something.

With a quick nod of her head, Denri will also be on her feet if others are doing so. If everyone's riding though, she'll begrudgingly get on a horse and follow along. The map does get a looksey though but Dax won't take it from anyone. She does sip her flask a moment before adding, "Well, if that be the plan, that be the plan."

"This one is not that short." Seyardu huffs after taking the map and putting it into her satchel. "That being said, I would find it easier to travel by swiftclaw, and I would not wish to slow the group down. I will see about arranging one at the gates."

The two representatives meet the group at the stables, where they've arranged for the promised transportation for those desiring it. To include a Swiftclaw for Seyardu. They are sent off will well-wishes from the pair.

"Mountain's Might power ye!"

"May Her Peace be upon you!"

They wave as the group heads north, then there is a belated bellow before they are completely out of sight or earshot.

"Oi! Don' take the steeds innae swamp!"

They did mention the swamp, right?

The travel along the edge of the Redridge is simple and uneventful; much of it is already a trade road. When that is left in following the map, the ground is a relatively open and flat swatch between the darkening woods to the west and the sharp rise of the ridge to the east. At least until reaching...

Yes, there is a swamp. The spot of lowland forms a bowl, catching the runoff from the ridge and the river and streams are further west. On the one hand, the colder weather has driven off insects and other vermin in the marshy muck. On the other... there is still marsh and much that is cold yet not enough to be frozen.

Ramirez gets fussy. The ivory steed is proud of his plumage, brilliant white feathers and fetlocks, as well as a long tail train. Swamp Muck is not his friend, while the grooming afterwards is pleasant, he does not like the oil in his feathers and has been in enough swamps to remember the wet. 'Ruaaaah.'

"It is all right. We can fly over." Paenitia runs her hand down her mount's neck. She looks at her companions, "The Oracle, she is the Swamp Witch also? There is the place I should scout?" She switches shields, attaching her heater to the saddle and strapping her buckler. She takes up her bow. "Or we can seek the dry route on the ground."

Thankfully, there are swiftclaws trained to be much more docile, and less likely to maim and horses, small animals or the riders they travel with. And a swiftclaw trips significantly less than Seyardu does on any given day. So the travel goes well on her part.

She pulls out the map to show everyone herself. Hopefully it did not rely heavily on color coded information. "We should figure out how best to reach her from here. Through as little swamp as possible, animals may be slowed by the cold, but are still a threat."

As Thurid mentioned, she doesn't have much of a way with animals, and she has an ornery old horse, with an attitude almost as large as she is- but she manages to get as far as the swamp at any rate. She dismounts, and leads the mare over to find somewhere to tie her off away from the road and put her feedbag on. "We'd probably be best served walking- it'll be struggle enough to pull one of us out if we get stuck in the muck, much less a horse or hippogriff." she says then.

With her horse tied off, she fetches her hammer and pack from where they'd been stowed on her saddle, and then slings them over her shoulders.

"Well, I've never been squeamish about getting my feet mucky." she says cheerily, and then leads the way heading into the swamp as directed by the map.

Aryia relaxes as they ride along, her lazily keeping an eye out as she lays on the saddle. A swamp? What's so bad about a swamp? She gives a little nod about walking, her dismounting and tying off her steed with Thurid's.

GAME: Dax rolls survival: (18)+10: 28
GAME: Aryia rolls perception: (11)+23: 34
GAME: Aryia rolls athletics: (1)+15: 16 (EPIC FAIL) (Climbing a tree)
GAME: Seyardu rolls perception: (12)+5: 17
GAME: Thurid rolls perception: (14)+10: 24
GAME: Paenitia rolls survival: (11)+2: 13

The horse that Dax gets is probably well behaved, but Dax has a hard time keeping it going straight all the time. Anyone next to her, as she rides, clearly gets bumped from time to time as Dax chews on jerky and every so often takes a quick sip from her flask. Following the lead of Thurid though, she slides off the horse smoothly enough before tying it off where ever Thurid did and then looks around, "Well, I ain't squeamish about gettin' dirty. Jus' so long as there ain't spirits out there nor witches, I be fine."

