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*Title: No Charn, No Foul (pt. 4)
*Title: No Charn, No Foul (pt. 4)
*Emitter: Whirlpool
*Emitter: Whirlpool
*Characters: Lysos, Aryia, Seyadru, Ednaz
*Characters: Lysos, Aryia, Seyadru, Edinaz
*Place: The Charnese Colonies, Hextus
*Place: The Charnese Colonies, Hextus
*Time: October 23rd, 2021
*Time: October 23rd, 2021

Revision as of 06:01, 24 October 2021

Log Info

  • Title: No Charn, No Foul (pt. 4)
  • Emitter: Whirlpool
  • Characters: Lysos, Aryia, Seyadru, Edinaz
  • Place: The Charnese Colonies, Hextus
  • Time: October 23rd, 2021
  • Summary:

-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=  Appearing, in Order  =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=
Lysos        5'6"     105 Lb     Human/Tsuran      Female    Dark eyed tsuran girl.
Aryia        4'8"     110 Lb     Shadow Elf        Female    A heavily scarred mul with a resolved look about her.                                                                                 
Seyardu      5'6"     150 Lb     Sith-Makar        Female    A friendly silver sith-makar with a perpetual squint.     
Edinaz       6'10"    296 Lb     Half-Orc          Male      Grey-skinned half-oruch, extensive black ink.

"Well!" Lysos claps her hands once, as though to try and shed her trepidation. "As my nan would say, you've already stepped in the mud." She takes a deep breath, and while she certainly doesn't seem relaxed, there's a firmness in her shoulder that... yes, is entirely artificial. But sometimes that's the first step to making it real. "So we're looking for food?"

Aryia is demure, and silent. She follows in Jinks's wake, hands folded in front of her. She glances to Lysos, her sighing and shrugging. She hazards speaking. "... food. Board. Information. It's what the mas- he. Wants." Caught herself that time. <Handspeech>

It is indeed wdhat you want, and what you need. The Dominion 'bustles', but there's definitely an uneasy tension in the air. It's like everyone knows something is coming. They're just waiting to find out *which* thing is coming. The predominantly human populace seems to be keeping busy, everyone putting on their bravest faces, but the increased militarization and the ongoing shipments and work seems to be taking its toll. The edge is there. Just ... there.

"Yes, we should go and see about finding some food to share, and a place to sleep for the night." Seyardu nods, looking through the group. "I know I do not know you all well, but we are in strange lands, and should stick together."

With Jinks leading the way, it is not surprising that you're able to find the lowest class, roughest of th rough locales. The kind of place frequented by thieves, ruffians, and Jinks.

In any event, it is quiet here. Too quiet, even if its open. Seems that the kind of people who dwell in places like this are nervous too.

Aryia knows what to do in a situation like this. It's automatic, muscle memory. She opens the door for the party, looking to the floor and no where else. Anything handed to Jinks to taken by Aryia to hold. If they sit, chairs are pulled out for them and she doesn't sit. Let the silver tongues do the information gathering while she plays her part.

As Aryia continues with the act, Lysos finds herself growing more discontent. One thing to make it past a bureaucrat with the story.. but here? "Hey. Don't think you need to keep pretending that here." Her fingers sign, and she tries to smile for the mul. "It's not like they bought the cover he came up with for me, after all." She doesn't sit right away herself, looking around at the sullen, tense patrons instead.. as if trying to decide if it's worth rousing any of them. <handspeech>

Seyardu looks out of place, but in such a wretched hive of scum and villainy, looking like you were trying to hard to fit in could easily be a bad thing. So she sat down at the table casually, looking around the tavern. "It's certainly strange to see a place such as this so quiet." She says quietly to the table. "Things are not right."

Aryia looks up only just enough to catch the hands speaking to her. "... the problem is his cover was actually almost spot on to what actually happened to me," she slowly gestures back, glancing high enough to catch the smile. A ghost of one flicks across her own lips, but goes away. She glances about, nodding in agreement, but doesn't say much more.<Handspeech>

Edinaz scowls, looking around. I mean, it's a hive of scum and villainy. Who smiles?

