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(Created page with "<div style="padding:5px; background-color:#e7eaea;"> == Log Info == *Title: Antikythera Lyceum Part 2 *Emitter: Subduction *Characters: Skielstregar, Ravenstongue, Vaera *Plac...")
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*Place: Rune
*Place: Rune
*Time: November 2nd, 2021
*Time: November 2nd, 2021
*Summary: Continuing on towards the college that went dark in Rune, the party goes through an eerie town made of stone, not many features about it standing out aside from a large Asylum that gives them the creeps. Still pressing onward, they head down the path towards the college, finding it was of similar make to the town. And the Asylum. It's also quiet here. Too quiet. After going through some doors and being on guard, Ravenstongue discovers that many of the tomes scattered about in the antechamber are missing diagrams, and missing references of gods, while Vaera notes many of the tables were taken out roughly. They move to the next room, only to find a strange statue made of books and tables erected in the center of a small study, surrounded by mages chanting. Skielstregar becomes quite interested in the statue, only to be shaken off by Vaera. They attempt to relocate the enchanted mages, only for fighting to break out. A strange worm is attatched to the mage's neck/skull, them yelling that it lets them see the stars when its removed. The some of the worms are removed, Ravenstongue punts one, mages are yelling, the statue is teetering. Who knows what will happen next?
== ==
== ==
<pre>-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Players -=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=
Ravenstongue 5'0" 99 Lb Half-Elf Female Short half-elf girl with violet eyes and black hair.
Skielstregar 7'2" 330 Lb Sith-Makar Male A tarnished bronze scale with fangs and empty eyes.
Vaera 7'0" 262 Lb Sith-Makar Female A tall, dark red Makari with a wooden leg.
-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= As the DM -=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=
Subduction Eating Continental Shelfs
And so, the intrepid adventurers filed their way out of the train. Damien leading the way- and giving them directions. The college is outside the town proper, there's a cobble road that leads through the woods on the edge of town and to the lakeside where it is situated, on the north side of the town. With that, their dashing- if someowhat dubious- guide departs, informing them he has business to attend to with the mayor, and he will be found in the town hall when they return, before taking his leave for that very place.
And so, the intrepid adventurers filed their way out of the train. Damien leading the way- and giving them directions. The college is outside the town proper, there's a cobble road that leads through the woods on the edge of town and to the lakeside where it is situated, on the north side of the town. With that, their dashing- if someowhat dubious- guide departs, informing them he has business to attend to with the mayor, and he will be found in the town hall when they return, before taking his leave for that very place.
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| Vaera.........| 32 | 37 |
| Vaera.........| 32 | 37 |
~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ </pre>
~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ </pre>

Latest revision as of 15:00, 3 November 2021

Log Info

  • Title: Antikythera Lyceum Part 2
  • Emitter: Subduction
  • Characters: Skielstregar, Ravenstongue, Vaera
  • Place: Rune
  • Time: November 2nd, 2021
  • Summary: Continuing on towards the college that went dark in Rune, the party goes through an eerie town made of stone, not many features about it standing out aside from a large Asylum that gives them the creeps. Still pressing onward, they head down the path towards the college, finding it was of similar make to the town. And the Asylum. It's also quiet here. Too quiet. After going through some doors and being on guard, Ravenstongue discovers that many of the tomes scattered about in the antechamber are missing diagrams, and missing references of gods, while Vaera notes many of the tables were taken out roughly. They move to the next room, only to find a strange statue made of books and tables erected in the center of a small study, surrounded by mages chanting. Skielstregar becomes quite interested in the statue, only to be shaken off by Vaera. They attempt to relocate the enchanted mages, only for fighting to break out. A strange worm is attatched to the mage's neck/skull, them yelling that it lets them see the stars when its removed. The some of the worms are removed, Ravenstongue punts one, mages are yelling, the statue is teetering. Who knows what will happen next?

-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=        Players    -=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=
Ravenstongue       5'0"     99 Lb      Half-Elf          Female    Short half-elf girl with violet eyes and black hair.                             
Skielstregar       7'2"     330 Lb     Sith-Makar        Male      A tarnished bronze scale with fangs and empty eyes.                        
Vaera              7'0"     262 Lb     Sith-Makar        Female    A tall, dark red Makari with a wooden leg.                         

