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The greeting pulls her out, makes her set those thoughts aside for later, "Hello Lanier, Peace on your nest. Yes. For the ones we failed to save when the giant ooze burst forth."
The greeting pulls her out, makes her set those thoughts aside for later, "Hello Lanier, Peace on your nest. Yes. For the ones we failed to save when the giant ooze burst forth."
Then the dragon immediately has her attention, "Yes! Fish! Uh... Malik! Can you do that feast spell that Mikilos does?"
Then the dragon immediately has Cryo's attention, "Yes! Fish! Uh... Malik! Can you do that feast spell that Mikilos does?"
"Yes. Yes I am." says Arngrim in response to Halani, apparently quite aware of this fact, "Among Giantborn at least, which means among the rest of you. Comparable to some other Giants and Giant Kin. Less so compared to the Ancestral Jotun and elemental Jotun and so on." Well at least he has a sense of scale.
"Yes. Yes I am." says Arngrim in response to Halani, apparently quite aware of this fact, "Among Giantborn at least, which means among the rest of you. Comparable to some other Giants and Giant Kin. Less so compared to the Ancestral Jotun and elemental Jotun and so on." Well at least he has a sense of scale.

Latest revision as of 16:52, 26 April 2020

It's a beautiful day. The sort of day for hanging around outside and enjoying the warmth of the sun as it shines down. The temple district is busy. Which isn't surprising given that there's been so much construction and cleanup going on after the events that went down here a few days ago. Much has been repaired and cleaned up however. Alexandria moves on and in a few more days the only way you'll be able to tell that anything happened here is the piles of flowers and offerings left near the fountain which is still undergoing repairs. Even with all the temples around, people have left their remembrances here of all places. Teddy bears, candles, flowers. All are uncomfortable reminders of the fact that lives were lost in the horrible recent attacks.

Malik is near the center of the square, leaning against a ruined marble pillar that may or may not be awaiting magical repair. The wizard-or-whatever stares at the fountain, leaning against one of the marble pillars as he dances a coin across the backs of his fingers mindlessly, eyes scanning over the various offerings that have been left for those lost. He only barely seems to notice any of the work going on around him, that gaze distant and far-away.

Cryosanthia is outside and relaxed for the first time in days. The white-scaled sith-makar looks happy and energized, and fully restored. She successfully found Zeke and got him to lie down, and the remaining heals she needed. That mission accomplished she's come outside, to get some air and work up visiting the Temple of Eluna. With her is the Paladin, Kira, a recent confidant.

Business, wanderlust, and other assorted obligations have taken Arngrim elsewhere for the past half a season. As such.. hearing word and rumor of any 'incident' is news to him and so a mixture of curiosity and concern brings him into the temple district of Alexandria and then directly towards the fountain which seems to have garnered the bulk of the attention of the local populace. The Giantborn's approach isn't subtle though he takes some care to not trample anyone and the locals do their best to make way for him as well, parting like sheep having to suddenly make due with a massive ox wandering through their pasture.

His vast shadow soon falls over Malik as he draws near towards the fountain and he seems oblivious to the mans contemplative and distant look as he brusquely rumbles, "What is it that happened here? An accident? Or something more?"

Darius walks towards the temples in the district with purpose, he's managed to get a standard eyepatch to put over his ruined eye and he looks around with his good eye. He had spoken to Stirling about getting an artifice replacement for his ruined orb, but was told it would take several days to prepare and so he was forced to come here to apologize to Kira for causing her to sacrifice her own eye when it should be him that suffered that fate.

"Scud, you're big," Halani blurts out when the sun is suddenly blotted out from the sky by Arngrim's arrival by the fountain. She, too, was waiting.. waiting for, like many, an opportunity for an attempt to be made at curing her of her condition. Her dusky skin is pale, her eyes are red, and her nose runs a little bit.. but otherwise seems little the worse for wear besides the shaved patch on the side of her head.

Kira sit with Cryosanthia and enjoys the sunshine, and the company. Both have proven to be bright, pleasant reminders of new days, and moving forward. The restoration progress is, too. The offerings for the lost are... not as pleasant, but not entirely somber; they show that people were loved, won't be forgotten, and that there is an assuring unity in that.

Lanier has exited the Temple of Gilead, done with the business of this trip. He pauses outside the entrance to the temple to take a long look around. Spotting a gathering beginning to form in the square, Lanier begins wondering over towards it with a pace that lacks anywhere else to be on a day like this. As he approaches, he raises a hand to Kira and Cryosanthia, giving them a simple greeting of "Hello." After a moment, he gestures towards the remnants of the fountains, or more specifically, the offerings, "For the departed?"

Malik seems to snap out of whatever reverie held him as Arngrim approaches, the coin seeming to mostly just disappear, though it's almost certainly sleight of hand. "Accident," he repeats, the word feeling strange. "No. Not so much," he sighs. "Very purposeful." He glances over at the abnormally-giant giant, offering a small smile. "I would say that you missed all the fun, but -- fun was not so much had, really." Quickly scanning the crowd, he sees a few familiar faces, notably the stranger from the encounter a few days ago -- and a somewhat less strange face. Glancing over at Halani, his smile fades a bit. "It seems that your luck may be even worse than mine. Impressive."

There's a little flicker of sunlight rushing across the temple district. No. Not sunlight. A tiny golden figure. It stops, hovering by one of the priests and querying. "Fish?" The priest stares for a moment then shakes his head only to send the little dart of gold off again. "Fish?" The little voice asks the next person, and as it draws closer you realize that it's a tiny golden dragon. Flitting around the temple district begging for fish. Finally the little dragon - no bigger than your average housecat - lands on the edge of the fountain and stares into the pooling water with a mournful expression. "Fish?"

Cryosanthia lets her gaze drift down on the offerings. They hurt to look at, especially the small ones or toys that indicate some children were unable to escape. Her tail coils about her legs, she makes a low, deep humming in her throat and reaches to hold onto Kira's hand. Her grip is tight. She's still and expressionless, emphasizing with the losses. Too many. The cruel message is hard to ignore; all the magic in the world cannot undo a tragedy. She feels it hit again.

The greeting pulls her out, makes her set those thoughts aside for later, "Hello Lanier, Peace on your nest. Yes. For the ones we failed to save when the giant ooze burst forth."

Then the dragon immediately has Cryo's attention, "Yes! Fish! Uh... Malik! Can you do that feast spell that Mikilos does?"

"Yes. Yes I am." says Arngrim in response to Halani, apparently quite aware of this fact, "Among Giantborn at least, which means among the rest of you. Comparable to some other Giants and Giant Kin. Less so compared to the Ancestral Jotun and elemental Jotun and so on." Well at least he has a sense of scale.

He looks back to Malik and considers his words, "Not an accident then? Deliberate? By whom? Why?" he considers his own questions and then says, "My apologies. I assume you know more then perhaps you should. Though in my experiences the people of Alexandria can sometimes be well informed." He then looks back to Halani, "Is it this..plague..I was told of when I was here last? Are you in pain?"

The flicker catches Pelka's eye and he turns to look. His beak falls open slightly. He turns his head to watch the dragon's progress and then when it finally stops on the fountain, Pelka stirs into motion himself. He drops down from his seat on the temple wall and lands on the plaza. Then he walks towards the dragon, slowly. "Hello," he raises a hand in greeting as he approaches the dragon. "Can I help you? Are you...are you lost?"

Kira just tries to be the helping hand Cryosanthia needs at the moment, even if it is literally just a hand. She turns with the greeting to Lanier and now lifts her free hand to wave to him. "Hello. How are you?" As the sith answered his other question, she simply nods in confirmation.