"These people need something to shake them up, I think, otherwise we might not get much out of them," Lysos suggests quietly.. and when she does take a seat, she pushes one out for Aryia, looking at the woman.. well, not pointedly. BUt, you know, pointedly. As if to say that it isn't who she is, now. "Maybe something to entertain them? Get them to forget about whatever's pushing down on everyone's spirits? Get some drink flowing.. maybe get some people talking."

Aryia sits as she's offer the chair, her folding her shoulders together to take up as little space possible. "... and what do you suggest?" she asks of Lysos. "I'm terrible at entertaining people." <Handspeech>

GAME: Lysos rolls perform/dance: (13)+9: 22
GAME: Edinaz rolls acrobatics: (19)+8: 27
GAME: Aryia rolls acrobatics: (3)+16: 19
GAME: Seyardu rolls diplomacy: (15)+15: 30

Lysos abruptly rises from her chair. "Well," she tells jinks. "Think you can sing us something lively?" she asks before deliberately making her way to an empty, raised area. There's a breath of hesitation before she grips her skirts and determinedly steps up on to it, moving to its center before turning around to look at the room. There are likely few eyes upon her, considering the mood of the place, which helps some. A few buttons get undon along the sides of her skirts, freeing them to 'floof' a little bit more. Then she nods to Jinks. Once the singing begins, the takes a few moments to accustom herself to the song's rhythm.. and then she moves. Slowly, at first, but eventually getting into the swing of it, a dance that combines a considerable amount of foot work and hip movement.. accented by twirls which have her skirts flair out, assisted by her hands swishing them too and fro. As she dances she does her best to tune out everything but the song.. at least until it's done.

Edinaz takes off his swordbelt, and leaves it by Jinks -- eye of the hurricane, right? Then he's up and he's not so much dancing as turning flips and handstands to the music. In reality, it's a harsh workout from the Korite temples, but set to music, well -- he can at least pretend its artistic. If nothing else, it's athletic!

Aryia gulps as everyone starts to get ready to rouse a dreary, tense pub. This was not her field of expertise. At all. Perhaps her nerves worked for the best, it meant it lacked confidence she was supposed to be sapped of. She sighs as others start, watching Lysos's movements, and Edinaz's tumbling. Perhaps she could do the latter, the former was only good through an absolute fluke in the past with a different set of dark eyes on her that spurred her heart.

Dark eyes that reminded her that she was here for a reason.

She stands as well, her following Lysos up to empty spot with Edinaz.

She watches him for a moment, dumbfounded by his bust-a-moves. Glances are taken between Lysos and him. Well, shit, she'd rather be a fool doing something she was somewhat decent at rather than stepping on Lysos's feet.

The runaway slave ends up following in Edinaz's footsteps: flips and handstands. And it's only halfway through she realizes...

Oh.. hells. This is a workout. She's locked in. And sweating.

Well, it seemed like everyone was set on their courses. Seyardu was not coordinated, or good at performing, but she was hopefully decent enough at speaking to people. Who knew, perhaps being a non enslaved sith-makar in Charn would help them to fit in among all these people. After all, any willing to step into charn had to be either insane or of ill repute, right? She orders a drink, and finds a seat to watch the show, chatting with a few people about work to be done in the city, and current hang ups that may be getting in the way of that.

To be honest, no one seems to be batting an eyelash at the Sith being present. Assuredly, they are slaves frequently, but free ones must not be unknown if no one is caring even a little. And no one is.

On the whole, the antics get some bewildered stares, but it goes from bewildered to entertained in relatively short order. Dreary and tense, yes, but not amused and less dreary and still tense. But amused. Amused is good.

Aryia gets some stares, as do the rest of you. It's just how it is.

Finally, someone drops into a chair across from Jinks.

Stares at him.

"All right. You've got my attention. Who the hell are you and what are you doing in a place like this, oi?"

Edinaz is going to finish his damned workout first, dammit. He looks up from a handstand as the person drops into the chair, and just /glares/ at Jinks. DONT STOP THE BEAT.

The plop into the chair makes Aryia fall over from her handstand, ass over teakettle as she thuds roughly against the floor on her back. She's sweating buckets and heaving large breaths. Damn. Maybe she needs to go to a Korite temple. Muscles were worked out she didn't even know she had.

She just lays there. Content with being a staring target for now as she silently groans in pain.

-End Scene-