-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=                  As the DM           -=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=
Subduction                    Eating Continental Shelfs                                                  

And so, the intrepid adventurers filed their way out of the train. Damien leading the way- and giving them directions. The college is outside the town proper, there's a cobble road that leads through the woods on the edge of town and to the lakeside where it is situated, on the north side of the town. With that, their dashing- if someowhat dubious- guide departs, informing them he has business to attend to with the mayor, and he will be found in the town hall when they return, before taking his leave for that very place.

Skielstregar waves their employer off, noting where to find them for later. He maneuvers his polearm to hang in its frog on his back, freeing his head. He looks over to the cobble road...

"Let usss be off then..." he murmurs, leading the way.

Vaera was quick to file off of the train, and was already looking around the village. "My thanks for the guidance and information." She offers before they depart, and she turns to the others. "Keep an eye out on the roads and buildings as we move. There may be information overlooked otherwise. And the people too, that we pass by." She states, doing such as they travel.

Ravenstongue looks nervously around the road with Pothy on her shoulder. "I guess it's just us now," she says, looking at Vaera and Skielstregar. She follows behind Skiel as he leads the way, maintaining a cautious and curious vigil as they go.

There's not a lot of folks about for the time of day- certainly less than one might expect. But then, the foggy and dreary weather may account for that. As the gorup pass along the main throughfare, they see much of what they might expect from such a town- a general store, a horse messenger's office, a blacksmith, a modest apothacary.

What strikes them as more unusual, though, is there is also a fairly large Asylum here- larger than you'd expect for the size of the town. Of course, there are those that believe that mountain air is good for the mind, so perhaps they admit patients from far and wide.

The building itself looms large, boxy and utalitarian in design. It has narrow windows, and is overgrown with crawling ivies in pale greens and blues. The fence, tall and sturdy, is brick for the lower few feet, topped with intricately crafted wrought iron bars, displaying a floral motif in the curled stretches of worked metal. It's large gates are shut, though lights are on in some of the windows. Perhaps visiting hours are not yet upon them.

Skielstergar raised a brow at the sight of the Asylum. A sigh leaves him, and he pulls his hood over his head. "... ensure thisss one doesssn't under up in a plassse like that..." he murmurs to the small party as they make their way to this college. But he notes it for later...

Ravenstongue stares at the asylum as she spots it, stopping for a moment in her tracks as she takes in the sight of the overgrown ivies in stark contrast to the sign of life inside. "If the outside is like that, I hate to think about the inside," she says with a shiver.

Vaera growls as she passes by the asylum. "An asylum is a prison with more oversight than one, but more room for questionable experiments and other tests." She states simply. "I fear for those there, but checking in on them is not for the moment. It is still odd to find such a large one here however, but the rails likely make travel and transport easy."

Soon the main thoroughfare gives way, and iron and wood signposts hang over the road to show the way- the College is well known, apparently, and afforded its own. The group head through the narrower streets along the side of the road, towards the edge of town.

The buildings give way to the cobble road that leads through the woods- the last building in the town proper is a coachhouse, though it is currently unattended, no coaches for hire today so it seems they will have to travel by foot. By Damien's account, it's not too far, perhaps a twenty minutes walk at a leisurely pace. The woods seem more vibrant than the town, though the fog clings here as well. The sounds of wild animals help to dispel some of the gloom- birds chirping in the trees, the occasional glimpse of a swift squirrel darting from branch to branch.

Skiel swivels his head about to see everything that passes by, frowning some as they go. "... isss thisss one the only one that thinkss this plassse isss a bit... empty? Dessspite how easssy it is to get here?" the half-dead makari points out, the fog swirling behind him from his large gait.

Ravenstongue nods in response to Skiel's comment, even copying his frown--although frowns translate differently from scales to flesh. "No, I agree," she replies to Skiel. "Nature reclaiming things seems to be a theme here."

Pothy looks around at the sound of birds, even puffing up his feathers. He's the only top bird around as far as he's concerned.