Paenitia is uncertain of a best path through the muck (there may be no choice good enough for Ramirez other than flying?). Seyardu thinks she might see some higher ground further in the swamp. Thurid is confident that she is heading the right way and can make out higher/drier ground ahead in the distance. Aryia, from her perch in a tree, and Dax can also see the same high ground. Then, the other shoe drops. Well, four of them. The branch Aryia is on was apparently dead and snaps, dropping her to the ground. The ground Thurid stepped on is obviously too weak or waterlogged to support her awesomeness. Also, Dax is pretty sure that Thurid just stepped into quicksand.

Paenitia is encased in full plate, an expensive adamantine affair which has a passing resemblence to her old armour, in that it is shapely and exagerated. There is a wide brimmed hat incorporated with the helm, and the visor has the Smiling Man's visage on it. Somehow her mass of dark curls makes it outside the helm and her shin armour. Unusual for a lucht siuli, her feet are fully covered on the bottoms. Halfling soles are tough, but not adamantine tough.

It completely disguises any expression and body language. She remains fixed in position, gazing out at the swamp and listening to her comrades. Finally she laughs, it echoes in her helm, and her voice also has a reverberation to it, as well as excess cheerfulness. "The Temples are wise to send the heavily armoured three foot knight to the four foot deep swamp."

As Thurid starts to sink, she uncoils her spider-silk rope, "Okay, We fly over and drop the line and come back in case Thurid find the eight foot deep part."

GAME: Thurid rolls athletics: (14)+10: 24

Thurid's wandering takes her right into trouble, which she notices too late- her foot promptly sinks to midcalf in the yielding ground and she frowns as she looks down at it. "Speak of the devil." she huffs before pulling her foot back out of it with a mighty /shlorp/. Thankfully her boot stays on, because she's sure there's creepy crawlies in this mud she'd prefer not to get between her toes. "I suppose this way is out." she calls back to the others, pausing to rub her brow and then take a look around see if she can't figure out where the edge of the quicksand is.

Watching where Thurid goes, Dax is about to follow when the sinking starts. Thankfully Thurid gets herself out of the mess but, Dax sniffs the air a little, squints at the ground and looks around a bit, "I think there be a way... 'round." She offers, and points, heading in the direction she thinks will work. Whether or not it will, who is to say? She doesn't hesitate though, and starts walking, "Pretty sure I got a fourth sense fer this."

Aryia clambers up a tree, her scouting out ahead with a hand over her eyes and leaning out while squinting. She blinks, smiling as she sees a way to get around. She snaps her finger to get attention, but her foot flips, and the branch cracks.


The mute falls... and lands on her feet, her face wincing some as the etching on her boots faintly light up from the impact. She gasps as Thurid starts to get trapped, but she manages to get herself free.

Sighing in relief, she concurs with Dax about the direction indicated.

Seyardu squints when she sees Thurid is no longer significantly taller than her. But before she can offer aid, rope is dropped and Thurid pulls herself free.

"Yes, we will need to be careful moving forward. There is high ground further in. We just need to find a way too it. Are you alright Aryia?" She asks before tearing a long wooden branch off of a dead tree, using it to prod the ground in front of her as she goes.

Paenitia and Ramirez circle and land again. The Red Knight says, "Okay you rescue yourself and that not the way, and my other mount goes." Dax, Paenitia means Dax. She watches as the piratess picks her way across the swampland.

"Okay. I wait with the mounts. When you find the solid way, I follow."

Dax's estimation proves correct and, combined with Seyardu's ground evaluating branch, neither they, nor anyone following them, run afoul of any other hungry portions of the swamp. As well, the spotted ground becomes more visible through the leafless tree branches as they near.

The low rise is more than just a sloping hill, as there is a stone opening jutting partially from it. It is too straight and angular to be a natural cave. An ancient mine entrance? Crypt? Sunken building? The time and muck have covered or eroded any defining features of the exterior. According to the map, this is the place. There is also room enough on the dry ground for Ramirez to land, if he wishes to spare his plumage.

Thurid raises her eyebrows at the others- she seems rather less perturbed by her close call with the muck than her companions. She lets out a laugh, "It'd take more than a patch of soggy dirt to fell this Giant, worry you not." she assures them, before joinin Dax as she leads the way, hammer slung over her shoulder still.