The dragon looks up, a perfect, tiny golden dragon. Eyes like big golden moons peer up and her voice warbles. "Fish?" Pleadingly. She sounds so sad. "Iamnotlost. Iamlooking. Forfish." Her voice is lightning fast. Almost too fast to follow. She's landed in a patch of sunlight which dances on her scales and makes her shine all the brighter.

Malik raises an eyebrow as the dragon approaches, that ghost of a smile coming back -- that is, until Cryosanthia asks about the spell in question. He blinks at the white Sith-Makar, noting the others that she's with as he gives them a nod of greeting as well. "Kira," he starts. "Lanier," he offers, catching the name and repeating it back. "That spell, I'm afraid," he answers coolly, "usually comes with something of a mansion attached. It may be a bit conspicuous here, I think. And perhaps a touch disrespectful. It would, after all, ruin the offerings." He turns his attention back to the dragon, considering. "Though I'm not against buying it a fish, I suppose. It seems that hard times have fallen on everyone. Even -- tiny, magical creatures." To Arngrim, he answers, "It's a long story. Very long. We'll talk of it later. You'll need a drink."

Lanier nods his head to Cryosanthia, "Peace on your nest." He then looks towards Kira, his head tilting for a moment, "Not so bad." He turns to look back over his shoulder, his lips pursing until he looks back towards Cryosanthia, "I'll return in a moment." He walks his way towards the edge of the fountains, where the offerings are placed, and reaches into his pocket. He removes round, leather encasement, opening up the cover and placing it down on the ground with the other offerings. A compass. He turns the compass until the rose is indicating north, and then stands back up. He looks towards the dragon, raising his eyebrow for a moment, before he turns his attention to the dragon. That's not something you see every day. He narrows his eyes, and then asks, "Are you looking for a fish to eat?"

All sith-makar are interested in dragons, and the white-scaled one in wizard robes is no exception. Cryosanthia is excited and vibrating, she's been wanting to meet this dragon for a long time. Still holding onto Kira's hand she drags her to her feet as she stands. "She eats a lot of fish, a wagon of fish! We could move somewhere Malik, so it's not disrespectful? I don't know where to get a wagon of fish."

"So big..." Halani just whispers in response to Arngrim's explanation, holding up her hands, apart from each other, and peering at him between them as if trying to get a sense of that very scale. Ultimately she has to shake her head in defeat. And take a few steps away. Not that the giant seems in any danger of toppling, but better to be safe... Malik's attention and question draw her, then, and she nods to him and Arngrim when the latter expresses his curiosity. "Yes and yes... but hey, what doesn't kill me makes me stronger, right?"

The islander monk shrugs, as if to dismiss it.. a trial to be endured. Her attention moves then to the dragon. "There are fishmongers by the docks, I bet. Or in the food section of the trade district."

Kira was a little late in noticing the little, sparkling dragon. Though, in her defense, she has a partial excuse. She's only just turning, having caught reference in the sith's words, when Cryo is standing and Kira is yoinked upright, too. "Oh!" Now she spies it. "Fish? Mmm... what about the river? They aren't in wagons, but there should be fish there... or the docks!" she adds, after another suggests it.

The Giantborn brute just sort of ..stares at the dragon. Arngrim blinks a few times and then muses to himself, "Hm..yes...definently back in Alexandria.." as if he needed to see something truly outrageous or bizarre happen to confirm this fact. He falls silent and just sort of watches quietly before answering, "I will need a drink over your story? I think I am needing a drink right now. Is this a baby dragon? Does this not imply that a parent must be nearby?" He gives Halani a sympathetic look but then returns to observing the dragon.

The dragon blinks and preens. Wraps her tail around herself to show it off to good advantage. She delicately flexs her tiny claw and leans toward Lanier. "Yessss. Eatthefish! Iamveryhungry! Peoplesfeed?" She querries quietly, obviously hopefully. Every word that indicates that you might be offering her fish soon has her leaning even more forward until she's perched rather precariously on the edge of the ruined fountain with sharp interest in her eyes.

GAME: Arngrim rolls perception: (17)+15: 32
GAME: Cryosanthia rolls perception: (18)+5: 23
GAME: Pelka rolls perception: (10)+18: 28
GAME: Malik rolls Perception: (11)+20: 31
GAME: Lanier rolls Perception: (10)+11: 21

"Know of," Cryosanthia answers Pelka, "Kaelyn told me about her. She met her in the Market. She's... it's always good to be friendly to dragons. Yes! We'll get you something." The sith calls out to her.

GAME: Halani rolls perception: (18)+23: 41

A plume of smoke appears on the other side of the fountain, one that quickly clears as a handsome man in rather understated robes quickly exits cursing quietly to himself.

Lanier turns his head to see the plume of smoke, his eyebrows knitting together as the Ranger seems to just wait for the other shoe to drop. When the robed man appears, cursing to himself, Lanier seems almost disappointed. With a grunt, he calls across the wreckage of the fountain, "Hey! You got any fish? Asking for a friend..."

Malik looks to Cryosanthia, laughing brightly. "That could be done," he agrees. "Or, perhaps, we could simply find a fish vendor and start there? It seems the more practical route, at least." He glances at the gold dragon, about to answer others -- but then that plume of smoke appears, and once again all trace of mirth is lost as he tenses ever so slightly, taking a reflexive step back.

"Hrmmm.." Arngrim's unintelligible rumble can be construed as something of a warning given the way his vast body tenses up like an earthquake of sinew in its thick dense movements. His hand lifts up to curl around the haft of his massive club like Greathammer and he grips it with a creaking tensing sound of straining and stretching leather..but he doesn't remove the weapon just yet.

"Such an arrival is hardly a good sign, especially in a place like this." he intones. "What goes on here? Alexandria is as chaotic as ever. A dragon and now this."

Kira only sees a portion of the black smoke across the fountain, but black stuff plus fountain is enough to make her reflexively startle. It's a moment before she actually takes in the man that appears, and relaxes. She offers a wave and a "Hello!" to the man, since her initial nervous reaction was obviously unwarranted.

Pelka looks at the smoke and then back at the dragon. He does step a bit closer now, but only so that he can lower his voice and still talk to her. "Yes, we can help you with fish," he head-bobs affirmatively. He glances towards the newly arrived figure and begins to speak more quickly, as if some Avian instinct tells him the time for casual conversation is almost over. "It's nice to meet a dragon. I saw a silver dragon once outside the city but there were so many people there to see her I never even got close. Or to speak with her." He pauses, catches his breath and then concludes, "My name is Pelka."

Cryo nods to Malik. She's moving closer to the small gold dragon, careful of Arngrim's sudden movements. She holds her hand out like a perch, approaching, waving her hand enticingly. "This one is Cryosanthia. I'll carry you to a Fish Monger if you like."

Halani's nose wrinkles and she whirls, facing the smoke.. then she bares her teeth. "I remember..." she starts to say. She immediately draws her cloth strips from beneath her sash, then pushes her bracelets out of the way to start wrapping her fists.. the action slows when she sees it's only a man who steps out of the smoke.

"Fish?" The man asks, his voice deep. It's an authoritative voice. One that you know is used to giving out commands and being listened to. He stops and then his eyes land on the little golden dragon and he startles significantly. Stares at her as if she's got six heads. "Ah. That is. I'm not a cleric to go about making feasts." His eyes flicker between Halani and Arngrim and he smiles a very friendly, calm smile and holds up his hands in a manner to show himself unarmed. "I don't suppose anyone here has a handy gate or planeshift spell?"

"I am Tanithariairisixchel." Says the dragon helpfully. The man winces at her name and she peers at him thoughtfully for a moment before ignoring him entirely. "AndIwouldverymuchlikefish."

Kira's waving hand lowers at the comment from Cryosanthia and she gives her a nod. So the sudden arrival gets a little more scrutiny. Kira alway tends to assume the best, but her friend has a valid concern.