Vaera shakes her head, and chuffs. "It is certainly strange, it seems like many softskin towns, save for the asylum. Perhaps their income comes from housing people there, or from the college. But what our contact said concerns this one. They may be working on something that is a threat there."

The cobbled road seems well cared for, at least, mostly intact with only a few cracked cobbles or stubborn mosses here and there as they travel further from the town. It's on a modest- but certainly noticable- incline and takes a slightly winding path around rises in the ground. Natural foothills that border the mountain.

The trees once more grow sparse towards the end of their uneventful walk, and as though emerging from the mist all at once, the outer wall that borders the grounds of the college looms into view. Much like the Asylum wall, it is has a stone base with wrought iron bars. The gates are closed, though not barred or chained.

Skielstregar chuffs. "Mayhapsss, kin. Mayhapsss. Gird ourselves then." He's silent for the rest of the walk, talons clacking against the cobbled road as they go. Dead eyes blink as the wall appears almost out of no where from the veil of the mist. Spending a beat of a heart to take it in, he sighs.

"... thisss is it...?" he asks aloud before shaking his head, approaching the gate.

"I have a really bad feeling about this," Ravenstongue murmurs. With a motion of her hands and a soft murmur of arcane words, some magic washes over her form for a moment. A protection against whatever was waiting for them. Whoever was waiting for them, perhaps, if they were unlucky enough for that, too.

GAME: Ravenstongue casts Mage Armor. Caster Level: 3 DC: 15

"I do not like it either, it takes something bad to quiet a large amount of wizards at one time. They very much enjoy hearing their own voices and staying in correspondence usually." Vaera notes, taking time to check over her weapons and make sure they were loaded.

Skiel knocks on the gates. Waits for a moment. Then smacks his scaled forehead with a hand before pushing the gate open with a grunt. The gate groans as he does so. Opening slowly. Ominously. Spookily. "... stiff gatesss... hasssn't been used in a while..." he murmurs, stepping into the courtyard.

The gate gives with the firm shove, admitting them to the courtyard. The College is an ominous affair- and likely so even in the brght light of day. The architecture is very... brooding. Built of grey stone, much like most of the town, with an overhang that is reminiscent of castle machiculations- purely for show in this case- demarking the second floor. It's roof is steeply sloped and slated. Windows on the building show lantern light within.

Directly ahead are a pair of sturdy oak doors, painted in blue.

"No one likely coming out or in through the gates." Vaera agrees as she checks them before entering as well. "If anyone is leaving, it may be through alternative entrances."

She crouches down as they get closer to the building, looking for any signs of tracks on the grounds, or signs of entry through windows.

"I don't know if anyone is going out," Ravenstongue says, fear in her expression as she looks around. "I bet they're all stuck in there and either they don't realize they're trapped, or they don't want to leave." Her hands begin to tremble.

Pothy makes a sound like a sigh and nuzzles against Ravenstongue's cheek, which calms her down a little. Her hands stop shaking.

GAME: Vaera rolls survival +2: (3)+9+2: 14 (Favored Terrain)

Skiel sniffs the air, him glancing over his shoulder towards the sole softskin of the group. "... relaxsss, Ravenssstongue. Do not let the unknown grip your heart. Thisss one will keep you sssafe."

A reassuring thumbs up and a toothy smile follows after as he's slowly ambling his way towards the doors, slowing further as Vaera inspects the ground.

Ravenstongue looks at Skiel for a long moment as Pothy nuzzles her cheek. It's a look that communicates only one thing: "I'm trying not to look like I'm scared, but internally, I am screaming a little and I'm sorry." She follows him anyway, because she is small and physically a bit frail, while he's... big... and... ugh... the smell...

"If trouble happens, stay close, behind Skiel and between the two of us. That is likely safest." Vaera advises, before she lets out a frustrated growl. "I cannot tell if these grounds are frequented or not. Direct confirmation may be necessary."

Skiel thankfully doesn't smell too different from Vaera. Just a bit lizardy. It's just that uneasy aura of dread that softskins get to feel around him. He shakes his head. "No worriesss... Vaera speaksss wisssdom," he rumbles before striding up to the doors. "Thisss one will do ssso, Vaera."