As they arrive at the clearing, Thurid pauses a moment to take a look at the place. "I'd wager that's our Oracle's dwelling, then." she muses. "Not the most cosy looking home. Least not from out here. Shall we go and knock?" she wonders.

"Hah. Looks like I was right in my guessin'." Dax is grinning, proud of the fact she didn't get sunk neck deep into the ground. Instead, she takes a celebratory sip from her flask. With the entrance to a mine in front of them, Dax looks back to the others, and offers a shrug, "Knockin' sounds friendly enough." And she starts to walk toward whatever she can imagine is the 'front door' looking ready to pound on it. Or the nearby support if there isn't a door.

Aryia gives a thumbs up to Seyardu. "I've fallen from worse." Yeah. The Ashwing at the Fernwood. Still she could remember that crunch.

The pugilist shudders at the thought.

At least now they had some easy path through, glad for the ground evaluating branch, or the G.E.B. for short.

She nods at Thurid, ambling over there with the rest of the group after taking in the strange clearing, eyes pausing at the stone jutting out of it. <Handspeech>

"I am surprised there is no obvious path." Seyardu notes once they are past, and she turns to make sure everyone else gets past. "Perhaps they do not need to make a bridge due to always knowing where to step."

"We were warned about seeking them out, but they should be an ally, yes? Let us see wjat we can do upon meeting them."

The well armoured lucht knight takes a look around, to ensure there are no half-sil urchins lurking nearby. Satisfied that the mounts will be secure, and that her comrads have made it over dry ground to dryer ground, she nudges Ramirez and he takes flight.

Peacocks in flight are alarming with their huge tails, it is an even more striking sight when the peacock is horse-sized and half-horse. Far more weight than should be able to circles overhead, then comes into a graceful landing on top of the low rise.

He squawks, 'Ruaaaah.'

His red rider changes her weapons, buckler is replaced with heater, sword and warhammer attached to her belt, a pole arm, her lucern hammer, selected from the bunch. "Ramirez! I dismount!"

She slides down his wing to join the others outside the entrance. "If they are ally you should make the announce we are here, the loud Hola, so they are not surprised."

The stone entrance stands silent, darkness within it past a few feet... until it is not.

A warm filckering glow suddenly alights from within, and an equally warm feminine voice echoes from the opening.

"We have visitors. Do, please, come in. We always welcome visitors."

"You are correct, dame Paenitia." Seyardu nods, clearing her throat with a low, slightly unsettling growl. "Hola, the stone tunnel in the swamp!" She shouts, before she stops, and coughs. "Ah, greetings, and peace on your nest. we seek out the oracle living here."

Seeing the light and greeting returned, the cleric makes her way into the building.

"Well, they probably just don't much like company, if they are living out here." Thurid supplies, and then continues onwards towards the stone entryway. She raises her voice some, "Hail, Oracle? We are here to seek your guidance." she calls out as she approaches what appears to be some manner of entryway.

She starts when the voice returns, and then she picks up the pace to accept the invitation. She approaches the door, potentially stooping to step through- she is, after all, rather tall.

Aryia blinks as a voice comes from the cave. Odd. Seeing as some of her closer friends were stepping in, she trusts in their judgement and follows in afterwards.

About to just pound on the nearest wall or structure, Dax stops when there's light ahead. Others seem to recognize this person as the oracle and so Dax snorts and walks forward. "Were we seekin' guidance? I thought we were seekin' some kind of lovemakin' stone?" Questions Dax, with a bit of a furrowed brow.

"Ah! It work." Paenitia says cheerfully, marching in behind Dax and Aryia. "Yes, the lone crone in the swamp always know the most about lovemaking, and make the best love potions. The little stoned help too."

All the best stories say so.

The entrance is a sloped set of stairs, now light from flickering flame or torchlight from further within. It descends perhaps twenty feet before becoming a narrow flat corridor for another ten. Beyond that, it opens into a larger chamber that is lit by torches to either side near the entrance; each held in a sconce on the wall.

Further ahead stand two burning braziers supported by statuary. Between them is a raised stone dais and behind that a stone chair. Between dais and chair stands a woman. She wears a drape consisting of layers of a thin, gauzy material; hardly warming and more than a little risque'. Then again, she may simply dress comfortably if she does not receive many visitors. More elaborate is her headdress made of many stag antlers that extend out from her head and supports a veil of the same material as her dress.