"No. At least..I do not." says Arngrim. His own voice a deep rumble but more passive at the moment then commanding as he relaxes his tension upon seeing the seeming friendly nature of the man, "Hmm..I am thinking that is probably a very expensive sort of thing to just have on you but..I wouldn't be surprised if someone turned up in Alexandria with some sort of planeshift machine!"

Lanier casts a non-plussed look at the robed man, looking back towards the dragon, "Well, Tanithararifarafobannanafannafofanafeefifofana, it seems you may have arrived in the wrong part country for fish. They generally tend to stay in rivers, and fish markets, and the like."

"Tanitharial...Tanithariar..." Pelka pauses and then tries again. "Tanithariairisixchel," he finally manages, slowly and carefully. "I'm happy to meet you." He glances towards the man. He scans the faces of the other adventurers quickly to see if any of them show any signs that they can cast the desired spells. Then he looks back at Tanithariairisixchel the dragon. "You mean to say, you want fish here? Right here? You aren't willing to go the market...?" His head jerks back and forth between strange man and dragon (who might also be strange but Pelka can't really say).

Kira grip on Cryosanthia's hand tightens notable, and she turns to give her a concerned look, her smile all but gone. Her words are soft and worried. "Very. You may be right. We need to get people away from here."

Halani doesn't stop wrapping her fists and wrists, finishing them up and knotting them in place. Then she shakes her arms to settle her bracelets back in place. "Tanith... yeah, Tanith." Nope, she's not even going to try reproducing that dragon's name. She has a hard enough time as it is some days. "Please stay away from that man."

"Peace on your Nest, Tanithariairisixchel" Cryosanthia says, perfectly pronouncing the name and making a small curtsey towards the little gold guest. 'As my friends say, the water is broken here, the fish are in the market we'll have to move to get fish. This one would show you.'

A glance to her side follows, with a questioning look to Kira. She nods, then carefully answers the man, looking a the others as she emphasizes a particular word, 'The others may have a Plane Shift spell, but they are in short supply, I've been looking for months, for a... _Demon_... friend.' <draconic>

The dragon looks around a bit, then seems to make a decision and accepts Cryosanthia's hand as an alternate perch. A little jump and flap of her wings and then she's curled up on the sith's arm. She hums happily and blinks. "Igo! Wego! Fish! YoucancallmeTanith. Idon'tmind." She seems utterly triumphant with the thought of having achieved her goal.

Meanwhile the man looks pained. In fact, he looks as if he might /be/ in pain. "No?" He sighs softly. "Well this is very awkward." He looks at Halani. Peers at her then shakes his head. "You're all adventurers right? I would be very pleased if one of you could run off and fetch me a wizard capable of casting such a spell. I'm willing to pay."

It takes an extra moment but Arngrim eventually fully settles down and he reaches up to adjust the barely fitting jacket squeezed across his torso. "The marketplace, yes. No fish here. It is easy enough to get some, especially now. However, I should warn that I think this little tiny dragon being will probably want a considerable amount so be careful before you are stuck as a perpetual fish giver.."

His attention then drifts back to the robed figure and he frowns ever so slightly while blinking a few times, "Is such a spell so easily cast that a wizard so swiftly found? I thought such spells of a higher caliber? Are you well?"

"There is a school here," Malik responds to Arngrim, holding up a hand to the others. "Though I question 'calibre'." Looking back to the stranger, he asks, coolly, "And should you find such a wizard, where would you go with such a spell?"

Lanier looks from the dragon over to the man that has appeared, seeming about to ask him something before Malik asks the question he meant to. Meanwhile, he looks back towards the dragon and says, "I have dried rabbit. Would you like some?"

Some of Pelka's visible feathers seem to fluff up slightly, for lack of a better word. He turns subtly away from the dragon and to the man now. "Wizards and clerics who can cast a spell like that, might not exactly agree to being 'fetched'..." He muses. "Is this for you to return home?" The white-scaled sith does not often contemplate sith-makar heaven, but perpetually feeding fish to a gold dragon certainly is one description that makes the list. She is practically bouncing, or would be, if the other situation isn't going on. First, must reassure the small dragon. "OfcourseTanith! CallmeCryo! Wego! Fish!"

She turns, starting to step away, waving for Lanier to bring his rabbit, carefully watching Kira as well as the man. She speaks to him again, "You seem a little mis-placed, were you aiming for here or to meet someone? The mage I know with the spell is indisposed currently. The others should be able to help."

Kira gives a smile to the glittering dragon...ling(?) when it alights on Cryosanthia's arm. It's a brief look and a nod to it in polite greeting, before she looks back to the robed man. She steps from Sith and dragon towards him. "We might be able to find someone who can help return you where you came from, if we knew where you came from?"

She looks around to the others and back to the man, growing concern filling her features and dimming her smile. "Much has happened here. I don't think it is safe for anyone with you suddenly arriving like this."

The gentleman looks at Malik and offers a somewhat tense smile. "Really anywhere /other/ than here would be entirely acceptable." He really isn't looking very good. He's beginning to sweat, and he looks like he might be ill at any moment. "Being here at this moment is bound to have very unfortunate side effects. Ones that I would rather avoid." He huffs a breath and looks at the little dragon. Seems to think a thought, and then to think entirely better of it. "I didn't want to come here at all, this is... unintended. And I'm rather stuck until someone kindly gets a mage?"

"Have to wonder.. if you got here, the way you did, why you can't just leave the same way, yeah?" Halani asks of the strange man, sidestepping slowly to make sure no one is between her and him. And maybe put herself between him and some of the others. Of course, with the way he's looking.. "Scud. You don't look good."

"Here, -here-? As in the temple district?" Pelka asks, watching the man carefully. "Does being surrounded by temples dedicated to the gods of light bring you discomfort?" He suddenly blurts. Then: "Ah...um...that is to say, we could take you somewhere...safer." His feathers lie down flat as normal, but his wings spread slightly. "We could take you there right now. It's under the Arcanist society. It's a place where people go when they have...ah...afflictions of some manner or another."

The implications do not seem to bother Arngrim though he's not so oblivious or inexperienced as to be blind to what this could mean.

"Very well. What are we waiting for then? Let's have you re-locate somewhere where you would be less uncomfortable because we cannot guarantee that a mage would quickly arrive. Therefore it makes sense to take you someplace that you would not be prone to pain or illness. See? We are trying to help. So where in a city like this might such a place be?"

"If you are ill, you can be tended to," Kira assures him, still concerned on several levels, "and escorted somewhere you feel safe. Can you tell us what is wrong, other than you want to leave?"

GAME: Cryosanthia rolls diplomacy+5: (12)+8+5: 25

Lanier nods to Cryosanthia, taking one last look back towards the mage before he sets off with the dragon towards the fish. He reaches into his pack, digging through until he finds something. Removing it, he unwraps it and exposes a few strips of meat. Pulling a piece off, he reaches out to offer it to the dragon, "It's not fish, but it is meat. Rabbit..."

Malik lets the others do the talking for the moment. But it's clear enough that he's seriously considering the request, given the expression on his face. Looking to Cryosanthia and the others, he says, "I think that some of us should help one of our new -- friends," he muses, "and some of us should help the other." And from the glances he gives certain people, it seems like those dividing lines should be natural enough.

Cryosanthia carries the litle golden dragon on her arm like a falcon. Which means she can aim her. Even as she is stepping away from the crowd and the fountain she turns around and points Tanith at the man, "Hi, I didn't catch your name... Let me see if Tanith can help."

The sith leans her head down, close to the golden dragon. At first she's dazzled by her scales. She almost forgets what she was going to do. Her hide is amazing! Cryo's tail wiggles delightedly. "Tanith!Tanith! Cansend? Man! Home. AlltheFish! Willbuyall! Fish! Fishmarket! ForTanith! Planeshift! Man! Thenwego!"