Now THIS was a door he could knock on. A heavy fist clangs twice against the large double doors.

As soon as Skiel strikes the door, it opens as if by magic! Although, the explanation is rather more mundane than that. It was very slightly ajar, and the firm knocking causes it to swing open revealing the antechamber of the college. There are a few tables scattered about the room- but some seem to be missing. Likewise, there are books discarded on the floor, splayed open, pages torn. The lamps gutter, low on oil.

Ravenstongue looks around the room, curious to see what was torn out of the books based on the context of the remaining pages. "What did you take?" she murmurs quietly to herself.

GAME: Ravenstongue rolls Knowledge/Arcana: (9)+11: 20

Skiel blinks, him looking about the room with his scaled brows slowly pinching together. "... it looks like they left in a hurry... the lanternsss almossst out...? Thisss is recent."

He reaches behind him, taking the halberd off his back and resting it in both hands. "... ssstay vigilant..." the Warrior warns, stepping into the room properly as he quietly moves towards the next set of doors, pausing as the half-elf takes a gander at things.

Vaera sighs when Skielstregar knocks on the door. "That is best saved for those who are not actively hostile, we should be more careful moving forward. I do not expect us to be welcome here."

She sees Ravenstongue going to check the books and joins her. "That is a good idea, it seems they were left in a hurry, and may provide insight into what happened."

Following that, she checks the missing tables, looking for any clues as to where they were moved, to make up for her poor showing earlier

GAME: Vaera rolls perception +2: (18)+9+2: 29

"The missing pages... There's a pattern. According to what's left, the missing pages have illustrations of constellations, but they're not associated with the gods. None of the gods of the Eidolon Court, that is," Ravenstongue says, shelving the books or putting them away onto surfaces, properly closed. There's a reverence in the way she looks and holds the books, and even Pothy acts similarly, his blue eyes peering at everything she sees. "This is an astronomy college, so that's not out of the norm, but, well... It's odd."

"Perhapsss sssomeone wanted to burn the knowledge..." Skiel murmurs, standing watch at the door with his weapon in hand as he observes the two move about. "This doessn't add up. Thisss one fearsss we may have something on our handsss soon."

"Vaera turns to the tables instead, and her gaze narrows. She picks up a few large splinters, and holds them up so others can see. '"Something dragged of the tables, and not too gently. Many were broken, and not in any particular order, like the books."

She points in the firection of the doors Skiel was next to. "Through there. Perhaps they were being used for firewood, for some purpose."

Skiel looks between the two, his face hardening. "Prepare."

A large hand is placed on the door, he waits a beat for the two to be ready, and he slowly opens it to peer inside.

GAME: Skielstregar rolls will: (4)+2: 6

The room ahead is a large hall- well lit, compared to the antechamber, the lamps here clearly having been refueled more recently. Bookshelves dominate the area, extending from the walls at regular intervals- though the books on them are in disarray.

Directly ahead there is... something. A structure of some sort. A statue, perhaps? It seems to have been assembled from books, tables, chairs, fixtures. Seemingly random bits of furnishings, assembled meticulously. And seemingly completely at random, though it seems stable enough- some care must have gone into its construction. There seem to be patterns but they are tantalisingly difficult to follow amidst the chaos.

Surrounding this construction are a group of figures- humanoid, though their features are concealed in voluminous robes. At the far end of the room, a staircase leads upwards.

Skiel tilts his head at the sight, him blinking owlishly. "... never seen sssomething like thisss before..." he rumbles softly, stepping forward into the room. He passes by one of the robed people, him murmuring a 'excuse me' along the way as he crosses his arms and leans on his back foot and tail to look up at this work of modern art. He looks impressed by it, nodding in agreement with whatever deeper connotation the art belied.

Ravenstongue blinks as she notices Skiel going into the next room--and furthermore, saying 'excuse me' to the robed figures around the strange 'art piece' as she peers into the room. "What the--hold on, what is that?" she asks, following him onto the room.

GAME: Ravenstongue rolls Will: (15)+5: 20
GAME: Vaera rolls will: (19)+3: 22

Vaera quickly moves over to the door, and looks in, squinting further. "Please wait for us." She asks, but they are already within, and Vaera sighs. Even more when she peers inside the room, at the statue and strange people.