She spreads her arms welcomingly. "What brings you to our humble home? What wisdom do you seek? What do you offer in return?"

"We come seeking after the Heart Stone." Thurid answers as she ducks her head a final time through the doorway into the chamber, able to stand again now with the slightly higher chair. "We've been told you might know where we may find it, and we've a gemstone to offer in trade." she tells the Oracle then, glancing back to Seyardu. "Do you have it in your pack, still?" she asks the Althean silverscale.

Meanwhile, she looks around at the room, before turning her gaze back towards the Oracle. "It certainly is much cosier inside, this abode of yours." she offers pleasantly, "Though, not one for creature comforts I take it?" she muses with a small smile.

Aryia slips in, though she gives a strange look to Dax before shaking her head. She steps out of the way for the others to filter in before her gaze settles on the supposed Oracle.

Her head tilts one way, the mute pulling her scarf down. Huh. That headdress looks... really neat.

The seamstress is getting ideas....

The little Lucht knight comes in behind Aryia and Dax, making the impression of a red hat at waist height of the average human. When her head tilts up enough to be seen, the stylized grin of her visor is visible to all. She waves at the horned woman, saying nothing for the moment. Their mission has been described.

"Yes, we have come to seek you out, as we have need of the heart stone you have, or know where to find." Seyardu state, taking the gemstone out of her bag and holding it out to offer.

"How wonderful..." The Oracle's head cants, antlers tipping. "Did you hear that?" After a moment, her head straightens and she beckons Seyardu forward and gestures to the dais. "Please, place it here so that we may admire it."

Her head tips to the other side, now, and a hand reaches up to retrieve a smooth stone the size of a fist from her headdress. She extends it towards the dais, but does not place it there. Instead, she pans it around slightly before bringing it near her veil and turning to it. "Can you see, sister? They bring us gifts." The stone is extended in hand again towards the dais.

Taking a few steps back, Dax squints at this so-called Oracle. "Looks like jus' one crazy bat of a woman ta me." She says aloud, probably just her thoughts getting the better of her lips. Then she looks up and looks around, "Oh, I am talkin' about a different crazy lady we met on the road. That's who..." And Dax looks back and forth as if she's wondering if she was 'caught'. She takes another sip from her flask as nonchalantly as she can.

Thurid glances aside to Dax, "Aye, and she knows where it is." she reminds the team's lovable drunkard. She waits for Seyardu to retrieve the gemstone, and then will accompany the silverscale to offer it forth on the Dais. "So, do you know of it? The Heart Stone, that is?" Thurid wonders.

Aryia's brows pinch at how the Oracle talks, eyes settling on the stone they fish out of the headdress. To be fair, the mute has been one to have obtuse coping mechanisms as well, so the odd speech isn't afforded much.

Their rabble rouser, however, is afforded one glowy eyed squint.

Seyardu steps forward and places the gemstone into the dais, before she steps back so she can look at it. "This is what is brought, it is hoped that it is to your liking." She says, watching the strange oracle. "Will this be enough for you to assist us with acquiring the stone heart?"

"Yes, yes." Paenitia reaches up and pats at Dax's thigh, very similar to how she pets Ramirez's foreleg. She takes something from a belt pouch, unwraps it and holds it up towards the piratess, "Sugar cube? It wrap in chocolate."

Indeed, she does seem to be offering Dax some sort of chocolate cube.

Her ever-smiling mask continues to gaze at the Oracle. "Ask if there the favour or the test." There often is.

The little knight comes over and pats her, Dax squints down from her place furthest away from the dais and all the kerfuffle. "Sugar cube? Ain't never had me one of them..." She says and reaches down to grab what is offered, putting it into her mouth and just starting to suck on it, loudly, but perhaps that's better than her talking.

"That one thinks you are crazy, sister," the Oracle leans over to stage-whisper to the stone in hand. She then leans towards the dais, so that both she and her ...sister can study the gem. "How lovely... hmm?"