GAME: Halani rolls sense motive: (2)+23: 25

"Are you out of your mind?!" Pelka squawks, swiveling his head to look at Cryosanthia now. "She can't even string together a complete sentence and you think she might be able to weave magic to bend the very fabric of...ah...well I mean..." Pelka seems to realize something. "Well, I guess it's a valid question." He focuses on the dragon now.

The man mutters something under his breath that sounds suspiciously like 'fools', and eyes Pelka before snorting. "It's not the /temples/ that are the issue. I would have this problem anywhere in this city at the moment. Which is why I suggested a spell not a change of venue." As his pain grows his patience seems to be wearing thin. His hand shakes now and he takes a deep steadying breath before outright staring at Cryosanthia. "Are you an /idiot/?" It's clear he didn't /mean/ to say the words, but they come out of him in pure shock.

Tanith however, seems outright thrilled. "Really? Reallyreally? Allthefish? Itake! YoupromiseandItake!"

Halani seems to slowly relax, the tension easing out of her shoulders as she straightens back up. She still may not be happy, but at least she seems a bit more willing to consider the fellow now. "There has to be a priest here who can help him... a lot closer than the wizards." She takes a step back. "And.. sorry.. but I think that might be safer than... uh... Tanith."

Lanier's eyes widen, and he looks quickly towards Cryosanthia. He then looks back to the dragon and adds quickly, "Wait a minute, Tanith. We'll buy you as many fish as we can." He grunts, "Fish cost money here..."

"Who is -we-?" Malik looks between Lanier and Cryosanthia. "I said -a- fish. If you wish to go above and beyond that, that is your choice. Not a -smart- choice, but yours to make nonetheless. Ensure that you bind no one but yourselves to the promises that you make. Especially in present company." Though which company he refers to is anyone's guess. Pinching the bridge of his nose a moment, he mutters something almost inaudible, taking a deep, calming breath.

Kira's lips purse. This is most concerning, as the man seems earnest, even worried, in addition to appearing ill. If he is fearful of something unpleasant happening in the city, she is, too... And yet... She finally decides, "I will fetch a Hearthguard, perhaps they can send you elsewhere as you wish..." Then she is off into the temple at... an extremely rapid pace.

The giantborn shrugs now, rolling his shoulders in apathy now as the man turns less then friendly, although it can be understood why considering his discomfort, "Well you are hardly being helpful. It's not like people who can hop between worlds are so common as to just go 'fetch one'. For someone needing help you are surely rather rude.."

He then turns and narrows his eyes at the antics with the dragon though he then grows somewhat thoughtful, "Hmmm? As to the dragon helping..well..it -is- a dragon, even though a baby one. Perhaps it can aid the man, assuming you satisfy her hunger. I did try and warn you though.."

"What, did a lot of boats come in today? There can't be that many." Cryosanthia gives the man a confused look. She is flattered he's advocating fiscal responsibility for her. However, it's falling on deaf ears. She has a Dragon! On her Arm! This is Amazing! She's going to do anything she can to keep this going. It will be worth it! The more fish the better. She could wander wearing a dragon for hours! It's an absolute dream come true! She'll ask Tanith dragon things. What could go wrong?

"Yesyes! Allthefish! CanfindCanbuy! MarketToday! Igo! Yougo! Planeshift! Hego!"

Pelka watches Kira rush off. He keeps casting glances in that direction, hopeful perhaps that she will return with some high ranking priest who can cast the spell this man desires. But even while he's doing this he says to the man, "Look, I know it's a lot to take in but there's a place under the city's Arcanist society, that is...um...shielded from a lot of supernatural effects." Something else occurs to him. "And! It's also , well, the Arcanist society. If there's any place in the /whole city/ we'll find a powerful wizard with time on their hands, that'll be it! Why, they even have a chess board!"

Lanier shrugs his shoulders, "I don't know. Maybe the dragon knows something we don't and just popped in hoping to find an adventurer to go..." He lifts his hands, making jazz-hands as he intones, "Ohhhh dragon." He drops his hands, resuming his normally stoic expression as he shrugs, "I don't know..."

The tiny dragon licks her chops and eyes Cryosanthia. Seems to consider the offer for a moment. Then she wiggles and hops off Cryosanthia's arm and flies quickly to the man's side. "Yougohomenow!" She dips in and before the man can say a single word at all - he's gone. The pair is gone for a heartbeat and then the little dragon is back wheeling through the air to land on Cryosanthia's arm and peering at her with wide golden eyes. "Nowfish?!? Wegofish!" She looks at Lanier expectantly, thrumming with satisfaction.

Halani watches Kira take off and takes a step after her, though not quite as swiftly. It's not like two are needed for Kira's chosen task. She keeps looking back.. and so she gets to see Cryosanthia's new friend solve the 'problem.'. "Um." She slows to a standstill, kind of staring. "How.. did.. how did it know where to take him?"

"Uh.." Arngrim blinks a few times at how quickly all of that unfolded. "Wait, wait.. Did you take him to the right place or did we just convince a dragon to quietly murder someone by accident?" He looks ..mildly horrified. Truly an expression worth seeing on the expressive features of a Giantborn.

Kira returns, with a somewhat disheveled cleric and ... just the dragon?! She blinks and looks around, head turning a lot to make sure she isn't overlooking her blink spot. "... Where did he go? Did someone send him away?"

Cryosanthia squees with delight! A proper fangirl squeal of pleasure. She is practically glowing as the golden dragon re-alights on her arm, and a strong thrumming in her throat echoes and reverberates with the one the little gold-scale is making.

"Yesyes! NowFish! Wegofish!"

The white-scale sith starts on a vigorous bouncing march towards the market, her tail aswish! Arngrim's suggestion is horrifying. "She's a Gold Dragon!" Cryo says, as if that makes the idea impossible. "Tanith did, yes."

Malik nods to Halani. "The timing of both does seem rather -- fortunate." He glances over at the gold dragon, and the two now bound to buy it all the fish that they can, tossing a gold to Lanier. "My part of the bargain," he tells the man. Looking to Cryosanthia, he simply shakes his head, looking somewhere between amused and sympathetic.

GAME: Malik rolls Perception: (7)+20: 27
GAME: Cryosanthia rolls perception: (9)+5: 14
GAME: Kira rolls perception: (20)+22: 42
GAME: Halani rolls perception: (11)+23: 34
GAME: Lanier rolls Perception: (15)+11: 26
GAME: Arngrim rolls perception: (16)+15: 31

Lanier reaches out, catching the gold in midair and nodding to Malik, "Good enough." He turns, falling into step with Cryosanthia as she carries the dragon towards the fish monger. Lanier might be accompanying them to keep a very hungry gold dragon from destroying the fish monger as soon as it sees the fish.

The dragon looks at Halani and then says, quite haughtily. "Icantellfromthesmellandalsodidyounotseepeople? Allthosepeopleliveinsameplace! IknowwhatI'mdoing." She might be mildly offended. Curling up on Cyrosanthia's arm and letting out a low murmur of discontent.

Cryosanthia is half out of the temple district when another puff of black smoke appears in the middle of the temple district followed by another bout of low growled cursing. The smoke lingers this time however, and the low voice that comes from within it utters in a deep guttural tone a few words. "AS YOU WISH."

Well, it looks like Cryosanthia was right, afterall? Just ... prophetic? At least, that's what Kira thinks as she looks to the new cloud of smoke. That and, "Oh no! Everyone! Back away!"