As you draw nearer, you notice the people are speaking. What they are saying is... another matter. The sounds they are producing are alien, strange. It's difficult to believe that human vocal chords could make them.

GAME: Skielstregar rolls perception-4: (11)+7+-4: 14
GAME: Vaera rolls perception +2: (4)+9+2: 15
GAME: Ravenstongue rolls Perception: (7)+4: 11

Skiel nods along, rubbing his scaled chin with a too-long talon. "... yes... yes.. I see... I get it no- wait, no, hold not yet... maybe if I.." He tilts his head sideways, pondering it that way.

"I don't know if we should let them keep talking," Ravenstongue says to Skiel, looking nervously between him and the figures. At least Skiel was on their side. Hopefully. "Remember, we're here to find out what's going on and why they haven't been communicating with the outside world."

"Yes, it seems we have found why they are not in contact with others." Vaera chuffs, before walking inside. "But if not in the outside world, how do they survive in here? This is not a new endeavor."

Rather abruptly, she grabs one of Skielstregar's arms, and pulls him away from the statue. "I do not know if trying to make sense of it like that is a good idea."

"No no, hold on, thisss one almost has it- ack!" Skiel is pulled away, him blinking his eyes and shaking his head. "... huh...?" It takes him a few moments, but his eyes suddenly sharpen. "... s... sssomething was messing with my head..."

The Robed figures seem entirely oblivious to the adventurers- they don't acknowledge their presence in any way. Though mostly concealed by the shadow of their hooded robes, it is clear their eyes are circled with dark bags and their skin pale and sallow- they look malnourished and sleep deprived.

Ravenstongue looks thoroughly disconcerted now that she gets a better look at the figures' faces. "I think... I think they need us to free them. They're lost in what they're doing. If they keep going, they might..." Her voice trails off. She doesn't need to say the rest.

"Yes, they may be stuck here until they perish from either sleep deprivation or malnutrition." Vaera answers despite perhaps being unecessary. "But I do not know what state their minds are in, or what is elsewhere in the building."

She looks at the statue for a moment, and chuffs. "It is made of wood, so failing anything else, it could be burnt down." She adds quietly to the others. "Do we try to get them away from the statue now, or look elsewhere first?

Skiel frowns as he starts to notice the people. Caution be dammed, they looked horrible. "Now. The Dragonfather wouldn't be happy if we left them like this while we ssssnooped around."

Using the haft of his polearm, he lays it flat against the trunk of one of the robed figures. Waiting a beat for the others to be ready, he gently, yet firmly, shoves them.

The figure offers little resistance to being pushed back- however, the moment pressure is no longer applied, he begins attempting to approach the statue once more, moving around the halberd if needed, but otherwise remaining entirely fixated on the construction.

"We need to destroy that statue," Ravenstongue says quietly as she watches the man simply get back in line. She raises her hands to begin to cast magic. "We should attack all at once."

"If you say so, then I agree." Vaera chuffs, watching the seemingly cultist return back to place. "We may need to forcibly stop them from returning to the statue. With rope, perhaps. And then yes, I do not wish to linger around this statue. Weapons may work, but burning it down may be necessary, and this building is stone anyways. Or we can try tearing it down by hand, but I worry about touching it directly. There is some strange magic at play, here."

Skiel nods in agreement. "Rope it is. Thisss one doesssn't mind swinging at its base like a tree, topple to towards the entrace so we don't damage any books. SSSecure them in the entrance room."

He gets some rope, and gets to work moving them out of the room to where they came from.

The cowled figures finally seem to start paying attention once the topic of removing them more firmly from their statue comes into play. They suddenly move, the three of them scattering away from the Adventurers and murmuring in that strange language still. Their forms shimmer, covered in a layer of protective magics.

GAME: Vaera rolls cmb: (19)+5: 24 (Grapple)

It turns out the people were not as unresponsive as expected, and they move away, but not likely to escape the statue's influence. She growls and lunges for the nearest robed figure, pinning their arms. "Either subdue them, or break the statue now. But be careful, there may be more elsewhere still!" she calls out to the other two.