She brings the stone to her ear and listens in silence a moment, nodding. The Oracle straighens and her headress and veil wobble as she shakes her head. "We do not have need of another wondrous stone, but we will accept an alternative gift. I like the feathered one," her free hand gestures past them to the path outside. It then sweeps towards Seyardu," and my sister wishes a scaled. Offer one or the other... or both if you wish! We will grant you a Heart Stone in return."

"No deal." Thurid says without hesitation as the Oracle demands they hand over their companions in lieu of the stone. "We'd be glad to come to another arrangement, but that is not acceptable." she says then, her stance straightening and her tone growing more forthright and serious as the demands are made. "They are our friends and companions, not commodities to be traded." she adds, a vague edge of something unusual for Thurid to her tone.

The mention of people being a part of a trade make's Aryia's idle inspection of the other's attire shift from calm to tensed. Thurid echoed her sentiments. Absolutely not. The trading of people (even Rameriez, yes, he's a handsome lad!) set a bitter taste in her mouth. "Is the gem not good enough?" she asks Seyardu, the hidden question of translating for the mute there. <Handspeech>

"Ha ha! No." Paenitia laughs, "Ramirez is the wild stallion and I have chase off the many mare-hens. I do not stop now. He does not like the swamp either. And you mistake the friend dragon if you ask for her. She is not the flat dragon."

She continues in her cheerful tones, which are a little over-exhuberant, but go nicely with the stylized grin on her mask. "If you want, we go look for other bird or scaley snake maybe you like. We have the extra gold too."

A thought strikes her, "Do you know a gnome and a Khazadi? There a family resemblence."

They're all crazy.

"Loohk, hows bouht Ieh tahk teh gehm, an' mahk ta crahsy tahk." Dax is mubbling out with the sugar cube and chocolate gumming up her normally impeccable speaking skills. She does stand up though a bit more straight as she is far far less imposing of a figure as Thurid. Though as Pae steps up with her own version of crazy, Dax steps back and pushes her finger into her mouth to scrape off chocolate that's getting in her teeth.

Seyardu squints, and immediately shakes her head. "No,this one is not an option to be traded for, and neither is Ramirez. Aryia is correct, is the gem offered not enough? We can find something else to trade for, but people are not one of the options."

Verna exhales a disappointed sigh at the response before nodding. "We regret your choice, but we understand. Don't we sister?" The latter is asked of the stone as she brings it past on the way to return it to her headdress, in which it seems to stow and/or vanish nicely. "Perhaps another will find your offering more to their liking, but you are welcome to stay a while. We do not get as many visitors as we would like."

GAME: Paenitia rolls perception: (5)+5: 10
GAME: Aryia rolls perception: (5)+23: 28
GAME: Thurid rolls perceptiion: (14)+perceptiion: 14
GAME: Seyardu rolls perception: (8)+5: 13
GAME: Dax rolls perception: (7)+0: 7

Part of her headdress seemed to ... move of its own volition as the stone is placed there. Whatever it was, it just winked.

Thurid remains somewhat tense- one hand is always on the haft of her hammer, with how she rests it on the shoulder when she doesn't have use of the hand. But she adjusts her grip slightly, and it's only when the Oracle refuss the acceptance of the deal that she relaxes somewhat, her grip loosening. Still, something catches her eye, and she side-eyes towards her companions, before nodding towards the Oracle's head- something about it, but what, she doesn't say aloud.

"I should imagine not. The swamp outside your home seems liabel to swallow up any would be visitors." She finally says to the Oracle. "Why is it you live out of the way here, if you're fond of visitors?" she wonders. "I myself'd be happy to come visit again, mind, but we do need that stone."

Aryia pouts as their offer was turned down. It's just a ston-

She blinks, squinting at the Oracle, her gaze a bit high on them. Confusion fills her, her glancing to the others to see if they saw what she just noticed. "... uh..." she mumbles with a unsure waggle of her fingers. <Handspeech>

"Welcome to stay? You have the guest room, the kitchen?" Paenitia asks. The invitation is good enough. She clanks on up the side of the chamber to examine the door to the right of the woman.

"I am the rude guest. I do not give my name. I am Sister Paenitia Snapdragon del Haranna, Knight of the Pillar and Paladina of Tarien. Do not listen to the rumours that say otherwise." She laughs again, forcefully as she explores.