Oh no she's upset! Oh yes she's curling up on my arm! Cryo is fixated and fascinated. She resumes her calming thrums, and with her free hand casts some quick ghost cantrips to make some pleasant accompanying music. Thumps and bells, mostly, though she adds to the illusion with her own heavy steps. Her eyes are dazzled by the sun's light, glittering off those scales. She wishes her own were golden. When the light hits Tanith just right, some of the gleam from her scales lights the sith's. She can pretend. Deliriously happy, more so than she's been in days, she keeps going. Must feed new friend fish.

Jumping with a start at yet another poof and cloud of smoke, Lanier stops in his step and turns his head back towards the source of the voice, "Uhhh..." He then looks towards Cryosanthia, "Hey! Snap out of it." He then turns, beginning to make his back back towards the source of the growling voice at a running pace.

"Wait!" calls out Arngrim to Cryosanthia, "Hold for a second. It's..." He then blinks and turns, wheeling around as he sees the puff of smoke again and hears the deep guttural rumble come out coupled with Kira's call for alarm. Again his hand goes for his massive weapon, beginning to loosen it's peace binds just in case. "What people? What place? This is to confusing? Are dealings with goodly dragons always like this?"

Halani had just been about ready to accept that the task was complete. The problem was solved. Mostly. The lost traveller returned. And then there's the growling. She turns and sees the black smoke. "Oh, scud," she mutters to herself, taking a step back towards what she sees in the smoke. "Hey! Go home!" she calls to new visitor.

Pelka doesn't just back off, he launches himself into the air. Like Angrim he reaches over his shoulder and unclips his own weapon from where it was attached to his armor - a deathray. He doesn't exactly point it towards the smoke but he holds it ready. "Now hold on just a second!" he calls out towards the voice and the smoke it cames as he starts to move in a wide circle around it. "We did NOT know that was going to happen!"

"Snap out of what?" Cryosanthia asks. It's not like she's enthralled. Distracted, captivated, fixated, engrossed, charmed, bewitched, riveted, fascinated and preoccupied, perhaps, but not enthralled! She looks back, squints. Smoke and the man? She sighs, "What, it didn't stick? This one needs to feed Tanith. She kept her bargain, I have to keep mine."

"Momentmoment! ManBack! FriendsGrumpy!"

"She's already getting all the fish in the market today, I don't think there's anything else she'll help for. Are you sure you can't manage?" Cryo accidentally challenges.

The smoke begins to clear after a fashion, revealing a /massive/ demon standing in the center of the square. Red skin and curling horns. Hooves still smoking where they stand on the pavement. Red eyes peer around the temple district and they /glow/ with unhappy malice. "It seems that I am summoned /again/. I tried the nice way, shall we try the less pleasant route?" He seems to peer into each of you. He cracks his knuckles and moves toward the largest group of you. Namely toward Arngrim who looks like he's spoiling for a fight. Even that giant is dwarfed by this one. "Lets see how many of you I have to kill before I get some peace and quiet."

GAME: Cryosanthia rolls knowledge/the planes: (6)+2: 8
GAME: Malik rolls Knowledge/The Planes: (14)+6: 20
GAME: Lanier rolls Knowledge/The Planes+FE4: aliased to Knowledge/The Planes+4: (15)+4+4: 23

Low, foul words roil off the demon's tongue, words that sound sickening and churn your stomach. The world grows dim and dark around you. You can feel it /change/. Smoke rises from the fiends hooves and he whips his tail back and forth, back and forth. "Come on. Which of you first then?"

GAME: Malik casts Shield. Caster Level: 14 DC: 15

Malik sees the creature, recognition coming over him. A quick spell is uttered, and he draws a sharp, shining sword with a bright red hilt. "Ranger," he calls. "Priestess. Get back."

GAME: Cryosanthia rolls wisdom: (8)+0: 8
GAME: Cryosanthia rolls diplomacy+5: (1)+8+5: 14 (EPIC FAIL)

Cryosanthia turns to see what's going on, holding Tanith out. She's outside the aura, the world hasn't changed for her. That demons looks, threatening. Maybe her friends and acquaintances won't be able to handle it.

"StayWatch? Fightfight?"

The sith asks hopefully. Tanalith gives her THE LOOK. The white-scale's heart is crushed. She's failed her ancestors, she's failed this dragon. She is the worst thing ever. Her tail droops, she should never have suggested that. "Sorry all, have to keep my bargain."

"YesYes! Wego! Fishnow! SorrySorry! SorryMany! ForgiveCryo! Stillfriends? Yes!Yes!"

GAME: Pelka casts Shield. Caster Level: 6 DC: 15
GAME: Halani spends ONE point of KI POOL.

Pelka wobbles a bit in the air. It could be some sort of low-altitude turbulence. But the timing of the instability coincides with the exact moment when the smoke cleared enough for the demon to became visible. Moving with a familiarity that comes from lots of practice, he shifts his deathray to hold in one hand and withdraws a contraption. When the demon's unholy aura washes over him he seems...strangely unweakened. Shrugging he places the contraption on his chest over his armor. It unfolds slightly and locks into place and tiny bits of embedded mana crystal begin to glow, and a vague shimmer covers his form before resolving.

"YOU!" The paleness in Halani's complexion gets some colour, now, and her expression is clearly unhappy as obvious recognition sets in. She takes a step forward, towards the massive demon.. then manages to rein herself in. She pivots, then moves swiftly in Kira's direction, keeping her guard up the entire time.

This is ... not good. It's overwhelmingly evil, in point of fact. Still... He doesn't want to be here. Kira doesn't want him here, either, and she doesn't think it's a stretch to assume that most everyone else feels similarly.

She takes a step or three forward. Yes, towards the very large demon. Her hands are up and open to show that she is unarmed, not unlike how he did, before, when he was 'trying to be nice.'

"Wait, please! You do not wish to be here, we do not wish you to be here. We attempted to return you. Who or what is summoning you here? If we can stop that we can help you return where you wish to be, and left undisturbed!"

GAME: Lanier rolls Diplomacy+FE4: aliased to Diplomacy+4: (5)+4+4: 13
GAME: Kira rolls diplomacy: (3)+24: 27
GAME: Lanier rolls 1d20+Diplomacy: (18)+4: 22
GAME: Kira rolls diplomacy: (13)+24: 37

Lanier looks over his shoulder, then back to Cryosanthia with a shocked expression, "No. That's a very powerful devil, and I won't let you cut it a break just because it's a dragon." He turns his attention now to Tanith, "Look, we said you would get fish when it was sent home. Look! It's still here. You didn't see through your end of the bargain, dragon."

Arngrim is no neophyte adventurer. He's faced humanoid beings larger then him before. He may compare favorably to to a decent ogre but ogres are larger then Giantborn as a general rule, let alone demons of note. And he didn't come all this way to not know when to swing a holy altar at an attacking demon as an improvised club and when not to! This is clearly a 'when not to'.

It doesn't prevent him from shuddering as the aura rolls over the area, and pulling his giant weapon out to then simply shoulder it while bracing his body to be ready for an assault. Something does seem 'off' to him. The creature simply wanted to go home after all.

"Now now." he does manage to rumble out, "Let's not get hasty." Though he leaves any efforts at true diplomacy to others. Know your strengths and all.

The demon's tail lashes and he frowns at you all. "What are you? /Afraid/ of me /adventurers/." His tone is gently mocking and he lets out a low dangerous chuckle. "Yes it is I. And if I knew who was summoning me I would slaughter them for the affront." He looks away, eyes tracing across the temples and his tail lashes again. "So I guess I'll just have to make due with killing those that I can." He grins and shows off sharp, sharp teeth.

Tanith looks up at Lanier and blinks at him reproachfully. "Itookhim. Hecameback. Notmyfault." She seems insulted by the insinuation that she might have not done what she said she would.