GAME: Ravenstongue rolls ranged: (15)+3: 18
GAME: Ravenstongue rolls 1d3: (3): 3
<OOC> Subduction says, "No damage."

Ravenstongue tries to do exactly what Vaera's asking and to destroy the statue. She throws her hand out and throws out some cold magic at the statue, but... It doesn't do anything. Ravenstongue curses for a moment under her breath. "Mister Skielstregar, take the statue and I'll handle the cultists!" she calls out.

<OOC> Subduction says, "Attempts to break free of the grapple."
GAME: Subduction rolls 0: (14)+0: 14
<OOC> Subduction says, "And fails."

The mage grasped firmly by Vaera tries to wriggle free of the grip of the Sith-Makar. It's clear he was never particularly beefy, and gods know how many days of sleep deprivation and eating little if anything has done him no favors. His writhing is ineffective, and his arms remain pinned. His struggling does acheive one thing, however- the cowl of his cloak falls back, revealing a disturbing sight.

Wrapped around his neck is a fleshy, pale blue, slimy... thing. It looks a little like somewhere between an eel and a slug. Fatter at one end than the other. And its circular maw is latched firmly onto the back of the wizard's skull.

GAME: Skielstregar rolls weapon13: (4)+7: 11
GAME: Skielstregar rolls damage13+3: aliased to 1d10+4+3: (8)+4+3: 15

Skielstregar gasps. "Get that worm off of them!" he yells, bringing the axe end of his weapon down on the tower.

<OOC> Subduction says, "The mages each cast magic missile, one at each of you."
<OOC> Subduction says, "Skiel, Vaera, Raven"
GAME: Subduction rolls 1d4+1: (3)+1: 4
GAME: Subduction rolls 1d4+1: (3)+1: 4
GAME: Subduction rolls 1d4+1: (1)+1: 2

Those not grappled seem incensed by the attempts to damage their statue, their strange alien speech raising in timber and volume as they lift their hands up in unison. Points of light appear in each of their right palms, before lashing out across the room and slamming into the three adventurers, searing their skin with balls of force.

GAME: Vaera rolls knowledge/dungeoneering: (4)+5: 9
GAME: Vaera rolls cmb: (13)+5: 18

Vaera was about to continue tying up the wizard, when the hood falls off, and she finds a strange looking wormlike creature on their neck. While she was not sure if it would do more harm pulling it off, the request, and concern what it may do when reveale has her pulling the toothy mouth off of the neck, leaving it in her hand, unsure how best to deal with it.

She holds it in sight of the others, so they would be aware of its presence. "This one is off, I do not know if there are more! But the others are likely afflicted similarly. Watch yourselves, as well!"

The wizard's eyes suddenly come into focus when the creature is ripped off of him. And then they go wide. "No. NO!" he cries out desperately, "I'll forget! I'll forget everything!" he cries out, "I could see, I could see them. I could hear the stars!" he cries out, his thrashing even more violent, but no more effective.

GAME: Ravenstongue casts Magic Missile. Caster Level: 3 DC: 15
GAME: Ravenstongue rolls 1d4: (2): 2
GAME: Ravenstongue rolls 1d4: (4): 4

Ravenstongue is still a novice at casting damaging magic. That much is evident from the way her hands quiver, and the expression of pure concentration on her face as she tries to line up the right shot, the equivalent of a magical surgical strike... And she succeeds, her arcane bolts inflicting heavy damage into the neck-creature on one wizard, but it's not dead. Not yet.

Pothy bellows happily for Ravenstongue. "Atta girl!" he says, like a father way too proud of his infant daughter.

GAME: Subduction rolls 0: (2)+0: 2

The mage writhing in Vaera's grip lashes out, trying to scratch at her scales- but he is a puny mage, and has little hope of harming the Sith-Makar with his scratching, clawing hands, no matter how desperate. "Put it back! Give me back my eyes!" he howls in her face.

GAME: Skielstregar RAGES!, gaining +2 to melee attack/damage/Will saves and 6 temporary HP
GAME: Skielstregar rolls weapon13: (11)+9: 20
GAME: Skielstregar rolls damage13+3: aliased to 1d10+6+3: (6)+6+3: 15

Skiel watches as a bolt hits him in the side, his brows knitting, but what sets him off is watching one crash into Vaera, and into the one her promised to keep safe.