"That is not the giving of my name, as I say. I have dealt with the Fey before, they get the very literal sometimes."

>Creeeeaaaaaak< She opens the door. Either it squeaks or her armour does.

The other room is nearly as large as this one, perhaps even the same, though it is unlit. From what the Dark Lucht can see in the incoming light, it is filled with an eclectic mix of statuary. An sil there, a gnome there, a knight in full armor over there... most are laying down, broken, and/or in piles, rather than displayed properly

"I am sorry that it will not work, but we do need that stone, and there should be something that can be offered in exchange we can all find agreeable." Seyardu suggests, though she looks to the others and tilts her head. "Is something amiss?"

The little Red Knight peers in. >creeeeaaaak< Seemingly staring at something. "Ah. Do you have the demon chicken? The gallery is excellent. Is the Stone Heart from this collection?"

She pulls her head out of the room, turns around. The way the light and shadows fall, the eye-holes of her mask are dark, making her seem like a tin man. ... Tin woman.

Tin-y. Definitely a tin-y something.

The Oracle notes something of a change in Aryia and seems to regard her a moment. When Paenitia opens the door, she turns towards the lucht. "That is not a guest room, but storage. It is for old and broken things that no longer interest us... Yes, sister."

Turning back to Seyardu, she offers, smile warm in her voice if not so clear through her veil. "You could always reconsider." Her hands come up before her, adding gestures to her beseechment,"Think of your friends, and what they could accomplish with it..."

GAME: Thurid rolls spellcraft: (9)+6: 15
GAME: Seyardu rolls will+2: (10)+10+2: 22
GAME: Seyardu rolls spellcraft: (6)+5: 11

Finishing off that sugar cube, Dax finally wiggles her tongue about her mouth to make sure it's all goop free before opening it to speak. "Amiss? I don't miss often, but when I do, I jus' take a sip and I'm right as rain." She offers over to Seyardu, but does look up and over to Pae as she goes off to investigate other rooms. "There be some kind of food or other things down that way?" She walks forward a few steps as she heads off after the little knight, "Is there a reason we're all stickin' around if this 'ere crazy woman won't trade fer nothin' less than some people or a big bird? I'd be willing to trade, get our info, and than break free anyone we traded over. If that's an option?"

Aryia tears her gaze away from the headdress, her looking over at Dax from across the way. She blinks, then scowls. "Yes, it could have been, but now it's less so of an option. Thanks," hands chide, knowing full well they didn't understand what she was saying.

Then she looks back to see the Oracle speak... <Handspeech>

"It is the storage room." Paenita tells Dax, looking up as approaches. She adds quietly, "For the stone people."

She moves to behind the throne, going for the other portal and asking in loud tones, "Is this the door to the kitchen and guest room?"

Thurid glances back at Dax, and then sighs, and shakes her head, "No, no, she's right. I'm not good at subtlety, either." she looks back towards the Oracle. "You're hiding something under that veil. Not sure what, but something. You've asked for living people in trade. I'm beginning to think you have plenty of visitors but few of them leave." she says then, as she tightens the grip on her hammer once more. "It's about time you come clean, oracle. Just who are you?" she asks.

Seyardu squints, and takes a step back. "It is usually polite to state you are going to be using magic on someone before you do so, unless your intent is for ill, and you are hoping not to be discovered."

She glances over to where the lucht-knight is. "There are statues in there? This is concerning, and I agree with the others, that an explanation is in order."

"As you wish," the Oracle concedes, ignoring Paenitia's home exploration for the moment in favor of those questioning her. "Sister, our guests will be staying and providing gifts, both..."

It's then that her headdress comes alive and writhing. Perhaps not the -dress as the antlers remain unmoving, but what was coiled between them arises. Snakes. Why did it have to be snakes? Two of which detach and drop the Oracle's veil.

Her visage is not unattractive. It's the glowing eyes that most guests seem to take issue with.

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To Be Continued...


<OOC> Aryia says, "that sounds like a named weapon Paenitia would carry around. "The Loud Hola.""

<OOC> Aryia says, "thundering lance"

<OOC> Paenitia says, "heeheee..."

<OOC> Paenitia makes a note

Map: https://www.mipui.net/app/index.html?mid=ma92oh3jnps