GAME: Malik rolls Knowledge/Arcana: (12)+19: 31
GAME: Malik rolls Wisdom: (2)+3: 5

Malik simply holds his ground, whispering with a gesture as his eyes glow a soft blue. "If we knew who was summoning you," he tells the demon, "I would gladly assist you in your mission." It seems that the wizard is searching for -- something. Maybe trying to buy some time.

GAME: Cryosanthia rolls diplomacy+5: (3)+8+5: 16

Cryosanthia turns, giving Lanier a look. She knows exactly what she's doing! Keeping a very powerful dragon happy and under control. The last thing this area needs is two almost-divine beings having it out. Although the little golden dragon does seem the more powerful one.

"Tanithariairisixchel! Friendsmightdie! CryoSad! TellThem? HelpThem? MoreFriends? Friendstobuyfishwith?"

It's a rough offer, the others have already lectured her about indulging her new friend. Perhaps it will get through, they'll reconsider. The white-scale looks rather guilty as she gazes in Kira's direction. This does feel like abandoning her. She exhales slowly and her scents switch to being ashamed.


GAME: Pelka rolls knowledge/arcana: (12)+11: 23

Pelka banks in the air and then comes back to where the party is. He lands near Angrim and raises his deathray to aim at the giant, frightening looking demon. "I can't figure out what's bringing him here!" he yells. "It usually takes someone calling the demon, and a summoning circle, but I don't see anything like that."

Halani starts clenching and unclenching her fists, one finger at a time... and she takes several breaths to calm herself. Then she starts walking towards Eclavdran. When she gets close enough that she doesn't need to yell at him to get his attention, she says, "Hey! You remember me. Why don't you... uh.. what do they call it here? 'call in' one of your marks? Killing anyone here won't get you home. But you know how to make me help you."

GAME: Kira rolls diplomacy: (13)+24: 37

Kira's lips purse at his mockery and tail-lashing. "I am afraid of what you might do to others. If you don't know who... do you know how someone might summon you? You are large and powerful, so that can't be easy to do. Or where? Would they need to be here to bring you here? If we know how, or where, we could discover who... Harming people at random won't help you return, and wouldn't stop you from being called again unwillingly."

GAME: Lanier rolls Diplomacy: (18)+4: 22
GAME: Aftershock rolls 1d20+33: (5)+33: 38

Lanier looks towards Cryosanthia for a moment, tilting his head and shrugging his shoulders quickly. He then looks back to the gold dragon, "I'm sorry, and Cryosanthia is right. We need your help. We can't abandon our friends to the demon."

Things seem to be out of Arngrim's hands for the moment. Even the matters of the nature of summoning it..well..-especially- that matter. He does have enough understanding of it to agree with Malik as he rumbles, "And I would help as well. He seems to merely want to go home. We should strive to make this so."

Tanith's head comes up, she peers at Cryosanthia and Lanier. "Peoplesgoodpeoples. Getfishwith? Allpeoples? Icanhelp." She shakes herself from head to tail and languidly stretches. "Whatdo?"

Eclavdran reaches out and suddenly Halani is in his fist, lifted off the ground as easily as a kitten. He snorts at her. "Why would I waste a favor when killing will get me what I want? That's what the person who summoned me wants. Death. Destruction. I can hear the command aching on my skin. Do you know what that feels like?" He growls low and full of the promise of violence and shakes Halani. "Of course not you foolish /mortals/."

GAME: Cryosanthia rolls diplomacy+5: (9)+8+5: 22

Malik seems to spot what he is looking for, eyes narrowing. The wizard takes off quickly, moving not in the direction of the demon, but in the direction of the white-scaled sith -- or possibly the gold dragon. Either way, his path takes him there quickly, stepping into Cryosanthia's path. "I need to see your mark," he tells the woman, voice deadly serious.

"GoodPeoples! Yes!Yes! GetFishwith! AllPeoples! NeedFindNeedStop. SummonerSummoner. SendBack."

Cryosanthia turns, walking back towards the demon. She's moving quickly, intending to get close enough to involve herself when Malik intercepts.

"Ahhhhh..." Cryo stares at him. Well, that's the second time her heart has been crushed today. It's not the easiest thing, removing a glove while the other hand is acting as a perch for a cat sized dragon. The white sith does so, exposing the back of her left to Malik. Her eyes close, she whispers quietly, her head shaking, "Please don't let this be my fault."

GAME: Pelka casts Strong Wings. Caster Level: 6 DC: 15
GAME: Halani spends TWO points of KI POOL.
GAME: Lanier rolls Diplomacy+FE4: aliased to Diplomacy+4: (1)+4+4: 9 (EPIC FAIL)

Often Halani's judgement is questioned. As well it should be. 'Thought Things Through' is not going to be her epitaph. And this is likely one of those times. One moment she's in Eclavdran's grasp, the next she's on her feet again, in front of him, looking up at him. And she's scared. The way she twitches, her stance.. like she's ready to bolt, but forcing herself to stay where she is. Her teeth bare at him. "Well, if you kill me you've wasted two favours, yeah?" She swallows, quickly adds, "For all your power.. you still have to do what they tell you to do?"

Kira blinks as Halani steps forward to offer a suggestion and is then picked up and grabbed. "Wait, no!" Fortunately, Halani quickly corrects her situation and reappears near here, leaving Kira to blink again. Well, that was doubly unexpected. On the bright side, they now know one more thing that DOESN'T work?

Lanier looks around, and with Cryosanthia having the gold dragon well in hand, the ranger breaks away to approach the Duke of Hell with a careful step, "We're trying to figure this out! Please try to contain your compulsions. What would your mother think?" He pauses only for a moment before he stands up straighter, shaking his head, "I'll tell you! She'll say if all your friends were compelled to slaughter tens of hundreds of people in an unsuspecting city, should you do it too? And then when you do, she'll surely tell your father, and you know what happens then..." He nods his head slowly, "That's right. You're sent to bed with no dinner, and worse, you won't get to participate in family board game night." He then sighs, "Please, I implore you, Devil. For the sake of Family board game night..."

The giantborn grits his teeth and then frowns in growing frustration but otherwise has the sense about him to hold his ground and not move forward into attack position and trigger a rampage from the demon. "We seem to be holding his attention. He is willing to talk..." he muses though he frowns and tenses slightly as Halina is grabbed and then relaxes as she gets free. ANd then he just -stares- at Lanier and sighs while rubbing his jaw. "Well then..."

Eclavdran... Is laughing? Yes. The duke of hell, grand master of torture... is laughing. Laughing until he's holding his sides and... wow. Okay. You've never heard a demon chuckle this much. He seems to forget that he's going to smash you all into bits and pieces and is instead covering his mouth to get control over himself again. Finally he does and you're not sure what's more unsettling his laughter or the silence that follows.

Meanwhile... Tanith seems to have disappeared. You have no idea where to.

GAME: Malik rolls Spellcraft: (5)+21: 26

Malik squints, shaking his head. "No," he sighs. "Not your fault. She is merely watching once more. The summoning is happening some other way." He looks around, eyes growing more frantic as the seconds pass, turning to look back at where the demon appeared. "Underneath, perhaps? But how?"

GAME: Cryosanthia rolls diplomacy: (19)+8: 27

Cryo jumps as Tanith disappears. With both her arms extended, she has a bit of a walking dead look going on. She stares at Malik, then transfers that gaze to the back of her hand, her snowflake marking. Is that the eye, is it her eyes?

"Hello Mistress." She says automatically, voice neutral, then she pulls on her glove and tucks the offending hand into her armpit. She asks Malik, "is it just the mark, or all of me? I have my gloves on all the time. I feel nothing, I don't know how to stop it."