There's a familiar glint in his eye. "Vaera. Raven... I..." he warns, a red glint in his eye growing brighter as his fangs become longer, talons sharpening and lengthening. "... your false idols will CRUMBLE!"


An aura of dread comes from the man, him shoving his weight into the swing at full force. Face set in a snarl, mana infused ichor leaking from his double fanged maw. He looked just like an undead being of nightmares.

He runs on all threes towards one of the mages, him skidding to a halt and holding the weapon poised. "Ceassse thisss!" he snarls.

GAME: Subduction rolls 1: (4)+1: 5 (acid splash)
GAME: Subduction rolls -3: (1)++-3: -2 (EPIC FAIL)
GAME: Subduction rolls -3: (18)++-3: 15
GAME: Subduction rolls 1d3: (1): 1

The mages still posessed continue their assault on the adventurers. The one Skiel lashes out at leaps back a pace, and then holds out his hand once more- a glob of green, sticky ichor forms in his palm, and lashes out- right past the Sith and hitting the books on the bookshelf past him, sizzling and bubbling as the pages turn black and begin to dissolve.

Another makes his way to the south- he and the one already there both launch globs at Vaera, one falling wide and sizzling against the floor- the other hits her, stining the flesh but doing little harm.

GAME: Vaera rolls cmb +5: (12)+5+5: 22 (pinning)

Vaera grunts when the acid burns against exposed scales, coupled with the impact from before. Struggling with the mage, she has to drop the worm, and move instead to shove the wizard to the ground roughly, more out of a need to move quickly than any unkindness. "A worm lets you see stars. You need time to heal, do not let that thing cloud your mind again." She growls, keeping an eye on the one from before. "Do not let that thing get close!" She shouts, gesturing to the worm on the ground with her tail.

GAME: Ravenstongue rolls ranged: (8)+3: 11

Ravenstongue doesn't like the look of that weird worm-eel thing on the floor at all, especially with how Vaera is yelling not to get close. She attempts to freeze it where it is on the floor, but... Well, it's a worm, and the adrenaline is a little too high in her veins. Her ray of frost magic just makes the floor slightly wintry for a second.

Pothy just stares at Ravenstongue. "Really?" he asks, in her own voice. Ravenstongue rolls her eyes and sighs.

GAME: Ravenstongue rolls unarmed: (14)+2: 16 (fixed it)
GAME: Ravenstongue rolls damage0: aliased to 1d3+1: (1)+1: 2
GAME: Subduction rolls 3: (4)+3: 7

The slithering worm thing approaches Ravenstongue, sliding along the ground in undulating motions. She kicks it- its boneless body squelching wetly, but it is undeterred and its circular, tooth lined maw opens before it launches towards Ravenstongue- but misses her, hopping past the extended leg.

GAME: Subduction rolls 0: (15)+0: 15

THe wizard continues to squirm in his increasingly restrictive bear hug, "Noo! You fools! You blind, simple fools!" he howls, face down on the floor. "You'll ruin everything!"

GAME: Skielstregar rolls weapon13-4: (15)+9+-4: 20 (Nonlethal)
GAME: Skielstregar rolls damage13+3: aliased to 1d10+6+3: (7)+6+3: 16

The directive has changed slightly, Skielstregar leaning off to the side to spy his companions having a bit of trouble. He hacks, coughing up black ichor before he snarls at the one that shot at him. He barrels around the statue, bringing up his wicked weapon high. There's a deathly gleam. The axe falls... bringing death...

The flat of the polearm turns at the last second and downbats the wrom right off the wizard's neck. "CEASE. YOUR. FOOLISHNESS!" he roars in their face.

To be continued...
-End Scene-


Map: https://www.mipui.net/app/index.html?mid=mlsd610bbdg

 |     Name      |  CHP (T) |  HP  |
 | Ravenstongue..|   16     |  18  |
 | Skielstregar..|   25 +6  |  29  |
 | Vaera.........|   32     |  37  |