The demon needs to know things are being worked on. The palescale advances closer. She staggers when she hits the edge of the aura, feeling it envelope and wash over her. She struggles to speak clearly, make her voice heard. She calls loudly, "D..Demon! T..Tanith is finding the summoner. It is... being resolved."

Then a thought clicks, she turns to Malik, "there were noises in the sewers when Elly's plan failed. Others might have been down there and under the square now."

Halani doesn't say anything as the demon starts to laugh. And laugh. And Laugh. But she doesn't move, either, extending one first forward, another back, spreading her feet and keeping her eyes on him. At least this way, if he moves, he should be going through her first.

GAME: Lanier rolls Diplomacy+FE4: aliased to Diplomacy+4: (19)+4+4: 27

"Please, we are -trying- to solve this!" Kira raises her voice at the devil, though in plea, not anger. She then moves around him, albeit nearer than she would prefer (and likely any would advise) so that she can look over the location that he appeared. Twice. She isn't an archmage, but that makes the location significant, doesn't it? Perhaps there are some markings? Signs? Something?

Lanier blinks at the laughter, for a moment looking very uncomfortable, "I had a strange childhood..." He lets that hang for a moment and then adds, "Like they're saying. We're working on resolving this. Is there anything we can do to help you control the compulsion?" The ranger, at the relative success of the first interaction (they got there in the end), seems relatively relaxed for being within kicking distance of a high-ranked Demon.

"Is it underground?" asks Arngrim, trying to keep up with the various conversations and possibilities in this tense situation. He watches as Kira moves in search of information and then considers, "Perhaps we can reach it if we knew exactly where it was? Or at least destroy it?" He continues to hold his position though, weapon at the ready but defensive.

A flicker of something rolls over the demon's face - is that pain? - and he lashes his tail out irritably. "Yes, yes you can do something. You can let me /kill/ one of you." He looks over the group of you, clearly preparing to attack. His wings expand, his muscles tense. "What game is it that you mortals play? Eenie meanie miney." He looks over you each, one at a time, his teeth showing a little more with each word. "I thought you adventures despised my kind, but here you are all talk-talk-talk and no action. You haven't worked it out yet. I'm not going anywhere." A long coiling flaming whip suddenly appears in his hand and he whips it out, slashing at the nearest temple and cracking against stone in a harsh sound. Stone rains down.

"Agreed," Malik says to Cryosanthia as he seems to make up his mind, moving back to the fountain. The rain of stone from the demon doesn't bother him overly much at the moment. He's rather focused on something else. Moving back to the fountain, he starts to try and squeeze his way down some of the damaged portions. "Giant," he calls up to Arngrim, "I would most appreciate it if, while I'm down here, you could clear some of this out. Without killing me in the process. Preferably."

GAME: Malik rolls Perception: (2)+20: 22
GAME: Cryosanthia rolls diplomacy: (7)+8: 15

"Tanith! HurryHurry!"

Cryo flinches as the whip cracks and shatters stone off a Temple. That's some reach. And Blasphemy. The aura coming off the demon demoralizes her, she's having difficulty finding words. Still, she steps closer, looking up. The last time she saw a Duke of Hell it was a headlong rush followed by wild attacks. That hurt, but worked. Will words prevail this time?

"Yes! We like to fight! Only when there's a point and it's meaningful. We're doing the thing, the rogue summoner will be found and stopped. Just give us some moments to dig! See? The Giant has found something!" <draconic>

Well he's got to hit -something- right? If it's not going to be a demon lord because..well duh..then..it'll apparently be a defenseless fountain. A landmark of extreme importance and value to the locals..which is already partially damaged.

Needless to say, there is no resisting Arngrim as he brings his full might to bear on the indicated area. His great maul whirls around like a baton, gaining speed and momentum as his body reddens and his sinew swells and creaks larger and larger with the fury of the rage entering him and the dance of strength pouring into his bones and muscles. An instant later and his ancestral gifts kick, seemingly making him even bigger. He's obviously not supernaturally growing to the size of the demon lord but it is clear there is 'more' of him now and that more is fully concentrated into brute strength.

The great maul rockets down like a tree being swung by a Hill Giant, exploding into the fountain and causing a shower of water, pavement and fountain stone as the earth cracks and shakes and the edifice warps and is blown apart under his force.

Pelka flaps his wings, lifting him high into the air. It seems like the others are trying something, and that whip looks like it could ruin the day of someone who has to approach him on foot. Pelka beats his wings a few more times and streaks over Eclavdan, and around his head. He seems tensed, and closes his eyes on the first pass. He opens one eye just a crack, then all the way, then opens both as he circles around above the demon's head. "What's he waiting for..." Pelka murmurs to himself.

"Fine!" Halani shouts at Eclavdan, probably louder than she needs to since she's right there. Her fists drop to her sides, still clenched, but no longer held in front of her. "You need to kill someone to go home? Then kill me! Kill me and get your ugly, scudding butt back to where you came from!"

GAME: Malik rolls Reflex+1: (9)+12+1: 22
GAME: Lanier rolls 1d20+Diplomacy+FE4: aliased to 1d20+Diplomacy+4: (10)+4+4: 18

His eyes widening, Lanier takes a step back as the whip appears and then takes a chunk of stone off one of the temples. He looks towards Halani, shaking his head before his attention goes back to the demon, "Uh, yeah. Well, I suppose we could have at it, at some point." He follows by shrugging his shoulders, "Can you give me a few years, though? I need to get some gold and engage in commerce with bored and broke arcanists. You know, a belt of physical perfection here, a codpiece of persuasion there... A couple of things to make it a fair fight."

Lanier then looks around, shrugging his shoulders, "Until then, I suppose we can engage in a duel of a different variety." He clears his throat, announcing grandly which is atypical for the ranger, "Well known fact! I, Lanier Vaylan, Green Warden of the Felwood, am stoic in battle and yet I've been known to be quite deft on my feet when there is music and ale at the druid's circle." He then peers towards the demon lord, his eyebrow raised, "We could pass the time in a contest of dance!"

Kira doesn't find anything of significance, though the answer may be... that something is underground, as Malik now suggests... and crawls down to investigate. Her heart pangs as the recently mostly-repaired fountain is struck, but that's much easier rebuilt than the temples! She begins to get nervous as things could turn one way or the other very quickly. Especially with Halani's demand. So Kira waits to ... do something.

GAME: Aftershock rolls 1d20+33: (10)+33: 43

The haze of his strength wobbles Arngrim somewhat but he's not so addled brained that he's forced to go after something else to strike like a frenzied berserker and instead he seems to regain some sense of self. He turns, facing the demon once more and entering into a defense stance once again.

Eclavdran hisses at Halani and chuckles darkly. "You are much too valuable to me /alive/. YOU however!" Eclavdran reaches out and grabs Pelka by his feet and pulls him in. The demon has been so still that its easy to forget what reach he has. How big he is. "You are nothing but an annoyance." The fist tightens until breathing becomes difficult. "All of you are nothing but annoyances. I tire of these games, I thirst for blood and battle, and I think I'll start with /you/."

GAME: Kira rolls perception: (8)+22: 30

Malik steps down into the tunnels, looking around. To his eyes, everything is clear. The flow of the magic. The shape of the summoning circle. And the -size- of the thing. "Tarien's god-damned balls," he curses to himself, spinning around as he sees Kira descend, keeping an arm up. He'll make an offering later. "It runs the entire length of the city." Looking to the paladin, he sighs, shouting up to the top once more, "GIANT! SMASH IT ALL! EVERYTHING! BRING DOWN THE TUNNEL!"

Not that this is an exceptionally -great- idea.

GAME: Cryosanthia rolls diplomacy: (8)+8: 16
GAME: Pelka activates his Titan Armor, gaining: +4 Dex

"Did you hear that! We found the summoning circle! It's being destroyed!" Cryosanthia casts a quick cantrip to amplify her voice, light swirling along her free arm. She's casting with the one she typical uses to fence. She's as loud as four people shouting.

"Let Pelka go! This is being worked out. Look at that giant go! That's a heck of a hoof-breaker. Let him rip up the square. Help him rip up the square, whip it good, it's been a bad square."

There will go all the memorials. A typical day for Alexandria indeed. The whitescale adds a quick instruction to her wayward dragon friend, "Tanith! Hurry!Hurry! GoodPeoplesNeed!"

GAME: Pelka rolls escape artist: (9)+3: 12
GAME: Halani rolls unarmmed+power attack: aliased to unarmmed-4: (2)+unarmmed+-4: -2
GAME: Halani rolls unarmmed+power attack: aliased to unarmmed-4: (2)+unarmmed+-4: -2
GAME: Halani rolls unarmmed+power attack: aliased to unarmmed-4: (6)+unarmmed+-4: 2
GAME: Halani rolls unarmmed+power attack: aliased to unarmmed-4: (19)+unarmmed+-4: 15
GAME: Halani rolls unarmmed+power attack-5: aliased to unarmmed-4-5: (7)+unarmmed+-4+-5: -2
GAME: Halani rolls unarmmed+power attack-10: aliased to unarmmed-4-10: (15)+unarmmed+-4+-10: 1

Kira arrived below just in time to hear Malik's announcement. "Oh no!" Then she hears the echoes of something else. Or thinks she does. "Someone else is down here with us!"

Of course he doesn't want to kill her. Halani closes her eyes, almost.. disappointed. When she opens them again she's actually angry. Still scared, yeah, but in a way he's almost given her a free license to do whatever she wants. Of course, when she starts pounding away on him, it also shows that it's not like he has to worry about her anyways.

Pelka's visions of being whipped don't come to pass. What does come to pass seems much worse as is grabbed by the feet and then pulled towards the huge demon. He wiggles and can't budge. Next he activates his armor, this time sending Kulthian substances coursing through his body and making his already twitchy head-bobs become exponentially more so. But even then he can't free himself from Eclavdan's grip. "This is not how I expected my day to go," he laments to no one in particular.

GAME: Lanier rolls Diplomacy+4: (7)+4+4: 15

Taking a few steps forward towards Eclavdran, Lanier calls out, "No! Don't give in to that compulsion! If you do, the summoner wins!" He then points downwards, "As we speak, we're destroying the summoning circle that brought you here. This will allow you to go home!" He then calls out, "Let them go, and they will discontinue flying around you immediately!"

GAME: Arngrim RAGES!, gaining +3 to melee attack/damage/Will saves and 39 temporary HP
GAME: Arngrim rolls 2d6+30: (11)+30: 41
GAME: Arngrim rolls reflex: (10)+9: 19
GAME: Kira rolls reflex: (16)+19: 35
GAME: Malik rolls Reflex+1: (3)+12+1: 16

At first the behemoth Giantborn starts forward, seeing an attack launched against the demon and another comrade snatched from the air.. but then he hears the call for the ground to be collapsed.

"Whaaa??" he rumbles, actually..uncertain? But it's only for a moment. He is of Angoron's Lodge. He can do this!!

"Fine!" he rumbles, spinning his weapon around once again with a thunderous whirl building up as he crouches..and then leaps forward for the remains of the fountain.

Like a meteor impact, his weapon crashes down, followed by the rest of the goliath. Arngrim practically exploding the earth upwards as the rubble flies and then a great sinkhole forms, expanding outward rapidly. He lands, stumbling forward and attempts to jump again - but it's a spectacular fail as he trips, stumbling over the force of his own shockwave and then ends up tipping over backwards with a loud "Whoulf!" to go tumbling backwards onto his butt into the pile of rubble. Hardly an epic end.

The rumble of the collapsing fountain draws Eclavdran's attention and he turns his red eyes on Pelka. He leans in, and breathes sulfur into the elgarian's face. "It seems you've been granted a reprieve. Feel lucky that I'm not in the mood to linger. Because I /could/." He laughs with evil promise and... fades. Disappears without even a trace of the sulfuric smoke that brought him here. Leaving Pelka to drop abruptly the last few feet to the ground.

There's no silence in the wake of the explosion of Arngrim's destruction. Instead a golden dragon appears, winging her way to Cryosanthia. "IDID! Tooksummoneraway! Faraway! Nothappy. Calledmenotnicenames!" She chirps unhappily and lands on Cryosanthia's shoulder. "Fishnow? Allgofishnow!"

Suddenly, and without warning, Kira falls over - unconscious.

GAME: Kira casts Paladin's Sacrifice. Caster Level: 10 DC: 17
GAME: Malik casts Teleport. Caster Level: 14 DC: 19

And moments later, Malik is standing next to Kira, dust wafting off of him as he appears positively covered in dirt, looking for all the world like some sort of -- dirty ghost. He blinks, glancing around, seeing the demon gone, running fingers through his hair. "We do not get paid enough for this," he sighs, kneeling down next to Kira and searching through his pack, pulling out a thin, white wand.

"Yes!Yes!Yes!" Cryosanthia makes a loud happy trilling whistle. She perks right up as the horrific aura drops and an absolutely amazing golden dragon lands on her shoulder! Tanith is right by her face! She can stare at her continually. She'll have trouble walking in a straight line, the way all her attention is drawn off to her shoulder.

"ThankYou! BestFriend! FishNow! FishNow! Yes!Yes!"

The white-scale barely manages to point herself in the right direction, making another loud wrrrrp noise. It's hard to sound reluctant while she's so jubilant, but the sith tries, "This one must find fish for Tanith. She came through. I have to keep the bargain. I'm sorry I can't wait. Please help Kira!"

Must keep the dragon happy.

As the Demon disappears, Lanier exhales a sigh of relief. He had indeed managed to keep the Demon talking just barely long enough for others in the area to find the source of the summoning and end it. With no further fanfare, Lanier turns, beginning his walk out of the Temple district as he reaches into his pack for a snack.

Halani sags as Eclavdran departs, even swaying a bit. Then she straightens, takes quick stock of everyone.. Cryosanthia is leaving with the dragon, check. Malik and Kira are out of the hole nad she can still see Arngrim. Check. Pelka isn't squished, check. Lanrier is there, on his way out, check. She gives her nose a quick wipe with her wrapped hands, she turns and leaves as well, though in the opposite direction. And quickly.

Looking up to Arngrim, Malik gives a little laugh that turns into more of a cough, a cloud of dust escaping from him. "I owe you -- several drinks," he says. "Though I think I need a shower first." Turning to watch as some depart, the wizard makes a mental note to find them later, his main focus on Kira as he moves to pick the woman up, moving in the direction of the Temple of Eluna. Them, at least, he knows. And if someone is going to give him a tongue-lashing about the damage, he is at used to their frequent remonstrations.

Pelka glides to the ground, but his legs seem weak and he sinks to his knees. He stares at the spot where the fountain was. After a few moments he turns his head to gaze at where Eclavdran was. Then as realization dawns on him that the immediate danger is over, he takes stock of the rest of the party. "What happened to her?" he says in a slightly awed voice. A taloned finger extends to point at Kira.

The white-scale sith-makar doesn't have time to take in the scene. She has a shoulder dragon! She has a shoulder dragon! She has a shoulder dragon to show around Alexandria. She had a dragon on her wrist! She is boiling over with awe and amazement, prancing with a wide sway of her tail. Look at me! Look at my dragon friend, Tanithariairisixchel! We're going to be elbows deep in fish!

And a demon was defeated, and the fountain ruined again, but everyone lived! Cryosanthia dances down the street, showing off and entertaining her passenger, making unusual happy sith noises as she goes accompanied by music and a light show.
